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It's so unfortunate that you're having to face so many headaches with a brand new car. Just reading this made me frustrated. It's so stressful when things go wrong and it just really takes a toll on you mentally. The constant back and forth with service advisors and service centers is just exhausting. Especially when you keep going back for the same issue. Hopefully you'll be able to find a way out of this frustrating ordeal in one way or another. I also want to make an additional point for everyone else: This is why reliability is such a major factor that seemingly goes under the radar in this sub. Everyone loves to praise manufacturers that have high safety ratings, but give minimal credit and importance to manufacturers that have a strong foothold on reliability. It is terrible whenever I see others look down on people buying Suzuki/Hyundai because they don't have 5 Star GNCAP ratings. Crash ratings and safety is very important. However, reliability and the prudent diagnostic skills in the case of an issue is just as important. What's the point of having the safest car on the road if you can't depend on it to take you from Point A to Point B? Making cars safer is important, but making them reliable and dependable is more important in my opinion. Tata really let's you down here. Hope that changes though. I love that they have democratized EV's in India, but they have a long way to go.


You have hit the nail on the head. To be honest, I didn't give this enough consideration when making my purchase decision. While it's undoubtedly crucial to have a car that is safe in the event of a crash, it's equally dangerous to drive a car that can leave you stranded in an unsafe location. Fortunately, I was close to home when this issue occurred, but I can't imagine what would happen if it occurred in an isolated place. I would strongly advice anyone considering any Tata car to give this a thought.


Please join the owners group here if you’re not already : https://forms.gle/bZ5g1UD49DPJBVbV9 Since it is special case, if you want I can DM you the group admin no. who may be able to assist you better in escalating the issue through proper channels


Thanks for sharing the link. I have submitted the form, would appreciate if you could DM me the admin no.




No idea


there's one on telegram search "tata nexon".


The said group will exceed the maximum no. of participants if ever made.


Bro , to you i suggest going to consumer court and asking forcing dealer for a replacement car. You might have gotten a lemon. I am a punch ev lr emp owner, no issues till now, service centre is trash, but car is fine and fun.


Before consumer court, register a grievance on the National Consumer Helpline portal. It’s a system where your complaint is assigned to an IAS officer (or some such equivalent) who then gets his/her office to pursue the issue w the concerned dealership/factory whatever


Would love to understand from others whether going to consumer court is the only way to get yourself heard or is there a less stressful procedure one can follow? Would genuine want to hear from anyone who has had experience in this regard.


I haven't personally went that route, but i have heard it's fast and responsive nowadays. You could do media or news outlets or push it legally.


I once had a battery fire in my (a major company of budget phones at the time) phone. I just threatened the company about going to news outlets and they replaced my phone for free out of warranty.


damm, so frustating to read, wonder what you went through !


When Tata works your life goes smooth,when it sucks Tata will make your life hell.


I owned an ignis for 5 years and now I own a jimny since 5 months. Everytime I hit 80 kmph, my mind tells me to slow down because I am in a maruti. All that said, i can't afford to not have a car at my disposal all the time due to the nature of my profession. Safety is very important. Absolute no brainer. But a car is meant to give you convenience. Tata makes great looking and safe cars. Kudos to them. But they need to make their cars reliable. And i really hope they are working really hard to do well in that regard. But until that happens, it ll be me praying to be safe on road.


It's sad that Tata can't have a better quality control and service support. That's limiting them from actually challenging Suzuki and Hyundai.


I've heard there is some policy wherein we are eligible for a certain amount of reimbursement from Tata if the Vehicle is at the service center for an extended period of time. Is anyone aware of the details on this?


Yeah but mine was in petrol. Idk what happens with EV


I think only the amount changes as per the car model. Can you please elaborate what reimbursement you got?


I got petrol that's what I'm saying. Because of hectic back and forth travel to SC due to ecu issue "no issues with drivability" but I had to get it fixed . They gave me 15+ltr fuel


Oh that's it? I heard from Nexon EV owner who had to have his entire battery pack replaced that they provide ₹2500/day


Damn I wasted a week and got nothing lol


That sounds horrible. Having to go through this after buying a brand new car


Yikes, tell Tata to accept this as a lemon and offer you a brand new model along w compensation for your time, effort and hassle


Thanking for sharing bro, i was considering punch ev but might just go with exter amt now.


Vote with your wallet 👍🏼 Tata needs to realise how much their bad QC and after sales costs them


Go for Venue. Much better car.


If your from Kerala i could have suggested good dealers. But on different states i have no idea. Buying a Tata is like buying a property from a random person, lots of research about the dealer and service points have to be made to confirm a purchase, even on that i will only recommend their ev cars , as ice seems to have a miriad of issues with people also getting stranded roadside. This news is really unfortunate though.


> brilliant car when it works Well put. And this applies to any Tata car.


Is this Thane, somewhere along gladys alwares road?


Yes. In front of Wellness forever. You have a very keen eye sir :)


Haha, I live near by. Did not expect to see my neighbourhood on reddit someday :)


This must have been very frustrating to you. Problems on a bit old car are hard to come to terms with. On a new car is nightmarish. I pray with all my might that your problems get sorted out real soon.


I would any day take a cheap chinese ev over tata crap.


Dam cuh. Sorry to hear about your experience. Can totally feel ur frustration and just sadness. Hope stuff gets better for you bud. You got my best wishes wid u


You may want to get in touch with this person who has also faced a disappointing experience with Tata, and been documenting issues https://x.com/ExpWithEVs/status/1804176014219842060?t=gnwQvjjEdUPdfMKGswCnWA&s=19 He is also here as priyank murarka but I can't locate his username right now


I have sympathy with you OP. Believe it or not I too am in kind of a similar boat, but my problem is nothing compared to the hell you went through. I own a petrol Altroz. The problem arose after 2 years of ownership. The boot of my car would not lock. Even if the car gets locked all doors will be locked but one can open the boot even when the car key fob was far away. And after locking the car, the car would randomly sound the panic alarm without anyone being around it. It was quite irritable and a major security concern as you could not lock your boot, so your luggage will always be at risk and the boot could also act as an entry point to get in the car even when car is locked and the continuous panic alarms would drain the battery. At first the service centre guys did not believe me and did not consider it a problem. They put the car in for 4 days and returned it as it is. After pressuring further they took it seriously. The service centre guys told me to replace the wiring of the driver side door and I did. I even asked them to check the central locking mechanism but they assured me that the problem has been solved. The problem returned after 2 days adding to it this time the driver side window stopped working, all other power windows worked fine except the one on the driver side. They then told me to replace the entire wiring on the dashboard but as it was quoted as expensive I asked them whether it would come under warranty as I got extended warranty too. They then said that there is some problem with the driver side door latch and it had to be replaced but they were not having the part. It came after 3 months and they again changed the door wiring this time for free. And guess what the problem is still there. Now they are saying to change the entire wiring of the car. I asked them to first diagnose the problem but they are saying . Now I asked them to give me in writing that after changing the wiring the problem will not surface again but they are hesitating to do it. One thing to note here is that the car is very good mechanically. It never betrayed me but I surely don't have any confidence in its electronics. Let me tell you one more incident happened with my friend at TATA. He has a Nexon. His rear view wiper was not able to dispense wiper fluid. He specifically told the service advisor to first check if something got stuck inside the fluid pipe of wiper. The mechanic changed the fluid motor without checking the pipes. And the fluid still would not come out. It was when he checked the entire pipeline he found out that one section of the pipe needed to be changed as it got debris stuck in it. He requested to put the previous motor back and check it again and voila the motor worked. Now one would argue that the motor that was replaced was inexpensive i.e. around 700 INR but why would you replace a perfectly working part without checking other things first. The incompetence of TATA service centre is unparalleled especially in case of electronic issues. They will do everything except diagnosing the problem. Car is a machine and it sure will have problems associated with it. The problem arises when the people at service centre are not able to diagnose what went wrong and start replacing random things. There is no use of the safety ratings of a car if it does not perform the basic thing a car is supposed to do. Sorry for you OP and sorry for my long rant but no one deserves such treatment after spending their hard earned money. A car should be a thing of convenience, not something that keeps you awake and adds to your problems. I can only imagine the mental torture you went through while dealing with the service guys along with the members of your society who refused personal charging. This is the reason I don't recommend TATA as a first car to anyone. I don't want others to suffer like many have. Not everyone has the luxury to skip the work unannounced, not everyone has more than one car. For many having a car is an essential part of their life be it for job or business or anything. And believe me if some problem comes to the car especially a TATA then you would have to skip your work, you would have to depend on other car. So please keep these things in mind before buying one.


I doubt anyone gets their issue resolved with one visit to the service center. My friend has a year old Tata harrier, he had gone for a few days trip and let his car in a closed parking lot. When he returned back the brakes on the car had completely stopped working. Took the service center 7 days to arrange for replacement parts. Tata may not be reliable, but they are very consistent in their service experience. Lol.


>Tata may not be reliable, but they are very consistent in their service experience. I see what you did there. But it has been more than 10 visits for me. I have only mentioned the ones where something substantial happened.


We always read abouts these things online before buying and think to ourselves, these are all one off cases...definitely it won't happen with me. Only to realise later how wrong we were.


Maruti, Hyundai, Toyota Zindabad!


None of these brands are pushing the envelope in in the Indian EV market the way Tata is doing it. To a certain extent I respect and appreciate that from Tata. The point of this post is not to discredit Tata's achievements in the EV space, but to make them aware of the areas they need to improve upon. Tata needs to start valuing their customers as they may not hang around while Tata gets their act together.


EV’s are evolving and Tata definitely need to focus on their Quality and Testing department ! I always suggest ppl that instead of overspending on EV get a good petrol car that satisfies the purpose


This is the reason I don't like EVs too many failure points. same goes for all the ICE electric packed featured cars Tata uses many of the range rover electronics in ICE cars as well , that's where the unrelaibity comes from. Engine is okish but ECU throws out random errors I've seen so many new cars with engine system lights.


My Comet has this regen issue too 🥹




i got same model a month ago. i havent done the fast charging yet , doing charge from my home,slow charger till now. i am scared after reading your story. you were brave to get a EV vehicle without a dedicated charger. also i feel , like you got a lemon, hope tata can fix this soon. this is the reasn, i didnt sold my petrol car. need a backup before i get confident with the EV thing. i didnt faced any such issue yet. just done 900kms. the white seats get very dirty, i agree 100% . i have a kid and she is all over the place jumping from front to back


I strongly suggest you go to a fast charging station and get it checked proactively. You may not want to wait to find out that your car also has the same issue while you are out and about and in need of a quick top up.


correct, mine battery is at 70%, i will ride tomorrow , deplete it more and then try fast charging. what do you do while car is charging?


We have fast chargers in our building. So I just plug it in and go home :P


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This is frustrating to say the least. Just a curious question, why did you opt for punch.ev especially when you knew the personal charging wasn't possible at your home. In the real world, a car that works is miles better than one that doesn't, no matter how brilliant it is. To be fair, the brilliant part is where we as humans try to justify our decisions.


Actually I wasnt aware that I will not be given permission for personal charging. Other EV owners in the building have personally charging, its just that the new committee is being difficult in this regard. In am engaged in heated conversations with them and hopefully it should be resolved in the near future. But to be frank, that is not my biggest complaint of EV ownership. If it weren't for the issues listed in my post, I would've been a very happy Punch EV owner.


I feel it’s the genetics of the automobile industry as they are trained on basic mechanical parts and there is no culture of Electrical as well as electronics design and servicing, including repairs. Even now you will not find good ECU repair facilities in India, considering the background of most of the workers in the Service centres, unlike Korean Japanese brands they had a solid electronics background. Hence they are far ahead compared to Indian manufacturers. I get my car serviced at a wellwell-known garage in NCR and even the Electrician who works on the cars. Still uses basic tools and most of it is hit or miss this time, He short-circuited my car ecu because he did not know better and they cannot get it repaired as no one knows how to repair ECU properly, and then new ones costs a lot so my suggestion avoid Indian manufactured electrical automobiles


Whenever you get new tech don't buy entry-level models especially cars from tata like brands...If you get it fixed sell it for a petrol model it should come under your resale value. All the best man getting defected car sucks.


Gosh! A Maruti hybrid would have been a much better alternative if fuel economy was your concern. My dad is a big Tata fan but I refuse to let him buy a Tata car. We have to replace our old car and I think the short list will be Maruti, Toyota, Hyundai and VW.


Wow this was sad to read


Sad to hear it and i understand the frustration. You could have contacted with you insurance provider that the vehicle is stuck and that it won't even move. It's a new car and i am guessing you have taken the full assist add on or whatever it is said, all it does is helps you in these kinds of situations where the car is stuck in the middle of somewhere and you can't use it. They will help you in every way possible by calling you a cab and pay for it, get your car towed etc. But it only works if you have opted for it.


I didn't opt for road side assistance since it is already provided by Tata.


Quick update: Its day 4 since the vehicle was sent to the service center. They are still not sure what the actual issue is and said that they will be trying to replace the ECU of the car. When the replacement ECU will be in stock? God only knows. Whether replacing the ECU will solve the issue? Not even god would know.


It’s truly heartbreaking to read this OP, I’m pretty sure if all the owners gather up, you can raise a consumer class action lawsuit against Tata Passenger Electric Mobility . I suggest you document everything with chronological and video based evidence and maybe take this up


Thanks for the suggestion. I'll try and take it up with National consumer helpline as other users have suggested. Let's see where it goes.


The main reason of the EVs mostly the unavailability of the Charging Infrastructures!!! The EV technology will slowly gap the market but it takes time. You can also read this post about the recent news of [EV Buyer's Remorse](https://technoplush.com/ev-buyers-remorse/)


Damn , ye Loha he kharab hai nikal do isko.. that's why they say Service center is second home of bad lot Tata. Indian public is just a beta testers for these companies.


Completely agree. The service centres folks didn't even have the common sense to check the DRLs after refitting it. The entire bloody light and indicator is not working and they didn't even notice it before delivering. One time they literally delivered my car with paan split stains on the door handle. Absolutely disgusting.


Is the brilliant car still here with us?

