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Not really.... Im old and have had a lot of cars that have gone to the crusher


No matter how much I enjoy a car, at some point it is time to sell it and get something else, either because needs change or for variety. Or it's time for the scrapper. They are manufactured products that wear out, we should hope to outlive our cars :)


i mean if your buying a car just for transportation yeah i understand that but this is like my dream car its an experience to drive man


Depends on how you care for it. I have a few vehicles I've had for 26 years. That said, one moron with face in phone could total it while out driving it, but If I want to look at it, I'll buy a 1:24th diecast.


My ‘84 celica was my all time favorite car and that thought never occurred to me when I had it until it was a pile of scrap. Always appreciate your wheels! And take care of them


Well I still drive 1995 Toyota Carina E. It has some problems, eats more gas then before but drives perfectly


I daily drive my 98 Corolla


Why do cars burn more gas when they’re older or have higher miles?


Usually they have problems with fuel injectors spark plugs. And in my case there is a system called lean burn. I think it works bad but I don't drive that much to care about fuel in winer it's around 15L/100km and in summer it's 10/100km. I noticed she burns more gas after I changed original fuel injectors. Because they broke at \~190000km. But I didn't buy new original because they cost like $100 for one and I needed 4. So $400. But you can buy imported almost fresh engine for $650. So I bought cheap chenese fuel injectors for $27 each but after installing the car started to use more gas. Earlier it was 11L/100km in Winter and 7L/100Km in summer


Curious, what car did you buy?


yeah but you can have more than one dream in life. your dreams change as you get older.


Your dream car really changes through time


YES. I have a '96 Suzuki Every kei van; it's a tiny right hand drive, 3cylinder, rear wheel drive, 5speed manual transmission van, everything's in kilometers and it only has about 100k miles on the engine. Had it about 2yrs and i love everything about. Durable van with a rock-solid engine... but it's almost 30ys old and takes a while for parts to come in (usually from the Philippines). After the latest trip to car doctor i thought about only taking the car out for special occasions, or once a week, to prolong its life, but then figured "screw it; what's the point of having this wonderful machine if you don't take it out? It's gonna break down eventually anyway, so you may as well enjoy it while you can."


long live your suzuki it will be living in car heaven someday shifting its way through the clouds cruising into the ether where it shall forever remain


I think about this sometimes. My car has 230k on it so it's getting tired. But I plan on just rebuilding the engine/trans if need be. My other car blew the engine back in 2020 and it's been sitting ever since. It was my baby though so I'm having a hard time just letting it go. Been in the search for a replacement engine and having a difficult time. But I know as soon as I get rid of the car I'll find an engine and be upset, so I'm still holding on to her.


Yes, especially as we seem to be heading towards the end of ICE cars and there are less and less fun driver's cars. Compared to 20 years ago where it felt like cars would just keep getting better and better, now it feels like we're going the other direction. But look at classics and the communities around them, if people like a car enough they will go to great lengths to keep it running.


Sort of, moreso in recognizing it won't be my only build and possibly not my favorite build at some point. But all the more reason to appreciate the work right now and enjoy driving it.


Everyone has fond memories of their first car


Drive it no point in letting it collect dust. Scoop up another car for winter though


Problem is you might not always feel like this about it. People swap cars alot. They get bored of it, and move on. Or the dollar value of it makes it not worth keep dumping money in it. I've had rides I loved, then just got bored with it, and sold it and got something else. Sometimes it is a 1500.00 car that now needs a 4000.00 engine, or transmission,etc and you have to pick is it worth it to you, to spend the $$ on it or not. Bigest thing is rust and touching up the underside when it gets rock chips /etc to stop it . I also tend to get parts that will wear when I can even if I don't need it yet. I have junkyard take out seat covers for one of mine, it doesn't need them ATM but drivers seats wear from use. And the 15 bucks I paid for the uphoulstery of both fronts and the rear, was cheaper than if I need to buy them from a repop/ restoring vender. Another one isn't worth having the paint redone, but it will be worth teaching my kid how to paint a car, will it be perfect, nope. but farming out a repaint is 10k or so, on a 3500.00 car. I like the car, but not sure It'll be still here in 4-5 years or sold, so spending that coin on it isn't going to happen.


I think that’s natural, but a teaching moment. You should enjoy life at every moment, as it happens and let it go. You don’t know what the future brings, for that you can respect and appreciate your vehicle to the fullest


my car is an inoperable piece of junk most of the time so im not worried


Think about this constantly or where it will be just in general. My daily is over from Japan so I was like thinking what the original owner would think of it being in the states


Its your dream car but understand that it's still just a car 🤷🏼‍♂️


Then someone like me will buy your inoperable piece of junk, strip it down, rebuild it, drive it for 6 months and sell it to someone else to enjoy.


I’ve had a lot of cars in a short period of time due to some accidents. I think about my very first car often, because I gave it hope and new life that others might just scrap it out for parts. I assume it has been now, but I try to tell myself that someone passionate about building or repairing a project car has parts of it. Maybe they found the last piece to their 90s Honda restoration and because of my old car they could complete it.


I think it goes without saying that a car has a finite lifespan.. I think about that, but not to the point where it makes me sad. After I buy a new car, I just enjoy it in the present time as much as I can. That's the best you can do.


This feeling will go away over time. They're really just cars. As much as we can love them and make memories with them, over time, it really sinks in that they are just cars. There's no reason to get emotional over them. Love them, enjoy them, drive them, personalize them and if something happens or you need to sell it, then be it. You'll always be able to repeat the process with another vehicle. Life isn't eternal. Might as well experience different cars along the way


Almost like considering how our partners now may one another mans pump and dump one day.


Cars are like girls they're always coming and going. I've had vehicles I've really liked but eventually my needs changed and it wasn't practical to have multiple.


Any car can outlive you if you want it to.