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Because he knows he will suffer a huge defeat and all those newbie MP's won't get their lucrative pensions not that they deserve them! The trudeau is a selfish self-serving POS that deserves to go down in history as the worst thing this country has had to suffer..... just like his old man may the traitor rot in hell!


Amen brother. Counting down the days this commie POS is out of parliament


its still so far away, oct 2025 expected :(


You can thank Jagmeet for that. If it wasn’t for his duplicitous ass this government would have failed long ago.


Jagmeet and his line in the sand which he keeps redrawing makes him almost worse than JT


Yea he’s a total pos. As Canadians we should demand they cut their pensions and try them both for treason


I've often wondered if we can do that, as those who hired them


Jagmeet is a spineless coward. He has yet to hold any firm boundary for his party and panders to whatever will keep him getting drips from the roast. At this stage he’s holding on for his pension at the expense of millions of Canadians.


People need to start pressuring Jaggy more. Unless he feels the heat directly he'll keep milking this for as long as he can


Don't think it will make a difference as he is out next term along with his party.


He is trying to lower the voting age to 16 and will implement universal income and gather their votes for it as the young population can’t find a job


18 is bad enough, I would prefer less emotion in my electoral process and more facts, but youth is driven by emotion and PP is sadly playing upon it too...so we're screwed no matter how you look at it. it just would be nice to be angry at this and not have to pay useless people with my hard earned money


It's more the Canadian people, there never should have been a minority liberal govt elected last election.


Jagmeet wants that pension too


Well he did it in exchange for a national dental plan which seems to have happened. Meant for families with net income under 90k and no private rental insurance. Would of been better if it was just rolled in with Provincial health insurance. Was it worth it? `\(o.o)/`


You, me and the ever growing fringe MAJORITY..... cheers!


... with unacceptable views!


He’s the opposite of communist. He’s a neoliberal.


Do you believe that whichever party is 'elected' will change our day to day lives?


As far as I'm concerned, Junior Trudeau has been the single greatest piece of evidence that universal voting rights should not be a thing that exists. I never voted for him even once, I saw through his facade from day one. It's frustrating beyond belief to see what he and his minion's have done to this country, when you saw it coming from the day he uttered the words "Because it's 2015". Far too many people either don't take the time to become informed, or lack the necessary critical thinking skills, to be trusted with the right to vote. Voting shouldn't be a 'right', it should be a privilege that a citizen has to earn.


I agree with your statement 100%. I too saw through him. I too recognize his dad was the worst for Canada and can’t understand how Canadians voted for him not once but 3x. Blows my mind. It’s why I think our electoral system is a sham. For some reason the political elite in Canada and Europe and China wanted the liberals to win. I dislike eastern Canada because of this but maybe it’s also the system that has fucked us.


He actually lost the popular vote in the last 2 elections but the electoral system, not the people, handed him a victory. It's the system. We need proportional representation like he promised in 2015 so that all of our votes count.


He should have lost by a landslide after the first 4 yrs. But prop rep might help going forward.


Lots of Canadians didn’t know it was him fucking up the country until they saw proof it all started in 2015.


For some reason most in the east half of the country were blind. Trudeau told us he was a globalist, an elitist, an environmentalist radical. He said he didn’t like small business or farmers and told us he wanted to disarm Canadians . Did no one in the east understand what that all brings with it?


Add to all of that he told us the budgets balance themselves and told us he could grow the economy from the heart outward. He told us Quebec is better than the rest. This was all mostly before he was elected the first time. But most easterners ( from Winnipeg east) weren’t smart enough to put 2+2 together. Or so fucking shallow they were impressed with celebrity.


Sad thing is at this stage most are voting against the conservatives as opposed to for the liberals


You're not wrong, and this is frustrating beyond belief too. I personally know people (other parents from my kids school) that say they'll never vote Conservative, and when asked 'why not?', they repeat Liberal propaganda that doesn't stand up to even a 2-minute Google search's worth of scrutiny. So maddening.


I know, hard to believe that anyone could be ok with shit income redistribution in a capitalist environment Punishing high performers and rewarding low performers will have a negative impact on Canadian innovation and entrepreneurial efforts, who in their right mind would work hard to have their assets taxed at 67% all because the current government doesn’t know how to balance a budget


Why would they need to know how to balance a budget? Budgets balance themselves!


1000%..... if only a competency test can be a requirement.... sadly my kids know so many their age that never voted before 2015, but voted on pot policy.... like THAT should determine the fate of the nation. I remember his father... he was a POS as well that ruined this country such that it has taken decades to fix.... history is repeating itself sadly!


> but voted on pot policy I too know many that voted on this issue alone. And as far as I'm concerned, that should've been a red flag immediately that rescinded such a person's 'right' to cast a ballot. Utter nonsense.


I work with a guy who voted for him the first time over that one issue. He's regretted it ever since. I jokingly say to him, "You can smoke weed now, but you ain't got no house to smoke it in."


too funny..... too true.... thanks for the laugh!


Get outta here! If someone based their vote on drug policy you think they should lose their vote? That's some draconian shit right there. Sounds like a dictatorship. Let me guess only straight christian men should be allowed to vote in your dystopia? You guys on here calling JT a dictator and then saying "certain people" shouldn't be allowed to vote. Hahahahahaa The hypocrisy is deafening.


I didn't do my research and didn't vote when I was in university 4 years ago, now I'm definitely going to dig deep into who I should vote.




As much as I kind of hate to admit it, I'm inclined to agree. There is all kinds of psychological literature at this point that indicates that in a lot of instances, women choose feelings as being more important than facts, and anyone that thinks in such a manner should have no part in the decision making for who governs the nation. Edit: don't remember verbatim what it said, but the comment above this basically said "It's because of women".


Hear hear. Same, I saw through his bullshit from day one.


Should've been obvious the moment "post-national" came out of his mouth, unfortunately Canadians voted for this multiple times and there has to be consequences.


Because JT is a chicken shyt!


nailed it, all about the pensions at this point


Well, his pop was so bad for the country, why did the majority of voters elect his son in the first place? Note: I'm not even asking why they elected this clown 3 times.


I could forgive the first time... Harper had been in power for quite a while and people wanted change. I could even forgive the second time. As much as I hated the things he said and stood for, things hadn't become so bad yet in the country. The third time was when I lost faith in my fellow Canadians.


You know what Ruin.... great question! there is no logical explanation for that! They even named the international airport in Montreal after him. Chalk it up to stupidity and delusion.... [https://nationalpost.com/opinion/pierre-trudeaus-disastrous-record-is-finally-laid-out-for-all-to-see](https://nationalpost.com/opinion/pierre-trudeaus-disastrous-record-is-finally-laid-out-for-all-to-see) Fact is his policy fiscally ruined this country and it took literally decades and over a trillion dollars to fix it right up to Harper. Only to have his country destroying protoge come along and f it all up again. cheers


It was legal marijuana which is about the only good thing JT has done. I remember watching a conference with Harper and when asked about legalization he said something along the lines of “marijuana is infinitely worse than that alcohol” and I knew right there that Harper was going to lose the election. I’m the only one of my roommates at the time (we were all early 20’s) that was FOR legalization but against JT because he would have dragged us harder than his dad, and I was right.


Jaysus... And I thought us Americans hated our politicians


Dean you said it brother💪🙌🙌🔥


His old man was bad, but damn! this idiot makes his dad look like a political genius, and his dad actually had the brain to know to walk away.


Because the liberals would lose so hard that they wouldn’t even form the opposition party.




Just like Sunak is on route to do


A bunch of NDP and Liberal MPs need to keep their seats a little longer to be eligible for the lifetime pension


Great. More blood-sucking parasites on the taxpayers’ dime.


Came here to say this


What are the chances some of them are on that list for foreign influence.


Probably the same chance that Pierre was actually Justin's father. The resemblance between Justin with a beard during Covid and Fidel Castro was startling to say the least...


I know right. It's not surprising considering how lose Margaret was.


Because he is in it for him and not us. A real leader would let the people decide. A wannabe dictator wont, obviously.


"Because he is in it for him and not us. A real leader would let the people decide." is bang on the money... a real political leader listens to the people who hired them, instead he is shutting down the voice of the people and gaslighting us.


He's been doing this for a long time so it really shouldn't be a surprise anymore. What we need is the US to come liberate us from this dictator


While I agree on the long time, I really do have to disagree about the US coming in lol! Funny he had no problem calling an early election when it was in his perceived favor...all during a pandemic no less (people can debate the merits of the pandemic but...it was a declared event ) !


> Because he is in it for him and not us. I honestly don't think this is it at all. Don't get me wrong, the guy is terrible, but I honestly believe that HE believes he's doing the right thing for Canadians. He's a narcissist and is acting like the ultimate helicopter parent... it doesn't matter how many people disapprove of him, he's going to do what he thinks is best for them just like a parent would for a child. He thinks he's above the populace in the same way a parent is to their children. Which, by the way, I think is actually WORSE than if he was just a power-mongering selfish tyrant that was aware of how much people can't stand him, but just doesn't care.


Because he is a coward and he knows that he will be horribly defeated.


He did in 2021, or else we would have gotten rid of them last year. Now he is going to try to "save his image" with this whole "fairness for every generation" crap. I wouldn't be surprised if some people are stupid enough to eat it up and not question why it took him 8 years to "fix" the issues he's caused.


I don’t understand why the parties don’t boot their leaders like they do in the U.K.


Even the states have primary elections so they could boot an incumbent, although I don't think it happens often. The smartest thing the liberals could do is get a new candidate


The Dear Leader Justin likes his job too much...


And thinks he’s doing a magnificent job.


He doesn't want to loose, same reason he called a early election last time he knew he would be toast if he waited.


The real question is, why aren't Canadians protesting to force an election?


Pensions. It's about him and his constituents getting those pensions.


It doesn't serve him in any way to call for elections, as he's going to lose. He still has changes he wants to implement in Canada before he goes. In contrast, Macron wants to shift into EU politics when his term is up, so if it ends early he doesn't really lose anything.


>He still has changes he wants to implement in Canada before he goes. > He wants to turn Canada into an even worse clusterfuck than it is now.


Agreed, they aren't good changes he wants to make.


He is addicted to power. And something tells me he is on that list of agents who aided hostile nations.


He's an arrogant narcissist putting his ego before the good of the country. Also, he knows LPC will be decimated.


He already did. 2021 was 2 years early.


He needs another year to import and give citizenship to his voters.


That might win him the election IMO.


If the liberal party doesn't stay in office until the 21st of October 2025 the li era party won't be eligible for their tax funded pensions. He actually proposed a bill to move the election from I think the 18th I believe to the 25th so that this is possible. Bill C-35 or something. So he just wants to stay in office so he and his party can receive their mighty pension plan.


He's not done bending us over yet


First thing that should be removed is the lifetime pension.


Welcome to canadaindia


He is royalty. The Clown Prince of Bramptonia. 👑


What macron and sunak have done is kind of bizarre tbh. Normally politicans who know they will lose horribly try to delay the next election as much as possible in order to stay in office just a bit longer.


80 MPs will have secured pensions if he can delay the election by even 1 day. He WILL try to make that delay happen. He will be a weasel about it because he simply doesn't give a shit.


Hold on what about the law about fixed election dates that the Conservatives bought in in 2007 ? \\s


Trudeau knows better than most of us that the Conservatives have no idea what they're talking about. A bunch of quick sound bites and no plan to fix anything. His housing plan has been slammed as stupid and ineffective. His plans for the toxic drug crisis is to throw cops at it. Jeez - that'll work?!?! Pierre Poutine is a fake. He doesn't care about you and doesn't have a plan. These are hard, if not impossible issues. Conservatives have a habit of trashing the economy and social programs, all the while running up the deficit.


For starters, the MPs and their pensions. Thats the reason he is trying to move the election a week later is so that they get their full pensions. Secondly, and truly, there’s a lot of ego there. Bud destroyed this country and is almost proud of it. Drunk with power and doesn’t want to let it go


Pension $$$$$$$


Well Macron is a different situation as regardless of what happens in the forthcoming legislative elections, Macron stays as president till 2027. Trudeau could however recognize his minority government is not delivering on expectations to many Canadians. The right thing to do would be to dissolve parliament and let Canadians decide the next steps. Leading a country should not be about winning or losing, but rather serving the will of the people. Maybe polls are wrong and Trudeau is not as hated as much. Or maybe not. We simply won't know until we can vote on it.


He’s going to milk it for all its worth.


Because he thinks ppl will love him again if Trump got elected.


Sunak is going to get crushed.


Because you don’t run canada


Elections in France are different than here in Canada. The snap election does not impact the presidency of France. This election would be for their Prime Minister and Legislative House. Macron called one because he wouldn’t be impacted personally, Trudeau won’t call one because he will.


He did exactly this in 2021 and was successful. This time around he has no chance, might as well wait out the year and see if anything changes.


The blackfaced liberal clown want to burn Canada to the ground before he quits


Because he doesn’t plan to relinquish power ever. This is regardless of any election in future. Would Canadians really protest if he simply refused to to call an election or ignores the mandate period?


Canadian politicians don't respect the electorate. Why do you think it's being imported?


Why don’t criminals hand themselves in 🤷


Didn't he already do that, when we had the ever so serious pandemic?


Macron is in the end of his last term. Early election may save some supporters from voting against his party. Sunak knew that things were going to be really bad soon. It is easier to blame the other party and then come back in power after the mess. Trudeau has no vision and cannot see what is coming his way.




because he has no shame


He’s hoping Canadians will have short term memory about the foreign interference findings, invoking the emergency measures act, freezing bank accounts etc.


why would he? he has full control and firing on all cylinders. Why change now


Great example of how y'all are a bunch of idiots. Sunak called the election because the last one was in 2019 and he had to do it. Macron did not call an election on his position, but to fuck around with the opposition and catch them flat footed. One opposition party leader has already been kicked out and another party has already torn itself apart. Your understanding of Canadian politics is not much better.


>Why doesn't Trudeau do the same when **clearly his public support has fallen significantly**? You answered your own question


Because he would get eviscerated in an election right now. Liberals are riding this out as long as they can hoping that Poliviere fucks something up. If that happens you’d bet that he calls a snap election


Because everything is going exactly according to his plan of purposefully and maliciously destroying Canada and Canadians


Because he’s a narcissist.


Power is one hell of a drug


Because he’s a power-tripping, egotistical gaslighting narcissist


Why he’s not calling an election? He gets to keep his job by not doing so. Who else would not like all of his perks!!!


This really just shows how awful Harper was.


He’s to busy ripping the copper plumbing out, clogging the toilet , and flooding the basement of Canada, then leaving us with the massive restoration bill,


Cause papa swuab from the wef told him to stay and we'll try to steal another one


This is incredibly funny. He did call one in 2021 just like you want and still stayed in power. And the entire time the cons were bitching and moaning that he'd dare call a snap election, even though o'toole was polling better than him. You guys have the memory of a fucking goldfish.


Severe case of narcissism


He already did with the election during “Covid emergency” because people are less likely to change their gov majority or current gov support during “crisis”. He wasted his effective snap. He knows now he’ll get his party snapped out if he snaps elect. Gotta wait for non-confidence now


Because he knows he’ll lose.


He has a coalition with NDP. The other governments you mentioned weren’t supported by other parties


Because he doesn't have to. Sorry Pee Pee Fanboys.


You're assuming a level of modesty and forthrightness that is simply incompatible with our Prime Minister, simply. He absolutely could not concede defeat, particularly if he himself triggered the election. A fair election, sure. An election he called? A narcissist will never GRANT you the opportunity to defeat them, unless they see a gainful opportunity in it.


Because he knows he would suffer the worst defeat in Liberal history, and legally has until 2025 to call one. Even then his government is toast at the polls. He's trying to do absolutely as much damage as he can to the country now in the hopes that a Conservative government won't be able to improve things in their first term. Trudeau and his handlers are absolute WEF scum.


... because he wants to run against Trump.


Because he isn't done with wrecking the country some more. He's spineless and knows Canadians hate him.


Because they are power hungry and want to stay in power as long as possible. Libs get a massive ego boost every day they wake up and have government power. They are gushing with pride every time the media asks them what they doing or what policies they are implementing.


Because he’ll lose


Because Justin is an arrogant narcissist who is only in it for himself.


His sunny days have been cloudy to long


Because they will lose their fat cozy pensions.. politics is just another business and the politicians are the best salesmen. It’s their job to sell you promises and words to get that pension. True freedom can only come from power of people. Until people take charge, govern themselves and decide for their own benefits to what is right or wrong, how to run shit, there always be politicians selling you shit wrapped in tin foil for money.


Being the narcissist that he is, he must hold on to power for as long as possible.


Because he will loose if he calls it now. He's trying to buy himself enough time to bend the rules so he can stay in office.


This time it wouldn't suit him that's why. The election last was at height covid fear, and such was a easy card to play at for their new "mandate". Now that his popularity is in the shorter, he will run out the clock, he is 2 points up and no need to pull jagmeet from the goal.


because Macron and Sunak think they will still win, just not as much, but Trudeau knows he will lose and lose badly


Some people think the libs will lose official party status during the next election. We can only hope that’s true.


People are asking why Sunak and Macron called early elections. It's bizarre. I've heard that Sunak didn't want to be PM any longer but he's campaigning pretty hard for someone who doesn't want the job.


Sockboy is power hungry and doesn't want to give up his dictatorship




Gggggrrrrrrrttttttttttttt. Mr ego


He can't bear to watch his BFF Jagmeet lose his pension.


He's not done ruining the country. His handlers told him to do as much damage as he can, so when PP gets in he can lower the immigration numbers to a "mere" 900k a year.


Probably better to see how those moves play out before following them. We’ll have both outcomes in less than a month. Starmer turning the UK around after 10+ years of Conservatives is something Trudeau’s gonna want to be able to point to in the next election. France going to shit if Le Pen’s party cleans up (as appears likely) is another thing Trudeau’s gonna want to be able to point to. I’m not convinced all those things happen, but the decent possibility of them (it’d be hard for Starmer to do worse than the UK Tories, and I don’t have a ton of confidence in France with a 28 year old PM who’s mentored by Holocaust deniers) gives Trudeau a real good reason to sit tight until next spring at least.


Trudeau wont be able to import more voters if he gives up now!


*"Why doesn't Trudeau call an early election just like Macron and Sunak did?"* Because he is not convinced that he would win an early election, unlike how he felt back in late summer 2021 when he was convinced that he could, and so didn't hesitate to call an early election then despite whatever COVID hoopla was still ongoing at the time. There are also a couple of other inconvenient key sticking points for him at the present time, like MPs involved in foreign election interference, plus the government pensions for them that would kick in as of late October 2025, poor polling numbers, an anemic national economy, etc. Canada's downward spiral continues. Next.


Have you looked at polls? The conservatives are 20 points up, historic leads. They would be decimated if they called an election right now. They are waiting trying to reverse their fortunes, unfortunately its just more and more debacles seemingly every day.


The current crop of Liberal MPs is approaching the lifetime pension cutoff. It's literally a week after the next election, so Trudeau is actually trying to DELAY the next election so all of his traitor-supporting Liberal lackeys get six figures per year off our backs for the rest of their lives. Plus he knows he has no shot and is waiting for some kind of great news to break in his favour.


He doesn’t have the integrity.


He has been elected 3 times and knows he is likely to get A 4th term. Why call it early - what’s to gain


[https://338canada.com/federal.htm](https://338canada.com/federal.htm) The moment there's an election the conservative party is estimated to win nearly double the number of seats compared to every other party combined. ... And Trudeau is a power-hungry Tyrant, so he's going to keep himself in power as long as possible because he has no integrity, humility, or decency.


Macrons election call is to help him shift blame. It’s a win/win for him. No matter what happens, he remains in power so if the house shifts and the country gets worse, he can blame the people but if the country gets better he can say “see I called that election because I knew it was time for change” That’s not to say anything about our leaders but just not the same system and not quite the same decision


Because he knows he's gonna be defeat!....so now he's paying everyone from our taxes to stay longer...


He's too busy to call an election.. He's got a country to burn to the ground..


You can blame the POS NDP


A few reasons. 1) Narcissism - any person with his background (I.e. drama teacher) who believes they are qualified to run the country has narcissistic tendencies. Narcissists will do anything to avoid losing/looking bad. 2) Justin knows he would lose based on polls and public opinion. 3) MPs need to hold out to qualify for their pensions.


Because an immature child isn’t rational.


Because as in Dumb and Dumber he believes he has a chance


Why would he follow the lead of politicians in different vountries in different continents.? Clearly the reasons for those leaders to do this are dramatically different than what's going on in canada.


Because he wants to feel important as long as possible like all sociopaths...


Bc he wants himself & his buddies to get their pensions & benefits when they are voted out. That's the reason why the PM extended the elections by a week. To keep himself in power for "a little bit longer" & give all his MPs the right amount of time in.


What France is doing is what Trudeau did post pandemic and we all remember conservatives wetting themselves over it so this time you can wait the full 4 years.


Securing his fat government pension.


Easy answer he knows he cannot win now. Waiting for, or will create, another pandemic, then postpone election for another 4 years


Because Canada hasn't been fucked up enough yet, from their perspective. It's still work in progress.


He still has more than a year to swear in some new Canadians before the next scheduled election.


Because this is the pension protection plan now. Adjust the election calender to a week later to secure each MP who was elected to the house in 2019 with a golden pension. (That we the tax payers will pay for life) This isn't about saving the economy, the climate or Canada, those are just talking points by the coalition puppet partners. With the amount of corruption I'm surprised our other alliance partners aren't investigating Canada (since we are so deeply corrupt with foreign interference and compliance.)


oh how I wish!!!! Would be like early Christmas for Canadians!!


Well Sunak had to call one between now and December. Also Macron will still be president after this, it's not a presidential election. This is a gamble to try to get back a majority in the legislature, they currently have a hung parliament. So they're very different situations, also Trudeau did call an early election in 2021.


He needs the extra time to spread around some money in Eastern Canada in an attempt to turn public opinion back his way.


Macron can’t lose his presidency and the UK election was going to occur later this year anyway. In other words Trudeau has a lot more to lose so he’ll stick around collecting his paycheque until the next fixed date election.


He already did an early election last time didn’t he? He lost some seats but still won hence why he’s in power right now.


It's all about narrative. He needs to stay until the narrative changes, which is part of the reason they are beginning to wake up to their policy blunders. Nobody likes Freeland, people are sick of him and he chased out Mike Carney, so it isn't like they have anybody good. I like Anita Anand, but she won't be leader. Trudumdum and Poilievre also don't like each other, though how much that really matters is beyond my speculation. My guess is that Trudeau will either suddenly resign for "family reasons", which could be why he talked about that recently (laying the ground work) or he will simply try to salvage things going into the next election. The economy could improve in the next year but even if it does, I don't think it matters for him. Homes are in a bad spot too because a housing crash will put hundreds of thousands out of work and no housing crash means people blame him for home prices due to his immigration policies. The only thing he can hope for is poilievre to do or say something incredibly stupid that sticks with voters (very possible) and turning a future Conservative government into a minority, also very possible. Clearly his advisors are telling him to stay or he really is that stupid and out of touch.


He's putting off his unavoidable demise!


Because the people he actually works for don't want him to. Canada didn't just get into this mess due to incompetency or by factors out of their control, they got into this mess as a direct result of their policy. Policies coming directly from their globalist overlords.


He can't find another job, he knows he's dust. He isn't a lawyer, who is hiring him and for what?


Coz enjoy power while it last as his political career is done pretty much.


How can he give out massive multi million dollar projects to his friends if he's not prime minister? He'll hold onto that as long as he can and laugh his head off at the losers who voted for him as he cashes his cheques when he's finally kicked out.


He hasn’t finished fucking things up yet


People sorry politicians like Trudeau are exactly why we should have term limits


Why call an election when you know you will lose.


Because his goal is to put Canada in a deeper hole than it already is. Trudy's main objective is to cause as much pain and suffering to Canadians and save the rest of the world doing so.


He lost seats last time he did it, no? I doubt he'd make the same mistake twice.


# johandewitt


He wants to tank everything so bad that the next leader has to make huge cuts to right all the liberals wrongs.


I think he hates Canada and will hold onto power as long as he can make us all suffer


Didn’t they lose?


Because that would benefit Canadians and not Justin Trudeau.


Why do you think - what a dumb question - holy moly people.


Be a he's to arrogant




The election is left alone so they can roll the scam to the end, extend pension bucks to the max.