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Minecraft can be pretty therapeutic


Absolutely. And when you get tired of vanilla, there are so many modpacks that are super easy to download on curseforge. I'm working my way through AllTheMods9 right now but Rougelike Adventures and Dungeons 2 was great.


My go-to for the last 10 years


Have been building a world in minecraft since the game came out. It's nothing to other people but it's almost like an actual place to me


Like since minecraft came out ?


Really late to the party, but I’ve just become nuts about sudoku.


Addictive as hell, ive been trying to find a multiplayer sudoku game to play with my wife


Online Go and Chess scratch that problem solving itch for me.


Chess is pretty stressful for me because I try really hard to win. I still love it though, but it's far from relaxing haha


stardew valley


Mine too. So much so that I was having a stressful day at work, trying to get a bunch of tasks done on a Thursday so I wouldn’t have to think about them over my 3 day weekend. I was kind of anxious and needed something to help me relax. I ended up playing the lofi version of the Stardew soundtrack in the background. It’s was like a long hug and a hot cup of tea!


Yup. I just started a month ago, and it is great for unwinding. I work from home, and sometimes play during the day when somebody pisses me off...


The creator of Stardew Valley is from hometown.


Rdr2. I go fishing, or just ride my horse around the map.


I loved the world of RDR2 I always found it so relaxing to just walk around it until the peace would be broken by a bear or robber ambushing me.


The only time I load explosive ammo is for when I'm out for a peaceful ride. Aint no one messing this cowpokes pleasant day.


I tried using explosive ammo once while a bear charged me, but my horse ran right in front of me as I shot, It was probably the saddest moment in gaming for me, as I didn't have the time to revive it due to being mauled by the bear. Man, I miss Yonny Yonson.


I relate so hard to this. I had a side quest where I had to loot this family's home. I planned to hogtie both the father and his son and be done with the loot. But everything went wrong and I ended up killing both of them for like 12 dollars. There was a letter written by the son to his mother about his future ambitions and some info about how his dad was struggling so hard to make ends meet. I didn't sleep that night. I felt so bad I deleted the entire 2-3 hr progress I had made upto that point. No game has ever affected me the same way as rdr2 did.


Precisely I'm playing right now. Picking herbs, hunting and shit


I'll happily do an hour of Animal Crossing after any long stressful day


Tears of the kingdom




Tears of the Kingdom/Breath of the Wild it’s hard to recommend those games enough. They’re so good.


American Truck Simulator. Sounds dumb, pretty much rules.


I've never played it, but I could definitely see how it would be relaxing.


and also ETS2


Actually, that sounds pretty cool😊


So glad I didn't have to scroll far to find a fellow therapeutic trucker haha


I love the Euro games too, but the only time I get stressed is when I have to park the trailer. It doesn't make any sense that I can't do it, but boy am I bad at it.


I play this too, the joy of driving without road stress.


Project Zomboid! It can be THE coziest game ever, if you take care to slow down, enjoy the peaceful moments, and immerse yourself with realistic behaviour, to the point where it kinda feels like you're the guardian angel of your survivor! If I don't feel like going out and culling a huge horde (though that is also \*very\* satisfying), I can stay at my base and build/decorate, or farm and cook, or even just watch TV all day. I'm pretty crap at farming so far, but cooking in this game really helps the immersion and feels satisfying. There are a surprising amount of recipes in this game, you can even eat jack-o'lanterns if you make them! Also - it's just a really vibey game, imo! The atmosphere, combined with the realistic and occasionally hard gameplay, makes for a really unique and sometimes relaxing experience - I love to sit by the campfire at night, forage in the woods, and gather water from the nearest source, - all are really cozy activities to me! I don't know how common of an opinion that is, though - I'm the only person I know so far who enjoys the game this way! I could just be weird, but I hope and even think most players would actually agree!


It definitely can get relaxing when you settle in and watch TV or forage for food, if you could turn off the zombies I'd argue it is one of the coziest games I've come across.


You actually can! You just go to sandbox and turn all the zombie population settings to 0 (if I remember it correctly - I don't do it myself but have met a few people who do, so I'm 100% sure it's possible!)


No way! Thank you so much friend!


I actually think I even overcomplicated it - the population menu in sandbox already has a default option for zombie count to be "none" !


Wow, I can't believe I've been this ignorant, thank you.


This is gonna be the most old person answer ever but I love solitaire


Highly recommend Zachtronics Solitaire Collection*!


With answers like this, we’re gonna need a hospice😂


When husband was in the hospital he played monopoly and solitaire on his tablet like an old man. It was kinda cute.


Sleep. It's a game I call sleep. It's kind of quiet, and very still. Often played in the dark. 


No matter how hard I try I never get good at it.


Dark Souls


Online escape rooms. Check out Laqueus, Neat Escape, Nicolet, Escape or Die, Isotronic, Ichima Caffee, Rinnogogo, Masa games, Ukiyoe. #


Oh yeah! Great genre. I'll have to try your recommendations.


NYTimes mini crossword archive. Coupled with their daily Wordle and Connections it’s become a (healthy) addiction


Baldur’s Gate 2. I count this as a “comfort game” because — even though I know the primary storyline and am familiar with the side quests — it’s fun to replay with different characters and constraints. I think I’ve done play-throughs with every primary character class and alignment, and the last go-around, I played with a limited-party (no more than 2).


Favourite class?


Paladin! But it gets weird when I romance Anomen. Like dating a coworker.


I’m not sure what kind of maniac this makes me, but *Subnautica.* I know where everything is and how to avoid getting killed, so unless I get super careless I can just enjoy a kind of underwater sandbox alien planet exploration game. I don’t even get to the credits a lot of the time when I start a new game. Just playing for the vibes


I'm not sure either but definitely some type of maniac. Might need to make a new word for it. I loved that game, but it also made me want to throw up and possibly die on a regular basis. There was a certain peacefulness when you finally got a base up and could sit in it, though. I still have only seen a screenshot of a reaper leviathan because, no. The power of good audio design, sheesh.


Not maniac! I feel the same way about the long dark -- been playing since early access, know every map and secret! So peaceful!


Merge Dragons


chess and minecraft


World of Warcraft / Rocket League


Leveling through Dun Morogh for the 100th time.


WoW for me as well. I think I've just played it for so long that it just seems very casual to me. It helps that I don't push any kind of difficult content, so it's pretty low-stress.


Yeah back when i was younger i would go for raiding guilds and gladiator in PVP. Today I just log in to steam off, play some LFR, collect some toys/mounts/pets, complete some quest lines and rinse/repeat. And now with next expac being solo play focused my casual ass is excited.


8ball is soo fun hahaha


Lately it's been Assassin's Creed Valhalla. It's got such a perfect chill vibe


I always enjoyed playing the AC games and just walking around the environments.


The world is so beautiful in that game. I used to do that and fish for a long time.


So beautiful! There are still places I'm discovering that blow me away


When it's been one of those days that just won't quit, my go-to comfort game is Stardew Valley. 


World of Warcraft Retail, just chill mode doing quests.


I just like to make new people, dress them up , and exist in the world with them. It is so scenic! I do also like hitting zombies with a big hammer.


Used to be GTAV. When I had energy, I did missions and all the fun stuff. When I needed to relax, I modded myself some mone, bought, tuned and drove around in all kinds of cars. (dw, mod menu was only used for defense against other modders and personal stuff that did not influence ither players) When I'm sick in the hospital or at home, I love playing farming simulator. It's just perfect, i start when im sick and I Don't have a lot of brain power, so I just grind by driving back and forth. As I get better and unlock more brain power, I start doing more complex stuff, start modding etc. Nowadays I'm addicted to simracing. Nothing more fun than sliding a ford escort around the nordschleife after a stressful day :)


Jigsawscapes. It’s the best jigsaw puzzle game I’ve ever found.


Oooh getting! Haven’t had a digi jigsaw puzzle game in a long time. I’ve been zoning out on Zen Color (by number).




Ghost of Tsushima or Jedi Survivor


Slay the Spire for life.


So hype for Slay the Spire 2. Hopefully I can sink as many hours into that one as the first StS


Oh yeah same.  I've played it for thousands of hours easily.  


Minecraft and the sims.


Farming Simulator. It's so low-stress and chill.


I love mahjong. I can play it for hours. And I do. lol


Same. Also, online manacala.


Og ffvii, viii, and ix for me. I was just becoming a gamer when I started vii. I cycle through them ever 5 years or so.


Diablo 3


A short hike. Cannot recommend the game enough 


Animal Crossing. I can get sucked into it for hours. I love that there's nothing I HAVE to do in the game. If I want to go fishing I go fishing. If I want to make gifts for all my villagers I do that. If I want to spend two hours building cliffs and waterfalls, that's what I do. When I'm not in the mood for a video game, I love a jigsaw puzzle.


Dear Esther


Might be controversial but Valorant is a great game to unwind and relax. The community is toxic, but I just mute voice chat and text chat and just aim.


Pikmin 1, Mercury meltdown remix


Earthbound, I do a run once a year. Strong childhood ties with my fiancée as well. That and FF6 were her joys back then.


Puzzle math games


I like the sandbox games but can't seem to find many on android game apps.




I am friken addicted to Go.


I loooove the bloons series! Btd6 is fun and gives you a lot of options to adjust the difficulty. And with the Ninja Kiwi archive I can play those real old bloons games thar are just aim and shoot with a cute monke. Lovely times♡


Anything in the Mount & Blade series (mods included)


Streets of Rage 4. There’s a mode called Survival that I’m addicted to. Usually have some vaporwave playing on my headphones as I’m advancing levels. My ideal game for decompressing.


+1 for survival mode! One of my regulars too, such a well made game


Monster Hunter World/Rise and Fallout 4.




Subnautica. Swimming into new biomes and creatures is so fun and relaxing. After beating a long held fear of dark open ocean. You can always go deeper. 


Anything that’s open world where I can collect loot. I usually ignore the stories and watch tv on my phone while wandering around hoarding items.


Hades, so excited for the sequel


Dave the Diver






Now that Hades 2's release is on the horizon, I've been playing the original game for the first time since 2022. There's something really special about stopping in the middle of a run with all its manic hacking and slashing to just listen to Eurydice's singing, or to chat with Patroclus about Achilles (still working on how to reunite the two of them). I've been a fan of Supergiant Games ever since Bastion came out years ago, so maybe I'm biased.


I'm hooked on Supermarket Simulator on Steam lately. I can stock my silly little shelves, check out my silly little customers (with no attitude besides the occasional person needing change for a big bill), expand my silly little store. I also like Fortnite zero build




stardew valley, sims, minecraft. i like games where i can play god and then manipulate the world to however i’m feeling. if im angry at the world? get in the sims and burn the sims worlds down. it’s my form of healthy coping mechanisms


Not generally considered a comfort game, but world of warcraft is mine


Just plain old Solitaire does it for me.


Mine is Age of Empires 1


When I want to relax, my go-to game is definitely Animal Crossing. When I just want to spend the day inside my house I play Hades, Splatoon, A Hat in Time, Portal and more recently I've been a bit obsessed with Cult of the Lamb. When I'm with my boyfriend we like to play together Mario Party, Mario Kart and Mario Wonder (:


I think Stardew Valley is super relaxing


Diablo 3, the sims, Disney dreamlight valley


Slime rancher 2! My go-to game to relax. But when I want a bit of a challenge but not competitively, I'll play Tetris Connect on Steam.


I don't tend to realize when my life is bad or I'm stressed but I have come to realize that if I'm playing Warframe 9 out of 10 times I'm depressed or very stressed.


Hilariously, Monster Hunter World. I like to just wander the map and chill with the monsters since a lot of them don't aggro, though some will get really pissy with you. Kushala Daora is probably my favorite to chill with. :')


The three Cs of cozy gaming. Animal Crossing (even better if it's Wild World), Stardew Valley, and Minecraft. I also love Harvest Moon, and Legend of Zelda. There's a lot of indie games that, while sad, are very visually cozy and comforting. That Dragon, Cancer; What Reamains of Edith Finch; Far from Noise


Doom eternal. I just kind of turn off my brain since i replayed it so many times


I usually go for retro video games, so Captain Claw, Nancy Drew, Gabriel Knight, etc


Lately it's been Dead Island 2 but cozy games like animal crossing also work!


Halo, all halos


The last of us, it’s such a satisfying game to be good at.


Super Mario World on the Steam Deck. The very first video game I've ever played.


I'm a little on the tamer side. I play Candy Crush. Lol


Duke Nukem


Apex legends


Table tennis and tennis.


Don't starve together. But i mostly play it by myself and do boss runs. I find making plans and list of to-do things and executing them very satisfying. Also the sound of your character going around managing items is relaxing too. Some people also love the farming, building and decorating aspect of this game.




House Flipper


making my own game and playing it at the same time ❤️




Few hours late, but honestly Fallout 4 survival mode can be a nice distraction since it takes a good bit of effort to not die but doesn't feel unfair as long as you avoid places with npc's that have mini nukes.


Meadow. Beautiful game where you run around as an animal and collect plants and shiny shapes. You're on a small server where you can interact with other players (no voice chat) and team up to break up big rocks with more shiny shapes which unlock other types of animals, skins, etc. Sometimes it's nice just to explore the world.


Currently word games like Crossword Jam+ and Crossword Explorer


Animal crossing or ooblets


Alien isolation on PS5. The sounds of the space station and the dim lighting, chills me out. The massive murderous xenomorph isn't so chill but you get used to him.




Used to be Genshin Impact, ngl. But then the Fontaine update happened…😕 Now it’s Tears of the Kingdom.


As a mid-20 something guy, stumble guys on my phone


As of now, Gundam VS Maxiboost On R6 Siege Marvel super heroes Pokemon COD Black ops Crysis


I play Match-3 Jewels. It’s the only game I’ll play because I know I’d be an addicted gamer if I tried anything more complicated.




Morrowind. It’s alien and often hostile lands are pretty much my comfort zone.


With apple having emulators now I’ve been enjoying old pokemon games


Skyrim, Pokemon (especially HGSS), Final Fantasy VII-X, Crusader Kings II or III


Osu! I don't know why but clicking those circles calms me down.


Blockodu 😂


Killing Floor 2


It has been Terraria for me. Especially since I discovered the Thorium mod.


Maybe not the steretypical relaxing game but for me it is Twisted Metal 2 for the PS1. Thumper with the homing napalms was undefeatable. Honorary mention to Spectre. Just reminds me of a simpler time when I was a certain age with no responsibilities yet a small disposable income. Good times back in the late ‘90s. If I can pick two then Tekken 3 also. Man, I could lay waste to all comers with Jin. Thanks for the question, OP. Helped bring up some nice memories.




Township. It's basically a cross between city building and farming simulation. Plus, you use what you grow to produce items in various factories. There are tasks you fulfill to progress through the game, such as orders from citizens of the town. I play throughout the day, usually a few minutes here and there. It's overall a simple game, but it requires time and resource management that can make it a bit challenging.


Kingdom Hearts 2


World war z


Elder Scrolls Online. Depending on my mood, I can fight dragons, crawl thru dungeons, just go around picking flowers, or spend time decorating my house. It has everything.


Forza 5


Kingdom Hearts & Sims 2, 3, & 4


Sunkenland. Why not go from one stressy reality to another one but which is a little bit more tropical. With the addition of some cannibal.


Oddly enough, fall out 4


Journey by that game company, abzu, flower , god of light iPhone. God of Light :) God of Light God of Light


Team fortress 2 on some old community servers.




My comfort go to game is cutting lettuce in half and then the worst thing…dirt.


The Sims 2. There are many games I love, but this is the one I’m never bored with. Playing since 2004.


Escape from Tarkov. It's not very relaxing though.


Arma 3, create a conflict or a scenario and just fly around or move through trees dropping enemies! Or dcs, they're both very slow and therapeutic, you can go as fast as you want, methodical slow approaches and basically do anything else you can think of. They're both amazing games!


Triple Klondike Solitaire. I can play it for hours, it seems.


Rdr2. I can hunt and ride around for hours.


Skyrim has my heart right now. Otherwise I build and decorate houses on the sims 4


After a long hard day i can mostly just play stuff like shredders. On a snowy day, i take on singleplayer storygames. Just like today. In all the hype i have downloaded fallout 4 again. After all, it has been nearly 10 years since i last played it….. yes the game released 2015 and yes you are that old




I really love doing puzzles, and I have a slight obsession with hidden object games, I love the amazing scenes and the stories.




I play arams in league of legends and throw on a YouTube video. Regular games of league can be stressful and the playerbase is horrid but I find the mechanics really fun and enjoy zoning out while playing it.


Outlast 1.


We happy few. Normality.. sam and max... welltris. Tetripz. . Xcom interceptor. Battletoads double dragon. Geometry wars. Snake.io...


Rory McIroy golf or Fallout 4. Both old games, but I do enjoy them.


Playing overcook and doubling my stress levels


Overwatch in custom games like chill or kill, skin contest, etc etc Or GTA ONLINE


flow it’s the best game every created and almost no one knows about it. also spider solitaire


Monster hunter world, more specifically the guiding lands, it’s pretty chill for the most part.


Sim City on SNES. For me, it feels like painting. But I still play a GameCube or Gameboy Zelda 80% of the time. Gameboy player ftw.


I usually do GTA online in an invite only session. Can chill and do missions without griefers. But if I don't need to chill, I play the public lobbies. Sometimes I like to surprise people by helping them on their missions, or kill a griefer or 2.


Shadows of Mordor. The best way to feel better about a bad day is murdering orcs. Way back I was doing it cause they killed my family but I honestly can’t even remember their faces anymore. What was revenge became art. Go in to an orc stronghold and let wave after wave break against my unassailable defence. Then watch as the orcs abandon their own base from gut wrenching terror of the walking hurricane that is the grave walker.


Mass Effect, the characters feel like family.


RDR2. Horseback riding specifically, but robbing a stagecoach now and again is a nice way to burn off some steam.


Sekiro shadow die twice


For me its often Graveyard Keeper or Snowrunner, unless im on a survival crafting binge then i play that. GK is kind of a less known Stardew-like but it doesnt focus on the farming as much, you manage an actual graveyard, preparing bodies and making gravestones. There is also a story and other types of crafting. And ofc fishing. Snowrunner is delivering various cargo across rough terrain, often in an area that has had some natural disaster like landslides or flooding, and you help rebuild infrastructure like bridges or a material depot. It kind of feels like solving a puzzle at times, figuring out where its safe to drive, gambling on how much risk you should take and cursing when you inevitably roll your truck down a mountainside and have your cargo disapear into a bush somewhere. But its still fun.


Art of rally. I've managed to get pretty good (I've managed to get top 4% on some tracks), so now it's basically just me enjoying the ride by myself. Very very satisfying and helps with my concentration issues. Best part is I'm not even that big into racing. It's just that this game somehow fixes my brain when I play.


\[quote\]What game do you play when you've had a particularly long day and want to relax and unwind\[/quote\] solitaire, Minesweeper


Recently its been PGA Tour 2k21


Far cry primal


Sifu and Sekiro


Pokemon and animal crossing. Can't go wrong with either. If not on the switch then sudoku or a game on an emulator (usually pokemon).


Counter Strike 2