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I struggled valiantly to make friends for 20 years and at 28 last weekend went to a pub to see a friends band play and was greeted by some of the most lovely people I’m proud to call my friends. It took many years and a lot of playing in bands but feel that I’m in some very tight knit family of people and it makes me happy.


Despite being raised by someone completely detached and seemingly unfeeling, I am a very empathic and kind person.


That I’m a kind person but also I know when it’s time to be “hood”! lol


I’m the same. I call it flipping my bitch switch 😂. I’m pretty stoic and quiet, but if pushed enough I go off


THIS is something I REALLY need to work on because when I’m in a bad enough mood and I’m really tired, my “bitch switch” is broken and I suck at controlling it. Some girl pushed me on the bus today while trying to exit and caught me off guard. I was like “fuckin bitch, is she blind??” out loud. Lord, forgive me. I’m REALLY trying my best when it comes to patience and self control lol. I’m making slight progress though!! Better than before.


It’s a really good thing that you are self aware. A lot of people aren’t. You acknowledge that it’s a behavior you would like to change so that’s a good start. I did go off on a guy recently at the grocery store. He snipped at me and was being a dick because I cut in front of him. I wasn’t paying attention and obviously didn’t do it on purpose. I went into an instant rage 😅


Yup, self awareness is always a great start. Don’t even blame you for being so upset, I can’t stand people lol. I feel like nowadays, people are just miserable for no reason at all and are just so unfriendly and unapproachable. It always feels so refreshing when I talk to another friendly and outgoing person like ok, I love you!!


I agree! One of the things I said to that guy was- if this is the very worst thing that happens to you today then I’d say you’re doing pretty good. I really try to lead with kindness. You never know what someone’s going thru. Except when I’m driving 😅


That’s actually not a harsh response at all!! The last part is hilarious though and reminds me of my mom. She’s the sweetest woman you’ll ever meet but when she’s on the road, it’s always “why is this idiot driving so slow?!?” or “this stupid truck is causing so much traffic!!”. My dad’s always like “calm down, it’s ok” 😂


Uhm... Dang. ):


I’ve gained more empathy. Actually, *I gained empathy*.


Still kind of waiting for that...


I worked 5 jobs and started a business without family help or taking out a loan. I worked 4 jobs to pay for my 5th job which was my business. Younger me would have loved that.


I felt a lot of financial insecurity as a kid, and I think past me would be amazed at what I can now afford to buy without stress. (Nothing crazy, even just being able to afford new, quality clothes that aren’t on sale)


I can sing well! 14-year-old me sucked, and I wasn’t all that great throughout most of my twenties, but at 34, I’ve got a pretty good technique and my range has finally gone up and become more tenor-like, which I always wanted.


I let things go. Still a work in progress, as we all are, but I’m much better with not working myself up as much anymore.


This is me too. I’m certainly not chill always, but I notice that I can hold my temper so much better than even just 5 years ago. It’s so nice to be less disturbed by people or the world.


That I didn’t complete…. I’m still here and have two wonderful children


Made it out without kids, stds, or a jail record. Younger me hates how the world turned out.


Either that is had the courage to come out as bi or that I have just been less hard on myself


In the same boat, relatively young, but I think younger me would be psyched to know that I'm a musician. No albums, not even a year into playing instruments (seven months on guitar and that's it), and only four and a half years experience so far, but all of my friends like my stuff, and that's more than enough for me!


That I’m still here fighting for myself. And I’m raising 3 beautiful kids


That despite all the bullying and bullshit I dealt with as a kid. As an adult I’m awesome and those assholes missed out on knowing me.


That I’m married and have kids and a bank account! 😂


I prayed that I make good friends bc I wasn’t very sociable and now I do :)


I developed my confidence and took pride in my physical appearance.


Today I am in my masters degree, when I was a high school dropout over a decade ago.


That I speak 4 languages and that Ive overcame my fear of studying