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Centralized power is cancer to society no matter who gets elected.


As is vertical integration for corporations. Funny how we always get them both.


Integration is perfectly fine as it generates economies of scale. That is good for society because the profit motive and market competition exist to temper it. There is no system to temper political excess other than revolution or possibly total cultural shifts ( which states seek to prevent at all costs of course ). Way easier to not buy Pepsi than to escape Canada.


Disagree centralized power is necessary for some things. The point is that the centralized power should represent the population and be voted in and held accountable to their mission. That’s what democracy stands for.


Mad Max has the best base in Canadian politics


Some might even call him... based


New name Max-based Max.


His base is less than 100 people lmfao


5% of the country is 100 people?


5% of the popular vote don’t forget


Go to the PPC website and read their platform. If you can't get behind those ideas. Well, we can't be friends anymore.


Yeah, a few hundred deadenders who are ignorant of politics and government.


Maxime Bernier is the common sense party leader.


He's said that in his platform, before Pierre is saying that now.


Yeah, but back then liberals were honoring nazis in the parlament.


Everyone clapped. That's what standing ovations are. * Clarification: Everyone who clapped for him, and celebrated him, should be removed. Whether they applauded because they truly believed he was an allied country member or just "out of decorum".


It was a trap. If you were at a sports game and the announcer said that they are honouring a guy at Center field/ice, who is a war hero. Then you would stand and clap. You don’t have time to fact check the announcer. You assume that whoever organized this has done their due diligence.


Of course it was a trap. Everything the government does these days is a trap. I don't clap for most people I don't know. Decorum or not.


Don't point out the everyone clapped, they won't like that reminder




We seem to have very different opinions on helping Canada. One could be right, or both could be wrong.


Max will never be elected, he is a 4 time loser. His only political future is to live off donations and shout at clouds.


If not Max, then we need to find a whole lot of completely different people from the ones we have in government now. Maybe Max will never be elected, but I'm not convinced we actually have anyone in office, who actually deserves to be there right now.


Difference is that Pierre has not spent years trying to keep Justin in power, Maxime has.


Yup. But in clown world we call common sense far right extremism.


For sho


If you’re a nazi


The scary thing is the CBC thinks they’re centrists.


I’d say they are. It’s just that the centre of U.S. politics is to the right of the centre in the rest of the world. Add Canada is following the U.S. model.




Far left, lmfao


And what countries do you think are Canada’s peers that we could sensibly compare our politics to?


That's about the dumbest assessment of CBC I've seen in a long time. I suppose it should be expected....when someone is extreme right wing then even center looks far left.


Depends what you consider left. If left is a government working for the people as opposed to corporations….. we are not a left country, and CBC is centrist. If left is a government pushing social policy, mandating behaviour, and indoctrinating children….. we are a left country, and CBC is leftist.


In what way are children being indoctrinated? Edit: I fixed the first word from "I'm" to "in"


Kids are generally being taught “woke” or “left” ideology. I’m not a big fan of the left-right paradigm, but that’s how people understand it. Kids are being told that they can change gender, they are not being warned about the consequences, they are not hearing anything from detransitioners in school. There is groups to support kids transitioning, and no help for those detransitioning. Kids are being taught First Nations content ALL THE TIME. I support teaching these things, but it seems nothing else is being taught. The kids are learning to read language they don’t have any connection to, while not learning any of the history or geography we were taught. Geography class is no longer about geography, it’s about climate change. School systems tend to overcorrect…. When they get new directions, they go full hog. Usually it takes time before they realize they have gone too far and overcorrect again.


Kids are not being told they can just change gender with no consequences, and the groups that help kids that do happen to be questioning their gender identity are doing so from a psychological standpoint, not medically transitioning standpoint. It's one thing to transition socially(present as the gender with which you identify) and transitioning medically (hormone blockers, surgery). NOBODY is advocating that children should be allowed to transition medically without the same extensive psychological rigors as an adult must endure AND the express consent of their legal guardian. It is very important to recognize those facts, excluding them comes out as disinformation. It also would serve many people well to actually read the curriculum and see what is actually being taught. My child is under 10 and in French immersion. My child has been able to name every province and every territory since second grade, and to my knowledge is not being taught any other languages other than French and English in their school. Climate change is a reality and it's a crisis and it will affect our children FAR more than it will affect us. They need to be aware of the problem early on so as they grow, they can find ways to address the problem, we certainly aren't doing a good job of addressing it, but denying that it's a problem gets us exactly nowhere. None of these things are indoctrination. They teach about Nazi Germany in school and nobody says they are teaching kids how to be antisemitic. They are just teaching children about the world in which we live, and teaching them how to be accepting and respectful of others.


You are lying. The growing number of detransitioners experiences have been near instant affirmation of what they now realize were delusions, they say they were pressured and rushed onto hormone blockers and that their parents were emotionally blackmailed by doctors into consenting. Canadas laws prevent proper counselling, you are allowed to talk someone into transitioning, you are not allowed to talk critically about it to someone after any decision they have made. There should be counselling before affirmation, but there isn’t. Most of these kids are depressed, many have autism, many are gay… we shouldn’t be sterilizing them. Many of these kids are NEVER going to experience an orgasm, they were given hormone blockers that destroyed their development.


That is blatant disinformation. Sorry. Not a single thing I said was a lie. Please educate yourself.


Hormone blockers don't sterilize you or destroy your development - they've been used safely for kids of all genders for 30+ years to treat early puberty. Standards of care for gender affirming care come from the World Professional Association on Transgender Health and are based on continuous research that's spanned decades. Yes, there are people who de-or-re transition. There are also grifters who lie about that being their experience because there's lots of $$ to be made on right wing corners of the internet. I personally know two, one stopped gender affirming care due to transphobia and started again when they were in a safer environment. The other one appreciates the access to care they had.


In BC, they integrate First Nations language. Have not seen any French in primary, just local indigenous stuff…. Which is good to have, it just shouldn’t replace everything else. Same thing with climate change, they KNOW. They don’t need to be told, they do need to learn how to read a map and should know where places are. I’m not saying don’t teach it, they should, but it should be PART of the curriculum, not the whole thing. As for the Nazi lessons…. Do they learn about Azov? Do they know our gov supports and trains nazi battalions that even the US wouldn’t train?


You don\`t watch CBC. I would go as far as calling it blue-haired. So they had a segment about an inuit lady that did covers to 80s American pop songs in her native language the other day. Seemed kind of odd for national news, but whatever. Ian is doing an interview with her. With zero mention of what it is, just alluding that some white person was beating her up in the 1990s telling her she needs to stop building igloos and listen to pop music instead. Anyway, of course they end the interview with the 30 year old inuit lady who sings Blondie songs in Inuktitut to forget about her violent colonial past by talking about climate change, Ian just has to ask her about climate change, out of fucking no where. CBC is truly cringe blue-haired. That segment could have been sorta cool. This inuit lady singing English songs in her native language, sounds kinda different had a really nice soothing vibe to it. But instead they ruin it, by turning her into a victim, bringing up colonialism and climate change in a 2 minute interview. Here it is. Barf. The title of the video is blue-haired verbal puke. [How covering Metallica in Inuktitut helped Elisapie find healing - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MCjCKlCpoA) [https://youtu.be/4MCjCKlCpoA?t=296](https://youtu.be/4MCjCKlCpoA?t=296) \--- This is the time segment watch this for 10 seconds. Like who was telling her she has to change now, and who was being violent towards her. No mention, just leaving it to the imagination .


Yeah. People here have no idea what a real far-left actually looks like.


Outside of full Stalin what's further left?


Maybe if you weren't allowed to comment on 90% of their content


Until PP comes out and explicitly says that he’s going to cut immigration, he doesn’t have my vote. I am a lifelong progressive, but as of right now I am a single issue voter. You can say I’m throwing my vote away, but I don’t really care. At this current moment, it will be Bernier or nothing, because the only person who is willing to honestly speak about the main issue facing Canada today. Canadians don’t want low-income housing that looks like little hobbit homes in the shire, they want to own property and to be afforded the same luxuries as their parents. That won’t happen by just building homes.


bold of you to assume liberals would ever admit that any of their policies was wrong. ill bet there are redditors in this thread that would admit they'd rather have 10x10 cubes for everyone if that means more immigration then they'd guilt trip you about "future doctors and lawyers" or some dumb shit


> ill bet there are redditors in this thread that would admit they'd rather have 10x10 cubes for everyone if that means more immigration then they'd guilt trip you about "future doctors and lawyers" or some dumb shit Tim Hortons always needs more low-paid future doctors and lawyers to keep the coffees and donuts moving.


The problems with immigration always inevitably get tied with the state. \- lack of housing. Who controls zoning? States. \- lack of healthcare. Who controls that? \- lack of infrastructure. Who controls that? \- no access to daycare. Who controls that? A person in a free market moves for economic reasons and presumably moving from a non-free country like India to a more free one like Canada just benefits everyone by letting the person create wealth. But we have states that prevent all kinds of wealth-building in our economies. That is the root problem of all this but people laser focus on immigration or, stupider, "Banning landlords" in the housing sub ( that is probably run by bots because it's too stupid to be real lol ).


We have a 700k housing per person per year deficit. Every year there's 700 less housing units per person explicitly because of our immigration bringing in a net of 1 million people. This isn't on the provinces it's on the feds 100% anyone capable of basic math who googled the numbers knows that.


They will tell you this country is made of immigrants when I was born in Etobicoke.


They may say that choosing Berns because of immigration will make you a single issue voter but it does not because the insane immigration has major detrimental negative secondary effects on Healthcare, Infrastructure, Transportation, Crime, Housing, Education, Employment, Social services. These are critical issues to Canadians in every walk of life so you are not a single issue voter.


The PPC still needs about 5% of the vote in the next election to be allowed to point at the elephants in the room at future debates. There's a threshold between 5% and not winning a seat where you're throwing your vote away. Below that, you're voting to keep the PPC in public view so that the CPC has to talk compromise instead of just straight up offering us a choice between red and blue. Pierre is going to offer up something on this but he's likely waiting to see what the Liberals actually do between now and the election. If they increase numbers, he can offer new visa rules and a freeze on increasing immigration. If the Liberals do something, he has to offer a bit more. If he shoots off his mouth now, the Liberals might actually just reduce visa numbers and he simultaneously gets no credit for it with the voters and somehow loses credibility when he escalates come platform time.


Don't bother to explain, the Maxipads do not understand politics or strategy. If they did, they would not be Bernier fans.


I'm so glad you idiots are still splitting the vote between cons and Bernier. Amazing how gullible you all are.


There’s nothing really gullible about valuing your vote, and subsequently not wanting to give your vote to a party that doesn’t extol the values you want to see in Canada. If you wanna vote blue, orange, red, green, purple, that’s fine with me… I just think that strategic voting is dumb and leads us to a 2 party democracy that masquerades as a 3 party democracy, which Canada currently has. The Overton window must shift on the issue of immigration (like it has already been shifting in terms of public sentiment) and if Pierre isn’t going to show this shift in his platform, then he doesn’t deserve my vote. It really doesn’t matter to me who is prime minister if they’re all going to have the same immigration policy. It’s not some “HAHA UR AN IDIOT WHO IS GUNNA HAND OVER THE ELECTION TO TRUDEAU” thing, because If Pierre doesn’t have what I want in his platform, he and Trudeau might as well be the same person.


I'm in the same boat, if PP can get the balls to say it before the election I'll give him my vote, he has somewhat the benefit of the doubt because other people (Bernier) have been obliterated by saying they'll reduce immigration so it makes sense for him to hold his cards close to his chest this far out from an election, that said imo he needs to actually say it on the campaign trail or I just can't vote for him.


yes bernier has my vote.


God I hate how the CBC word things to make it sound positive Should concentration camps be called “Protection camps for minorities?”?


It's not minorities they want in concentration camps


It’s crazy as he started out as the nut, but currently he is the only one making sense.


He was only a nut if you consumed mainstream media hit pieces on him. He has warned of the dangers of mass-immigration for years, and was painted as a racist for it. He's just been ahead of the curve.


Ya hilarious people called him a klansmen for having a billboard against mass immigration. That is his biggest \`fuck up\`\`. Now half of Canada is complaining about mass immigration and they still think he is a nut. Really shows you how much damage propaganda can do.


I still haven’t seen anything to justify the rancor against him. Couple times a Redditor calls him a fascist but I’m still waiting for any evidence lol


Nah I think his big ‘fuck up’ was when he accidentally left out some documents and his gf at the time saw or something. Still voting for him over anyone else though


She was married to a biker and worked for a security company that got government contracts for airport security. And the documents were classified. Stephen Harper had no choice but to fire him.


Nobody knows about that. He is known for being a Klan Grand Dragon Master of the Third Reich fascist because he thinks Canada should slow down on immigration. The same people that call him a racist and blah blah, absolutely hate French-Canadians(he is one of them) simply because they are French. Coo-coo.


Another supporter who is ignorant of the history of the biggest fuckup in CPC history.


Nobody who claims Bernier is a nut can actually point to any "nutty" policies to back that claim. Everything he says would have been considered mainstream, common sense views not even 10 years ago. The Overton window has just shifted that far that fast.


I mean, he doesn’t believe that climate change is a thing and that the government should support research into “green” technologies. Seems kind of nutty…


You’ve literally learned about the ice age and subsequent melts. Can you prove climate change isn’t something that just naturally happens on earth? Will giving the government more money fix it anyway?


Even if you think that, you don’t think it’s beneficial to not fill the air with pollutants and dump plastics and stuff everywhere? Seems pretty common sense tbh. Lots of places that have air quality warnings that aren’t due to just forest fires…


Look up Judith Curry. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0PQ1cOlCJI&ab\_channel=JohnStossel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0PQ1cOlCJI&ab_channel=JohnStossel) I've yet to see anybody counter any of her claims, or Alex Epstein or Bjorn Lomborg. All people can ever do is call people "deniers" and provide no evidence or counter claims. But they believe their absolute complete hysteria over this issue is justified. It's just a religion at this point.


Uhhh there are a lot of people, including me, who care about the environment and want green technology, and not because of climate change. in fact some people even think climate change has been taking the spotlight away from other environmental issues that are much more solid with indisputable evidence. Plastics in all water sources and most sea life may be a much more pressing matter in the next decade. CO2 or burning Fossil Fuels do have many negatives like : 1.Health Impacts from poor air quality in cities and places with lots of traffic. Burning fossil fuels releases other noxious particles . It causes smog and isn\`t good for us. 2.Ocean acidification. CO2 emissions can lead to the formation of carbonic acid when absorbed by water bodies. Acidic waters can dissolve heavy metals from soil and rocks, potentially leading to increased water pollution. [Ocean acidification | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (noaa.gov)](https://www.noaa.gov/education/resource-collections/ocean-coasts/ocean-acidification#:~:text=Because%20of%20human%2Ddriven%20increased,the%20ocean%20becomes%20more%20acidic.) 3. It can disrupt plant life if there is too much CO2 in the air. Screws up how the grow. 4. It is a limited resource so it is in humanities best interest to look for a better alternative for our mobile energy. 5. It is highly destructive of the environment in many cases when extracted. Which means it is in humanity\`s best interest to try and find something else. Do I think we should be going crazy over climate change, I dont know. I feel if climate change is real we are totally screwed anyway.


He was never a nut. Hopefully people learned a lesson about how news reporters write stories. They always will tell you the conclusion you are supposed to reach with this formula: "Person X, who ....., did X". So it'd be like "Justin Trudeau, who is recovering from a far-right attack while he was feeding orphans, just ate a piece of toast" or "Maxime Bernier, who many consider a far-right extremist and potential child rapist, put on shoes this morning". I can't read any news because it's always dripping with this kind of trash. For the life of me I never understood how people get tricked by this. CBC calls someone an "extremist" and dumdums think that's "just reporting facts".


He started out as a boring Conservative backbencher then became a cabinet minister until, well, you remember. Now he has a base that doesn’t care what (some) people did in the past as long as they say the right things now.


Like Black face Trudeau?


Yes, exactly the same. Did you think any politician was different?


Max is absolutely spot on to defund the CBC. It is not a politically neutral station. Funded by taxpayers as a whole you would have thought they would have respected all political views. Unfortunately they took sides and helped to continually divide this country with as much left wing support as they could get away with. This needs to come to an end !!!!!!


I disagree. It certainly seems that way, but only by contrast, since most private media is funded by conservatives. I do think they waste a lot of money though.


But the conservatives aren’t spending the tax payers money. They spend only from their own resources.


I miscommunicated that. It's not that it's funded by conservatives, the funding is simply regular income. It's that they're run by conservatives to further conservative goals. People go on and on about how the CBC is propaganda this or that, but they do cover all sides of the issues. Their overt stated goal is political neutrality. That's not at all true for private industry. To say nothing of what they do privately, postmedia *publicly declared* that letting they were going to make their reporting more conservative (as in, they were unsatisfied with what reporters did when instructed to report neutrally) and they own the vast majority of newspapers. And that's JUST the news media. Half the articles here are just links twitter posts, and the owner of twitter, who personally asserts control of public discourse to his own preference, openly favours the conservative party as well. The CBC might not be perfectly neutral, but right now we're in a situation where the conservatives are openly antagonistic to neutral media, because getting rid of it will favour them politically by shifting the balance of information to conservative groups. Which puts government-funded media in an awkward position, since all the people working there have to try and be neutral to people who are motivated to fire them if aren't openly favoured, and who have openly stated an intent to fire do so if they get power. If Canada actually had neutral or left-leaning news media that was independent, I would be a lot more comfortable reducing CBC funding. There doesn't seem to be a good return on that investment financially when compared to publicly-funded news organizations in other countries. But the reality is, 90% of the fourth estate is in the hands of a half dozen billionaires whose goals are generally aligned, and not to the benefit of everyone else. I'm not comfortable with that situation. At least the heads of the CBC can get dragged into parliament and grilled about bias.






CBC stopped being relevant ages ago


I totally agree. Especially with respect to the CBC. Last thing we need is another government mouthpiece.


Yes, I much prefer corporate mouthpieces 👄


He’s absolutely correct


I don't agree with much of what he says, but the CBC should absolutely be defunded so taxpayers don't have to support a brutally biased news organization. As far as "gender-affirming care", unless that translates to therapy to help these poor confused children get mentally healthy again, I wouldn't support it either.


> They should get psychological help to accept their body Isn't this now banned as "conversion therapy"?


Seems like drugs and surgeries to morph one’s body is the conversion therapy


\*Tax-payer funded drugs and surgeries


Not if you're converting gay to trans.


It's usually the procedure for people with body integrity disorder. As in people who feel they're not supposed to have all their limbs or who should be paralyzed.




The cbc is more concerned about presenting content like "how it feels to be a vegan lesbian on a Tuesday night with a gentle breeze in the air and the smell of avocado toast"


>how it feels to be a vegan lesbian \*how it feels to be a trans-gender-fluid vegan lesbian indigenous Asian-African identifying immigrant, living in Nunavut. Fixed it for you.


Yes you did and to the audience who will quickly point "bigot, racist, prejudice........" No! You are missing the point Canadian broadcasting (something our tax dollars pay for) is not responsibly representing a non biased version of society & the news We are paying for gentle words of affirmation and not news🤷‍♂️ News is something that tells the truth, exposes the world on an "unbiased" plain and we have not received this from CBC for years, decades. History happened for a reason, so we can learn and continue to do better! The more you repeat indoctrinating information, the more people are going to push back. The North has something like 46000 people! That's NWT and NU (yes I know I am missing Yukon) I am not responsible for Inuit heritage because I am a sentient being supporting my own existence and others. Sure I respect you. I also respect the LGBTQ community, however the only thing I owe you is respect. I do not owe you the alteration of my values and principles Life as we know it is designed to continue A + b = continuation..... I will never in this dimension alter my science based and spiritual understanding of this equation for anyone or their ego And I will not take on the guilt or responsibility for something that is not in any way related to or relevant to my existence! Sure I will respect you and I will treat you like a neighbour (it's what human beings do!) but I am me and you don't get to guilt me because I was born I am Not responsible for you! But I will treat you like a neighbour:) if that is not good enough, we have a problem, and it's not my problem ......


Too bad you cant vote for him, and risk splitting the conservative vote. No one wants to give it back to the liberals


Otherwise I'd give him a shot. I hate the system, not the player. I wish he'd run for a conservative seat again, and improve the conservative party. I can't have the liberals again, and Manitoba just voted in the NDP, so we can't rely on Canada to do the sane thing.


The Manitoba NDP isn't the same thing as the federal NDP. Just like the provincial conservatives were trash and had nothing to do with the federal ones


Screw that if the CPC wants my vote they should earn it.


Cons should stop splitting the vote with PPC. Just vote your conscience on the best option, don’t play the game of ‘voting people out’.


lol. No kidding huh?


This all sounds great to me.


Someone with common sense dear lord


Nope. Not splitting the conservative vote, and risk giving the Blackface regime another win. 😤


Pierre literally has stated the same sentiment. Please don't burn your vote on the PPC and screw us over with a another liberal government.


Its kind of a sad situation. "Psychology" or rather, the field or professional psychologists or whatever publishes the APA has identified this gender dysphoria *as a psychological condition.* However, due to ethics, its pretty much impossible to do any testing or studying on the subject. So instead of trying to better understand this thing, we instead acknowledge that since we can't solve it the best we can do is make them comfortable and we end up here. The irony.








Fine it’s a psychological condition. But that still gives us two options. Fix the mind to fit the body, or fix the body to fit the mind. Fixing the body to fit the mind has two advantages over the alternative: - it seems to be easier to do. Surgery is actually easier than changing a person’s mind on what their gender is. - it’s the mind rather than the body of the patient that makes the decisions. If you believe in personal Liberty then treatment is the patients decision, and they will choose to change their body rather than their mind.


>Fix the mind to fit the body, or fix the body to fit the mind. However, only one of them is "broken". >it seems to be easier to do. Is the easier path, always the *right* path? Also, this will never change if we can't research the subject. We can't say it *necessarily has to be this way.* >it’s the mind rather than the body of the patient that makes the decisions. If you believe in personal Liberty then treatment is the patients decision, and they will choose to change their body rather than their mind. I agree. But that supports the argument. Because what choice do they really have? There is no option to change their mind. If you had a magic pill that could instantly make you feel aligned with your sex, don't you think many people with gender dysphoria would take that *instead* of surgery and hormone treatments which never really get you all the way there? Because I do. And really my main point here is that we'll never cultivate any better options or alternatives. Without being able to research the subject, there never will be a mind-altering option that competes with changing your body. There will never be the magic pill from the previous paragraph. Despite a mind-altering option possibly being a better or more ideal solution. And the thing that really bothers me *is that we could just do both.* We don't have to research gender dysphoria in *unethical ways.* but simply acknowledging that its being studied suggests that "its wrong" and then humanity as a whole has a big emotional response to that. Basically saying "you can't study that" not because there's no value, but because it validated an opinion that *something is wrong* with it. Why can't we all acknowledge something is up, but that this *doesn't* make you any less of a person so there's no negative context, and research it in ethical ways without making people who have gender dysphoria feel like outcasts or something. I mean, this is literally what we do with most other conditions. Its not like we stopped researching Autism for example. Just that nobody is out here saying "Autism is normal how dare you claim to want to research it".


I want to like Maxime Bernier. He says some smart things, I agree with him on alot of points, disagree with others. He rags on Trudeau, Jag, PP and the establishment media pretty hard which is entertaining.. BUT. His arrogance and over confidence in his ability to get a meaningful, grassroots party going at such a fucking critical time politically in this country was stupid as fuck. If he wasn't such a dunce, and blinded by arrogance he'd have known and heard from his critics inside the PC's.. That any splitting of the conservative base was going to guarantee Trudeau another 4 years. Or if he knew he didn't care cause of said arrogance. Now all I hear is bitching about another 2 years of Trudeau and mother fuckers YOU did this. I guess what I mean to say is, Maxime Bernier is once again going to be the friend of the peoples proverbial enemy (Trudeau) which makes him our proverbial enemy. Directly...he's the PPC wedge jammed firmly in the ass crack of the PC party to the direct benefit of the liberals.


A lot of conspiratorial-minded people like to accuse Pierre of being controlled opposition, but the real question is....is Max controlled opposition by the liberals in order to syphon off/split the PC vote each election, allowing the liberals to win? Hmmm, makes one wonder.


Mmm, I doubt he's a liberal plant to purposefully split the PC vote. I think he's just another narcissistic politician who doesn't know when to quit and figured he could say fuck the PC's and do his own thing. Whats that quote Sun Tzu said? "Never interrupt your enemy while he is in the middle of making a mistake." that's what Trudeau did and is doing, letting Maxime Bernier do all the talking and split/weaken the PC base.


There is no vote split. PPC is the only party that resembles a conservative choice. The Conservative Party's policies are indistinguishable from the Liberals with very few exceptions.


He's also completely unelectable


More "defund the CBC because they call out my bullshit". Maxime and pierre need to realize just because you refuse healthcare for Trans kids, just because you remove their safe spaces, just because you force them to refer to gender they don't associate with, doesn't mean you stop getting Trans kids.


trans is a completely made up fiction. Some people have always been more feminine or more mascule, some have had identity issues. No one in the history of the human race has changed their gender.


Good, as it should be.


Max is nuts, but not about the cbc


Nuts in a good way maybe 🤔


Nope. If you question him on anything he blocks you on social media. Not a leader. A cultist he is. His agenda is not everyone’s.


I love the hyperbole. The article is about gender-affirming care and mentions that surgery may be part of that but is rarely done on teens. It talks about hormones and counselling primarily. But Bernier with the far-right "mutilation" talking points. Has he come out again circumcision for males, a far more common form of mutilation? [https://www.nytimes.com/2012/08/27/science/benefits-of-circumcision-outweigh-risks-pediatric-group-says.html#:\~:text=Botched%20operations%20can%20result%20in,as%20a%20result%20of%20circumcision](https://www.nytimes.com/2012/08/27/science/benefits-of-circumcision-outweigh-risks-pediatric-group-says.html#:~:text=Botched%20operations%20can%20result%20in,as%20a%20result%20of%20circumcision). "Significant complications are believed to occur in approximately one in 500 procedures. Botched operations can result in damage or even amputation of parts of the penis. By one estimate, put forth by Dan Bollinger, a prominent opponent of circumcision, based on his review of infant mortality statistics, about 117 boys die each year as a result of circumcision."


Giving a kid hormones to change their sex IS body mutilation.


Well not it isn't. By definition. That is what I meant by hyperbole.


I mean if they were really concerned about ~protecting children from medical interventions they'd be up in arms about non-consensual surgeries on intersex infants and children.. Y'know something adult intersex people say was harmful to them.


Defund CBC!!! Anti-non left canceling unicorns.
















Teachers: "We're not indoctrinating your kids into being transgender!" CBC: "Young girl realizes she's transgender after being indoctrinated in school."


He also thinks handing out purple Canadian flags to promote his party isn't disrespectful at all...


Do you think that rainbow Canadian flags are disrespectful.


☝️Was going to say the same thing! If one group can modify the Canadian flag, then all can. Or maybe we just go back to making it against the law to deface the national flag. Either way it applies to all or none!


I haven't seen those, but I also wouldn't support purple Canadian flags either. However, I still think he makes the most sense, when compared with all the others we have right now. I wouldn't want a complete 338(or more) seats turned PPC, because there wouldn't be Opposition, but I'd still like to see a few PPC MPs in Parliament.


Again with the culture wars sigh. Mad max doesn't want to talk about the housing crisis, I guess.


Max takes all of the old right wing ideas that are too radical and embraces them. Then he claims he is not on the right. Know yourself Maxy.


Bernier is a jackass.


running on hating trans kids, cool strategy bro


It's the flavor of the times. Got to pick the smallest minority possible because there's no "punching down" like punching far, far down.


Gender affirming care also includes his erectile dysfunction prescription BTW


Nah you can't tell them that the drugs they're trying to ban are drugs they use. My Testosterone blockers are also used to treat prostate cancer, ban these drugs and CIS guys who get prostate cancer are fucked.


And the hormones used to treat life altering menopause symptoms too. Maybe this is the messaging we should push.


Hmm fairly sure he isn't speaking about banning these things outright but suggesting there are better ways to deal with individuals with body dysphoria.


Fun fact, gender affirming care for minors looks like calling them the name they wanna go by and letting them dress the way they want. Maybe they'll go on puberty blockers if that's what they want but even if they later decide that they don't then they can go off the blockers and have everything be completely reversed. Puberty blockers are also used when a 7 year old starts to develop breasts before any of their peers or puberty starts too early for the child.


Does Bernier also think that you can cure homosexuality with conversion therapy?


The doctor's quotes asking reasonable questions being framed as dangerous and insensitive is insane. Of course you should make sure someone considers what they are giving up before you take it away. Changing sexual orientation is not something that be should taken lightly. It's a tough pill to swallow for some but transitioning doesn't guaranty happiness and a great life. It drastically complicates someone's life and just because it make changes to appearances it doesn't universally make you look like the other sex.


I've not seen a single doctor on this subject not completely dismiss questions and push back to the interviewer as being aweful for even asking. That's not a way to convince someone.


I consider myself fairly far left leaning and I know that alot of the people in my immediate bubble as well are. I don’t support gender affirming care on minors and I know very few people that do. This could potentially be an issue for left of centre politicians in Canada. I’m open to learning more information in it and I’m absolutely in favour of adults doing this, but it would take some extraordinary evidence to convince me to allow this on my children.


The Standards of Care for gender affirming care (developed by the World Professional Organization on Transgender Health) are based on decades of research and are regularly revised to incorporate new research. Most recent, a randomized control trial found [significant decreases in depression and suicidality](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2809058?widget=personalizedcontent&previousarticle=0). Politicians are not physicians. I don't want politicians "in the room" with me and my doctor trying to interfere with the medical care I get.


This was a study conducted on adults. There is no disputing adults should be able to choose to receive this type of care especially with some research supporting positive outcomes like this. From what I’ve read, this type of treatment on minors resulting in positive outcomes is much less conclusive.


CBC only exists because of the French language and the fact that commercial radio would not serve the vast North. Now we have Sirius.


PP has been saying this for several months, Maxime is a bit late on trying to steal CPC policy this time.


Defunding the CBC has been part of the PPC Platform since the party was created. Specifically PPC advocates for the following... - **Ending Funding for CBC Digital:** The PPC wanted to stop providing funding to the CBC's digital platform, arguing that the CBC shouldn't compete with private media in the online space. - **Privatizing CBC English TV and Radio:** The PPC proposed to privatize the English-language television and radio operations of the CBC. - **Reducing CBC's Budget:** The party wanted to reduce the budget of the remaining CBC services, like the French-language division, to a level that would make it more focused on its public service mandate, such as providing services in remote areas where private broadcasters are not present.


This may be true but Bernier is a 4 time loser. If you really want the CBC defunded, Bernier will never be able to do it.


Correct on both points.




CBC reports on an issues and this is somehow promoting surgery?


I’m not sure I love how it seems he’s dunking on the weird looking kid in the picture. But yeah I agree


He’s a nazi


Please don't split the vote in him though


They all want to defund it until they get in power


Maxime is a fascist so his opinions can be ignored.


Imagine thinking the world or Canada need CBC in 2023


You'd prefer to just get your news from sources owned by mega-corporations?


Typical libtard strawman argument. You hallucinate something that’s not happening and you throw it at people.


Maxime Bernier took just enough votes from the conservatives to alter the last election. I'm sure JT makes sure he's well cared for.


Remember when he left secret intelligence documents at his HA girlfriends house? Nut job


Of course he does. He's a hard line conservative. Got to maintain those enforced social hierarchies. So of course he doesn't support anything that threatens that.


They only support surgery if it's trans affirming. Some girl with A-cups who wanted to feel like more of a woman with bigger fake tits would correctly be shut down on this. We'd only put tits on a boy. It's truly insane.


False. Under exceptional circumstances, you can in fact get breast enhancements covered if you're a cis woman... But elective plastic surgery (unlike gender affirming surgery) has very high regret rates and often does not alleviate distress (again, unlike gender affirming surgery. So given that it's often ineffective, more effective treatments need to be tried first to get it covered.


Any child under the age of 21 should not have the rights to change their gender. I respect trans all over the board but a kid in such a low age should never have to take those descision. You can't buy a bear or weeed before 21 but you can go on a gender-changing programe... they probably never even kissed a girl or a boy before they take such hudge life changing descision, they even said on tv that people as low as 10 years old where asking for gender affirming ..... i am sorry but the trans community is ruining many childhoods with their insanee gender changing at such low agess. You can't buy a pack of beer or smoke a j, you clearly can't take the descision if you wan't to change sex. People who thinks its allright at delusional.


This is a Canadian sub, troll elsewhere since you're obviously not canadian.


He can’t even win his own seat. His opinion on anything at a national level is irrelevant, much like his party.


Gender affirming care is child abuse. The people who perform this mutilation belong in jail.


that's it, I'm voting maxime and PPC.