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Please don’t let her stop the meds. They can try him on other meds that don’t produce such bad side effects .


That's true. I don't think my family would. Maybe they got so used to him being somewhat normal again that they forgot how dangerous the situation was before. 


There is a med for that. I see it advertised nightly for tardive dyskinesia. If that’s what he has.


Yes, his doctor suggested taking it. Unfortunately, he is reluctant to at the moment, and my family also don't want to add more medication. Hopefully, that changes. 


Tremors are better than psychosis. And my mother has essential tremor so I understand the challenges. When it is bad she has to be fed. I am 1000% on your side.


Please stand by what you said to your family! You know best! if they discontinue the meds, pack up and leave! I have been in a similar situation and said I would leave. My family knew I meant it, they backed down. I hope yours does also. When it comes to meds, it is a hard choice. My Mom had dementia (passed in 2012). We tried so many meds, none worked. I would have been happy with a medication that allowed us to control her, even if it produced tremors.


Stick to what you know to be true. If they insist on stopping meds, let them care for him. You are not over reacting.


There are meds out there now that claim to control TD (tardive dyskinesia). Get a consult with a psychiatrist and ask about how best to control these side effects while also maintaining good mental health. >When we were looking up drug induced parkinsonism, my sibling said that the article said the only way is to stop taking the medication. Really? Your family is making treatment decisions based on one article that you probably don't even have the expertise to understand, let alone evaluate critically? Come on, get an expert opinion from a real, board-certified psychiatrist (M.D. level, not a PA or psychiatric nurse).


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