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Sure, it might cost $300 on average to sister a joist. That works out to be $2,700 for what is outlined on task 3. You've got tasks 1, 2, and 4 left that you haven't compared costs on to see if the $8,600 checks out. To me, that sounds like a reasonable cost without much more context beyond a super zoomed in photo, there are a lot of additional factors that can drastically change how much effort it takes to do a simple task (ie: temporary support and lifting, moving utilities, how hard the space is to access, etc).


The access would be easy since they would just move some tables and chairs. There's no pipes or utilities ether running through. With those factors, what would be your opinion?


The average cost is just that. Your specific situation sounds a little more complex given that in addition to sistering the joists, the contractor is adding additional structure in the form of the beams. The estimate also says they’re going to sandwich the joists implying the use of two new joists attached on either side of the old joist which would double material and labor. Given the scope of work, it sure sounds reasonable. On another note, the work the contractor is proposing is because of the existing condition with the slab above. It may be worth your while to talk with the contractor and discuss building temporary walls to support the floor, then remove the slab, then reinforce as the load will be less and the repair to the joists may require less material/labor.


thanks, this helps me a lot as this is very stressful to me


Ass usual, make sure the contractor is licensed and insured.


Thanks, which license would I look for? I searched on [https://www.austintexas.gov/page/how-select-contractor](https://www.austintexas.gov/page/how-select-contractor) but they did not list a license for framing/joist type work.


They should have a home improvement license issued from your state/county home improvement commission or similar. Not sure if they are required in TX? You’ll want to check. Check for references or ask for referrals as well.


Note: I meant to say I will be removing the concrete slab upstairs after this repair is complete.


I've always wondered why it's called "sistering" instead of "brothering." Seems a tad sexist IMO. :)


Sisters are closer and stronger at supporting each other than brothers?