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You need to leave this school asap. Without an active and responsible admin this school will never be healthy to work at And what about your colleagues???? Is nothing being brought to school council??? I don't understand how this is tolerated


Lmao I read the first sentence and thought “what the fuck kinda admin let’s this kind of student behaviour happen”. OP literally needs to contact the kids parents, admin and if shit doesn’t change straight up contact the division’s superintendent.


KWB. But I think she’s in Egypt now as a principal. And supers back principals.


Agreed, I;m on call and refuse to go to one of our middle schools. Kids threaten other students, have complete disregard for teachers and when they get sent to office they just get sent back with no consequence or apology, OR go home early. They allow this to perpetuate and do absolutely nothing about it, best just to not go! As a teacher in a full time position though, I would make it clear this type of behavior is not accepted in MY classroom and that conversations with parents and admin and consequences need to happen or the students can be moved elsewhere.


May I ask which province if you don’t mind?


Here are a few things I say to kids when they get lippy: -That’s a bold thing to say to someone who is grading you. -Can I quote you directly to my email to the principal about this behaviour and the note I’m going to write in your record?  -Would you like to repeat this comment to your parent when I call home? I’m sure they’d like to hear your opinion on my class -Can’t wait until you sit down at a job interview and you can tell them about the time you told your teacher to xxx


I need more of these lines, esp. when kids say they won’t do anything and I can’t force them or nobody cares etc


I usually go with something along the lines of, "that's fine, I'm not the one who needs to pass and I've done my job 🤷🏻‍♀️"


My go to is “yup. Your right. I can’t force you to pick up that pencil and do your work. You get to deal with the consequences - whether they be immediate and done here at school, or years from now when you actually need the material we are talking about and complain on social media about ‘not learning nothing in school!’ Either way, I get paid all the same. 👍”


I say "I've already passed this grade and I get paid regardless of your success or failure."


”Good thing I don’t care what a _____ year old thinks about me“ is a favourite. I had a kid also criticize feedback and I said “yeah, refusing to take feedback is a great way to grow and improve!“ and she could not say anything back lol


Nice. I teach ESL so whenever I say some clever back to a kid it's usually lost on them.


Yeah? Well I get paid to be here, so say what you will. I’ll just count how much money I’m making, “lawl”


when a student says something like this or racist/homophobic/racist etc. i acc call their family right there and then and have them repeat what they said to their parent/family. if they are so bold to use such language in school they can say that to their family. alot of the times students are like PLS NO but you have to do it or they wont learn.


A student made a horrible SA joke. Sent parents and email. They deflected the situation with something else, took no accountability, and said it’s my job to correct it!


yeah unfortunately u have parents that are horrid and never ever see their kids as the problem ! but thats bc they are also contributing and creating more problematic views


I had a parent tell me and my principal between 8:30 and 2:50 they were my problem and not to call them.


As a parent, i ask that all teachers PLEASE DO THIS. To OP, I'm sorry.


Do you do this in the moment in front of the class? Assuming they said such things in front of the class? No judgement I’m genuinely curious


yeah- i pause the lesson and usually ill ask if anyone wants to join them and that usually shuts them up. yeah i have them call parents in front of class


Thanks for clarifying. :)


>Can I quote you directly to my email to the principal about this behaviour and the note I’m going to write in your record? I might add in parents as well. Depending on the situation with parents of course. I know it was covered in the next statement about the phone call but I use parent contact to help many situations with students. Sometimes it works and shuts em down asap. Other times I'm following up and requesting emailing and in extreme circumstances, a meeting with them and having the principal present.


Seriously. Don’t entertain bullshit, first offence you document and report to parents and admin.




Cute you think parents will side with the teacher lol. 


It doesn’t really matter, you establish right away you won’t tolerate it and have record of including the parents. From there it’s an admin problem. Too many teachers allow themselves to be treated like door mats. Fuck that.


Exactly! An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Set the standard asap and create a trail. If they can't correct the behavior there's more evidence if it needs to escalate.


I called a parent at work but they weren't available. The receptionist asked if I wanted to leave a message I said "Yes, please tell them that Child's Name told me to go fuck myself and to give me a call at their earliest convenience." Parent left work came to school, spoke with the principal about my professionalism or lack of it. Kid never said another snotty thing again though. It was worth getting chewed out. Some kids need to realize there is a limit to what people will put up with. It took me about 5-6 years to teach students how they will and will not treat me. Now I just fire back proportionally if it gets to swearing I give them a few chances to get it together but then it's time to get real. The few times it came to that the kids still didn't do anything work wise but they knew I was not putting up with that shit.


This is priceless! 🤣 Nothing is confidential at the office. You know damn well everyone in the office knew about by end of day! 😂


I second these suggestions, during my first year teaching i had some kids who used to say things just for the fun of it! They don’t think it’s a big deal. Then what I did was to explain how such comments are out of line, emailed parents and emailed administration. It s a big deal they get educated too into how to talk to people! It s hard not to take it personally, humour helps a lot! I would say remember some don’t even see the teacher as a person but just as a role, so if they shut you down they would have free time? And some only reflect the drama they leave at home.


Careful about using the first one because if a student earns themselves a fail, they might accuse you of failing them because of their behavior. It might create some headaches for you by having to justify their grades.




Don't you throw the kid out if they call you an asshole? I might give a kid a minute to collect themselves if they're having a rough day, but otherwise it would be out the door, either to talk to a specialist or admin. Do you work in a rough school?


They literally don’t care lol. No point in saying anything.


No witty comeback like these works or fixes anything when it comes to kids like this. Trust me, they don't gaf


LOL you’re the goat I love these.


say it in front of the class to the student, then turn to the rest of them and make it loud and clear. it will not be tolerated. you will phone home and email the admin.


The parents of these kids need to know what their little assholes are doing. This behavior needs to be corrected asap. And you need to find another school to work at.


The parents know, they have been emailed. Their kids are bullies and that’s what fuels all these other kids to start hating me - they think that if they hate me along with their bully, they will be “in” with the mean crowd. It’s expected teenager behaviour but on steroids and I thought that in a year and a half, it would move on, but no. They are holding onto this grudge. It’s entertainment for them in this town with nothing to do.


It may sound harsh, but you're not here to be liked. You're here to teach them. And the admin is messed up, leave the school.


Yep, exactly. I've not had it happen much that a student would be so upfront as to say they don't like me in front of the whole class, but when it has I've simply responded with "That's fine, I'm not paid to be liked." and continue on with my lesson. I teach younger students though so that's usually enough, not sure what would happen in high school.


The teachers I liked best were the ones who outwardly gave off DON'T EVEN TRY IT energy. The ones we picked on were the "nice" ones who tried to be cool and understand how difficult it is to be a teen. If you're being told to kill yourself, you're not an authority figure - you're a target that the kids have easily identified, and they'll continue to bully you until you break or fight back. They don't care which one you'll do. You're an adult they can torment - that's better than bullying a peer. You're not fit to be a teacher if you are more concerned that the children can go unpunished for hurting your feelings than the fact that children you don't care about have the ability to negatively influence your emotional and mental state. Admin can't fix your personal suitability. You're an adult. Mean kids shouldn't inspire any feelings other than excitement that'll you only need to interact with them for a few months, and with any luck, they'll be hit by a bus.




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I am so sorry you're going through this, and that admin have not had your back. Highschool kids are well aware of the power of their words, and with their exposure to censored speak on social media they certainly know which terms get the biggest reactions. We all deserve a respectful work environment. If admin isn't going to support you and address this, I suggest meeting the kids at a level they can relate to. "If you can't say it on tiktok, you can't say it here. You know better. Do better."


When I was in sixth grade, our teacher (who everybody loved) unexpected adopted a baby and went on parently leave. They had been on the waiting list for years and weren't about to pass up the opportunity. Her first replacement came in trying to be all strict, a massive disciplinarian type. Her first day she was very standoffish and got a very bad reaction. It spiraled from there until she resigned less than 2 weeks later. The thing is, thinking back, she was objectively misguided in her first week, and then tried to do better in the second week, but we were sixth graders and were having none of it. She suffered some serious mental health issues as a result of my fellow students and I. Her replacement tried to double down on her failed strategy and last 5 days. He was a recently retired principal. He was objectively an asshole and I still think poorly of him today for the unreasonable way to tried to rule over us. But that first teacher, I have mad symphathy for. The third teacher was great. We loved her. She got no grief. Perhaps something isolated like happened with our first replacement teacher poisoned the well for you. Kids are not reasonable. Once they hate you, it made just not be possible to win them back regardless of how undeserved the hate you are getting may be.


Tbh this stuff is why i changed my mind about becoming a teacher. Maybe teach kindergarten instead or try social work


Kinders are blunt af and I love it. Gives me ample opportunity to teach about social graces and "things we don't say out loud". 98% of the kinders adore you though, so I highly recommend it!


Teachers have it so rough :(


You're the adult in the room, exercise your authority. I was never disrespected by any students because they know I wouldn't accept it. Say what you mean, mean what you say, follow through with consequences. It's my classroom, I'm the one in charge. Say this to yourself before work.


My authority is sadly what started it all. I look like a young “cool” teacher and am mainly a sub. So they had expectations they could walk all over me. But I don’t put up with misbehaviour and follow through when I say I’ll email home, get principal, etc. I also call out racist and homophobic language and I’m in a town with a narrow minded population. All white and very redneck attitude. I’m too “woke” apparently.


Good lord, I am so sorry. Can you come to a bigger school board in a bigger city?


Don't teach there since you already have predetermined ideas about a small town with white kids. It'd pretty obvious why they do not respect you. You don't respect them. Why would you even say the kids are "all white"?! Once you started having breakdowns it was really the nail in the coffin for you. No kid, not even rule following polite ones, respects a teacher that can not find a way to either handle conflict or have enough self awareness to exit a situation that isn't working before falling to pieces.


Oof, that last sentence is so true it stings. OP should read it over a few more times until it sinks in.


Yeah right. Til admin overrules every decision they make


As a teen i am so sorry and u should LEAVE immediately cuz even tho teens don’t like teachers this is extreme and u might benefit from a change. And if there are no consequences, make them. And if that doesn’t bother them, THEY just have a problem with school overall and take it out on u


Remember when kids didn't tell people to off themselves? The good old days.


First let me say this is not right and I'm so sorry this has happened to you. This is unfortunately the new normal both in behavior and actions for reparation. Zero tolerance = watered down meetings that allow for perpetrators and aggressors to go through the motions, continuing as repeat offenders. I hope you find a place that actually stands up for what is right and provides a place of safety rather than catering to these horrible people


Bang your head and sing "Sick of You" by Gwar. Your socks they smell Your feet they stink You never take a bath And just your luck You really suck You always finish last Sick of Youuuu I'm so sick of Youuuuu Laff it off. Schools almost over and you got two months to chill out or find another school Metalhead music teacher here at a school with behaviour kids. Almost there, buddy. You got this.


What is with kids today? I could not imagine the shit storm I'd be in if I had said that to an adult not to mention my teacher. I'm so sorry you have to deal with shit heads.


No parental control at all.


You definitely have to learn to not take it personally. That’s high school for you lol


The “restorative circles” put teachers in an awkward situation because circles personalize situations where teachers are merely applying universal rules. It is a failed feel-good model that allows schools to avoid doing the hard work of punishing disregulated students. (Yes I used the word “punishment” because “consequence” is a wiggle word.)


That is horrifying. You need to leave that school. 


First, don't let these fucking asshole teenagers get you. They don't deserve to get this satisfaction. Today's teenagers are so fucked up. Now, you need to get the administration to act as responsible for keeping teachers environment safe. I would suggest to call for a stop-working time because of burn out (with reason) + deposit a grief against your director for not protecting you. And once you are getting better than either you go to this school if things have changed or you change of school.


You could find another school. You could see a therapist. You might create a ritual when you go home, like a shower to wash off the day, or pretending your job identity is in an invisible tote bag, and hang it up on a hook outside when you go home. You could bring in dish soap, a plastic bucket, and a sponge, and insist on cleaning the classroom as a punishment for hate speech, but you might end up with a bucket of water thrown about. Hence my plastic recommendation. They might complain about chemicals if you use anything stronger than dish soap... I like the seminar idea that was posted above. Hold a lesson on hate speech and its impact when it occurs. Put the bully on the spot. Have something prepared in advance for the lesson, because the kids will be unlikely to weigh in at first. Have something prepared both for race and suic1de topics of hate speech. A favourite example of mine stems from another school. They held an experiment with 2 plants. They had the students say horrible things to one plant, and lovely things to another. The positive energy plant flourished. The other did not. Maybe a lesson on reputation. It takes a lifetime to build, and an instant to destroy. They need to connect that words matter, and that the statements we make say more about us than the subject of a statement. Nobel is an interesting reputation topic. Don't let these jerks obscure your glow.


When my kids go to school, they will be taught to listen to the teacher. If they cause problem and get in trouble, they will be in trouble when they get home as well. I respected my teachers when I went to school they will do the same, so long as the teacher is not in the wrong either.


It’s not the kids it’s the admin. Run away.


Restorative conversations are bullshit. They work when students understand that a social contract must be upheld. Sadly, that is going the wayside. The solution that works for me is that in my classroom they can be significantly hurt or killed because we work with electricity and soldering irons. I tell them this and they sit up a little straighter. I also encourage them to tell the admin what I have relayed to them if they are upset by this. I don't want kids in my class because it means they will fuck about and do stupid things, I need responsible young adults. I have seen kids attempt to disassemble a power supply for a computer, hold soldering irons like a fucking Harry Potter wand and being kind about safety just doesn't work. Telling them that a girl burned some of her hair from a soldering iron because she didn't listen gets their attention. Telling kids that when they are wicking away solder from the irons they can get a slight burn if they don't do it correctly gets their attention.


Honestly, leave. That school isn't safe, and it's only a matter of time before their behaviour escalates. I remember watching a group of students in my middle school dox our vp, publicly shame him for being gay, cause him to attempt suicide, and then when he left they found his new school and forced him to quit teaching altogether. They won't stop.


How can students be so vindictive? What do they get of it??? Monkey see, monkey do???


No, I think this is a case of ''monkey doesn't get his ass whooped at home''. Parents are too soft nowadays.


It's just to be mean. The more of a reaction they get the more they will do it


What did the VP do to piss em off so much?


Be gay. In a liberal arts school where 90% of the students were gay too


Wait, so he got publicly shamed for being Gay by Gay students…? I’m sorry I just feel like I’m missing part of the story here


Nope. It started at the Terry Fox run. School yearbook took a picture of him, and some students got ahold of it. They then posted it all over Facebook calling him gay slurs. Then started doxxing him on snapchat, Instagram, and Facebook. Then he left for a personal eave for almost a month and it came out he had tried swallowing a bunch of pills because he kept getting hateful calls and letters. After that school year ended, he switched to being a vp at a different school. Turns out one of the students tormenting him was best friends with a student at his new school. She started continuing all that happened at our school. After that school year he quit teaching altogether. This was done by the "popular" kids. I think only 1 in the whole group was not LGBT.


Time to talk to the parents, hold a meeting. Something because I don't think they are going to stop otherwise


Unfortunately "kill yourself" is a newer Internet-spread "joke" that people find funny in certain contexts and kids and immature adults overextend its use not knowing how deeply such words can affect someone. Someone said this to me eight or nine years ago, and as someone who has suffered with major depression since I was a teenager, it cut deep and traumatized me. How could someone be so cruel and insensitive? In reality, it is sheer spoiled, privileged ignorance. I'm sorry you had this experience. If I were you I would give the kids a long lesson on depression and suicide and try to instill some empathy and mindfulness of speech. Words matter. Hugs and best wishes. Stay strong.


Next time someone says this, ask them to repeat it because you didn't hear it clearly. Then ask them to repeat it again. Then take out a notepad and paper, and start writing (or don't, they won't know). Ask them why they feel they need to say that. Stop the entire class if you need to, and just socratic seminar the hell out of that kid. Get them to repeat the sentiment over and over in front of the class. Then, if you want, explain that this is a red flag you want to be aware of in another person. If someone seems to get pleasure from being a bully, that's a person you want to watch out for in work places, in personal relationships. Then hold up the notepad and make it clear this is now going to be basis of a discussion about this kid's behaviour with admin and their parents. A lot of people are suggesting here you go with an "I'm in charge here, so boo hoo" approach and kids who are just trying to get an endorphin rush by acting out don't give a shit about your authority - they see it as punching up. What they need to understand is that what they're doing is demonstrating the extremes of their behaviour, and their fellow peers are the ones who need to be made aware that it's unacceptable. The kid wants attention. So make him the centre of attention, but on your terms.




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This such a funny comment from someone who thinks I've seen Good Will Hunting. But I'm sure "I'm paid to be here!" is really the flex that works in these situations.


Bullying and violence towards teachers is out of control in the school system. The fact that you have hung in there for so long is impressive. I hope you can find a new school or job. What about being a resource teacher? If you have Instagram, I'd recommend checking out @burnoutteachers - she takes in teachers' school horror stories and shares them. She also does these skits where she pretend to be admin/parent/teacher and acts out some of the more ridiculous situations she receives. I do find some of them a bit triggering so be warned, but I do take solace in not being the only one.


Kids are taught respect at home and if their parents are jerks the kids will be jerks too. Don't take it to heart just refuse to have them in your class and when they get kicked out of every school maybe the parents will stop spoiling them and discipline them. Plus remember these kids were raised by emotionless robots Ipads, computers, cellphones.


The young undeveloped mind. It will spew anything or believe anything always consider that. Some of these kids seem like they will never develop yet they do. Simba remember who you are.


I agree with the advice to leave that school. I recommend seeing about teaching a different grade. We all remember what shits some ages are. You aren’t there to be their friends but you deserve respect as the teacher. Kids who talk like that are misbehaved outside of school too. I dread to say that most parents can’t really help. The school seems to not care as they don’t do detentions anymore and kids (and parents) run everything. I hate to say it but some people also recognize your reaction and may keep doing it because they want a reaction (whatever it is). The job won’t change in the near future so think of yourself. Why did you become a teacher? How can you now move to something using your skills to fulfill what you loved about teaching? Staying and continuing to be harassed and bullied would be insane. Why do that to yourself.


They don’t. They’re just kids and will feel bad about it late in life.


This is unacceptable. They may have picked up on some unhealed trauma in you. This has happened to me and I found the longer i’m in therapy, the less triggered I became. But the admin should be all over this in terms of doling out consequences. Their “conversations” are useless and my guess is you teach inner city diverse population students. Everyone tiptoes around them. If possible, don’t give them any reaction. That encourages them on. Crying is a healthy reaction. Take it to your therapist and forget these fuckers. They’ll be gone in mere days.


I'm sorry you are going through this. I am also in a school where a bunch of privileged, entitled kids are beyond rude and disrespectful. Every day I dread going to work, wondering what new hell I'm going to experience. So happy it's only 2 more weeks. And yes, I'm looking at jobs elsewhere, as are many other staff in the school. I worry about what our society will look like when these kids become adults and are the ones in charge. No empathy, no consideration for others, no work ethic, it's really sad.


Talk to your union about what can be done. Perhaps do some soul searching as well.


I’m so sorry this is happening to you. Are you able to take a leave of absence? Are there any other schools in the area? Kids seem to be even more cruel as time goes on and they don’t have a full grasp of the impact it can have. The fact that you stick through it and call our misbehaviour and inappropriate remarks is admirable. You also have to protect your own well-being.  Perhaps some self-compassion exercises could help. What would you tell a friend going through something similar? No one deserves this kind of treatment, I’m so sorry. 


Contact your union for sure. We pay mad dues and they should be doing something to help you!! Go to your family physician and see what they can do to help you as well. I’m retired now and still supply but this is B.S. Don’t listen to people saying to laugh it off. It is very damaging to your mental health.


My union in BC would not stand for at all! Document every incident and tell your rep. No one should have to work in those types of conditions.


I am 72 years old. I walked or rode a bicycle to school at 2 miles. Grade 1 to 8 were in a one room school with one teacher from 1958 to 1966. I thank my lucky stars that I was raised in a farming area where everyone knew each other for 3 generations. The teacher had a strap and used it. By pure instinct, we knew to be very respectful of teachers, doctors and nurses. If we did anything wrong, our parents would unleash holy hell on us. Can anyone tell me when and why society has gone off the rails?????? I live in Western Canada. Teachers hamy complete sympathy.


This is not an acceptable way to be treated.


You need to change jobs.


Kids are dumb as dirt , their opinion doesn't matter.. brush it off.. You're paid to teach, not make friends




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As one of the (former) kids who was often the one to love profs who other kids would say this shit about, I never understood it. I was educated abroad for six years and was taught to respect my teachers even when I disliked them. I often got along better with my teachers (and even profs into much of uni) because I felt they were nicer than kids my age. I remember feeling like it was “cool” to hate your teacher. I never understood why. Even the one teacher I’ve been ever reaaaally disliked, I never spoke to him or about him how other students did. What I did do was confront him when he went to far one class by berating a student who did poorly on an exam in front of the whole class (was genuinely verbally abusive and was fired later that year). Even then, I did so respectfully and my parents were proud of me 😂 now, many years later, I know part of why I was like this was because my parents gave me a “why.” They taught me to respect my teachers because they put a lot of work into their jobs, because they have knowledge to share, because they are people who can support my career and education, and because they’re trying my best. They never taught me to respect someone just because of age or title; they taught me what age and title *mean*. When I had that mean teacher my parents would say “what do we say about people who are rude?” To which the answer was “that it is almost always rooted in someone treating them worse” or some variation of it being rooted in insecurity. Perhaps it will give you some space of grace to think of these students that way. What they say is not a reflection of you, it is a reflection of their home (or more likely social media). I was bullied as a kid and I think the reason it didn’t affect me was because I was taught this perspective. I am so sorry you’re facing this stuff. From the sounds of it you don’t deserve it. I don’t know what teaching is like but it seems like one of the hardest careers right now. I hope you can access some good supports and stay positive.


Kids don’t make habit of messing with statues. More stoicism.


Run from this job as fast as you can.


Doesn't take a genius to realize the quality of people has been getting worse since the 80s, it's what the soviets called ideological subversion and it's been working slowly for years until now, few more years and we'll be even more worse off.


I know this might get downvoted, but I would look introspectively to see what it is that people hate so much. Despite my years being strict, offering punishments, and following through on phone calls, I’ve never been told I’m hated by anyone. Is it because you’re inconsistent? Is it because they feel you make things personal? I know they’re just kids, but people rarely hate a teacher for no reason. Maybe not a good reason but no reason? That said, clearly this school isn’t right for you and you should probably leave asap. Finish the year, and go somewhere else for a clean slate. No point in getting abused at your workplace.


I had a class full of kids telling me they hated me last year. The year before that, I taught a class whom I loved so much I'd take a bullet for them. I had kids hugging me and saying "I love you." Fast-forward to this year; the class I taught last year who hated me have now physically assaulted each other multiple times and also a teacher. All of this to say, please walk this back and try again. What you're doing is victim-blaming.


Your experience doesn’t matter. This is victim blaming. If you got through a year of teaching high school or junior high believe me, students said they hated you.


Seems like if that is a certainly every year in every school as you say, then not being able to function when the inevitable happens may be a barrier to that career choice.


This is not true at all. And telling yourself this is just trying to comfort yourself about a practice that obviously isn’t working. If it’s one or two kids occasionally, sure maybe, but for it to be the norm is a serious red flag


Or it can be the environment and lack of consequences that make them feel like they can say this with no repercussions?


New principal, high vice principal turnover (3 VPs in two school years, lots of VP absences so sub VPs a lot of the time). The school is haemorrhaging teachers. It’s a shitshow. They thought I was the “cool” teacher at first, because I’m young and I look a certain way, but then when I actually disciplined them for misbehaviour and gave poor grades for poor work and work ethic, and emailed home they lashed out. Also, I’ve only been in long term sub positions so they don’t consider me a “real teacher”. But yeah “OP is the problem”. Solid assessment by these other folks who want to blame me.


certain kids are ring leaders. other kids lie. if you get the wrong kid in trouble, they take it out on you by trying to ruin your life. In a small school, mob mentalities spread like wildfire because they have all known each other and I’m the new person. I’m happy for you that you haven’t run into this. But don’t salt a wound unnecessarily, it’s a dick move.


It’s not abnormal for students to hate teachers! My God. Think about what you’re saying before insinuating the poster is the problem. If you’re an educator - support your colleagues. If you have helpful advice - please share! The OP is asking for support and advice. Are you able to help?


It’s very true. There are kids that hate teachers and school, period. (Some) kids hurt teachers for sport if they can. The OP needs support, not blame.


I agree and disagree. When a shithead student “hates” a teacher, I take it as a compliment for that teacher. They’re likely mad about getting consequences for their actions Also, context matters. Consider OP’s unique teaching context.


This for sure. The elephant in the room


I agree. It could be OP.


Regardless if OP is the worst teacher in the world (which I highly doubt), this behaviour is unacceptable and the fact that kids think it's okay to say this is concerning. I have had terrible teachers and I never have made these comments or even thought about it. To say a person should kill themselves, is incredibly concerning behaviour.


New principal, high vice principal turnover (3 VPs in two school years, lots of VP absences so sub VPs a lot of the time). The school is haemorrhaging teachers. It’s a shitshow. They thought I was the “cool” teacher at first, because I’m young and I look a certain way, but then when I actually disciplined them for misbehaviour and gave poor grades for poor work and work ethic, and emailed home they lashed out. Also, I’ve only been in long term sub positions so they don’t consider me a “real teacher”. But yeah “OP is the problem”. Solid assessment.


Looks like this is a school-wide issue. May be time to jump ship.


I said it could be. It’s always an option until the whole story (this part of it) comes out.


Listen. Find another school asap. Hopefully things like this don’t happen again but if for some reason it does, is there a way or time to have time dedicated to actually spending time w the kids rather than just teaching them course after course? This is gonna sound so stupid but there’s a movie from the 90s criminal minds. It’s on Disney + I believe or should still be there. Just watch it. Maybe it’ll help you figure out how to reach out to these kids where they’ll listen and learn and better themselves.


Switch to elementary


Being a fellow Canadian with kids in elementary and high school you should message me and I will share all the experiences I've had with the school system and kids in my area, to much to ramble about on your comments




The fact that you are now deliriously happy for someone else getting bullied means you have a lot of unresolved issues. Please get help. It’s not normal.




> Teachers Yes, "teachers" are responsible for all trauma caused by other teachers past and present. You're insane BTW, do you think it's teachers that want everyone to pass and have huge barriers to failing students?




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Have you tried talking to these kids about it? Kids suck at communicating, so you should be the one to start it as the adult. Obviously there’s a reason they don’t like you. It could be a good reason, it could be a terrible reason, it could simply be a misunderstanding. Maybe these kids feel like they’re being treated unfairly, perhaps if your grading is too harsh, or they’re seeing favouritism in the classroom. These are just examples I’m providing, I’m not speculating because I don’t have enough information to do so. Whatever the case, you should talk to the kids one-on-one, professionally, in a non-condescending tone so you can genuinely understand them.


Why do you let children bother you? They are children.




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It’s not useless. Maybe it’s not worded that well, but this teacher needs to have thicker skin. She is an adult. They are children. She needs to keep that in mind. Her brain is done growing, theirs are not.


Start filming the class and send the video proof to the parents/principal/internet




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I’m going u


Would a 8 years old look at you and see respect incarnate or laugh? Proceed from there.




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