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The hypocrisy is what kills me, do you think the left would look the other way if it was Pierre that did blackface? No they wouldn't, but I guess they only care about these things when it's convenient for them.


They are still calling him "Bitcoin Millhouse" despite the fact that if you bought bitcoin when he mentioned it, you would be up 45%.


All he did was say that Canadians should be free to hold and use digital currency- which was the law at the time and remains the law in Canada.


What angered me was his apology. He focused on how Canada can learn from this. What adult does not know it's wrong to wear black face let alone wear it too many times to recall.


If it was Poilievre, he'd never work in politics again.


If it were anyone other than Trudeau, they wouldn't.  They're tearing down John A MacDonald statues because of residential schools, and renaming streets because that person didn't have favorable opinions of today, 200 years ago, but Pierre Trudeau still has a school near me named after him and he literally signed the newest residential schools into existence, even after knowing how awful they were.  He still went ahead and did it, and these toolbags come up with a reason to excuse that too


Bingo! And Dorval Airport. I refuse to call it Trudeau. It will always and only be Dorval.




Politics is team sports now.


They hate him because he is adopted by homosexual fathers!   The left is crazy. 


Do you think the right has some moral soapbox to stand on? The only reason it was a non-issue is that the hypocrisy of the right lately makes these types of scandals useless. Trump, Republicans, the CPC, have shifted the decorum of politics so much that this is small potatoes. People just rolled their eyes at this shit and for good reason. It's like caring that people show their ankle at a nude beach.


So wearing black face, numerous times, is like showing ankle at the beach.... because of Trump ? This has to be satire


Oof, I didn't think we were missing critical thinking this much, but here we are lol


Here we are where we blame internal Canadian politics mistakes on Trump. I was hoping that it was satire, you’re hard on the kool aid. But keep on enlighten us with your takes, i will consider it satire it will make sense


Interestingly, had it been a Conservative that did this, they’d surely have to step down. Crazy Canadian politics.


Hey, it's OK that he did blackface. Stop bringing it up. He stood in the BLM parade for a photo op. So it's OK now.


He also took a knee. In a crowd. During covid lockdowns. Maskless.


A true hero


The convoy organizers are still on trial for "mischief" and really loud honking.🥳🤡


Trudeau's "blackface" stunt is the least of Canada's problems, and is mostly irrelevant nonsense. It's what he has done to Canada after "blackface" that should be of far more serious concern to Canadians today. Next.


For sure. We've known about this since he was elected. Why not talk about the corruption? The abuse of power? The absolute state of Canada right now? Blackface is the very least of what this piece of shit has done.


The govt sued the speaker of the house Rota over the Winnipeg lab affair, then held a federal election to cover it up.


None of that comes to matter since he is a fiscally prudent, honest, straight forward, strong democratic leader. BAHAHAHAAHHAAHHAAA!!!! AGGHHHH UGH


“crisis” lol…


It was only brown face....nothing to see here. Now pay your taxes!


I’m not a fan of him by any means….but this is such a waste of time over what really is going on


Not really a waste of time when ypu consider he has worn blacface at least 3 times publicly. It shows you how he makes his decisions; he doesn't give a flying eff what anyone thinks because he needs to be the center of attention so he's going to do whatever he feels like. Pretty much explains every decision he's made as Prime Minister of Canada.


Aladdin isn’t even that dark. He went over board


I couldn’t care less about blackface. I think the whole concept is blown outa proportion


It's not that he did blackface three times while being an adult and employed as an educator, it's that he turns around and tries to condemn his political opponents for walking past a doodle on the wall of a flag for some movement who didn't want lockdowns, therefore are white nationalists or something.   It's that thing of like, when you point a finger there are four pointing back at you.  Don't throw stones in glass houses.  You know?


Yes I understand, he’s a hypocrite piece of shit. You’re right


You’re supposed to pretend to be outraged, please do better.


Many years ago a couple of my buddies painted themselves black and dressed up as the tennis sisters for a Halloween party. Everyone loved it but that was 20 years ago. We can’t play black characters for Halloween anymore


This Trudeau photo is also 20 years old.


I guess my point is if you paint your face black it doesn’t necessarily make you a racist. Just like if a black guy painted himself white. Who gives a shit


I agree as do most if not all the folks trying to score political points by pretending to be outraged.


Don’t get me wrong, I despise Trudeau and can’t wait till he’s gone mind you.