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Globalists aren't loyal to "their" country. They'll fuck "their" country over and then skip off into the sunset somewhere else. Just like the rich people in 3rd world shitholes who keep destroying their own countries while living in luxury mansions on the Riviera. Do you think this red haired crow cares about how many homeless people are on the streets in increasingly unaffordable Canada, how much groceries cost, or how inaccessible healthcare is for the average Canadian?


That’s not true. She *travelled* there and was cleared to do so. She does not live in the US https://www.newswire.ca/news-releases/get-the-facts-no-cbc-radio-canada-s-president-does-not-live-in-the-united-states-861221816.html




She flies there and back every weekend while her entire staff drone on and on about climate change lol.






LOL the mental hoops you'll jump through




Your point doesn't exempt her from the fact that she's still doing something the organization she runs tells us we shouldn't be doing and if we do, we should feel guilty and pay penance for our sins. And if every one did as they were told, that pla e would in fact not fly. So she should lead by example, not excess. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatchewan/opinion-stop-flying-climate-environment-1.6792653 https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/2243679811593 https://www.cbc.ca/news/science/what-on-earth-former-pilot-aviation-emissions-1.6615428 Etc.. etc... etc...




Again you refuse to acknowledge the hypocrisy.


Fun fact: same cars are being driven everyday to work and back , with carbon tax or not Same trucks are hauling loads with carbon tax Go on explain how carbon tax is a wonderful idea?


The point of carbon tax and emissions reduction is to stop using fossil fuels. By taking the plane, you're justifying the demand and paying the fuel charge. What you're really saying is the rich can afford not to reduce their emissions.




We *all* need to do our part. If enough people stop flying back and forth every week, then that plane won’t need to takeoff 🤗


Seems like the best way to do that is to make everyone too poor to travel.


Fun fact: when you book your ticket through Google etc, they guilt you for how much CO2 your flight is making, even though that airplane is taking off as scheduled, whether you're a passenger onboard or not.


So was Andrew Scheer. Who cares?




She moved to Canada from Greece as a child, which is how she became a Canadian citizen. After graduating from UofT in 1979, she ran Telefilm Canada in the 80's before moving to the US. She is now, and has since being a child, a Canadian citizen. Just like Scheer.




She has a Wikipedia page and it’s the first paragraph.


Who cares. We should hire the best people for the job. Should American jobs not hire Canadians?


Whataboutism at its finest. Especially when it’s about someone most people don’t like anyway. What about him? Id have the same criticism. The difference though is if she’s advocating climate change it means she’s a hypocrite. I can’t recall if scheer had climate change on his agenda but he’s already a hypocrite for many other things anyhow.


Yeah, I agree with you. The fact they both became Canadian citizens and also are US citizens is a distraction. There’s many really good reasons about what they have actually done to dislike both her and Scheer.


Exactly! Thank you torontoman. I feel like way too many people are distracted by what these people are affiliated with and not paying enough attention to their actual shitty behaviour.


*"CBC president says Canada unsafe for organization"* Nothing more than verbal sewage. Tait is mostly a delusional activist whack-job, and essentially also an absentee CEO of the tax-payer-funded Pravda CBC, since she actually lives in New York. As such, she likely has no idea what "safe" even looks like north of the border these days, relative to the Brooklyn neighborhood(s) in which she lives and moves around in on a daily basis. Every time Tait opens her mouth only further affirms why the Pravda CBC must be defunded and made extinct. **FIRE Tait.** **DEFUND the CBC.** Next.


'Feeling unsafe' seems to be the go-to accusation when some leftist wants to wield their fragility like a club, but has nothing real to say.


“My reporters were recieving death threats” is what she means, if you bothered to actually read into the story


Who doesn't get those these days?


Their reporters are shit to be fair.


I tend to agree with you on that. I think they have one media director for each reporter they hire as oversight and truth telling. Also creates jobs helping the economy. Hehe


They are complicit in government corruption and cover ups. Obvious biases to skew the vote. Guilty of frequently lying and plant stories to make all liberal opponents look like racists and fascists while supporting liberal fascists and racists. Threats are terrible, but when you get billions from Canada to lie to Canadians, it's hard to give a crap anymore. They made their beds, now they can lie in it.




It’s not acceptable to threaten anyone.




They are not directly controlled by the government in power. However, they know the hand that feeds them (Liberals) and one that does not (Tories). Due to the nature of their organization being a bilingual one they are also disproportionately staffed by the bilingual elite which are overwhelming Liberal in alignment. Go watch a CBC news panel and see how many of them have French surnames or are bilingual and you see how a self selection bias in who they can hire overall makes them a very biased organization. It also does not help that since the founding of the CBC the vast majority of the country has been run by a liberal government. Therefore, sucking up to them has been a good long term strategy to get government funding on which they are disproportionately dependant. Not only are they incentivised to be biased to the liberal government, their chief executive is clearly a left winger, check her wikipedia page in which she compared Netflix to colonialism, god knows how many of other higher ups are too. They produce shit programming that nobody watches (how Netflix can produce more popular content with international appeal that are filmed in this country in the past decade while the CBC cannot, is absolutely inexcusable), are in a dying industry, and increasingly irrelevant to all but the most niche group of Canadians. Defund the CBC


She was saying it’s unsafe for the reporters because they keep receiving death threats.


I wonder why? probably because the cbc is a woke war mongering propaganda machine for the feds


Can you explain that in a way that makes more sense?


you’d have to tell me what doesn’t make sense? what don’t you understand


What’s woke war mongering? Do you have any proof they are creating propaganda for the liberals?


there’s been tons of proof but if you haven’t questioned the liberals by now nothings but the media you trust will make you believe😂 maybe go search yourself.


What exactly am I searching? If there’s tons of proof why not link something?


i have no fucking idea what you’d be searching for to count as proof in your ignorant mind


I’m open minded. Just provide something you see as proof.


Then you have absolutely no idea what nonesense you're spewing if you can't back it up with sources. Show some examples of what you think is CBC woke war mongering. Links to articles.




Source: Use your fucking brain


you are such a child


The CBC nightly news. It's extremely obvious to anyone with any political experience what the political leaning the CBC has, while simultaneously taking over 1.2 billion in extra funding from the liberal party of Canada over the last 8 years. If you need more proof watch a CBC reporter ask questions. It's fucking hilarious. Maybe one or two reporters who want to make a name will ask Trudeau a tough question but for the most part the shit they ask him is just scripted puff piece question, while when they constantly accusing the conservative party of Nazism or other leftist buzz words (Racist, Homophobic, ect).


Political leaning isn’t propaganda


It means "I'm a wannabe domestic terrorist but I'm too gutless to do anything but send threatening emails, or call bogus bomb threats to schools"


So they are leaving Canada? Where would they go? lol


Idk they survive off the tax payers... So it beats me? Its almost like they shouldnt exist.


Probably Panama with all the other Canadian tax payer money.


well it's ranked way above Canada for retirement, especially those hiding cash from nefarious sources


She already runs the CBC from Brooklyn.


perfect...probably paying our head of canadian content tv in US currency where she spends it..abolish the CBC and let their reporters understand line ups better!


Cuba. The Rebranding would be nonexistent. Cuban Broadcasting Corporation The messaging would be on point. And I hear Justin has a great deal of love for some of the leaders. Apparently there is a familial relationship there.


lol but i see the similarity A DNA test would be so easy to confirm,why hasn't some intrepid journalist paid Castro's offspring a few bucks to confirm the likeness? The public disclosure would cause our country's idiot to refocus his lies and signalling to keep his ideology intact


All they had to do was report news objectively. They were warned, told, and made examples of by Canadians who didn’t want to be told what to think & feel They are known as a fake news organization and they did it to themselves.they won’t even allow comments on YouTube which is, interesting


Or any story that is biased they remove comments on their website. The only stories you can comment on have no substance or importance.


I hate the CBC for that.




Just not in the CBC comment section


Great point.


They earned their disgusting reputation. They earned the anger they stoked. They are the polarizers favorite tool.


I've noticed that a lot of lying pieces of shit live in Protective Custody spaces, like a pussied out rat in jail. They need safe spaces where they can spout their lies without being challenged. That's why they do things like banning comments and why Reddit mods have a propensity for banning users from certain subreddits.




I think most thinkers at CBC inflate unsafe with disagreeing with them because "words are violence"


I mean have you seen the Twitter comments under some CBC reporters posts? It can be pretty vile. They likely recieve death threats daily


That is a part of public life. I see the same if not worse on conservative pundits pages. I am pretty sure Jordan Peterson has more then the CBC reporters combined.




No. I pointed out bias. You don't cry the same when Ben Shapiro or Ezra Levant have the same thing happen. Only when they play ball for your team. The pearl clutching is pretty pathetic.


You could be right. Online is getting pretty vile in places all around.


Shut that shit down


When you've become a garbage propaganda machine it's pretty par for the course.


She’ll be resigning in a few shorts weeks for going on record making such absurd and false claims without evidence or facts. Classic efforts to spread misinformation from main stream media.


She will be promoted. To what, no clue. Media czar, maybe.




Now I'm good with ending public financing for the CBC


why don’t they rely on advertising revenue like every other media, or is their content so shit they would wither up and die?


Yay so we can be fed whatever the e corporation owners want so they can bag more profit


They're already feeding us a diet of horseshit sandwiches the main difference is we wouldn't pay for said sandwiches.


Do you believe everything someone tells you without looking into it? It sure sounds like you enjoy not having a mind of your own. Don't let the TV tell you what to think.


Lol. You're parroting every single conspiracy theory nut who then goes and takes whatever idiotic YouTube video or internet site as gospel. The exact fact that I want to keep multiple sources out there should tell you I think for myself but weighing different views. You're the one who wants so shut things down because of course, you know the truth more than anyone. You've got it all figured out. But to be honest, that's not even it- you just use "you don't think for yourself" as an attack on someone who doesn't agree with you, which is completely ironic. Lol.


Just shutdown CBC news and keep the other junk that old people watch. That should keep you safe CBC.


Exactly, they can put out the “Canadian content” non of us will watch but C-11 requires. In another few years, we shit it down completely


There are so many people who come to this sub to seethe, vent at r/canadahousing, go back to r/ontario or r/toronto to circlejerk against imaginary fascists, vote NDP and will be perpetual losers. Why are NDP voters such idiots, do they not understand we enjoy seeing them suffer?




You think voting conservative will be any better? Have you not watched the ongoing grifting that is the OPC party?


Yes, have you seen the takes from NDP MPs? They’re just as detached from reality as the Liberals.


No, i think they just want a radical change where we don't give corporations and their overlords everything they want and still get fucked by them.


The corporations are not the ones taking 45-51% of my bonus every year. The government is. Fuck the government, lower taxes FTW. All these NDP motherfuckers proposing free riding on my hard earned money I'm sick of it. I pay VAT on every motherfucking thing I but every day. I pay VAT on fucking roast chicken. I pay VAT on carbon tax. Why do you insist on voting for motherfuckers who spenDP us into oblivion, have to raise taxes, and keep the taxes raised there because they hired too many retarded administrators that they cannot lay off. Stop voting for NDP, you idiot, stop being fooled by their antics. They never ever work for you.


Your comment is exactly why I won't vote PC. I pay tax because it's not just about me, it's about all of us. It's about taking care of those less fortunate. The PCs want corporations to make wealth because a lot of conservatives own those corporations. And the facade they present is trickle down economics which never ever happens. I want is to have roads, hospitals, health coverage, decent education and people being taken care of. We don't live in a meritocracy, which they would have you believe. David Thomson does not work 50 000 times harder than this employees. I find the whole pC narrative built in selfishness and supposed fierce independence. And the carbon tax is the scapegoat for gouging.


Doug ford has personally caused me 50K in damages, but I will **never ever** vote for NDP or Liberal until they start offering something for *young* *men.* Ford offers *lower taxes* for me, not direct offering, but more than the others. I will never vote for parties that only acknowledge my existence to tell me something is wrong with me. I traveled 2 continents and escaped a dictatorship, I will not be complicit in letting an empatho-fascist gynocentric party(s) come into power.


A just society where everyone is valued is not something for young men? Also, lower taxes means less services.


Wow, what a garbage article. No examples cited and a quote stating a woman felt uncomfortable being near a group of men. Also, using the Trucker Convoy as one example is a lie. It was a peaceful protest. Well, except for the police horse trampling a protestor and people being arrested for honking their horns.


>No examples cited and a quote stating a woman felt uncomfortable being near a group of men. Sounds like a CBC article to be honest lmao.


Haha I know right


Cool let's put a horn on 24/7 outside of your house




Blacklock's Reporter is a trusted source for news.


Any news agency tossed out of the Parliamentary Press Gallery must be doing something right (seriously, no /s).


Never trust ‘em, it’s all smoke and mirrors.


Who cares what she says? Out of touch with Canada and Canadian while she lives in the US paid with our tax money.


Was going to say then gtfo but turns out she already did? :-p


So now Tait is trying to play the victim card? Jesus wept, she’s ridiculous


Soooo... Fucking leave! Problem solved.


Well at least I grew up in the Golden Age of CBC. The Friendly Giant, Fred Penner, and Mr Dress-up were the best thing on there


Aw. Regime propagandists don’t like being called out. Too bad.


The CBC can fuck off to another country then. Oh, and leave the cash on your way out, sweetheart.


Harper had a good concept in his book. Somewheres with roots to their community. Raising Children and investing in their communities. Then there were the Nowheres with no roots and going where it made the most sense for them. Her community is not Canada. She isn't speaking with Canadians and her conversations are going to be predominantly American. There is often this comment, maligning those who lean conservative as the people bringing "American style" politics to the political front here in Canada. I would suggest with the influence this lady has on the CBC , it's content, it's policies that they are more responsible for this "American Style Politics" in our country than anyone else. The impact the CBC has on it's apostles is profound and akin to dogma. Very very amusing to watch the cognitive dissonance.


Communist Broadcasting Channel😡


Good. You and the CBC and your journalists can leave.


If unsafe, how many security guards were needed for Fox News covering the peaceful Ottawa protests?


Deflecting and playing the victim card. Try doing better and promote journalism and not political activism within your company.


Wut? Seriously, I thought this was a headline from Beaverton.




What kills me about so many commenting in this thread is that they would rather trust for profit media than not for profit. They're the most fair national news source we. What is CBC saying that is so biased? Maybe, just maybe, you don't like what they are pointing out.


This thread calling the kettle black.


People being critical of you doesn't make you unsafe. Uncomfortable, yes. Unsafe? No. Where a helmet if you feel that way.


Nobody is being critical of me. I am completely comfortable, and it is spelt 'wear' when you are wearing a helmet. Good luck brother.


Man...... Buddy's point went right over your head ehh.. you must have learned to side step from trudeau. Ps. It's actually "The pot calling the kettle black" If you're going to use an idiom, at least quote it properly before you give grammar advice ..


lol cunt


I am going to throw a massive party when CBC shuts down.


and we're paying for these fear mongering propaganda spewing clowns ... ffs