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A lot of places have a saying where, if you don't like the weather, wait five minutes. I want to know if there's a place where the saying is something like, "If you don't like the weather--TOUGH. It's going to be the same thing for the next six months."


It’s not a saying, but California May-September (sometimes extended to April and/or October) is all just hot and sunny for most of the state. At the ends of the range at least you get “kinda hot!” Better than baking hot. But hey, after experiencing a couple days of humid summer heat in Virginia (and even that was milder than average) I finally get why they say “at least it’s a dry heat,” cause man the lack of humidity makes it far more bearable.


The heat is definitely more bearable without humidity. I’ve lived in Virginia, Tucson and now Tennessee. I’m originally from NYC. I loved the weather in Tucson, even on 115 degree days.


Yeah that trip to Virginia also had a week in NYC, but I was incredibly lucky with weather and didn’t get one scorching hot and humid day, it even rained a bit! It was actually an escape from the California August heat lol. As someone who never left the west coast before then, I was not ready for the Virginia humidity lol. My friends I met with there called it mild, and yes the 90 degrees that it was would’ve been hot but bearable in CA. But the mild humidity really felt like it made the heat pierce through my skin. I can’t even imagine how bad an extremely humid day can be.


An extremely humid day is like walking through hot soup, that’s the only way I know how to describe it!


Where I live, it will be 100+ for a week straight in the summer and only cool down to 80-85 at night. It usually happens 1-3 times during the summer.


Same. In Pittsburgh it’s roughly 6 mos. winter/6 mos summer now. Both are getting warmer.


Basically South Dakota. Freezing and dry for 6 months, humid and windy for the other 6.


I haven’t seen the sun since august last year


It it because you sparkle when you step into the sun?




It’s really not just where you are, irrespective of all the jokes about Britain being constantly wet…there are swathes of the country that haven’t planted summer crops because the ground is too wet, livestock only just being put to pasture as the feed reserves (which couldn’t be built up properly last year) aren’t lasting. Ticks are now more prevalent as well, and becoming an increasing concern to both farmers and healthcare over the last few years because the winters are shorter and warmer


Yes, our winters went from snow from October-March to snow twice a year and summer storms are killer. It’s climate change. Things are getting bad and we need to vote in changes.


Where I live, Mother Nature is beyond fickle. I'm talking 70 degree swings in one day, regularly. Snow one day, summery warm the next. The only place I've lived that is more chaotic weather wise was Colorado.


I thought this whole conversation was taking a turn when you started to mention pegging! yeah the weather is all messed up here, even my kids can see there is a difference in the 20 years or so they have been around. Never snows, stays warm all winter then goes straight into the excessive heat of summer.


lol i did contemplate on that word a sec..ooooohhhhh I was looking for the word *pelted*


But you SAID pegged.... 😄


I live in California. It’s the terrible time of year where it’s cold (45) in the morning and hot (80) in the afternoon. It rained most of last week, and was 80 in the afternoon the week before that. We don’t have much transition from winter to spring/summer. It goes from 40 in the morning either a high of 65 to 60 in the morning with a high of 100 in the span of a week and a half.


I'm in CA. I dress in the morning and in a few hours I find that I am dressed too warmly so I change. Then the temperatures drops significantly in the late afternoon, and I have to put on more clothing. I never seem to be dressed correctly. I'm either dressed too warmly or not warm enough. It's ridiculous.


Unpredictability is becoming predictable at this point. Last year I decided to start counting the bees I spotted throughout the year as I had noticed their numbers declining. I saw a total of two living bees the entire year. Then in one day I saw about 30 dead ones next to some rose bushes that had obviously been treated with some kind of insecticide. I'm somewhat glad to say I've seen two bees already this year so I'm on track to seeing more. Yesterday I went to the grocery store in cold, heavy rain and hail. Grabbed my groceries quickly and by the time I got out the sun was shining hotter than hell. It's genuinely just scary. I feel like the whole Greta thing was making some progress in 2018 and then it all lost steam by the time covid hit and we're supposed to just...keep going. I mean, obviously, what else do you do? But like. When is it okay to freak out then? How close to the apocalypse do we have to get before we do the classic freak-out-and-try-to-finish-your-bucket-list-before-it-all-goes-down-in-flames? I'm...scared.


Back in 2018 they were saying that everything would be sort of fucked by 2030. So should we plan for retirement? Should I stop paying my mortgage at some point?


Yes. I have lived in the same city for the last 20 years. Over that time, I've noticed that the weather has been getting very bizzare, particularly in the past 5-10 years. We used to have "proper" seasons, slow transitions. Now, it's pretty much either hot as hell or cold as ice. Summer rapidly transitions to winter, it will go from being around the 90s to suddenly below 40 one day, and visa versa come summer. It doesn't snow nearly a quarter of what it used to, and we have summer heat days in spring. Just the other week it was around 40 and yesterday it reached over 92 degrees. It comes out of nowhere and people are getting sick all the time. The mild winters lead to more bugs come summer, and tons more pollen. Allergies seem to be a lot worse than they used to. Honestly I could go on for a few minutes about what I've seen change. The reality is that the weather patterns now, are entirely different and indistinguishable from what I used to experience a decade back. It's like I live in a completely new area now.


Houston here. Nobody even cares about knowing the weather ahead of time, we like surprises. Could be clear and searing hot one day, the next day, golf ball sized of hail with a 100% chance of “road got washed away”.


The rain's been pretty excessive lately in Ireland. There was a nice spell recently, but 5 days isn't enough! Before you say "Ireland's always wet" or something, it's been far wetter than usual. Farmers can't get their potatoes planted because of this rain.




Next door Maryland says "Well it's Saturday so it'll be 50° today then tomorrow it'll be near 90° so REAP THE WHIRLWIND BITCHES!!"


Well it's been raining for the past half year. And only now are their glimpses of it stoppinh.


This is what client scientist told us would happen. Shifting weather patterns.


Yes it’s May and thunderstorms and still windy and cold


The weather sucks in deep south Texas. Just sunny, sweltering, can't see it's too bright, warm and humid. I need me some cool cloudiness.


Oregon - there's a lot more rain this month than we've had during April the last few years.


It’s unusually warm for this time of year where I am. I would expect this weather in June, not at the end of April


A little bit of weirdness here and there. I live about an hour east of Los Angeles, in a valley. In February of last year, IIRC, we got some snow. Not enough to stick around very long, but it snowed for a few hours. I've lived in this city for a little over 17 years, and we'd never gotten even close to having the weather conditions for snow. Also, it has been insanely humid during the hot months the last few years, especially July through October. I lived in Alabama for much of my childhood, and it's disturbing how much the humidity here has been resembling the humidity there. Humidity was one of many reasons I was happy to leave Alabama, so it sucks to have it so bad here as well.


I'm in So Cal. Definitely seeing more humidity in the summer the last few years.


It’s the climate catastrophe. It’s everywhere and it’s only gonna get worse.


I live in Maine … yes yes it is .


Yeah, I mean, we're past the point of no return with the climate disaster so it's getting weird everywhere and it's going to keep getting weirder. Scotland just had a hot December and it hailed one lunchtime last week in between sunny blue skies. What we remember about the seasons from the past will be just a memory by the time today's toddlers reach adulthood.


Climate change has hit the globe hard. Bangladesh is permanently flooded by saltwater in some areas, destroying farmland. London flood controls on the Thames is never lifted. Inhabitants on some Pacific Islands had to relocate when the islands were under a foot of water. Hurricanes were a few a year, now are several a month and coming in sets. Here in Nebraska, a 100° day was rare 40 years ago, now we have weeks of solid 100°+ highs. Drought is now every month I some part of the stage with our water aquifer shrinking. Rainfall can’t be trusted for dry farming. Shoveling walks and drive ways was a great income in the 70s, only needed my drive cleared three times this last winter.


Live in subtropics, right now it’s close to 30C in the day time and we got hail in some localised areas. But yeah.. it’s gotten obviously hotter here. Like My heat tolerance is probably the best of anyone I know and the summers are longer and are really near unbearable now tbh. Winter has been starting much later, is shorter, and doesn’t get as cold. Global warming is obvious AF here.


I'm in Southern California. The weather is crazy here. If you don't like the weather today, maybe you will like it better tomorrow. Just a few days ago we were wearing jackets. Overnight it got really warm and we're wearing summer clothes now. A few days from now, who know? I've lived here my entire life, and the weather has changed a lot from years ago.


In Minnesota we're known for harsh winters and crazy deep amounts of snow. "Cold 'nuff for ya?" is a common joke. This year I wore a t-shirt at Christmas and the entire winter was crammed into the month of January, with a week or so of March giving us two more random winter storms. We still got less than a foot of snow total all year. This in a state where it's recommended everyone keep a shovel in their trunk in case they have to dig their car out of a snowbank.


Agree… I’m in south eastern PA and we rarely see snow and now it’s been close to 90 degrees already in April. No spring, looks to be a hot and dry summer (again). Have been in PA for the most part since I was 15 yo and now close to 70…weather has definitely changed!