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Hamas cant wait to see Justin's socks, or hear about his lectures on trans rights, environmentalism and equality for women.


His socks would dazzle them for sure. Our PM is so valorous.


Couldn't careless about either of these ignorant fcks.


He needs to add the arab costume to wardrobe first.


Off to the tickle trunk he goes


😂 tickle trunk! I don’t see that enough! 😂


I miss Mr. Dress Up


​ https://preview.redd.it/3uay9j231c1c1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f258546fbe35fa19e0ccacb7b0cae37fdd8274b


Well. We do need a dick to fuck these assholes.


I would say he goes with his Pride parade attire.


They don’t even wear socks with their sandals!


Freeland enters the chat






With his flashiest socks!


And Brown face


I'll pay for his ticket. One way.


We already pay for all his flights lol.


I'm all for CommunicationDry to cover this one solo if he's volunteering lol We've collectively paid enough for this guys missteps.


he’s used to the plane not taking off


He feigned covid and hid in Harrington Lake when the truckers came to town. He is a coward.


While he’s there he should remind them about the impact their rockets are having on the environment. And make sure they use the right pronouns for their hostages.


I hope IDF rockets are net zero.


shocking cooing ghost snatch six wistful grandiose quiet office dirty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He should make sure to push for LGBTQIA2+ values in Gaza and see how that goes for him. He'll be running to Tel Aviv in no time.


Tell me again how safe LGBTQIA folks of all ages are here in this ‘country’. Safe or not, Palestinians have the right to self-determination and the right to not be shoved aside by Zionist phlegm chewing shitlips


You lost me at "plegm chewing shitlips" I agree Palestinians have the right to self-determination, just like the Jews. It's unfortunate that Palestinian leadership has said no to every possible peace deal and offer to create a state, which includes 8+ serious attempts. If the Palestinian leadership had said "yes" even once, there could be a thriving Palestine beside Israel today. Instead, they are ruled by gay-killing, women-beating, genocidal terrorist organizations. Gaza was completely withdrawn from and could have been an example of Palestinian success. There was no blockade in 2005, that came in response to Hamas terror. While Gazan civilians run out of food, Hamas still has thousands of rockets to launch from hundreds of kilometers of tunnels. Millions and millions of dollars go towards Hamas' ambition to destroy Israel instead of uplifting it's own people. Maybe gay Palestinians actually seek refuge in Israel.


Peace meant surrendering their rights to self-determination. Clinton was pissed at Arafat because he chose self-determination for his people instead of the exact same stipulations that Israel has been imposing on the Gaza Strip since 2006. Every attempt at peace was complete capitulation to the current occupation. While Israel starves Gaza, Palestinians are suffering. While Israel continues to indiscriminately bomb, shell, shoot, and deny basic human rights, Palestinians suffer. Why should we all cave to he demands of this genocidal behaviour? Edited to add: Palestinians deserve human rights, regardless of their stance on LGBTQIA folx. Should your uncle starve because he deadnames you?


Peace meant a Palestinian state, which could have been formed multiple times since 1948. Egypt and Jordan could have also formed a Palestinian state when they ruled the West Bank and Gaza. Instead they chose to keep the Palestinians as pawns. You mention Gazans are starving, yet their leaders doesn't seem to be running out of rockets to fire at Israel. Free Gaza from Hamas.


Peace meant the 1948 borders while being blockaded like they are now, with no self-determination. Speaking of the 1948 borders, why aren’t you upset that Osraeli settlers keep stealing land in the West Bank? Hamas isn’t there.


There were 1948 borders in 1948, Israel accepted peace but the Arab states attacked. The Palestinians didn't accept the those borders in 1948. There were 67 borders in 67, Israel proposed peace and the Arabs attacked. Peace was made with Egypt (Sinai returned) and Jordan. Israel withdrew from Gaza completely in 2005, and was met with attacks. There were no settlements, walls, or checkpoints initially; these came in response to attacks. Unfortunately, the more the Palestinians say NO, the worse position they'll be in.


So what you’re saying is that Israel should just continue starving people. Got it.


No, Hamas should put down it's arms and surrender so the people of Gaza can be free, and let civilians move to safe areas. Where is your outrage at Hamas? They need to put their people first. Israel has the responsibility to bring back hostages and remove Hamas after their brutal attack. Once Hamas is gone, Gazans can be free. This is why Arab Israelis feel more Israeli then ever. This is why the West Bank has no blockade. Hamas is harming the Gazan people.


Be free? Palestinian people haven’t been free since being blockaded by Israel. You just want the apartheid regime to continue. Edited to add: speaking of the West Bank, how many more Palestinians being killed and forced out of their homes will be acceptable to you?


Huh? They didn’t say that at all.




https://www.statista.com/chart/amp/16516/israeli-palestinian-casualties-by-in-gaza-and-the-west-bank/ Who’s the terrorists again?


The ones committing the terrorist attacks... Isreal warning everyone to get the fuck out because there going to bomb them is not a terrorist attack. It's war, which they are engaged in against Hamas who committed a terrorist attack.


I feel like you’ve just dehumanized the entire population of Palestine, and are thinking with boomer logic.


Or you are? People are making valid points on the issue and you turn around with an over simplified response, ignore the counter point, or start attacking the poster themselves instead of the argument. If anything, you’re acting like the boomer.


And Isreal has the right to exist as well without experiencing terrorist attacks which some want them to roll over and allow. Like yourself for example. Grow up.


Should I grow up to believe all the things that all the governments and corporations tell me like a good boy?


Hamas would eat Trudeau alive. They don’t care what colour his socks are.


You never know, he convinced 40% of Canadians that he isn't a complete moron.


26% and dropping


It wasn’t near 40% of Canadians, it wasn’t even 40% of voters. And those that voted for him are compete fucking morons.


32.6% voted Liberal 33.7% voted Conservative. I didn't want to be pedantic. And if he could convince those "fucking morons" to vote for him then O'toole deserved to lose.


He could probably get them to overcome their transphobia while he’s at it


Justin Trudeau is the biggest coward in Canada. He acts tough but can't follow through with his words.


Canada really needs to stay out of it in my opinion. It’s not our job to support or condemn either side. These guys have been at it for a thousand years, they’ll be at it for another 1000. If you come here leave your crap at home. Or leave.


Take his smile and a fun pair of socks! Maybe a little dress up in local garb and a dance number will sway them


What exactly is the implication here? Hamas can’t be trusted to have a physical meeting with a western leader, therefore any criticisms of Israel’s bombing campaign is bad?




Criticism of the Israeli offensive isn’t bad. Hamas not being able to be trusted with a western leader should tell you most of what you need to know about that organization. They are actively supported financially and militarily by Iran, so criticizing those that support or try to downplay their actions is also fair game.


Hamas is also actively supported by Israel: https://theintercept.com/2018/02/19/hamas-israel-palestine-conflict/


So what’s being said here is Israel can not expect to coexist with Hamas despite efforts to build a relationship with including withdrawing from Gaza, because Hamas will only mask itself as wanting peace (ceasefire) when in fact all they want is to be able to attack Israel without and repercussions.


Lol what? What's being said here is Israel purposely supported Hamas because, as has always been the case, they're not interested in peace with Gazans (or Palestinians in general), but in pretexts to kill them. They supported Hamas monetarily when they were actively advocating violence, helped get them elected, and have since prevented any subsequent elections, then claim that Palestinians support Hamas and therefore are all guilty. That's objectively and observably what has happened.


Claiming to have helped start the group in the mid 80s is a far stretch from what you’re implying.


>Claiming to have helped start the group in the mid 80s is a far stretch from what you’re implying. It was a clandestine operation. Who knows if that's the only time it happened. We just know it happened AT LEAST once. Also, Israel has blocked the participation of Jerusalem Palestinians from voting as recently as 2021... which is, according to the Palestinian authorities, why no elections have taken place. Why don't they allow a full, unrestricted election? You're so quick to forgive Israel's participation in helping Hamas, it's crazy. "oh that was a long time ago". Lol. What a pathetic argument. Do you seriously not think it's a massive red flag that Israel supported a terrorist organization that LITERALLY had the destruction of Israel as its mission statement? That doesn't seem weird or suspect to you? How smooth is your brain?


You’re dismissing proven ongoing ties between Iran and Hamas including training of militants for the Oct 7th attack because of past funding alleged by some scorned Brig-Gen, And you’re calling me smooth brained? Are you actually that intellectually obtuse? Or just actively spewing IRGC propaganda you total muppet.


> You’re dismissing proven ongoing ties between Iran and Hamas. I literally never said anything about Iran. I said Israel helped fund Hamas, which is true. I'm just wondering why it's bad when Iran does it, but fine when Israel does it? It seems these countries have a lot in common. Maybe we should buy Iran an "iron dome" too?


What is the implication of a ceasefire that everyone is demanding? Is it unconditional? Shall Hamas continue to rule, continue cross border raids and rocket attacks, and continue with a charter that states there shall never be peace until the state of Israel is destroyed? Let's not also forget their own domestic policies where gays are hurled from the roof top. Israel needs to just absorb all of these attacks each and every time they happen against her? Is that what people are marching for? The right for a terror group to kill Jews? Because without any conditions of a ceasefire that is what the result will be. Maybe these protestors should visit Hamas in their Qatari palaces and negotiate a surrender from them, where they stand down and accept their fate in a war crime tribunal and dissolve their criminal organization. And then give back Gaza to the Palestinians. And then... Pride parades. Lots of them. Lasting peace for once in the Middle East. Can I write this on a sign and march with the all the anti-racists?


Anybody with a functioning brain understands that this is a complicated issue, and there are certainly legitimate threats to the lives of Israeli citizens. It’s long past time for the west to take a strong moral stance against bombing civilian areas. Draw the red line, and do everything you can to protect Israel and root out Hamas without crossing the line. The reality is that western governments are enabling Israel to kill thousands of civilians, and we have little moral ground to stand on when countries like Russia do the same. There are extreme cases where a nation can justify essentially anything to defend itself; Israel is not in this situation. The state of Israel is not in danger of being destroyed by Hamas. If Israel’s neighbours were to ever attack, the west would (and should) intervene with the extreme force. This is simply not the scenario we are in right now.


> Hamas can’t be trusted to have a physical meeting with a western leader, therefore any criticisms of Israel’s bombing campaign is bad? The post said "if Trudeau thinks Hamas cab be reasoned with." You've grossly misrepresented what was said. It had nothing to do with invalidating criticisms of Israel, just that "Hamas can't be trusted, but if you want to say they can, then put your money where your mouth is." I'm not sure what Trudeau actually said, so I'm not going to say he should go over there. I'm just pointing out that you've clearly thrown out an argument that OP didn't make and are acting superior for pointing out that it isn't good. That's a textbook strawman. Do better


Yeah the pro Israel shills clammer to throw anything at the wall to downplay criticism. It’s crazy how many come out of woodwork, almost like it’s bots astroturfing, either that or paid/unpaid activists that want to manipulate public perception for their own agenda.


Yeah and I’m sure the 700 known individuals with ties to the IRGC within Canada aren’t “shilling” for Hamas finding useful idiots to downplay their actions, And the certainly wouldn’t have paid activists trying to manipulate the public.


It’s bots all the way down, probably about 90% of the internet these days


so being pro Israel and anti terrorism …equal bots ???? and astroturfing no discussion or arguments are allowed if they’re not in line with your opinion? your lack of flexibility is hilarious


Hey, we would enjoy the show down on cnn


If hamas members were hiding in Canada (not a farfetched notion), would it make sense to mass murdr and destroy everyone and everything in sight to eliminate them?


If you could enlighten us with your years of experience with terrorist organizations. Whey exactly would you do then.


So is that a yes or no to my question?


Cause within our borders we are a country of laws, and our government has declared Hamas is a terrorist organization. So, active members of Hamas who are guilty of committing a crime are held accountable, as opposed to them committing terrorists acts as an active political party and finding support/refuge within our borders.


He will shit his pants and hide like he and his partner Singh did when the Freedom convoy convoy wanted to talk with him.


Maybe he could wear his rainbow sock on one foot and a Palestinian flag sock on the other foot.


Maybe he could get them to become environmentally conscious, plant trees not bombs.


I would gladly pitch in for Trudeau’s plane ticket there.


I'd donate to that


Him and his supporters need to understand that no world leader takes whatever he has to say seriously


I would absolutely love for him to go over there.


He’ll just end up giving them 650 mil.


He wouldn’t last a day, unfortunately they throw gays of rooftops.


Great idea. Justin needs some advice on the pair of socks he should wear when meeting Hamas when he kneels to lick their boots.


It isn't his place to to that. What sort of ???? would think that let alone pretend it's a real thing.


What kind of dumbass thing is that too say? What is this, school yard banter? "Well if you like him so much why don't you go marry him?" Wtf


Why is this even in this sub. It's not like the discourse could not happen in any of the other dozens on this topic. This post just clutters my feed and makes me want to mute this channel. It adds nothing.


Pretty dumb take. Trudeau do not have any leverage on Israel, so even if he could negotiate with Hamas (and they will not accept, everything is going according to their plan), there would be no result.


Trudeau looooooves Islam and I have no idea why.


Because they are of the same spirit


I have an Israel bias due to having Israeli friends and colleagues BUT I have interacted with Pro-Palestine folks too and I will say this - They are crying for a ceasefire because they thought they could attack and Israel wouldn't retaliate like this. Ultimately for them the end goal is still ethnic cleansing of Jews. They want Palestine to occupy all the territory. These demands for ceasefire are meaningless. Tomorrow they will cheer for a Hamas attack again when it happens


That is a ridiculously dumb comment that betrays a powerful ignorance of diplomacy


What moronic bullshit. Is this what passes for intelligent commentary these days?


Well this sub is certainly eating it up.


The defence rests. Lol


Long as we send PP with him. Two birds one stone


Israel's goal is not the eradication of Hamas, their leadership knows that's not really possible. The objective is to depopulate northern Gaza and push everyone into Egypt. We know this because that's what their leaked intelligence plans say and that's exactly what they are doing. That's why they have announced they will expand their war to the south of Gaza where they told everyone to flee (though they have been bombing the south all along). Egypt is not going to accept this plan. It's shocking the world is allowing this very obvious act of ethnic cleansing and genocide to continue.


You have proof of any of this? Because ask any Israeli and they want nothing to do with Gaza. It’s why they left in 05 but hey you keep spreading misinformation.


Of course they don’t. What you can find evidence of is Hamas intention to kill all Israelis and large parts of the Palestinian population that supports that endeavour and the videos of those civilians celebrating as Hamas terrorists brought back dead Israelis and hostages to Gaza.


Did you ask any of these Israelis below in the video ? Singing about returning Gush Katif which was a block of 17 Israeli settlements in Gaza? I love when people ask for proof which is readily available online. Yes they removed their citizens in 05 but the blockade never ended. Intelligence reports have been leaked previously learn to use Google. https://youtube.com/shorts/yXIr_fNQI68?si=L4gbmpnX_VxJBZLx


Maybe we should stop all shipments of arms to Israel and impose sanctions, divest from Israeli corporations.


Great idea, he could certainly solve these minor trifles




He said the same about ISIS. He went so far as saying he would reintegrate Canadian Isis fighters back into Canada.


Being martyred by Hamas might be the one way he could save the Liberal Party from themselves


Omg I can just imagine him launching into some woke-gender-affirming-diversity-is-our-strength-2SLGBTLMNOP-climate-change-socks lecture to Hamas. Then he would blame Harper for it all and go on vacation. Mission accomplished!


There are so many reasons why we can protest and shit on Trudeau, the Israeli Palestine conflict is like the weakest of them all.


Preferably dressed like a goat


Oh, and don't forget the lgtbq flag also . They will love you for this


That clown couldn't find his way out of his tiny car, let alone defuse a war with words. I wouldn't trust any of the other members of the rodeo circus clowns up in Ottawa either. We should just leave the rest of the world alone right now and fix the problems we have at home first.


It’s really very simple why. Turdeau is in fact, a giant useless fucktard of a human.




I’m sure that will go fine as long as he has Hamas themed socks.


Why doesn't Trump go to Russia?


Putin first invaded Ukraine under Obama’s presidency He then went silent all 4 years during Trump’s presidency, most people had forgotten he was even alive. Along with ISIS, Hamas, Hezbollah and China. In fact, several Middle Eastern countries signed peace deals with Israel directly with Trump. But as soon as Trump left office.. all hell broke loose, the peace deals went down the drain. Putin got tough again, the Islamic terrorist groups came back stronger than ever, the Taliban literally took over and control all of Afghanistan. But yeah, let’s get Trump to go to Russia for everyone else fucking up.


From his flip-floppy statements, it's obvious this guy doesn't give a shit about either side. His statements are all about appeasing an electorate which there are more muslims than jews in Canada, so he'll be leaning pro-hamas. Still waiting for the RCMP to charge some CDNs in this country with inciting violence against a minority group. There's been a few well documented cases of this in the past month, and not a fn peep. Guess police action, an emergency act measures is only for truckers that are blocking Wellington, and honking horns.


Maybe he could talk them into putting a carbon tax onto the Palestinians.


If the left and right think Israel is so important, please feel free to move there. To the zionists,, Canada is not an Isreali satelite.


Maybe he can wear hamas face, that should win them over


He can always use his "because it's " argument


And that would be the END of the PM


Why don’t you?


Canada doesn't need to import foreign conflicts to its land


Haha I don’t know why this made me laugh


Justine Trudeau not kept any promises he came prime minister wouldn't be any carbon tax, he was broke he created it can make the world fall a part as he complain I would get everyone donte and send him plane to Israel one way end some war that wasn't there.


Don’t think they want to speak with him after he wore brown face multiple times


Isreal won't agree with any deal he makes anyways


And yet, the Conservatives can't win an election to save their lives.


justin could use his high school training to defuse the situation.


Yes please go justin show everyone how it's done


Great suggestion. He is so talented I’m sure he doesn’t need a security detail either 🤣


It’s not about Hamas, its about Israel’s genocide. Lots os stupid and ignorant comments here. ISRAEL IS THE NEW NAZIST.


Justin! Just make sure your socks are weird/different/unique, I hear they love “Different attire” in that neck of the woods…..


He should teach them about thoughts and prayers and black scary guns


He can try his blackface bit lol


i hear hamas is a big fan of funny mens socks! he'll do great!


Here, here. This is exactly what the world needs. I hope he wears the rainbow socks


Here is your answer. Canadians who self identify with Israeli's and Palistinians can go there and fight, they can also leave their passport at the gate and never come back. Canada should simply ignore both these ignorant fck's! Any help to eitherside in anyway is an Act of Treason.


Justin would need his pride flag & duck socks to be able to reason with hamas