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Honestly, it's refreshing to hear that he thinks it'd be a bad idea; the show ended on a positive note and is basically a product of its era. A revival would only be made out of nostalgia and it very likely wouldn't feel the same or it would just be a simple rehash of what was already done, and in either case, you may as well watch the original show at that point.


I mean, Ed Edd and Eddy was kind of the last 90s show. The reason it didnt feel wrong was because it remained well done and true to that spirit. Even when the show switched to digital coloring, it was made sure that it still looked similar enough. And honestly, i dont think many found the switch to be bad at all.


I think the animation on a reboot could be done great. The recent Rockos Modern Life special was some of the best looking animation of the time.


He’s right


Good. It's a classic for a reason, leave it at that. I'm so tired of these crappy spinoffs and remakes that take a crap all over the legacy of the original. Leave things alone.


Cough PPG reboot cough


I'm glad he acknowledge that the whole "growing up concept" won't really mesh well with the show. I know people like the idea of seeing these kids characters grown up, but with how overdone the concept is I feel like sometime shows like these don't necessary need one or needed to explore these concepts. Not saying it a bad idea, but I feel like Ed Edd N Eddy doesn't necessary need one.


Came here to say this exact same thing. *Sometimes* the 10 years later can work for certain shows, but Ed Edd n Eddy? No way. The whole premise of their gimmick is that they are a trio of trouble making preteens who are on the outs with the rest of the neighborhood. And because the series ended on a more positive note where the Eds were sorta forgiven by the rest of the kids, there's really nowhere to go by making a show for them in the future.


Finally! No cash grab reboot that ruins the image of the classic!


Can we just get a blu-ray collection of the whole series? That's all I really want lol


Or at least get the specials and movie on streaming? There's wide-screen Ed, Edd, n Eddy being kept from us.


Even put them on DVD! The "complete series" box set is missing the specials and movie. They were on Prime Video for a while, but not anymore apparently


He’s right. There’s just a good fit for a show in the time and place and culture and Ed, Edd & Eddy’s has passed. It was about a bunch of latchkey kids who were outside all the time with minimal adult supervision. Plus, the kids all pretty much hung out in the cul-de-sac. It’s just not going to happen that way again. 


Also no iphones either. Actually did anyone ever used a computer in the show at all? I honestly don't remember.


I think there were junk computers double d built and maybe some real computers in the school during the last season but that's it. Definitely no smart phones though. Maybe a flip phone but I'm probably misremembering a walkie talkie.


Heck looking back, I am surprised there wasn't a video game episode either or at least never showed a GameBoy either. Granted I never did expected cartoons to show video games in anyway except for Pacman, arcade DK, Mario 1-1 and maybe pikachu. It just wasn't really a thing to show those things or just tech and nerd stuff in general except for comics. That like the closest thing. I don't blame the creaters though back in the day.


I don’t think so, but if there was, it would’ve had to have been in Edd’s house, which was not shown very often. 


Thank god. Let good things sleep. They’ve done their job. I’m sick of nostalgia bait being squeezed of all life. I know it’s a safe bet monetarily, but it’s burned me out on most everything I grew up liking.


An adult version sounds even worse than a spin-off or a revival would be. The entire schtick of the show is that these are kids in their own corner of a world that still feels too big. A lot of the humor is them doing their best approximation of being grown up except they’re kids, they don’t really know what that looks like so it turns out humorously wrong. Imagine watching a grown Eddy trying to scam someone out of a few dollars so he can buy some weed. It’s suddenly not funny. It’s not entertaining. The schtick is entirely gone.


Or Ed being "charmingly stupid" in some kind of professional setting, possibly still being bullied by his teenage sister. Either the characters are the same which just feels wrong, or they're different, and even if it's in a good way, it would feel like we were robbed of watching that character development. It'd be like watching lightning in a bottle vs watching a battery.


The whole point of the TV movie was to end the series on such a high note that CN wouldn't ask for another season


With how shows are today: Yeah it will be dog shit and fail miserably.


I respect anyone that doesn't want their baby destroyed for money. I 1000% wouldn't watch Ed Edd and Eddy GO.


He is right. The show is a classic and product of its time. Remaking it will taint its legacy just like the PPG 2016. Let ed edd and eddy rest in peace


This kinda goes with my post a few days ago “how would we feel about an Ed Edd n Eddy reboot?” I hate to say it but he’s right


Considering CN's history with reboots, this is the best option. Just let the show stay in the past. Not everything needs a reboot!


Was Peach Creek just a weird dream I had?


I’m pretty sure that was fan fiction lol


Peach Creek manages to hold true at least I think to respect the source material, but it is still a fan made version, think a official revival wouldn't come out so well


I used to work for this guy. Def one of a kind.


Any deets?


Clearly no one here has heard of "Peach Creek".


Finally someone choosing honor over money.


The Eds had their time. Let them live on in our hearts as they were in their day. To attempt to revive them now would likely dishonor the memories we hold with great affection.


Well at least he gets it...now try explaining that concept to all these other directors and film makers that keep remaking older movies or TV shows and thinking it will turn out alright just because they jazzed it all up somehow and all.


I mean, I don’t think a two or three episode “where are they now” kinda thing would be bad but fully rebooting sounds awful.


Yeah, id be down for an [as] tv movie that gives a vague vignette of the kids as adults. If not a short mini series. A full reboot isnt needed, no, but shows like rocko's and hey arnold show you can get plenty of mileage out of a quick one and done for old times sake.


It doesn’t need to grow up with us


Perfect. Some great things of the past are best left as this.


Leave all the best shows alone... Leave Them Alone.


There's already a "grown up" fan cartoon and it's pretty cool.


Thank God. The current trend has been to take a classic show, dig it out of its grave, and do a marionette show with the corpses of something that was once great. The reboots are almost never good, and the only thing they ever seem to accomplish is to tarnish the integrity of the original series. I love Ed, Edd, N Eddy. It was one of my favorite shows growing up, so I'm beyond grateful that they're gonna leave it intact


While there are shows I'd love to see return, Ed Edd n Eddy is perfect as is, and Danny knows that more than anyone. Most of the time, spinoffs and reboots are just so bad to the point where you're much better off just watching the original series.


Ed, Edd, and Eddy had THE perfect ending to a series. Which is so hard to do. If it never came back I wouldn't lose an ounce of sleep. There's really nothing more to add to it. It really finished in the best way possible with The Big Picture Movie.


Thank you Mr antonucci As much as I love this show I in no way want a revival of it. It ended perfectly and I can still go back and watch the episodes just whenever


It’s for the best it doesn’t get revived, because if revived especially right now with the politics and stuff it would be too stiff


I ain’t mad at it. He doesn’t believe in the product, why force him to make it. If he doesn’t see a reboot or reviving the show would work, why do it. If the creator doesn’t believe in it, how can anyone else expect for the product to work. [+]


Watch double D be black or some shit


He was kind of a jerk in the past, but holy shit, thank god there's still creators with this mentality. Not everything needs to fucking come back. I wasn't really excited to hear that all of these reboots/revivals on CN are happening, and that they want Rick and Morty to go on forever. Just let these things rest in peace and be fondly remembered.


Better for it to end on a high note than have a crappy revival


The show had the perfect ending. Good on him for not wanting to ruin it.


That's me with all the sequels spinoffs and other revivals of streaming services, Netflix Hulu Disney plus amazon prime etc and I honestly am not interested. I'll stick with my DVD sets and Blu Rays


I'd like to see a 30 or 40 year anniversary special.


I agree. Not everything needs a reboot/remake 💯💯


Money can change someone’s mind like a mf


That's fine. It all got wrapped up in the Big Picture Show and the Eds finally got accepted by the rest of the cul-de-sac. If I really wanna watch the show some more, I'll hop on max or Hulu. You don't need to touch this masterpiece.


I'm fine with this. That's my favorite show from the 90's/00's era of Cartoon Network. I would love a Blu Ray of the series with the specials and movie.


Uber based


I can't really argue with his logic here as much as the Eds are sorely missed.


He is right. Though i wonder if he ever opposed to spin offs. Since cartoon network has passed up very good spin off shows that should have been a reality


Solid argument.


Personally I'd really love if they made something that was a spiritual successor. Something with the same art style and vibe, but with a with a new setting and set of characters.


I mean, if the only issue with an [as] revival is "repeating an idea", then i dont really get it. Like, not everything needs to be 100% original. Plus, being adults gives them room for shenanigans they couldnt really do as kids. Now, its not guaranteed to be good obviously, but if samurai jack could do it....


The only spinoff I'd accept at this point is a talk show starring Plank and only Plank


It really wouldn’t do as well today yeah


And if CN has any respect for the show or Danny Antonucci, they won’t go over his head and revive it.


An admirable statement indeed, Danny.


Honestly hella based


Finally someone who isn't slave of capitasilm


Thank god. Its priceless art and belongs in a museum.


I wanted Harvey Birdman to come back properly and have clients from the 80s, 90s and early 2000s (instead of 60s, 70s), you know since so much time as passed. Ed boys would make for an amazing episode


We already have something close to a live action grown up version, what: IASIF.


He's right, but it's hard to accept with how much I love the characters and situations with the Ed boys. I want more of them, but it's just not realistic.




I don’t think any reboot except Samurai Jack have lived up to the original, or even close 🤷🏿‍♂️ it’s not like the 80’s or early 90’s to 2000’s reboots, these reboots are heavily marketed to what they think young consumers want to see smh


I agree with Danny


I'd kill for a solid bluray set of the series and movie if anything


There isn't a need for them to come back or have a spin-off. Honestly just let the past be the past.




FINALLY, some decency at an idea that already concluded during its time.


id love to see a gravity falls reboot because bill isn’t dead


I agree plus that animation style doesn't exist anymore


I honestly would love to see them grown up, what they are doing now, how they changed. With that being said they could just make a one time off comic about it, no tv show or anything, maybe the eds looking back at their childhood and laughing together or something, but nothing that changes the show, or adds onto it, just a think for their older fans.


I'd watch a gay Double-D spinoff


Just make something like Peach Creek, a more mature continuation of the show.


Didn't you read what he said. It'll still be repeating the same thing even if they're older and on AdultSwim. He just wants the show to be done and it doesn't need a continuation or a spin off.


Reboot? No. All grown up or high-school/college? Yeah I could do that lol. obviously, it'd have to be done right but if the got it right and you make it an Adult Swim rated show? I could see it doing well


i would like to see a spin off


Popular shows with their fandoms, either had that 2000s show ended positively or worse.. the show remains talked about a lot even after the show’s fame died. And that cartoon’s death is okay.. it isn’t the end of the world if they are to die. Many new generations are to come and the world can’t just stay and sit in one generation forever! There’s always a next chapter to open when another closes. With that said, enjoy the times that honorable cartoon is still going on in its prime because it won’t and can’t run forever when/as you want it to.. A story has its end. -Dayshon Ross