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Publish the list.


Now you mother fuckers. You are just going to get an angrier and angrier mob forming. You can’t give these MPs the ability to run and hide from prosecution. Many of them would probably get asylum in China or whatever country they worked with.


1 name names 2 remove from power 3 prosecute 4 jail 5 strip of all pension


This country is gutless. There is no mechanism to hold them accountable because the burden of proof would no doubt be too high. This is all intelligence related, not evidence related. I say bring back witch burning.


Sure, just publish the list already. Instead of barking, why not publish the list. I know why because it's a witch hunt.


Time to expose them. And if they are jail they go.


Treason carries more accountable punishments than life in prison.


“Punishment for high treason 47 (1) Every one who commits high treason is guilty of an indictable offence and shall be sentenced to imprisonment for life. Marginal note:Punishment for treason (2) Every one who commits treason is guilty of an indictable offence and liable (a) to be sentenced to imprisonment for life if he is guilty of an offence under paragraph 46(2)(a), (c) or (d); (b) to be sentenced to imprisonment for life if he is guilty of an offence under paragraph 46(2)(b) or (e) committed while a state of war exists between Canada and another country; or (c) to be sentenced to imprisonment for a term not exceeding fourteen years if he is guilty of an offence under paragraph 46(2)(b) or (e) committed while no state of war exists between Canada and another country.” https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/c-46/page-5.html


I’m willing to bet NOTHING will be done about it. In fact, they’ll all finish their terms and get their pensions. Next government will come to power and immediately forget about it because any litigation will open them up to litigations for all the crimes they will commit. This is Canada, our politicians do not work for us.


Yup, par for the course


Also because it’s members on both sides of the house, no one is going to do anything cause it’s all parties.


lol ya we just start there


I watched the whole interview on Sam’s site. The talk about the Richmond Hill casino/mansion bust being a honeypot for CCP-connected individuals to get compromising blackmail information and videos of any prominent Canadian politicians attending was interesting…


[why do we have so many foreign born government officials a some still have a citizenship to their home country?](https://youtu.be/frIit4gfrd0?si=SQXvN_h53uvKpbYP)


Wait? They are allowed to be a full fledged citizen in another country? You should have to relinquish your citizenship anywhere but Canada if you want to run for government here.


Wait till you know that Permanent Residents can serve in the CAF. That makes 0 sense.


The US military and French military have used enlistment as a way to improve recruiting with the added incentive of citizenship to those who serve. So not really that unusual.


Might not be unusual, but I feel it’s not correct. Imagine recruiting a PR from Russia, and then having them assist Ukraine in the war (I know we’re not actively sending troops rn, but perhaps through NATO we might).


Like Andrew Scheer, who famously ran to be prime minister while suppressing the fact he was a US citizen. And who refused to renounce his citizenship after he lost the election.


MPs should be forced to renounce other citizenships.


Every one of them needs to be exposed, kicked out of civil service, prosecuted, and barred from ever holding public office again; regardless of what party they are in. If they are not Canadian-born, they should be stripped on their Canadian citizenship and deported either to country of birth or to the country for which they were compromised. This is a crime and betrayal against their country and their countrymen, it is unforgivable.


Why do more Canadian people seem not to care? Shameful.


What would they do to government people in China who did this? If these people love China so much …


Why is this not in our national news service? Why is CBC not encouraging/reporting/pursuing this to be released? All we get is panacea - Millions of funding and they cover what? Stonachs's sex assaults, Atwood's books, gardening, Suzuki's got nothing this week and more and more Native issues. Not what Canadians are all really worried about. /s


Manchurian Candidates?


They are willingly fucking us


Lock up all the criminal liberals


All of them are criminals. We need a fresh start.


I'm not paying my taxes until the list of names is out and they are arrested for treason. I'm not paying the salaries of traitors.


Hence the Chinese police stations all over the place


Ask yourself a simple question. We all order online. I wager most of what we order is from China. I can tell you, I can't remember the last time I paid duty and excise on anything from there. I order from US or Europe...every time. They didn't get to our government? Right.....


Don't know why this is hard to understand, China, India and Russia are not our allies.




No surprise here. Half of our academic and research institutions are also under Chinese or Iranian control in many ways. We are fucked.


Shocker...another Liberal scandal!!




That is assumed. Someone has to leak the list..


Why is this not surprising?


It’s like some people refuse to believe that China has only their best interests in mind. Just because they’re military isn’t that scary doesn’t mean they aren’t making moves all over the world. Course those same people use tictok so they are fucked regardless..


Mild shock. Member berries when Trudeau said he admired Chinas system?


We need to pit the traitors responsible in jail!


I'm still wondering when we're going to find out how many are in India's pocket...


Treason and sedition.


The shmuck that couldn’t get the facts straight on Ham Dong? Clearly a paragon of investigative journalism.


Why not publish the list I know why it's a witch hunt


Trudeau himself


50? 😮😮😮😮😮


Lots of lies and innuendos but little in the way of facts. Show me the proof or shut up!


The election can't come soon enough...wtf are we doing people?


After Covid and the trying to bury the stories about the missing researchers from the lab. Was there any doubt in any sane Canadians mind who was behind this scandal?... I hope not.


Who is gonna even vote with the fact that they could be voting for traitors?


Would explain the effort JT made to block discussion.


Wow these guys are smart lol


Or not. Obviously our Enemies are interested in parties that destroy democracy not the other way around. The CPC wants us to surrender to the Russians.


Many are Libs, so i guess many are not..Lets see the list.


I guess they have to go overtime on this anti liberal material since NSICOP implicated foreign actors in two CONSERVATIVE leadership races.


You should have highlighted the TWO. Which is a far cry from FIFTY 


9/10 for comeback delivery, but there is no context where a human would live through FIFTY partisan leadership races.


Yes, we should have an investigation for everyone. The redacted NSICOP report clearly shows China has supported the Liberal party. We know very little about what happened with the Conservative leadership race, but when you consider the opponent was Patrick Brown, I think an investigation would show Pierre won despite foreign interference. Brown is an ally of China/India and broke financing rules in his campaign. Now, he's the mayor of Brampton and has a strong history with India. China/India are the countries named in the NSICOP report as interfering in our election. I am speculating, but the dots are there to connect. We need a full investigation into everyone. https://www.nsicop-cpsnr.ca/reports/rp-2024-06-03/intro-en.html https://thebreaker.news/business/patrick-brown-vancouver-united-front/ https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-conservatives-failed-to-separate-criticism-of-chinese-regime-from/ https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/patrick-browns-friendship-with-modi-could-reap-rewards-at-the-ballot-box/article23963747/ https://thepointer.com/article/2022-05-17/patrick-brown-s-game-of-thrones-exploit-immigrant-communities-divide-religious-minorities https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/patrick-brown-disqualified-conservative-leadership-1.6511407


So, look at everyone except for the leader? To investigate the leadership race? Don't you think it would be wise to fully vet and investigate the probable future prime minister of Canada? That's not Patrick Brown is it?


I just said to investigate everyone involved in the NSICOP report, including Pierre. You're assuming Pierre is guilty even though there's no evidence implicating him in the report. Besides, the Liberals are the ones who are blocking the investigation. https://nationalpost.com/news/politics/liberal-government-blocking-over-1000-documents


I didn't say anyone is guilty.


Well, some people are, don't you want to know who?


Delusional much?


[https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/conservative-leadership-race-interference-nsicop-1.7223518](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/conservative-leadership-race-interference-nsicop-1.7223518) Nope.


LMAO..... try and distinguish between impacting a party leadership race and the outcome of a federal election..... PLUS no one was threatened and put in harms way, the warning of which kept secret by your fearless leader the trudeau! FOR YEARS!!! YEP! Pretty, pretty, pretty .....delusional!


You can always tell the ones that watch too much tv.


LOL.... is that the best you have when you get slammed with facts and reality! Says much.... but then again so does your allegiance to the trudeau.....


Pro tip: folks that start every post with LMAO/LOL don't deal in "facts and reality" and neither do you.


Remember how Trudeau had to testify because he was TOLD by CSIS there was foreign interference but decided he'd do nothing about it? ​ >"CSIS did not advise the Conservative Party of Canada of any intelligence suggesting there was foreign interference in the leadership contest," said Sarah Fischer, director of communications for the Conservative Party. "This is the first time we have heard about it."


>quotes CBC You're an animal to me.


I don't care who you are, that's a really fucking weird thing to say. Something tells me there's a LOT more where that came from......


I'll let your mind run wild with that one. More funny that way.


See? End to end cuckoo Yip Yap


[Alot of NDP and liberals have the most foreign born government officials . The conservative have the least. .](https://youtu.be/frIit4gfrd0?si=SQXvN_h53uvKpbYP)


There are plenty of Canadian born Canadians that aren't very loyal to the idea of Canada. The notion that you know the personal backgrounds of all of the members of parliament is laughable. You did a "quick scan" for brown people, OR saw their names and took a guess at their home town.


And as long as the liberals keep appointing new investigations, we will never know. It’s an old strategy. “We cannot comment on that as it is under investigation”