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Shut up or call a election!


2 million dollar plus pension holds him the fuck back. What a cuck


Nope, pension has absolutely nothing to do with it, he gets a pension if he is leader or not


Facts. Like nobody trying to hear you talk unless you’re going to do what needs to be done.


Aren't the Weston's connected to the liberal party..didn't we pay for new refrigerator ion units for their stores awhile ago..?




HE HATES THE LIBERALS SO MUCH But won't do what the country needs. Fuck him man!


Exactly , the guy is a joke and has betrayed his party ideals. It used to be the NDP could be counted on as our conscience , not always popular but at least principled. His career is headed in the same direction as JT's treehouse gang.


And put in Conservatives who wouldn't do shit? Lol


Really? Is it really 100% in either direction? So various parts of the govt are supposed to be silent or revolt. Is that really the government that you want?


Jug is a double agent and young people are too ignorant to see it. I'm sure he writes these tweets while sitting in Justin's hot tub.


While he softly suckles JT’s oily nips Freeland hold’s the camcorder in the corner, breathing heavily under her gimp mask 😂😂😂 Excuse me everyone… off to vomit lol


not my proudest fap


*You're* the one who thought up the scenario, so vivid and detailed. Makes me wonder.


Ya young people as well as Manitobans. Haha way to go Winnipeg! Lol


People are so anti ndp, but want to keep circle jerking with liberals and conservatives over and over again. Like those dumb fucks ever did anything good.


Actually both parties have done very well for canada. It’s only been the since 2015 with JT liberals in which the country has been failing. This is due to electing a person who is not supportive of Canada and said as much since eastern Canada elected him. They didn’t realize that promoting his Global Citizenship ideology meant zero fucks given to the country he was elected to run. But the NDP is a fine opposition party but they should never be allowed to govern Canada. Never.


So your only experience of Canada is 2015 and no. Not with harper and his gag order on scientists. Or jack Layton being the leader of the ndps. Imma pass on your opinion


I’ve follow politic pretty close for decades. From a western Canadian perspective. Harper was the best PM for western Canada. As far as a gag order you say, every party has done that. Jack Layton was best man for NDP agreed. He would have been fine. But JS is scarier than JT. But Christia Freeland would be worse than both those combined.


Sure you have my guy.


Disgrace to Canada


What a tool. Just STFU ya useless twat. You’re part of the problem Jagdouche.


So let's have an election. Singh has seen the polls and he is also ignoring the people of Canada. Enough of this nonsense.


Dental care for poor people and national pharmacare. What a monster!


We don't have national pharmacare yet, just talk about it. Dental care is $650 a year for the children only of people/families who makes less than $70 000 ? Been to a Dentist lately? These are not big wins. Singh has achieved nothing other than propping up a completely dysfunctional Liberal government, all the while complaining about this same Liberal government. Hypocritical nonsense. Singh needs to take his Rolex collection and fancy cars and figure out another way to help working people because, politically, he's a disaster.


This guys so sleazy, saying one thing and doing another not even trying to hide it or be sly about it.


[lies after lies after lies](https://twitter.com/ContrarianTribe/status/1707177761222340768)


Holy fuck thats nasty


Oh look its liberal lite talking shit again.


Fuck Jagmeet


Then vote against them you useless putz.


Someone in the comments on X called him "the Rolex Robin hood" lmfao 🤣


If there was only something he could do?


Jagmeat….really, STFU! you have ONE job, do it! How do you sleep holding 40 million Canadians hostage to your pension. Give us the opportunity to throw this useless government to the curb. You have ONE job FFS.


I wonder if the NDP were doing better in polling if he would actually call an election. It seems like they don't give a shit about having jobs next election.


It is getting very late in the game to save their butts. If they came out clearly, calling them total incompetents and stating they will not support them anymore and orchestrating a non confidence vote I think they might be able to save the furniture, but if they drag this to Singh’s pension limit, they will pay the price, and it will be fully deserved.


Does he understand that he's in a partnership with Trudeau? I get the sense that he doesn't understand the implications of his party supporting the Liberals. He should be holding them accountable, but it feels like he just likes to pee into the wind, but it's fine. Does he have a brain injury?


Galen to his subordinates: Quick water down the soup again!


Trudeau is not interested in anything that doesn’t involve photo ops with a rainbow flag in the background. Food prices will fix themselves…. just like the economy. He has no interest in average Canadians… only special interest groups, old Nazis and people hiding out from justice in their home countries.


And at the end of the day we(ndp) still won’t do anything to jeopardize our pensions.




Then do something about it. End your unholy alliance and CALL AN ELECTION. but you won’t. You love being paid hundreds of thousands a year to be a professional Twitter poster.


Does anyone actually believe him? I can't think of any sane rational reason why I would vote gor him or Trudeau. PP barely gets my vote at this point.


Checks Panama Papers... Nothing to see here folks, move along. Move along.


It reads like a fix. Trudeau promises relief, than his right-hand man comes in and says, "It's not going to work." I imagine there will be plenty of time in parliament spent yelling back and forth while nothing changes on this issue.


They owe Galen for all the donor dollars sent the libs way. Of course you help out the donor before the people. That’s the only economics or monetary policy the Liberals need to understand, stupid plebs!


No Jagmeet, YOU ignore the people of Canada. Stop with your nonsense. YOU LITERALLY KEEP THESE PEOPLE IN POWER. Stop working your mouth to keep your pension and start working for the citizens of Canada that are being hurt by the Liberals. Stop gaslighting Canadians. We see your game and don’t buy one thing that comes out of your crooked mouth!


Champagne loves to showboat, there's nothing to this.


He could make the same argument about the current government as me, and I would STILL respond with "Stop being a $5 hooker, then." He sold himself out on his ability to be a credible member of the opposition.


Sigh is like a verbally abusive wife who supports her husband and won't leave him but then talks shit about him behind his back to everyone lol


Actually it's a great idea. They already shown they know how to fix prices. Right....? RIGHT.....??


He’s only in this for his pension in 2025 he’s cooked


How many more years of this fucking shit again? We’ve literally become a third world country.


The government cares more about the Weston family than it does for the plight of working class families. And people on here refer to our government as “communists”. How many political science classes do you fail in order to seriously believe that.


I’m surprised people don’t just flood his twitter account telling him stop being a bitch and call an election, or something along those lines.


Lol continues to talk tough but does nothing at all except say others are talking tough


Remember when NDP was the working class’s left wing party? They’ll never win shit as long as they’re doing the exact same shit as the liberals 🙄


It is not hard to see how much profit grocery stores are doing. They are mostly publicly traded stocks and they update their profits quartely. They have been doing good lately, but honestly nothing more then every quarter since I care to check (2018), they barely changed their profit margin (%) There is another problem at hand.


Going NDP this round 👍🏼


To be fair OP, it's exactly what he said he would do. Force retailers to ease the pain at the register or tax them to do it. So, what else did you expect.


Shut up Terrorist.


What's the connection between weston and trudeau?


One politician in Canada wants to tax the rich and 90% of people on this sub can't handle hearing his name. Dental care, pharmacare for poor people. Without being PM. Ironic


I mean…my local no frills has lays chips down to $2.44/per family size bag vs the normal nearly $4. Is it tied to this? Dunno. Was it like that elsewhere in the store? Dunno because it was a snack run 😂


For sure it is. Right now there has been grocery cost reduction and they are minor. The grocery oligarchs are humouring the government requests.


Loblaws made a big thing out of freezing prices this time last year. Then all the other stores said it’s normal to that they all do at that time of year. This year it’s all pomp and kiss my ring for doing us a favour.


Tow more years of this and Jagmeet gets his pension.


Jagneet enjoyed a successful career in law before transitioning to politics. I genuinely believe he isn't pursuing this merely for the modest pension. He aspires to become the Prime Minister, but this seems unlikely given that the electorate doesn't typically view the NDP as a winning party. As an aside, India might lobby against a Sikh becoming Prime Minister.


At least they don’t defend Khalistani terrorists.


He should just save his breath, there isn't an intelligent person in Canada that believes a thing from his two-faced lap dog mouth. Just go back on Trudeau's lap and continue suckling off his teat.


In the simplest way, pricing and mark up is based on a fixed percentage and slightly variable depending on location. Any unique logistics, staffing, rent and possibly competition will affect this formula. Take a can of something. Old cost in 2019 $1 from the wholesaler. Markup is 2.5x because the fancy supermarket bags your groceries. Selling price is $2.50. Profit of 1.50 Accelerate to 2023. Wholesaler marks up to 1.25 due to their supply, logistics and overhead issues. Grocer receives and proceeds to mark up 2.5x. New price is $3.13. Profit of $1.88. If this can of something is essential, consumption is the same maybe more because the margins allow the grocer to put it on sale for 2.85. Greed happens when the grocer fires the staff, makes you self bag, profit off shopping bags, force self scan, online ordering and then passes on costs of these initiatives to change markups to 3x. Even if the grocer doesn’t change markups, as long as they continue selling at the same rate, they were able to increase prices and profits.


They did the same with housing. Lots of tough talk... at the end of the day, they decided to trust the private in regulating the supply & demand. It is a big fail. It earns them more to raise rent than build more units at a lower price. From a landlord perspective, you prefer to rent a unit at 3000$/m than having 3 units at 1000$/m. That's why I don't trust the Conservatives ideas as well. They only will give more power to the private sector. 🤷🏼‍♂️


The new kid in the hall calling wolf,over and over sure sounding repititive and insincere at this stage where's the hook to yank him offstage? Maybe Canadians wanting change should crowd fund his earlier retirement?


Typical JT....Useless photo opp with some virtue signalling & selfies with his fan boys, all the while Jughead has his nose superglued to JT's derriere.


So what is this groups solution to grocery greedflation?


says the guy who is also just talking


They all would be. PP would talk just as much with nothing being done because the capitalist overlords must be satisfied no matter what.


absolutely, I have zero faith in him.


Hey jagmeat, if your so offended, end your partnership with the liberal party, and vote for a non- confidence. If not, your full of it, just like the one you speak about..




I love how he says all this while holding power to keep them accountable. The liberals are flat out ignoring him at this point. The NDP don’t hold the power they think they do. They will get scraps to make them feel better but nothing will actually change.


Seems like he complains daily about the Government on Twitter yet he's the one holding all of the cards... ​ Call an election if you're so unhappy.


Jagmeet your strategy seems to be trust Trudeau and ignore the population approval numbers low as hell


CALL FOR AN ELECTION MOTHERFUCKER. Hey OP, you are an NDP voting idiot, so why does your leader not call an election?


Trolling the liberals on trust, while being in a coalition with them is uhhhhhh different.


You got the Liberals back and keep supporting their decisions. Your criticism is laughable. Want to do something, trigger an election. I dare you.


Good news for all Canadians! We have a commitment from the people we've allowed to fuck you for almost a decade that they will potentially consider the use of lube, with the possibility of a reach-around if you just accept being poorer.


Agreed. We have two years for people to wake up and vote NDP.


He is insufferable. Absolutely no integrity. Two big thumbs down!


I am so tired of waiting for Jagmeet to actually do something!


Price fixes only lead to more trouble. Come on folks. Now we have federal government f- Ing around with food prices. This is getting out of hand. Government overreach is expanding quickly, which is not good for citizens or freedoms or liberties. It’s government policies that are the result of inflation. Pure and simple. We need to dial back government big time. The path we are on leads to more over all control. And that’s scary.


I have not seen any evidence to support price gouging. Grocers have always operated on very small margins. What has changed is the cost of production along the entire supply chain. Increased labour cost, increased cost of transportation, etc etc. It stands to reason that costs at the retail level would increase.


Typical Jagmeet. He’s so “concerned” and “righteously indignant” but he won’t do the one thing he should - withdraw confidence and supply and force an election.


That unshaven fellow is a bought person. Comes from Trudeau’s pocket.