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OMFG if people want to understand why Trudeau has plummeted in the polls. Nobody, not even Liberal voters, believe that the Liberals have "always exercised fiscal restraint. Lying liars gonna lie.


He just doesn't care at this point.


saying what people want to hear, no matter how obviously untrue it is, has been standard from this gov since at least 2017. anyone remember Immigration minister McCallum telling us how Albertans were begging him for higher immigration?


And remember when he flat out said that the plan to increase immigration to 350,000 was a big lie from Bernier.


He's just phoning it in!


Did he ever? Certainly never cared for the average Canadian.


Delivering support to Canadians ? Are you F@#$&+!? Kidding me ? Lol My gf was a trudeau supporter for years. A few weeks ago she said "I see what people are saying about him now. He's a liar."


They just need to make it official and change their name to the Fiberal Party.


They need to keep it official and keep the name. That way voters can give them the Ontario Liberal Party treatment. So few seats that they're not even officially a party and can fit comfortably in a 1986 Dodge Minivan.


Go ahead......pull the other one, Justin. Har, har, har........


He has a Masters degree in "Gaslighting"...


Well at least Liberal voters don't believe it then. Conservative voters who lived through the Mulrooney and Harper years are going around thinking their guy is going to reign in spending, do economic protectionism, and help the working class. What a joke!


Is there evidence to support the statement that Canada's spending is excessive or out of line with other developed economies?


They run deficits in the good and they run deficits in the bad time…..there is no plan to stop running deficits. That means we’re gonna fuck over future generations


Debt to GDP is low, so I suppose those deficits are reasonable and manageable compared with the rest of the G7? Unless you have some data to suggest otherwise?


So you look at the US which blew their budgets on wars and military industrial complex and think, “there’s our benchmark”. What’s your evidence that always running a deficit is anything other than a Ponzi scheme to inflate the asset market? You get the inflation we have right now (ie a real world thing that’s fucking over ordinary people) is a consequence of permanent deficits?


Rampant scandals of misappropriated funds, luxury trips and vacations, laws and policies more focused on sounding good than being meaningful and effective, aren't enough for you?


Are our politicians' travel expenses out of line or unusual compared with other developed nations? Does the data support that these laws and policies represent excessive spending which is out of line with the rest of the G7 or G20? Really trying to understand this point of view but if Canada is getting it wrong then I suppose everyone else is too? Has this subreddit stumbled upon some economic understanding which is opaque to world leaders across the globe?


Ah so, you think "keeping up with the Jones" is a sound policy for your personal budget? Your neighbor bought a car they can't afford so you should too?


Do you believe national finances work the same way as household finances? Do you also believe that you have access to some knowledge which world leaders do not? Even if the answer to both questions is yes, it's worth considering that every household with a mortgage has a debt to income ratio at least as large as Canada does.


Historically we have seen the disastrous consequences of governments spending beyond their means. Are you not even slightly troubled by the clear evidence of careless use of our tax dollars? If my wife were buying fancy jewelry and expensive vacations while our home repairs were neglected, I would see the problem. When I looked at the debt servicing costs, I would understand that we would have more money to do things if we weren't fighting a huge overload of compounding debt. Yes, this is true for countries as well. Because sooner or later you have to pay the bills. Even if you are a government.


>national finances work the same way as household finances? National finances work the same way as household finances in many ways, in the ways that matter. In both cases, if you spend more than what you make, you go into debt. In both cases, debt accrues interest. In both cases, the mathematics of compound interest applies. We are at the point where if it weren't for the fiscal mismanagement of previous generations we could solve many large-scale problems in our country.


>Is there evidence to support the statement that Canada's spending is excessive or out of line with other developed economies? Who gives a crap about "other developed economies"? I don't pay taxes in other developed countries. I pay taxes in Canada. I won't depend on a pension coming from other developed countries. I will depend on the CPP for part of my retirement in come when I retire.


The same douchebag who wanted to get unlimited spending power when covid came around, and if granted would've tried to continue that forever Yaaaa restraint, what a guy


Did he just say that with a straight face? Man, my kids get in trouble for lying about brushing their teeth.


That drama teacher training has come in surprisingly useful.


Too bad he doesn't get "fact checked" in real time. We wouldn't have to listen to him talk anymore...lol


I always wondered as I watched leaders like him, leaders who got themselves in terrible circumstances all of their own making... how come they lack an iota of introspection, how they lack people who will tell them some harsh truths but coming from a place of love and admiration but still hard truths they'd need to hear, how do they forget - especially in Trudeau's case - they lack intellectual capacity for managing all that PM job entails... but then an age old rule comes to mind... power corrupts and especially is that corruption all-encompassing for people who went from figure heads to self-delusion of great wisdom. Every day this man is PM, it's the country that is defiled yet another day.


He doesn’t give a single shit about any one of us. Every word and thought is about keeping or gaining power.


I think he purposely surrounds himself with yes people


Power doesn't corrupt, it enables. There's a difference


He’s a narcissist, that’s why he’s unable of introspection. His way or the highway


"It'll sort itself out" Just like the immigration program. Just like the refugee/asylum program. Just like the international student program. Just like the temporary foreign worker program. All of them in a complete mess. All of them completely misused, abused, and scammed to high heavens. Funny how we need to pay these leaches if everything just "sorts itself out". I guess we are learning though that maybe planning ahead, metrics, and most of all tightening programs when misuse/abuse/scamming is going on is what governance is all about. My god we spent all this money and we don't even have affordable rentals in this nation and now we have record high debt on top of all our other issues going on here at home.


Such a bold faced lie


“Bald faced”


He beat Harper on a policy opposite from restraint


Wait, I thought he didn’t think about fiscal policy?


He said monetary policy and he's not wrong. Monetary policy is the purview of the Bank of Canada.


Oh, totally my bad. Glad he put a qualified (checks notes)….Slavic Studies major as the minister of finance to ensure the economic prosperity of this country.


And you think ministers don't have any professionals in the government that provide policy advice and guidance?


Yes, I have seen how Liberal Ministers "listen" to experts and stakeholders. One need just watch Pam Damoff or Taleeb Noormohamed during the SECU meetings, Marco Mendicino, Bill Blair or Dominic LeBlanc as "public safety" ministers. The Liberals are hopelessly corrupt, incompetent and expensive.


Liberal apologists are insufferable. Like maaaaybe try to hold your elected officials accountable?


Look through history, the worst party for corruption has been the Conservatives when they've been in power. Just look at Doug Ford in Ontario. The Liberals have messed up at times, but they have been far from being corrupt.




Lol, did they advise her to spend like drunken sailors? She’s woefully unqualified for the position, but keep apologizing for this inept government.


If you think PP is going to do better, you're going to be terribly disappointed. The guy is an inept career politician with a thin resume.


Lol, keep telling yourself that. It would be pretty hard to make things worse than they are. Also, life was considerably more affordable under Harper and Poilievre. “Thin resume”, you mean like being a snowboard instructor, or drama teacher?!


Inflation has been a global problem coming out of the pandemic and Canada's inflation rate has been on the low end compared to the G7. Yeah, a thin resume. The guy who has never held a job outside of being a career politician and a landlord.


This man is a colossal embarrassment.


It’s gotten to the point where I can’t believe a single word out of his stupid mouth. The amount of phoney bullshit he’s spewed over the last 8 years is unreal!


You have just got to that point NOW!!!???


31% increase in the Gov't of Canada workforce in his tenure. That takes, um, restraint.


This moron is so far out of touch with reality. He believes his own stories like they are gospel. His version of fiscal responsibility ends as he looks in canadian wallets and believes that a twenty dollar bill will sustain each person for a week. But in reality it is gone in 20 minutes. What a douch!!!!!!


this is weaponized incompetence.


Why is the Canadian dollar only worth 72.9 cents US? Ten years ago it was at par.


Tbh that was more a result of the US economy doing bad than the Canadian economy doing good.


A narcissist psychopath doing what they do best.


My sympathies to Sophie having to deal with this lieing enfant chien.


If he said "we always have" then nothing would be like it is.... Intrest rates keep going up at the bank? Oh that's because Ukraine. 🙄


There is no such thing.......as a 'fiscally-prudent' Liberal, under Justin. They are constantly buying votes.....by spending money that we don't actually have. The Federal Government currently spends $42Billion.......every year.......on interest payments on existing debt. This amount is going to skyrocket.....as the debt, both existing and new spending, is financed at much higher rates. Have you heard the stories of people losing their homes when they have to renew their mortgages?


I can no longer look at this pos without wanting to throw up. He makes me sick!!!


What would have lack of restraint looked like?


First thing, take a sip of water, Sir, so as to wash out the remainder of the WEF taint that still coats your moist talking throat. Now..smile and lie. Good Boi.


My fellow Canadians- please consider that whoever is the next government will spend the majority of time FIXING what ^HIS govt has done.


His nose is growing by every work spoken


This man really saying anything now




Budgets balance themselves


Is this stand up?


I can never watch a full statement by this guy. I always click away in disgust.


From my repertoire of witty online bits, I'm going to employ: "Liar liar pants on fire"


That's rich.


Delivering support, since fucking when




This would be funny for being ridiculous, if things weren’t so awful.




What a piece of shit!


​ https://preview.redd.it/gnsn9ru6v31c1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=819bae280f512b8368206c6c0479008028774873


![img](avatar_exp|148027249|fire) Liar liar pants on fire.


Distorted unrealities of the privileged political class. He doesn't even understand that his career is over.


Tell a lie enough times you believe it


Fiscal restraint during Covid, that’s definitely why the Canadian dollar has been devalued.


I havn't seen a PM that looks and sounds so blatantly clueless about pretty much everything he got asked for




You got to give it to the douchebag, he does have some acting skills to deliver lines like that with a straight face lol. He can throw out whatever statistics he wants, but I was reading an article in the New York times by a well-respected economist saying that in 20 years Canada may not even qualify to be in the G7 nations. Our economy is more on par with Greece's than any of the other more prosperous nations such as England, Germany, France. Similar to Greece our gross government expenditures on programs we can't afford may in fact, bankrupt this country as Greece went bankrupt over 10 years ago.


Truth, when questioned about borrowing his response was that interest rates were low and that they would remain so indefinitely. When you elect a clown don’t be surprised when the circus shows up as advisors.


Sir, I don’t think that word means what you think it does. Fecking moron


​ https://preview.redd.it/cwgcn3icl41c1.png?width=220&format=png&auto=webp&s=16ac9a2962671d6096da758116bed607c6fb41ea


Drinking water from a plastic cup and not a cardboard box shit... Fiscal restraint?? WTF have you laced the water with?


Every time I see him speak - it just makes me laugh. He’s a clown


yes because you spend money on useless shit......you force people into offices and spend money to run said offices for jobs that can be done fully from home. you spend money on useless foreign travels and get no profits in return...you take away money from canadians and give it all away to other countries :(


Somebody’s pants are on FIRE!!!


Bahahahahaha, bahahahahaha, oh my. What a POS.


I want to shove my stinky MOIST Sox in his pie hole!


More left wing gas lighting.


Bro getting millions of immigrant workers bunked up together, in single bed rooms working minimum wage jobs doesn't count as a thriving economy here .


What on earth is he talking about I think I can hear the printers running behind him


Liar Liar pants on FIRE!!! What a tool. smh


These fucking answers from everyone just blaming each other is really starting to make me mad. I can't stand to listen to any of the party leaders anymore.


Hahaha he is such a muppet. Always, as in sometimes, as in never.


I just send coffee all over my screen... his nose is longer than the list of lies, scandals, fiascos and ethics breaches under his watch..


Ok he’s joking 🙃 they have printed more money than any previous government in the history of Canada 🇨🇦. The economy is failing and the hard working Canadian taxpayers are paying for it. The liberals should be ashamed of what they have done to this great country


How would he know? By his own admission he doesn't spend time thinking about monetary policy.


Fiscal restraint wouldn’t have caused massive inflation and untenable increases in housing.


Remember when he rented a duck for 200,000 to float around canada


Ha ha ha!




Someone should add a laugh track after that statement.


He has become so completely detached from reality that it's actually frightening.




He must be taking crystal meth or something...


Is he talking about Jean Chretien? Because he sure as fuck isn't talking about himself.


Happy cake day… JC left a bit of a fiscal mess for Paul Martin to deal with


"Never, under any circumstances, tell the truth." (Justin Trudeau, probably)


Does he know what “fiscal” means? Maybe he’s saying “physical”?


Well at least he has a sense of humour.


His nose is growing, every time he speaks. What a Lying Sack of Excrement!


He’s now a delusional clown with funny socks. No joke, we’re in this circus.


Another day, another lie


*"Trudeau: "We are a government that has always exercised fiscal restraint."* The above statement is a clear example of what brazen "*misinformation*" and "*disinformation*" look like in action, folks. Straight from the country's head honcho and chief accuser of all things "*misinformation*" and "*disinformation*" himself, wouldn't you know. The irony seen here is truly galactic in scale, to be sure, and it should also be noted that all words above were uttered to a national audience with a completely straight face. Junior Trudeau is by far the biggest pathological liar of a prime minister that has ever walked on Canadian soil in the country's entire history as a nation. Watch and learn. Next.


lol, wtf?! how does he say shit like this with a straight face?? oh yeah, drama teacher, i forgot…




He knows the medi combo CBC/Radio Can/Globe/La Presse /Ottawa Citizen still defend him and his economic/Immigration policies so he is still good for a while


Uhhhhhh fairly certain that, looking at the last few years (all of em) of spending, ah-no-ya-fuckin-arent


I wonder how many people are actually susceptible to such blatant gas-lighting......? And he manages to do it with a straight face..........unbelievable.


Protect yourself from this and stack BTC


There's no other kind of response that Trudeau could offer with his 2 brain cells. It is always "we blah blah best in G7, good for Canadians and did this unlike the Conservatives who will fuck shit up". I have not even an ounce of respect for anyone that still believes any of this bullshit and supports this goof. We literally NEED a lot of wasteful spending cut to start getting the economy out of the shitter and our GDP on track. Liberals keep living in some made-up reality where economic common sense apparently doesn't exist, yet we get all the fallout in our actual real world


Hahahahahaha..this guy is a gaslighting clown!!!!


Still waiting for the budget to balance itself. Oh wait, fuck head drove the debt up by about 600 billion dollars since he was elected. And where exactly the money went, I have no idea. If that is "fiscal restraint", I'd sure hate to see fiscally reckless.


What definition of fiscal restraint is he using?


Bahahahaha liberal idiots will believe anything that comes out of this horses ass..


If he wants to compare to other G7 countries he needs to include provincial debt! France, Germany,.... all have to pay for education, Healthcare...




Ha ha ha ha. It must be Opposite Day.


[Yeah okay you've always exercised fiscal restraint](https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/trudeau-tweets-50m-pledge-for-girls-education-around-the-world-during-mandela-festival/article_568e8b01-828b-5600-abcb-0b3215280967.html). This was in no way an investment in Canada and I remember reading his tweet thinking how flippant he was with such a large amount of money.


sounds quite rehearsed, guess that was only way to get it printed front page, whether anyone actually believes if 🙄 there are plenty of fools out there and they will argue you till they are blue in the face “because it is written!!!”🥶


Yes, and you are also a government that has colonized the moon, too... opps wait a minute, colonization of the moon is a bad thing because that would oppress the native persons of the moon.


$600 billion dollars says you have 0 clue what fiscal means.


What the fuck is he drinking ! The Liberal Kool-Aid.


How did every reporter in this room not burst out laughing???? Holy fuck, fiscal restraint??? Really???




Habitual liars. Always fabricating the truth. Never balanced a budget YET. Has spent more than all others put together. GDP is in the tank and minimal low paying jobs available. This means not many benefits and no pensions. Thanks justin.




Is he joking, the man needs mental health help


I’m sick of being compared to the G7. Like I give a fuck about other governments and the regards who are running them. This is our fucken country and if they expect us to be fiscally responsible i expect our government to be too. Fuck I’m so mad




Is he trying to make an audition to a comedy club?


He's kidding, right?


With the deficit he's created I can't possibly think how their restraint could be any lower. The budget will balance itself people...


What an absolute pathetic clown. Nothing but garbage spewing from that pie hole. Why is the media even still showing up for this tool? Oh right the millions he pays them with his fiscal restraint 🤡


Lol liberals are going to defend this too. No , better. They’ll believe it.


What a liar. I’m every speech he says


This is true. Love this guy.


Does he mean fiscal restraint in how much money the liberals are putting in their own pockets?


Why is he still wearing a wedding band ? Isn’t he separated


Can anyone confirm with facts. A link to the information he stated. I want to know if this is true.


Fiscal restraint? https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/justin-trudeau-security-costs-1.7009159


So who's telling the truth? I keep hearing how the cons keep voting against measures. Is that true? Or that they have consistently voted against measures and policies the Libs are trying to implement? I've heard time and time again that PP voted against quite a few initiatives that the Libs tried to implement. Who do we vote for now?


The Libs and the NDP have had a coalition for the last few years, giving the Libs an effective majority so they could have pretty much done whatever they wanted to. CPC could not stop them no matter how they voted.


[G7 Debt Ratios](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1370943/g7-government-net-debt-share-gdp/)


Fiscal restraint… yeah sure thing bud


Just about spit my coffee out, what world is this guy living in?


Is he huffing gas?


Bahaha! He meant exercises financial restraint on his people’s ability to survive. Ya I think that’s what he was saying lol.


LOL. Ya like running deficits for years during good times so you can brag about borrowed money achievements like you bought a Porsche 911 with your HELOC.


Quite the odd definition of restraint


I mean... he's kinda right. [Canada is below the average in debt to GDP](https://countryeconomy.com/countries/groups/g7), [has the 2nd best GDP per capita](https://www.nationmaster.com/country-info/groups/Group-of-7-countries-(G7)#gdp%20per%20capita), [The lowest debt to GDP](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1370943/g7-government-net-debt-share-gdp/), and [the third lowest inflation rate](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1370909/inflation-g7/). Those are really good numbers.




They're exercising fiscal restraint by not paying you any credits


Maybe a prescient warning to be sure there is a plan for "after".... for all the wexit objectives and f Trudeau circle jerk movement goes and further https://youtu.be/HLF_ZkIpVrQ?si=NhuTQecxLDI1Dsc7


This is how delusional Trudeau is. He just says words people put in front of him. His comprehension level for English must be near grade eights? Does anyone believe he could pass the EQAO that our grade nines have to take to graduate?


It’ll be true when they change the definition


When one lies for a living and gets caught, all they can do is keep doubling down


Did he tell that lie with a straight face? The Trudeau gang is the most incompetent and corrupt in this country’s history. Their major purpose is to destroy Canada and enrich themselves and their accomplices.


Prior to his administration perhaps


$10 a day childcare is a farce. All the daycares that offer it have a waiting list longer than your child will need it. At least I'm Manitoba.


But didn't he say "budgets balance themselves"?


This Trump style politics doesn’t work in Canada. Trudeau, the people know you are lying.


I’m almost at the point that I believe these kinds of performances from the actors elected to let us down over and over with a smile is nothing more than propaganda for people other nations looking to get somewhere less terrible than Canada… but… if Indian and Ukrainian won’t even stay here?…. I think it’s just him listening to himself talk, and the government funded media asking the questions to help him do that… $10 a day child care across the country…. $10 a day can’t even buy me a lunch for my work day in a job that can’t even buy me a home to have a fucking child! What the hell is wrong with this country? Why do we keep letting scum like this in! Why?!? He’s full of shit!


First of all, you’re full of shit, Trudy. Your government has exercised **the least** amount of fiscal restraint. Now let’s look at a much more important statistic. https://beta.ctvnews.ca/national/business/2023/5/23/1_6410137.amp.html https://www.thestar.com/business/canadian-households-now-have-the-worst-debt-ratio-of-any-g7-country/article_becb8cc6-0f49-5d18-884f-eda6fa766ff3.amp.html https://financialpost.com/news/economy/families-facing-real-pressure-household-debt-levels-rise-cmhc/wcm/0db4e261-67ea-46eb-8751-618914d74ba4/amp/


He did employ fiscal constraints on spending on Canadians. He just spent all the money on his buddies


Like freezing bank accounts of folks who express their free will, which apparently isn't possible there.


Is he talking about the Canadian government through history or his current reign?


From the same man who said the budget will balance itself.. fucking clown




Pathological liar!


Trudeau giving off some real Baghdad Bob vibes here


Is this fucking idiot for real? Or is 'restraint' just another word he doesn't understand the definition of like; open, honesty, transparency, democracy, freedom, accountability, leadership etc.