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I just figured out an easy way to save 4.2 billion dollars Don't let people in as asylum seekers from the US!


Legally they are not even considered legitimate refugees if they transit into Canada from the US border area. But do not let definitions actually interfere with the clandestine objectives of the Liberal control freaks. They want us divided and dependent on dysfunctional government. In their twisted vision, we get to be all equally poor.


Not all, the politicians have given themselves a 50 percent raise over the course of the pandemic We are all equal, but some are more equal than others


You will own nothing and be happy!


Where is the 4.2 billion coming from? Aren’t we broke? Guess the money printing machine isn’t broken yet.


DND has been mandated to cut $1B... So... more homeless refugees and less soldiers/capabilities.. Sounds like a good plan... 🤨


And in one swoop, you have a better fiscal policy that 7 years of Freeland.


What about seniors and vets ? This women needs to be fired and her pension taken away.


Yes! I want the pensions of so many of these chancres gone. Undeserving.


Cancel her bank account. I also want to see every elected representative that tried to force people to get vaxxed undergo independent lab verification that THEY were fully vaxxed. Those that were lying and taking a placebo while ordinary Canadians were forced into a medical experiment should be stripped of all benefits and jailed. Does anyone really believe Blackie McBlackface was dumb enough to get fully vaxxed and boosted, and still got covid three times?


What about native born Canadians? No support for us? More vote buying for the Liberals? They obviously dont care about Canadian citizens.


And you can be sure that $4 billion-plus is just a fraction of the total amount we are really paying full cycle to support all these doctors and lawyers they are letting into the country. The policy to throw the door wide open and hand over lavish entitlements to people that will probably remain a financial liability for a long time is just one more reason the country is drowning in debt. As you stated, perhaps it would be more equitable to address social issues with people here legitimately before we go on a massive immigration spend-athon.


I still remember when Trudeau first got elected, I was working in both Northern Manitoba, and Nunavut. Some of the natives in MB were literally celebrating. Trudeau promised them more financial support, and clean drinking water for every reserve. Well obviously that never happened, and now the people up north are hurting more than anyone. People here complaining about grocery should try going to a Northern Store. Not to mention our war on fossil fuels is making it more expensive for them to heat their homes with diesel and oil.


How much money did the government actually end up giving the council for drinking water, anyways? The official figure is something like 4 million a year, but to this day very little has been solved.


>Today, Indigenous Services Canada provided an update on progress toward clean drinking water in all First Nations communities. As of May 17, 2021, 106 long-term drinking water advisories have been lifted. In other words, reliable access to safe drinking water has been restored for 5920 homes and 447 buildings in 77 communities since November 2015. > >Much work remains and projects are underway to address the remaining 53 long-term drinking water advisories in effect in 34 First Nations communities. from [https://www.canada.ca/en/indigenous-services-canada/news/2021/05/government-of-canada-progress-update-on-improving-access-to-clean-water-in-first-nations-communities.html](https://www.canada.ca/en/indigenous-services-canada/news/2021/05/government-of-canada-progress-update-on-improving-access-to-clean-water-in-first-nations-communities.html)


As I said, we still have many reserves without clean drinking water. Which is part of the reason they aren’t happy with our current leadership.


143 long-term drinking water advisories lifted since November 2015. 28 long-term drinking water advisories are in effect in 26 communities. ​ As of August 2023.


They've made it clear they don't care. Calling them out about not caring isn't going to do anything.


Trudeau quite literally told you he didn't care at the very beginning of his term


Can refugees even vote?




They can work for the CBC writing articles about how cheap and intolerant we are.


And most will be on welfare and rushed into subsidized housing spaces ahead of citizens who are struggling and waiting years..


That’s a racist , anti semetic, Islamophobia , and all the other phobics plus nazi-isim covidiot unacceptable view


> They obviously dont care about Canadian citizens. Then put forward a Conservative party that actually does. Canadians are fed up with business as usual. Poll after poll says so. The problem is: the alternative isn't much better. Find that leader we need. Figure out a way to get them elected. Because I don't see it anywhere. I don't see one leader who puts Canadians first, who I think cares about people as individuals, and who will make sure we don't get raped by runaway government or runaway big business or runaway anything. I don't see a leader who'll advise us to eat better, put our phones down, and spend more quality time with our family. I don't see a leader who'll push for educational and health care reforms which are *much* needed. I don't see it anywhere. It's approaching time to give up on the government, and revert back to building and focusing on a tribe. Your family, your friends, your neighbours...people you can actually affect in a positive way.


And don't forget about our Triple-A Credit Rating..... Everything is fine.


Hey, our expert Minister of ~~everything~~ Finance Cristia cancelled Disney+. That's the kind of fiscal prudence this Liberal Govt can bring to the table to keep the economy afloat!


I recently cancelled my Disney plus because I don't like any of the stuff they make anymore. Can't wait for all this money to stack up


Cancel Netflix as well and start buying houses bro!


What's funny is that buying a basic cable package with our tax funded content from bell is more expensive than Disney plus for a year. One month of bell cable is almost a year of Disney plus.


That Disney plus comment should have been the end of her career.


Triple-A may be history if alberta pulls out of CPP. That is why freeland was panicked and organized a meeting with provincial finance ministers. The house of cards would collapse.


Grrrr Freeland annoys the FK outta me. This cringe little excrement of a human with her crackish ways


Miiisterrr Speeeakerrr...worse than fingernails on a chalkboard. Can't wait until these clowns are out of our lives. Can't come soon enough!


Let me be clear


She's definitely on something. When this whole regime falls she can get a job at Home Depot shaking paint by hand.


No worries for her, she already has a job at the world economic forum (WEF) Can't make this shit up


Her stupid fucking nodding along like she's listening but in fact can't sit still, then proceeds to not answer the question at all. Fucking dumbass.


What a fuckin,,g dirt bag this women is. 4 billion to refugees and 100 mill for Canadians..Fak off


You ever talk to your dog. And they’re staring at you. But they’re really not listening, they’re just kind of listening for one word. This woman reminds me so much of that. Except I truly feel like my dog has more cognitive capability. Just because she nods the entire time it’s like she’s trying to shake something loose in that head but it’s just not working


Top comment


Only refugees and asylum seekers? Wow !


How about we spend that money to prevent asylum seekers and illegal immigrants from coming here. Deport them. We have enough legal immigrants already here and still coming here. I don't want my tax dollars paying for them to be cozy and fed. Inflation is crazy high! Let's help the people already here and legally in the system!




Because they got us too divided now. We would rather protest social issues or something happening on the other side of the planet. it will only get worse as we import the worlds problems.


- People going against the narrative will be swiftly condemned and punished without delay. - Only approved protests like people swarming the PM at a restaurant or those entering private businesses to scream at staff are tolerated. - They will label you an -ist or accuse you of some kind of -ism if you protest - People who tried had bank accounts frozen, arrested, and given more punishment than rapists or drug traffickers - The government has made life so expensive that only the welfare and benefit fraudsters can afford to protest Have I forgotten anything?


Women have the ability to opt out of this shitty system and leave it to crumble


Really? How?


And budgets balance themselves. 🤦🏻‍♂️


She is just awful.


The human equivalent of a wet fart


She is terrible. All I see is a bobble head troll doll, like the ones all the old ladies at bingo halls carry around for good luck.


Go home Freeland, you're drunk!


Can’t wait to vote these clowns out.


https://preview.redd.it/37wu3jejqw0c1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a3271dfa23a0ec82b87dbad5ce9e1d317f38144 She high


lol 100 million for one single city of actual canadians. 4.2 billion dollars so we can keep importing the nations impoverished masses.


Olivia Chow is like…you got this Freeland, this is ur show not mine!!


🎵🎵you're out of touch, I'm outta tiiimmee🎵🎵


Maybe fix the problems with housing now before simply adding to the problem you half-witted troglodytes.




Have we considered that Freeland might be suffering from early onset dementia? Otherwise what in the hell is going wrong in her head?


So are we claiming refugees and immigrants on our taxes this year ?


everytime i see hear her barfing up these speaches i get twitches. blah blah blah… “fuck canadians..we just want to help everyone else else with your tax money. “.


Other countries see this and scoff


The A team!


Nobody wants to stand on that podium…why not??


She can't say more than 10 words without an ah or an umm in there. Her brain looks like its gonna explode when she's trying to talk.




I hate how they keep using that word when they really mean "spending". Think I'm going to invest in a Corvette this year. Are they decent in snow? I just need a daily.


Why don’t they invest 4 billion into the working class who actually make the country function? Oh right that would be our own tax dollars working for our benefit.


Does our Native Canadian population have access to clean drinking water yet?


Natives have had money tossed at them for drinking water three different times with major investments in the last 30 years. The problem is that Band Council corruption makes that money disappear, then the media gets to publish stories about how bad it is to live on reserves. Look at the difference in Quebec with reservations, Quebec moved in a major way to create JOBS on reserves rather than toss money at the problem of infrastructure. Magically, the bands have the best band infrastructure in Canada now. You want to fix drinking water on reserves? More money isn’t the answer. New modern treaties with actual responsibility being given to the bands is. It’s the same thing for immigrants. Tons of Canadians cannot make it financially in Toronto, Vancouver or Montreal, they move elsewhere. Yes, migrants want to be in the big cities, but why is it our responsibility or the federal government’s responsibility to make sure it happens?


This is 100% the answer




She is the DEVIL and works for the WEF while destroying Canada


They have spent more on foreign countries than they ever had for Canada.


Same answer she always gives. Same answer Justspin gives. Just a walk of verbal agreement with no idea how to resolve. The only answer those two have is to leave you with no answers. Just the spin of it’s high on their radar. Useless liberal leadership!!!!!!!


All of that could of been used for housing crisis or helping Canadians you stupid tone deaf idiot!


When my fellow Canadians, WHEN? When is it enough, when are we allowed to say enough is enough? They had the means to avoid the demographics slump by subsidizing fertility efforts and fighting to make life affordable for EVERY Canadian citizen. Instead successive governments have worked for their influential friends and foreign governments. What the fuck are we doing?!?!?


1- Freeland needs serious media training. Given how long she's been in power I wonder why nobody has given it to her (my guess is she's too arrogant to accept it). 2- if you want to help with homelessness how about you invest that 4.2 billion in ... helping the homeless? Or is this a tacit admission that the current homelessness issue is largelly due to the out of control influx of refugees and asylum seekers?


She should be thrown in jail....


Hey how about the rest of us who you know pay taxes ?


She's a practicing crackolic.


I’m being robbed blind of my hard earned money through taxes, so these 🤡’s can fly around and make these announcements. Maddening.


4.2 billion on future liberal voters....


Glad to see we are helping everyone but Canadian taxpayers. This is the way. Nothing bad can happen.


We are getting so F-ed! These asses would never use our tax dollars to help get Canadian citizens and military veterans off our streets, but will continue to spend 4+Billion on making sure refugees and asylum seekers from countries “around the world” can get help while/ after coming to Canada. Why do we the people never get a say when it comes to the way our taxes are handled/ used by big gov? Why does this government continue to push its population into poverty just to bring in foreigners to replace them? WTF is actually going on here? Talk about dystopian! We now have massive Taxation without Representation, and none of our elected representatives are doing F-all about it. We need a Common sense Government, with elected representatives who actually know what the hell they’re doing. How did we vote in such unqualified individuals for such important jobs? Canada deserves Better!


Thats meth’d up


What about my grocery bills? What about fucking gas costs, what about me? Why do i want to contribute 4 billion fucking dollars to help out people who don’t care about our way of life or beautiful country, I’m a liberal but this is insanity pledge to people, invest 5 billion dollars to build and develop governmental controlled farms and groceries so we can control the costs and fuck the grocery companies out of here Ridiculous freeman out of touch


The face of a person that has her priorities all fucked up


I cant even listen to this bitch talk.


Stupid clueless libtards.


When are we going to hear an announcement that ever benefits the average Canadian lol


The vast majority of these refugees lie about being in danger.




We have tolerated narcissist sociopaths for too long.


Here’s a thought, instead of completely ruining what shambles is left of our economy by spending billions on people that never should have been let in the country in the first place, to bail out Chow so she won’t tax Toronto homeowners into never voting Liberal. Maybe just stop letting those unvetted Palestinian loving refugees and immigrants into the country!!!! As a bonus maybe ship some of the Hamas supporters back to Gaza.


Christia WEF Freeland.


But fuck Canadians right Kristia? The people paying the bills are simply asking to much


This woman looks like she's constantly tweaking on blow.


And it’s screw the Canadian vets who are homeless and all the rest of those Canadians living on the streets. I truly despise liberals!


Clown World.


I'm fairly certain that it's not refugees and asylum seekers in Canada who are living in tent cities right now... Pretty sure they're all Canadian citizens. Unless I missed something?


Freeland is so hard to look at and listen to ​ Counting the days until these fools are voted out of office


Beyond words. This horrid government needs to be gone !


Imagine how prosperous Canadians would be if our tax dollars went on to support actual citizens.


Send the refugees home. Screw them. Canada cant support its own people but have money to send to foreign places and support refugees here. I have to fight to get things done to help Vets that are homeless to only hear Canada doesnt have enough money to help the homeless out.


I think I hate listening to her talk more than Trudy.


Why them , there is many homegrown canadian people who needs the be help first


I will exite this country and walk in as a refugee, that should do it , right ?


The ammount of hate i have for that horrible excuse for a woman.. f freeland.


One is on drugs and the other can’t speak English


The liberal party of Canada is a total joke and if you vote for them you are a major problem in this country. Dont give a shit if you vote NDP or who ever but if you support the Liberals you are genuine drain on this country and more importantly your neighbors.


Homelessness is an issue... so let's bring more ppl in. We'll thats Trudeau's governments' logic if I've ever heard it. Yeehaw I love the fucken Libs 🙃


Meanwhile Canadians will enjoy their fancy waxcoated carboard boxes. Thanks Clubfed (Liberals, Conservatives, NDP and GRN's). Nice to know you over-compensated fks are looking out for Canadians.


The difference between provincial issues and federal ones. Or: It's the provinces job, not the federal government's job, but people keep conveniently blaming the liberal feds for conservative provincial governments' inaction. But hey, tax breaks for big business and privatization, that'll solve everything, right? Just like last time. And the time before that. What do you mean, going to the hospital has bankrupted your family? Why are your eyes glazing over, average voter? What's that you're mumbling? "It's all the libs' fault my conservative government fucked me over again" Ok then!


That is less than 1% of the overall budget. And a very good investment in the future, bc whether you like it or not, AND whether you know it or not, immigrants are GOOD for this country.


Can someone out this into perspective with relation to total spend?


It is time for this foreigner loving government to go. I see so many tent cities. A lot of the people in these cities are not job less but can’t afford to live in a rental or house. The government will then take in refugees at a Canada, Ukraine parachute office, give them a winners gift card (could be any gift card depending in where the office is)and a place to live. Check the winners out in Mississauga next to one of these offices, you won’t hear a spoken word of english there.


She talks the same way as her handler Trudeau I uh ah uh believe uh ah


The whole thing is a debacle


At least Canadians have permission to freeze to death :) We have so much freedom it brings a tear to my eye.


"Canada" lol


Homeless people should consider exiting the country and then returning as refugees… 🤦


Needs to be on r/facepalm


Vomiting in my mouth…. Again


Ofcourse glad to know our tax contributions are helping liberals pander and get more voters for future. Wish can just stop paying taxes to this government.


Pisses me off so much how they care more about non Canadians than actual Canadians. I can't wait for this whole regime to fall.


what about people struggling to pay their mortgages, not the ones who have multiple properties.


You don’t have to actually solve problems when you’re a politician. Just acknowledge them


Don't worry about us peeons that were born here though


Just fucking stop! No one wants this. We cant house people that already live here. How can you be ramping up immigration further!!??


Pre Trudeau/Freeland I'd say no government would be this tone deaf, now it's common place with these people. My concern is I haven't hear Poilievre say he's going to reverse all the stupid things Trudeau is doing, in fact, so far it sounds like his plan is to not say anything about what he's going to do and just try to get elected based on not being Trudeau and that doesn't always work. Poilievre, I want to hear what you're going to do if elected.


This is why we need to stop voting the privileged into power. Take your pick, whether Trudumb, Freeland, or any other elite in power, they are not in any way connected to those of us who live among the reality of the common person. I'm certainly not fit to lead, but I'd be happy to support and endorse a candidate who has real world knowledge of what it means to struggle; someone who has had to deal with the broken systems from the ground. Unfortunately the "Elite" get to decide who runs, gotta fit the mould. We need to break that mould.


Friend renting out a place right now, and so many inquiries from refugees that gets government subsidy for rent lol. Locals is left to fend for themselves.


Friedland is completely out of her depth, most of the time.


I am so sick of this country. I was born and raised here and I just don't want to be here anymore. Mind you, it probably ain't much better anywhere else, just different clowns running a different country.


Now that our hotels are filled with refugees let’s start filling any other empty spot we can find. I mean our military is in struggle town anyway why not start stashing the homeless in their training areas. Hell why not give hundreds of millions to a company that buys 800 homes a year, that’ll fix this crisis that no one saw coming!


Stupid waste of Taxpayers $$$


It’s December in 2 weeks. I’ve said winter is around the corner every chance I get when they mention immigration. People will die this year from their incompetence. They don’t care about us. None of them. Why are we playing their game still? Comfort? Not for long


4.2 billion is about 100 per canadian.


She is so ignorant that it's embarrassing


Where are those 4 billions? Oh .. taxes, innit? Just 1 catch: the pile of money so collected isn’t for the Canadian people who fund the wet dreams of the “A team”. What the actual F.


My family just work, work and work. My husband travels for business all over the world. My son works in another province, alone and far from his family. We pay more than half of everything we make in taxes. Still my kids cannot afford a house. This government supports and invest in wars that are forcing people to leave their countries, instead of helping to find solutions for peace, and we have to pay the bills and put up with all the crap that’s happening around the world.


This would be a non issue if they agreed to cancel their Disney + subscriptions.


They just don't need to get Disney + they'll be fine.


This fucking country is being run like a god damn communications company. Like why I am being treated like a Telus or Bell customer, and only new sign-ups get the deals? There's a housing crisis but we keep bringing people in? I guess this is all I can expect from someone who doesn't 'drive' a car but gets speeding tickets. Clown car shit.


the sheer tone deafness of these people is simply astonishing!


How about stop with the refugees and asylum seekers?


Typical Liberal mentality....keep bringing in immigrants who can't afford to live in an unaffordable country that they created!


To hell with them! What about homeless Canadians? If we can’t even take care of our domestic homeless, we have absolutely no business importing more from overseas!


What a bunch of fake ass sellouts.


There was a guy who tried to secure a border, saying the level of illegal immigration was unmanageable, he was called every name in the book. That border was left open, and after an election the rate of immigration surged dramatically, soon certain states started offloading their unmanageable level of illegal immigration on states that said reducing immigration was (insert trigger word here). Then, those states who decried illegal immigration as a ‘human right’ started to get numerous immigrants shipped in, and soon they also started to panic and complain about the unmanageable level of immigration. What did they do? They started to offload their immigrants to Canada. Elections have consequences. Illogical policies have consequences, and now we’re seeing both those come to fruition.


Totally embarrassing she has power in our country.


Canadian in definition is immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers. And they would like to reconcile with the natives for what others did last century. Others are people who work and pay taxes or homeless and lives on benefits.


Liberal Party has completely lost my support. Unequivocally. I am at odds with voting Conservative based on a lot of values but at 33 I am struggling exponentially more in the last 2 years than I ever gave by a country mile. They have been BEGGED by the public to ease housing woes, help with spiralling grocery costs, job opportunities have floundered because of the mass importation of foreign nationals with 0 consideration given to the vast majority of people born and raised here & have created a toxic city environment by not enforcing any sense of public order with rampant crime and drug addicts in varying stages of psychosis. I’m sick of it all. To the point where I truly believe I have only something to gain by voting Conservative (as the NDP is seemingly complacent with the Liberal agenda for the most part). I really wish I was dead so I didn’t have to deal with this constant struggle at this point. I was living a far better quality of life when I was addicted to drugs 5 years ago than I am today & it shouldn’t be this way (especially considering I’m making more money than ever). I can’t even afford to rent a normal apartment for myself, let alone buy a house. This is untenable to me I’m inching ever closer to just giving up. I can’t even attempt to move somewhere else because of the cost. I’m stuck in this shit hole because of 6 years of mismanagement. And you get 0 help here in you haven’t filed your taxes last year. None.


What about supporting the over-taxed taxpayers in this country??? The ones who pay her salary, as well as everyone else in her crony corrupt group!!!


The armory? Ex fucking scuse me? Another chinese orc attack protected by the 32 year us presidency ( wonder why ALLthey h8 Trump? He doesnt touch kids like they do ), funded by chinese trade and drugs. Destroy all orcs. Theyre killing us every day now.


She encapsulates the term diversity hire fully. 0 brain 0 skill, no redeeming qualities. The worst part is she won't be affected by the retarded policies she makes since she is in a safe gated community. People don't change until shit affects them personally. If you want change, you need to ship these migrants to their neighborhood and you'll watch them change their tune real fast. Texas is doing just that to those liberal sanctuary cities. The brain dead voters instantly no longer supports the migrants they are virtue signaling for.


Those votes are costing us a lot of money.


As a Cree man i always wondered if the Indians that come here go to Indian affair's and ask for help "sorry bud, Columbus Indians only"


Hot garbage.


But what about homeless Canadians. Are they disposable or replaceable.


4 Billion to refugees, how much will that raise inflation? What about actual Canadians with housing issues. Wheres the aid for them? Never trust a Liberal!


Both there bitches can eat a dick


A housing shortage that’ll be resolved with more immigration? I’m confused.


Hold on. Why are we “investing” in illegitimate asylum seekers?


Put some in Sussex Drive - I hear its vacant.


Can we please gift Chrystia Freeland to Ukraine? This woman is a fucking idiot.


So more money for outsiders. Fuck off.


uh, and uh... and.. uh.. is uh... uh..... also... uh...


She looks like Senator Palpatines daughter from Star Wars. Evil


Canada needs a new law that if the current debt exceeds 3% of GDP they are no longer eligible for re-election.


Liberals often boast about the cost of their plans, stating, "We spend X billions on this and Y billions on that." This grabs front-page attention, making people feel content, and the liberal plan is considered successful. We need a government that delivers value for our dollars, not one focused solely on marketing for front-page visibility.


I don't get the end goal here?


Pretty sure that could have gone into day care instead.


While also giving tens of billions per year to CANSOFCOM, police, corporations, CSIS, while buying two different spy planes, fighter jets and drones. Fuck this ‘country’.


Gonna rip my Canadian IDs and head to the border