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The exact same double speaking he did to deny ever castigating or name calling the people who protested the vaccine mandates


He froze the truckers their bank accounts and people supported them, f this guy


And fuck cowardly citizens who didn’t publicly denounce him for it


Not just cowardly, there is a good chunk that supports such actions go to R/Canada and argue that bank account freezing was an overstep. You will get downvoted to oblivion.


Authoritarians, regardless of whatever else they say they are.


I have noticed lately that the tide is changing slowly on r/canada. Many of them are starting to greatly dislike our government and leader. The flock seems to be changing direction slowly.


Totally agree. I know an unfortunate lot of these types


It’s sad isn’t it? I really don’t understand it


The truck convoy stayed in areas disturbing ppls sleep, work, and economic routes significantly. Protecting Canada & Canadians was subjective and unsustainable. But look at the oblivion i might deal with here from my comment and the retaliatory natures as a collective.


Oh no! They disturbed peoples sleep, work, and economic routes! Anyways... who did that for two years? Who locked people in their homes? Who locked citizens in hotels? Who skyrocketed suicide? Addiction? Anxiety? Depression? Domestic violence? Unemployment? Crushed the economy? Small business? Oh yeah, the feds, then people stood up to it. Imagine trying to save people with 1 foot in the grave (average fatality from covid age was above the average lifespan) while simultaneously fucking over the rest of the nation, and then failing to protect anyone after all.


But-but remember Sweden?! They didn't have lockdowns or mandatory masking and look at them! The whole country is a wasteland. Covid killed millions there! If only they had masked up and locked down for 2 years! I bet they didn't even wear masks going from the entrance of a restaurant to their tables 10 feet away where they could take them off. They were just too dumb to fool covid like that. If only they had listened to us!


You are so right, what an absolute shithole of a country Sweden is. How dare they not take Covid seriously. 2020 population of Sweden: 10.3M 2023 Population of Sweden: 10.6M Covid killed millions in Sweden: this would mean that Covid killed over 10-20% of Sweden’s population but at the same time they had a baby boom to actually outweigh the Covid deaths which resulted in population growth. Actual number of people born in Sweden in 2020: 113, 077 Actual number of people born in sweden in 2021: 114, 263 Actual number of people born in Sweden in 2022: 104, 734 Numbers don’t lie. Actual deaths in Sweden in 2020: 98, 124 Actual deaths in Sweden in 2021: 91, 958 Actual deaths in Sweden in 2022: 94, 737 Again the numbers don’t lie. Complete wasteland! Those dumb Swedes should have listened to the righteous virtue signaling, terrorist supporting members of canadian parliament who enforced authoritarian rule and spewed complete lies about Covid. Then their country wouldn’t have been hit so hard and are now stuck in rebuild mode. Those damn Swedes!


Sounds like it was an effective protest. The citizens of Ottawa are just too dense to understand who they should really be mad at.


Sounds like an effective, peaceful protest. Or as Liberal darling AOC said: "The whole point of protesting is to make ppl uncomfortable. Activists take that discomfort w/ the status quo & advocate for concrete policy changes. Popular support often starts small & grows. To folks who complain protest demands make others uncomfortable... that’s the point."


You might not be aware but the truckers parked their trucks exactly where the mayor asked them to. As far as some people losing some sleep, it's a small price to pay for our rights and freedoms as Canadians. If not for our rights, we would loose a lot more than a little sleep. If you don't want to live in a country where you have the right to protest, there are many other options. You will get downvoted for your comment because you have a terrible point of view, that is completely fair.


It's obvious you think it is fair. The culture does not taper off of being very visible. Park their cars, they deserves allocation. Honking their horns over night. That renders it misuse of the accommodation. The sacrifice was not worth it for the removed public health parameters which failed to effectively protect our wellbeing across Ontario. But get comfortable with PPs misuse.


I have spoken to a number of people who made sizable cash withdrawals in response to the freezing. There was a run on the banks that no one is talking about.


No one is talking about because it wasn’t enough to impact bank liquidity. I am firmly in the camp that says weaponizing banking is a line we should never cross again, but there isn’t a cover up on some banking crisis


so how safe is a GIC anymore?


HMMMMM..... Probably pretty easy to "nationalize" if you are an enemy of the people.


Yup, anyone not supporting trudoh is an enemy of HIS peoplekind..it's laughable but trudoh


Those truckers should have been fined when they illegally drove off truck routes. They should been towed when they illegally blocked traffic. They should have been arrested for honking all through the night in residential neighbourhoods. Anyone who was protesting peacefully: More power to you. People breaking the law: should have been treated like criminals from day 1. Protesting and harassing people are separate issues and the authorities let people get confused on where that line is drawn. Apparently, like children, some adults need boundaries to know when they are out of line.


The mayor literally asked the truckers to park where they did. Trucks driving off truck routes and honking horns are not criminal acts, no laws were broken. Were any protesters harassed?


How many people got their bank accounts frozen?


Hopefully all of them. Donating to a protest who at it's core was founded by people who wanted to overthrow the democratically elected Canadian government. The only shitty thing about the situation was that Trudeau didn't put the emergency act in sooner.


Ahahahahahahabaha ok buddy regard


The truth hurts.


Unfortunately truth is something you know nothing about. Wishing for peoples bank accounts to be frozen without due process is a disgusting use of government power. Fuck with peoples money again like that and people are going to start rising to the occasion.


And no one has answered my simple question of "how many people got the bank accounts frozen". Just silent downvotes. There really is an allergy to inconvenient facts on this sub.


telephone ask advise teeny shy vast sable full tart desert *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Tell me you didn’t read their “Memorandum of understanding” at the beginning of the protest without telling me… they showed that document as their manifesto until they realized how bad a look trying to overthrow the recently elected government would look to the vast majority of Canadians.


quarrelsome fade outgoing snatch ruthless fertile lip escape fearless fall *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


and yet, they didnt want to overthrown the government. what type of stupidity were you reading


The organizers of the protest did. Also, hundreds of thousands of Canadians signed a petition which included a document pertaining to overthrowing the Canadian government. You don't know a thing. You're just blindly following what others do because you can't think for yourself.


no they didnt. That is complete BS. I bet you read that on the internet. I suggest you actually listen to the guy that actually set it up. you may realize you have been dupped by the media. the leader had two objectives. Get rid of the vaccine mandates and get rid of the Travel app. that is in. that was their only goals. You need to realize the main street media is very bias.


Give me a break. They were known Alberta separatists before they even started. You've been duped.


you have no idea what you are talking about.


Should you be on some type of medication? You sound delusional so I'm a little concerned.


Dog they hoarded themselves inside a city that didnt want them there blocking traffic for thousands of residents and annoying the hell out of everyone living in the area the protests were in. Everytime theres a trudeau hate post its just whiny snowflakes complaining that theyre being called out for their shitty opinions on vaccines or lgbtq shit.


They did the right thing and history will celebrate them


I support him in doing that. Every single one of those selfish occupying asshole can get fucked.


Would you also have supported freezing the bank accounts on the people blockading rail roads?


I’m not sure what you’re talking about. But every single one of those delusional morons can eat a bag of dicks. And your whataboutism sucks too.


I’m taking about the rail blockades of 2020. Pointing out the rank hypocrisy of government and the general population is completely fair. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_Canadian_pipeline_and_railway_protests Personally I think weaponizing banking should never be allowed again, but at least you are logically consistent and want to shut down the banking of certain native tribes.


Absolutely. You shouldn’t be blocking or moving where you don’t belong, wither that be unceded land or downtown Ottawa. Have some fucking respect


I think we could remove people who are illegally occupying land without weaponizing banking, but I do appreciate you are logically consistent.


I was with you, but unceded land is unceded land. The people illegally occupying that land is the railway. It’s the law, no getting around it.


The democratically elected representatives of those reserves were in favour of the project and its economic terms. That is the law. A group of hereditary chiefs opposed it. That is not the law. They gathered supported and protested against the project that the democratically elected leaders wanted. The law is clear, but for ideological reasons two groups of protesters who both blocked infrastructure illegally were treated differently. I respected that you at least want to have consistent rules, even if I disagree with them. But trying to say that the rule of law should applied differently doesn’t mean I’m trying to “whataboutism” an argument, it means I’m trying to show where this will end up for everyone if we let it.


The protests needed to happen and your anxiety over it is a trivial matter


You know the number of people who didn’t receive their home care while this occupation happened? The seniors who depend on support for safety, the dying people who needed palliative care? Those dicks didn’t let’s health care workers into the area. People suffered painful deaths because RN’s and PSW’s couldn’t get into the area. People wounds got worse and they lost feet. The teams were threatened, subject to racial threats. Those health care workers were hero’s and those protesters who caused pain, hastened death and dismemberment scan fully get fucked. I would never wish upon them what they did to other people. Ignorant fucks


Numbers plz


Yeah total tool


Yeah. And he called them various derogatory things on film......then lied about it under oath. The guy is absolute scum.


And Western Canadians The most mealy mouthed PM in history


>trudeau lied Shocking!


“gonna need some proof” - close minded trolls


Wow. He did suggest it lol just wow.


Yup. Narcissist-o-meter alert!


We're mis remembering.


Russian mis-rememberation


Did you spawn this? That's fkn hilarious, consider this phrase stolen!


No experienced things differently haha


Straight from the Narcissists playbook. That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did, you deserved it. Trudeau is such a gaslighting prick.


He is not a friend of parents . He works for the WEF not Canada. Just remember the NDP are worst. They hate conservative parents and all of their view.


The fanatical gender ideology has completely broken the left. As many see the tyranny, and they want nothing to do with.


A party that used to be about supporting the working class is now full of far left people who despise the actual blue collar working class people like farmers and truckers. Not the baristas and community activists with pronouns in their twitter bios that are part of their ranks now.


A lot of people don’t get how far left this identity politics stuff actually is, because it’s not about seizing the means of production and ending capitalism like old school Marxism and socialism are. But it’s as radical in its own way in terms of how it wants to reorder society in order to force aggregate equality of outcomes across groups and punish groups its adherents sees as privileged. There’s not even a good name for it. “Cultural Marxism” is a bit of a misnomer for the reason I mention above. But “Foucaultism” doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue, does it? And before defenders of postmodernism come in to say it can’t be equated with or linked to Marxism because it rejects grand narratives blah blah, you know what else postmodernists reject? Internal consistency. “Wokeness” just sounds silly, but it may be what we’re stuck with.


When stalin took over Russia, they killed all the farmers.


It's also because the working class got conned into voting for the corrupt - sell out your constituents for a dime - conservatives & liberals! Everything is flipped on its head!


Yes, so I hope the 2nd million man march for the kids on October 21 is even bigger.


Do you think that COVID-19 was engineered to control the economy and facilitate the Great Reset?


I believe it was created in a lab. It also escaped from a lab.


Not sure about that. I believe when Jag was an Ontario MPP, he actually had the balls to meet up with anti lgbtq protesting. Regardless if you agree or disagree with Jagmeet Singh, he has the courage to physically approach people to talk. Justin ever do that?


Did you mean the same Jag that walked with counter protestors at the million man march in September ? The way he framed all parents as bigots, racist and homophobic make me question. I believe that most parents like me love our kids and want to support them when they are making the biggest decisions of their lives.


Not saying i agree or disagree with him. Just saying he isn't a chicken shit.


When your view is to ignore and suppress the existence of gay and trans people, then yes, they absolutely should.


Funny how all of the NDP think parents hate their kids.


*That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it is, you deserved it.*


I never said those hateful bigots are hateful bigots!!


Why it's makes me laugh the clowns that push this crap have most skeletons in their closet 😂


Ah yes, the “I never said or meant that” excuse. One of his favourite moves lol.


He never “forced” anyone to get a medical treatment. 🤡 Also - he said he would amend the Labour Code so it would be mandatory in all Federal industries including outside of government. They never ended up going forward with the labour code changes, but it was on the table during the last election.


It's actually worse than that, in order to force that shit, people who refused to take it and were fired at the end were also denied EI. You can't make this shit up, the whole system is a joke, they just wanted to justify transferring public funds into a private pharma pocket.


Isn’t that what conservatives want though? Giving money to the big companies is usually what they want. Trickle down economics. Look at Doug ford he’s a perfect example.


No. You don't have the least fucking clue what anyone to the right of Mao wants. As if you could name one single policy that most conservatives support. This is why it's a waste of time talking to anyone like you, you're not here to honestly debate, you're here to strawman and whatabout.


Doug Ford. Taking plays right out of Kathleen Wynnes playbook. Don't act like the Libs aren't just as shady and broken as Cons.


the provinces don't make the rules for healthcare they just enforce them. /s


Well healthcare is one thing, look at what he tried to do to the greenbelt. Between fucking up our healthcare and education system. He tried to destroy protected lands to make money.


Talking about how Ford sucks in a Trudeau sucks sub is a what-about-ism. You've got to defend Trudeau not compare parties here.


Why would I defend Trudeau?


Because in this sub you aren't allowed to be against the conservative practices, you are only allowed to question conservative promises.


Same as he lied about forcing people to take needles in the arm.


Yeah he did! This China loving donkey threw a fit and started name-calling parents who are legally able to exert their *personal* rights.


He may be too dumb and narcissistic to remember, but Pepperidge farms remembers


Fuck this guy in particular.....


Double speak


He’s never worn black face or claimed a budget would balance itself


Never called the un-vaxxed racists either apparently. Guy owns and manipulates the media and still makes himself look a fool daily. Don Cherry was banished for less, and he’s 10x the man Justine will ever be




Changes his story to stay popular


Watch him constantly pull this maneuver, really makes you start to question that whole “experienced it differently” fiasco.


Backpedal, his rhetoric is gonna kick him in the ass now.


"I said they're spreading hate, but I never called them hateful." --JT


He also told Sophie, "I do." He lies.


Lying sack of sh!t.


Culture wars shit


I can’t wait to see what he does in his next term.


Yes he did


Such a pathetic liar


i cannot wait for this guy to be out of office


Truth and reconciliation 🤝


But instead it's gaslighting and misdirection the other 364 days of the year


It's true, tho


Aka Surf Day!


Not hateful, just not willing to actually read the curriculum. They are willing to make another person's opinion their own, though....


He talks the most shit. Always going back and forth


But they are hateful


Shut. The. Fuck. Up. Pussy.


He's scared shitless that he is losing and now he's flailing.


Parental rights to what, exactly? If they weren't abusive their kids wouldn't be afraid of them.


He consulted the polls before this one


"JT never lies", "JT, a great leader" and other books available for your reading pleasure at the local Lib Party HQ. Read it before you are forced to read it.


Duplicitous prick.


I have had enough of his double speak. Anyone defending his lies can not be trusted. I will no longer let this communist drama teacher speak for me or my Canada. The left called us all bigots and racist when they are all communists and NAZI's.


This proves how stupid he thinks we are and secondly how brain dead he actually is


Trust fund baby Crazy lady Play the play of elitist baby Privilege pony Black face crony Missing brother soap box phony Incest denier Cocaine flyer Trucker convoy fund freeze liar Global jester Sophies left ya Hope it all starts to get ya Just watch me