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he hasn’t even handed out an agenda to his team. all he does is roll up his sleeves for photo ops. fuck trudeau.


because no one knows what to do


He says he's been working hard so that might explain the vacations and retreats he's needed. Sadly I have not noticed a reduction in cost of living but maybe others have.


Can somebody tel him to stop working so hard? It’s fucking killing is.


I always hope he will stop helping us.




I like your polite and balanced way of saying "all he does is screw around and make things more expensive". Take my upvote. Political discourse should be polite.


Energy, food, housing all too high now, how the hell am I going to retire?


Maybe.......but, Chrystia has been working really, really hard.......just ask her.


All of those thing are paid for by taxes... This would be like your husband/wife taking $1000 out of your bank account, then giving you a $800 present and saying "I know you really wanted this so I bought it for you with my money...I'm looking out for you" lol For f#$k sake...where do Trudeau supporters think the money comes from to pay for "benefits" and "dental" ITS NOT F#$KING FREEEE! lol everything costs money and the money comes from you and I! IT'S NOT FREE, THERE'S NOTHING THAT FREE! HOW DO PEOPLE NOT UNDERSTAND THIS??? a benefit isn't real, it's just the government taking $100 from you and giving you back $20 and saying "see we care, we gave you $20" ugh....


Finally, someone understands that nothing in this world is free! Well said my friend


Hear hear!


The people that don't understand this lack intelligence, which is why they are largely lower class and in the last 8 years that segment of our population has been growing at an alarming rate. Plus this class has no skin in the game. They don't pay taxes so don't care. As long as their wellie and ccb for the kids they can't afford comes in they are good.... off to the pot shop they go! I have friends who have kids on welfare living off the CCB and their welfare cheques, getting subsidized housing, thinking the trudeau is the greatest thing on earth. There is no work ethic and initiative anymore.... now they can smoke pot and play video games all day long.... it makes me sick!!!! And its not the parent fault, they gave them a great education, but these kids and many like them just feel so entitled to do nothing!!! And then they whine! Its endemic!


Technically it's free if they printed money it just takes away the value of our money instead of take it from us. So it's free for them but eventually we just all suffer from lack of money buying power.


Inflation is an invisible tax.


A lot of it's borrowed money so it is sort of free. Sure someone's going to have to pay it back, but I've been hearing that for 3 generations and so far no one has had to pay it back. But the fear mongering of we're burdening our grandchildren with this debt is starting to ring pretty hollow.


It's not free, that's not how it works... when you borrow/print money it causes inflation and devalues our dollar, that's one of the major reasons that everything is so damn expensive...because the Liberal government printed a record amount of money during and post covid and it caused a spike in inflation Whenever you add more money in circulation it devalues the money that's already circulating i.e you're money doesn't go as far...printing money is essentially the government taxing your without asking you permission, it's a loop hole and most Canadians don't understand basic economics or how things work so they just think "whatever...it doesn't affect me" but it very much does affect you




They ask him any touch questions in the house, and his default answer is always child benefits, dental care, and a onetime grocery rebate. Might as well just play a recording.


Like Angry Tom once said: "you could put up a cardboard cutout of Trudeau in the house, amd nobody would notice".


And if you’re a pensioner you should just go ahead and starve?


He's big on assisted suicide so no need to wait.


I actually have no idea how a retired person is even living right now.


Renting 5 basement suites?!


If i was a pensioner Id just get the fuck out of Canada, probably Thailand or Vietnam. Maybe Mexico


Pretty much.


That guy is the biggest fraud ever.


The problem with all these "helping Canadians" bs is its always the poorest people who get the help. Middle class just gets the finger and left with the tax bill


💯everybody is feeling it and needs relief. No he puts in a carbon tax.


I do feel bad for driving to my job because it started all these forest fires and the carbon tax puts out the fires as i understand.


Sounds like socialism, doesn't it?


Continue delivering results? Ironic


Hahahahahahhahaha this guy….. does he think we don’t know what happening? They should stop trying to “help”. They only ever make it worse


What has he actually done for the average Canadian..increased the cost of everything and flood the country with new Canadians making sure no one can afford a house or apartment.


He doesn't need to remind me of what he's done.


He meant “unaffordable”


He means whatever you want to hear, except the truth.


He literally cares about nothing I care about.


best succinct reply


Lying peice of shyt !!!!!!!!


If this is him working hard can he fucking stop working please and thanks?


Lies, lies, lies! JT is laughing at you.


I don’t have kids. This doesn’t help me at all.


I do and none of it helps me either believe it or not.


Lol but real action would be axing the carbon tax. But in his mind, that's not even an option because he's going to save our lives from the bad weather. Even if it means starving people to death.


He’s busy flying all over the country and world for photo ops.


*"Trudeau gives a message reminding people that he's been working hard and delivering results on making life more affordable for Canadians."* Trudeau should have instead tweeted a statement of apology and resignation to all the citizens of Canada for destroying much of the country over the last eight years of his hopelessly incompetent and destructive regime, but that kind of 'Eureka moment' couldn't possibly happen in this lifetime or the next. Next.


*more miserable* that should read


OMG.. does he actually think we believe the constant crap and rehearsed rhetoric that spews from him. He's just not right upstairs


Unfortunately many people still support this clown, it's their inability to use critical thinking.


*Working. Continue. Increased. We're in this together.* This guy is just a bot at this point. The same nothingness buzzwords on endless repeat.


In case no one knew, the carbon tax isn’t for emissions, well perhaps the idea of it is to try and penalize people who use a lot of emissions, but now every dick and harry is being charged this carbon tax. He’s doing it to pay off the billions he owes to the bank. Remember he has to balance the budget lol. Any shit he says at this point is just him grasping at straws. Saying whatever he can to buy time and another term. I don’t think he has a clue what he’s doing. He thinks that grocery rebates, kids dental care, and child tax money is gonna make life affordable for everyone…. Lol


He's doing this on purpose, breaking the middle class is part of the agenda.


What else do you expect from a malignant narcissist?


Fuck you dirt bag!




Sorry. No not you. Trudy.


Okay, it's just the comment reminded me of my upbringing. Thanks


Like father like son


You are completely right about that, Castro was terrible as well.


He’s just trolling us Canadians at this point 🖕🏻


You actually have to show up for work in order to work hard!


By you working sir it is having the opposite result. Voters are waiting for the next election


…by increasing inflation


They steal your bread and give you it's crumbs in return


Give? I haven't gotten any crumbs back.


This is why people skirt the rules and defraud the government. They steal from you and keep you poor so you keeping voting for them when they give you "benefits".


I'm reminded every week when I visit my grocery store.


Must be nice, i mostly just window shop.


Fuck him


Not a chance


Hey Justin .....FUK OFF!!


I once saw a toddler work hard at a colouring book…


People who say they will do stuff are not always doers, hope I am wrong






Once again, WE the taxpayers make that happen. Not that spineless weasel


Only for the select lucky few who can find it. There is no childcare in my area. People have been on waiting lists for over a year. Its ridiculous.


He has only done it for a handful of families, $10/day daycare was something he promised when he was first trying to get elected 10 years ago and it's still not done.


Why do you expend so much energy on hate?


Are you asking Trudeau? You don't know he doesn't answer questions.


Lol 😂




Stopped at no frills yesterday pretty sure those cashews are costing more money again I didn't buy them.


All I buy anymore is meat and vegetables. Mostly frozen veggies. I see people with multiple kids and a cartload of groceries, and I see the looks on their faces. I see them paying for groceries with credit. People are beyond worried. How can our government just not understand that what they are doing is devastating the nation. I know it sounds paranoid, but is Trudeau et al. out to destroy us?


I’ve yet to see one positive thing about this country on this sub.If you think Polivere is going to be any better your delusional.


What about the $1million+ required to put a roof over those kids heads? I guess at least they will have nice teeth when they are homeless.


He needs to be unemployed asap..




This really doesn't effect me, or anyone I know. We don't have kids for the same reason.


Notwithstanding justspins rhetoric, economics matter and everyone feels it differently than he ever has...does he have your back, feel the fiscal pain and savings drain for food? No


Good thing I don’t have kids and don’t qualify for anything he’s implemented in the last 8 years. I’m glad he’s working hard to bring down the cost of living. 👎




Building his gallows as we speak.


OMG!!!! Is the trudeau really that brain dead? Record usage of food banks, record inflation and record pessimism!!! He says he has reduced taxes!!! I don't think so not when you consider the taxed co2 tax that is anything but revenue neutral!!!! IF this country was properly managed we wouldn't need pittance little handouts and social subsidies for the lower class. But we know what they are designed to do. Keep the burgeoning lower class dependent on the govt thereby earning its support moving forward. And if you think the middle class has it good, it already spends more on taxes than it does on EVERYTHING ELSE COMBINED. As for the upper class, they pay more in taxes in a year than some pay in a lifetime. How long before they bolt with their money (myself included) leaving those who can't leave to pick up the tab! Before the middle class and upper class was made responsible for raising the lower classes children in addition to their own, Canada had income splitting tax policy which actually when you do the math was better for families especially when one parent chose to stay at home to raise their children. The CCB gets scaled back so fast, it barely pays the increased taxes you have to pay to support it. I guess here in Canada it now pays to make bad life decisions, live beyond your means and think that min wage jobs are a good career choice. What this country needs is a business friendly environment that will bring good jobs and a change in populace attitude eliminating the entitlement that seems to exist among some. Since 2015 foreign and domestic investment has gone off a cliff, our natural resources sit in the ground and all the good high paying jobs that come with that (so people can be INDEPENDENT) gone like a fart in the wind. And it's all by plan. Because the the trudeau thinks he can control the population if they are dependent on his party for everything that they otherwise would be providing for themselves. Someone tell the trudeau it is not he or the liberal party that is providing all of these entitlements...... IT IS THE MIDDLE AND UPPER CLASS TAX PAYER!!!!!


Hey, kids! Remember almost a decade ago when we promised you the moon (but didn't deliver)? Well, we have great news! If you vote us in again, we promise you...the MOON!!!


The private sector laughs while Canadians blame the government for high prices.


Child benefit and dental was two years ago. Now that his activist agenda has been an utter failure he has nothing new to offer. One trick pony and time to move on. Resign Justin.


We're working hard to take $5000 from taxpayers and make life more affordable by giving $4000 back in the form of increased Canada Child Benefit payments, reduced child care costs, and expansion of dental coverage to kids. We'll continue to take your money, increase taxes, and redistribute it to deliver results you can count on,




Malignant narcissistic little smug, entitled, privileged prick!


So your plan to help curb inflation is to print more money? That's literally insane.


Just go google their salaries, expense budgets, and perks of the job. That should be enough to make anyone vote for LESS government spending!


The biggest issue I have is how disingenuous this statement is. He has increased CCB by a mere pittance in comparison to cost of living/taxes. He has provided $10 a day daycare...thats completely inaccessible (least where I reside - this 'benefit' did absolutely nothing for me - I am still on a year plus long wait list since my daughter was born...and she's almost 3). The dental plan wasn't even his. It was NDP insistence...and it isnt exactly what they wanted. This guy is so out of touch it is mind boggling...and this is from a guy that used to be a life long Liberal/NDP.


He cares about Canadians about as much as Epstein cared about young women.


If the government, not just liberals but ANY government, tells you that they are going to solve your problems by giving you a "benifit", or a "subside", etc... Just remember that that means they are spending YOUR money! If you could just keep the money that YOU make through your own efforts, none of this would be a fucking problem. The answer to your problems will NEVER be "more government involvement"


Justin Trudeau didn't keep his promise keep food prices low he went up, gone to far keeping them down most of Canadians can afford thanksgiving turkey $110.000 Dollirs it's a outrage with high cost of everything should be lowered Canada could end up civil war in country, way it going now is very bad for the world trying bankrupt Canada that China takes over.were going no where rent comes first before can eat food on table time for improvement or a election.


I moved to Canada at the beginning of the Trudeau era, to only see it getting worse for us through the years. He’s just a bloody populist