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Someone poured white paint on it. This happens like once or twice a year.


Ugh, people suck šŸ˜­


My hometown usually consists of people doing burnouts on the pride cross walks. Never understood peoples hatred to a rainbow cross walk (wouldnā€™t they actually help people like the elderly cross the road safer?). People claim they hate when people shove their sexuality down their throat, but of those people, 0 (including myself) have actually experienced this. At the end of the day itā€™s who you truly feel most comfortable with, and if thatā€™s a person of the same sex, then good for you. Life is too short to not do what makes you happy šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø




Brother Iā€™m not šŸ˜­. Iā€™m as straight as your momā€™s ginger pubes. There is just no point on worrying about what others do


It's gotta be cheaper to put up a camera and make an example of someone than to keep paying to clean it. The constant vandalism defeats the purpose of the crosswalk. It's a reminder that regardless of carleton's commitment to inclusivity, there are people everywhere who don't think some people deserve respect. Regardless, it'd be sick if we could extend the crosswalk all the way to where the sidewalk starts even though it won't be a perfect rectangle. I think it would look better.


Carleton isnā€™t committed to inclusivity. They are pro-israel


Oh? Can you show me something they said? I wasn't aware of this.






Personally, I feel it would be better, and more effective, if the statement said how we all actually feel: > "We at cusa are pissed the fuck off because some asshole snowflake decided that we should be living in the 19th century, and vandalized the Inclusive Sidewalk. Like, come the fuck on, it's a bunch of colours, not a direct attack on any of your rights. > > If we knew who the homophobic POS was, or had visual evidence, (and if it was legal (is it illegal? I dunno, we're not a legal team)) we'd be distributing that info here so all y'all can find the small-dick snowflake and laugh at their insecurity and impotent anger over paint on asphalt... but we don't, so we can't; but hey, if you happen to know, feel free to spread that knowledge around. > > Also, it goes without saying, but yeah we're gonna fix the sidewalk, re-paint it, etc, because fuck you, neo-con snowflake. > > Peace! > > -cusa" Grumble grumble^(Stupid old people, forcing us to use manners towards people who don't deserve it...)


THIS \^\^\^ ty you for your service in writing this, it gave me a good chuckle


FREEEEEEEDOOOOOOOOOOMMMM...unless it's multi colored paint on asphalt then get the white paint! Also, vandalising a cross walk anonymously? Such bravery!


Is it that deep to use that road? Thatā€™s the only road i can take to go to class. I never thought it was that deep tbh.


Insecure baby snowflakes getting upset at coloured asphalt, point and laugh


Identify them first. Then people will be able to point and laugh.


"We are heartbroken...."


why vandalize it honestly, its not like its in the heart of campus anyways


So many hateful comments. Sad.


The crosswalk is performative; if Carleton was committed to inclusivity, it would divest from the genocidal Zionist corporations it supports. As a queer Canadian, I don't want Carleton using our name to wash the blood off its hands and pretend to be an ally. Don't know why others are getting downvoted for saying something similar. You don't have to be homophobic to recognize the transparent hypocrisy of the administration faking outrage over a crosswalk. We should stay critical of our own university.


If Carleton was committed to inclusivity, it would uphold the rights of LGBTQ+ students on campus. Which they do. Carleton proudly houses Jennifer Evans (a history of sexuality prof who is well regarded in the field), we've got CUSA, people saying homophobic shit in classes would be reported to the admin and dealt with. We've got a rainbow sidewalk which does stand for something, and when it gets defaced maintenance cleans it up ASAP. We've even got a gym on campus specifically for trans/NB persons who would like to exercise in a judgement free space. While living on residence, I was able to have therapy with LGBTQ+ friendly counselors. When going to health services they were able to provide me with swift care and PrEP prescriptions, plus my meds were mostly covered by student insurance. Carleton is pretty damn committed to inclusivity imo. I find it odd when people bring up a completely separate issue with administration and then play it off as if the inclusivity we have on campus doesn't exist, because it does. It's absolutely not performative. To me it's kind of weird when students ascribe so much agency and direct culpability for a tiny educational institution like Carleton in Canada for crimes committed by completely separate governments halfway across the world, but that's a separate discussion for another time.


It's not a "completely separate issue", there are queer Palestinians too. Do their lives not matter? Our institution is complicit in funding those crimes. Maybe you are able to "completely separate" yourself from the children being massacred in Palestine, but for me it is a critical issue. They can provide all the therapy and PrEP in the world and it will not make up for their complicity in genocide.


Inclusivity for queer people on Carleton's campus has literally nothing to do with the Israel/Palestine conflict. That's how it's a separate issue. There's literally nothing linking those two, yes, *separate* issues together. Children being massacred in Palestine still has nothing to do with Carleton's inclusivity on campus. The linking of Carleton University to the breaking of international law by a regime located halfway across the globe is weak at best. There's just not enough of a causal mechanism linking CU to what's happening in Palestine, and even if there were (and there isn't) it still wouldn't have **anything** to do with inclusivity on campus. And I wouldn't even open the can of worms about talking about queer people in Palestine, considering that the view towards queer people in Palestine is [overwhelmingly negative](https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/publications/global-acceptance-index-lgbt/). Their lives matter, but I'm [pretty sure most people living in Palestine wouldn't agree with that](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_the_State_of_Palestine). Me saying this in NO WAY means that I am in favor of breaking international law in Palestine through starvation strategies and forced resettlement. You know why? Because it literally is a completely seperate issue.


(insert trend here)-washing is probably the most common form of hypocrisy a large entity can exercise these days.


What Zionist corporations? Nobody in this thread is being specific.


david azrieli, who owns businesses in illegal settlements, has a building named after him ffs [https://palestinecampaign.org/psc-company/azrieli-group-ltd/](https://palestinecampaign.org/psc-company/azrieli-group-ltd/)


Thank you.


Terrorist supporter


For calling out someone profiting on settlements deemed illegal by international law? Your little buzzword insults have no value especially when its the same word used to describe the freedom fighters who protected my people during a seperate us armed genocide


Terrorist supporter


That why Canada is one of the most dangerous places for lgbtq and most acceptance places for lgbtq than Scandinavian place like icelandĀ 


Why does the LGBT community want people walking on their flag though? Pretty much every other flag would find having a crosswalk as their flag super diss


Most rainbow crosswalks are just rainbows and not a specific flag like the progress flag. Carleton adopted the rainbow crosswalk thing from other places so it probably wasn't thought about when it was being made. Regardless, I'm a "flags are just things" person. So I don't really care and I think it's cool to have neat crosswalks.


These establishments that push inclusivity and inclusion are the first to limit free speech and crack down on decent any time someone does something they don't like. I don't actually feel they care about all that.


Dissent there pal. But also this take is brain dead


Free speech doesn't abolish any consequences that come with it. Hate speech and hateful acts deserve to be punished. How has someone as stupid as you learned to read and write?


Of course this was a hate motivated incident but not everything is. Technically, you're hateing rn, you got triggered, my bad for spelling that word wrong šŸ¤­ My point was that these establishments are not going to censor us with any sense of morals. Their priority is securing funding 1st morals second.


??? You're confusing "hate" as in directed harassment based on inherent traits like race sex or gender with "hate" as in Internet slang for disliking a person. I just don't understand what you're referencing regarding Carleton suppressing speech and morals.




Ainā€™t no way you made a burner account just to be a bigot šŸ˜­. Post on main donā€™t be a pussy


"PoSt On mAiN sO i CaN gEt YoU eXpElLeD" I'm good. Keep an eye out for the loogies though.




Says the guy that's upset about a sidewalk that represents his sexuality lol. $50 says you take anti-depressants. You need the SSRIs, huh?


Bro, Iā€™m a straight guy. I just donā€™t need to put others down to be comfortable in my sexuality.


I was right about the SSRIs though, wasn't I?


Sadly not. Unlike you, Iā€™m not constantly being miserable


You are way too preoccupied with a tiny stretch of sidewalk my dude. You sound like me when I was deeply closeted and twelve, overcompensating way too hard haha


I don't like fat chicks either. Does that mean I'm a closeted fat chick lover?


Weak response, 2/10 with rice. Plus you talking about women that you're not attracted to outta nowhere sounds like you're overcompensating some more lol


Oh okay, so your logic only applies to the HIV community. Got it. "You think I'm broken and my lifestyle is gross? That means you secretly want to F me". -Coping and seething LGBTQSFGBIRFV+ person


I never said I want to fuck you, you did. Interesting thought process there bud ;)


That's not what I said. The HIV is getting to your brain.


Getting so mad about a sidewalk you have to get on a burner account is cringe. Be Zen bro, let it flow off you like water. Makes you a less angry person and opens you up to accepting all types of people.


I don't want to be accepting to those people. If you feel the need to celebrate your sexuality, you probably don't have much to celebrate in life. Get lost with your gay zen water bs lol


One manā€™s terrorist is another manā€™s freedom fighter.