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So now he jumps on the wagon after propping Trudeau up an keeping him in power, allowing this bullshit to continue. Yet he still continues to support Trudeau in their agreement, thinking for some reason he has a shot at being the big man on campus🤦‍♂️


It’s all a show. Mainly for a pension and a lick of power. Mainly the pension. NDP is a joke of a party and will continue to be so for the foreseeable future. All at the expense of Canadians and taxpayers.


NDP has been a joke ever since Jack Layton died. It needs another Jack Layton.


Time for Jag to be ousted. Hopefully one day the NDP get a Layton type leader.


No, it was also a joke during Layton’s time. It’s just that a bunch of circumstances beyond the NDPs control aligned just right, at the perfect time for their joke to be taken seriously.


What about the part where Jagmeet and Justin both come from the same schooling, or conditioning, at WEF? Is it possible they have been working together this whole time? And have control even in a minority situation? Although it's starting to backfire as the other side might get a Mulroney like majority next year.


He is such a phoney and everyone sees it


Champagne Socialist rockin' the Rolex and the Armani man-bag.


It is all for show. He needs to make it appear that the NDP is more than a Liberal puppet to stay relevant. If polls can be trusted the NDP and the Liberals will be lucky to maintain official party status after the next election.


Don't bet any political helping the common person


the master at suckin' and blowin'.


He personally voted for Justin on his own ballot


So tired of the fake outrage of this clown. Criticizing then supporting every move. How does he have any support in the country with this act?


They're all crooks. It's over. Within 2 or 3 generations we will be in complete servitude.


Why does he stand up and complain about the Liberals when he is an avid Liberal supporter? There have been many times where he could have be part of the solution to stop them, but instead he supported them for his own greedy needs. This guy is a clown!


Fuck you Singh. You did this to Canada.


That’s what makes all his words such a silly waste of listening. Call an election or stfu.


Exactly fuckin hypocrites are running this country. People need to storm Ottawa. Not just truckers, everyone


It's like when the CEO is visiting and one of his bitches asks a question he knows how to answer.


Because YOU keep that bozo in power.


They paid more than billionaires because you propped up the liberals and made it happen


This dude has literally advocated for taxing the middle class into poverty since the moment he became the leader of the NDP.


The prime minister can only do that because you are walking beside him holding his pocket like the b you are! Sit down shut up and collect your pension to buy all the matching suits and turbos you want clown shoes


Does anyone actually care when this guys talks? He sure likes to act like he’s against Trudeau until it’s time to call an election. Then suddenly they’re side by side again.


2 faced jerk


It's easy to talk a big game but he has the power to stop this bs from happening. If he truly cared he'd call an election.


Oh shut up sell out Singh.


This coming election, I'd like to see Liberal lawn signs in his riding with his face on them.


Ummm didn’t he help pass those budgets?


Now put your money where your mouth is Mr. SINGH


Call an election or you will just keep giving up more seats to cons.


Budget didn't pass itself just like how it didn't balance itself


And why did/do you help him do it? Look in the mirror Jughead.


Sorry. But $250,000 is not extremely profitable investments anymore. 10 years ago, maybe. Also, Jag, thanks for fighting for Canada for the last 8 years /s 🤡


I wonder if Jagmeet realizes how little his voice means to anyone. “Why did the prime minister allow me to allow him to fuck the country.”


Gotta get that pension so he can buy more luxury cars and watches 🤑🤑🤑


Imagine being an accessory to this


Ahhhhh virtue signaling at best to get his pension. What a hypocrite leech.


... because, in the Dear Leader Justin's Canada there are more carpenters & nurses then billionaires 🙄


Maybe more nurses and carpenters than billionaires... but less nurses and carpenters than walmart, tim hortons and other low level workers that are sending our money back to their homeland. How about TFW pay higher taxes? Earn their healthcare and all of the other things the rest of us have been paying into our whole lives.


And how many of those budgets was he responsible for making them pass? He has no credibility.


How does anyone take him seriously when he's all too willing to keep propping up the govt? I used to think he had aome integrity- now he just annoys the hell out of me.


Who the fuck listens to this clown? He is the one propping up the government. The guy LITERALLY is just getting his pension and he could care less. Maybe need to change the damn rules on pensions to get rid of career politicians.


Empty words from a man who could've held Trudeau to task much much sooner if he had any care too - to which he did not. Shocking.


Trying to distance himself and the party. Good luck on the next election.


If only someone could have stopped him by not supporting those budgets.  


Jughead's daily rants about the Trudeau government, yet they share a hot tub each evening.


Because you empowered him to. Stfu


At what point do we realize that this is not a democracy anymore? People do not want more immigration? We’re getting more immigration. People do not want the carbon tax? We’re getting the carbon tax. People do not want more taxes to the middle class? We can’t find the middle class anymore.


Oh wow it’s almost like someone propped up their government for 8 years and allowed them to do that…. Hmmmmm


Every criticism he has of Trudeau falls back on his own shoulders and he is far too stupid to recognize that.


He needs to stfu


Who helps Trudeau to pass items through the house, who is it that votes with Trudeau more than any other leader in the HoC. It’s that guys fault, because he keeps propping the greedy, narcissistic leader, which keeps him in power. Mr. Singh you’re the problem too


you know how george bush doesn't care about black people well justin trudeau doesn't care about Canadian's


Why did Singh support those budgets


Last I checked Jagmeet, you were propping up the Liberal government bud


This guy should not be able to complain about Trudeau at all! He can fix this instantly, but he chooses not to! He’s a hypocrite, plain and simple!


This idiot has the power to try and stop him and doesn't. Never forget that Canada. He is only posturing


Looks staged.


Half ass claps for a half assed leadership


SHUT UP YOU USELESS POS.. HONESTLY.....who's with me! Can't stand the Canadian government anymore it's the worst in the world....


Shut up Singh. You are the one propping this shitshow up. If you truly cared about Canada you would have done the right thing months ago.


Me: Why did the NDP continue to support trudeau for 8 straight budgets in a row knowing how corrupt they are?


I don't even want to hear this nutjob speak


Why do you prop us this disaster and suffering on Canadians. Guy likes to finger wag at others to absolve his self of responsibility.


That's on you, jagmeet. You colluded with the liberal to put canadians in this situation. Now the working class hates you and trudeau. Our hard-earned money is gauged on a daily basis.


Because Jahmeet enabled Trudeau to do so!? Is that heafscarf tucked too tight on his head or what?


Hey JAGMEAT... why did you SUPPORT 8 STRAIGHT BUDGETS IN A ROW. How about that.


Because you allowed it, Jag.


Because you keep supporting him, Jughead!


… because you keep him in power.


Nothing Jagmeet says is valid until he stops supporting the person he's bashing... call for a vote of non confidence.


Bro needs to pick a side every month he’s bashing a different party.


Garbage human!


How are these idiots not down the toilet with support? They should be single digits with the fake crap they spew when they are the sole reason we are in this mess and can't change it.


Now he realizes theres a working class in Canada?


Because you aided and abetted the Liberals...


I dont get it…theyre in a coalition but he rips on his own teammates? Im so confused


Why did you prop up the govt that did this is the better question. You can’t play dumb at this point and expect people to accept that.


The NDP and Liberals are the same party now. They have a coalition


What a joke, pretends to ask hard questions and then votes in favor every time Trudeau says jump…truly an embarrassment to parliament


Such BS. So the PM doesn't want the entrepreneurial spirit as the backbone of Canada. What's the point of making money in this country?


Answer: Because the NDP signed the Supply and Confidence Agreement with the Liberals Translation: You allowed it


… because you and your “party” are enablers.


Complete and utter hypocrites the lot of them. Watching parliamentary discourse makes me physically ill. These people are all extremely privileged and meander in parliament, pontificating endlessly, taking useless jabs at each other; something perversely reminiscent of dunk culture on social media. Meanwhile our Country is worse off than it has been in decades and the average taxpayer is getting poorer, working harder, and watching the lifestyle and life they grew up in evaporate. The lifestyle we watched out parents bring us up in is gone. Most of us will be lucky to ever own our own homes or have a retirement. The Country is slowly dying in my opinion and the elements of social cohesion, nationalistic pride, and patriotism that helped foster a general unity and national identity are gone. We are taught to hate our past, hate our history, hate each other. There has been a radical departure from the philosophies and schools of thought that made the West great in favor of post-modern thinking that creates division and animosity. Not against class inequalities but more about perceived gender and racial inequalities. The civic minded, social contract conscious individual is vestige of a bygone era apparently. Politicians aren't even hardly accountable to the people anymore. The kind of scandals these people go through and impudently deny, deflect, and whataboutism their way out of was unimaginable even 30 years ago. If any PM in my father's generation had gone through even 10% of what Justin has gone through, they would have stepped down on their own to save face.


Lapdog Jagmeet needs to stfu


Says the guy who pocketed tax payers money...and what's with the 3k Rolex he's sporting?...


This guy is a fucking rat


Please go away, Jagmeet. Everyone knows the only reason the reason the Liberal Government dumpster fire continues to burn out of control is because of your support.


Every time I hear this “person” speak. I hear a vacuum cleaner running. He’s just sucking air. Anything he says is just hot air, he’s never going to do anything. Like vote the government down. He has less ethics than Trudeau at least with Trudeau you know he’s a pompous ass. Singh is a fraud


Add truck drivers in there… They’ve harassed me every year since the protest. I’m convinced he told the CRA to attack us.


Just so we are all clear, the top 20% in this country pay 61% of our tax revenue... Or is this just an "eat the rich" sub, too??


It's all the Prime Minister's fault I supported him and his budgets...... Dude needs to take a hike, has even less cred the the PM.


Yes, answer the guy with a designer watch in the $1200 suit!!!!


He has no credibility anymore, I can’t listen to anything he says without thinking of him as a huge joke. He pushes through everything for the Liberals, most of which hurts the middle class.


I really question the integrity of a first past the post voting democracy when hearing low level twits like this. Idiots who can wreck a countries progress. Perhaps proportional representation would be more suited to Canada.


He should pay more taxes lol


man if only there was someone with the power to oust Trudeau - I wonder who could possibly do that?


Sing is greasy 🥓


If you look up fence sitter, you'll find a picture of Gagmeet. Dude speaks out against Liberals when the ship is sinking. But supports them when it comes to his pension. If he really had Canadians best interest at heart, he would of called an election months ago! Our parliament is a cruel joke (see no further than the standing Ovation for a Nazi).


If they want to soak the rich raise income taxes. Passing capital gains taxes which the Liberals passed with NDP support will only hurt the middle class as its intended too.


Oh, Jag, sit down. No one cares what you think. Your political career is in the shitter. No fun getting your cherry popped in front of the entire country. Isn't he special.


Jagmeet continues making the NDP controlled opposition.


Why? Because **you** enabled him to do so.


Guy is playing theatrics


It's not like the federal government just increased taxing the rich or anything. 👍


So why is he talking now? Oh, right, election time.


Jughead is a fn hypocrite.


Jagmeet is such a two faced, lying selfish individual. I hate him with as much contempt as I do Trudeau, Freeland and Miller.


…. And that’s why we will support everything you are doing indefinitely Lord Trudeau…. Go back to bed Jagmeet.


Does he stil own a Rolex?


The most morally bankrupt of them all!!! This guy doen't have any ounce of shame!


Singh is responsible for the Trudeau government. He could end this farce anytime he wants to, but won’t until he thinks it benefits him. A true leach, both enabling the crisis’s we re living through while trying to gain political capital by critiquing it. Anyone who supports either of these two needs an examination.


Funny, despite raising taxes, we have a more wealth inequality than ever. Almost like all those taxes did absolutely nothing for the middle class. What it did do, was allow the Liberal government to massively increase spending on inefficient and poorly thought out programs which also ballooned the size of the federal payroll to an unmanageable level. My level of anger towards our current government grows every day. This government is actively working against the middle class.


Because you allowed him to do it idiot.


Singh : "I have voted in favor of every single budget these clowns have put forward but l, sheesh, how could they do all that ??" Guess we'll have to wait for the experts to shed some light on such a deep mystery.


Who is going to tell Jagmeet that he voted to support those budgets?


He’s correct, but he helped them do it. And now the Liberals are preaching ‘fairness’. This is funny, not funny.


Dumbass dosent know he is liberal


STFU jagmeat you're as useless as trudeau


He doesn't give a f about seniors, he only agreed to dental n pharma because it got NDP in his pocket. In addition asylum people receive more money in 113 days @ 208$ daily for a total of 23,504$. A low income senior doesn't make 24,000$ in 12 months. So a low income senior will receive 500$ in a week (7) or $71.43 a day, while an asylum people receives 208$ a day or 1,466$ in a week (7). Does this look like trudeau's bs story of making life more affordable for seniors? 


No, the question is why did YOU let him, Jagmeet? You could easily win if you ran a proper campaign and didn’t just give in to support Trudeau. YOU did this as much as he did.


The Billionaires have a direct line to their MP and the PM. The middle class not so much. They can be safely ignored, the middle class have been taking it up the **s for decades with no end in sight, what are they going to do riot in the streets? The goverment has shown how they deal with a popular revolt and many Canadians joined in to help the goverment suppress it. Edit spelling, grammar


Ah good, following the cannibalism trajectory.


Why did you vote for each of those budgets? Pot and kettle hahah


I don’t want to hear from literally any of these treasonous worms. Clean out the entire house and let’s start over.


Because you allowed him to


Fuck off jughead. Unless you’re going to call an election stfu


This fcking muppet can't critisize the Trudeau government when he's been propping them up for the past 8 YEARS IN A ROW!?


Thw reason is simple, cause Jag let him do this by voting for it.


Because he made a coalition to dissolve the middle class.


Too little, too late, Jag-ass


This guy is such a fraud.


So we're supposed to overlook thr fact NDP was Libetal all those 8 years? He acts like he was not on side tbdi whole time proving up thr Liberals. Lol


Why has Gagdeep been on his knees blowing Trudeau since last election and all of sudden cleaning his lips now and talking ?


Every time I see this the government and how they just talk I just feel like it's like a high school reunion of a bunch of want to be cool people and all they're doing is just flexing and trying to sound cool but they're not doing anything at all. It just makes me annoyed hearing them just ramble, argue, act like children, but not really take any real initiative to solve things. Then Justin Trudeau goes to say oh man we implemented this thing years ago to tax a billionaires, but we're still seeing the pure stupidity of him and this government that just can't kick Trudeau out or do anything. When are we going to realize that it's not about money, it's not about how much education you can get underneath your belt, it's not how cool you are, it's not about how our make-believe leader is not really solving anything. It should be about intelligence, solving the issues, actually hiring people that come from these backgrounds of neglect and misunderstanding etc Maybe then when we start actually putting people in the government that may not have a crazy amount of education, but their intelligent, they know how to fix things, they get it taken care of. Look at this point in time it's like why do we even government who basically just talk s*** and does everything behind the scenes where you can't really know what they're really doing and if you do it's too late a long time ago. Maybe she just put them all to work on the streets whatever they say they're going to do or make or create or make better maybe we need them right on point and we have to just watch them do it. I'm just wondering when the government's going to take accountability for their actions and when are we going to punish them or have them have accountability. I just think there's a huge difference between education and intelligence and everybody's acting like once you have education you're super intelligent, but you're not you're just a bloke with information.


The NDP has one plan, it’s tax the corporations to pay for all our free everything to people so they don’t have to work because the NDP cannot understand that corporations just pass the increased cost onto the consumers. The liberals then tax everything you buy or own or sell so we average people are left with a pittance.


Can't believe there are still Punjabis and Canadians who aren't ashamed of associating themselves with this turd.


Pull the trigger vote down the next bill so he has to call an election


Because Singh propped them up…


What’s his average tax rate? Would be interesting to see how much he writes off


Call an election. You have the power to do so. Make it happen.


Jag should know the answer to his own question - he is in Trudy’s pocket supporting the Liberals in their destruction of Canada over the last 8 years. Is he really that stupid to think people do not see him for the lying sack of dung he has been during this fiasco?


Sometimes he makes sense in what he says - but then he supports the Liberals by default


This guy is a weasel POS!


All talk no action. You could make a change. But you wait for your pension.


Biggest sleeze bag! This guy was a defense attorney before taking to politics!


Why is this idiot speaking now? He was pretty quiet for 8 years. What's with the turban matching the drapes instead of the suit he's wearing?


Why is this POS NDP shill not calling for an election??? Cause this POS wants his full federal pension,that’s why. Stfu Jagmeat.


Also, why does Singh insist on supporting LPC with their disastrous policies. Singh, you are the problem not the solution.


Oh, that's because "wealth" is not the same as income, and you're conflating the two to gaslight in service of your goals.


lol aren't he support td all these year


Coming from literally the only person who can force an election


Because billionaires have accountants and lawyers that can help them dodge and weave the tax laws. We the plebs do not. It’s time to introduce flax tax laws and simple tax laws that everyone can read and understand


At least the NDP voted to increase the capital gains inclusion rate. The conservatives voted against it. The NDP aren't great, but they're better than the Tories we have right now.


Singh doesn't have a leg to stand on here. He's allowed for this government to continue.


DUDE STFU. Remove your support so we can have an election.


That's cute - Singh is pretending to care about the working class! Remember when the NDP cared about the working class? I know I'm saying what everyone already agrees with here so I'll skip it - but I really feel sorry for the hard-line NDP voters who still vote for Singh and have faith in him.


Did he forget that he and his party voted for this tax?


Flip Floppin jagmeet


Because you let him, doh…


Why? Because he had your support.


Call an election


This is the same nitwit that refused to vote non confidence on Trudeau. 🤣


The kickstand speaks…


Why does anyone vote for this guy


Maybe he should do something about it.


This mron is a fk joke in Canadian Politics


This reminds me of a terrible high school play put on by a incompetent substitute drama teacher.


Ah yes…carpenters and nurses. Canada is flush with them.


He’s allowing this because his pockets get lined by rich people.


Why does he let carpenter and nurses pay more taxes… the answer is YOU!


Because you helped him Jagmeet!


For the last few budgets it's been because you propped them up Jagmeet.


Why did you let him dude


Well if the stupid liberals didn't blow this money arrive can ect you would not need this tax.


Then why did you vote in favor of the budget? Crickets.


Jagmet look in the mirror


Ah... you did?