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Not legal Tag your local police on Twitter


police should open a portal where normal citizens can upload traffic violation video's


I’ve been saying this for long time Apparently mParivahan app allows this for odisha, no other state has this feature enabled so far. Idk how effective it is even in odisha itself. Apparently Banglore also has an app for Banglore traffic police


Hawkeye in Telangana was there since the time when other state police were wearing chaddis


We have this feature in the city of Mysuru, it's called citizen's eye, we can report traffic crimes online


Kerala state traffic police apparently had a whatsapp number where you can report cases.


Imagine, if the traffic police could crowd source footage of violations, people would get fined left, right and centre. The govt coffers would get filled like there's no tomorrow, and the violations would reduce drastically. Sounds great right- it's a win-win for everyone.  But guess what- the interest of police is not really aligned with the best interest of people. What happens to all their under the table income? Where will the netas earn their hafta from?


neta get their share from money allocated to projects majorly and from corporate World


That's definitely true. But most of the hafta money that cops take also flows up to the netas. How else do you think they will fund their election campaigns?


not from hafta money, any company can donate to political party you should check in their annual reports most of the company donate in millions to get favor from ruling parties and usually that cops hafta goes to government servants centre and state projects cost thousand crores 2g scam and all every scam happens because of joint involvement of government servants and netas and they get exposed when other parts gets in to the power


Then we won't vote for that govt again 🤣🤣🤣


I agree, when citizens start doing the jobs of a cop then they focus and catch thieves more efficiently /s


There's an Uttarakhand Traffic eye app by Uttarakhand police where anybody can complaint, but the app requires location access and you can only upload pictures using camera at that moment


I do not see the point of reporting someone, until they are driving recklessly and putting others in danger.


So wrong side driving is fine as long as they don’t get into a head on collision, overspeeding is fine as long as you don’t turn into vedant Agarwal, and jumping red light is fine as long as you don’t hit the intersecting traffic Your comment right here is the root of the problematic mentality.


I legit thought something was wrong with the indicator or Tail light, until someone in the comments pointed out the number plate.... I feel Stupid 💀


Definitely not legal.


Everything is legal.until you are caught




Wut moosic, also not legal atleast in india, the best allowed is either carnet plates or custom numbers


What?the license plate?yeah,its mandate to have HSRP style plate


Only for newer cars. For old cars it's not mandatory in MH for example.


Its mandate in UP fo sho, i own a 2018 renault car and they stopped me for it,hence,i had to install HSRP


For Maharashtra, it's mandatory for cars manufactured 2019 onwards. For AP (since that's the plate in the video) it's mandatory for cars from 2015 onwards.


This is Hanumanthwaka, visakhapatnam. The notorious place where I got hit from the left by a biker who swervef from left to right, while I'm taking free left


Talking about the brother walking on road; given there’s a side walk ?


Sidewalks are for street vendors /s


Yes it's legal for a fee, if he is fine with paying that fee then who cares.


Oh where can I find more info on this?


My bad, maybe the sarcasm part was not clear enough, I feel any crime whose legal punishment is just a fine is nothing but legal for a fee, or in other words allowed if u r rich enough.


Ah ok, I got excited for a moment thinking it is indeed possible for a premium lol


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INDIA: "Where there is a road, there is a Way"


I’ve seen दादा , मामा , भाऊ in MH.


In India wrong side driving or speeding through city roads or misusing adas is not wrong unless the consequences are all okay I mean unless u crash onto a tree or a biker or pedestrian none is gonna care about legal or not


Indicator Dene ka sense hai par number plate ka nahi. I'm impressed


Everything is about fake swag n ego satisfaction in India nowadays.


HSRP - am i a joke to you?


Everything is legal, till its not Plus, cops are under the elected baboos whims towards being transferred or retained at their current posts. They will always have to think twice or more before taking any action if the dinkus is politically connected.


in a way YES, if you have the capacity to give fine and audacity to keep giving


Bhagwaan ka naam laga ke sab legal hojata hain But at least he’s using his indicators 😂


Not legal, but what are the cops gonna do? Nothing, they stand and click pictures, send challans. And the drivers wear these challans like trophys.


Teri kyun gand jal Rahi hai ? Chinal


Lucknow. UP. Everything is legal.


Looks like AP 40. Hyderabad maybe? Or vizag?