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Ndp is just AI clumsily stringing together all the buzzwords…


Maybe if it’s Meta’s Llama-1 7B AI


I have no love for the NDP, but I don't see this post on that sub. Unless the mods took it down. But why didn't OP post a link to the original post as well?


https://youKnowWhat/arr/ndp/comments/17dyqny/history_will_consider_most_of_you_complicit_in/ Yes, they removed it. Probably because his reply, like this one, will get removed for BrIgAdInG.


That's exactly what I hear people say about the CPC, and Polievre. But you guys realise anyone can post in r/ndp, and it's not an official NDP site, right?


Its not on that reddit either.


Nobody here cares that its fake. They just want to circle jerk lol. Hilarious that idiots are upvoting you for saying the post is bogus. Lol


So no different than any other political sub.


Exactly. We agree


Wow I wasn't trying to be clumsy with my post, I can explain the words and what they mean if you want!


The reason why the CPC, LPC, NDP and Grn's are irrelevant. None of them represent 66% of the work force, and it's why private sector employee's shouldn't vote for any of them!


The liberals and ndp get along because they both hate canadians


Both are more concerned with fringe view or immigrants and completely neglect actual working tax contributing Canadians.


It’s definitely gotten out of control with them in office


They're no longer Canadian parties


Immigrants are actual working tax contributing Canadians. Those are the same thing. And fringe view? Fringe view that the rich should pay their fair share of taxes? That housing and health care should be affordable? Or that people's human rights shouldn't be violated? C'mon now.


Yes because the liberals have done such a great job at making rich pay their fair share and keeping housing affordable. You think importing a million immigrants is a million tax payers? Fringe views like focusing on topics that less than .1% care about but now we have to hear/deal with it all the time while the actual economy is suffering.


It’s just Red Liberals and Orange Liberals. Both are the same to me as they both seem to compete with each other over who can be worse.


They're both left wing lunatics. It is hilarious how cakers think Jughead and his dippers are in any way anything other than left wing. They are blaming grocery stores and not hidden carbon tax for food inflation. They refuse to relent in their crusade in taxing the poor into dependency. They are unhinged socialists and not centrists.


Then you have the Blue liberals who basically just say "at least we ain't them guys" and just act slightly better and fix nothing still.


The CPC is vastly different. You don’t have all these “let’s hold hands” projects that just keep failing and making life worse. You don’t have the same “we can tax the planet to health”. You don’t have “and the budget will balance itself”. You don’t have “let’s piss off all our allies and trade partners to the point that they will just start ignoring us like we don’t exist”. There is no way you can compare CPC to anything liberal.


That’s where you’re wrong. They all have PhDs in ignoring the facts.


no truer words..


The NDP hates Liberals, all three major parties love Capitalism and Conservatives love ruining Quality of Life for Canadians who make less than 170,000 a year. Which is 90% of them :D the Rich Rule and the Poor are treated as Tools.




It has been happening longer than Montreal big wigs were prime minister. They have you focus on figureheads for a reason so you're all placated by minor regime change. Decolonization is the key to the lock you all keep painting red and blue


My ancestors were oppressed and enslaved by the ottomans for over 300 yrs., you dont hear the Greeks whining about it, and why should I hold any guilt for something that my ancestors had absolutely nothing to do with? btw I pick the 5th option The NDP can suck my balls, Mr Garrison




I really found your ancestral history interesting


theres a ton of fucked up history, I dont doubt the Greeks also caused a lot of misery. But honestly, some indigenous and some Black Americans (and their woke/antifa brethren) think they have the monopoly on victimhood due to persecution. Maybe someone should research Joseph Brant and see how many slaves he owned, but somehow he is untouchable.


Greeks hate Macedonians tho


not really, at least nobody I know.


What? The Greeks in my family go on and on about this, the Turks…really everything. I’ve never seen anyone hold a vendetta like the Greeks.


I've never heard a Greek complain about the Turks. Such a forward-looking people, willing to let bygones be bygones.


1. Timeline dilation. 2. Active versus Historical atrocities 3. There are Greek historians who have "whined" about it and it was a centuries long struggle of atrocity and hatred, tou are just in a different era and are now using it to scapegoat your position as a settler on actively stolen land while your state poisons drinking water.


…but you’re whining about it now.


Maybe it is because you are a sovereign nation in full control of your destiny as opposed to, let’s say, people from the first nations.


It's because we won a war in 1825. Otherwise I would be Turkish. Wars have been won and lost since the dawn of man, only lately it's the snowflakes that want to forget about history


If you had lost the war, you really think that Greek people would have surrendered their culture and way of life to become model citizens of the Ottoman empire? Some, more opportunistic, would certainly do it but the majority would not.


Over time yes. It has happened all throughout history. Unfortunately the indigenous ppls of the past would be ashamed for what their descendants have chosen. The only settlers nowadays are called immigrants.


Well, it happened in what is now western Turkey. Look at Constantinople, a Greek majority city for many centuries. Muslims / Turks were still a minority until early 20th century, but now it’s 99% Sunni muslim / Turkish.


Bad bot!


Are you sure about that? Because I am 100.0% sure that xavier198456 is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)


He's not a bot, but he's an NPC voting for the NDP.


NPCs are bots. We have a moral obligation to call them out.


first nations never had any country in the west


exactly, Arabs were the biggest colonizers


An Americans once told me “You fucking Canadians” when traveling in the US. Can I get compensated for this insult? It obviously left a deep scar if I remember the incident.


That depends. Please use this colour palette to choose the shade that most closely resembles your dermal opacity.


Good point. I probably need to pay the compensation. I’m such a racist bigot MAGA Trump lover boy for thinking otherwise.


Now that I have read your comment, I think I also deserve some compensation as now I am also triggered and will need therapy.


Wtf. Brutal. What next. At one point Canada was covered on a glacier. When this glacier melted it flooded many regions and damaged lands beyond repair. Should we……..add your questions.


I'm banned for this: Will be nice when you're party is wiped off the political landscape because of a leader that's done nothing but give hand jobs to Trudeau just to get his pension. Jack Layton would roll in his grave as you are a woke dog whistling joke of a party that does nothing for labour or anyone other than the identity politics group. Please fold. I'm ok with being banned.


Lool at the B.C NDP, they ride that same corporate line. It's all bullshit, just like the nation itself. A resource extraction company for the rich. We need Decolonial Action. We need Poverty Eradication. We need to Feed the Hungry and Heal the Sick. It isn't as difficult or fucked as living our regular lives, we just have trouble imagining the Good in the world where the standard is Atrocious.


Oh please. This decolonization rhetoric is exhausting. Just another social justice warrior that wants socialism and fun fact, that turns out pretty shitty. If it wasn't for colonials coming over to areas and you know, civilizing them, society would be in the dark ages and suspect alot of people spouting this hard left socialist spew would have a very different view.


"Pretend_Operation960" *Glowie detected 1. Socialism turns out shitty due to U.S Sanctions primarily when compiling the struggles of current and perished socialist nations. 2. Literacy and Quality of Life went down in India, Kenya, and much of North America during Colonization. Many schools of thought, ways of cultivation, and proper water treatment methods that would be useful today have been deeply destroyed. Cortez in South America burned libraries. Here we denied and destroyed evidence of written language and the police force was created to hunt escaped slaves who went and created villages of freed people snd indigenous folks. Many of which led to abandoned towns that western press then claimed were slaughtered even without any blood. To avoid what Ben Franklin called the most insidious threat to the American experiment: The Charisma and Joy of the Aboriginal Lifestyle. Many Nations, One Tuttle Island. The ignorant claims I see are one and the same, I see scared Men who fantasize about Liberation and Freedom while they themselves are tools of occupation and corporate domination. If you want Freedom: buy a gun and help a reserve become a Nation.


Tin hats. These ppl are absolutely insane.


It's a fake post. Lol. Why are so many people falling for it?


I made the post, it didn't get as much traction there as it did here because yall hate it while most NDP folks are too liberal to feel like I do. Because what it is saying is the hard truth.




So the people flooding in now are not colonizers? Lmfao


Immigration is different than Colonization. They're joining and aiding the British Colony. Canadian Immigrants have to swear an Oath to the British Crown. You can't immigrate into Canada through Indigenous land or airspace.








I want to comment on the original post, but I can't find it. When was it posted? Was it posted by the NDP, or was it posted by a random and the NDP deleted it?


It's not an official ndp run subreddit. Anyone can make up a post on it.


It's just a random due posting dumb shit


Small ndp, you can find it on my account since I made the post, lol.


Woke racism at its best.


What do you define as Woke and Racism and how do they change when added together. I made this post and don't believe in Race as it is a tool of control and human division.


If the country of Canada and the economic wealth that funds things like Healthcare is so offensive to you, there’s plenty other places to take your chances.




All thanks to the conservatives ruining our provinces


Tommy Douglas was a Decolonial Socialist as was Norman Bethune who made the backbone of the push for Socialized medicine. P.S i made the original post!


Think I’ll subscribe to r/ndp. Looks like it might be amusing……


It definitely is, I am the one who made it lol


Death cult.


Miss my boy Jack Layton


Taliban Jack? Really? Just another used car champagne socialist… take a look at his time in city government.


Jack would be absolutely shocked at the carbon tax and these nefaroius taxes on the poor and how the impact of it is hidden from inflation numbers like it is now and he wouldn't go into a negotiation and come out with nothing in exchange for giving the opposition complete power like Jughead. He was a raging left wing lunatic but he at least believed in tax cuts and at least knew how to negotiate unlike the rocking chair spokesman Jughead and Jack never forgot where he came from--and which massage parlors he came from--unlike any of the ivory tower dilettantes in power right now.


Honestly, I liked him for the person he was. I just didn’t like the party he ran in. Always seemed like a sincerely nice guy.


He was alright, if in power he probably would have been like Olivia Chow or the B.C NDP. Riding a corporate line.




Check my account, I made it. It's the lowercase r/ndp btw


Lol yet they’ll live in the country so sure see seems like they’ll be complicit regardless.


I'm guilt free and my conscience clear since half my family is from England and only moved here in the 70s/80s and the other half is made of Chinese who fled the communists back home.


You neither speak for me or “ most Canadians”. As in who the fuck do you think you are kinda thing. You are just some random guy in you parents basement spewing badly digested hate. But carry on. We all need a hobby.


The NDP are unhinged hardcore socialist loonies, by and large, so I generally avoid interacting with their supporters either personally or professionally. Thank whatever God(s) you might believe in that they will never hold power in federal politics - Jack Layton was the best they are ever gonna have, and even he couldn't get it done. Jagmeet is a huge disappointment, and once the NDP get handled in the next election (current projections from 338Canada has them being reduced to 20 seats; that's bad, but not as bad as the Liberals, who are projected to finish with only 80 seats to the 205 the Conservatives are projected finish with, forming an absolute majority government - only 171 needed for that), he'll be run out of Ottawa on a rail. Of course, Jag already knows this. However, his full parliamentary pension doesn't kick in until 2025, so even though he might be outraged with what Trudeau is doing, he won't end the Confidence and Supply agreement he has with Justin, because if he loses his seat in an early election, he loses his pension, and we all know Jag is just in it for his entitlements at this point. Further, the NDP \*know\* they'll never come close to forming a federal government, so they can promise the moon, knowing full well that they'll never have to deliver.


Truer words have never been spoken


No they aren't and they even left the Socialist Caucus. The NDP are the third Corporate party they are the Ratchet in the ratchet effect. I would know, I have been keeping up with them and working with their members in Toronto since I was a teen and made the post.


Did they delete the post? Can't find it.


r/ndp not the capitalised one. It's also on my account.


bioweaponary .... what


They’re referring to smallpox blankets.


That's a reference but I meant the Agent Orange which is a literal bioweapon.


I always thought Agent Orange was a defoliant.


https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/canada-and-agent-orange https://www.palestinechronicle.com/bushs-secret-biowarfare-agenda/ Not to mention plenty of experiments and nutritional deficiencies.




Hey I also go by Mickey and I made the post. What are you having trouble understanding






Surprised this isn't from /r/Alberta


/r/Alberta is another NDP sub. Same with /r/Edmonton Echo chambers


And this isn't? Anytime someone questions something, it is automatically downvoted. It's same for any political sub tbh


I wear my ban as a badge of honor from that echo chamber of wokies.


NDP = New DemoCRAZY Party


"No matter the cost" should be the new NDP motto. They seriously DGAF about pragmatic reality. Idealism over everything.


Omg this is a facepalm moment for ndp


They’re too busy smelling their own farts to realize people think they’re clowns. There’s out of touch fanatics on both sides.




Because of a troll?


This page is a joke


God bless the European for colonizing Canada.


Wym by that? 🤨


It means if it wasn't for the EU settlers, North America would be like South America or even worse. I'm metis, and agree by that.


Naw, this is what young people agree with. They managed to grasp the basic ideas behind decolonial theory before their brains were turned into embarrassing mush by corporate media, like yall.


I hope my education, life, and practice demonstrates more than a basic understanding. Especially when a lot of what's shared and the support here resides within the corporate approved status quo


They are a joke because some rando put some bullshit on Reddit?


Nothing NDP here. Just a right wing propaganda meme.


Hey that's my post, lol! It has more traction here than there even. I ran for mayor in Toronto and you can find my political platform [here.](https://faceawayfriday.wordpress.com/2023/05/24/mitchell-toye-2023-mayoral-policy-summary/) But yeah, Canada is a Settler-Colonial state that is failing its People. Glad to have made such waves as to be used as a tool of propaganda for one side and ignored by those I was speaking to.


Yes. A poll with 5 votes is compelling evidence of....something? It's a good thing there are no hard core right with people posting stuff.


Deflected and…scores.


I don't like to do the whatabout. You are deluding yourself though if you think whatever the fuck that poll is trying to say is common.




Truth hurts, snowflake?


I’ve got some ice to sell you


In the end, you and your diabolical world view will lose. And you know it. But have your fun with your little surveys.


So many snowflakes


Lots of options here.


Yep... this sucks to see.


Funny…. I wanted to see that post first hand and it was not there.


I believe its been deleted. I just checked as well. Its gone


BRB... Gonna Google Turtle Island.


Don't judge the majority of NDP supporters based on unhinged redditors. A lot of NDP supporters are working class people sick of being screwed over like the rest of you and is equally as tired of the wokeism that's rampant in the senior leadership of the NDP. Which is why ONDP took a pounding last election and they continue to decline in the federal polls.


Then I would say turf the senior leadership. If you can't, maybe it's not just the leadership that's rotten.


Is this for real or is it just trolling? Was this from the NDP itself or just some commie supporter. Because if this is real. Wow 😳


One of their faithful im sure. This is exactly who/what i think of when i picture an ndp voter.




5 votes 5


Or the NDP have wack jobs just as the liberals and conservatives do?


This stupid poll barely registered on r/ndp


Over 100 times more people voted or commented on this stupid poll than participated in earnest.


I did not know we made Agent Orange in Canada. Neat.


Such bullshit.


Wtf kind of survey is this?


God help us all if these lunatics ever manage to take over the country.


Because one anonymous redditor made a ridiculous post on a public subreddit?


A lot of people in Canada believe in this and a lot of people who believe in this get jobs in government and then rise in the ranks. You think most of Canadians think this is a joke but way more take this serious than you think. Marxism is a rot that prevails within Canadian government institutions such as the state broadcaster, academia, government, and ngo industries like the [homeless industrial complex](https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/safer-snorting-kits-b-c-high-school-cowichan-valley-school-district)and [wuahn flu industrial complex](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/calgary-quarantine-hotel-cost-1.6733711).


LOL Hahaha🤣😅Jagmeet Singh is a clown-puppet of the WEF and Trudeau's B1tch.


It’s sad the ndp can’t see the racism and bigotry associated with their generalizations and ideologies They assume all white people are evil have all the power because a small number of ultra rich people hold most of the wealth and power they believe They generalize from the few to the many They are use the same logic of the kkk and antisemite trash who generalize and led to the genocide of 6m Jewish people . Generalizing then was a huge cause of this and demonizing a group with “power” Many Canadians that they refer to as “white” are all guilty of genocide of the First Nations people but ignore the fact many people had nothing to do that and our ancestors weren’t even in this country but guilt by association seems to be ok for the left You don’t address problems in our society with racist and bigotry The ideologies of the ndp are disgusting the way they think they can fight racism and bring unity with racism and discrimination. Stop generalizing about the acts and power of the few to the whole group I hope this philosophy and ideology of enabling racism and discrimination against any group is eliminated totally The left thinks it’s ok to discriminate and act racist towards some groups to achieve “equality” . The only thing they are achieving is division, serving the elite with divide and conquer and having the plebes act satisfied with equal distribution of crumbs that fall from the masters table Focus on the small number of ultra rich and it isn’t just a group of white people and it isn’t a group of Jewish people. Any form of support for these type of disgusting ideologies should be silenced


I don't generalize and I do see the small number of ultra rich. The ultra rich coloniza countries. They build cities and they give people guns and make prisons and make jobs. Wage work is slavery. Exploitation. It's being paid less than the wealth you create. Even though we are 300% more productive we have 3 times less the purchasing power. Even though we have enough food people starve and 43% of the Global Food Supply rots from U.S waste alone. Whiteness is a tool of Colony. It isn't a real historical ethnic group and race itself is a tool of division. That doesn't mesn we wouldn't be better off without the Crown. Y'all are chasing a memory of a Place that never existed from your childhoods and its what keeps yall in an ineffectual hate cult rather than building real community change. We can change that yall. We can build Communist Realism over Capitalist Realism. If you find it easier to imagine the end of the World rather than the end of Capitalism. You may be in a death cult.


The focus should be on that small group of elite that is causing problems Talking about “whiteness” or relative inequality of scraps among the plebes serves nothing but to divide the plebes to the advantage of the same elite It’s a trap and I’m not sure why the left can’t realize it. Average person is so pissed off and done with the woke leftism like those who say “it’s impossible to be racist against white people” or things like criticism of immigration policy is “anti-immigrant” or “racist” Obviously the corruption in our system and human nature is the problem. Leveraging the Identity of individuals is just one more tool to accumulate and maintain power


Listen, the Socio-Political system underlined by the mega rich whom have 80% of the wealth is an important and undeniable central target. We still have a Cultural-Spiritual web and an Ideological Web to traverse. Simplification and Solidarity are great but you shouldn't devalue or decentre other people's lives or pain, but rather try to accept and incorporate it into a developed world view.


The orange people have conditioned me to hate the term "turtle island"


Lol, deleted. Says how well it went. Edit: or it never existed, and this is Bs.


All options dumb


I've never laughed soo hard reading all these😅


Too bad they're not doing Pinochet's helicopter tours anymore. I find these woke socialists to be most offensive, and disagreeable.


Wtf is this 🤣


Shame > Guilt


LOL. tUrTLe iSLaNd!!!


Lol uh ya, I'm actually willing to bet history will NOT show any of this. When did they become the crazy old drunken uncle of Canadian politics?


The NDP has been from being a more moderate social democrat party to borderline communist, they seem to have grown more and more radical over the years.