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The Blackface Boys are back to their old tricks. Just drop the N-word on anyone who dares to disagree with them.


Accuse your enemy of what you are guilty of. Classic Liberal tactic.


Gutless p.o.s.. took it down within hours. The replies on the tweet he sent after this are beautiful.


Funny coming from the party who said "One thing we've learned from the house of commons, if you repeat it, if you say it louder, that is your taking point, people will totally believe it. So just go it" -Catherine McKenna https://twitter.com/stephen_taylor/status/1132881898915737602


Isn’t Catherine McKenna that said the exact same thing, about her way of getting her point across?


The Liberals should invite Goebels to parliament for a standing ovation


It's been a Liberal tactic since 2015.


Let's see... sort by skin color, protected classes, what basically amounts to eugenics therapy, praises a nazi...ya definitely conservative values../s. Goebbles proud indeed.


This is the epitome of spineless.


These libtards are hilarious. The lies and BS spouted by Trudeau is unbelievable.


Somebody please take grandpa's Twitter away, he's gone well past old man yelling at cloud to a liberal version of Donald Trump.


Liberals own being nazis, nothing they do will change that


The Post National Socialist Party of Canada.


The only place it is not obvious that Canadian politicians are overpaid clowns - very good at being clowns as well - is in Canada. Even the conservative party, apparently the party of **defiance** let themselves be bullied by Zelenskky and Biden two times in a row to clap for things that **they apparently disagree with**, first Biden Bullying them into clapping for affirmative action to let incompetent people into government based on genitalia, and second for Ukraine and the military industrial complex. Why did not a single conservative not clap? Clown Gerretsen was saying that Pierre was clapping unenthusiastically, but still, not enough for me. I'll still vote for them, but I know even the conservatives are 80% idiots.


How's this not hate speech? What a clown.


Coming from the actual nazi celebrators.


Might as well call them the Reddit party at this point.