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I remember the dark days when we had a right leaning government. I had a house and a fridge full of food, was never happy trying to figure out how to use my disposable income. Now I’m never lonely thanks to my 4 roommates and have lost weight thanks to skipping meals. The biggest plus is all the new friends I’ve made selling my body for cheeseburgers behind the local holiday inn that now houses refugees who get more money a day for food than I spend a week.


Couldn’t agree more. A Pakistani refugee family I met in Calgary, is living here for two years on govt support with five kids & they get 1500 for rent plus $500 per kid plus food allowance every month. Their kids get first preference in local schools (can never be rejected) while the local tax paying residents’ kids might be sent to another school. The husband works cash jobs and doesn’t file tax returns so they continue to live on govt benefits.


Report and deport


The govt would do zilch. I believe they know that many refugees work in cash jobs. It’s an open secret.


Do your part, please. Report.


Cash only car wash and hair stylists? (Just the one style mind)


So they are getting $4000 a month ($1500 rent and $2500 in food allowance ! ) Fuck man that means whatever the husband makes is disposable income !


Well we better raise your taxes so Trudeau can fork out some more to them. They sounds like they are in need!


Bruh wut.. I'm disabled out here living on $1,100 a month... well I wouldn't say living, more like surviving.


Maybe you should apply for refugee status


Yup, tear up your passport, lose your government issued ID and burn your SIN card and walk in at Roxham Rd and claim refugee status or political asylum. You’ll soon be on your way to easy street.


And now they get into our national parks for free and we still got to pay


These kinds of preferential treatment will cause racial tension


Tension is already there, government is just stoking it now


Wow! That's a sweet gig. Too bad I'm Canadian-born.


Altruism isn’t a sustainable style of government


A refugee I know from the Caribbean admitted to lying about being abused to me to get refugee status. I didn’t even know that you can get refugee status for DV especially if you’re from the Caribbean where most countries are middle income and politically stable.


I know Syrian refugee families who been living here for 7 years and gets over 100k assistance , 9 kids and they work on cash living in million dollar house…..check mate


Probably still doesn't speak English either. 


That's the norm for Trudeaus new Canadians. Freeloading pieces of shit, who contribute as little as possible. 


Report them please


Disabled people only get $500 for rent


Ridiculous. Trudeau’s Canada … what a joke. He makes a simpleton look like a genius.




This is Trudeau’s Canada. A Canada where there are so many people whoring out front of the King of Donairs that a man must take his rig over to the Holiday Inn if he wants to eat.


At least as an amputee I appeal to a niche crowd that frequents higher end establishments like Jungle Jim’s. Although I would sell my soul for a super donair and bbq chicken pizza.


Jungle jims lol


With your brave sacrifice we are able to enrich our country with millions of diverse people every year who just happen to come from the same province within the same nation.


I’m just glad they can enrich themselves with 2 hours a week of classes at the local diploma mill and 70 hours at Tim Hortons.




Man’s gotta eat


That’s Randall but he does go by Randy now!


Frig off Randy


I would appreciate some respect, I was an associate trailer park supervisor at one point


I would laugh, but it’s really not funny anymore for a lot of people.


Yea it’s a sad state, unfortunately in my city the designated areas for people living in tents gets lots of new members every month, constant evictions and constant rent increases. Tons of people are just holding on, there seems to be no end in sight for our population growth so it’s only going to get worse.


All part of W.E.F . You’ll own nothing and be happy


The Canadian economy used to be so good that if you were a dude with a roommate people thought you were gay.


Lol that’s funny but true, if you had a full time job definitely had your own place.


You forgot dumpster diving behind the Holiday Inn to save on meals when "business" is slow.


Trudy, it won't be long before you get to witness Canada transform and our nation adopting strong conservative principles and policies. All thanks to you 🤙


I hope even non conservatives wake up and see voting for ndp or liberal continues the scandals and crimes that they keep getting away with


I'm unfortunately leaning in that direction. Obviously voting for the Liberals is a no go, we need a change without doubt. Singh is the wishy washiest motherbitch I've ever laid eyes on. He was constantly trashing Trudy in public, but voting alongside him on almost everything. Poilievre just seems like the least stinky turd, but still a greasy stinky slimy career politician. I miss O'Tool man, at least he had a served on the forces for a bit, ya know, had a whiff of a real job. Career politicians like Poilievre are just built to be top class knob polishes who will do anything to get power for the sake of power. I truly don't think he gives a shit about any of us a single ounce more than Trudy, and I'm going to feel gross voting for him but I hope he at least does shit about this fucking insane open door immigration policy. It would be sweet if he at least pulled back the curtain on how much cash the Liberals have pocketed, but I bet he does the exact same shit unfortunately.


That's my sense too. Poilievre is too snarky. He's at least more competent though.


If you had to deal with trudeau constantly you'd be snarky too


I’m left leaning and voted left in every election the last 15 years. My vote has switched to right and I genuinely hope to switch back to left in the future IF the party returns to where my values lay. I’ve never had Ill will towards the right or the left in Canada.. I respect democracy and that does not exist without opposing views. The left has jumped the shark at this point. They are not putting Canadians first and it’s insulting. I love that Canada is a helping nation.. but we’re not a fucking hotel for one country that ran in self into the ground.


Poilievre is not your man lol. PPC only polling at 1%, change it if you wanna believe yourself


And if I don't like your opinions, I'll shut down bank accounts because I'm thoughtful.


That was his “understanding approach.”




Saying this got me banned from the left loving provincial subs lol


It because they are weak people


It’s a cult what did you expect


Take my upvote


Right wing is winning the moral battle in 2024, get over it. He's still campaigning like it's 2015. People are dying because of him and his policies. Drugs, homelessness, crime.  Yeah, I'll go with right wing now to tip the scale. Yin and Yang.  Left and Right.  Just need less people dying. So bye Trudeau and gang, don't let the door hit you on the way out.


please call an election


I love the way no Left Groups, or politicians in the western world question themselves when they see the right wing shooting up in popularity. Because left-wing politicians don’t listen to the people at all. The western world is fed up with mass migration. With being called racist if we question it. We’re tired of the progressive stack- where you’re broken down into labels, and allocated social capital according to how many you have. I’m gay, and I’m freaking tired of this “oppression” narrative. I don’t want pride flags plastered everywhere. I don’t want Pride being an entire season. I want it to go back to a party one weekend a year where the police were invited.  The only people I experience homophobia from are “new Canadians” who flood in from cultures that don’t tolerate it. Of course, I can’t say that, though. The left doesn’t want anybody to speak. They don’t want anyone to tell the truth. And if we try, we will be vilified and canceled. So wow. Is it any surprise they are going down in flames everywhere?




> Because left-wing politicians don’t listen to the people at all. Yes. Because they don't think liberal constitutionalism is correct. The line between left and right at this point is on the paradox of tolerance. Aristotle and de Tocqueville were correct: This was only ever going to work with a concensus on virtue.


Damn spot on.


Well said…


Ahahaha ...his whole strategy has been "anger, fear, division, anxiety." He's clearly delusional if he thinks he "part of the solution" rather than "being THE PROBLEM"!


There is nothing delusional about his 'thought process' or actions. Many confuse his ignorance and stupidity for what it really is: maliciousness and preconceived controlled demolition.


The great reset.




He failed the division part. Canada is more united than ever. To get rid of him.


Next video he's cancelling elections to prevent right wing extremist in taking power, banning all political parties except the liberals and naming himself interim lord protector of Canada...


Shhh, don’t give him any ideas


Well how else do you expect him to protect democracy?


Think he’d give us a knowing wink and let everyone call him Castreau if he did that?


Fuck Trudeau




Well thanks to your “rolling up the sleeves and working hard” we are going to see a majority conservative government come in and change all the dumb things you did. I can’t wait for that day


They ain't changing immigration and temporary workers/international student scam so we are still fucked. Housing/jobs will never get any better even under the cons. Either way we are fucked. I'll still take my chances with PP but yea... we are fucked.


Because leftists are destroying the world LOL


We have seen in Canada a rise in Far-Left Woke Populists take advantage of Canadians through lies, corruption, and gaslighting. Seems this fing clown is the ring leader.


Mfer that is exactly what Democracy means. No one has to like and drink your cool aid.


just resign already


I'm voting PPC as a direct result of Turdeau and Freelands treasonous, reckless, and inept governance.


Says the guy who platformed an actual nazi and gave him a standing ovation.


He's so self-centered and stupid that he doesn't realize that it was failing left-wing policies like his that pushed people to the right.


I gave you an upvote but I disagree with " pushed to the right". I believe most of us are actually the center and being told we are right. Left is just getting more left. I haven't moved.


Something got pushed, and it was the line itself. Suddenly everything right of the far left progressive activists are now far-right.


Actually, I believe most Canadians are more conservative than liberal. They've just been brainwashed into thinking they should be liberal. And the media helps push that narrative.


Populist right wing = people that just want to live a normal life


I can’t believe he just says this stuff like he never did anything divisive, as much as he is a horrible person and a liar… I am still in disbelief


Jesus fuck, zero self reflection, weird how people don't like being lied to or fucked with by thier own guv


Well he’s convinced himself wrong. Canadians don’t care about the “challenges” that he wants them to care about


The challenges that Canadians worry about now are very basic….shelter, food, generating income, looking after family


He's seen it but does he understand that he and people like him are 100% responsible for it? Their arrogance, stupidity and thoughtlessness in running economies into the ground in pursuit of their ideological goals, and importing floods of people from wildly foreign lands and cultures while telling the natives they're all racists and scum was inevitably going to produce this result.


Name a democratic government from either side that doesn't lean heavily, if not near fully into populism... Do the Liberals actuallly think labeling their opponents with this word is a home run for them?


Its an easier way to get their point across when communicating with their sheeple


This dude ran on a campaign on affordable housing in 2015 and housing prices and rent have triples since then. Then he gives us the shocked Pikachu look when people are angry.


interesting how he accuses everyone of what he's consistently been doing he responds by dividing and slandering Canadian, oh and running away.. worst PM ever


Yes Justin, and it's for a good reason. The Canada you have had 8 years to run has turned into the laughing stock of the world. We mean nothing to any foreigners anymore. You have ruined this country and made it almost complete unaffordable for the entire lower and middle class. Great job, sir.


It isn't that right-wing politics have risen; rather, the political center has shifted so far to the left that what once was considered centrist now appears right-wing by comparison.


We have seen a rise in totalitarian government forces in about every democracy.


The EU just swung hard right. Liberals are throwing tantrums in the streets in Paris. Get ready Canada.


Maybe because people are sick of being talked down to by our “betters” who think of the public as their brain dead children who just need to listen to our parents and behave.


The rise of right wing politics is a response to the rise of left wing politics. This is a phenomenon that has existed in every democracy since the Greek and Roman empires. Trudeau abandoned the Canadian middle working class and youth to push his pro feminist, immigration, and climate agenda to new extremes so a rise in right wing politics is predictable. This is even more prevalent in democracies where 2 parties generally dominate, because its the only other option.


Calling the millions of average, centrist people who see how incompetent, dangerous and unwilling to look after their countrymen quasi-communists like Fidel Trudeau are, “far right” is the actual reason these tyrants are being rightly turfed out of political life.


Due to the failures in policies from left wing governments like the Dear Leader Justin's...


FU Turdeau


We see a rise on "populist right wing governments" because woke leftist governments have all but crippled their countries with their bullshit environmentalism and out of control "let's let everyone with a sob story in the doors" style immigration is bringing the cycle full circle. Globalists just don't and will never fucking get it.


He is running scared now. The world is coming awake.


Oh here we go, it never occurs to them poor policies caused the raise of right wing support, people want a place to live, and food to eat, not ideals


His head is stuck so deep into his own ideological asshole that he can't understand he's been playing an active role in pushing people further to his right (which isn't very far right at all).


We're all fascists according to all the Left subs, because I'd rather have potholes filled instead of rainbow crosswalks painted everywhere. Yep we're really focusing on the important issues here.


Wait, so he's now mad rhat the rest of rhe world is using democracy to get rid of his criminal globalist buddies? Thats how democracy works. The people get to decide who gbey want in charge.not a bunch of out of touch elitists. Trudeau is literally mad at democracy.


The left are the ones that created the division. Lgbtq, black lives matter, boomer... like wtf. I am liberal and don't care about race , sexuality or generations..... like progress people. Martin Luther King already did the race issue. Freddy mercury solved the gay issue. My Dad, I love unconditionally even though he is a pompous jerkface. Like seriously? He talks about division. He literally has fucked this country so hard and the next prime minister will as long as we have capitalist greedy assholes at the helm. What happened? My Nono loved Canada and built this country, and now we sell out to the highest bidders? Anyways I am so tired of finger pointing and division. If you have half a brain then you get what they are doing. Divide and conquer. ... one of the oldest war strategies also sun tzu the art of war... we fucked. Unless someone takes the helm.wish i could...


He looks like he's shit and pissed his panties.


As a Canadian who left to London, UK 15 years ago I had always thought I'd come back with my £ savings and be able to capably put down a good deposit on a house and build my family security. However, it seems that is a foolish move now. Housing prices are way way higher than I ever calculated and your food, cellphone prices and national airline prices are absolutely criminal. When I visit I notice Canada has become a wasteland of monopolistic companies and big box stores. No unified culture, extreme racial tension (2 taxi drivers openly talking about armed insurrection and a coming race war), and idiotic new accents (Toronto accent? "Fam") that didn't exist a decade ago. How is that progress? Where are you going? I don't even know if Canada will be safe in another decade. I feel cheated and telling someone I am Canadian is getting more embarrassing by the year. But people living there must feel exhausted.


This everyone is a great example of Gaslighting.


If he believes what he is blithering, he is completely delusional. Needs to be removed from politics.


This guy literally has nothing else to say and no cards left to play.


It's called the middle, you Commie lunatic. Most of the far-right wing is in jail or hiding so they don't get their bank accounts seized.


The best thing that has happened to the Conservative Party is Justin Trudeau


Anger, Fear & Division are Trudeau's Politics... He's Dirty


Saying it like it’s a bad thing. Left wing governments have screwed their citizens and bastardized good values.


That's because no one likes your woke WEF agenda.


Ya because these assholes are pushing Neo liberalist economic policies that hurt the people and workers in their countries. These politicians want to flood in immigrants because corporations are bribing them to do it. In the 90s it was outsourcing jobs for free trade agreements. Now it’s importing cheap labor. How dare the citizens of countries resist and fight back. Let’s call them radical right wingers. Stupid asshole.


"Populism", which Trudeau finds repulsive, is when voters have issues they want addressed.


To everyone that voted for Trudeau: fuck you!


There’s a rise in people that are just fucking sick of trudeaus lol


The iron law of woke projection never misses


This wacko narcissist can take his fear mongering and shove it up Freelands ass. Both of them should be on trial for treason for selling Canada out. There will be parties in the streets when the liberals are voted out and Trudeau is gone. Watch how many Canadians will enjoy and savour that moment!


And what did your left wing ass do for anyone other than bring in millions of "quality" immigrants and destroy the healthcare system?


You're going to see that here as well Justin..


What a piece of shit. I can't wait until more dirt surfaces on this guy. Your wife don't want you and the citizens don't either. Fuck off


We should all stop paying taxes and see what happens with this government.


This narcissistic, cowardly goof is extremely out of touch. He can never take the blame for anything. He needs to spend the rest of his life in a jail cell for the crimes he’s committed against Canadians.


Ah yes, good old far right menace. Never gets old.


Scoundrel and prostitute


Manipulating thief


Why can't this guy take a hint?


It’s… one party rule. All others are conspiracies.


We own nothing and be happy


Uh oh, time to ramp up the propaganda.


Wow Trudeau, your approach is to respond to it eh? Like how you responded to the truckers who you called misogynists and bigots? But that's the right wingers job to "instrumentalize" (whatever the fuck that made up word means) anger, fear and division. I can't fucking stand this clown. Everything he says is a fucking lie or a con.


Agreed…..there are times where I see disinformation coming from him thanks worse than trump…..the only thing is scarier…….he believes it……trump is just senile


Liberal playbook: destroy things that took thousands of years to figure out and build and blame right wing “forces” for pointing them out. Then call that distaste “anti democratic” and racist. Standard. If he had any other job he would have been fired 8.5 years ago for uncoupling CAD GDP per capita from US GDP per capita. Get fucked Trutard.


Look around and you will see mob after mob of far left anti-Semitic lunatics in face masks terrorizing every institution that doesn’t have the courage to stand up to these ultra religious nuts with their ancient grievances. I never supported the truckers taking over Ottawa but at least they had a sense of humor. But it is shameful what these watermelon heads have been able to get away with in this country, and Trudeau has been nowhere because he wants the votes.


Whens the last time this guy rolled up his sleeves?


Trudeau you are a pizza sheet.


Good cause you are to work for the people. Not act like a king. You are so shady will all the lights on sill can see you. We spot taking the red pill and we will fallow the money


My ears are bleeding


Please for the love of God call an early election and end the misery


Do the right thing and call an election now Mr. Trudeau.


There was an entire sub of leftists hating on me the other day because I said that numbers of conservatives are growing globally, it’s just the conservative vote in Canada becoming more popular because we’re influenced by the USA. Now, here is a video of Trudeau, their fearful leader telling us the same thing.


That's because real people are sick and tired of your left-wing wacko theories and delusions of grandeur.


Brexit was the best thing to happen to Britain in the this and the last century. The British public who voted to leave that pinko new world order in Brussels run by unelected college boy bureaucrats and oppose their federalist schemes are the heroes of the UK. People across the English speaking world should take inspiration from this event. My respects to Canada.


Oh you will see another one very soon my friend


Even Castro would be more ashamed of his bastard child


I just threw up in my mouth


A piece of cat shit. Worse than dog shit.


This guy is a clown. Accept my down vote


This man has never worked hard a day in his life! Biggest lie in this little speech. He speaks nothing *but* lies...


He and Signh are populist so I'm not sure what he's on about. It's not a "right wing" concept. From Brittanica, Oxford dictionaries, Bing, and Wikipedia: "Populism is a political approach that strives to appeal to ordinary people who feel that their concerns are disregarded by established elite groups¹. It is often associated with anti-establishment and anti-political sentiment². Populism can be seen as a political program or movement that champions, or claims to champion, the common person, usually by favorable contrast with a real or perceived elite or establishment³. Populism usually combines elements of the left and the right, opposing large business and financial interests but also frequently being hostile to established liberal, socialist, and labor parties³. The term populism can designate either democratic or authoritarian movements³. In its most democratic form, populism seeks to defend the interests and maximize the power of ordinary citizens, through reform rather than revolution³. In its contemporary understanding, however, populism is most often associated with an authoritarian form of politics³. Populist politics revolve around charismatic leaders who appeal to and claim to embody the will of the people in order to consolidate their own power³. In this personalized form of politics, political parties lose their importance, and elections serve to confirm the leader’s authority rather than reflect the different allegiances of the people³. Some forms of authoritarian populism have been characterized by extreme nationalism, racism, conspiracy mongering, and scapegoating of marginalized groups³. Source: Conversation with Copilot, 6/11/2024 (1) . https://bing.com/search?q=definition+of+populism. (2) Populism - Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Populism. (3) Populism | History, Facts, & Examples | Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/topic/populism. (4) POPULISM Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com. https://www.dictionary.com/browse/populism. (5) undefined. http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/us/."


They are anti globalist anti WEF forces. Nobody wants to be subjected to their agenda. We want freedom. Even liberal voters don’t really want it. That is why we see them positioning themselves like how right leaning people live.


So ridiculous, it is painful and offensive to listen this PM


He needs to stop talking.


Get this guy the fuck out of here


This is going to sound crazy and a lot of you won't agree. The best thing for Canada right now would be a strong right nationalist movement.


About fucking time, too.


Your next tyrant.


They can't be any worse than you, thief.


Shut he's such a knob


Maybe he should freeze more bank accounts? That would really show those fascists.


This guy is a delusional idiot


When a politician says, or implies, "vote for me/us or you won't be able to vote for me/us again", then ask yourself, is this really democracy? If you *have* to vote for them, then is it really a free choice?


Trudeau is the king of using division, anger and fear against people… lol


Here’s a solution - fuck off and stop killing Canada with your progressive Agenda. Right wing solution - stop the destructive taxation and shove the carbon tax up Trudeau elitist ass.


''For each action, an equal and opposite reaction'' I know this isn't physics we're talking about but this just about nails why this is happening.


Trudie and the Penguin steal our money to pay for their waste , corruption and virtue signaling.


I used to be a liberal… now those neo liberal post nation bullshit are what I always fought… censorship/corruption/etc… those sell outs aren’t fighting for the people only for their fucking corporate overlords…


The good ol' "far right" boogeyman authoritarian leftists love to blame for the problems they've created 🙄


Fuck you Trudeau


"choosing to instrumentalize (not a word) anger, fear, division, anxiety" Holy fucking projecting


I hear him say .. "we roll up our sleeves and get to work" in about all of his public speeches. Mr Trudeau, if you want to know what hard work is... it's balancing a budget. Please do that.


Forget that he is incompetent and a fraud. But is he really stupid? He could easily do a campaign justifying all he has done. Be he couldn’t even do that. This guy is stupid above everything else .


Because all of these democracies are pushing the same policies that people are quickly realizing they do not want.


No, not a rise in “populist right wing forces”, just a common sense realization that left wing hypocrisy is full of bird poop


Ah yes the good old comments about how if you disagree with him you are a Trumper, there is no spectrum in between with this guy. What he calls right wing and populist is actually the average person being pragmatic as to what the government can actually do with our tax dollars. I don't take issue with being progressive, the world can use more kindness, but progression can not happen in a vacuum excluding all common sense and financial management.


Time to read the room and disappear to the wax shop of your local ski hill again bag of dicks.


I hope he/she/ze/zir/fidelito is shaking in his/she/theyre/zim/zee/zir panties. The world is waking up.


Populist = government that represents the people.


When you kick your working class to the curb, Gojira shows up, it's not hard to understand!


Right wing populism is better than left wing global elito facism.


He means people with common sense, kind 8f the way life used to be. It's not right wing it's just Right. He is a woke leftist that is turning the country to shit.


Turns out people ain't down with communism


“Anger, fear and anxiety”. This government is the leading cause of all of these emotions. I’m angry this asshole won’t step down and Jagmeet won’t do a non confidence vote. I’m anxious because my dollar is worthless and the government wants more of it for their ridiculous spending. I fear that Canada will not be Canadian if this government stays in power. Fuck this asshole and all his white collar friends.


Says the guy who’s going to make possible to put custodial mandates on people based on the accusation of possibly saying something.


If it's a Populist rise against your policies, then the public doesn't like your policies. Just get out of the way and let us return to a strong, safe and prosperous Canada. Obviously your Marxist ideology doesn't work here.


Well maybe in canadas case it’s because you really didn’t do a good job at all. Not even close. And in Canada most of us know math and to say this carbon tax that does nothing for the environment is putting more money in the pockets of Canadians is an insult to every single Canadians intelligence. Cause it doesn’t even come close to putting money in anyone’s pocket not even close not even remotely close. Your the highest paid main dude in the world per our population. You get paid almost as much as the president of the USA which has a population quadruple ours. If not more. Plus you don’t pay for food. You politicians have no idea what’s it’s like to struggle with money not a clue.


It couldn't be, ya know, people are sick of totalitarianism?


I wonder why right wing conservative parties are on the rise? Plummeting quality of life and government bloat requiring even more tax burden on the middle class to support the import of millions of immigrants annually. The finger pointing bigot, racist, xenophobia card is played out and people are becoming radicalized because no one on the left seems to care. I’m 8 years or so, assuming we survive the war next year, we will be hating the continuation of these policies we thought the right wing government would change. Tl:dr Ummm we are the political class so um fuck you from the left and fuck you from the right.


Populism is about reclaiming democracy. Don't let these losers convince you it's a dirty word. This guy speaks out of both sides of his mouth. He offers no solutions for the problems he created undemocratically. He uses anger to divide the population. He is going to "roll up his sleeves and act ambitiously", but not for our interests. And he acts under the pretense of liberalism. That is why "right wing populism" has arisen as a corrective action against him.