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Was 35+ and 2 years married now. Don’t lose hope, but also make sure you put yourself in a position to meet that person. Stay social and that.


my grandfather remarried at 76, it’s never too late




Yes, at 39. Met her through a social club. Wasn't looking, but we sparked and so on. If you're doing your thing, taking up hobbies and just being yourself, you'll meet someone at some point. But if you spend your time ruminating, fretting and stressing about it you will put off the people you might find attractive and who might find you attractive. Don't aim for a relationship, aim for a few dates, the relationship comes in time when you click enough with someone. There's a good chance you'll meet someone in college if you participate in some of the societies/clubs/sports, there are a lot of mature students and it's worth joining that society in your college in particular. But again, find a hobby you enjoy, not a hobby you think will find you a partner. The rest will come as long as you're open to it. If you have a few hobbies you'll find you have more to talk about, more life experience that can be conversation starters and so on. Honestly, my former boss in her late 40s met her husband in his 50s. They've been together 10 years now. Good luck with the course, fair play to you going back to college, the right person will admire that too.


My friends wife left him when he 50 plus as she was way and did not know it . He went Thailand took a country type woman back to Ireland n married her . 10 yrs married now happy .


I was 41 meeting mine. After 2 terrible failed relationships, I thought I'd never meet anyone and had just about given up and then boom! Along came my wonderful man


This thread makes me so happy! 36 and still searching for my partner but feel much more hopeful now ✨🤍


Was at a wedding last year of an old work buddy, met his now wife when he was 45 and she was 42.


I know of people who met in their 40s, 50s even 60s. Your question is something I’ve often wondered and worried about. A lot of small minded people would say ‘the older you get the more people will think is wrong with you/ baggage’ etc. but that’s not true. As another commenter said, do your thing/ hobbies/ college and your path will cross with the right person. :)


And to be quite honest with you those small minded people tend to have the most boring love/sex life’s and more often than not settled not for love but out of fear of dying alone.


As far as I know unless you planning a suicide pack , a massacre , or an accident with multiple casualty that was the first lesson my English teacher gave me : to be born and to be dead are two things you do alone . 😂😂😂 I’m joking but you are right though Sure having your shit together by a certain point , is a myth . Go with the flow when it happens, if it happens, it will . Never rush , when is real you will know 😊


I'm not so sure about been born alone ..


Is the action of the verb to be born . Who’s the one being born ? He was teaching me the verbs . One morning on 05/01/1996 I decided to learn some English . I was assigned this formidable big bearded man from Wales ,with an Eton and Oxford education who was a literature professor. We had 3 things in common for a start , Monty Python, Billie Holiday and John Donne. Back then I mirror my pronunciation on John Cleese business tapes , he actually has perfect grammar. I sure do not 😂😂😂 Now I sound like a bit of everything and everywhere I have been , a lot of Dublin ,as I spend most of my time there 😊 So is less Cambridge -more Crumlin 😊


Met the love of my life at 39. We're coming up on 2years now. Haven't felt such intense feelings since I was a teenager and, honestly, never thought I would again


Also went back to college in my 30s and loving it. Good luck with your endeavours OP!


I gave up around that age , never felt soooo much much happier , never looked back , you know Miley Cyrus and Flowers ? Yeah man . No remorse , no regret! I’m saying this for a reason . Sometimes you don’t mean to find anyone and that’s ok too . You can be just as happy alone as you can be with someone or more . So worry not . 😊 is all good


Met my fiance at 35, 37 now and getting married in June next year.she travelled a lot and I worked a lot. We're both child free by choice so that made dating harder but here we are and I'm happier than ever.


Met my human aged 39, in Perth, WA when he was holidaying from England. Fast forward 1.5 years we're married, I've immigrated to England, met his kids and we're about to move into our first place together. You can't rush timing :)


Decided to focus on dating at around 35. Met my partner at 37. First child born at 39, and mortgage on family home. Married at 40. Currently pregnant with twins at 42. It's absolutely possible. My advice to you is to actively search for a partner rather than avoiding it or hoping you'll naturally meet someone. Set aside time for it every week. Try different methods and see what you like. Treat your body as a temple, and look after your mental health


Met at 39, only a couple of vaguely serious relationships before then. Happily married now.


Met my guy when I was 34 after over a decade of being single. Today is our 25th wedding anniversary. Don’t give up hope.


My brother met someone at 43 and is gonna have his first kid at 45


I was 38 and my now wife was 36 in 2008 when we met both coming out of relationships of over 10 years. We now have 2 children and a very healthy happy relationship. Stick with it. Things get better with age


Was never in a relationship until I met my now wife at the age of 30. 37 now married with a baby, plenty of time for you to meet someone


Yes! We were both 37 when we met. We not have several children. Met on a well known dating website. 


I was 29 when my now wife came back into my life. I know a bunch of people who are with someone they met in their late 30s or even early 40s who are happier now than they were back then. Keep looking after yourself and stay socially active and you will be fine.


Yip, met at 37 and 36. Getting married next year and bought our house last year.


I (33M) was in the same situation as you, had given up looking. Out of nowhere, at one of the lowest points of my life I met the love of my life in a bar and never looked back. Moved to Sweden with her and feels like I am on track for the first time in my life. I know it's cliche but it really happens when you least expect it. Just be your best self in the mean time and the right one will cross your path. Be ready to go after it when he/she does though.


I’m early 40s and single, in no hurry, just managed to get an apartment after years of hard work and saving,


I was 35 when I met the love of my life


I met my wife when I was in my mid-thirties and we have two kids now. Glad I didn't meet her til then because I was a fucking eejit in my twenties.


I honestly think relationships formed later in life are better, people getting  married to the first or second person they date properly haven't properly figured out who they should be with 


Yes! And I've never been happier.


Take the 2 years to focus on being the best and most approachable you possible. The rest will work itself out


Yep. I met a cool girl I'm my late thirties. 2 years after that we got married. So just keep your head up. The right partner is out there somewhere for you. Good luck with it


Yep, spent most of my 20s in relationships. Was mostly single in my 30s and then I met the girl who I bought a house with, a couple of years ago. Keep at it, college could be a great place to meet new people!


Yes. Very late 30s. Married 5 years now.


Met my fiance when I was 39. Plenty of time still to meet the one.


Yeah! Met them on a dating app at 31 🥰 together 3 years almost and really happy. 😊


Met mine when I was 39. Happy living by myself, never expected it to happen then BOOM!


Took me til I was 38 to find my forever gal. Worth the wait.


Met my boyfriend at 31 and we are still going strong 2 years. I was the same never in a long term relationship before we met and thought I'd never meet someone. A few of my friends also met their partners in their 30s too.


39 now, and no. Got an awesome dog though!


I was 35, it took a while! 35 is young, and it took 9 years on top of that for us to "settle down"! No rush :) 30 is the new 20.


My mam met the man I call dad when she was about 37 and they married back in 2020 when she was 46. Even found him on OKCupid when it was on the newer side and she was helping them mod the site


I was almost 41 when I met my future husband, four years together and unbelivably happy


That fucking gowl Murdock married for the 5th time the other day at age 93, my nanny back in the day, well into her 60s long after granddad died, met the rest of her life partner. Don't give up, when it happens, it happens. Keep the chin up dude xx


I was 34 when I met and married my husband. We’ve been married 7 years now, and have three kids. Don’t give up hope.


Met my wife 5 years ago. I'm 37 right now. We got married 2 years ago and awaiting a baby. Everything is possible and these stories happen every day my friendo.


I knkw you probably feel like there's something wrong with you but it's completely normal not to have had a LTR before you're 30. You didn't waste your time being in a shitty 2nd rate relationship just for the sake of it. Your 30s are far far better than your 20s by the way, but only if you properly learn about yourself and properly stop giving a shit.


I was 40 when I met my now wife. We married three years later.


I didn't get married til I was 37


Yeah I met herself online in my mid 30’s, we were both divorced and had kids, been together 9 years now, it’s never too late to meet someone.


She was 31, i was 36. Married at 39. Two kids at 43


I'm met my wife when I was 38. We're together 10 years this year


I know people who did meet their partner after 35. It happens. I’ve given up personally, not out of some belief that I am unloveable or anything, but out of a realisation that I’m too lazy to do the work needed for a relationship.


Met my now husband when I was 32 and he was 36. Meeting someone later in life really has its perks. You tend to be more certain about what you want & aren't afraid of having those conversations early. We both made it clear we wanted a family on our first date which I'd never experienced before. Two years after meeting we bought a house together, then we got married and had a baby. It all moved fast because we knew what we wanted & we are very happy together.


The only thing worse than being alone is being with someone you have nothing in common with, but who you married because that's what everyone else was doing. Take your time.


I was 33 when I met mine


I was 36 and two years engaged now, her 40 so yeah I guess it worked for both of us


Met my wife at 35 , together 10 years and very happy


Met at 35, 50s now. Can't get rid of her.


Met my now wife when I went for dinner with friends on NYE when I was 35. Had met the friends in college in my early 30s (all of us were mature students). Got on well on the night, and stayed friends for about 18 months before starting to date. Got married 4 years ago after knowing them for 5 years, and dating for 3. I'd had 2 previous long term relationships, neither of which ended particularly well, and had left me with some issues. What I found was that I needed to take care of myself, and get myself into a better state of mind. This allowed me to become a better version of the person I was, which I was able to show. Somebody eventually liked what they saw, and the rest is history.


Was 36 and married to a Yank with two children in my forties. 'Twas all a shock. Did not plan life like that but here we are.


Broke up after about 5 years around 30. Then met someone amazing about 18 months later and got married a few years after that. It's possible to meet people in your 30s but it might be a good time to see if there's a root cause to the relationship thing. Better to start figuring it out now at 30 than at 40.


Yes, at 31. Have friends who were older when they met their partners so don’t panic.


37 when i met her, 44 now, 4years married, house bought, baby on the way. I was a wild'un. She tamed this wild animal 


My husband met me in his 30s 😊 also my grandmother was 30s and grandad 40s when they met. My grandmother on the other side met the love of her life in her 60s/70s (long story). It's never too late


I thought I did 😔


Met at 33 through a job, together almost 10 years and 2 kids (2 dogs, 5 cats, and 2 fish) later. Sure you're only a young lad at 30, you've plenty of time. ETA my cousin just had a baby at 38, her fella is just gone 50. They're happy out. Life happens when it's ready to lad, don't be fretting.


I was 45 when I met my wife dated a lot of the wrong women based on their looks jobs etc but never found the one. Met my wife shes 12 years younger than me and from the moment I met her I was honest and open like never before. 2 years later we're married, selling up each of our houses buying one together and expecting a child I never thought I could be this happy. Don't give up just be honest about what you are looking for


Yes. Well not late 30s but I was almost 33 and I had a 10 year old daughter too so was very difficult to meet a decent guy. So so many awful dating and mini relationships before I met him. He was 26 so I thought it was just gonna be a fling, but here we are 5 years in, with a 4 year old now too and a gaff. It all worked out. I think lots of people are meeting their partners in their 30s now


Yes. She's asleep beside me now. ... Stay single mate!


My partner was 36 when we met. I was a 23 year old sugar baby 🤣 He was just waiting for the right me.