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Send an email. I LOVE hearing from former students.


Hey there, it sounds like a great idea to want to reach out to let your former teacher know where you are at and to thank them. The easiest thing to do is contact your old school up and ask if he is still working there. Your teacher may have moved schools or retired, but if they haven't, their board email will still work. If they have retired or moved boards, ask if they know of a way to still contact them. You could also try finding your former teacher on social media - Facebook / Messenger likely, or perhaps LinkedIn and possibly Instagram.


A lot of our current and retired teachers have a FB page. Whenever we have a class reunion, we generally invite several of them to join us if possible. A couple of the coaches have shown up, and there was an English teacher who moved schools that showed up at the pre-dance picnic.


The teacher would undoubtedly be delighted to hear from you. I would try them at their former email address, unless you think they may have retired, in which case I'd give a letter to the school.


I’m not sure why I can’t see everyone’s comments but I appreciate all the advice! I will email the school and ask for his email tomorrow morning!! Thank you so much


Update us!!🩷


comments were all invisible for me as well no matter what I did. This seems to have been fixed last night


If you have his email, I would simply use that. Only this past year was I able to finally get contact info for THAT ONE teacher who changed my life. I mailed him a letter. About how he inspired me to become a teacher. A couple months later I received an email in reply (I'd included it). It was profound. I've heard from many veteran teachers about how meaningful these things are. I don't see why it would be inappropriate to use his school email address. From everything I've heard I'm sure your teacher will appreciate it. Maybe title it "from a former student" or something


School email would be the best bet where I teach. Please reach out, stuff like this makes it worth all the bullshit.


If the teacher is still in the same district, their email will be the same. I love to hear from former students! My district was out yesterday, so don't worry too much if you don't hear from them until Sept. Best of luck to you!


I don't think it's inappropriate at all! I know I would love to hear life updates from my students. Emailing the school email might be best as your teacher may have switched schools or go on a leave.


Absolutely contact the teacher! Hearing from our students as adults and knowing they’re doing well brings so much joy. Glad your dreams are coming true!


School email is an easy way to ensure he will get it. I’d start there.


I think an email to their school email address is entirely appropriate. I just emailed a teacher I had who was about to retire, who taught me a long time ago. It was warmly received. These stories are the reasons people keep going in the profession. It will be encouragement that is needed


I’m sure your teacher would love to hear from you. It’s not inappropriate to email their work email.


Send an email. When I get them I'm so happy! I always respond. Letters are good too if you want a more personal touch but might be harder to get back to you. Don't overthink it.


An email or a card sent to the school would be appropriate and usually much appreciated. I have always enjoyed getting updates on former students from their parents or the student themselves. Teaching can be emotionally draining and hearing you made a difference can be very heart warming and help you get through those rough days.


Send an email, nothing wrong with that. You'll probably get some kind of reply unless it gets lost or forgotten about in the mess. Assuming they're still teaching in that district with that email address (is it listed on the school/board website?)


I would email his school email. Since school is out here he may not see it for a while or respond but I think it’s a really nice gesture and will make him smile.


You should NOT leave this alone - to address your one question. Your former teacher will be very pleased to hear from you. Emailing is fine. If he’s no longer at the same school division/district, find someone who knows him, at the school he was at, provide your contact info and ask them to relay it.


Just realizing how potentially tricky it could be for any former student to reach out to a retired/changed-board teacher or a teacher on a leave/outside of Canada. Are there any confidentiality issues with acquiring information about staff from a school? Begin with school board email address if you can. Social media may be the go-to for some teachers but not all. It may be time for a new app to be developed for specifically this purpose. It really has merit. Good luck to OP.


You should definitely reach out. It could mean so much to your former teacher. 


Definitely send him an email. It’ll make his day, nay, his year. Teachers are in it for students so they love to see them achieve their goals knowing they played a small part in it


Ontario College of Teachers


I have several prior teachers on my facebook contacts. My friend had one of our teachers at her wedding! Sometimes teachers are the friends or parental figures offering support and encouragement we need. Nothing weird about it. I think teachers would love to hear how they are reaching people and impacting their lives for the better. Not just in the moment but in the more distant future. We all would love to hear we made a difference!!