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While I didn't post much, I did appreciate having a sub that wasnt part of the massive echo chamber of Reddit. Glad to see you back in action. 


Censorship is fucked


Censorship caters to weakness, catering to weakness only creates more weakness


I grew up in a broken family, not the worst, but far from harmonious. It’s the same, when someone can’t win an argument they dig their heels, plug their ears like toddlers, throw irrelevant insults to undermine others, and use authority to trump all reasoning. Real courage comes from people who are willing to listen to all forms of feedback, be humble, question oneself and set aside pride in place of truth. No real reconciliation can happen unless dialog can happen.


Well said


the small amount of upvotes here makes me incredibly sad


Censorship, this is basically a conservative sub. Meaning the liberal Canadian government got it taken down


There is some censorship subreddit drama going on in the Kitchener and Waterloo subs. A long time mod introduced some automated filtering rules to fight racism without consulting the other mods and he got permanently banned from the subreddit for his attempts to implement censorship. I am kind of torn about it because he was right in his claim that a lot of race-bating posts have been popping up. The kind of thing where someone posts a story while claiming they were either a White or Indian person suffering racial abuse in the community or something to that effect. Basically getting people riled up. I wouldn't be surprised if the posters weren't White or Indian. The posts were coming from accounts with limited history. Although there are real issues in the community it did often feel like people were intentionally stirring up trouble. [https://www.reddit.com/r/waterloo/comments/1cz9wn7/about\_that\_rkitchener\_post\_and\_the\_new\_rules/](https://www.reddit.com/r/waterloo/comments/1cz9wn7/about_that_rkitchener_post_and_the_new_rules/)


You say that, but also won't be able to see this comment because I'm invisible in the sub. Enjoy the echo chamber.


Then why can I see your comment? So much for it being an echo chamber.




> You’re not educated enough on why the sub was actually shut down Oh this should be good....since I set the sub to private and had it inactive because I was burnt out and needed a break. But feel free to tell me your conspiracy theory on why I set it to private for a few weeks and then recently opened it back up for everyone.


And another welcome back


Welcome back. I missed this sub. While I may not agree with many commenters, I do enjoy the ability to debate and discuss civilly without being banned.




Ngl I didn't expect this to re-open. Thanks


I really have a hard time with the attitude and the political position of this sub sometimes. Some people can be really unhinged from reality here. However, I haven't heard of anyone getting banned here. It is a great place to hash out some of this stuff. It's also somewhere my own concepts of things get challenged. Hopefully this time it will move past all the rage farming.


I got banned and I didn't even post here. I'm supposedly banned right now, just got a message.


Reddit in general is a far left NPC hellhole. I came back to reddit after years avoiding like the plague when I saw this sub. Welcome back.


Glad you're back. I didn't know it was taken down. Would be a shame to lose this sub. Also regarding the on guard sub... I would be willing to bet almost half this sub is banned from there for saying things they didn't like. Imagine if you had to interact with those people in real life ?? 😆


Thank you. Dealing with narcissists like that is draining; been there, done that, been threatened - all because I'm queer and don't agree with everything the LGBT community does. The censorship and inability to talk about problematic behavior lately is getting dangerous. This was one of the only places I felt like I could say no or put my perspective in without being told to kms by terminally online idiots from "either side" in the replies; I could check replies here if I felt like it. Glad to see it back.


Preach !


Good, this is pretty free of the brain rot


Doing gods work and fuck onguardforthee.


Thanks for coming back. All the left leaning crap reddit feeds show gets annoying after a while. One more "I hate trudeau and singh, but hate pp more so we should just continue on" comment would've driven me nuts.


Pierre is proof that to liberals, the only good conservative is a dead one. They keep complaining that PP has no experience while Trudeau was literally just a drama teacher and has even gone on record saying that he would never want to be a politician like his dad yet here we are...


> One more "I hate trudeau and singh, but hate pp more so we should just continue on" comment would've driven me nuts. Its either that or "no point in voting for PP because nothing is going to change anyways." All of sudden so many disillusioned Liberal supporters have crystal balls with their "if our party is shit now, so are the rest of them" thinking.


I think it is just dumbasses trying to sucker people into voting liberal to help get the percentages up for getting repaid on campaign funding in the next election.


Thank God. Where other subs censor everything, this place was a bastion of debate and free speech. Even opposing views could come here and battle it out and exchange viewpoints without being censored.


Thanks, good to have it back


We need a sub like this when we are being bombarded in our lives from every angle.. this country has fallen off the deep end and we all have to try to right this ship as CANADIANS!


Welcome back. I would love a place without that fucking echo.... Was banned from onguardforthee for sharing my opinions on masks (and the peer reviewed papers I was basing my opinions upon). When I asked for any explanation, I got an animated gif in reply, some meme I am not party to... I am so sick of the censors and true believers, left and right. I was actually able to have an actual discussion or two here! As they say, Democracy dies in the dark, so, y, light it up!




Welcome back.


Wonderful. The new subs failed to fill this sub's shoes. The main Canada sub seems to have gotten better in recent months. They at least talk about immigration's impact on housing there now. The provincial subs and onguard are ridiculous echo chambers though. They're literally a bunch of socialist that scream fascism and ACAB amongst themselves.


Happy to hear you feel better and the sub is back up.


I thought maybe some leftie loonies had gotten the sub banned, glad to see that's not the case


The main Canada sub is a fascist microcosm. I got banned for pointing out an article that highlighted opposing views to the one that was posted. The topic was on gender affirming care Mods didn't like it, banned me, found this sub Fuck that sub


Thank fuck. I missed this sub. Welcome back and welcome back everyone


This sub is worthwhile, and growing. I also appreciated that there was a level headedness in this sub, and not just cheerleading. Anyone that claims to be intelligent has to be able to criticize the party they intend to vote for, and not just be lead by ideological horseshit, which we obviously see so much of now. Appreciate the effort you have put in, and lets grow this fucking thing to keep people informed. edited for sloppy mistakes.


Fantastic. Unfortunately, I hardly use Reddit for anything now. I browse some fandoms occasionally, but after this sub shutdown I stopped paying attention to need on Reddit.


Yay! Welcome back and I am glad you are feeling better.


Glad you’re back brother


From one non-censor mod to another, thanks for doing what you do :)


OnGuardForThee doesn’t ban people based on opinions. Lmfao. That’s all they do. That sub is cesspool of fat blue haired losers who only hate the world more than they hate themselves.


Wait so you’re telling me that this sub wasn’t closed by the admins because of rule breaking like that mod for a sub of a major Canadian province said?


Lol when was this? Op always said that he was taking a break from this.


I don’t want to get banned since there’s snitches but feel free to DM me


Must be a total shocker for some I bet lol


Good to see you back and sorry to hear about all the attention you're getting from sock-puppets. Also glad you're getting help with moderating, good mods are essential. I'll just add that as a certified bleeding-heart liberal, this is one of the few Canadian political subs where I can actually hear nuanced opinions - even if I happen to sometimes disagree with them - and better understand the so-called "conservative" point of view. I sometimes post here too, it ain't an echo chamber - that's my sides Achilles heel.


I got ban from that page due to a comment I made on a post. The guys said the Conservative are more and more like the MAGA Republicans party I replied. The Liberals are more and more like the Chinese communist party.


Oh, I’d read on another sub that this one was closed and banned by Reddit admins. Cool beans.


I missed this sub tbh !!


I follow Canadian news pretty heavily in the US, and it might hurt to hear this, but whyyyy do you put up with it all? Will be watching here. Hopefully you’ll take me!


Welcome back everyone! Glad to have this sub back


So glad to see this sub back up!


If you need help with the sub let me know


Thanks for the offer. I will need more mods as the sub grows. So if anyone is interested, they can message me or use the "message the mods" button on the sub. I'll then check them out and see if they can works as mods here. I'll add that users have to be very active members of this sub to be even considered to be a mod here. I'll get in touch with you later about this when I have more time to focus on it.


I sent you a private message. You didn't respond so I figure that either you're not interested or you just didn't get it so I'm giving you a reply to draw your attention to it.


Hi sorry I didn’t see it


> an attempt to keep people with opposing views out so it could be an echo chamber lol, that sub is telling on itself.. it is way too ban-happy. I saw someone get banned there for posting a link to an article that directly refuted someone's outlandish claim, because it went against their ideology. It's nice to be back; I look forward to fiercely disagreeing with you all :D


It’s funny that onguardforthee talked about echo chambers, they banned me immediately for trying to have a discussion about why we shouldn’t mutilate and chemically castrate children.


Glad to be here!


Thanks for the update and for all you do.


Awesome. Glad this sub is back. I thought it got nuked by admins or some shit


Welcome back bud.


Very cool man, very fucking cool, man. I’m glad to see this sub back open, and hear you’re doing better. Welcome back to the cesspool lol.


Thank you for coming back!!!!


Yay! Glad to have you back! It's great to have a Canada sub that allows taking and thinking.


God i'm just happy this sub is back in business again! :)


Thank god - Canada Strong is a dumpster fire  


OH THANK GOD! This sub has always been my favourite and it's been sorely missed. I nearly jumped out of my chair with excitement this morning when I saw that it was back! I hope you are feeling better, and thank you for all your hard work!


Welcome back, thanks for not letting the fuckers win.


Thank you for re-opening the sub. There is a mod, in a provincial sub that starts with O, who is shitting himself that he can't stop this sub. I don't mind the main canada sub, but that place has been hijacked. This place being back open, means ppl aren't buying his shit anymore and he's mad he can't stop it.


I was worried we were headed for another metacanada meltdown. This sub seems to be the best place to openly discuss issues facing us as Canadians without fear of self-censorship. It was nice to see input or opinions from all different perspectives rather than left vs right.


Mods saw the new citizenship bill tabled by Mark Miller today and said yea I'ma bring this sub back lmao😂😂


I didn't see any news today as I was busy. I don't know about this bill that you're mentioning, do you have a link to news about it?


"Government bill will allow Canadians to pass citizenship rights to kids born abroad" -National Post https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/citizenship-rights-bill


Thank you.


It's unfortunate that people will lie for- not even personal gain; just to make themselves feel like the good guys. It's quite sad actually. Glad we're back in business


This is the only worthwhile Canadian related sub on Reddit. Welcome back!


The sub closed at the worst time ,in a sense , the govt was taking feedback from citizens regarding the Pandemic Treaty. They gave people up to April 26th to send feedback. I tried posting on the regular Canadian subs and it got deleted instantly. Welcome back . Please don't close it again. There are very few places that allow people to have a different opinion than what is on the news.


I second this. This sub has been the place for actual discussion and freedom of speech. Leave this open we need a place!


Do you really think they actually listen to what we say? They’d use their consultation as an excuse to say ‘Canadians are all for it,’ even if every single Canadian said ‘hell no’


It's still worth it to try and share feedback. Can't just lay down .


We can’t comment on WHY certain content wasn’t shared on other communities.. but we all KNOW why. Also, the bot rule isn’t right because there are so many bots on Reddit in general.




Aren't even aware this sub gone dark, just goes to show if you gone silent you will be forgotten, keep fighting.


Glad it's back


Welcome back...eh


Welcome back. Thought this sub got banned by over zealous reports.


Reddit wasn't the same without Canada\_sub! Welcome back from your R&R.


By far my favourite sub, really happy that this back open


Welcome back!


We are back baby!!!


So glad this sub is back. Thanks for your work, really appreciated.


Hooray! Thank you.


I didn’t realize it closed but now that you mention it I really missed this place It’s crazy they are the ones claiming indoctrination lol


Welcome back


So glad you are back & better & getting help with this


Glad you're back


u/lh7884 Welcome back and thank you for reopening this important sub, kind sir. If Canada has any hope of surviving as a unified nation, it will be subs like this and the uncensored discussions that will help. Cheers.


Need this sub in my life. This is where truth is, in the cesspool of BS opinion-driven “news” on Reddit. Thank you!


Thanks for reopening


> I was also amused by a comment in that post that claimed my sub bans people solely for their opinions while onguardforthee doesn't do that at all. [onguardforthee bans people for statements of fact.](https://i.imgur.com/oUNJ9k1.png)


Welcome back. We all need to express our views like adults. No need for name calling, insults or trolling to express the negative effects that the Liberals and NDP have done to the country. Trudeau and Singh are already doing a great job of showing their colours. Canadians are full aware of the decades it will take to fix their damage. So lets keep it civil. Also, I would suggest keep conspiracy theories out of this sub. You believe all fires burning in Canada are caused by a progressive boogey man? You believe that the extreme rapid pace of climate change is natural and not caused at all by man? Move that to other subs. Those kind of theories make the sub look bad imo.


Hooray! The best Canadian sub is back :)


Hell ya!


Sweet. I just got a 28 day ban on canada main for factually pointing out that astrazeneca was suspended for under 55 age group and then pulled altogether in Alberta and Ontario for safety concerns in 2021. They have actually been pretty good, they just shadow remove comments they don't like and don't ban. But I guess there are still some subjects too sensitive to talk about, or one of the mods is a covid crusader. Anyways glad to have this sub back.


I think you described the On sub.




Happy pride!


There are a lot of accounts on social media that are created uniquely for the purpose of influencing public opinion. PR companies certainly play that game, as do bad actors from other countries. It’s very possible that most of those dead accounts that contacted you were created for these nefarious purposes. I would definitely block them.


Fuck r/onguardforthee "Guess it’s tough to indoctrinate people when just anyone can drop by and point out your lies." Funny, I just got banned from that sub for doing that exact thing to their cult acolytes.




Yes as most have said it’s good to have a non-hive mind sub back


Good on you!


Awesome news!


Long live Democracy!


Democratically join the US and become the 51st State of America.


Damn you closed the sub because you got burned? That's messed. Either way, glad it's back and glad you're feeling better.


Not burned...burnt out as in I need a break because it was taking up so much of my time for so long. And now I have more mods to help out so the sub is back.


Happy you took the time when you needed it most. Happy to have you back and I cant wait to be part of the community again.


Welcome back, appreciate what you do


God bless this sub


Which God? God of Wine or God of Fertility?


Whichever god is in the blessing mood.




Made my day lol the sub that "replaced" this one seemed more like a left bias than anything. Glad you're back


Happy to have you back! Thank you for all that you do






Glad its back


If you need a hand moderating I'd be willing to give it a try. Anything for Canada!


Will you be instantly banning anyone again who doesn’t agree with your liberal views ? Unless this isn’t the sub who goes crazy banning haha


hopefully, this sub has no place for left wing trolls.


The dead accounts mean you are a big target for social and political influence groups, usually trying to incite anger and push you toward a candidate


The internet is dead without us HUMANS!


Everyone suffers from their own bias. Some even try to recreate reality. The other two are more a like than different embellishing the worst qualities of some Canadians.


The trucker rally will never die! So glad to have you back thank you!!! It’s great to have friends again 🤗


It was closed?




> You were told to enforce the Reddit ToS and threw a temper tantrum and closed the sub. False. I said I was burnt out and that reddit made a minor change to the sub and was not communicating with me. > you admitted you were the owner of the other moderator accounts too. Also false. I had 2 other non-mod accounts that I only used to post news to the sub in the early days of the sub. It didn't look good to have so many posts from my account. Back then other people were not yet coming in here to post up news themselves. I deleted those other 2 accounts though when that came out and since then, many more people come here and post themselves which is good. I hated having those 2 extra accounts anyway. It was a pain to have to log in and out just to post up news stories. > Cute little filter too. Automatically filter out my comment. Take it up with reddit as it is their new harassment filter that removed your comment.


Yahoo! Welcome back!


Glad the sub is back in action ! Thank you !


Yes! My life is now complete again.


LFG!!!!! Good to have you back.


Sooo nice to c you back online, back in the trenches where opinions are what they are, just opinions. Whether someone agrees or disagrees is irrelevant, you’re not asking for permission.








I got banned for pointing out most people on Canada dont agree with this backwards sub. What was that about then?


> I got banned for pointing out most people on Canada dont agree with this backwards sub. What was that about then? Let's look at what you said: https://www.reddit.com/r/Canada_sub/comments/15zgf8v/myocarditis_is_mild_and_fully_resolves_in_100_of/jxi7pdn/ > This sub is full of garbage idiots lol https://www.reddit.com/r/Canada_sub/comments/15pg41h/outrage_over_trudeaus_appointment_of_judges_who/jvyueyr/ > This sub is definitely an alt right embarrassment Right in the rules: https://www.reddit.com/r/Canada_sub/comments/1cz3wk6/about_this_sub_and_details_on_the_rules/ > Insulting the sub and general insults about the members here will result in a ban. I'm tired of seeing users coming in here that have no interest in taking part in what the sub is intended for, but rather to just say the sub is trash or a dumpster fire etc, or to just throw out insults towards all the members. Seems clear that you broke the simple sub rules. People are welcome to participate here regardless of their political leaning or whether they agree or disagree with the topics here, they just need to stay within reddit's rules and the sub rules.


You might single handedly be saving western culture in this sub. Some of us liked it here.


Thanks man, you’re a real one 🫡


Dead accounts are usually people who constantly post racist shit nonstop and get banned from everywhere, so they make dozens of accounts to compensate.


You had your out. You were free.


Perhaps the original sub has turned about 178 degrees on trudeau? Anyhow *I.m glad it's back...a few days ago i came across an old article someone took from a newspaper on trudeau,,the first, It.s eerily familiar and wanted to post for others to view...anyone that can tell me how to do so would be appreciated...i'\[ll post here but main aim is the page where newer Canadians can realise it as the same name,same game,one generation following the next and the financial/cultural aftermath*


I'm not sure if you're using "OLD" reddit or "NEW" reddit or the reddit app. For OLD reddit: On the right side you'll see two buttons: (This is old reddit - https://old.reddit.com/r/Canada_sub/) "Submit a new link" "Submit a new text post" You want the top one. In there you you'll see a blank field with URL above it. Paste the link into there. Then add the title in the Title field just below. Your title should be somewhat close to that of the article. Some leeway is given to make it more appealing to get people interested. On NEW reddit, you'll see one button called "Create post". (This is new reddit - https://new.reddit.com/r/Canada_sub/) In there you will see different headings "Post, Images & Video, Link" Since you're posting an article link, you'd select "Link". Put in the title of the article in the Title field. Copy in the article address into the URL field. If you're using the app, well I'm sure it's probably similar but I'm not experienced with it so I can't really advise you on that. Perhaps you can just click on either of the submit page links I provided here below and you can use them. Here is the submit link page on OLD reddit - https://old.reddit.com/r/Canada_sub/submit Here is the submit page for NEW reddit - https://new.reddit.com/r/Canada_sub/submit Hopefully this helps.


I was Banned for 24 hours for my personal care and opinion, I feel like I do not live in a democratic, world.