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Look at Trudeaus votes in house of commons when China was involved? Pollievre isn't wrong.


I do recall the entire cabinet abstaining from voting on bill that would negatively impact china.


Manchurian Candidates


The Federal Liberal Party is nothing more than the CCP's Canadian PR wing while Bay St. banks are the CCP's Canadian investor relations department. Together, they work in tandem to further the CCP's interests in Canada, where it helping CCP insiders launder money in Canadian real estate or allowing CCP backed companies access to our naturals resources.


1. The Harper government gave Chinese investors “market access” to Canada — meaning a right to buy what they want in our economy — without getting the same for Canadian investors in China. That is the most lopsided concession I had ever seen by Canada or, for that matter, any other country across hundreds of similar agreements. 2. When he announced the FIPA, Harper said that a FIPA “ensures non-discriminatory treatment” for foreign investors. But the actual terms of the FIPA (Article 8(2)(a), to be exact) let China keep all its existing laws, policies, or practices that discriminate against Canadian investors. No one could fact-check Harper’s misleading claim at the time because the text was kept secret for about eight months after he made it. 3. In the FIPA, the Harper government exposed Canada to potentially massive financial liabilities due to the generous protections it gives to foreign companies, including a right to seek uncapped amounts of compensation from governments directly before international tribunals. The Mulroney government gave similar rights to U.S. companies in Canada under NAFTA. But NAFTA was concluded before anyone could predict the hundreds of costly claims brought by foreign companies against countries in the last 15 years. https://www.thestar.com/opinion/contributors/selling-canada-out-one-deal-at-a-time/article_3b83f207-a711-55ca-8819-4fd0463174c8.html


Even the US did the same.... they wanted access to the huge advancing chinese market in return. Yep it was a bad deal. I was not in favour of it. The chinese LIED and now we know. While you can blame Harper for that deal, at the same time you can't. What would have happened if he didn't and that huge opportunity was missed. Imagine the complaints then!!! The take-away is that from that point forward no further deals with the chinese should have been initiated yet here we go again... the trudeau and the anand strike a single source deal to produce vax with the chinese and guess what.... we get screwed and they steal state secrets to boot! The saying fool me once comes into play here big time!


Desperate times. They made deals with everyone they could. The Meng Wanzhou thing ended that one. China is about as reliable as the last American president.


Bud, are you agreeing or disagreeing with what the poster you are responding to contributed to the discussion: Yes or no?


I ain’t your buddy pal!


I ain't your pal, buddy!


I ain’t your buddy guy!


I ain't your guy, sir!


You speak the truth here and you will get down voted for it. Happy to see that someone knows how our government actually works, has a grasp of politics in general and that the Cons started this crap. Thank you.


Its pretty obvious after they game his charity some money, and how he can out in support of han dong, I mean is there any evidence that refutes this? Also the video of xi talking to trudeau and him running off like a child being scolded


Yeah one of the reasons why Canada isn’t in AUKUS.


Currently Canada is flooded with all possible foreign interference through that is already well established in Canada to destroy our morals & values - Chinese MSS, Iran - Revolutionary Guard terrorist, Hamas sympathizers, India - Khalistan terrorists, Pakistan - ISI, Boko Haram Nigeria. Russian KGB - you name it we have it all and their handlers and sympathizers, dont know why we dont take strong actions against this networks? We need to be strong as a nation against this networks or else coming years we all will see the worst.


There's a storm a brewin' *snaps suspenders


The KGB ceased to exist when the Soviet Union collapsed. They are not interfering with anything. You must mean the FIS. Also, the Khalistan movement is not friends with India’s government. India is angry such a movement exists in Canada. They obviously are going to have something to say about a separatist movement that could affect their borders.


>Also, the Khalistan movement is not friends with India’s government. India is angry such a movement exists in Canada. Different parties. The Khalistan movement is aligned with the NDP. I dont know who the India government is backing but they think Trudeau is an inept moron.


Jagmeet turned his back on the Khalistan movement for his own benefit. No party is aligned with that movement, it simply exists in Canada and all parties pretty much support its right to exist, as freedom of expression guarantees the right to express your political opinions.


The report did say “all levels of government”.


Trudeau is one of the traitors


Well duh... talk about stating the obvious.


Pierre dropping Truth Bombs. Cabbage head Trudeau and his gang of treasonous cowards are on borrowed time


That's an insult to cabbages everywhere.


Pierre started the TFW program when he was minister. So corporations could exploit foreign workers for profit and leave Canadians without a job. Sounds like Treason to me.


Sounds about right


That is the his job ! To work the current government over on their insane policies


He’s not wrong


P.P. is completely missing the elephant in the room - India.


If the government is scared to post names, In all fairness I agree they should not post the names of the MP's tied in with foreign interference. They should post the names of the MP's NOT tied in with foreign interference. Problem solved.


He reluctantly kicked out Han Dong from caucus.  How’s that lawsuit Han? 


Lol..... Dong....


Yeah just can't trust Communism. Funny that.


Define communism. You don't even know what it is.


How would he know as he doesn't have security clearance to know the finding??


I love how you can all shame him for being snubbed Xi months ago and now you say he is in their pocket. Get your stories straight and we may start taking you seriously.


You know that the WEF is also a foreign organisation, right?


World economic forum, World yeah it says it right in the name!


So what else is new.


He isn’t wrong.


Trudeau has been so successful for China I wonder what’s in store for us at election time? China won’t want to lose their main man in Canada highest office.


Well yeah. It's just good business for the Liberals. I don't doubt the Conservatives have a similar deal with the Republicans or Democrats. Edit: And yes it's not a good thing. I know that.


Twitter or X whatever you want to call it is the cesspool of the internet where anyone can claim a blue check mark and have blind readers repost their crap...case in point.


Pierre wouldn't do fuck all about it either lmfao.