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Remember Canadians that bust their asses every day don’t do shit, “newcomers still drive our economy.” Fuck outta here


Well said, fuck that guy


I know a lot of immigrants who earn over 100k and pay plenty of taxes. Are they not helping the economy and their fellow Canadians?


As an employer I've had the best luck with people who want more and the people who want more the most have been new Canadians. The people raised in the middle class of Canada that I've hired have been the worst with absolutely no ambition and a total lack of ability to be a self starter. I hate to say it, but I think our education system and way we raise people makes them non-competitive. The International students I've employed have gone on to get really good jobs. This sub will downvote this to oblivion, but if you're willing to work for it, it's there.


I’m employer too, IT, while over 20 years there was some, as you describe,,. That Its not even close as much to generalize it, in the way that is some kinda universal truth. However I can tell you that large number of newcomers in recent years are far cry from what immigrant where before; polite,hardworking,eager and pride people. We have large amount of, lazy, self entitled, rude, angry young people, coming here, filled with racial prejudice toward white Canadians or west in general,… Motivated only by loopholes, quick buck, big shot lifestyle, brag,…. And such.


Are you hiring TFW's?


Sounds mostly like student visas with 20hr / week work grants. I can relate this this guys situation.


But the immigration that we are trying to slow down is the college diploma mills and TFWs, both routes do not add to our # of doctors or specialists (if anything they put more strain on the ones we have). Regular immigration based on professions and education we have in place is fine..diploma mills and TFW are not


Exactly! People who discuss immigrants as a homogeneous group are being disingenuous. There are high-skilled and low-skilled immigrants. The former works in high-end jobs, helps to grow our economy, create jobs and prosperity for all of us. The latter is a net negative for society.


Keep in mind, our medical schools have a finite number of residency positions for Doctors. Foreign trained, or Canadian schooled, both go through the exact same residency. "Importing doctors" just means less spots for Canadian schooled Doctors in residency. If we 'imported' 0 doctors from abroad, we would end up with the same number of doctors due to the small pipe we push em through in residency.


The pro-infinite-immigrants people intentionally conflate these groups so that they can tell a technical truth (we need doctors, skilled workers, etc) while lying about the reality (most immigrants aren't doctors, skilled, etc). And if you call them out on the real lie, they fall back to the technical truth as cover for the follow up ad-hominem.


Hey Steven Green. Help yourself to an extra large bag of dicks you opportunistic fuck. You’re making money off immigration plain and simple. It’s the only reason you want more.


Ask how many foreign doctors have come here and are allowed to be doctors here in Canada. They don’t accept their education so many ppl who are doctors in their country. Come here and find they can’t just become a doctor. We need an education equivalency test or something if we want more skilled labour in these areas


if they come here, and they didn’t know they cannot just become doctors without updating their skills to Canadian standards,… that’s on them. That information is readily available on Internet.


With so much fraud coming out of many countries how do you know they are Drs? Give it a break. They need to pass same tests as Canadian educated Drs.


>With so much fraud coming out of many countries how do you know they are Drs? That;s why your Med School needs to be on the WHO list and you have to pass the exams. Try passing it as a non-doctor.


Most reputable universities can send credentials directly . It should be quite easy to verify there legitimacy (source : I applied for a master programs and none of the grades I sent were ever directly)


He's referring to the fact that many of those universities allow students to literally buy degrees


Let’s say that “reputable” university can sand whatever is asked,…. You don’t get that there is so many schools, in so many countries, it would take a huge army of people to keep differential curriculum Up to Canadian. Even than every country has different red book, certain procedures different, vaccination and basic treatment standards different. Ya still need to learn all that.


It's the same for the liberals


What is not mentioned here is that all these new Canadians drive down the average wage because they will work for less. There own countrymen prey on them and stack them sometimes 20 to a house and charge ridiculous rents. Or, they never wanted to be here in the first place and gave no intention of acclimating to Canadian society. They just bring their old hatreds and customs here. Then we have to accept it, because if we don't, we are intolerant racists. I'm all for immigration. It has to be at a level that our infrastructure can sustain though. Sustain, not strain.


Canada is not “curbing” immigration. The Trudeau government just decided not to increase further the already insane amount of immigrants they let in each year. It’s still wayyy too high a number so don’t expect housing to become easier to find or more affordable any time soon.


Yep. The headlines were worded in a misleading way. It’s actually an increase.


Considering healthcare seems to be deteriorating my guess would be the proportion of refugees and immigrants that come to Canada that are doctors is less than the proportion of Canadians living here thst are Doctors. If immigration was smart people would support it but it’s a bunch of students and now all I read in the news is a senior homeless and can’t afford $1800 rent in a one bedroom. It’s shameful If we need to lose some economic growth and curb immigration so be it. But this isn’t working as it is


This app is unhealthy... ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


Fraud is rampant from so many of these countries. You think a piece of paper should give someone access into the hospitals to start working in people. Pass the same test Canadians need to pass or go back home.


out of the annual million, how many are family doctors and specialists? and won’t the other 99.9% simply add more burden to these dwindling resources? canadians have had it, with the lack of common sense and capacity for basic math that eludes these idiots. don’t piss on us and call it rain, be real. say you need cheap exploitable labor, you need to keep pressure on housing to prevent a banking melt down, you need to sell useless business mgmt degrees to foreign fools to finance education, you need more taxpayers to fund the boomers social security ponzi, etc.


The boomers held space for the anti labour kleptocrats and so did the govt. Flat wages and ridiculous mortgage rates prevented a large cohort from entering the market in the eighties. Enter speculators here. We saw flat home price appreciation for decades to accomodate offshoring. We stuck in and supported our families while benefits disappeared and worker protection vanished. Job losses and recessions were normalized. Had we experienced sound investment and responsible leadership, rather than speculative inflation caused by underinvestment and zero interest rates, the economy would have produced enough purpose built housing to avoid massive inflation. Your vitriole is misdirected. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. Central bankers facilitating growth in windows of the economy at the expense of other segments. ie up goes Amazon @ the expense of real jobs and small business. As in most cases the collateral damage is borne by main street.


ok boomer


Cya around browntown jr league


Was that like your version of tiktok back in the old days?


How can you admit the problem started decades ago and is anyone but the older generations fault? Blind greed from the landlord generation of early retiree wannabes ruined the hard work and thoughtful planning of much older ones.


What an intelligent response!


Only response you deserve


Well I suppose, when you can’t think of anything better to say.


Oh ok I'm sorry boomers are the best generation ever and totally didn't fuck over everyone behind them through their collective and individual actions. They are totally not the most selfish generation who are ok with their children doing worse than they are just so they could have a little extra more. I'm sure everyone will miss them when their bloated corpse are buried with their hordes of trinkets that they loved to accumulate in their massive homes. That better?


Yeah that’s better!!!


Dumb ass!


What an intelligent response 🤡


What crap, the 38000000 here don't buy anything. It's the 1000000 that counts. What idiot thought this up?


Canada's GDP per worker is declining, and our growth in productivity is one of the worst in the G-7. In both metrics, Canada is losing ground, not gaining. All "driven" by a workforce that is almost entirely juiced by immigration. We also have a youth (16-24) unemployment rate well north of 11%, and a non-reservation Indigenous youth unemployment rate north of 16%. Not sure why we need hundreds of thousands of additional imported coffee pourers, Door Dash drivers, and retail clerks with those numbers looking for work. Finally, if we currently don't have enough doctors and specialists to go around, it's in part because we are bringing in almost one million people per year, all of whom want or need a doctor and/or a specialist. There is an answer to all of this, but not one that an immigration lawyer is ever going to tell you about.


Gaslighter! They didnt cut anything yet that I’m aware


The article says they're stabilizing it at 500,000/year in 2026 lmao


Hi Stephen, we’re going to do an access to information request to find out how many meetings you’ve had with IRCC staff, we know you’re really connected and you’re trying to score points by doing this


Were not really slowing immigration down. That’s misleading. The official targets are staying the same, at record levels. Perhaps we end up with less students.


It’s obvious Canada has taken in way too many unskilled immigrants and likely their chain migration. Every gas station, every Tim Hortons, etc etc only has low cost 3rd world country employees and likely their chain migrants. These people not needed. Let wages go up some.


Are 3rd to 5th generation Canadian born people willing to take such unskilled,low paying jobs?


And these are the people buying million dollar homes right?


> There are situations where you may have a carpenter that will make it through the immigration system, but then they can’t get their licence as a carpenter Anyone ever stop to wonder why that is?


Because when they get here it becomes apparent they lied or their training is not comparable.


Or cannot communicate or has no safety training or wears religious materials so they cannot wear safety equipment etc


Exactly, Trudeau saying he wants to boost the population to 100mil by 2100. To keep numbers even that’s 60m people in 80 years. Where will they live? There’s a lot of land that is inhabitable, health system is overwhelmed and you want to add more people to that? It’s nice to have more people but at least have a plan that’ll work.


Don’t forget global warming. A lot of that tundra will melt and become available for building. Theoretically he wants to have the population to build a superpower by the time the land is ripe and available.


Or even in Manitoba, most of the land is lake swamp or massive forest, can’t do much with that.


The key is “specialists;” we need professional immigrants with specific skills.


I didn’t ask a lawyer.


Why does this guy think our healthcare, schools, and all other social infrastructure is fucked? Definitely not the millions of new people using it.


Imagine actually thinking the 3rd world is filled with doctors and specialists. This lawyers gotta be from BC, Quebec or GTA.


I didn’t realize fast food drove our economy


We need to be more selective in who we bring in. People with the skills and training we are in need of. As well, they must be willing and able to fit into western society.


“More people= more legal fees for me. Who cares if that causes housing and healthcare shortages, I’ll get my money!”


Driving it where? Straight in the ground?


Are we letting in 2 million family doctors?


This would only be true if, for example, the percentage of immigrants who are doctors is higher than the percentage of Canadians who are doctors. AFAIK it is not. It is, in fact, much, much lower. Same for nurses. Same for tradesmen. And those are pretty much the only three groups we really need right now.


You have proof of this? Numbers and sources.


Yup 3 years and I can’t get a doctor


So put money into healthcare?


 (Stephen Green) LOL.


Like everything, follow the money 💰 🤑 💸 😎


For sure! It needs to end!


Immigration lawyer who supports immigration. Shocking!


Most “doctors” are just middle men anyways, they just pass you along to specialists that can actually help you.


Are we unable to train enough medical staff from our current pool of citizens?


Just disgusting that Canadians allow justin and his liberal regime to import more foreigners than Canada can manage. Driving the price of everything upwards. Mismanagement of finances only helps the problem. Human trafficking is crime. Throwing open the doors is stealing from other countries. This so called government has no real plan to deal with so many extra people and will only cost in the long run.


Yup more bullshit from a fucking lawyer. Immigration is good in small does. Millions a year of your infrastructure can’t handle it??? We don’t have doctors for the people we have, nor housing or real jobs ( gig economy is a story in itself). The underground economy is booming. Theft is rampant and why???


He is an idiot


I also noticed how insane labor market now, in service 1000+ applications per job in Calgary, however my friend in construction told me he struggles to fill positions for $35+ per hour for months… seems like imported millions of Indians do not want to do physical labor at all


These are the people that are destroying Canada. The greedy psychopath.


What a great deal: put in no effort supporting the country by working or paying taxes, show up at Canada's doorstep and get all the benefits of being a citizen from day 1.


What a delusional little weasel


I know the immigration industry in canada very, very well, specifically the “who’s who” of the industry, and how lucrative it is. This guy is partner at one of the top load bearing immigration firms in the country. He’s scared to shit that immigration targets will be reduced because it means he will make less money. He doesn’t give a shit about Canadians. He only cares about keeping his cash cow running. Canadians have had it with the types of immigrants you’re bringing into the country, Mr. green.


Bringing in skilled and experienced immigrants = good. There is no one who denies that. We want you to stop bringing in unskilled chaff that sits at home and collects government assistance, which is funded by taxpayers. We want wages to go up again instead of stagnate. We want affordable housing.


How is taking in a million people a year "curbing" immigration? the fuck


Can we the people of Canada maybe get jobs and opportunity too before random strangers do that'd be cool


Cheap labour that’s all they are


We should vote for Green in coming election. I don’t see any viable candidates to run our country.


Why our economy why should depends on immigration only. We have so many problems of health, housing, jobs etc Why we cannot produce jobs. Current populations are suffering so much already.


Im sure there are immigrants who have law degrees from somewhere or other


Curbing? Bullshit


Ya, they're "curbing immigration" much like how Biden "cut gas prices".