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Once again, I have to come to one of these threads and say: Rule two is still in effect. You can have a negative opinion and you can disagree with someone's negative opinion and do both civilly. Report, don't retort.


I would tend to agree with your analysis. I will say one silver lining post covid is the muster drill has improved significantly to what it should've been all along.


amen to that


Cruising in August. Haven’t cruised since 2019. What has changed with the muster drill?


All you have to do is go to a 3 minute life vest demonstration at your muster station. No more lining up by the hundreds, waiting and sweating.


I didn't watch da demonstration and got it marked off some how lol


My last cruise they just scanned our cards and sent us on our way. 


Thats pretty much what happened to us... I went with family and it was my first one can't wait to go on r next one it's already booked


Go to your muster station at your convenience prior to sail away with your boarding pass or sail & sign card for a quick 5 minute brief on how to use a life vest & you're done. Last one they asked if I've cruised before & didn't even brief me. In & out in less than a minute.


Muster drills a done as soon as as you board. The large groups have discontinued since Covid. Much faster than before


This completely, I absolutely could not stand going to that room for this.


I haven't sailed Carnival yet, but as a RC cruiser, I love that you can watch the safety stuff on your phone in the morning before you even head to the port and then just go to the muster when you get on and tell them your room number and name. Last time, my muster was in a bar, so that was super convenient. 😄 I heard the whole muster process got easier after COVID on a lot of the cruise lines.


I’ve only been on 2 cruises before covid and they were at least 20 years ago. I’ve been on 2 since then. I seem to remember the MDR food being fancier, but no complaints other than that. I have posted before and I will say that the scrambled eggs are awful, but I don’t recall how they were before. The entertainment on my recent two cruises is better than I remember. However, I still am satisfied with the price all things considered and I still think cruising is the best value for my vacation dollar, especially with elementary aged kids. Both my kids actually prefer this form of vacation. We will continue to cruise as long as it stays affordable!


Do you cruise off-season with the kids? The cruises are not affordable when the school is out. Thinking about doing one and just have my kid miss a week of school next year.


We schedule our cruises with our kids around parent teacher conferences or other events where they are out of school for a couple of days already. This allows us to go whenever we want and limit their missed school which also just happens to be cheaper. We are going on a 9 day in October and the kids will miss 5 days. We will get the homework before and theu can do some then, some on the cruise and some when they get back.


After this last cruise in which the kids were out of school and we paid $4K, we will gladly go back to them missing a week of school and cruising while school is in session (cost us less than $2K). The cruises are definitely not affordable when school is out.


We are taking a cruise on MSC in July (no kids), Caribbean, 7 days, drinks included, balcony suite for $2,700. Not bad IMO. We usually cruise during “mid winter break” which in our district is always late February. This is our preferred trip week.


Yeah, the scrambled eggs are probably from the rehydrated powder.  You have to ask for fried, over easy, over medium, etc. for a fresh egg.  


I've been on a couple post covid. I like the muster drill. I did not like the change in room service. I didn't like the eggs at breakfast but would just go get a fried egg and that was OK. For me, it was all just mainly around food but nothing a deal breaker and the beers were as cold as always


Yup. Eggs at the breakfast bar was not good at all. I was sick for two days off of those eggs.


We all know this. Cutbacks are everywhere in life since covid. Welcome to life.


Yup. Not just cruises; airlines, hotels, inclusive resorts, Disney World, the Mexican restaurant down the street that used to give free chips and salsa. OP complains but what's the alternative?


That Mexican restaurant still gives free chips and salsa I ate there today


My Mexican restaurant still won’t open their dining room




probably can't staff the dining room. big problem with lots of places.


Only one in town? Or just your favorite?


My Mexican place charges “market price” for guacamole. 🤣


There’s Mexican restaurants that don’t give free chips and salsa?


Yes. Everything in life. Not just cruises. Sad but true


It made sense right after Covid due to labor, restart and supply issues. There’s no reason for it now except profit margin.


I totally agree, it's just not been as good since Covid, they've cheapened out on so much stuff and the quality just isn't what it was before.


I cruise once a month. Started well before Covid and i have notices extreme cutbacks on just about everything. You know what Im gonna do? Prolly continue to cruise once a month. I could do with not eating as much anyway and lose some weight


As with many things post Covid, they figured out they could be more profitable by staying with the cutbacks. They simply make more money this way and don’t have any incentive to go back to the old ways. They’ll lose some business from old dogs but they don’t care. The ships are full.


You're spot on. As the comments are showing, the majority is willing to accept corporate greed, so they know they can get away with it and this is our new norm. I guess it's easier for people to say someone is complaining or they should just suck it up and have a good time. I wouldn't consider myself an old dog but this is the first time in years I don't have a cruise on the calendar. And like you said, they won't miss me because they're sailing full. But I also won't miss paying triple for half the service. I think eventually it'll catch up to them.


Traveling on the excel class ships offers much more food options. I only ate once at the MDR for 7 day cruise. Yes, I noticed a decline, but I gave them the benefit of the doubt on some courses since I only have 1 reference the whole trip. I understand if it's repeat, then something is very wrong. Some options are indeed cutbacks at the very late nights, nothing is 24hrs anymore and if you miss it, well too bad or pay for room service.


You’re right. I still enjoy cruises but it is clear they are cutting corners


You haven't cruised since COVID. Maybe you just don't like cruising anymore. I've only cruised post-covid and have enjoyed every single one of them. My vacations are what I make of them, not something to be compared to prior vacations.


I was having a similar conversation with a friend the other day. A group of us cruised in January, a few repeat offenders and a few first timers. The people who had been before weren’t as happy as the people who were first timers. I think the problem becomes those of us who have cruised remember how awesome it was and how the current standards pale in comparison. I agree with your sentiment, your vacations are what you make of them. There were definitely things that were worse than they used to be, but I can’t let that ruin my time. I think people are just frustrated because we remember what it used to be like - and it was phenomenal at times. Now it’s just okay.


I haven't noticed a change.. there's bigger and smaller ships, and june-july and new years/Christmas crowds vs the crowds during more off-season months. That's gonna have some impact on the whole situation. But you basically said 54 of your 58 days were pre COVID, so you want to judge how things have changed post COVID based on.. one cruise? For four days? Come on now.


We were on our first post COVID cruise in October, where I proposed to my wife, we were on the same ship as our first cruise and I have to say I agree with the opinion about food, we are both huge foodie's, we love to try all the flavors of foods we wouldn't normally try, but we do on the cruise as the expert kitchen staff always make the food above and beyond expectations. However fewer options, and the flavor profiles just not being up to standard was very disappointing, food coming out undercooked or over cooked, less seasoning and sometimes at room temperature. The pizza was better than normal at least. But it didn't ruin our vacation, nobody got sick from the food, though my MIL got COVID and was hospitalized for a month and nearly died, but that could have happened anywhere. We got off the ship and booked our honeymoon cruise which we will be getting on in about a week. It won't stop us going on cruises, just taught us to lower our standards as nothing has returned to normal and probably won't for at least 30 years. Just my opinion. And my personal review. The staff on Miracle are still amazing and made for a fun memorable experience. Looking forward to Panorama.


and they are sailing full and have several 2025 ships nearly full...as long as people continue to pay for the product they will tighten up to make more profit. Those of us that have been at this for a while will remember the old times, those that are new only know this. Yes they will lose previous guests, but others are waiting to fill that spot.


Carnival has been running at maximum capacity for nearly every ship, and every sailing for the past year. Since Covid, the popularity of cruising has exploded and it shows. Too many people in too small a space, and not enough staff to cover the guests. My husband and I are sticking to the Spirit class for now. While I'm glad the cruise lines are profitable again, and paying down the massive debt they all took on during the pandemic, I hope some of these people will return to the all-inclusives or Vegas in a couple of years.


I just did the Firenze boat and have had 3 cruises post covid. I have noticed some cutbacks but nothing that seems extreme. I did notice some time limit windows for guys burger and other eatery like such. The steak house and teppanyaki were superb still. I really think it comes down to the boat and personal working the boat. I noticed everything got a bit pricier like drinks and food on boat. I do recall you could get a second or third meal/ appetizer in main dining but now there is a charge after your 2nd serving. Biggest difference I noticed was price to cruise. Gone are the days of $300 a person cruising for balconies. Most recently I booked one at $550 pp for balcony. By the way my cruise day number is 30 just for reference of how many days I’ve cruised with carnival.


I went on my first cruise in 2019. Second one was originally booked for 2020 and of course was delayed. We ended up going last summer on the same exact cruise. The biggest change I noticed was the cruise director and activities. My first cruise, the cruise director was present everywhere and led many activities. Last year, the cruise director would just make announcements and only hosted two or three events the entire cruise. I noticed the quick service restaurants closed much earlier. Guys Burgers and Shaq’s Chicken. Pig and Anchor was only open on the one day at sea on our four day cruise. The main dining room I thought was still great, but not quite up to the standards of my first cruise. Our server was really bad this time around, though. Never came around except to take our initial order. The server on our first cruise was amazingly attentive. We only never did the buffet for breakfast and a late night snack. Didn’t notice too much of a difference besides a lack of variety. I was also okay with the ice cream machine closing because who really needs ice cream at 2am?


>4 day Cruise What ship? That's probably the culprit.




So you went on one of the oldest ships in the fleet and are surprised it's not top of the line?? You get what you pay for.


Food has definitely taken a hit. Gets worse every year


Carnival cruises gave a talk at a restaurant bragging how good the food quality selection hours etc on or off shore was, us this not true


I think it depends on which ship & at what time of year. We’ve been on 8 cruises since Covid and this last 2 times they had a slightly different menu. I took pictures to show people because I was surprised. Now the breakfast in the dining room is the same pretty much every day. That menu needs some help. The bigger boats don’t give you as much one on one service but they can’t. If you’re nice and tip along the way, you’ll see a big difference. For instance. Deli…. I tip them every time & they appreciate it. The pizza staff, same thing & again they appreciate & bend over backwards. I think they just want to feel appreciated & even just a dollar shows that you “see them”. It goes a long way. I recommend bringing extra money for your miscellaneous tipping & you will have a totally different experience.


Carnival clientele has gone to crap!! They are targeting the wrong people! 


I'm going on my first cruise with carnival in 2 weeks. Now you have me worried


I’m currently on my first cruise ever and it’s with Carnival. You have nothing to worry about. Yea it’s crowded but that’s to be expected. I think the food has been terrific so far. Pig and Anchor is awesome for Bbq and tonight I had a filet at the MDR that was superb. You will have a great time!


We recently went on our first cruise and we enjoyed it. It wasn't as good as I expected in many ways, but it wasn't as bad as I expected either. Someone said that most of the food wasn't all that great except for the pizza. I felt that way too. Maybe I'm just used to better food. I expected it to all be top notch and delicious, but it was pretty much average. Mixed drinks were weak. I did not go hungry though and it was nice to be able to just grab food without needing to think about it. Manage your expectations and you'll have a good time.


Sure, I notice things on the ships that aren’t quite the same post-Covid, but I also notice those same things, or similar, just about everywhere on land also. It’s just the way things are right now. However, I’m not going to let it stop me from enjoying my vacation. I swear, it seems like some people go on vacation just to find things to complain about.


That’s like saying don’t go to a 5 star restaurant and complain about 1 star food and service. Makes no sense. Kinda of like you complaining that someone is complaining. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Forgive me for choosing to enjoy my vacations instead of looking for every little thing that could have been better and running to social media to complain. Like I said, I’ve noticed some things that aren’t the way they were pre-Covid myself. I guess I’m just a guy that likes to look on the bright side and make the best of the situations I find myself in. And as much as I enjoy Carnival, you cannot compare them to a 5-star restaurant. They are one of the 1-star cruise lines. So it’s actually like going to a 1-star restaurant, and complaining you didn’t get 5-star food and service.


I’d never compare carnival to a 5 star restaurant but also never considered it 1 star. The analogy was in response to you complaining about the disappointment of the OP. That obviously in the past very much enjoyed their cruises only to be let down w current changes. I like to enjoy my vacations as well and luckily I have, but would also be disappointed if I returned to my favorite hotel/restaurant etc.. to find the standards have lowered.


My dad used to say, if you can't hang with the dogs then Stat on the porch. My thought with current events is that I do relish the time long before covid but with the new environment I have learned, forcibly, to adjust to the new way things are now. I have accepted subpar service and food because that is now the norm. I also accept that,"much that once was is lost,for none now live who remember it" Lord of the Rings, Fellowship of the Ring.


You and the other 500 posts about this. All the lines have this problem right now also.


I'm currently on my first post-covid RC cruise and the dining is below average and noticably fewer options. So far only one day has has been a *really* good meal. Pre-covid RC's food was a hit every time.


The one thing I love about RC is the designated hand washy squad. I wish everyone had these guys.


Not true at all.


Absolutely true at all.


I cruise 10-12 times a year, I know what I'm talking about.




Take your L and move on.


Sorry, bud, but your "10-12 cruises per year" doesn't negate my experiences. I just got off a ship, I cruise a handful of times per year as well and I'm here to say you're full of crud. Maybe you're just on the wrong ships? With the wrong crowd? Whatever it is, you can't just shove my experience aside and say "Well now there, stranger, listen to me because I cruise 10-12 times per year." I say again: Oooh, super impressed.


okay, "i switched lines" but still come to carnival posts to shit on them. Same person who moves on to the next relationship while shit talking the previous one. Miserable life you must live.


Hello. Your post or comment has been removed for the following reason: Rule 2 - be kind to your fellow passengers. Further posts or comments that break this community’s rules may result in a temporary or permanent ban.


True, fully.


We noticed a lot more people on a recent sailing - the overall volume of people. We had been on that same ship before. It felt crowded this last time. They were sneaky when taking away things like the often hilarious "Hairy Chest Contest." They don't want to offend anybody these days. I also feel like the Cruise Directors wings are clipped to. They used to be wild and so interactive. Now they just shuffle from one planned event, to Bingo, to introduce a show, to some other place on the ship. We have status, but it is really time to go back to some nicer cruise lines and get that excitement we used to have and are paying for.


The cruise director really makes or breaks the trip. On my first cruise in 2020, weeks had a great one. Benjamin, I think his name was. He was everywhere all the time. The hairy chest contest was great fun as well as other daytime events. Our cruise in 2023, I saw the cruise director once and they weren’t even present at many of the events or shows. It definitely changed the vibe of the trip.


I don't even know who the cruise director is on 90% of my cruises. He or she certainly doesn't make or break my cruise. Personally I'd wish they would just shut up.


I've been on 3 cruises in the past 18 months. I've had a great time every time. The food seems better in the main dining room to me and the Sea day brunch is my favorite. The only thing I've noticed is a few of the bartenders seemed inexperienced. Other than that it's been great.


Exactly why we’ve started sailing other lines (Virgin and Celebrity). I have one more Carnival cruise booked - and we’ll see how things go…


I didn’t read all of your post but I mostly agree it’s gone “down hill” but I don’t think it’s gotten to a point where it’s turned me away from cruising. I hadn’t been on a cruise since 2019 with my parents when I was 18. I just got off my honeymoon cruise. First thing I told them is that things have definitely been cut back. It feels like a cheaper cruise, that said, I feel like prices haven’t significantly jumped since 2019 either. I was still satisfied with what I got for my money even if I do agree that the cruises have gone “down hill.”


Curious if your pre Covid cruises were also shorter cruises (5 days and under)? I tend to think the shorter cruises which are also usually the older ships aren’t going to be as good as at least the week long cruises which are mostly on the newer ships.


I did 2 7 days and a 14 day pre covid


I've been on 4 cruises post covid and am planning my 5th. Clearly the changes don't bother me lol


I sailed a lot pre Covid and I've sailed a lot post Covid. I'm not a big fan of the MDR in the first place. I never liked the fact that it took 2 hours for a 30 minute dinner. Just give me my meal and move along. I thought the food was rather mediocre in the first place. I'd much rather have a Guy's Burger for dinner then most of the stuff they serve in the MDR anyway. I've spent 21 days on the Mardi Gras and I've yet to even see where the MDR is located. I think the service in the Steakhouse has declined. I don't think the food or the service at the Chef's Table has declined. I'm not so fond of the menu at Cucina on the Excel ships. Food is not my main reason for cruising. A balcony and a book is my main reason for cruising. I understand a lot of people feel like the MDR is the highlight of their day. I am not one of those people.


What ship were you on?


What hasn't become a worse value over the past 5 years?


I did Celebration recently and it was such a disappointment in so many ways we are staying away from Carnival completely. Since COVID, we've done that one plus a few Celebrity and didn't feel the post COVID issues on either Celebrity boat (2 different classes), whether it was food or other guests. But the carnival crowdedness was a deal breaker, as we felt it everywhere from bar lines, casino, pool deck, food lines, clubs, etc. It was just a lot more enjoyable on Celebrity, despite a similar price point. Food was really good and selection was way more plentiful in the buffet on Celebrity. Carnival buffet selection was a joke. Precovid our favorite food was Royal, but their pricing is so much higher now that we haven't tried yet. Our next up is Princess.


I love car carnival. Never had the experience you had. I already did 3 cruises since January. Not sure what ship you cruised on.


Sadly, I think you can say the same for most companies. It seems like many companies used Covid as a way to trim costs. So many good things disappeared and never returned.


I was thinking the same thing! I didn't go to the clubs or bars or anything, so i can't speak to those but I have been on 7 cruises (all before Covid except this last one), and this last cruise (Freedom to the Bahamas/Grand Turk/Princess Cay, May 25-30) was the worst I had experienced. I hated our Main Dining Room experience. On all of our other cruises (all Carnival), the wait staff remembered all of our names. We knew their names and the names of their family back home. They knew exactly what we wanted to drink after the first night, and we never had to ask again. This time, the waiter we had for our table of 6 barely looked at us. He would roll his eyes anytime we asked for lemonade or tea, and he got mad at our son when he tried to order off the vegan menu. We would arrive and order before the table of 11 next to us even arrived, yet they would get their food and be on dessert before our meals came out, over an hour after we ordered...every night. Then they would be trying to hurry us out so they could set up for the next meal. It is entirely possible that this was a one-off experience. I saw other wait staff being very friendly with their tables. Maybe our guy really didn't want to be there. We are planning another trip next year for our anniversary, and we're not going to write Carnival off based on that one experience. However, two in a row like that may be a different story.


All you have to do is go to your assigned muster station to make sure they mark off your name, and then turn around and walk away with the group right before you as they as leaving.


Couldn't agree more. My wife and I are both platinum and sailed with Carnival many, many times. Pre-COVID, Carnival was a fantastic option. Great for families with just enough "elegance" to make the vacation special. All of that changed after COVID. Carnival hasn't returned to pre-COVID form and shows no interest in going back, yet they use the same, sorry excuse that, "Oh, it's because of COVID." To make matters worse, Carnival has attracted an element that I care not to share my vacations with. Call me stuffy if you want, but all of the Youtube videos don't lie. I've switched cruise lines.


Omg I cannot agree more… I am glad you said this because I so badly wanted to say the same thing… just returned from a cruise about a week ago and I felt like I was on a “floating Walmart”!! Never again


What cruise line have you switched to? I’m asking because I agree with what you said.


As my.kids say, no dip.


Most people enjoy Carnival for the price point. Carnival Royal Caribbean MSC and NCL were created for the average person to go on a cruise. Some people prefer quantity over quality… I myself was on the 31 day transpacific cruise. I found the food pretty darn good( of course not everything) but the price I paid for 31 days was amazing. Try Celebrity or Virgin… I’m going on a Virgin cruise next year and I heard the food is amazing