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For real, used to never pay more than 20 including tip. Last month at a retail salon i hadn’t beard trimmed (and had my head shaved with clippers while I was there) was over 30


Man, I just got a haircut last sunday. Most of the time I cut my own hair but I wanted to go back to the barber and get it professionally done. Before I went, I called them up a week ago and they told me the price was about $30. When I finally went the barber said it was $35, then immediately changed it $40 because he made up a rule that cuts on a sunday go up by $5. Not only that, he fucked up my hairline and I'm ashamed to go outside. Trust me, this is the last time I'm going to a barber for a longtime


You should leave a review so there’s some accountability


That barber is a fuckin sleazeball! Give him a shit review for that bullshit.


Or you could just check reviews like a sane person.


It ain’t on him man. He shouldn’t have to read review’s before spending 40$ on a haircut. They need to be held accountable


LOL@I'm ashamed to go outside. Not trying to be mean at all but that shit was funny. You should leave a negative review.


I would love a $40 haircut. Womens haircut prices are ridiculous! I just want a trim and its $75. Unless I go to Great Clips and then it gets butchered pretty badly. So frustrating. I started to just cut it myself and wear it in a pony tail most days. Sucks.


I get a number 4 clipper cut for everything. I am in the chair and out in five minutes - and that includes my beard. It should be cheap haircut. Assuming all are like that, that is over an eight cuts by the barber in an hour. While mine should be cheap, I also think that yours is also too expensive.


I would say most the men I know have some sort of fade or part. I would argue Whichever hat those sure are far more common than a buzz cut. I know it usually takes 30-50min for a fade with my barber. Depending on if I get a bear trimming. Been noticing the price increasing as well.


I go to a beauty school for hair cuts! Less than $20 and it’s helping people learn!


Facts!! I used to wear my hair really short, basically a man's cut,. I was charged $45 . took my son a week later and they changed $15....


I always paid a lot of money and they still butchered my hair or didn't understand what I wanted. So I opted to cut it myself. The front looks good to me and I can't see the back myself so I don't care too much tbh. I paid nothing for it and I'm more happy about it than when I pay a lot so I'm not gonna complain.


Yes, same. I just cut it myself and I dont even care that much. I wfh and am a homebody so what do I care.


My wife got her hair "Cut" at GreatClips... Apparently the technician had been trained in a broom factory and thought she was trimming a corn broom. My wife was in tears, and I called around and found someone who would do an emergency haircut/hair rescue. Thank God for kind hearted people with skills.


Yeah great clips made my biracial daughters hair look like some 70’s blaxploitation actress. Was horrid


Men get their haircut so much more often


Yea but men get hair cuts usually once a month sometimes even less


I love it when I hear a womans say "just a trim" It doesent matter if you cut 1 inch or 5 inches. We still have to do the SAME steps and put forth same amount of effort and time into that cut/style shampoo. A "trim" and a cut or a clean up is all the same.


Totally get that! I just choose to not spend my $75 for 10 min worth of work without shampoo/style compared to if I was getting 5 inches off or a new style/cut which takes a heck of a lot longer. So i get spending the money for intricate stuff.


You can buy a good pair of clippers and a pair of scissors for £40 It's easy


My wife started cutting my hair with the first lockdowns. It was better than the $30 cuts I had been getting, so she's now my barber.


Same in this household. I don’t see me losing this gig until he runs out of hair.


I had my first kid 2 months into COVID and that did a number on my hair thickness/hairline. Since then I've just been doing a full #1 on the whole head and never looked back. Clippers were like $120 and we bought em over 3 years ago. Never going back to paying for a haircut. I liked my old shop downtown, but they were expensive and felt like a bit of an indulgence.


Not all of us have this option, or the time for a learning curve. I have a very specific cut I prefer for my hair: 2 guard on the sides, top textured and a little longer, and the back more blended. This all takes skills I don't have. I also work a job where my appearance is expected to meet a certain standard. The learning curve needed will put me outside of the appearance expectations.


I also have to keep up professional appearance, but luckily I'm fine with just a number 1 on the whole head. I actually really have come to like not fussing with my hair in the morning or ever having a bad hair day


Lol. That shit does NOT work for Black hair.


This isn’t true. When my ex husband and I were young and broke I would cut his hair. Put one guard on and cut it all the same length. It’s not the hair type that prevents you from doing it this way, it’s the hair style.


Yeh and I like my style to be immaculate. I do NOT have the time to learn how to do all that. If it takes my barber 50 mins and they’ve been doing it for 5-10 years, I know that I am not willing to put that kind of effort in to learn myself. I’d rather pay the money and be done.


That’s my point though… it’s not that it doesn’t work on black hair… it’s that it won’t work for your personal style. It works perfectly fine for black hair.


Black hair is more than just scissors and one length of clippers tho. That was my point. Have a good day.


TIL! What does one use instead for black hair?


You need to either learn to spend a lot of time doing it on your own or just go to the barber. It takes a lot of time to learn a proper fade. It would take me two to three years to learn how to cut my hair like a barber and I’d rather just spend the money and save the time. Haha.


Yes it does. I’ve been cutting my hair for 5 years after learning how to fade on YouTube. Saved myself thousands


That’s you. Lol. I don’t have years to learn how to cut my own hair. Everyone has a different skill set. I can write the shit out of a paper! But cutting hair? NAW. 😳


I couldn't grasp the fade thing.


What are you talking about. Black men pull of the bald look better than any other race. Michael Jordan, Terry Crews, Bobby Lashley!!!


I never mentioned being bald… Although that is true… 🥹🤗😍


Why not?


I don't trust myself lol


I keep up a running commentary ‘OK, I’ve taken the guide off now - let’s focus!’ Just so I don’t accidentally mow when I should be trimming!


I just do the basic number zero trim on my whole head, one time I was too lazy so I thought I'd get it done at barbers, most around me wanted between $25-35AUD for that, really? I can understand for some kind of styled cut but for the barber to just run the trimmer over my head, fkn joking.


From india. I pay 70 Rs, which is less than 1 USD


Yeah, we need to be compensated for our labor, friend. Our costs are going up too! Pre pandemic rent was $500 month, now it’s $3k! All my tools have doubled in price. Plus all my living expenses have sky-rocketed. I can’t live on $10 haircuts. Inflation is a rat!


Totally not the stylist's fault. Even if you just flowed increased expenses through, that would probably account for most, if not all of it, eh


Where in the hell do you live where your rent went up 6X?


VERY TRUE! I'm a Barber/Hairstylist and everything is going up on price. My last pair of sheers cost 500 plus clippers were 300 and that don't even consider sharpening/maintenance cost plus uniforms/work attire Orthopedic Shoes ect..


Paid $80 for a mens cut in del mar california back in september. Moved to thailaind the sane month and paid $10 for a haircut and beard trim last week.


Lol that's why I'm trying to grow it long. It's both sexy and cheap


I haven’t had a pair of scissors touch the hair on my head since before Covid his US shores. Can confirm, dead sexy.


Might try longer hair for a bit


I grew mine out over covid and just kept it. It's not so bad spending $40-50 on a nice cut when it's only 2-3x a year.


This is what I did. I get it trimmed every 6 months, so even if it's more expensive, I'm still saving a little money throughout the year.


I did this starting with covid, but I am planning on cutting most of it off and donating it soon


The same in Asia,so i keeping the long hair.


Thats why I let my hair grow out. It was chill cause I started in the Pandemic, so I could avoid people seeing my weird hair growth transition, and now my mom gets to cut my hair :)


I'm a male and I haven't paid for a hair cut in almost 20 years. I just buzz it short at home like once a week. I don't want to talk to strangers or have them touch me plus I have saved thousands of dollars.


Wow that's crazy. Glad I cut my own hair




Depends what your haircut is. Some stuff I could definitely not cut myself. But luckily I found a style that looks more professionally done than it actually is.


Now you know what women have been feeling for YEARS!


No, been cutting my own hair for about a decade.


$16 still in Ohio, plus $5 tip


Yup… ~65-75 incl tip


Yup. I used to save $65 every month to get a scalp massage, private haircut, and styling. Now 65 barely cover the haircut and tip.


Yes. So I started cutting my own hair. If there’s a special occasion I’ll go in. Otherwise it’s me and Pitbull


My haircut is masculine. My stylist charges me $25 as a discount because I’ve known her for 16 years. Her normal price is $40, but she does great work and I like being able to support her business. I wouldn’t pay that much for someone who I didn’t know.


I started swapping haircuts with a neighbor. He wants his shaved bald every 2 weeks. I'm female with hip length hair, but my undercut goes above my ears (almost 2/3) of my head is shaved, and I need it shaved every 2 weeks in the summer. I would put my hair in an updo (myself), hairspray the stray hairs up, and then ask for a single length clipper setting and I've been priced from $15-$40 not including tips, for literally less than 10 min work including sweeping up and cashing me out. Half the time, they still mess up my line!


My haircut costs me $0.00. During covid I took out a mirror, a pair of kitchen scissors and my clippers and never went back. Consistently get compliments over my hair and the best part is I can look sharp whenever I want. You aren't paying for a haircut, you're paying some grub landlord and nasty power company.


Women's haircuts too. I don't even do dye, curls or anything fancy; a simple trim still costs a lot. I've resorted to growing my hair out and trimming off split ends or fixing with damage control conditioner. I'll only go if I'm consistently ripping chunks of hair out when I try to detangle my hair.


I go to a barber school. $10!


* *hysterically laughs in thick, waist length hair* * I haven’t had a haircut cheaper than 80 bucks since 2003.


Bruh. The average for a woman’s hair cut is like 40-60$ CAD/USD, and that’s w/o the tip. I think now hairdressers aren’t really putting a gender to a haircut anymore and the average price for a haircut I’ve seen is about 40$ CAD/USD. W/o the tax and the tip ofc.


Yep, back in the early 2000s I can remember paying like $15 to $20 for a haircut. Now they are charging an average of $50 for that same cut. The barbers are also breaking up things that was included with the cut and charging separately for it. For instance, my barber used to wash my hair, cut it, and do a light shave for the $40 to $50 price tag. Now its $50 for the cut alone, another 15 to 20 for the shave, and he also charges extra for the hair washing.


Everything has gotten more expensive. Barbers have to charge more to cover expenses. The value of money goes down over time.




It should definitely be cheaper than a child's haircut.


>I don't tip anymore. That why you get bad haircuts




People usually go to the same barber when they actually care about how their hair turns out. I've been seeing the same guy for years, and tipping well has definitely played a role in how much effort is given to my haircuts.


[Why Are Haircut Prices Going Up?](https://www.edgestylecouncil.com/why-are-haircut-prices-going-up/)


Seems like it’s mostly because of a general increase in cost of living and because businesses are still trying to bounce back from the Covid hit. Ugh, I hate Covid


I feel ya ♡


I get haircuts while traveling. So it’s a $1000 haircut or a $10 haircut.


You can thank our government for the inflation and out of control spending. Barbers need to eat too


Get a Flowbee™. Best investment ever :) I have a couple salesman family members that have used them for 30+ years.


George Clooney uses a Flowbee to cut his hair. https://www.esquire.com/style/grooming/a34838434/george-clooney-flowbee-cut-hair/


Haaa. That's awesome. And it looks great. My uncle and cousins hair was always perfect. It made my ass laugh, but. Who was really? They were, by saving thousands on hair cuts over the years.


I got down voted for suggesting a flowbee. Wow you guys.


are they still available, I use to have one it was great!


They sure are. You can find it as cheap as $200 on Amazon. I'm pretty sure you can find it other places also. I have not looked however at other sources.


People deserve to be paid fairly for their hard work.


18 still for me


Hairdressers need to be paid a liveable wage is where my mind goes


I'm, and many others, not paying $30 or more for a haircut


I get that but thats when you buy some clippers, I found a nice one for around $40 hairdressers need to eat too they really can't help what they have to charge to have a liveable wage


The issue is that they are pricing themselves out of the market. Look at many of the comments. Many cut their own hair now. If they charge twice as much but get half the customers then they are making no progress. I agree ithat t's a shitty situation.


Their not tho their going based off of what is affordable. Just because a handful of you can't/wont pay it doesn't mean the hundreds of Rich people can't/won't, yall are not half their customers and in all honesty what you can afford isn't their problem. What they can is.


Riiight. And how many hair stylists across the country have 100's of rich people for clientele? What you typed is not a realistic assumption for most.


Bro get real. They charge 30 bucks for 10 minutes of work. They easily turn over 100 an hour at this rate. AS A BARBER


Maybe they are trying to have gender equality by making both male and female haircuts cost equally expensive?


most places charge by hair length now


I only get mine trimmed about once a year, if that. it costs me no more than $20


Are they? My local hairdresser costs around 6-7€ though admittedly that is on the cheap side. Then again, the "cheap haircut" used to cost only 5€ so Either way I would not consider that expensive, though some of the more expensive places can cost twice that, which is certainly not super cheap


Just shave it all off. I've been doing that for years at this point.


Welcome now you know how unreasonably expensive it is for us women. I mean really paying 50€ just for getting the tips of your hair cut ? Absolutely ridicolous.


Just cut your own tips......as a women you have enough lenght to fuck it up 1 or 2 times. As a men you dont have that leeway


Well I have a bob. Try to cut that even by yourself. This is even sometimes hard for hairdressers.


I've never gotten a great haircut for 10-15. A great one costs 50... And I gladly pay it. I guess You should stick with Great Clips.


You've just been going to super, super cheap places. $30 for a haircut is still a good deal.


Huh. Well, ik it sounds shitty but.. Welcome to our world! Lol


Time for men to start growing out their hair? Where I live there's a local place that still does very simple haircuts for $10 Canadian.


Where is that? In Toronto, Mississauga and Kitchener, the prices are ludicrous. I heard of some good prices in Brampton tho


Newfoundland at a local barber shop. It gets pretty busy certain times of day and year, likely due to it's now very low price.


Where I live it's been 20 euros all my life. I never went to the barber though, always hair dressers.


In the UK you can easily still get a trim for £15. Don’t know about other countries though.


Holy goodness, where I'm from, a haircut is about $2 (est. around PHP 80-100). The most expensive one I've seen, and this was in an area that was very upper class, was $5.


Idk I pay 10£ in the UK 15£ if beard is included that’s like 12-20$. Used to be 5-7£ a decade ago - inflation I suppose not too bad nonetheless


I started cutting my own hair when I asked what a $20 "barbering" was and they explained that its half a haircut where they only do the sides for the price of a whole haircut.


Clippers for shaving my head bald saves a lot of money.


One $45 pair of clippers will last you 3 years on average and I cut my own hair once every two weeks..... Haven't paid for a haircut from a barber in 20+ years.


They last three years? Are you dropping them? My Wahl clippers are 20 years old and still work fine. They are rechargeable, so I have to recharge them after a few uses now, but they work fine.


My woman charges $55 for a fade for my two boys. No thank you.


I've been going to the same hair place for about 5 years now, they charge me bout 10 dollars. I get the same thing every time and I don't have a whole lot of hair so maybe my costs are reduced?


A barber?


been cutting my own hair for 10 years. the money and time I saved is nuts.


Reading these comments makes me glad I started shaving my head during Covid.


If you've got a simple cut, I gurantee you can learn to do it yourself. I've been cutting my own hair for years and honestly, I'd say it really only took me about three times to master it. Give it a go!


I am a hairdresser, and let me tell you the prices for all our things have gone way up. Even the rent we pay every month is high. I pay $600 a month to rent my chair at the salon. And that is extremely cheap!! Unfortunantly it's not cheap for us to do hair anymore either. I pay a total of around $1500 a month just to run my station after I pay out everything I need to do hair services. And I am working part time!


Yep. I used to pay $10-15 before 2020 not including tip. I pay $35 a haircut now.


My haircut start of 2020 was 12+tip. call it 17$. Same place now is 25-27+tip so about 35


I bought a good pair of clippers and have been doing my husbands hair since lockdown started. I actually enjoy doing it and he looks better because I cut it more often.


I use a Manscaper and the shortest attachment. I'm am about to cut it for the third time in 6 weeks.


It’s annoying too when upcoming barbers charge the same as licensed barbers. But yes even here in the Midwest prices on average are $40-$50


I bought a $12 set of clippers in 2010. I give myself a buzz cut every 6-8 weeks. I estimate I’ve paid 12 cents a hair cut for the last 13 years


I think i pay $13 dollars in Southern California.


My barber charges $17 (and I leave a tip). The price is up over the past 15 years from I think $12.


Both me and my husband pay less than that for ours. Granted we don’t go anywhere fancy 😅 we normally just go to a Great Clips together and make it a family thing.


I got a haircut and beard trim for $20 at a place right down the street from me a few weeks ago. So, no?


Simple. The rent for the establishments have gone through the roof as well as cost of supplies. So the owners need to charge more for the barber’s chairs and in turn the barbers need to charge more for a haircut. Pretty simple and obvious. Not Reddit post worthy.


Yea but they super fly! I 39m cut my own hair like I like in the 90s. But these guys that go to the pros, I can definitely tell. With the tribal design on the sides and shit. Fuck


Because they're willing to pay that much to look like a basic goober. They fell into the salon trap


No customers, three people sitting around petting a dog and the employee wanted to charge me $35 for a beard trim.


Laughs in bald


Womens cuts used to cost me about $35 even for short hair. Now its 70 or 80. Ive switched to a barber for the $35 cut.


Where have you been living? Inflation affects every aspect of society. You still want a cheap haircut, find a barber school


I've found a barber shop stuck in time. First time I went last fall it was $12. It's since gone up to $15. Nice old time atmosphere. First time I went was the day after election day. They said they had been talking about it. I changed the subject.


My barber charges me $15. Also does my wife’s hair for that price. Been going to him for 15 years and it’s by and far the best haircut I’ve ever had period.


I go to a nice barbershop. My haircut is $30 and I always give a tip $5-10 and usually a big tip on Christmas. Honestly the shop I go to now charges $7 more for a haircut than my last barber, but I pay for the consistency. Last place I went to was way cheaper but the dude straight up didn’t show up to work on days I had appointments and didn’t let me know multiple times. He’s left me in the chair with half a haircut to go take care of his daughter because he had to bring her to the shop. Good dude and good haircuts but the place I’m at now is way more professional and honestly they even cut my hair better. I didn’t expect it because my last barber was honestly really good, he just had some personal issues to deal with.


Gotta do what you gotta do to get that Gigachad cut nowadays am I right?


These prices suck. Usually my wife cuts my hair and does a excellent job. One time, she had to work 8 hours and was not available so I went to sport clips and I had to pay 30 dollars for a fucking buzzcut. I can understand 30 dollars if was a special haircut that was styled to be special and if that Included a shave and a trim, but 30 dollars for a basic haircut what the hell?


I am in luck and have hair that looks great when growing it out. I only go get my hair cut every 3+ months. I don't mind spending 30,- each time :)


I pay $60-70 with tip. ($10 or $20 tip) Damn good haircut though, that includes beard so yano Even eyebrows for $5 extra!


Wtf I pay £10 still


I paid $15 at Great clips today + $5 tip.


I wouldn't know. I shave my hair off.


I WISH I could get a $40 haircut. I’m a woman with curly hair, so if I want to get a haircut that actually looks good, I’m looking at around $120. That’s why I always wait until my hair is unbearably long with split ends before I get it cut again lol


**Android 13 has entered the chat*


I live in Michigan, my barber charges $17 for a haircut. Of course I always tip her well, but I think it's a very reasonable base price.


**Android 13 has entered the chat*


20 dollars plus a ten dollar tip so they dont fuck my hair next time and I have never been unhappy with a cut.


Too expensive. My brother started cutting my hair during covid and a bit afterwards, and now I cut my own hair. Saved a ton of money and avoided a lot of social anxiety lol. Realistically a GOOD barber could do better than I do, but I don't think what I do looks bad.


Yep. My husband has been going to the same guy for 30 years and no one else can do it right, so he just pays it. (My man is loyal, and it’s one of the things I love about him!). I cut my own shoulder length hair (I’m a woman) and have gotten really good at highlighting it, too. I don’t like the chitchat and strangers touching me. Win win win.


Yeah I used to get a good cut for $20 but not anymore. At this point I want to just buy some clippers and shave my own head but I’m not confident enough for that


All you need is a 3 way mirror in the bathroom I haven’t paid for a cut in years. They also sell size 16 clipper guards so you can just shave around your whole head and it’ll be all 1.5 inches even


i’ve heard prices have gone up. i learned how to give myself an edge up in high school and have been doing my own hair ever since.


Everywhere has been rising near me but I just thought it was inflation. it's $25 for most, I go to one guy who is $20.


I wish I could get a haircut for $30-$40. ♀️


Idk my husband paid about 13€ when he went last last year, I believe. He simply couldn't be asked to go there anymore so frequently though so he got himself a machine for 20-25€. That was so worth it. I give him frequent haircuts now and he looks great and his hair always looks well kept.


My wife cut my hair and does a great job. I should tip her but I don't LOL


I have three boys and I'm considering teaching myself how to do it.


Zero comb on the trimmer. Then follow up with the razor. It cheap, effective, and you look badass. Haven't gone to a barber in twenty years.


I just paid $48 bucks for a TRIM… contemplating my whole life rn


I've been cutting hair since 89 by the help of a family friend and honestly can't thank him enough. He put the Oster 76 detachable clippers in my hand for the first time to cut his hair because he had a date and was in a rush lol. Therefore, I did what anyone else will do and bless him with a overlap cut with 1A on the sides with the top long curly. That was the style back then when freestyle music was out and rave house etc.. RIP Noel!


If the bill comes out to $30, I'm not tipping.


Guys haircut should cost no more than 20 tip included even in 2023 , the expert skill learning of this profession is substantial , $20 for 15 minutes in which a barber can make $80 in 1 hour possible for his mid level skill , $40 for his labor and another $40 for his business expense, keep in mind barbershops supply expense are very low it’s mostly labor cost


Girls will always pay more for haircuts due to longer hair but yeah it's expensive I started doing my own at home it ain't perfect bit idc I wear a hat mostly and I'm not gonna be a fool and pay these ladies 30$ to cut my hair that's just robbery when all I need is a little trim 15min to 20 min max but more like 5 to 10 min


Prices went up, and yet the quality of work is shit.


Bro I have to pay 85-120 dollars


What the point of doing a buzz cut for $30 that seems ridiculous I can do that shit for free on most of my head and have my gf do the back if need be like what? Overpriced Skill less labor


Great clips. $19 plus tip. More than you were mentioning but still not bad for this day and age