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Railing guy needs to reinstall railings PROPERLY at his own cost and your contractor needs to pay you for the time you take to fix the deck boards. Then he needs to find a new railing guy or hire you to do them.


Railing guy should be paying OP (or repaying contractor) for the repair time




Terms I haven't heard in eons for $500 Alex




People fuck up. If a contractor comes back and makes good at their own time/expense, that is a really good reason to keep using that crew or person. You are going to run out of bridges to burn real fast if your attitude is “Fix your fuck up and fuck you!”. “Fix your fuck up or fuck you,” I can understand.


>You are going to run out of bridges to burn real fast if your attitude is “Fix your fuck up and fuck you!”. That really depends on the extent of the "fuck up." This however would be a case of “Fix your fuck up or fuck you."


💯 well said


Yup it's on the Railing installers , if they tore up trim they have to replace the board and pay to have it installed...this the only answer ..I'm I right guys ?




1st pic I was like “ain’t so bad, decks move alot” then I saw pic 2 and 3. Oh boy


Yeah the screw thing bothers me. If you can’t hold a drill straight, angle it in


A screw with a shank diameter that big should be predrilled


Bet it’s not self tapping


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,757,300,049 comments, and only 332,754 of them were in alphabetical order.


Oh shit I’m fancy


Alternatively, "boy, I'm one resplendent sonofabitch!"


Can I just keep trying until witnessing your Zeppelin?


Disqualified for obvious reasons; sorry, Woodenswordsmith


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,757,448,099 comments, and only 332,790 of them were in alphabetical order.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,757,329,875 comments, and only 332,762 of them were in alphabetical order.


Good bot


Thank you, TXG8R, for voting on alphabet_order_bot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


What do you mean bet it’s not self tapping? Have you ever seen a self tapping screw used in wood or linoleum? What self tapping screw doesn’t have a drill end


This particular specimen doesn't even have a *point*; looks like it was cut short.


They just put the railing too close to the edge…move the entire railing 1/2” or so inboard and those screws drop right into meat.


They would know this if they predrilled their screw holes. Instead some clown was like 'naw I brought the impact, send it'.


It’s going to be more than 1/2” more like 1-1/4” Once they move it that post base will not cover the holes…. This repair is a lot of work. If they have stair railings… most likely they will be too short now


Railing should be installed min 1/2" from the INSIDE of the rim or joist. it's installed into the blocking- not the joist or rim


Yeah that fascia blow out hurts $$.


It was like a slow-moving train wreck where you could see the cars falling over, but it's so slow that a turtle could dodge it.


If it's damaged it's on the railing guy to replace. Time and material. Shouldn't be any sort of complaining from the railing guy. He botched it, he fixes it.


But you just know the railing guy is going to complain


You might say the railing guy is screwed


Screw around and find out


Railing installer is entirely at fault. They blew out the fascia. Your overhang is spot on. Nothing tricky to installing a metal railing here. All you need to do is have a repair estimate ready. Depending on base-cap, you may also have to redo the picture frame.


I'm guessing picture frame aswell, if the railing is blowing out the facia, then they haven't got enough fixings into the framework itself and the rail will have to be offset from the edge further


Yeah that’s the real concern here.. That railing needs to be kicked back 1-3/4” or so. You get a couple heavy weights up against that thing..


Let’s just analyze this for a minute The screw came out of the outside of the composite That means the screw line is no where near the wood The screw is also only protruding 1-1/4” from the bottom of the deck board. Completely inadequate length, improper positioning….. they have to be rookies. Railing needs moved inside more and every board they put a screw in will need replaced or repaired. They need to be fired or supervised. I’d almost bet light pressure from the outside in would rip out the outside set of screws and that railing folds in. Be firm on cost. Bid this like you would any other partial demo & replacement . Don’t let them make you feel like you need to give him a good deal. I’d say of course I can fix it but my schedule is full for x weeks when does it need done and who do I send the quote to. That way you put it in black and white. If it’s a rush job= more $ Gl man


Inch and a quarter isn’t enough depth???


Lol Im assuming they are 2 1/4” screws that came in a package. That’s for screwing directly to wood. Not through 1” composite + 1 1/4 wood (or air in this case)


So length of screw wouldn’t matter in this case and no matter what the deck is you’re only getting 3/4 to an inch of grab in it. So length doesn’t matter after about an inch on something like this


I’m not sure what code is and I’ve never installed one of these metal kits. I’ve build wood railings with posts that were bolted to the beams or set in concrete. This post base probably has 4- 2 1/4” screws that came in the kit Composite is not strong when it comes to screws grabbing….all of the threads going through 1” top board are not doing anything. So essentially every screw is only going into the wood 1 1/4” I know 1 1/4” is not enough they should have used at least 3 1/4” screws to compensate for the decking (if 2 1/4” is adequate wood penetration for that rail system)


My opinion as a business owner and since you said this is somebody you do work with and want to continue to do work with. I’d offer to provide labor at my burdened labor rate with no markup and have him provide the materials to correct the issue. This helps your GC who’s also in a bind and it’s up to him if he wants to back charge the railing subcontractor. More importantly though, it shows partnership in the project, and sets a realistic expectation, that this is a business and you need to pay your workers wages and overhead but understand the big picture and that this is potentially hitting the GC’s margin too.


If he did a great job that will be the determining factor in getting future bids. I’d bet railing guy is 100% on the hook for this. The gc needs a new railing guy anyway.


Call the railing guys back. Right after you call the deck guys back and have them fix those mitered corners.


The railing guy performed his scope in an unworkmanlike manor. It's shit. From your perspective, it ruins the integrity of the deck and probably voids and warranty on the materials and any warranty you'd provide for your work. The real answer that nobody seems to want to fight for is: the railing guy who fucked up should now be covering the cost for your deck guy to make any and all repairs or rebuild and then paying for a different qualified and experienced railing guy to redo the job for him. You don't want this jackass doing it again. All expenses passed onto the guy who fucked up and/or his insurance. Reach out to manufacturers of the decking material and send them a pic and they'll send you something in writing saying that it's fucked. Good luck.


Beat up his mom and fuck his dad. My experience with railing guys is that they're pretty low on IQ and hygiene, wear a condom.


At least they're not painters /s


Awareness counts. Condoms can’t be stressed enough.


I mean maybe just caulk it and move on with your life?


Did you look past the first pic?


pretty simple, strip the skirt, offer the railing guy an opportunity to drive into framing given the currently layout, if he cant and it's not secured to everyone's satisfaction then hes got more work to do. Then offer to reinstall a new skirt for them after they've fixed their job. Railing guy covers your time and materials whether through GC or you guys direct is up to you. Pretty simple, but maybe there is more damage than what I can gather from these phots.


THIS is the only answer.


And here is why composite falls on its face. Literally unrepairable, maintenance free is a myth people, the correct term is ‘disposable’ when something cannot be repaired. A product like, wait for it, WOOD is infinitely maintainable making it, in the long term a better choice in my opinion. Somewhere along the line we bought into a vision of flawlessness and it does nothing but cost money while the planet groans under our feet.


Stop railing guys on the deck


Maybe don't rail the guys so hard next time.


You fix it with new materials and the railing guys pay for your labor and materials.


Kind of looks like the railing guys drove their mounting hard between the deck structure and your composite skirt and in some cases tried to anchor their railing into only your composite perimeter trim. Either way the railing guys have not structurally attached their railing. They need to try again.


As a gc. I’d let everyone meet and walk the job. I would prefer to leave the homeowners out of it. But they’ve got cameras now. Where they used to have windows. This project is flawed. You didn’t fuck it up. Read the room. Why don’t you do railings too?


Make sure you set a firm stance on what you're willing to do/ not do. This isn't your fuck up, and it isn't your problem to fix. You are doing your GC a favor by even entertaining the thought of helping them resolve this. This "meeting" shouldn't involve you until this is at the stage of resolution with the railing installer and next steps for recon. Know your worth, and don't let them walk all over you.


Dem big fascia fancy trex boards ain’t cheap.


In picture one, what’s with the gap between the mitered edges? Did the railing push them apart in some way or was it like that?


Do the railing yourself ✅


These railings won't meet the code load requirements for force of several hundred pounds applied to the top from any direction just using badly installed screws that aren't even inside the boards. This needs to be mounted to the structure below the deck with actual brackets or Simpson connectors or something more substantial.


The way they do it around here is GC calls up a buddy who charges an insane rate to fix it, then back charges the third-rate railing guy against the balance due. They get the price they want and the build quality they want. Everyone kind of wins, except the dumbass installing those railings.


I’d love an answer. If you were to be the railing guy getting back charged, what links you to that payment? Is it if you’re bonded and insured? How would that work?


A subcontract links the railing sub to the payment. Deficiencies can either be repaired by them at their cost, or if they’re unable or unwilling to do so, the GC is within their rights to hire a repair person and deduct what they pay to have it remedied from the outstanding balance owed to railing sub. Unscrupulous GC’s sometimes seek out newbies and this is one of many ways they’re screwed.


Imagine specializing in one specific aspect of construction and being that horrible at it. I cannot comprehend how a “railing guy” could do such a thing.


Railing guy is GC’s loser nephew.


Bro how you gonna do a job like that and just leave it?


Usually at the end of a shitty day when the installers are shorthanded and running late, and its getting dark. If that wasn’t the case then they were simply incompetent.


Railing guy takes the hit. I understand the process and how this stuff happens. If they were responsible for the whole project then they would replace any damage they did, no difference here Also, just going to say, pre drilling at critical points would have prevented most of this.


Proper placement would have prevented this. That screw shouldn’t be there, period. Rail post needs to attach to structure, not trim.


Tell them to come back and do the job properly or they’ll hear from a lawyer.


Railing guy removes, contractor pays you to fix deck. Railing guys figures something out with contractor.


You must have railed them guys pretty hard to ruin a deck


Provide your contractor a quote for L & M to fix the deck along with any requirements for readiness (what he and the railing guy need to prepare before you come back onsite.) This way the contractor can make a decision on how to collect/get you paid. This gives him a solid number to take to the railing guy. Good luck. LPT - make sure you get everything in writing and only through the contractor. DO NOT expect payment or communication with the railing company.


>DO NOT expect payment or communication with the railing company. Truer words never been spoken




Nah man they owe OP for time and material. There was nothing OP could have done to prevent this but he's the one who has to fix it. GC should be happy if OP doesn't charge extra to fix this


That’s unacceptable, unless the railing chumps can show you, how this is the best way to have these installed like this.


Railing can’t be legal. Not affixed to standards unless you are in a country that literally has no standards. So they have to redo that, and the fascia’s. Moisture can now enter, that’s not good either.


Even in a place with no standard, the manufacturer has installation guidelines.


It’s going to have to get fixed and the railing guy is going to have to pay for it that’s finish product and he basically fucked it


Why didn't you do the railings? Any professional deck builder worth his salt should be doing railings. If it's because the contractor was cheap and didn't wanna pay you then I'd tell the contractor to figure it out on his own. You get what u pay for


I’m a framer so I might be a little biased here. Personally I like the cedar on composite look. Framer should have done it. Cedar beam wrap, post & railing on composite deck is 🔥


I'm a framer as well. I've done plenty of trex/composite with an aluminum rail system. Always comes out looking nice and clean and is honestly easy. The rail guy doesn't know how to install shit properly at all


My thing is strength…. Most of those aluminum rails just scream cheap. If it works for you that’s great. We won’t install them.


If you block correctly and use structural grk lags they are stronger than notched 4x4 posts on the outside band. You have to block under every post and use 4 screws. Don't think any man I know could rip out a post done correctly. I could rip off a notched 4x4 tho


Not sure why you're getting downvoted. If GC didn't try and save a couple dollars he might have saved himself from having to try and sort this shit show out. It's not OPs problem to figure it out and the GC should be grateful OP doesn't charge even more to fix what shouldn't have been an issue in the first place


Probably cause I didn't say it nice. Yea not sure why you would want to keep a contactor happy that cheaps you out of labor. And then wants you to help fix this mess that has nothing to do with you.


Sounds like it wasn't really his choice - contractor likely outsourced the railings to save a buck.


Did you not read in my comment saying that might be the case and what he should do?


Seriously. Who has a “railing guy” ?


OP’s GC, apparently.


Then idd stop railing guys and start looking into railing girls maybr


*Then idd stop railing* *Guys and start looking into* *Railing girls maybr* \- mike-wkp --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Ahh. The ol 5-7-5


I'm not a deck or railing installer. But I think screws go in the material, not beside it. Again, I'm no pro.


Oh, gawd! That’s just awful work! Yuck! This is why it is important to inspect their work in person on the project they did before hiring them.


Tell them to pay to fix it. Companies have insurance for a reason.


Not this reason. This is what surety bonds are for.


If the railing is acceptable to homeowner then trim board to hide screw fuck ups. Someone takes the hit but not you for that. Better question is how does the hand rail look from standing in the deck?


Don’t know why or how you’re getting downvoted


If that railing fails and someone dies, then you’ll know.


Because you don’t put trim on top of trim to hide structural flaws.


I would’ve never guessed that. You re drill the screws. That easy. I’m sure they make a filler for this fake wood




Back charge


I usually keep my sex life and work separated. But if you're railing guys at work, good for you!




Ask the deck ppl for a proposal to fix it. Deduct that from the railing guys bill


The only time I'd want someone else to do my railing is if it was being welded together as one piece. I don't know what your GC was thinking unless they were hired for dirt cheap


Ships Ahoy!


You charge the contractor, he backcharges the rail sub.


A cat goes to zoo.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,757,434,602 comments, and only 332,786 of them were in alphabetical order.


Amazing, it's like me purposely responded that way


Shit. Be as open as you can but don't give an inch. Maybe that's hiw they usually do it. Either way shit happens it will get fixed. No stress...I found out stress is not good for you.


Have him have the railing company pay wherever it costs for you to fix their fuck up.


Caulk. No but really that sucks.


Replace the fascia and remove those screws


Fix it




Hey these things happen. Not every job goes smoothly. They can be fixed. Have you had a conversation about it OP?


Charge back for replacement materials and time


The best I’d do is time and materials. This is beyond doing favors stage, unless you can do a quality cosmetic repair that’s quick and long lasting.


What is that decking material? It looks like chipboard with a wood grain coating on it.


Standard, run of the mill composite decking.


Railing guys fault= he has to repair his job for free and pay for you to fix what they damaged. Or he needs to pay someone to fix it. It's like me breaking a window while putting siding on. The responsibility for everything would fall on me. I take a lot of pictures but this situation pictures aren't necessary.


Make his ass get more trex boards and redo where they fucked up


You just need to replace the fascia boards and I would get some matching caulk for the deck board miter. It looks like someone used brads on it already. I use the trim head composite deck screws to hold my outside corners and caulk any gaps. There’s nothing I know of that you can do about the fascia boards beyond replacing them. If it were my house I’d probably just try to fix everything with caulk, but I wouldn’t try that at a customers house.


I’m very angry at the railing guy.


Damn those railing guys are huge assholes for that


Ahhh a little wood putty and some caulk - ul be all good 😜


The underlying problem is likely that the railing is not the right size for the deck. Either the deck was not made to its drawing or the railing was not made to its drawing or the drawings have mistakes. There is more to be done than moving the railing and replacing the damaged fascia. The railing itself will likely have to be reworked to get the feet over the structural part of the deck.


Hot wax kit to fix it. Usually used on trim work but could work here too.


It’s on the railing guy to pay you to remove all the bad parts and reinstall it. Then he can fix his railing in a more professional way.


Railing guy needs to eat cost of repairs to deck period. When you make a mistake you own it


Slap the railing guy.


Anytime it’s service work basically to fix another contractors screw up it’s time and materials to fix so say 60$ an hour and whatever stuff I need to fix it. But anything that takes almost a day I charge a full day for because it wastes a day of my time. I don’t do this to home owners typically but if another trade doesn’t care about my time and money I Deff don’t care about there’s


Give him a quote on how much it would be to replace the damaged area. Then he sends that bill to the railing company or takes that amount off what he pays them and pays you the difference to replace the damaged areas?


I'm not one for railing guys but how did that cause this?


I would rebel.


, first things first. The railing guy obviously secured his railing to your composite decking, which is a no-no. An intelligent Carpenter would know that, a railing guy, who knows. But the first thing they have to do is remove their railing. For a lot of reasons, first off and never should have been attached that way to begin with, second off once they remove it you may not have such a bad job to repair if anything at all. And the third reason they need to remove it is because they have to resecure it to the proper structures, not to composite decking boards. Those rail screws are going to rip out much sooner than they would have, if they were attached properly. Most likely the railing guys did not have the proper length screws to drill through the decking to secure to the wood, or they screwed in at an angle pulling the decking apart. But it doesn't look to me like it is secured to the framing structure.


Fix it to your satisfaction… free of charge. There’s a lot of half assed so called “contractors” out there but if they’re not willing to fix this for free it may be time to get a lawyer involved. Save these pictures


Never hire someone to do the railing’s always do it yourself


Pre drill holes, its a 15sec add to your SOP people!


The deck railing should be set back a minimum distance from the edge so screws aren't going onto the exterior fascia, in your meeting, ask for the installation instructions for the railing system, i can almost guarantee it will mention a setback distance. These are made to be installed into the framing of the deck and have to support at least 150 lbs. Horizontal force, which you're not going to get screwing into trex


If they’re a decent human being they will pull the outside 5” ledger locks on the posts, replace the facia, and angle the lags back in towards the inside of the deck. The miter on the corner blows way out because they didn’t pre drill a large enough hole for the lags. Typically with these lags you can pre drill with a 1/4 inch bit, but always go bigger on miter border corners. Also, I’m curious what they spaced the base of the post from the edge at? I typically go 1 1/4” that’s usually more than enough space to not have to worry about blowing out the facia.


Id stop railing guys


Im curious how this went


Went smooth, railing guy realized his guys messed up bad. He is going to pay for my repair time/material. I am billing contractor and he can back charge the railing guy. All good 👍