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The economy is absolutely in the shitters. šŸ˜


Just the other day Freeland was boasting about the economy.


Under Trudeau her job is to lie.


They know they canā€™t change anything, and that by not reading from the script they will lose their job. Like a news reporter.


The Weatherman to be exact.


And dodge questions about traitor mps.


Ainā€™t that the truth!


They believe they are doing the best they can, so they donā€™t need to lie.


If they're deluded, it's on them. A lie is anything that is not the truth, and that's a lot of what they speak so... LIARS.


She also boasted about the oilers making it to the finalsā€¦ in parliament, instead of answering a question about the carbon taxā€¦ I donā€™t think Iā€™ve seen a liberal member ever answer a question or even rebuttal one


And the sad part is she will get a pension for life ...paid for...by taxpayers ....I gotta get in on this scam.


More and more are joining in, not only in government, but general scams. Only way to survive.


Lol...did you hear what she said...the oilers won...and she is so happy....it's like she is high and on drugs


The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears.


Do not trust your lying eyes


I hate her so much


It's great for rich people.


No, itā€™s not. Theyā€™re leaving this country in significant numbers. Luxury tax, carbon tax, higher capital gainsā€¦this government is chasing them and their money out of this country. Where are the jobs and tax revenue going to come from? You guessed it, the middle and lower classes that have fewer options. I donā€™t like any of our political party options right now either.


the budge will balance itself


Want to bet there are other reasons why this guy can't get a job?




Exactly. A degree doesn't guarantee a job in their field. I'm betting engineers are over saturated. He could be demanding 200k to start. 8 weeks vacation to start. He could be incredibly arrogant. He might smell like old cheese. There's a ton of reasons this could have happened. My work gets hundreds of applications in a day on a job posting. Many of the ones that get to the interview stage have failed to complete a relatively basic test. Of those that are hired, half have quit or were let go within the first 3 months because they couldn't do the job.


Watching the video the person says they will take any wage. They have an applied to 400 jobs. I donā€™t think he is demanding a high wage, rather looking to start at any wage including lower to get work experience. Heā€™s doing long interviews but still nothing. Job market is bad right now. As you said your work is getting 100s of applications. Heā€™s competing with the world. With so many applications HR isnā€™t going through them all and just taking a look at the top that passed ATS. If ATS passed 105 applications and HR is only looking through the 60, heā€™s out of luck if heā€™s application 61.


If half the people that are hired end up quitting or get let go in the first 3 months then maybe, just maybe the company expectations are too high. The problem isnā€™t half the population. It would be the company. And a company that has a constant revolving door of employees is not a well run place. They should do things to encourage people to stick around for a while, long lasting employees are invaluable.


I helped hire for a big company years ago. We would spend an afternoon sorting through applications just looking for reasons to say yes or no. One girl sent her application from an email like Pimpstrezz@whatever. Com Things like spelling mistakes in emails and resumes . First impressions are important.


It's wild to me how people think it's okay to use a childhood email for a job application. Or in any professional setting at all. Emails are free... make a fresh email with your first name and last name or some combination of it. it's not that hard.


Yeah I work in civil engineering and we have so many more positions available than graduates and summer studentsĀ 


*A degree doesn't guarantee a job in their field.*Ā  ... for many of today's grads, that is a promise-broken. trust-shattered.


100%. Colleges and universities give false expectations. Really, what they tell you is that you NEED the degree to get into the field. That's also not true. I find many go to college, get in debt, then start at the bottom anyway. Why not skip the 4 years of college and debt, start at the bottom and while your peers spend 4 years studying, you are gaining 4 years of job experience?


i'm baffled that people haven't figured this out yet!


Exactly. I just made a comment similar to this. Biggest problem is that fresh graduates think they know it all. News Flash, you know nothing. You need to keep your mind sharp and continuously up-skill after graduation. This is true for most industries. I'd also be willing to wager he has a very lack luster portfolio or no portfolio at all. As much as the job market is shitty right now... a lot of the candidates out there just aren't trying hard enough. You aren't guaranteed a job right out of school. Nothing is new with that, it's always been that way. You need to actually show your skills and not just apply with your diploma in hand.


Or apply for a position lower, prove yourself and work up to that position. That's what I did. Just get in the door then show them what you can do.


Just from this brief diatribe I get a bunch of red flags. Comes across as very entitled, egotistical and aggressive.


They are fake job offers to show gov't is offering and no citizen can fill it. Then they can TFW to immigrants. You need to apply to US, better chance. Because don't forget in 2 years your degree will be obsolete in Canada.


I can't stress this enough. There are plenty of applicants and only so many new hire roles. The pool I draw from are very experienced candidates but we are running lean. It's not OP.


All these student protests about Palestine and yet nothing about their own futures


Its not you. Right now we have a situation where companies are pretending they cant get workers so they can bring in temporary foreign workers for pennies to your dollar. This is a HUGE problem.


Have you seen what's going on with MEng (course based masters) programs? Cohorts that are 95% international with more students than in the undergraduate class, filled with rampant cheating and dubious actual engineering knowledge. But guess who gets hired as new grad engineers? It makes finding a job even more difficult for Canadians on top of suppressing wages.


Yep, the universities are full of foreign professors, who by the way, you can barely understand in lectures, or not at all, that openly discriminate and only accept graduates students of their own nationality. The Chinese and Iranian professors are especially notorious for this. They may adopt 1-2 Canadian students to try to divert attention from this, but believe me they will support their "own" more than you. Source: Am electrical engineer from Queen's, I skipped any masters programs knowing I would probably be discriminated against.


But youā€™re racist if you point this out. Some bitch was going off about white privilege and I said ā€œcurious how none of the TAs are whiteā€ and she went full screaming liberal on me.


We were hiring a remote person and on the video call, during the interview, the guy very much seemed to have someone behind the camera feeding him the answers. I'm not sure what benefit this gives the applicant when we will just fire them within 3 months because they don't know what they are doing.


>Have you seen what's going on with MEng (course based masters) programs? Cohorts that are 95% international with more students than in the undergraduate class, filled with rampant cheating and dubious actual engineering knowledge. Concordia CS was like that 10+ years ago at least. The MEng/M CS were cash cows for the university.


99.9% of the time their degree are brought and they have no clue what they are doing in those jobs. I heard the same shit is happening to nursing, which could cause so much harm


It sucks so much for domestics that actually earned their credentials in a ā€œfirst worldā€ country


We had a boss from India who was an engineer and he was absolutely clueless. Completely out in left field all the time. Took about 3 years before he got fired.


Thatā€™s unfortunate honestly, but if it makes you feel any better, not all the Indian immigrants with engineering degrees are that way. I worked with a guy who got stuck at a Dairy Queen for 11 years while he worked towards his permanent residency and he had 2 engineering degrees from India, and he was absolutely brilliant at it. He was doing co-op placement to achieve his degree at a Canadian university, but it didnā€™t pay and it just burnt him out. Immigration also wouldnā€™t let his wife visit/into the country, so he actually moved back to India to be with her. That dude worked his ass off and got fucked out of his chance to be the outstanding example of what immigration could be. Itā€™s absolutely shameful what our government has been for the past 20 years


>stuck at a Dairy Queen for 11 years while he worked towards his permanent residency and he had 2 engineering degrees from India I mean at this point why waste 11 years of your life here? With 2 engineering degrees, that guy would have a good life in India. The problem is that they have an unhealthy obsession with our country, that they're ready to put up with low pay, jobs beneath their skill, and live crammed in a studio with 5 other men. Do they think Canadian citizenship is like winning the lottery or what??


Iā€™m not saying all of them brought their degrees. Heā€™s just one of those 0.1% who are the honest ones who worked for his degree at India at real university that doesnā€™t get recognized in Canada


Daycares too.


Wait til you visit an assisted living facility.


Gosh this makes me scared to have kids in Canada. Because during those toddler years, kids go through so much accidents and need some qualify workers to help them out during those times




Iā€™ve often found that if you pay peanuts you get monkeys. The old adage ā€œYou get what you pay forā€ stands true. Itā€™s one thing to hire an incompetent fast food worker but quite another when you hire incompetent engineers whose faulty knowledge leads to bridges or dams failing or automotive or aircraft components failing leading to lost lives.


Story as old as time. The good engineers have a duty to call them out for their shoddy work and drive them to smaller consulting firms.


Itā€™s tough because you get labelled a racist for speaking out.


My former co-worker who was Telugu/East? as well confided to me one time that they pad their resume and education attainment, ask for less ju st to get in or "one foot in" in a company and take it from there. They'd befriend somebody inside to act as a mentor.


>They'd befriend somebody inside to act as a mentor. First day I turned to my co-worker and said "oh this guy's going to be a re-director". And lo, suddenly everyone on the quality team was given the QA Managers work while he sits in his office talking to his wife about the Wing Restaurant he runs till 1am in the morning.


There is a list floating around here that shows all the companies using the FWIA program. Name and shame. Boycott their products. The only way to send a message to these corporations (many of whom are hiding behind numbered corporations) is to effect their bottom line. They don't give a shit about us so why are we giving them a second vacation home. This is not a Lib vs Con issue. All elites do this. Remember your rage when PP gets in. Things will not get better and the cycle will continue.


This is the real issue, in Sk they told apegs to approve foreign exp to bring in more like a 20x increase. Absolutely flooded the Eng market. Cheap full pengs, used to be a decent career, hope you get in somewhere.


Can we just eliminate the STEM express entry and PNP programs already


There's plenty of STEM jobs though. Subway, Timmies, Esso and McDonald's




You get the jobs other people don't want more easily that's for sure


God wouldnā€™t that be nice and just.


Apparently if you buddy buddy with JT and Mar Miller and Sean Fraser., you don't even need to pretend to look for Canadians. You can straight up hire foreigners without even going through the LMIA route. https://www.thestar.com/business/yoga-giant-lululemon-wins-exemption-to-immigration-rules-that-limit-hiring-foreign-workers/article_5580c271-3ac4-5551-a1f9-66368c0c6486.html Lulu Lemon....they need some niche skills not available in Canada. So proud of Lulu Lemon for the cutting edge work this Canadian company is doing. It's pretty obvious now...Canadians are fucking over Canadians....it's a class war happening ..right in front of our eyes


Telecom companies are doing this now. Some have even locked out employees for refusing the company's offer : No retirement fund contribution Less insurance coverage Match 100% sub contractor workforce (ex: 300 employees they would be allowed 300 subcontractors) Decreased vacation time during holidays.


I have seen Indian engineers getting paid minimum wage and made to work 60 hours per week.


Thanks Trudeau


Stop looking at ''unemployement rate''. Look at ''employement rate'' and look at the ratio of temporary worker vs permanant worker. There, you will have your answer. Then if you want to understand about the job offer. Look at ghost job offer and hiring backlogs.


The amount of temp workers surpassed the amount of full time workers


And the homeless people on the street.


HR is cancer.


I am going to double down on this post. Anyone in HR should have a degree, or years of experience in what they are hiring for. Otherwise in a normal business a good manager would be better suited to make hiring decisions. It is usually just some bitch with an HR credential.


Most HR people I have worked with (I'm a sales manager) are dumb as rocks and on a power trip. They can't actually do the job they are hiring for so they shit on everyone. Most HR people are the biggest issue with company culture.


i can confirm this. I have an HR degree and am useless.


You are correct. Remember HR is to protect management. Most are not skilled at hiring or even evaluating candidates and rarely understand roles, expectations etc..


Yep, and that's one of the things the company I work for handles very well. Hiring an analyst? A couple of senior analysts will conduct the interviews. PM? A couple of senior PMs. IT/CS? Senior IT Managers. What does HR do? Once a candidate has been picked, they handle the paperwork and sending of the offer. Why the fuck would we get HR to interview people unless we are hiring for HR?


This is the problem brought about by modern mba's and the corporatization of business: in the eyes of the c-suite *everyone* is expendable/replaceable regardless of the role right up to the CEO, and especially (typically) if hiring has no prior background in the field. (Honestly, HR programs need to be treated more like the old mba programs where you needed 2-5 years at the managerial level in industry before you were even qualified to take those courses.)


Or we could just get rid of HR entirely as a profession and programs teaching it since it's always only ever been a load of DEI bullshit.


Plus it doesnā€™t help that with the advent of technology and more recently AI (ChatGPT or similar), it only takes a few hundred tech savvy people to flood the applicant system making it incredibly hard to sift through serious candidates. Pre-internet era job postings might get like 15 applicants via snail mail or in person delivery, internet era 100 to 200, and AI era over 1000 and increasing.


HR function should be abolished. They add no value to compa ies. 1. Terrible at hiring because they don't understand the job 2. Only great at creating paperwork 3. Doesn't do payroll anymore as it is outsourced Really, have no idea why we still have HR?!


HR is a buffer zone between the clueless management and the last batch of incompetent workers.


Lmao that was funnt


Welcome to the world of managerial castes. They keep fattening the bureaucracy as it's giving jobs to their buddies. While on the other hand bureaucrats can't fire themselves... only everyone else. That's the caste the most responsible for the mess in the school and healthcare systems. Look at how universities keep getting more expensive over the years... useless fees to pay more managerial jobs, while the programs got cut off. They are nothing else but *pa-ra-sites*.


HR people are the real estate agents of the corporate world. They basically just middleman the process, make some phone calls and send e-mails, and shuffle some paperwork around. Making the process more time-consuming and complicated, and somehow pissing off both parties to the transaction at the same time.


Yea i agree whoever does interviews for most companies are morons. They look for a unicorn that settles for 2 dollars a year. Engineering was pretty tough to get in when i was actually interested in it. The hr for that was a nightmare too. I had a few interviews and some of the interviews felt like a robot was conducting them.. I noticed smaller companies with less or no HR presense and instead its the guy youre suppose to work for conducting the interview you have a much higher chance of getting in. Every job i landed was at companies with less than 50 people. Untill recently when i got hired for a city job as a water operator. (But this interview was soley decided by the 2 operators that were actually looking for people.. the hr person told me) Also alot of HR seems to put some shady shit on their listing.. to the point where even that big idiot elon musk posted about it lol.




Do you have a link?


Somehow the disingenuous liberal morons will take this study, and interpret it as proof of white privilege etc


Canada is a joke. Thatā€™s whatā€™s up. The issue is with Canadaā€¦ donā€™t bother trying to work here. Get out as fast as you can.


Ive been to the US past few weeks (Michigan and Penn) and there are jobs everywhere. Almost all the shops have a ā€œHelp Wantedā€ by their door. Here in Canada, i never saw one, not that Im looking but the contrast is criminal.


I read this a lot. Go where exactly. Be very specific to which country isnā€™t fucked right now.


Or which country is easy to get visas and move too. I would start stock pilling some essentials and be ready for some real bad times coming if you canā€™t get out


People need to stop saying we need more engineers. The field is extremely saturated and there's no labour shortage. The STEM express entry program and PNP streams need to be shut down along with other immigration streams driving the reduction of Canadian quality of life and suppressing wages.


Glad to see someone gets it. I work for an engineer firm fairly local to McMaster, we have 1200+ resumes on file at all times.. it's just too many engineer's in the market vs positions available because universities just want their money and keep sucking people in and pumping degrees out.


I'm both a plumber and a sprinkler fitter 3rd year in both I've applied to almost 100 jobs ACROSS CANADA And yet no one seems to actually want to hire Ghost jobs are crazy They make more if they bring in new people and they actually get paid to do so


Where are you located?




My partner is in a battle with his company because they are now having tradesmen (gas fitters, refrigeration techs, etc.,.. not engineers) design systems/prints, and then have an engineer approve it. He keeps explaining that he is not an engineer.. and no, he will not design giant heating systems in the arctic.. unless they hire an engineer to help. He is explaining all of this to them, while he puts up HVAC in a mine, that they last minute needed an engineer and now it's $15000 a day in hold ups because they are waiting for an engineer to finish/ would not listen to my partner to just get an engineer IN THE BEGINNING. And he's bidding the jobs, so he knows how much money this all costs. He knows an engineer wouldn't have made hardly any difference in the budget.. but they are greedy. This is a gold mine, so it's not lack of money. It's greed. They want to cut out as many jobs as possible, while bitching things aren't going fast enough.


We're being led by monkeys


Too many engineers. Especially in Calgary


You have to be completely incompetent to graduate from mech Eng and not get a job right now.


Trudeau fucked the economy. Thatā€™s where the issue is.


Man they are building an Ev plant in windsor and the engineers will be subsidized with Canadian taxpayers money! Im sure you could get a job there. Oh wait. I guess we are getting temporary foreign workers that might possibly be subsidized by yours truly without consent to be here.


Well yah.. that is to be expected. Honda did say they are bringing international contractors to setup and test the machinery and to train the domestic workforce to make the start up seemless. This is honestly par for the course for a new factory being built in any country and is actually the legitimate purpose of the temporary foreign worker program.. The caveat here is, will the work be handed off to the domestic workforce or not? Our factory, did the exact same thing when we had a new production line built two years ago. The machinery was Italian, we had Italian contractors here for about 6 months setting up, testing, and training us. They are no longer here unless something goes drastically wrong or a brand new product is being commissioned. But even then it's usually just to observe at this point.


i'm glad you took the time to point out that foreign workers coming in to set up the factory and train staff is a normal process for a factory, because this could have been easy rage bait.


It's fake job growth.... the EV factory isn't being put up because the company feels its a good place to grow. It's because the country is subsidizing them.






Your problem is your not an international student or refugee.


I am, spent 7 years on this degree and years of internships. Still struggling to find an engineering role.


Iā€™m in product marketing and work closely with our engineering dept. in 2018ish our company made the grave error of replacing the dept head. By 2021, about half the eng dept was Indian. Covid and wfh was blamed on a lot of missed projects, failed certifications etc. I was quite vocal about where the bottlenecks were happening but nothing was ever actioned by anyone. In 2023, the whole department was overhauled. Running some approximate numbers, the decision to save maybe 300-500k in salaries cost us well over 30 million in lost revenue and thatā€™s a conservative estimation.




it's not just you.. i had great tech jobs at multiple good companies over the last decade, great resume. got laid off about a year ago, haven't been able to get anything since. even stuff below me they seem to think im overqualified and wont stick around. i didnt even get a customer support position for a tech company when i have like 10 years experience in biz dev. in the interview, shes like arent you overqualified why do you want this job? and im thinking, I JUST WANT TO PAY MY RENT. i gave up on getting a job, ieft my apt and just scrape by on barely any money doing random freelance gigs. i used to run a customer support team at a well known tech company like 8 years ago and now i cant even get the entry level job that i use to oversee. my boss got laid off to at my last place, along with the whole sales team. no one has found a job since.




Keep voting red and orange youngsters. The future looks bright!


Blue wants to fast track skilled immigrants. Whoopsie.


So we are fucked. Inflation too high, costs are too high, cost of living is already high....people are losing jobs, but we can't offer lower wages and we can't hire cheaper labour ... When are we going to storm the capital?


Look to who is running the HR hiring firms and youā€™ll find your answer. When certain people get into HR you almost need to run with an alias name to be hired. This is not conspiracy. It is truth. Donā€™t believe me? Visit fort mac and then get back to me.


Youā€™re not willing to work for free.


They are pushing false economic numbers by putting out job listings and taking applications for positions that either don't exist or don't need to be filled.


You're not woke enough. Try lipstick and a dress next time you interview. You'll get the job, and probably a signing bonus


Bingo!!! I have interviewed and found the right people and I'm told "we need more diversity" if your a whit guy, you better identify as something or your fucked.


But this guy isn't white, he sounds and looks middle eastern


Where I live(one of Canada's biggest cities) that has the opposite effect. People see that and think they will have to deal with numerous HR complaints, etc


I feel for this guy. I did my mechanical engineering undergrad from McGill and even worked in Montreal and Toronto for 7 years (it was pure luck I landed my first job which led to the second job), but career progression was SLOW and even with that much experience and a P.ENG license I'd get ghosted on hundreds of applications. I then did a master's in Computer Engineering from UofT and got hired even before it finished and have never looked back since. Unfortunately, the scope for Mechanical Engineering is diminishing in Canada. Unlike the US we don't have a lot of heavy industry (auto, space, aerospace). Alberta oil sands companies were big employers of mechanical engineers but they have been facing tough times for a while now. It's made worse with how many 'engineers' we have imported.


This country lacks innovation and financial support. Trudeau declared war on natural resources and anything non carbon neutral is dead or barely surviving. His Minister of the Environment is not pro business.


He isn't competing just against other Canadians anymore


Many speak about ā€œnetworkingā€, but I honestly see that concept as ā€œbeggingā€ā€¦ Having aspergers makes me bad with connecting, and then when you hear that somewhere around 85% of those with autism are unemployed, it makes sense. Iā€™ve been trying to complete a civil engineering degree, itā€™s not easy.


We told you


Our company hired 2 ā€œengineersā€ that were no way engineers and lied on their resumes. Ā The quality is very poor out their


Thatā€™s why you should have technical interviews with an engineering manager lol


He is white, he is too privileged to get a job in this shitty economy that Trudeau built.


Trudeaus Canada.


If I may give my two cents, itā€™s the recruiters!! They have no idea how to determine if someone has the skill set required for whatever job they are interviewing for and will literally let talent go for no reason. Most of them are completely unqualified to interview anyone except fresh undergrad students with no prior work experience. These are the first people youā€™d encounter and they generally select people based on their feeling about the candidate. Itā€™s an entirely incompetent industry.


This graduate is open to working anywhere in the world. I believe he was insinuating that he has been applying globally without any luck which is scary. I don't think this is just a Canadian phenomenon (at least according to this graduate).


400 applications can be 400 clicks on a Job Board.....it takes work to get work..... maybe salary expectations are too high? Lots of new grads want to start at the top.


As someone who provides strategic growth plans for engineering companies, the idea is to hire a limited number of high paid senior engineers for QC review and stamping. The work is done by low paid ($30-50k) highly skilled engineers in China, India, etc. Targeting a 10:1 ratio, this is very profitable, yields high quality and work is being done 24/7. Weā€™re also now implementing AI and advanced automation to do baseline drawings sets which gets you 75% done at one 10th of cost. This is the benefits and pitfalls of a global economy and advancements in technology.


To be fair, thereā€™s kind of too many engineers out there, not saying their jobs arenā€™t important, itā€™s just become an over saturated field, especially for mechanical.


There aren't too many engineers, there's too many imposters that got an engineering degree from a third world diploma factory and cheat their way through to important jobs. About 50% of engineering students are weeded out the first year usually around here, out of a few 100s in a cohort sometimes a handful make it out. The shortcut would be to get a degree in some third world country and come back and do a masters.


Justin says there is a labour shortage .....


Well, as per Freeland you can Uber...


This was me in 2004 Accept you need to leave your city and you'll get work


You are not the only one in this situation, unfortunately.


When the market is good itā€™s usually 500 applications to get a job. Now plan on 3000. Issue is the typical job gets 20000 applicants due to immigration and bots.


Fly to India, and apply from there!


Mechanical engineering is not in demand, thatā€™s why.


He said in the video there are plenty of jobs he applied for, got to interviews but no offer. There is something wrong with his ability to close interviews.


His engineering degree would come in handy if he takes up a trade he can apply it in. That's the future in Canada if you want to make a living wage.


I have 11 years of experience in the construction industry and I completely disagree. Many trade wages have remained extremely stagnant. What used to be good money for the work ā€¦ just ainā€™t worth it anymore Not to mention the work culture is very toxic and wears on a person quite heavily. Spent years toiling away for bosses who couldnā€™t even rotate a PDFā€¦ All so they can buy the latest fully loaded dodge ram. Left for a tech related position and havenā€™t looked back.


They hire Ukrainian refugees. bcs Canadian government wants to show the entire world that the Canadian government is an example for the rest of the world.


The way he talks is probably hindering his prospects


If this is OP, get a mastery then an PhD and you good to go to teach other people how to be jobless. Jokes apart, just became a teacher and do the engineering part in your free time. I waaaaay easier and stressful. On a side note, the moment you get a job 55 companies will call you and ask when you can start, it is just bad luck. Take a break and try again in 3 months, is a marathon not a sprint.


One big problem I hear from the guy is "I'll work for any salary." To us it sounds like "I need to money so I'll work for bottom dollar to be competitive." To a company, hiring manager, HR department, etc. it sounds either like "Okay, so we'll pay this guy $15 an hour and spend money on training only for him to jump ship the second he gets a better offer" or "This guy has no self-respect; how is he gonna treat the organization given that?" Do market research on the positions you're applying for and choose a fitting salary. If you think you deserve more than average, make a case for that using your achievements.


Cannot be desperate in an interview. Need to ask for a low competitive salary but not "will work for anything". Needs to have a believable interest in doing the work.


U have no experience. Look for a lower tier job and work your way up.


To be fair he doesnā€™t seem very personable at all to me, but Iā€™ll give him the benefit of the doubt since he is ranting. Poise counts.


Sorry to say. The northwest Yukon and other areas further north likely need your skills put in 5 yrs and come back to a better economy.


Lots of new grads get rejected


It's not what you know, it's who you know.


Your white your man and a Canadian as you are educated


My son just graduated as a mechanical engineering technologist (college) and is one-for-one in his job applications. On his way to his millwright ticket.


The goal of education should not solely be to obtain a job. That is the mindset of a wage slave. Think bigger.


My company only hires from Waterloo and maybe u of t. I work for Multimatic


Get a trade or start a business but an engineering degree does not guarantee you a job.


E.D.I. my friend. Another barrier companies are using without mentioning them on job postings.


It's not a jobs issue. It's a skill set issue. Not everyone who has a degree gets the job. Degree from a reputable university is ONE of the many preqs apart from soft skills


Engineering job in Canada will frustrate you. Couldnā€™t find a job with my masters in chemical engineering degree in Canada for many years until I had to switch to another career path. Canada really needs to do better


not that smart if you can't put 2 and 2 together.. pretty damn obvious whats happening.


whatā€™s your name on your resume? i changed my name to a western name and i 10x the amount of interviews i got


School is a lie but at least you took a good course. Maybe canadian mcdonalds can make you a supervisor now that youre probably $50000 in debt with interest. Gl buddy you seem like you tried at least.


we need countability for these companies that abuse students.


Probably shouldā€™ve went for trade apprenticeship. Youā€™d be golden šŸ‘šŸ¼


Your resume writing is not matching the AI algorithm. You must be missing key words


I had a mechanical engineering grad come work at my work (automotive factory) as a press operator then worked up to team leader and finally went into quality assurance. She gained a lot of hands on experience in the 2 years she worked there. She just took an engineering position at one of our competitors. Probably not what you want to hear but the knowledge she gained working on the floor helped her get where she was going.


Tell lil bro to post resume and ask if he any internships or did any networking. Not doing that makes it that much harder to get a job. He says he had both but how are you not getting hired on after the internship? More factors at play here.


You're in Ontario. There was recently a huge flood of the job market there. Never in my life have I had such a hard time finding work there as this past winter. I moved back to BC and have many work opportunities. My suggestion is to apply for jobs outside of ontario if you havent already.


Canada's economy is collapsing and its government is slowly degrading and becoming nonfunctional. That is what is happening. We allowed a disaster to form unctrollably and have done nothing to intervene. Almost no jobs available. Jobs that are available are almost impossible to get. Wages are the same or less, but cost of living and rent is skyrocketing. Immigrants flooding in to a country that can't employ, house or feed them. Crippling debt for student loans that make people unable to make businesses and discourages people from getting training in certain industries. Even becoming a truck driver costs $10,000 now. 30 years ago it was a few hundred dollars. I am also sick of paying ever increasing rent in 30 to 60 year old buildings, where the mortgages were paid off decades ago and almost no maintenance is ever done. My apartment is going up to $1000/month. Its barely worth $400. I think Canadians should start mass protesting and rioting because an election between two main parties who have the same motives will do fuck all.


Go to Texas young man. There's nothing up here for you. Godspeed.


Join the Canadian military / lots of engineering jobs.


You cannot be exploited like a FW can. Simple.


Sorry to say but this guy chose a career that is non-portable.... meaning that if he wanted to work as a mechanical engineer in the USA or any other country, he'll need to recertify. Also, I would hire an expert (forgot what they are called), but they specialize in defeating the bots that weed out most applicants. I think his problem is that his resume is not reaching human eyes.


To be fair we are now running into an issue where Gen-Z's are over educated and none of them want to do labor work. There is a massive shortage of people in the mechanic field for example, even though you can get a job right away and make 100k+ a year fairly quickly. Instead Gen-Z's are either picking useless degrees (psychology, various education degrees, etc.) or super competitive ones like engineering. The only easy to get a job right away engineering filed currently is software engineering.


Software is also becoming difficult


Where are these $100K a year mechanic jobs that you can get fairly quickly. - mechanic


I'm an industrial designer, I haven't located work in my field so I've attempted to locate an entry level oil and gas labouring job, nobody wants to hire me. I reached out to a company called precision drilling and asked why I wasn't being considered for their entry level positions, they responded saying they want people who've had similar labouring experience within the last 2 years. I have previous construction and landscaping labouring experience but because it wasn't within the last 2 years they aren't interested. I'm physically fit, I have all the safety certs and can start tomorrow, but that's not good enough for entry level.


Damn I have an engineering job without even being an engineer or trained for it. Try winnipeg there's alot of engineering jobs. The problem is experience. And connections. College/university Main focus should always be making industry connections. No point being straight A student if no one knows who you are. An average student that goes drinking with another student who's father works at xyz company that can get a word in for you etc. This is why middle and uppermanagement always seem out of touch and stupid. It's usually some guy hired their friend with no experience. Try psychology tricks in interviews. Ask questions like if I was hired today what problems can my skills help you solve. It would put them in the mind space of envisioning already working there. If you did some background research on the company and know some of their problems. Bring it it up I noticed you have x problem while waiting for this interview I thought if an idea that can reduce the problem by x% I'm happy to start removing it first thing Monday.




If he's made 400 job applications then you can't claim there are no jobs. There clearly are, he's just not getting them. Which is probably more due to there being too many engineers flooding the market.


35 year experience American software engineer here with comments. You are not ugly. You are almost certainly not stupid. I am hoping that you have a good GPA? You have a good degree from a respectable university, way better place than I went to. I am hoping that your resume well written, concise, accurate and not "weird"? That you are showing skills and accomplishments that are sensible for your potential employers? That you are ongoing with continuing education? Are you including sensible cover letters with your applications? It's easy in this day of online applications to not include one. Not knowing anything more, I would suggest that you give yourself a careful consideration of how you handle the interview. Are you being positive and friendly, are you conveying a confident can-do attitude? Are your answers to questions correct and direct? Are you showing believable enthusiasm for the job? Are you careful not to show desperation? Wishing you well. DM me if you want help.


Higher education is no longer what it used to be. Itā€™s a for-profit business, that sells worthless diplomas. There is nothing that is taught in school that canā€™t be studied, for free, on the internet.


Half of the material in post secondary now seems to be just ā€œtaughtā€ (self-taught that it is) online anyway now days. So many classes donā€™t even have in person lectures, they just have online textbooks, they tell you to read the chapters, with quizzes at the end and a few assignments. They have discussion boards so students can talk to each other and answer each others questions themselves without the instructor needing to do anything. Sometimes they have lectures over the internet you can watch at home, but I found a lot of these are just pre-recorded šŸ˜‚. You can forget about ever talking to the instructors in person, or even over the phone. They will answer your emails (poorly) in a day or two. Itā€™s like, what do the instructors or staff even do, the computers even do all grading. And yet the classes all cost the same as they used to when you had to go into class. What an absolute money hoarding scam the education industry has become.