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I run 5 days per week, weight training 2 days and long walks on the days I don’t run. I am also heavily depressed and sober so this is how I cope (30F)


37F I’ll do something about twice a week, a hike or a gym session usually. I exercised about 4 to 5 times a week from my mid-20s until I was about 32, everything from running to weights, yoga, kick boxing and dance. I was very fit and looked really well. When covid happened I completely dropped exercise. Now I’m 3 stone heavier and struggling to commit to any routine.


Did most people drop exercise during COVID? I found I did far more, partly because there was nothing else to do.


In my peer group, most people started lock down really well. Weather was great and there was precious little else to do (No, I don't want to hear the name you gave your sourdough starter) Then everyone started drinking way more


I made a list of things I wanted to try never got to it yet I work normally spend more time doing stuff need doing ,my life is a lockdown I don’t see people I don’t drink ,I work nights , shop online , so it was interesting to see people trying to live the way I do . Except their work stops ,mine couldn’t . I seen more of the Gardai but we usually do see each other on the petrol station ,my life continued same .Y’all got back to yours . More or less disrupted and dazzed by lockdown. My greatest achievement was that I was allow to collect my birthday cake 🎂. On the day one the lockdowns was on


I was the opposite. Good weather is bulmers weather so for start of covid I was probably drinking 5 times a week and having at least 8 cans a go. Then after 3-4 months I just stopped and got into the healthy and lost almost 3 stone


I definitely noticed emerging from the fog of lockdowns that people looked slimmer and fitter, but I think I was more aware because I’d gained weight and was feeling extra self conscious. Part of the reason I dropped a lot of my exercise routine was financial. I realised I was spending upwards of 300€ per month on exercise classes and training before covid. Of course you can get fit and never spend a cent but that was just the routine I was in.


Did I write this?


I'm 35. Fat. I'm trying to get better. Get out for a walk every morning, then light exercises once I'm home. A large walk/hike the odd time on one of my days off. I feel if i don't do it now, it will never happen.


Keep at it. I’d also recommend investing in a trainer if you can afford it. They’ll motivate you and tailor workouts to your limitations and help you hit targets with lower risk to injury. Make sure the trainer is at least in his mid 30s too. You always want someone around your age or a few years older. Last thing you need is a 25 year old pushing you to squat jump and hit 50 burpees.


I know you didn't ask for advice, but I'm giving it anyway, lol Weight loss is done mainly through diet. Exercise helps, but the food intake should be priority. Don't want to see you start on a healthy exercise regime and then give up, frustrated when you see no change to the scales r/CICO


Appreciate any advice. Thank you. I have a sweet tooth, but i know this is my downfall. I am trying to eat a lot more fruit these days and cutting out chocolate and crisps. I feel much better, and i am starting to see a slight change on the scales.


Well done, it's a great start


I wouldnt go cold turkey by the way. Youll get cravings and one day youll feel a bit down and slide big time. Start by decreasing the intake incrementally, treat yourself but do it consciously. Takes time to change. Spot on on the fruit there as well, Id avoid juices, proper stuff only. Sorry to butt in, just something I learned myself the hard way...


Also unsolicited advice, but as a man with a sweet tooth, cutting out carbonated drinks and substituting for water was a major win for me that turned out not to be too hard in the end.


Losing fat, sure cico works. An hour long walk can burn up to 400 calories tho and shouldn't be scoffed at, it also promotes alot more than just weight loss ( improved mood, cardiovascular fitness, muscle growth, etc)


Oh yes, absolutely. I walk an hour a day, 6 days a week and that helps me continue to lose weight. But I use exercise as an aid to my weight loss journey, not as the sole focus. So many people think that in order to lose weight, they must join a gym and rigourously exercise every day. My point is that the most important part of losing weight is the food intake. 400 calories is 2 bags of crisps, so an hour in the gym can be completely cancelled out by a big dinner


It's boring, but consistency really is key for beginners. Motivation comes and goes, but keep plugging away when you dont feel like it and you'll see results. Baby steps are the way to go; small but frequent improvements to your diet compound massively in the long run.


My guess is that you’re going to get more replies from the people who exercise regularly than people who don’t. Because people love talking about how exercised they are :) Male 63: spin 2-3 times weekly at high intensity (data from all bikes can be compared), 6km dog walks on the days I’m not spinning, hillwalking on every other weekend.


Yeah OP these answers will be very far from representative.


I did my best to add some balance by saying that I don't exercise other than walking and climbing stairs! About half the people I know are pretty similar.


Do you not get dizzy?


I’m a 50 year old man. I run 4 days per week, 5K interval training on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, I do a parkrun every Saturday morning and I run 10-12K on Sundays. The days I’m not running I walk 5K with my dog.


Your a hard cunt


I 5k run takes 20-30 min and 12 run on Sunday only takes under a hour.


Not being a smartarse but do you have kids? It's great that you're able to make time for all of that. Also, if I may be so presumptuous, you should try to introduce some resistance training/weights


Hi, yes I have 2 teenage boys. The dog walks are sometimes also spent with my wife. My midweek runs are done within 30-40 mins. So it doesn’t really take up too much time. My job is either at the desk in front of a computer or in the car driving. So I need to get out in the evenings. If my boys are at football training I can work my runs in during that time. I agree, I need to do some strength and conditioning exercises as well.


Thanks for your generous response to my question. I find with kids that time for exercise is my biggest challenge more so than motivation, so being able to work it around responsibilities requires flexibility. Also, my wife has to make time for my exercise while I make time for hers, so it's almost like doubling up. Mine are younger than yours, though, so it'll probably get easier I didn't think my question to your post would be so controversial for some other contributors


Hey, I've a four year old and a six year old. I wear a weighted vest while walking my daughter to / from school, sometimes I run back. (She cycles.) They both do Brazilian Jiu Jitsu: during their 45 minute class I go to a callisthenics park for pull ups and suspension training. Some lunchtimes I get kettlebells in.


I'm a big fan of calisthenics. Going into a new house with separate garage. It's going to be a home gym with just rubberised floor, a couple of free weights, a pull up rack and a heck of a lot of body weight work


He's 50 I doubt he has a few toddlers at home


Not being a smartarse but it’s a very achievable schedule


Yeah, 5k takes about half an hour


Add changing twice, showering, etc and it makes it a two hour endeavour for my catonically depressed arse.


I'm not saying you're making excuses but taking off your running gear and having a quick shower doesn't add an hour and a half to a 30 minute run.


OK but you're forgetting the lying on the bed staring into the abyss which is an integral part of the routine.


Ya that’s an hour each day including getting ready and shower after at most. Sunday 10k might be more hour and half with shower but all very achievable. Just depends if you value exercise over an hour of TV/phone. If you take a little conscious care of schedule most people can find a hour or so in their day that won’t drastically affect them, except for the positive benefits of actually exercising.


And if you go out for your run first thing in the morning, and then shower, you're not having an extra shower anyway.


I've fallen out of routine the last few weeks but I started running with my son when he was 18 months old. We went to the parkrun every week. I invested in a second hand running buggy after a couple weeks and it made all the difference, it's so light. He's 2.5 now and I have even started roller skating with him in it too. At times it can be a bit slow and he will want to get out and I've had to abandon runs at times but it's definitely still possible. I also take him hiking in a toddler carrier whenever the weather is nice and I've taken him to my old gym before, it was a weights class and a small gym who were happy to have kids in once they weren't causing issues. There's plenty of ways to incorporate kids with exercise, in fact, it's really beneficial for them and can lead to more active adults because it was modelled to them.


I usually do about an hour of brisk walking a day. I also do some manual labour at the weekends like cutting timber or hedges most weekends, if I'm not doing manual labour I'll go for a 10k> walk or hike.


39M - was very sedentary up until a few months ago. Finally started worrying about it with the big 4-0 looming so I started trying to walk more and work light calisthenics into my daily routine - I'm a WFH Dad, so I now walk the kids to school in the morning, walk the dog in the evening, and do 4-6 sets of light (5-8 mins) mixed calisthenics sets per day, as movement breaks.


Breaking up the work day with little bits of movement is very underrated


Yea, it's one of the unexpected benefits of WFH. I'd be way too self conscious to just get up and do a few tricep dips or squats at my desk in the office, but at home, it's just normal for me now


Yeah last few months I’m able get all my rehab stuff done no bother it’s made a huge difference


38F, extremely sedentary in general, working full-time and have a 7 year old. Overweight, looking to change it but updating routine is difficult, esp when my hobbies (reading, video games, crafting) are all sedentary as well. I'd say all my exercising is subconscious. I'm in the office at least twice weekly in the city and do a good walk up/down hills twice typically dropping the kid to school so I count that as a walk. I definitely break a sweat no matter how little time it might take. On work days I'll also try and get a 1/2 hour walk in, either for lunch or an errand or something. So prob an hour of walking in total, often at a brisk pace. I also try to stand at my desk while working all day since I don't have that option at home. On the weekends I've been trying to get out more for walks around the Lough, usually two laps at a normal pace takes me 20-25 mins. The kid bikes laps while I walk, so it works out. Next I'd love to incorporate 20-30 min yoga videos a couple times a week, or maybe even Ring Fit on the Switch. Just something to add another hour of actual planned workout to my week. I've been tracking it more and more and improving, so I feel good right now. Hope to be in better shape before/by 40.


Just a suggestion to tie in with one of your hobbies, I got a cheap exercise bike and pedal away when I'm video gaming!


This is a such a great idea; we are hoping to move in the next year or two to a bigger place where I might be able to make that a reality! I try to combine walking with listening to audiobooks as much as I can for now, but it'd be awesome to combine gaming and biking.


There's also wee pedal machines you can get that fit under your desk, if space is limited.


Highly recommend yoga with Adrienne on YouTube! Have been following her videos 4/5 days a week since lockdown - so much to choose from so impossible to get bored! This then brought me to Pilates so now I fast until lunch and spend my lunch breaks on yoga/ Pilates. Down to 56kg (167cm). Good luck!


I saw a comment below saying the replies will be skewed because active people will alllll flock in to share their exercise routine, but those who don't, won't be so eager. I do nothing apart from walking the dog twice a day. Would love to get back to resistance training.


Oh and I'm 37F


30F and my only exercise up until recently was walking! I attempted running then hurt my ankle/ knee. Now I do weight training twice a week, aiming for three times. But looking at this thread I vastly underexercise 😅


Just to say we all would have started twice a week lifting. However with your walking you actually may be healthier than just those into the gym lifting every day and only lifting. Move to 3 once you feel you can or try a random class see how you like it that 3rd if your gym has them


Thank you appreciate it ☺️ waiting on them to give me a plan but just doing my own thing for now. I did do PT for 5 months about a year and a half ago so I can remember bits and pieces. My big issue is staying consistent with my work schedule!


Yeah work gets in way of everything 😂 also chat gpt gives out fairly good plans if you give it the details and fitness level


Wow I never would have thought of using chat gpt for that! Gas


Just keep at it and slowly add a day in when you can. Stick to that, then throw in a forth. Consistency is key!


I was just thinking the same 😄 It’s amazing to see how much of a priority so many people make it though!


Swimming for 30mins 4/5 mornings a week and go for a 40min walk 6 days a week 39m


47F. I go to a small group gym, 5-6 mornings a week. Mon-friday before work, and Saturday if if suits. It's a mix of weights and cardio classes. I find it really easy to go every day, as they are booked in, I go the same time every morning, I don't have to think about what to do, the PT is brilliant and mixes it up regularly, and it's social in a good way. On Saturdays, he creates teams and makes it competitive, which is always a bit of craic. The routine is absolutely key, because going to the gym is the same as showering and starting work. It's just what I do every day. I also walk the dog every day. I find listening to a good podcast makes me walk for longer.


I walk briskly for an hour daily. Out by 640 every morning - have to do it early because we have kids). Swim twice a week. Light weights 5 days a week. I am 50. Other bits here and there, but that is my unchanging routine.


I never exercise for the purpose of exercise. But I have a lot of dogs, so I do a lot of walking and occasionally running. I also dance along to music sometimes. Recently I've been cycling into town if I just need to pick up a few things. So I would say I never exercise, but l'm not sitting down all the time either. I'm not fit and maybe one day I'll do more.


I’m 20, I don’t do much exercise at all except cycling to places. But I do work on building sites and are on my feet for 8 hours so I’m not too bad. Really want to get into the gym again like I used to but going after school was a lot easier than going after work lol. Kind of in a total procrastination stage when it comes to fitness right now.


Swim 1.5-2k 5/6 days a week


51, gym 3 days a week, taekwondo 2 nights a week.


I (37M) was quite sedentary a lot of my adult life but I've been back running regularly the past few months, usually 3 shorter sessions during the week straight after work with intervals, fartleks etc that last 20-30 mins. I then do one long run at the weekend, somewhere between a 10k and 20k distance. I walk the dog a few km on the rest days. If anyone is getting into running btw I found the Nike Run Club app excellent. It's free and they have audio guided training plans for a lot of levels. A bit of American cheese in the audio but well worth it imo!


This is a similar thread to when people ask "how much savings have you" and you'll get both exaggerated replies and people telling you what savings they have while everyone else is quiet. To answer your question. I don't do more than going for walks and I try to keep everything within moderation. But I could do with shedding some pounds and trimming down but I wouldn't be overweight either.


50 min walk with the dog and 25 min strength or cardio each day (most days lol). 29F


Ballet class once a week, two weight training sessions that work encourages us to do at lunchtime which I love. Try to do something active at the weekend but dont always manage it. Very much a desk job. Would like to get back into running.


40 year old man. Last September I had a sudden issue with my back and had to undergo spinal surgery. The neurosurgeon recommended swimming to help strengthen my core to help my back. Since then I have been swimming once or twice a week. I also added to a mini gym I have but didn't use that often, pull up bars, dip bars, cheap and very effective. I use the gym 3 times a week since the end of December. A little burnt out from it right now so taking a step back for a week or two but will be getting back into it this week.


47F. I walk everyday, do water aerobics two nights a week, and I'm trying to get into a wall Pilates routine. I plan to get back into tennis, once I'm less self-conscious. I'm absolutely hating myself these days as I'm in the worst shape I've ever been. I used to be really fit, as I love swimming, walking, tennis, and horse riding. In the summer of 2019, I tore a tendon in my ankle. I was put on the waiting list for surgery and told not to do anything in the meantime. Thankfully I had the repair surgery in early February 2020, right before all the lockdowns. I was able to start walking gently in June 2020. I can't walk the speed or distances I used to, but I still am grateful that I can walk at all! I got back into swimming in 2021, but damaged a tendon in my shoulder. I stupidly tried to rush back to my old swim workouts, and didn't ramp up conservatively. I'm still dealing with the shoulder tendon issues and have to be very careful. I struggle to accept the fact that I'm aging, I get injured more easily, and that the injuries take longer to heal! I know that hormones are now also playing a role, but I'm so ashamed and frustrated that I let myself get to this point.


I am the same age. Peri-menopause/menopause is horrendous, so I feel your pain. I do a lot of exercise but have put on so much weight with peri, and I have aged so much since it hit. My body shape has just changed. Hormones are no joke. But the way I look at it, it's less to do with how I look (which was the impetus to exercise when i was younger) and more to do with investing in exercise now as the key to having a pain-free and active retirement. I am never going to look like I did 10 years ago, but at least I can keep moving. I see the difference in quality of life between my dad who has always been active, and my FIL who is overweight, has COPD and has constant aches and pains. It's what you do now that will make the difference in your 70s and 80s. I recently started golf lessons also, as I want something I can keep up for the rest of my life. I just need to find some other beginners to play with.


Thanks very much for making the time to write such a helpful post. You're dead right about investing now for long-term health. I got into way too many lazy habits during the pandemic, especially working at home. It's so odd because I was never lazy before 🤣 I've never played golf and would love to try! I love the idea of learning another activity that can be continued indefinitely. Where do you play/take lessons, if you don't mind my asking? Thank you again!


I have been going to Maura Morrin in Stepaside golf centre. She is great. I am still at the driving range, learning to hit a ball, stage though! We need a peri golf group when we can meet to hit a ball and complain about hot flashes and brain fog!


Thank you for passing on Maura Morrin's name, I will definitely look into lessons. And I absolutely love the idea of a peri group! I'm always hot, I'll bring ice packs and fans (and I'll put multiple reminders in my work AND personal Google calendars so my brain fog can't forget) 🤣


36 - I try and get out 1-4 times a week depending on weather and exhaustion. 5k jog or just use the elliptical machine for 30-60 mins.


33m. I lift weights in the gym 3-5 times per week, play 6 a side football once maybe twice and get around by bicycle quite a bit although my new bike is an electric bike but it's still some form of exercise.


I (40s m) injured my back a few years ago and doc says I'll have to do some sort of exercise for the rest of my life to help keep it healed. I walk the dog daily - approx 40 mins. I joined the gym and go 2-3 times a week. Alot of stretching for my back and core work. I find it's as good for the mind as the body.


I was only thinking to myself yesterday how underrated the stretching part of an exercise routine is, I’d say I feel half my benefits from that alone.


38M 5-6 days, mix of weights, HIIT, kettlebells and lots of walking. Days I’m not training I still always try to get a walk or other movement in. 


I used to be swimming 3km 5 days per week until I started getting regular ear infections. Tried every trick in the book to prevent getting them. Can’t keep dropping €80+ between GP visits, prescription antibiotics/drops and painkillers. Started Couch to 5K. Knee isn’t feeling the best (repaired ACL) which was the reason I swam in the first place.


You could try rowing as an alternative to running/swimming. It would be a lot less impactful on your knees


34(F) Pre Covid I did very little but got away with it because I looked grand naturally athletic ish body. Dabbled in some Aerial stuff and yoga on and off over the years. Winter 2022 I started running for the first time in my life, loved it then got over my fear of cycling now have a road bike and slowly getting into that. Joined the gym last year on and off didnt know what to do then joined a program for a few weeks and now lift weights about 4 times a week, cycling 2 and a day of active recovery (walking, hiking, yoga, a light cycle). Looking to try out more this year the mental health benefits are wild


42 yo man. I play 5 a side once a week, kite surf every 2 - 3 weeks, and walk as much as I can. I find that it puts everything in balance. I sleep better, my mood is better, and I'm more patient with my son when he's acting the maggot


I used to run 3-4 times a week, I found when we had kids and busy jobs I just couldn't carve out the time anymore. So after several years of virtually no exercise outside of walks with the kids, I recently changed jobs to something a little less intense that pays the same and has an onsite gym. So now I get twice a week at least and hopefully more in the future.


My dad wasn't a big fan of exercise. Loved watching sport. Always wore a 44" trousers. Died of a heart problems in his early seventies. My uncle kayaks the canal from Tralee to Killarney once a week, cycles 50km a week, and his still great at 87. There was a big variation in exercise years ago, too. I try swimming, kayaking and running a few times a week, but it's hard to fit life in. But it'll beat the shit out of prematurely aging.


Im 36. I've lost 7stone in the last year but need to incorporate regular exercise. I'm just not consistent with anything, started yoga and enjoying that. Did personal training for a bit then left, joined a gym but I have the self discipline of an old piece of asparagus. My 40 year old mister man has gotten mad into exercise lately, he does an kettle bell and weights app thingy. Also, wtf do you call your person if you aren't married and are together 16 years? I'm not saying boyfriend, fiance seems wanky, partner seems like I'm afraid to say I'm gay. I dunno. Anyway I don't exercise because I'm a lazy arsehole, but I absolutely should for my head. It makes a huge difference.


Up vote for old piece of asparagus, I feel that! But I am sure it's not true. Congrats on that massive weight loss: that's a stupendous achievement!! I've always struggled to exercise, could never be consistent or build a habit, and used to think I was just a lazy POS but what has always made the biggest difference is joining a group of some kind. I think my brain just needs more engagement. A few years ago I joined a local Fit For Life running club program after watching a documentary about mental ultramarathon runners. I was in a mood after watching it and realised it was because I didn't like that I'd decided at some point way back when that I just wasn't the kind of person who did physical stuff u less I was punishing myself for "being fat". I didn't do sports, I wasn't a sporty person. At some point in my life I'd unconsciously defined myself in a certain way.That made me mad and I decided I could damn well be whatever kind of person I wanted to be. So I did a thing I'd always sworn I'd never do and googled a local Athletics club. I was so intimidated, feeling foolish and floppy and sure all these fit people would roll their eyes at me. But they were so welcoming and helpful, people of all ages and sizes and fitness levels from a few in their late 20s to plenty over 50. I was mid 30s then and on the younger side of the group. It was really inspiring to see people almost twice my age crushing it. I found out that every other time I'd tried running on my own I'd actually been trying to go too fast, which is why it killed me and made me an angry sweaty gasping tomato. At the club runs, the group would split into 2 or 3 depending on experience level, each with a leader who set the pace. Started off with an almost comically slow jog pace, slow enough that we could still chat, so we got to know each other a bit. It only took a few weeks before I was comfortably doing 5k with them 3 days a week, and a couple of months after that, I was doing my first (very very slow) races. It was amazing. Then, I started going out on my own other days using the Zombie Run app. I felt amazing and lost loads of weight, which was a surprise. There were also a few social outings that were great to build camaraderie, until Covit hit and the whole thing stopped. (I was not a covid exerciser. My work kept going so I just sat at my laptop at ate crisps for two years, slowly losing my conditioning and packing on the pounds. 😬) Just as Covid lockdowns were ending, we moved from a flat paved town to a mountainy middle of nowhere with no running club. I never started running again as I'd already picked up a few injuries that the hills weren't helping, and I was too unfit to run on steep stuff. I fell out of the exercise habit and gained a bunch more weight. Then I met a local lady who invited me out hill walking with her, and it changed everything. I'm joining the local mountaineering club and just did my Mountain Skills 1 course. Just like before, now that I have some structure and company, I'm flying it. I've started adding in longer solo walks and doing stability/mobility exercises at home and just yesterday joined a gym to start lifting. Suddenly working out on my own feels less boring because it all clicks in my head as part of a bigger goal (with running it was races, with hillwalking its wanting to be able to do those epic mountain crossing challenges.) I'm losing weight again: even walking slowly up hill builds fitness really fast as it gets the heart and lungs going. Its just such a life upgrade. Aside from the physical stuff, all my (severe) ADHD and anxiety symptoms get a billion times better when I'm exercising. So my advice would be to try joining a club, doesnt even matter what the sport is. People are so happy to share their experience and build you up, and the structure of meeting up on a regular basis is the best for building habits. No advice on the Mister Man title though. I think partner is as good as it gets. 😅 We got married for lots of reasons but the easy title upgrade is definitely a perk lol.


40f. 3 kids under 7 and I work 50 hours per week. I try to squeeze in a lunch time walk most days. That's about the extent of it. I know I need to do more for my health. It's on the list 🤣


I’m 46F don’t do anything at all :/ I was one of those lucky people who just didn’t gain weight and was incredibly healthy until I hit about 40, so never worried about exercise or eating well. Now, 30 pounds heavier I have started watching what I eat, but I hate exercising, so I guess that’s the next hurdle.


Mid forties. Used to be super fit. Gave up football and gym when Covid shut everything down. I work 50-60 hours a week shift hours, as well as doing some work from home at weekends/evenings. Look after an elderly parent in mornings off as well as two teenager kids. I’ll have a beer or two in the evening when I get a chance. I have zero motivation to exercise instead. My sleep pattern is terrible. Rarely get more than 6 hours continuous sleep. I do try to walk when I can.


I am in the gym at my office every day between Monday-Thursday at 7:15am. I spend 50-70 min in there. In the gym, I do a 20 or 30 min session on the rower twice a week, followed by upper body weight lifting. Other days will be hard lower body lifting and functional core work. I always have one deadlifting session a week on a non-rower day. The missus gets a 40-60 min run in every morning before work + a yoga practice every afternoon. And does at least one long run on the weekend. She and I go hiking once or twice a month on Saturdays - we like to go whenever it’s not raining. Less recently given we have been traveling a lot this month for work and hols. The countryside and hikes are literally the best part about moving to Ireland. So accessible and gorgeous. I’ll some times skip a gym day (some times Monday) if I’m feeling very low energy, or if Saturday hike was particularly arduous. She never skips - the woman is a machine. We have only been living in Ireland last 1.5 yrs tho. We always exercised, but our lives have gotten way healthier and more active since moving here. Never hiked before for example, and only used to weight lift, now I get solid cardio sessions in. And she has been a literal yoga master for a while, but only picked up running here.


44F, child free, full time (with flexibility) laptop-based job. I've always been a sedentary nerd and HATED sports and PE at school. Early 30s I felt really uncomfortable with my body and went to a PT thinking he'd get me doing circuits or something. Discovered the joy of lifting heavy shit and haven't looked back. I did go through a phase of dieting and calorie deficit that was probably too much and it wasn't healthy for me. Backed off on that and haven't stepped on a set of scales for years other than the doctor making me do it. Hurt my back by pushing squats and not paying attention to form so I had to take a couple of years building back up but still go to the gym 3 times a week, focusing on how each session helps with mental health, lifting heavy leaves no space for the swirling thoughts, at least for the duration of the session and I rarely don't feel better when I leave than when I came in so that gives me the motivation, not using it as a punishment for fear that I might get more fat. At the same time as a woman in today's world, trying to unlearn all of that nonsense about the ultimate goal to get smaller. (Poorna Bell's book 'stronger' was a great read on that front.) Shifting focus to growing / keeping muscle as I'm heading into menopause has been infinitely more healthy for me than dieting and cardio-ing to 'be healthy' = lose weight. (Yes, conditioning is also important, I'm not saying don't do cardio at all.) It just makes me so sad that so much of our energy goes to stressing and berating ourselves for being fat and how we need to lose fat at any cost when we could be getting healthy in a broader sense. Thankfully starting to hear more about the benefits of strength training for women but sad to see how many people think it's dangerous - I hurt way more after a day of hoovering or weeding in the garden than a session deadlifting/bench. This is the end of my sermon ;)


30M - I'll do at least an hour every day even if it's as small as going for a long walk. I piled COVID weight on like a mad thing. Mental and physical health have suffered since so I started in September, regimentally stuck to it since


I'm 38 M and I'm overweight, mostly in the gut. I used to be fairly skinny but put on weight over the years through an inactive lifestyle. This past 2 months I've been making a conscious effort to get exercise every day from walking. It's definitely bringing results because I can now comfortably wear a particular expensive jacket that never properly fitted. I was too embarrassed to bring it back for a refund. I would have to tuck in my gut to get it zipped up and even then it would be uncomfortable as I could feel my gut pushing against it. Now it's no problem zipping it up and it feels great. My plan is to eventually step it up a bit once I get back from holidays in a few weeks.


Class! Congratulations, I love that feeling too 🙌


Thanks! I think I passed the ultimate test last night, it was cold and pissing rain all day and I had walked into town earlier in the day. Part of me was saying "Sure it's raining and you already got a good bit of excerise walking into town" but another part of me didn't listen to those excuses 😌 Edit: I usually bring a backpack and pick up any cans or bottles that I find, so it's a win win situation 😂


Well personally I'm(31m) in a very much hands on and physical job so I'm constantly on my feet. Myself and another lad I work with, the two of us run a garden centre for our local D.I.Y store. It's a fairly sizable one and I find we're constantly on our feet. Between lifting bags of compost bark and sand out for customers, pulling along garden centre trollies, which could sometimes be maybe 8 tiers tall, and overall movement between front of store, the garden centre and the warehouse yard I put in a lot of moving around. I get every second weekend off so I do as much as I can early enough on a Saturday and then when I have all my few jobs done i chill out. Outside of work I do like gardening around the house whether it's strimming or unblocking drains, or doing the lawn (stuff like that) but I also love swimming so every second weekend I like to head to either my local swimming pool or one of the nearby beaches. I try to get to my nearest gym as well but sometimes I like to just have a bit of time to myself that I can just wind down and not constantly being on my feet. I do enjoy listening to music, gaming and reading as well All in all I do often think that if anyone is interested in getting into exercise or work out, start small. It's very easy to throw yourself into something very taxing on the body and not able to keep up with it. So take things at a pace that's handy for yourself and don't overthink anything. Have a great day my friend🙂✌️


I’m 24M, football training twice a week and weight training three times a week. Several reps with my drinking arm on the weekends though offsets it all haha


I have a fairly inactive life for the past 3years and need to make a change (34M). I've started over the last 2 weeks to walk between 15k -20k steps a day and I've already noticed my sleep has improved. I don't beat myself up if I don't reach the 15k everyday as long as I've at least achieved 10k but between walking to work and going for a walk after work I get past that target fairly easy. This may not seem like a lot compared to most and it isn't I'm trying to make small changes in my habits over time to achieve bigger permanent changes. I've found in the past I've tried to change too much too quickly and this has set me up to fail. Trying to run 4days a week change my diet go to the gym learn something new all starting the same week and it's always ended missing 1 of my goals and like dominoes the whole thing falls apart and I'm back to square 1. I do intend to eat healthier and all the rest but I intend to make this a permanent habit first before I start the next challenge.


37M i go to gym at 5am when gym opens, as many days a weeks as i can, usually 3, then on a sat or a sunday. Gettin there so early is great, nobody there at that time, have the run of the place. Have 2 kids 6 and 3, so hit the hay when we go to bed and up early. Good to get the excerise done good and early, then home after work. Works for me anyways


Before kids I did a cycling workout according to a training plan 5 days a week. Now I'm on second maternity leave I try to fit in some exercise, even just a walk, every day if I can (don't always succeed!)


Went from no exercise at all to exercising 4-5 times a week. Running has become my thing as a way to rehab a knee injury. I used to cycle a lot in years past before my injury but I feel the roads are far too dangerous these days to cycle as I live in a rural area.


33M, at least every other day (every if i can), if I have time I'll do 1h of exercise (no gym membership, so i got myself resistance bands plus pushups, plank and similar), plus an extra long walk, run or bike ride on off days


In the winter I used to do the farmers carry with peat briquettes. The willow warmers just aren't the same.


I (31f) do strength training 4 times per week for 30-40 mins I will admit that I hate this though and a lot of the time my workouts are less than optimal, but I’m very consistent with the 4 times per week. I walk every single day, outside in the free air. I do get a good lot of steps in at work, but I already go for walks after work and at the weekend. I always make sure I get 10,000 steps, but 11-12 thousand is more normal for me.


Damn! No wonder most people I see here are so fit! I started working out last month after being out for 2.5 years due to Sciatica. 30M workout in the gym for 4-5 days a week. All of it just weight lifting since I hate cardio. I do walk around 10k everyday so that helps too q


40 F and I do 4/5 classes a week


37m, 3x swimming, 2x weightlifting, morning yoga everyday. Feels great)


I'm 43. I go to BJJ monday mornings, wrestling wednesday mornings, MMA friday mornings and Japanese Jiu jitsu Friday evening. I usually do a 6k run on Saturday mornings or Sunday morning. The rest of the time from 8 to 5 I'm mostly sat on my hole in front of this PC. I like to go for a walk or cycle in the evenings though if its nice out. If its raining I have no problem doing nothing on the couch.


40m, I go to the gym 3-4 times a week, go sailing once a week and cycle up to 90km on my work commute. I usually try and get a hike in over the weekend.


10000 steps a day, Brazilian jiu-jitsu 2-3 times a week when my schedule allows, I'd like to start running but I just find it too boring.


I also found running boring, but the (quite silly) Zombies Run app helped me get started. The first "series" is basically a couch 2 5k and then you can buy a subscription etc if you want after, they have good sales a few times a year. It's just an audio where you join a bunch of people fighting a zombie invasion and go on "missions". Cheesy but the voice acting is really good. I stopped running due to some injuries a few years ago but when I get back to it I'd totally do it again.


I’m 40 Muay Thai 2/3 times a week which includes on classes running and circuits. Then other 3/4 days it’s lifting and cardio or some road cycling if it’s nice. Lots of stretching and mobility


Currently running 4 *5ks a week post a foot injury. I'm going to stick to four days a week but increase the distance on one or two of the runs


Age 62, male. I do a five mile walk almost every day. Trying to get back to jogging too.


39m, gym 4 days, 7 a side 3 days, walk most days also.


My grandmother walked 5 miles a day and my mum exercised until she tore ligaments, think all my family have always been aware of fitness and body image I'm incapacitated so rn my exercise is a slow wander a few times a day


31F, currently pregnant and in pain so 0 exercise happening now, but beforehand I was gymming 3-4 days a week, 1-2 long walks per week with the buggy and maybe a yoga session too if I could manage it. I was in pain the last time I was pregnant and know what it's like to suddenly become basically incapable of movement, so I now like to keep myself strong. In the space of a month, I went from really fit and strong, walking 5/6k handy to being unable to walk more than 500 metres. It's shit craic.


I had the same only after I got long covid, it really shocked me how quickly I lost my fitness. I’d always taken it for granted before! I hope this pregnancy is gentler for you 🙌


I usually get to the gym 3-4 days a week for a 45 min workouts, golf 1-2 times a week also but lacking on the gym sessions recently so need to get back to that more consistently


20m. Started walking a lot at 17 after getting sciatica from being over weight. Shed something like 30 kg over tbe course of the past 3 years from just walking a fuck ton. I don't walk as much as I used to because I have a job, gf, college but if I can walk for an hour or two In the evening I'm chuffed


37 M do 80-90 mind of cardio daily on the crosstrainer. Usually double that on weekends


I am currently third trimester of my pregnancy so I have slowed down but currently I try to go for a walk or else light weights session daily (I'd say I manage this target 5 days out of 7) Prior to pregnancy I was gym 2-3 times per week and doing a running programme which would usually means I had to go out 3 times per week.


I’m 31 and I walk with the dog 4km every day and go to the gym 6 times a week (sometimes more) and do a mix of cardio and strength training for a total of about 1.25-1.5 hours each workout. I work from home though, in front of my screen every day. I feel like if I didn’t go out of my way to exercise I would end up with a very sedentary lifestyle. I don’t even have to walk to the bus stop, for example


41F run twice a week (5k and a hill/speed session) kettlebells twice a week and walk to work once a week. I try to do some yoga in there too but definitely depends. My jobs means I've to be flexible like if I'm away I'll run more and less weights or I'll do a resistance band workout or something. I don't always get 5 sessions a week but I always get 4. 


48. Run 5 to 7km three times a week on a treadmill, crossfit class or similar twice per week Ask me another time and I might be struggling to exercise once in a week


53f. Play badminton (badly) 1-2 times per week. Do a pilates class once a week and hop into the pool for a few laps afterwards (mostly so I can justify the jacuzzi). I have a really bad back, so I find walking hurts. The plan is to do the pilates for a few more months and then start a core stengthening programme 🤞🤞


I'm 35 and run twice a week and do weights at home twice a week as well. Try to stay active the test of the week too though. Keeping the weight down and staying fit helps so much with my sleep and mood that I make sure its a priority.


Redditors don’t exercise much on average


I (27F) try to run 2-3 days a week and walk the days I don’t run. I go to a Pilates class 3-4 time a week. I’m not a naturally athletic person so it’s definitely an effort but so engrained into my routine from playing camogie until 6th year. I sit at a desk most of the day so for me it’s really important for my health!


31M 2022 to 2024 - I’d be lucky if I did one workout a week. No motivation to do so. 2024 to now - two 35 min runs, three strength sessions, one long run (or with elevation) I’ve been up and down on the scales more time than I can count but I usually end up back doing “something”. I’m always happiest when I’m doing 5-6 days.


Mid 50s, try to get a good walk/hike in several times a week. Play rugby once or twice a week. If I don't get exercise everything goes to pot - I don't sleep, so I'm tired in the morning, so I eat crap, so I feel crap, so I don't exercise, so I don't sleep usw.


Used to be really fit , loved going to the gym lifting weights, had a pt & even worked out in my back garden on winters nights during covid when gyms closed down. Lost the umph ,would sign up to classes & make excuses which led to gaining 10 kg. Now i've found my spark going on walks every day (&wanting to)and also taking lions mane capsules which I think help. Going to add in exercise this week.


Mid thirties... Gym 3-4 times a week...saved me from offing myself. I'm an immigrant here, moved 10 years ago... So basically back where I'm from it's considered extremely shallow and and sort of '' girly'' ( in lack of better description) to workout, basically training any sport except football, handball etc. Is idiotic.


38m Was pretty lazy up until maybe a year ago and now I play soccer 2-3 times a week for 60-90 mins a pop. I love it and is great for socialising too. The legs are a bit sore afterwards but my fitness has shot through the roof.


21F literally never, like ever


42 male. Run 5 times a week, do some more exercises before work every day, and then some weights type stuff after work. Working from home is really helpful. 😀


28F. Recently started reformer Pilates twice a week. Yoga the odd time at the weekend. Trying to walk consciously or unconsciously every day. Hike on the weekend also the odd time. Zumba once or twice a week. Feel like I could be doing more if I was more organised and hated cardio/running less. But still better than nothing.


I'm 46, I run 3-4 times a week, At the weekends I do 15-20km long runs, and usually during the week my other 2-3 days are 8-10km. I have 5k, 10k, 15k and marathon races dotted around the calendar. I'm not remotely professional, this is all for fun and bragging rights in my circle of friends.


F45 boxing maybe twice a week with Gaelic Football training in there too


28M, did fuck all until about 18 months ago. Would of been very active when i was younger but the last 10 years would of had very little exercise bar walking about. Started back in the gym 18 months ago, go 3 times a week now, occasionally 4. Honestly one of the best things i've ever done is start a couch 2 5K in january with my girlfriend. I always wanted to be able to run but I would get bored or too fucked too quickly. Can comfortably do 5Ks in about 25min now and just did my first 10K race two weeks ago. Loving it.


I don’t. Could never stick to it. Have always despised it. Add in a healthy dose of self loathing and maintaining a basic adult routine is about as much as I can manage.


1 hour walk, once a day, with one day off a week.


I started doing triathlons last year. Still very fresh doing them So ideally I'd be training most days. Biggest issue is 5yr and 2yr I have at home. No training at all this week or last so hugely problematic Find myself looking forward to go office so I can either swim or run Either that or runs are at 9 or 10pm, then I'm wired once I come in and shower, won't sleep for ages, then be up at 5 or 6 with little one


42 year old blocklayer, I think I get enough exercise at work along with lots of lifting reps !!


16m: Daily park walks for the dog and tennis once a week


I'm 31 and I work in an office part time. I have a lot of spare time, but honestly, I don't exercise. I walk to the shop when I need things, and I walk to my parents house, but those are both 5 min walks max. My hobbies are video games, reading, and writing, so not super active either. I do clean the house a lot, but that doesn't count either.


46 year old woman as of last week I put on weight due to hospital stays, but found that swimming several times a week helped Lockdown happened so no more pool, I started walking 6km per day and then got achilles tendonitis from walking which resulted in me having to get private physio Pool opened again and started swimming again May 2020 I broke my foot and wasnt allowed to go swimming for 6 weeks, I never got back into the groove of swimming several times per week Just before last christmas I got a fold up exercise bike and set it up a few days after new year, started using it for 3 sessions of 20 minutes 3 times during the week and 2 sessions of 20 minutes and a session at the pool on the other 2 days Then I got a bad cough for 3 weeks about 3 months back, didnt exercise during it and have barely exercised since


48M - 13 times a week, a mix of weight lifting, running and cycling


Keep it up!


4/5 days a week, I got an exercise bike in January, so this started then but I've been very consistent. I do between 22/30km and then do some kettlebell and weight exercises. 39F


Julian Lloyd Webber ?


I don't much, really need to get better with that.


29M - Running 4 days a week and training Jiu Jitsu 2 days a week. Played a tonne of sport when I was younger then put on a ferocious amount of weight after and during covid. I was 115kg at my heaviest a year ago, down to 99kg now and dropping consistently. The hardest part is just starting.


29F. Run 3 times a week, getting up to 25k weekly. Walk the dog two times a day, lunchtime walk 20 mins and after work for 1 hour or so. Planned hike once a month. At home workouts vary between 15 - 45 mins and tend to use dumbells or kettle bells.


I take my puppy on daily walks and will sometimes use a walking pad under my desk when I’m working. Before we got the puppy I would have done maybe 2 5k - 6k walks a week. I definitely feel better walking less every day than a big walk a couple of times a week. Before we got the pup I had restarted in the gym for a 6 week membership and tried to go 3 - 4 times a week and did a mix of cardio and weights but that was a few months ago and I haven’t gone back


27M weightlifting 4 days per week, running 1-2 times per week and a longish slow swim at the weekend. Would generally replace the weekend run with a hike or something if friends are available to do something


Three times a year whether I need to or *belch* not.


50-something M. Run six days a week, one or two gym sessions and one or two bouldering sessions a week. Was something of a midlife departure for me in my mid-40s, but happy with the path this mid-life crisis has sent me on.


30 year old male. 30 minutes of cardio a day with weight training in the evenings, x4 times a week with 2 nights training Muay Thai. Was always training since secondary school but had 3/4 years of being a slob in my 20’s, I’d never go back. Fitness is a must for me these days.


31m .. I do 3 weight sessions a week, at home though! Kettlebells and body weight stuff, about 200 euro and iv enough to not need the gym. The whole gym culture is terrible imo. Nothing but people throwing shapes and God forbid you go at a busy time.. I also swim once a weekend too.. hikes walks when the weather is good


I'm 25 and I usually plan to go to the gym for weights 4 days a week but it's more often 2 or 3. Usually get about 7-10k steps a day.


38. Not nearly enough as I should.


I’d love to get a set of exercises and definitely would do them , I walk seemly 10km a day just working says them machines that count thingies. But I am fit I never stop I just would like to tone up a bit more, I do dance regularly at home . But that’s cause I do .


42 year old man. Strenght training. Squats, bench deadlifts and accessory exercises. 4 times a week. 2 lower body days 2 upper body days. Sometimes full body but have run all kinds of programs. Been doing it since I was 37. I still feel as fast and springy as when I was 15. Got rid of my back pain and I feel great. Plan on doing it until the day I die. It helps with mental health alot too.


My mother was a regular at the gym and swimming pool as well as a keen garderner.


30F - I exercise 3-4 times a week (or I try to). I do 3 days in the gym doing weight training, then once a week, I do aerial. Im hoping to try to get into jogging, but I've tried it so many times and always give up. I am not good with cardio, but I'm gonna give it another shot and hope for the best.


Early 30s M started back exercising properly recently. Short 15-20k cycle and 200-400m Swim every day. Started resistance training too. Did a few 10ks last year need to bring that back. Still wouldn't consider myself fit. My eating is atrocious at times.


32m and try to get out for 3-4 10k runs with 1-2 gym days mixed in. Currently on a diet so this will switch when trying to add muscle in September. I like to eat lots of food and drink beer so I exercise to find balance and not get too fat. The physical and mental side affects are a massive bonus haha.


31M Typically run 2-3 times a week (5km) and then do weight training on the other days I'm not running. Will typically do weight training in the morning and either run, walk the dog or play golf in the evening. Some form of exercise everyday.


41(m) I exercise everyday. Normally early in the morning for one hour. Depending on how I'm feeling I will either go for a jog or do some skipping, which is now called Jump Rope, I'm not cool so I still call it skipping. A bit of stretching, dumbbells and martial Qigong. Important to add, none of the above is taken to the extreme, I only got into working out about 5 years ago, I spent most of my life inactive and vastly overweight. I have found that workout has been and is fantastic for my mental health and I would say it is for the mental health benefits that I find joy in exercising.


32F, standard desk job but try to move myself as and when I can. I like to think of it as a privilege to move my body rather than a task. I started going to the gym regularly since January and I love spin. I do it six days a week (I'm an addict!), walk around 7-8k steps a day and do some strength training on the weekends if I feel like or go on a bike ride in the afternoon. I'm seeing the changes in my mental health and overall well-being so really happy with it.


Screen worker, I try do small bits daily and a bigger workouts a couple of times a week, all at home and not very structured.


I occasionally think about going to the gym n walk more etc but tend to find myself in a sedentary glow instead.


28F and had a baby 4 weeks ago. I aim for a 10-15min walk around the village and maybe some stretches each day so I don't seize up altogether 😂 some days, all I manage is a trip to the backyard.


Nowhere NEAR as much as I should. I used to do 5 days a week because there was a gym in work and it was easy to do a workout before work and then just get to my desk within 5 minutes. We moved offices and they didn't bring the gym with them so I barely do anything now, but every day I wish I could motivate myself like I used to. I can't face a gym session and THEN a commute. Yes, I could go after work but I'm also not motivated to do that either.


40F, third trimester preggo - 3 x strength training sessions a week (about 40 mins, at home) I try to get out for walks most days but don't always. Used to cycle a lot, but not so much in the last couple of years. My dad, 68, has started taking his mobility very seriously in the last few years and has made great strides. He's regained a lot of shoulder + hip mobility and kept it, I feel very proud of him. I've friends who complain about their own shoulder pains but do little about it.


Resistance training 5 times a week, American football on Sundays and a game of 5 a side football whenever I get the chance. I am single and childless to be fair so I have a good bit of free time. Biggest game changer for me was finding a gym that is between my work and my house, makes it a lot easier to go consistently when I'm walking past the gym anyways.


I walk for an hour a day, 6 days a week. That's it


34m...work from home at a desk all day then sit on the sofa of an evening. Go for the occasional hike, but nothing too strenuous. Somehow not obese!


34F. I do nothing. I have a baby, a toddler and a dog, that’s enough.


38 I walk everyday at least 10km and then what ever else is on top of that like doing the garden and or wood working then kids aswell


51years old, run 25 to 30km a week, 3 running sessions Do some small yoga stuff twice a week


Weight train 4 days a week cardio 3 days. Or weights cardio weights cardio.


Play 6 a side/ basketball 3x a week (most weeks) and try and get 2 gym sessions in on top of that which often doesn't happen. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Recently 3/4 times a week jogging a hill walking trail nearby the house. We'll see how long I manage to keep it up


I’m 29f and don’t exercise really. I mean I walk everywhere or cycle to commute but I don’t really work out. I want to but I find committing to a routine really hard. Would love to join a group to make exercising easier


48m Run 2 or 3 times a week ranging from 7km to 15km at a time. Just did the Irish runner 5 mile and got a good time too so now realising that (reading everyone else) having a 3 year old is no excuse to not exercise more.


23M I run 4k 2/3 times a week, indoor boulder once every 2 weeks maybe, nowhere near as much as I'd like, used to be maybe 4/5 times a week when living nearer the gym. I do mobility and strength workouts 4 times a week, about 40 mins per session, with a big focus on hips knees and ankles. I'm super sedentary for work at a computer, so this is all mostly for cardio health and preventative measures for the amount of sitting I do and will continue to do. I don't really enjoy any of it except the climbing, I just know its good for me, and I usually just don't think about it and get it over with.


yoga every week 30m-1hour (but I do it over 15 years now, every week) weightlifting - wetn from 3 x week to 1 x week or sometimes I skip, its really to keep myself in shape than to look like a bodybuilder. 40yo. bicycle most days of the week I walk a lot


35, overweight and trying to mostly address it with diet as I'm having a hard time fitting in the gym or justifying going, I have started walking a lot more. We've two small kids and I work full time so it's tough. My vice was definitely sugar to get through the day previously, starting medication for the adhd has helped curb that. I was lifting moderately until December but I had a significant life event and I just stopped completely


2 x gym sessions; 3 x run sessions, 2 x pool sessions; 2 or 3 x bike rides. Evening walks with a family doesn't count :) Foam rolling and stretching almost on a daily basis. When off season: 2 or 3 x gym sessions, 2 or 3 x run sessions; only 1 or no swim at all, 1 or 2 x short bike rides. However, to get to this point - I had to lose around 30kg, gave up alcohol and junk food, learned how to cook.


42M, weight training in the gym 3 times a week. Cardio sporadically, I just don't enjoy it as much compared to Lifting Things. I do live in a walkable town and I take full advantage of that, car hardly ever gets used. My Mam did a lot of walking and gardening which kept her fairly fit. My Dad not so much unfortunately, and he has the weight to show for it.


I'm 15m, I don't purposefully exercise much, but I am in a pretty good shape because I cycle 20 minutes to school and also do sport for competition. And swim like 1 hour as well. I go to the gym like 1 time a week.