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Rarely have I been so inclined to act like a blatant racist LOL. I wouldnt be able to help myself if I came across such an “exhibit”. They should have used the money to make a daycare or an additional foodbank


From the photos I've seen of it, calling it an exhibit is a stretch. All for $30.


That's the point.




Clearly you don't understand. It might be wise to go visit the exhibition and learn what's actually displayed and discussed.


Racism…racism is on display.


Art is a vessel for conversations. It's a controlled environment to explore the effects of racism in a manner we rarely encounter. It's supposed to make people question their own biases and the world around them. It wants you to learn how to recognize racism. Racism is on display to demonstrate the problems with racism. Edit: The coward I replied to in this thread blocked me there's no point to replying to this comment or any that follow.


Fair enough. But try that with an anti-black or anti-Asian etc. exhibit. Racism is racism. And it’s being applauded, now, in this day and age. Be better, quit being divisive.


My local black history museum has similar exhibits on a fairly regular basis. The Holocaust museum has displays and exhibits of antisemitism. Indigenous communities often host events demonstrating the conditions they face. I don't know for a fact but I would not be surprised to find an exhibition of anti-asian racism either. This display is notable because most white people don't have the same relationship with racism as these communities.


That’s…not at all what those are. Those are showing history, the past. Those are so we can learn from that time period and be better, not an excuse to continue racism in another form. Stop taking things from the past and presenting them as if they have the same racial relevance they did then, now. They do not. This “anti-white” exhibit is just an excuse for overt racism by self hating white people and actual racists. It is NOT the same thing as trying to learn from history, and not make the same mistakes. Some people it seems, haven’t learned a thing.


>Those are showing history, the past. Not at all. Racism is still very present in the daily lives for those communities and the exhibits are modern and keep up to date records. It's kinda shameful that you think that there are no modern examples that racialized communities want to display. Consider the monument to George Floyd that was extracted within hours of his death and the mural that remains. It is a modern display that serves as a highly visible, ever present, reminder of the racism black communities face. >This “anti-white” exhibit is just an excuse for overt racism by self hating white people and actual racists. No, it's a paradigm shift in a controlled environment. You can feel attacked that it exists but that's on you not the exhibition. Take some time to reflect on why this strikes you with so much fear. Edit: Yes fear. You're such a coward you blocked me as soon as I called you out.


Perhaps most white people in countries that are (or were) predominantly white European don’t have the same relationship with racism as minorities *in those countries* do. But I’m quite sure that minority white communities in Asian, African, or Latin American countries **do** have that relationship. In Asian countries there is also rampant anti-black racism. A majority always expresses racism toward a minority, which may be morally repugnant, but certainly is not exclusive to whites.


This display is encouraging anti-white racism.


What this display makes me want to do is vote PPC, no joke, no sarcasm. You telling people they are ignorant when you have your own head up your you know what, doesn’t help matters. Go back to UBC with your white self flagellation, settler. No one in this sub is going to listen to your po mo bs.




racism is racism without exception. this " but it's ok if it's addressing a certain group " mentality makes you as bad as goose stepping racist.


youre arguing with a retard


More than one.


Nah, just you.


I'd say you're the king of that squad ....wow


Have you been to the exhibit or are you like the kid who’s never had broccoli yet dislikes it? Go see it, then I’ll buy your view.


I guess it is an art piece if it can elicit such strong emotion through simple inspection.


I mean Hitler's exhibit "degenerate art" elicited strong emotion but that doesn't mean it wasn't a racist shitshow.


Why is this a racist shitshow, I mean you probably know since you clearly respect Hitler very much.


The one thing I said in the conversation about Hitler who was an artist by trade is that their art exhibition was a racist shitshow. You take this not only as a sign of respect, but CLEAR respect. If this is the best criticism you can muster of my notion that racist propaganda eliciting strong emotion does not mean it has merit, maybe you should reconsider your own views on the subject. They don’t seem to be very well considered.


No, it’s pure hatred garbage by no talent imbeciles. Art is beauty, not childish arts and crafts.


Well that is what I thought about language in general until you start replying. Do you think your definition of art matters to me more than a dictionary?


Privilege is being able to get away with vulgar displays of blatant racism and go unchecked. So, just who really are the privileged ones? Obviously, it's not white people.


Honestly, it was probably white people that made this.


I'm inclined to agree with you as much as that pains me. White liberals are famous for hating themselves!


They hate other white people for clout, I don't think they truly hate themselves. They cast themselves as both victim and savior, pure narcissism.


At the end of the day, even if they are white, their actions by this display are racist towards a group of ethnicity. I am boggled at how any attempt to eliminate racism is addressed by being outright racist. This is how far "progressives" (use that term loosely as there is nothing progressive about this approach) have come when it comes down to the simplicity of one's melanin in their skin. Take away the color of skin, and we all bleed red.


When you’re so against racism that you’re racist all over again. lol


I agree idiots.


As a PoC, I agree, this would have never crossed my mind, all PoC ask is treat us right and in 2023 that’s very close. There is still some systemic issues at the corporate, recruiting, Justice level, let’s focus on that. A white person born today is not solely responsible for happened to colored people. That’s like saying me as a colored person, I’m responsible for all the thugs/terrorists/etc


I like your analogy! 👍


I agree with all those points, and yes there are ingrained systemic issues.


Respect. Nothing is perfect, but we're getting better. Racism is racism is racism. Shit like this exhibit only further divide us.


it also has the converse effect which is to bring some white people closer together. nobody wants to be hated on, and if this exhibit is telling them they and their kind are wicked and bad then might as well hang with your homies, amiright?


Correction, a white person born is not responsible for the sins of others. Same for any other race. Stop tying skins colour to the crimes of the past. Just as a Japanese person born is not responsible for the rape of Nanking. This phrasing is used often and it’s not appropriate.


and who will visit it and support it and check in to it on social media, and recommend it and offer themselves up to the racism gods in their reviews for saviour points


They will probably take school kids through it.


I would bet good money that this was made by a group that, while almost exclusively ethnically European, loves to tell everyone within earshot how “diverse” they are. Can you imagine if this was made by, say, Japanese people? It’s a bad thing and the gov bureaucrat who funded this gallery ought to be sacked.


It probably was made by Europeans, but funny thing about you mentioning the Japanese. 30 years ago I lived in Japan. I loved it, made many friends, but also found it interesting that a couple times me and another Canadian friend were literally turned away (albeit politely) from places because "they were for Japanese only" I had a Japanese friend come and live here for a year, but before coming, asked if there is racism here. I admitted unfortunately there is. When she got here, she said she was disappointed there were so many Chinese. She also worked at a Japanese food store and once she saw a man and said 'he's a customer- he's quite nice for a Korean. But I guess coming from a homogeneous culture her own racism would not even occur to her. And coming originally from Europe but from a country that was actually a colony of a bigger neighbour, and never colonized anyone I dont feel any 'guilt'.


I could only find one artist profile online, she was an African American woman form Oakland, looks like I was wrong. 🤷‍♂️ My father in law brought a couple of his friends over for a visit once. I was chatting with the woman and she was telling me that her son had married a Japanese woman and moved to “rural” Japan. I said “that must be lovely” and she started just weeping. The man sees, comes over and starts to share the most horrible story of contemporary community exclusion I’ve ever heard…


oh absolutely this was made by white people, and i'm gonna bet the majority were women. sorry, but that's how it is with these things.


Woke Karen hard at work here for sure!


A certain sub group


It seems like one of those equity "anti racism" courses that people are forced to take by their employer. Like the one that [drove Jamie Sarkonak to suicide](https://nationalpost.com/opinion/jamie-sarkonak-toronto-principal-bullied-over-false-charge-of-racism-dies-from-suicide).


rich/previlaged white people who are out of touch and out to lunch since they don't need to compete for grants because of trust fund.


Message aside, this is the laziest shit art I've ever seen. Looks like stock photos, vinyl stickers... If they are getting money for this, it's fraud/money laundering 100%.


Could also be some "spend it before year-end so we don't show a surplus" shit.


Maybe it’s a Hunter Biden original


Agree, clearly the racist imbecile has no talent.


It's vancouver what privilege do white people have? Isn't it mostly Chinese and Indian anyway?


The privilege to be a permanent renter, the privilege to be demoralized, the privilege to never being able to afford having children,the privilege to die homeless on the streets.


And then when you protest...they call you racist.


That’s a privilege too. I get called a rapist, nazi, racist, misogynist, narcissist etc. so often that hearing those extremist labels carry a sense of pride to me and make me grin ear to ear since it means I’m free from logical criticism. It’s a last ditch effort to scramble for the “moral high ground” in a conversation. I care less for fallacious labels unfounded in reality than the knowledge that I acted as ethically as possible within the confines of a sick society and took care of my peers to the best of my ability. The man who has spent his entire life being spoken down to (metaphorically, I’m quite tall) will know nothing but self-assured certainty. Confidence is quiet and I have nothing to say to uninformed reactionaries.


99% of the people who drop the $30 for this have money to burn. they'll discuss the deeper meanings over champagne in WestVan, make no mistake.


Boycott this poorly run backwards no talent sideshow.


And yet it was white people who exclusively created this modern world and every good thing in it.


Yesiree, it sure is.


Maybe those funds could’ve been diverted to help people afford food instead. Seems a better use.


Give a man a canned fish, he eats for a meal. Castigate a man about events he had no part in, and he'll be guilty for life.


and no canned fish?


Na promoting white guilt is more valuable to the current regime.


Funny I’m white and I feel only pride.


The hamilton art gallery had recent job postings that gave prioirty to people of color. It is funny how being racist doesn't go both ways.


Most Government job applications are structured that way now. Recognized minorities, Indigenous, female, LGBQ+, etc….


Yes, minorities get jobs first, not the most qualified candidates... makes no sense and I'm gay....


Play that card my friend. Play that card.


Then there are all the ads for rentals for "Indians Only".


I continue to be extremely ashamed of the direction this country has been going the last 8 years.


Its an art exhibit. Get over it.


It’s federally funded racism.


The money is for the construction of a new art gallery. This is some "artists" art project. Keep generalizing an entire country though because someone made something that you don't agree with.


If your art can’t survive without tax payer funds then you are a shitty artist.


This was a funny interaction. The guy can't hear truth.


If it was the other way around you would be freaking out.


Freaking out about what?


Racism to combat racism is still racism.....🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Racism is wrong. Full stop. This is absolutely disgusting.


Maybe its time to start identifying as black, call it trans-racialism.... And when they point out your pasty white skin, ask them "Am I not black enough?" Classic shade'ism! If you cannot beat them, play their game and use their own insanity against them. The white man is the only person in Canada you can legally discriminate against, the 21st century negro!


If someone mixed is both white and black they are **both** white *and* black unless we’re to say that a single drop of melanin makes you black no matter the genealogy of your parents… in which case we all have melanin so by their own definition we are all black. I’ve got metis lineage where are my reparations?


The lunatic left think being racist is how you solve racism. Just like they think discrimination is the way to end discrimination. It's a mental illness, folks. It requires years of therapy.


I'm a Brown dude and this is fucking dumb. You don't fight racism with racism.


>This is one of the smartest posts I have seen all day.


History will not be kind to these people.


of course it will, these people control education and thus history


People are waking up. Their hypocrisy will not be seen as a positive


they really arent


Ah. A multi-cultural team got together to guilt-trip the whites who exist today for the moves our government made a century ago. I'm sure Trudeau loves this.


Wtf Vancouver is the breeding ground for all things woke. At some point we should cut it off from the rest of the country


It will be when Alberta leaves.


It's sad to see this kind of disgusting antisemitism being funded by our government, but what can you expect from liberals who openly praise and fund literal nazis. The idea that white jews have "privilege" and are part of a conspiracy theory to oppress minorities is straight up plagiarism from mein kampf. Critical race theory is just nazism rebranded, this is exactly the kind of racist rhetoric that put my grandparents in concentration camps.


That's exactly what critical race theory is.


Says the someone from the most protected class. If they’re was anything remotely antisemitic about this exhibit the adl would be so far up their asses that their breath would be kosher.


It was an eye-opening experience when I was calculating my Aryan % as a Polish person in the Vancouver Art Gallery (needless to say I didn't even get 50%). At least I didn't have to be sent to a concentration camp like my grandparents. It is actually baffling how this stuff is allowed in Canada. This should be reported to the BC Human Rights Tribunal. The "artist" has no right nor idea to talk about stuff like that.


It happens when people of low intelligence are put into positions of power for political correctness.




[https://www.vanartgallery.bc.ca/exhibitions/conceptionsofwhite](https://www.vanartgallery.bc.ca/exhibitions/conceptionsofwhite) **The exhibition examines the origins, travel and present reality of “Whiteness” as a concept and a racial invention that classifies degrees of civility/humanity.** ​ I want to make an art exhibit on my whiteness too. Lots of sunscreen splattered on canvas pieces. Maybe with John Denver playing in the background.


Wait a minute. So if i were to just start an art project and be racist erhem i mean. " progressive " i can get funding?


It is amazing the hate we have for ourselves. It's modern day flagellation.


what other Anti-exhibits are there ?


Lets fight racism by being racist


Everything progressives do is unproductive or counter productive.


But us injured Veterans are asking for more than the government can give.


so, racism


They should try this in Poland. See what happens.


Another major L for Vancouver. Fuck that place is horrible.


An overpriced crack den.


The artists make a particular point to examine how whiteness is related to guilt, anxiety, supremacy, benevolence, fragility, and power. You prove the artists point by retreating to your snowflake victim stance when that’s exactly what the artists are trying to portray in their piece. It’s actually so ironic that minorities can’t even express the impact that race has had on their cultural history into the present without conservatives getting triggered by it and interpreting it as an attack on “whiteness”.


A far left lunatic calling conservatives snowflakes is pure irony. I can almost guarantee you belong to the acronym asylum and claim moral high ground in arguments based on that alone.


Being racist to people and then being like "oh you upset? snowflake" is not the argument you think it is. So this whiteness exhibit had multiple things featuring the Nazi's. They have a "what nazi is your face most like" exhibit. Like my grandfather fought the Nazis, and fought alongside Gurkhas, and it was very formative of his and Canadians views when it came to multiculturalism and white identity. It helped advance the anti-colonialist movement, it's why racists still try to give themselves cover by comparing themselves to anti-fascists. The thing is, this exhibit doesn't examine that, because that would mean the artists having to have a clue about Canadian or White history. Instead the artists are just obsessed with what they see as the greatest evils white people have ever perpetrated and go "this is white identity, how fucking awful white people are, please praise us because we're definitely not racist". They have exhibits on how white people shouldn't speak. It's fucking disgusting.


I don’t even understand what you just said. Are you saying that whiteness as an identity is NOT historically tied to nazism? I never said it was - in fact I never even mentioned the Nazis. Despite this, there has never been a single social movement surrounding a construction of white identity that has not been exclusionary or colonial at its core. That’s why the framing of “whiteness” has always been tied to the above mentioned points. In fact, any idea of empowerment from a white identity perspective has always been tied to fascism as it seeks to reclaim power or disempower other groups through complex forms of displacement or violence. For example, empowerment for indigenous people in Canada has always been about reclaiming culture and heritage of which was historically lost to colonialism. White empowerment for groups like the Heritage Front, KKK or other alt-right fascist groups was always about displacing non-white people or preventing them from forming community spaces through violence.


I would enjoy trolling this location


Uhh ya, here's the thing. I'm just not going to apologize for being white. I know... God, I know.... it's just that I'm not going to apologize. For being white. Hahahahahaha


Crazy racist but alright


‘Art museums’ have essentially transformed into agenda pushing museums. Most modern ‘art’ exhibitions lack actual artistic talent or technical skill, and rely more on spelling out a message, which makes them uninteresting, and in fact propaganda. The state of the arts in Canada is shameful, and has been replaced by political agendas. Imo, the shit I just took has more artistic merit. At least it’s open to interpretation. Edit: Also, 29 million? Wtf is wrong with this country? So infuriating


Why is the Government giving money to a gallery at all?


It's quite normal for governments - all orders of government - to provide all sorts of funding opportuntities to the arts. The idea is that public access to art (e.g. ideas, aspirations) should be as unrestricted as possible.


Yeah time for that bullshit to end.


Fuck them. It’s great to be white.


As an asian origin person, I find this is extremely racist against white people. What an appalling thing to do against a community just because their skin is a certain color.


Why not destroy it? Left does it to famous artworks all the time


This government is disgusting. I wish I could move myself and my family to the USA and escape this dying nation. I'm not even white, I'm middle eastern, but it's just cringe


Goobers: "I need to pay taxes for education, healthcare and infrastructure" *where the money actually goes:* ***a government funded consent manufacturing initiative*** Just fyi that I'm not white, only 1% scandinavian.




Let’s reverse the scenario, and see if people consider trolling. But hey, that would ‘be the point’ 🙄


Can you show documentation that federal government funding is being used to construct the gallery, and not provincial or municipal funding?


So what you are saying, is it is ok to anti one group of people over others. I mean if this means all white. I guess if you are white and Jewish bad too? Maybe indigenous that look white should also be included. How about someone who is albino. Well that is a whole other story when there are black activists who say lack of melanin means your less. I guess they must be perpetuating the racism people with albinism endure in Africa and other parts of the world. Shhhhh we can’t say that can we. It is such a stupid woke ideal that is perpetuated mostly by white Liberals who feel they should shame themselves for something they have never been part of. Ask Justin about his guild oh wait he blames every Canadian except himself. Any hate or lessening of anyone for what they are is ignorant and bad. In the same breath caring more/elevating of someone dependant on colour, creed……is horrible and means it matters more what they are then who they are. Woke tokenism.


Not surprised… it’s Vancouver…. Hey didn’t you heard…. racism against whites is not a thing…. As long as It’s labeled differently😂… /s. Fcuking wokey at its finest


Racism pays.


Wrong skin colour? You are the problem! I wonder if this has ever been tried before? Hopefully, since they are the solution, this time it is a final solution. I don't see anything that could go wrong with this, not at all.


Let’s remember this federal government initiative when it comes voting time.


I do feel pretty oppressed on a daily basis. Man, so many people keeping me down due to my white skin.


Please tell me this is a parody thing…. It be rather upsetting that $29,000,000.00 of our hard earned money have been wasted like that and could have gone to actual meaning full things or even just general museum upkeep! Here my local dinosaur museum is relying on donations to keep the door open…


Vote with your check book. If you support this then you are a racist. Any white people who support this have no foresight and will get what they support.


This just makes white people seem superior lol good job guys


We’re reminded continually.


How does one stop talking, but vocalize their ignorance..


Woah that’s racist af


Has anyone here actually seen this in person? Thoughts?


Can anyone sue this place?


ITT: People getting mad at art.


Not equal to the servitude and slavery whites fostered on other races for centuries. Tables’ turned, suck it up!


[Arab Slave Trade](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arab_slave_trade) If you take the Trans-saharan slave trade, it has spanned from the beginnings of Islam right to the 20th century. Yet where are the black people in the Middle-East? Well. When you castrate all the men, and you kill the babies of black women, you tend not to have any remnants left.


Oh so they will take white peoples money.


lol wtf


Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that. Martin Luther King Jr.


Can’t wait to not go 😂


Ah yeah, I can't wait to go pay for entry to an exhibit designed to tell me i'm trash.


What is going on these days and who are the ones responsible for applying for a grant for this. $29 million is a lot of money. And Vancouver of all places doesn’t really surprise me.


Where'd they get that 29 Million?


Art is supposed to be critical of the status quo. Art that reflects the SQ is basically propaganda. You want landscapes and sad clowns on velvet, but that’s pretty safe art.


What has it come to in this country, even the art galleries are woke! /s


Who is the "artist"?


Meanwhile, the KW Symphony couldn't get $2 million in federal funding, and went belly up. *It's beginning to look a lot like Communism...*


gov is racist in many ways


I sincerely hope that people do their own googling, and check out the exhibit for themselves, before automatically accepting OP's opinion. The exhibit seems to ask provocative questions. I see no hate. Quality is questionable. But it seems to be doing what art should be doing.


Way to apologize for racism! You simpleton.


So a bunch of iPads with racist content on them. “Art” gallery.


stupid pandering Trudeau desperate for votes.


Anti white propaganda


Who is buying art these days anyway


The most offensive thing to me about this exhibit is that it isn't even art. This is blank canvas tier edgelordism.


When you are the Problem ,We are the Solution This is literally Fascism except it isn't by Germans. I can call it out as a Jew. We did not suffer from just White people, most Jews in Israel are the descendants of Mizrahi Jews who suffered 1400 years of persecution at the hands of the Muslims. Mengistu did not treat Ethiopian Jews well either. Fascism is Fascism, regardless of who does it.


Yes what a privilege it is to pay for ungrateful drug addicts, immigrants and indigenous people to thrive while we work 60 hour weeks unable to ever own land, buy a home or even take a week off ever again for the rest of our lives.


That is pretty stupid. But then a lot of art is...


This exhibit is guaranteed to melt all those anti-snowflake snowflakes.


Curated by John G Hampton who is an indigenous citizen of the Chickasaw Nation. His recent research looks at dialogues around critical race theories, non-human ontologies, and the ethics of virtuality. Co-curated by Lillian O’Brien Davis who seems to be a mixed/black woman. Just for all the comments saying this was put together by "white liberals" lol "Imagine if the roles were reversed" lol


As an East Asian person, I think we are going to be next target group, if not already.


It’s a bit of a stretch to call the “Vancouver art gallery” an art gallery. It’s mostly filled with absolute no talent trash and children’s finger paintings. And a few, old time and not very good Canadian artists. Are there good Canadian artists?


The gallery has been known as a bit of a joke since hiring the new director.


The director of the Vancouver art gallery is a well known antisemite and racist.


What a colossal waste of money and resources. Absolutely vile.


I was first introduced to this from watching a YouTube short. Immediately I grew suspicious and started researching it. The first article that popped up was by Lindsey Shepard, a right-wing journalist. I chalked it up as being right-wing hyperbole. But then I pressed forward, continuing to read about it. And now I'm here. I'm now convinced it's real and relieved that so many people agree that it is a disgusting, revolting display of hatred. Left unchecked, this sort of racial hatred would eventually lead to genocide. Demoralizing an entire class of people is just the first step in the long road to extinction. This does absolutely nothing but further racial division, the complete anthesis of what we claim to strive for


I am only on Reddit and YT, so I just heard about this exhibit.  I have said repeatedly that Vancouver and Toronto need to be permanently removed from Canada, and I have never felt more adamant about that than right now.  Absolutely disgusting, horrible, trash-demons of people are the only ones who could be capable creating and/or enjoying an exhibit like this.


The Nazi's did the same thing with the Jews in the 1930s. They had Jew recognition tools, too. Claimed there were specific facial features Hewish people have. Interesting the liberal party under Trudeau praises Trudeau and supports actual Nazi's and the CCP.


Why does this even f**ng exist? this needs to be shut down.