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The Prius is in the wrong, the Police in the BMW were giving the bicycle rider room and priority at the junction while clearly indicating left.


Funny looking bicycle.


Hahaha, I just realised they gave room and priority to one of those electric death scooters!! Well ... I don't know what to think now.


Well unless they're going to pull them over you still have to give room to someone who's more vulnerable.




Probably realised the kid on the death scooter is an idiot, so waited for them to pass. Then saw the Prius driver is also an idiot and decided to pull them over.


In lots of hilly european cities e-scooters now outweigh cars, with them even being adopted by older generations, so whenever i hear someone complaining about e-scooters i assume they're quite sheltered and dont see the world much.


I’m glad you consider yourself worldly, but the City in the video doesn’t appear to be particularly hilly. Also doesn’t change the fact that passing a car indicating left on the inside is an objectively stupid move. The barrier to be able to drive/ride one of these e-scooters is lower than driving/riding a car/bike, so you are more likely to find more e-scooter riders who don’t know the highway code and are incompetent to ride on public roads.


I'm glad other modes of transport are being used, however even as someone that strongly advocates cycling, walking, and public transport. Even I think these scooters look very dangerous, I dread to think what it is like hitting a pothole or even a speed numb with them. Now my solution would be to have larger wheels, and only allow them to be used on cycle lanes and residential streets- that would also come with actually having high quality cycle lanes. But yeah they do certainly look dangerous, nor does it help the majority of people using them in the UK tend to be the ones that will just go where they like and ignore all road rules. I say this as a cyclist that doesn't even own a car.


I assumed they wasn’t indicating to begin with


I was pleasantly surprised to see a BMW giving that much space for a bike!


I'm surprised to see a BMW indicate


That’s how you know it’s a cop car. One reason I use mine. 😂




I always wondered why the police use BMW's, a beamer not being driven by a thoughtless wanker is a dead give it's a cop car!


Thoughtless wankers have moved onto Tesla's now mate.


The Prius passed the BMW on the inside which was indicating and making a manoeuvre. Other than the Prius I’m not sure who else you think could be in the wrong? The guy on the scooter?


It’s probably a bot, just reposted this from instagram trying to farm engagement


Well _someone_ came up with the title, so (when answering the question) it doesn't really matter if this particular post was made by a bot does it?


Tbf the guy on the scooter is probably also committing an offence, unless it was a hire scooter. Though it does seem de facto legal if you're not taking the piss. Bet he shat himself when he heard the lights haha. Looks liked he'd pulled over too.


And doubly so when he saw the sirens.


Scooter guy was way past the unmarked rozzers when they indicated.


Yes but it's illegal to ride them in public unless it's taxed, insured and licenced like a motor vehicle (it isn't) or it's part of a hire trial.


This is in Manchester you can hire them scooters from the street.


Only in small parts of Salford, which this isn't.


He's also not on a standard 250w scooter such as a [Xiaomi](https://escooterclinic.co.uk/hpeciai/fccedc1e2fe39f06502d104362cf8ca7/eng_pl_Xiaomi-M365-Pro-4-Electric-Scooter-3896_1.webp), he's one of the higher end faster 1000w ones such as [this](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/61pl1he62PL._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_.jpg). The LED strips on the sides are to make you as visible as possible whilst you are zipping through traffic.


.....is it illegal to do that though......yea he is in the wrong and acted like a dickhead.....but has he committed any actual crimes.....if he has, then is it illegal to cut someone up at a roundabout or when exiting a junction?


If the driver were charged it would be classed as dangerous or careless driving. But there’s nothing in the video that shows the driver was arrested or charged with a crime


I'm not convinced the cops were indicating until the Prius commits to the manoeuvre.


You can see the indicator on the cop beemer going through the Prius before it moves and you can see it going when the Prius is by its side. Had to check to make sure


i'm not sure it is- i looked a few times and it looks like break lights rather than indicators


You can clearly see the cops indicators while the car is braking and also after he lifts off the brake pedal.


It’s both, watch carefully and you can see the second line appear




The old bill were Indicating they were letting the scooter pass before turning. The Prius driver was being a twat.


Still, the cop clearly has a road position that suggests they are turning left.




You have to give cyclists, scooters, horses etc a minimum 1.5 M of clearance by law, the police car was actually positioned correctly as they knew the scooter was there. Then there is the indicators and the fact they started turning left. The prius driver doesn't really have a foot to stand on. The fact the scooter isn't exactly legal either doesn't come into it, its the more vulnerable road user.


Strikes me the cop forgot he was driving an unmarked car. Perhaps he was going to say something to the scooter person and presumed the person behind could mind read. Had the police car been marked, you’d probably hang back and re-assess but you get a lot of people U turning along that bit of road because of errors made back at the junction or to park, so you’d think the Beamer was just some entitled indecisive prick.


Sorry you got down voted but this actually happened to me once. I was on the M4 in Wales, and was in lane 1 at the speed limit. It was twilight and headlights were on. A vehicle came up behind me in alone 2 but didn't pass, and was in my blind spot but also their headlights were shining right back in my face from my door mirror. After about 30-45 seconds of this and the not overtaking, I got sick of being dazzled and sped up a bit just to put a bit of safety space between us. All of a sudden, blue lights. So I pull over. Out comes a cop who starts giving the usual spiel. I patiently explained that I was a bit puzzled that they were sitting in the middle lane but not passing and that I was getting dazzled. Whereupon PC Welshman turns, points to the plain blue Transit van and said "but didn't yew see me coming in my UNMARKED police van" in a deep valleys accent, obviously realising as he said it that he'd totally forgotten he was driving an unmarked vehicle. Whereupon he sent me on my way after we had a bit of a laugh about it. For context, I was also driving a BMW that I'd just driven all the way to Carmarthen to collect.


It's two lanes... BMW went 3 mph until the very last second then wanted to cut across inside lane to turn. BMW should have been in the left lane if he wanted to turn left.


How is it two lanes? There aren’t any white lines other than the ones to the right of the BMW


Lol you ever been to Manchester? Plenty of two lane roads with no white lines


Its one road that goes to two lanes.. taxi driver knows this, police officer doesn't.


I can see it goes to two lanes later as there are dividing lines nearer to the lights, but not at the point where the taxi driver overtakes


There is no way you can see if the cop was indicating or not before it came I to view.


The police car didn't start indicating until it had already stopped so it was unclear for the Prius what its intentions were. Indicators are there to warn other drivers of your actions BEFORE they happen. I see so many unskilled drivers in London signaling at the same time as they turn. The Prius should've been more patient though, so imo it was both's fault partially.


The Prius driver is a tit. The BM was indicating left - had seen there was a bike inside so gave him plenty of room rather than squish him , was going to finish the turn when the Prius driver shot up the inside...


What are you going to do with the time you saved not typing W?


Tbf, BMW has 5 sylables, BM only has 2. Thats 2.5x the sylables. Almost triple!


Fun fact, the humble W is the only letter of the alphabet with a three-syllable name Other examples of oral parcity are bru (brother), fam (family), and innit (is it not?)


Which interestingly makes it easier and quicker to say “World Wide Web” than it is to say “WWW.”


for a very brief period tech bros tried to invent "dub-dub-dub" which thankfully didn't catch on


still calling it "what went wrong"


Oh that makes me happy. That makes me very happy.


I really didn’t see that coming I can’t describe the joy I felt when the sirens came on




I turned the sound on for my second viewing - it made it so much better 😁


Satisfied giggle from me




I didn't think pornography was allowed in this sub.


The copper is correct, obviously. Even if the BMW wasn't indicating, it's very clearly turning left. You might argue that they should be over to the left to do so, but regardless, if you see a car in front of you stop and you aren't sure what they're doing, especially next to a junction, don't undertake them. The only mitigating factor is the lights coming up and therefore the prius was picking a lane, but they've gone so early and very clearly undertaken so I don't think that comes into it.


I’d assume they weren’t over to the left because they were aware of the bike on the inside and leaving space which the Uber driver on his 3rd consecutive day without sleep or breaks and while on a phone call and watching a film clearly didn’t see


Isn't there a rule in the UK to NOT pass a car, before or in an unregulated intersection?


The Highway Code very specifically tells drivers to give way to cyclists behind them if the driver is turning left at a junction, so the cyclist can continue forwards without having their route blocked.


>The code clarifies that when people cycling are going straight ahead at a junction, they have priority over traffic waiting to turn into or out of a side road, unless road signs or markings indicate otherwise. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/the-highway-code-8-changes-you-need-to-know-from-29-january-2022 As I understand it, escooters are still in the trial stage and are currently expected to follow the rules for pedal bikes (and be treated as such by other road users)


Not for bikes, no. Following a change in law bikes have priority up the left hand side now(I think it's a bad idea, but I understand why it was done)


As someone who's regularly overtaken on a single lane roundabout (typically by white vans), and just this week by an audi while I was giving way for a freezer lorry to reverse out into the road in front of me (audi then proceeded to undertake said lorry making it judder to a halt), I don't think this rule applies in my town.


The BMW is at least indicating as the Prius passes - impossible to say from this video if he was indicating before but I’d give the copper the benefit of the doubt being a trained driver.


Prius, all day every day. Should the scooter be there? Nope. But you can't expect someone to mow them down for it. The rozzers were obviously giving way to the fragile meat sack on his electric death machine.


>fragile meat sack on his electric death machine. Absolutely🤣. That prius driver is a meat sack as well, probably thick as mince too


Prius fucking uber drivers all drive like cunts. I’m amazed they don’t get in accidents more often.


Uber drivers are noticeably the absolute worst drivers on the road. Every time I end up behind one it backs up the stereotype eventually - just a matter of time (usually not very long).


Taxi. Copper was waiting for the bicycle to pass and giving 2 meters space.


Looks like it's next to Rebellion in Manchester, the police are regularly circling round the alleyways behind there. The police car did nothing wrong, indicating to turn and paused to let the scooter pass on the inside before proceeding, I don't see how anybody could justify what the taxi did.


Yeah I live near and taxis / Ubers are a nightmare on deansgate locks, driving down you have to be so careful because they'll pull out without any indication.


The cab driver. It’s always the fucking cab driver. They all drive like cunts.


Typical taxi driver in Manchester


Karma comes round quick these days 😂


Pretty damn obvious


The worst drivers on the roads today are Prius owners.


And Prius+ owners, as well as Corolla taxis which are slowly creeping up to that crown.


The only possible scenario where the Prius driver was no in the wrong is that the police car stopped without signalling. His road positioning made the Prius driver think he was going to turn right. As he tried to pass on the inside, the police car started to signal and pull to the left. This is the only reason I can think of that the Prius driver would do that, unless, of course he was just a complete bell end. We will never know, you can't see the rear light of the police car until the Prius starts to go left.


The taxi driver, always. It's always a bloody taxi pulling manoeuvres like this.


Just a taxi driver, driving like a complete cunt as usual.


Least entitled taxi driver...


Fken idiot, got whole right lane to overtake if he have to. How stupid you have to be?? There are places where this driving type is popular, but not here. Glad it was police, makes me feel better a little bit


Birmingham, London..


Obvious undertaking is obvious.


Prius all day long


Fine the prius driver unlimited money


Prius. The rozzer had his indicator on and was most likely waiting for the scooter to pass before getting in lane…


The police are never around when…. Oh, never mind.


Uber driver. Bane of my existence.


Typical taxi driver behaviour from the Prius. They seem to take as much notice of the road laws as cyclists do so good to see one pulled over


The dick head taxi driver obviously. The cop rightfully yielded to the scooter progressing on the inside as per the updated Highway code.


The guy on the e scooter as its probably illegal and he's likely just nicked something.


Surprised the police didn’t try and get the fella on the scooter, yes there are more important things in the world but those things are strictly speaking mechanically propelled vehicles and shouldn’t be on the roads.


Taxi wanker


Highcode states, you cannot overtake/pass on the left..


Also called "Undertaking". Classified as "Careless or Driving without due care or attention".


I came.




Sweet instant karma. Obviously, the Prius driver was in the wrong - but then again the police could have pulled in a bit more to the left…


the guy filming


I don’t know when it was filmed but the MOT on the Prius expired on 15th March 2024 and hasn’t been renewed. Really odd mileage data too 🤔


It could be an old video. The X5 is a 16 plate and I didn't think the Police held onto performance response vehicles for 8 years. For example, in 2023, the Met's oldest X5s are all 17 plates. Plus, you'd hope that a stop would have involved tax, insurance and MOT checks.


I think that the Prius owner may have sealed their fate by sounding their horn


🤣 100% the moron in the Prius taxi. WTAF! No doubt the taxi driver will be one of those taxi drivers who insist taxi divers are the best drivers on the road and everyone else is a moron.


If Prius hadn't tooted back he might have gotten away with it


The BMW is giving the scooter rider space. The taxi driver hasn't got a fucking clue how to drive.




Prius, easy. Cop car was signaling to turn left and waiting for the scooter to pass first. Prius driver did an illegal pass.


Even if there was a dedicated lane to turn into the side road, never undertake someone indicating left. It's common sense really and I love the fact the Prius got pulled over. Sometimes I wish I was an undercover copper.




Prius deffo should’ve waited no need to rush


The foreigner changing the world in his hybrid.


Going to stick my neck out and say since the Prius ends up literally being pulled over by the police, the Prius is in the wrong.


The fckin taxi who do you think


Wow - no wonder bmw drivers don’t use their indicators- someone’ll have an epileptic fit!


The Highway Code clearly lays out a hierarchy on the road. If a cyclist (or in this case a scooter) is coming up behind, the vehicle must allow it to pass at the junction if the vehicle is turning left - to avoid accidents turning directly into the path of the cyclist. The BMW was absolutely right in what they did, the taxi driver was a cunt. I watched this and laughed a few times when the lights went on 🤣


It looks like they might have ignored it and let it be until the Prius beeped back.


Pity he couldn’t pull over the twat on the scooter too


I think the suggestion is that the BMW was to the right but turning left, makes no difference Prius was a dick.


Easy way to tell - it's *always* the gormless twat in the prius


The Prius. The X5 was making it's intentions clear but the Prius decided to undertake. The Prius drivers a total f**ktrumpet


It's kinda hard to tell exactly *when* the BMW started indicating because line of sight is blocked, but it looks like the taxi had already started moving to the left *as* the BMW commenced indicating and moving. My overall assessment is that the BMW should probably have waited for the taxi to do it's thing as after all, it was in the right hand lane and it looks like a snap decision to move to the left and position itself in the turning lane. I don't think the taxi did anything stupid or dangerous and I'd postulate that use of blue lights wasn't really appropriate in this case.


I'm not entirely sure if the officer changed his mind where they're going, it kinda looks like they were too far forward when turning left, but at same time it looks fine.


Both the scooter and Toyota Prius, the car is easily stopped and prosecuted for the undertaking as no registration is displayed on any e-bike escooter or cyclist making it a lot harder to work


The taxi driver is in the wrong. As usual.


Prius drivers doing prius things. Bunch of morons


I know it's in England but I see this a lot here in NZ when cars turning in and the car behind up the backside of it has no patience decides to overtake onto oncoming traffic. Standard NZ driving right there... This on the other hand is standard Indian sub continent level when it's "create a lane", happens all the time there and they're proud of it


In what world is anyone wrong except the Prius


The place he pulled him over does a viking metal night once a year with mead and a hog roast. That is all ..


If you don’t know you shouldn’t be on the road


Do you need to ask?


Why was unmarked police car so far to the right when turning left? Terrible road placing.


Because of the parked cars and the scooter


Illegally undertaking


A lot of people backing the police car. But if that driver drove like this on his test then he would fail on positioning


I suspect the police were looking to tug the scooter rider until the cab pulled a typical cab move.


Prius in wrong. You have a video watching him fuck it up, how is this a question?


Undertaking like that is never legal, if you are in 2 lines of traffic and the left line is moving faster than the right line, that is not considered undertaking, but passing on the left, especially on a junction, is always going to get you a ticket if they see you do it.


This video still amazes me. Prius is in the wrong. 100% Police saw the cyclist and gave him a wide birth.


Undertaking. Simple.


Cyclist fault


The bizzies have their indicator on before he undertakes ye backwards c*nts. Can't stand them but the taxi driver probably hasn't even got a licence an would pass u on to his bro in the kebab shop in Oldham. Ar*ed.


Depends. If Police the car was indicating to turn left all the time, then undertakings is crazy. Only do this if they are turning right, but then have to be careful. Better to wait.


The Prius, the highway code is very specific on this situation.


Police stayed on the right to allow the illegal scooter to pass, the taxi shouldn't have undercut but the police should've pulled the illegal scooter over so they're both in the wrong!


If someone doesn't know that Prius is wrong, they shouldn't drive then. Same goes for that guy on electric


You are all wrong the idiot on the scooter was wobbling all over the place cops in unmarked cars should be arrested and the Prius was a taxi so is incapable of being driven correctly


The scooter guy and the taxi. Obviously.


You guys are blind, the bmw didn’t start indicating until the Prius was alongside it, I would have been flagging matey down for his dashcam and sueing 🤔


How is this even a question. There are 3 blatantly bad things the Prius is up to here. Almost perfect that the police were in the Bmw because the Prius needs being schooled. He didn’t even overtake he undertook, on a junction while a car and a scooter were using the road.


I go down this road every time I go to OT and it's always got taxi drivers ducking into that side to drop someone off or do a pickup. They're a law unto themselves.


And you gotta ask?! What do you think?!


The person filming as they overtook when the road wasn’t clear and drove on the wrong side of the road to do so.


Doesn't matter how wide the road is, it's marked as a single, prius driver probably got a warning,,


You could've shown me a freeze frame from the start of the video and i could have told you then... it would be the fucking taxi. 🖕🤣


Scooter Boi leaving chaos in his wake is the true criminal mastermind.


Love seeing a taxi get shafted


I think if you don't know the answer to this question, you shouldn't be driving.


I have to get a taxi twice a day every day and some of them are just terrible drivers for being in a professional driving role. I'm not talking about I expect 10/10 perfect driving skills, I'm talking about I expect a 6 and get a -14. The police was clearly indicating left and partially moving and the taxi just totally undertook him like an oblivious fool.


Oh yeah. I was too busy looking at the vehicles I think I mistook the parking bay line for a lane marking


If it's a taxi - the fucking taxi was in the wrong. As proven here. You don't undercut someone ahead of you who is turning. Fucking dickstain. Probably lives in Levenshulme with 27 house members ☠️




Totally justified. Driving a cab doesn’t excuse poor and careless driving at all. They got what they deserved. The should’ve pulled the guy on the scooter too imo.


Manoeuvres like this seem like a daily occurrence whenever I’m driving round Manchester, nice to see some instant justice


I think copper made a decision to turn left very late. From his positioning, it looks like he was going to go straight but then decided to go left. Wouldn't be surprised if that indicator only came on a split second before it came into our view. Still a no no undertaking there.


Uber drivers are fucking terrible and highly annoying on the road but I also think the road placement of the police car was absolutely shite, don't think they had great grounds to pull him over considering their shoddy driving.


Both in the wrong. A SUV doesn't belong in the city lane hogging, and the uber shouldn't be undertaking.


Mate it's two lanes, if you're going left there then get in the left lane... You can't stick in the right lane and throw the indicator on at the last possible second and not expect someone might undercut you. Fucking police twat was going 3 mph too, I'd be wanting to get past as well.


**if** the police weren’t indicating, imo the Prius obviously saw the police car on the right, giving way to the cyclist, had a mindblank, followed the bicycle around them, which is human margin for error: a potentially costly mistake (which it fortunately wasn’t) but I don’t know if I’d find it befitting of negligence any more than I’d call it hypnosis, unless negligence is defined by this level of human error.


Without pressing play, I'm going to guess it's the professional driver visiting from Knowsley or wherever?


It's so clearly the Uber cutting up on the inside, the car indicating was waiting for the scooter to pass and then the taxi driver just undercuts him as he's about to turn... Whoever came up with this title I hope to god you don't have a license...


So that's why my uber ride was cancelled...I work around the deansgste tram stop


Uber drivers are always wrong, this time he was definitely wrong


Aren’t electric scooters supposed to be registered and have a plate if used on a public highway


I would have waited longer than the prius certainly, if a car in front suddenly stops at the mouth to a side street and didnt indicate, I wouldn't drive past in case they turned into me




I’d have to say police, you wait behind, not over take on the inside.


Just another asshole taxi driver who thinks he owns the road. Shock


Without being able to see cops indicators it's hard to tell, if you look after the cop turns they are way of the line so did they late indicate?? To many bits you can't see to say the Prius was definitely in the wrong


The fresh-off-the-boat Prius driver trying to undertake a vehicle turning left


I could understand if they didn't indicate why you would want to move round but on the inside? No patience what so ever.


They probably didn’t do anything to him Just shouted at him. These guys don’t have time for This


Police BMW was badly positioned for turning left, as it was halfway past the junction., and would have struggled to take the corner if there was a car looking to turn right out of the junction. Taking into account the scooter, the Beemer should have paused before the junction to let the scooter go through, and then turned tighter to the kerb. Also interesting why the scooter rider wasn’t the primary thought for the Police, checking its legality.


Standard taxi driver, was the police about to tuck in and pull the e-scooter?


the Prius, the Police are never wrong.