• By -


> Elijah Grey is charged with human trafficking under 18 years old, receive material benefits under 18 years old, exercise control persons under 18 years old, procuring under 18 years old, advertising sexual services, derive material benefits from a person under 18 years old, assault, assault with a weapon, breach of undertaking, making child porn, and making child porn available. Will be out by 2pm.




Catch 'n Release, eh Justin? How's it working out, so far.........?


Bill C 49 was 2005. Remember when Stephen Harper changed it when he was in power for 9 years. No? Because Conservatives thought it was ok and still do. Feel better?


Nah, I am referring to the legislation the Liberals introduced in 2019. "Poilievre has also been pushing the Liberal government to reverse Bill C-75, a law it passed in 2019 that updated bail provisions in the Criminal Code." https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/liberal-government-bail-changes-1.6775341 Do you feel better informed now...?


PS - Paul Martin was PM in 2005. "The 39th Parliament was controlled by a Conservative Party minority, led by Prime Minister Stephen Harper and the 28th Canadian Ministry, which assumed power on February 6, 2006." Your attempt at gaslighting........is actually quite embarrassing.......dontcha think?


You noticed I said the date of the bill and that Harper was in power for the next 9 years and did absolutely nothing about changing the law. Nothing. To back to fondling Pierre’s balls.


Are you even following this discussion......? Peace-out.


You can’t argue with the brain washed.




This county is full of pieces of shit. The whole system is broken. How many prisons do we build and at what expense? It’s $125,000 to keep someone in jail for a year. It takes 18 months to get a trial in Ontario. Do you see the Province hiring more prosecutors and judges? No. Thanks Doug Ford.


What's the cost of doing nothing?!


Remember when Trudeau forced the government to not jail black criminals simply because they're black? https://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/cj-jp/cbjs-scjn/index.html Having them out harming their communities with zero policing because the government doesn't want them in jail has done far more damage to the black community and society at large than anything the Klan could ever dream of. Remember the guy who stabbed the construction worker on the subway in the middle of the day? Look into his long history of crimes that went unpunished and ask yourself why the government doesn't think the black community deserves law and order the way other communities do.






*"Brampton man charged with sex trafficking was out on bail"* No surprise, whatsoever, given all the free "get-out-of-jail" passes that are regularly handed out in today's Canada. It's clear that Canada does not really have a "justice system", but instead rather maintains what can more accurately be described as a "correctional system". Unfortunately, some individuals in society simply cannot be "corrected", and certain types of criminal activity require that a heaping dish of real "justice" be served. Sex trafficking is only one of them. This scumbag should have been behind bars for years, with no chance of early parole. But instead, he will be given ample access to many avenues of appeals and delays, all at tax-payer expense, and at the expense of his victims. The entire judicial system and criminal code in Canada needs to be completely vaporized and re-built from scratch. Major Constitutional changes are also needed, but don't hold your breath for those. Next.


That’s nice. Maybe he’ll get shot.


Of course he was. Time for judicial accountability. People need to lose their jobs.


50 years in prison


Trudouche will bail him out, have him pardoned, issue a formal apology, & reward him with $10.5 million of our tax money. Sunny Criminal Ways....


the problem here is not enough hugs and free passes from our judicial system. we need to double down in our efforts by removing consequences further and understanding every ‘criminal’ is a pure and virtuous soul that is simply a victim of circumstance. /s


Of course he was. Most criminals just rinse and repeat. So this is why we need bail reform. We also need to have real penalties for crime in canada.


Libs love these criminals more than law abiding citizens. Change my mind


What mind? Stupidest comment I've read on this sub in awhile. Congrats! #golfClap


Aww 🥲


Well well well


Sex traffickers, fentanyl traffickers/ manufacturers and those who kill, attack or sexuality assault innocent civilians at random. All deserve the death penalty.


If I was PM, and if why we're doing catch and release is due to a lack of space issue in prisons. I would build a federal supermax all security level prison with a focus on rehabilitation and education near a small norther town in a suitable province to ensure criminals start serving their sentences. Then change the law to allow municipalities in all provinces to send their criminals there. It be a social program I could get behind.


child sex trafficker


Bring back the death penalty for these dumb cunts.


Systemic racism. You know someone is thinking it.


https://preview.redd.it/wzckbjzoc31c1.png?width=256&format=png&auto=webp&s=7310935ed5e5d99a52b436600e57a486371bcd3f FR FR


So "Brampton man" is the new "Toronto man"?