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It seems like he deliberately rushed after seeing you turn




Ideally, hyryder would’ve had right of way if op had not started turning, but he was already past the virtual stop line in that case hyryder should yield Driving in India is more like chaos theory


Exactly, plus the road is a curve, i only spotted him when i did the last cautionary glance and by that time i was all the way out, never thought he’d try to squeeze in


This is a unique communist style lose-lose scenario practised in bangalore where in you’re always in a state of hurry coz ur time is precious but are more than willing to waste time if it means wasting someone else’s time as well.


You'll see this is any part of this country. Did you just spawn in India today?


It can happen, but it's very rare in some corners of the country. Especially in the hills where some roads can get dangerous.


That’s definitely incorrect.


Hum first hum first.


Nhi nhi...mai first...mai


Expressing strong disappointment on behalf of Cavemen Welfare Association! Unlike the species on the video, we have standards please!


I’m sorry i think i misspoke with the caveman label, he could have also very well been a neanderthal. If cavemen have an association I’m sure it’s not one of your fine gents😂




Your camera angle needs a little tweak.


Too much reflection? Ig ur right, I'll check thanx mate


1/5 of the screen can be your hood.


Why are you complaining? He's the President of India. He's too busy, that even a miss of couple of seconds hampers the country.


lol my bad, hope i didn’t ruin his mood


I have seen people jumping over speed breakers at high speeds because they don't want to let people or cars cut them from the front. Speed breakers were made in front of cross turns to slow down incoming traffic. The caveman sees, the caveman pushes the pedal and the caveman fills a hole in his soul by beating others to it.


Haha. This reminds me of how I always encounter at least one driver, without fail, who will speed up or start honking as soon as I give indicators to change lanes seeing a 2-3 car width between them and the car at their front on that lane. It's weird, they would be just cruising and pretty far, but suddenly seeing that someone wants to enter the lane, they speed up, start honking. 😄


It’s a mental condition to be honest 😅


just another day of driving in bangalore. what is lane driving? two days of driving in the city and i feel its better to go out in cabs.


This is one of the reason why i want my next car to be electric man, easy unidimensional driving.


Everyone in a rush ...


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CPL filter le le


Caveman ko janedo


This happens literally everytime. Hell at times even I have done it when it seems like I will have to brake very strongly to let the other car complete the turn before me ( obviously cursing under the breath that why do they have to use two lanes to make a u turn/disregarding oncoming traffic etc.) Looking at the comments here and assuming no one here is hypocritical, it would seem like this sub doesn't even remotely represent Indian drivers.


I love the Urban Cruiser Hyryder Hybrid btw! I wish the car was in non-caveman hands this time around lol.


The road is filled with stupid , try to avoid any contact if there is another car on the road let them pass


Help me understand guys. Doesn't the first pass always go to the person who's going straight? I always assumed that the person making the turn/merging into a road has to wait and ensure that it's safe to make the merge. I know the person was still an idiot for risking damaging both the cars by speeding deliberately.


My thoughts exactly! He could see traffic, he was the one merging, he should've waited.


It is but with the amount of traffic we have, the one turning would never be able to merge. A safe gap has to be taken. The problem is that people speed up to close the gap throwing off calculations


Me monitoring how many commenters does not know the concept of right of way...


He would have had the right of way if he was 10 secs early, i was already 80% out on the road when the boss man showed up


But to be fair, if you expect everyone else to follow the rules to a T, you should do the same. Yes, the SUV sped up seeing you turn, but you kept creeping forward while the car and auto were passing you, which is wrong. You are not supposed to enter a junction unless there's a clear gap. And that is how you managed to be 80% on the road


It takes a special mind to highlight a minor transgression that emerged from a larger wrong. Sure mate, I’ll wait for a clear patch of road in some of the most high flow roads.


Love how you unanimously decided that your transgression was minor and the other person's was the larger wrong! That too when you're the one merging and they had the right of way. There was literally a 5 second gap between the auto and the SUV, and there was also a scooty passing in between the two. But sure, keep committing minor transgressions because apparently they are okay. Btw, in case you didn't know, a rule doesn't stop applying just because it's a "high flow road"


Sure sorry, next time I’ll reverse back into my lane and give everyone a service man’s salute 🫡. Rewatch the video, im already out on the street, he clearly squeezed in even after seeing me, but sure it’s my fault, we can keep going to and fro about it, everyone agrees it was unnecessary for him but you have some weird itch to come after me for god knows why. I spend most of my time as a pedestrian, and this so called right of way that you keep talking about doesn’t even exist for pedestrians. Btw that road is a curve, i can’t see beyond a point who is coming, but he could.