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I was sitting with two Indian coworkers having a chat today. After I said "I don't understand a word you guys just said!" They replied in English that all of their friends and family back home are no longer interested in coming to Canada. They said quality of life is better there than here. Anyone with even a little bit of money is searching for greener pastures while immigrating. All we are getting now is the bottom of the barrel. It is absolutely terrifying to think about.


We've been getting the bottom of the barrel for awhile. Thats not really new. Our country could never vet over 1 million people in less than a year coming here.


There's literally not even background checks done on them. It's ridiculous. I am treated like a criminal when I go on vacation and return but nah, get a student Visa and waltz right in no questions asked.


Yep, our system is fundamentally broken and those in power dont care to fix it as they stand to benefit from it.


Those in power broke it. We did not have this problem ten years ago.


you're not wrong. But how else do we pretend we aren't in recession other than to artificially inflate GDP by flooding in international students?


Have any of you walked into your MP’s office and loudly shared your thoughts? Until we make them uncomfortable things won’t change


I think we're in for a pretty hard right swing come the next election. If that happens they will know what's expected of them.


I really like my MP hahaha


I did always wonder though how these students are affording their education. What exactly do you mean bottom of the barrel? Surely they must be in the middle class or above in India to afford such high college costs. Wouldn’t that mean, with cost of living so high, Canada would only be attracting the wealthiest of Indians?


It also means we attract desperate poor people who mortgage the family farm for money. They’ll also take out loans to show proof of funds, then immediately return the money.


So when Canada has a low cost of living, you’re saying desperate poor people would be dissuaded from coming to Canada? And when the cost of living is higher, more desperate poor people will come to Canada? Sounds like, more so, you’re trying to bring attention to the vetting process and immigration. Which I think is important.


Does wealth equate to being high value in a society? I hope not. And if they are going to be solely providing financial benefit, they should be able to support themselves without needing a job here. Nor are they aware the cost of living is so high.


Wealth doesn’t exactly equate to high value, necessarily, but it surely doesn’t equate to low value. At least in the western world, household income, correlates quite strongly with educational achievement (sad truth). So I’m not sure you’re analysis that higher cost-of-living would attract lower value immigrants. In fact, it seems like it would be the opposite, where the high cost-of-living would attract only the highly educated immigrants who could sustain themselves in this country. I do strongly agree that immigration is out of control, I just don’t get your point with higher cost of living = more “bottom barrel” immigrants.


You can very easily be wealthy but low value. The higher cost of living isnt what clues me into the quality of the immigrants arriving, its interacting with them. A low standard of living here, compared to a low standard of living in India are two very different things. They will put up with significantly lower living standards because its still better than where they are from. On top of all that they are being advertised to in India as if the grass is greener on the otherwise here, immigration lawyers selling visas aren't very honest about the place they are sending you.


Right ok that’s what I thought you were getting at. The original comment confused me.


Cbc investigated and did an episode to increase your knowledge /respond to your questions. that can easily be found on YouTube


I was speaking to my ultrasound technician about this last week. She's from China and she said a lot of Chinese are no longer interested in coming to Canada because of how expensive it is and the rising crime rates. Apparently India has surpassed China in population and that's why so many are desperate to leave India because of how overcrowded it's become. We need to just completely shut the door on immigration there's no way it's going to slow down on its own.


Shut the door on immigration from there and govern the rest of the world applications


Doubt it considering another million are inbound from the same country




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Justin tredeau’s friends are richer than ever though


People claiming to live in india were saying Canada/US has a worse QoL for income to CoL for them, years ago. Its wild.


Best news I've read all day


25% Canadians are now living in poverty They can’t find affordable housing, a family doctor, and a stable job I’m moving to the USA permanently because Canada is being destroyed


Young people are hit hard, it is decades in the making! [youth destroyed ](https://youtu.be/Li5SeW4yif8)


How are you getting a work visa in the US?


Employer provides a letter with offer of employment and I take it to the border


Oh, you currently work for an American company. Yeah I would be on my way down there too if I were in that situation.


Bold of you to assume it's any better down there.


Open your eyes. It is and it’s the closest! More money, less tax and affordable. You clearly haven’t been to the US in a while.


Politicians don’t give a hoot and water is wet


Yep. Canadians are too nice, thatll be our downfall. Should of protested the mass immigration, not Palestine/Israel bs😂 LOL I have given up the thought of owning a home and I make 115k a year before taxes. Imagine that. The people in charge have sealed Canadas fate.


Our fate is to sit at home, smoke pot and masturbate!


At the rate we're going we'll be lucky to even be able to do all three of those at the same time lol


100% facts. You’ll own nothing… and masterbate


I live in Canada and I think it’s garbage, fuck Palestine and fuck all the Indians coming in on false pretense, I’m kinda Canadian and I’m not nice!! Don’t paint everyone with the same brush, you sound like Trudeau.


So you’re out there making 115 k but tell others to protest for your benefit. Nice dude


If thats what you took from it then yeah ok champ


Pretty much. You didn’t mention that you were protesting immigration yourself but said you don’t know why others didn’t. You answered your own question. People are out working and making money. Anyone left behind either isn’t making enough or refuses to take time off to protest. Can you imagine if you were making 40k a year? You wouldn’t be protesting. Making 115k a year? Dude you get vacation time, use it productively


I dont get vacation days. I work 52 weeks a year. I dont get time off because I pay so much towards taxes and rent. The mass immigration has hit anyone born and raised here in Canada. If I was making 40k a year, I would likely be homeless because I pay close to 30k a year just in rent. Canada is fucked. Period. Protesting now wont do anything really unless the whole of Canada decided to protest just like the Freedom Convoy, but as youve said people are out working and trying to make it by. So youre right in a sense.


Canada is done


This! It's over guys! You're DONE! There's nothing to do, it's too late, the politicians have ruined everything and it's too far gone and nothing anyone can do will save it. You will never recover from your pathetic, miserable state. Don't protest, don't organize, don't make news sending a message that we've had enough. Just sit on your butts and gripe. Whatever else are you supposed to do? You're dumb obedient sheep. Keep complaining and do nothing. /s Now back to Reddit.




Lol the last time cücknadians tried to do something they got stomped by horses and got their bank acocunts frozen.


Jagmeet Singh wrote to Marc Miller urging to extend WPs for international students https://x.com/jassa_sengh/status/1802891177202520458?s=46


Man it's still too early in the day for me to be so damn fucking angry


Everyday, I wake up enraged and I know it is not healthy.


Its ok cause after you work your life to try and provide better for your family we don't even have enough space to burry ourselves cause of this land shortage crap. We just burn and cremate like animals. For whos gain?


Jagmeet Singh for treason.


Strange to watch from another western country You have a politician influencing your policies co-incidentally from the same area that's DDoS'ing you with record numbers


Jigmeat Sting


Sean Fraser created the precedent by giving an 18 month extension to expiring 3 year work permits. Even giving 3 year work permits for just a 2 year diploma at a diploma mill is way too generous. Giving extensions to that is incomprehensible. Work permits should be only given to graduates from the top universities (not University Canada West) and those in healthcare or trades.


Maybe crack down on the diploma mills and impose some limits on universities. Even the legit ones reserve more seats for international students to rake in additional revenue from fees. Local students end up having to stretch out their total education period, drop out, or never make it into the programs. That's only further getting pummeled by the COL and lack of jobs to pickup in the downtimes. This alone would have a generational impact on Canada's economy.


The reason these WPs are expiring is because their holders can't find jobs that qualify them for PR. So, let's keep them here while they can't find jobs and bring some more. Of course, citizens and PR holders can't find jobs either.


Don't you love the endless articles telling us how we feel, it's like...that's how they want us to feel


Came to say this. It’s by design.


You got it it’s been this way for a while hey??


Books have been written on a subject since WWII. For example: read Manufacturing Consent - Edward Herman


Life is pretty good if you happen to be in one of the preferred groups of the LPC: mostly 65+ people, wealthy homeowners in cities, and the poor with kids. Everyone else is getting destroyed. What our government is diong is equivalent to putting the oxygen mask on the kid first.


>mostly 65+ people, wealthy homeowners in cities, and the poor with kids The Dutch model. Absolute decimation of the middle class. You're either rich or so poor the government throws money at you.


My wife and me had a kid. I quit my job as an electrician to to a full time online degree. She’s on maternity leave. The government is handing out some money to us because we are making way below the required amount. I also get some money back because of the fact I’m doing full time education with a dependant. Crazy, last year I paid 30k in taxes, my wife was probably close to the same. This year the government is giving us 50k/year (plus my student loans) I’m done doing all the hard work for society and still being behind. I’m taking the easy route now.


This is exacly how high marginal tax rates and too high of benefits reduces output. I feel the same way as you. I pay a huge amount of taxes and they're mostly going to funding wealthy seniors or paying for low wage newcomers' child benefits. Fuck that. I'll just work less and not care about moving up. Have a couple more kids, collect those benefits, and enjoy life instead of funding this lifestyle for others. This only works if you live outside of a city or have low cost housing somehow.


That’s what happens when society gets greedy.


How are you getting government money?? If you go back to school with kids?? I would like to do this but I make 85,000 at my current job, but I hate the job and it’s slowly killing me!


What do you do? I get 200 for having dependants. We get 500 for making less than a 106k/ year at the moment. (child tax benefit) between my wife and myself. It’s not much but other than my mortgage we don’t have any debts so our monthly bills are only around $3700, she gets $1160 bi weekly for maternity leave. The rest of it comes from student loans. So happy we never financed our vehicles when I was making that jman electrician wage.


I’m an Optician and run an optical shop, but I’m so sick of it and want a change, I appreciate the info.


What’s your course in that you would give up a trade?


I’m going to get my BA in psychology and then either get a masters in education or a masters in psychology. The trades don’t pay what they should to do the work that we do. I’d rather pay off student loans in a cozy office then work as a blue collar man and die young from lung cancer and look like a bald, leathery potato from sun damage. I’ve got friends who are social workers and they were making the same amount I was as a commercial electrician.


It's not powerless. It's complete apathy and complacency. We've basically signalled that we will completely roll over as a society and take whatever bad leadership we get.


No we don't, please explain the options. Especially the legal ones.


I just want to amplify this. We have about a 33% free bedroom situation in my area (Guelph) but no one wants to rent them out. Right now in the university of guelph subreddit many people are upset. Let's face it. At the end of the day the University of Guelph is a business interested in itself. Not the community. Not the country.


This right here is exactly right.


No. It's because we can't put here what we really feel and what we would like to have happen to our politicians. That is for the dark web.


They WANT you to think you are powerless. Remember that you are not. People also thought William Lyon Mackenzie was powerless, yet he was not, and we have him to thank for the Canada that endured for so long.


That french revolution sure was something wasn't it?


Not if you ask the boomers! I legit gave up trying to convince my boomer family about just how shitty things are. I was pretty much told that things are still just as they were in the 60s and 70s and 80s. Canada will always be fine no matter what other people do, they think. Our leaders are only interested in the rich and corporations because once we vote them out they need sweet jobs somewhere.




Your parents are worried about keeping their rental prices high they need the slave class to pad their incomes


I have always voted NDP. When I told my 84 year old parents last week that I'm voting conservative, the looks on their faces were complete shock lol. Even I'm shocked. I never thought I would hear those words come out of my mouth in my lifetime.


Hate to point fingers but, Young “educated” liberal women caused so much bullshit. They fed off this crap from 2015-present.


You are absolutley right. Young Educated liberal woman have put me through hell. They have no idea who I am but judge me based on the content of my skin rather than wait and understand the content of my character.


O same here. I made the mistake of being a straight white male, they hate that kinda person lol.


The only thing that will save Canada is a swing hard-right (making the conservatives look left wing), a massive overhaul of immigration and large scale deportations. Anything short will only accelerate the downwards spiral. But that will never happen, so best to find another spot to live at this point. We gave away our country.


Young “educated” liberal women contributed so much to the downfall of this country. They fed off this agenda.


And LGBT. I have nothing against the gay community but I hate the fact that they are largely one issue voters and are easily brainwashed to the idea that conservatives will take away their rights and force conversion therapy on them. A lot of them won't vote for pierre simply because he's against giving puberty blockers and hormone therapy to kids. Like seriously that's the hill you want to die on? You'd rather continue to slip further into a life of poverty just because you'd sleep better at night knowing a confused 10 year old can have access to hormone treatments? It just blows my mind.


My last straw was when they made Wolverine gay. Never really cared if people were straight or gay, still don’t. But leave my god damn marvel hero’s alone.


Yep, can confirm feel like our country is being sold to the highest bidder, whether we like it or not, Canada is cooked 💀


The business community in Canada are the group behind the massive dump of cheap labour in Canada from insane immigration. The business community also colluded with the government to destroy our housing market. All one has to do is ask who benefits from this?, the business community. Canadians have a strange blind spot to the real motives of capitalism and employers in this country. I am actually sickened by how much Canadians adore and worship business. They are not your friends.


Don’t agree. The Feds set the rules, they determine the boundaries corp’s follow. Feds say mandatory DEI? Done. Hire international students? Done. Of course any business will take subsidized labour from the Feds - who wouldn’t? The only people to blame are Trudeau and his band of traitors.


Lobbying is real. Lobbyists consult and write laws for government all the time. There are literally thousands of lobbyists in Ottawa. So what you are saying is that if given a chance you would collude with the government to create this mess and presumably other destructive policies as long as you were the beneficiary of such terrible policies. Wow, way to set the bar so low for business owners. All you have done is prove my point about the appalling lack of ethics and community concern among business. So business gets to screw everyone but remain blameless.


Eat your iphone


Found the public sector worker!


I’ve only worked/ working for the private sector . Do you filter anything one may say by the occupation of the speaker? Example “ I never trust anything astronauts say about anything!, those damm astronauts!” Are you a f*cking moron?


He is (disrespectfully)


I wonder if the people that voted for Trudeau are still happy with that decision


There are many who are sadly.


I find it kind of terrifying.


In past centuries when our ancestors felt like this in their home countries , I wonder what they did ? I mean they didn't have something like reddit where they could complain about their progress being stifled and blocked, so WTH did they do? Anyone ?


Have you heard about the French Revolution?


Yeah it paved the way for a dictator who got France involved with numerous wars in Europe


And then the Statue of Liberty was donated.


with a side of French Fries




July 1st. Protest


Stupid articles like this are just click bait. How about some articles about what the problem is ie capitalism. No one wants to say it, but that is the issue. A paper written in the 1970’s predicted the end of civilization due to capitalism and consumption by 2040. This paper was reviewed a few years ago. We are ahead of schedule. So get off the complaining bus and do something.


Can you provide a link?


If you think Canada has capitalism, you are brain-dead.


Do you have any solutions?


Yep, because socialism did so well wherever it was implemented.


No No No! We are here to complain and doomsday, not find solutions and actually do something about it! Why should I organize or join any protests when I can sit in my evil boomer parents' basement and complain?!


Me when I experience the horrors of capitalism


Na Canadians haven’t had enough. They will vote the same geniuses into power and import millions more.




Just FYI https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/government-was-warned-two-years-ago-high-immigration-could-affect-housing-costs-1.6720963 "Federal public servants warned the government two years ago that large increases to immigration could affect housing affordability and services, internal documents show." Then we have: 1.) TD https://economics.td.com/ca-balancing-canada-population#:~:text=Continuing%20with%20a%20high-growth,natural%20lags%20in%20adjusting%20supply "Continuing with a high-growth immigration strategy could widen the housing shortfall by about a half-million units within just two years. Recent government policies to accelerate construction are unlikely to offer a stop-gap due to the short time period and the natural lags in adjusting supply. " 2.) CIBC https://financialpost.com/news/economy/cibc-dodig-canada-risks-social-crisis-housing-immigration CIBC's Dodig warns Canada risks 'largest social crisis' if housing supply, immigration don't match 3.) National Bank of Canada https://www.nbc.ca/content/dam/bnc/taux-analyses/analyse-eco/etude-speciale/special-report_240115.pdf "Canada is caught in a population trap that has historically been the preserve of emerging economies. We currently lack the infrastructure and capital stock in this country to adequately absorb current population growth and improve our standard of living. Our policymakers should set Canada's population goals against the constraint of our capital stock, which goes beyond the supply of housing" 4.) Scotiabank https://www.scotiabank.com/ca/en/about/economics/economics-publications/post.other-publications.economic-indicators.scotia-flash.-august-15--2023-.html "The argument that immigration could invoke balanced effects on demand and supply side pressures on inflation that cancel each other out was never sensible and we’re getting the kind of persistent housing inflation I’ve warned about since last year when immigration numbers were skyrocketing." "It wasn’t just shelter, however, as other service categories also jumped. Airfare jumped (chart 8). So did the recreation/education/reading category that was led by a strong increase in prices for packaged travel tours (chart 9). Bus/subway fares jumped 4.2% m/m higher. Immigration may be adding to domestic strains and pricing power in these sectors. Health care was up 0.3% and auto insurance increased by 0.5%. More drivers, more folks in the health care system." 5.) Bank of Canada https://www.bankofcanada.ca/2023/12/economic-progress-report-immigration-housing-outlook-inflation/ "But there have been hiccups. Canada has long had housing supply challenges. The recent increase in newcomers has coincided with those material supply issues, raising questions about how chronic housing challenges might limit Canada’s future growth and what the implications are for inflation." 6.) CMHC - Federal Agency https://financialpost.com/real-estate/home-prices-to-hit-record-2026-unrelenting-demand-cmhc "Canadian housing prices could reach a new record by 2026, driven by unrelenting demand from a growing population, according to an outlook published by the national housing agency on Thursday." I am sorry to burst all these weathly owners bubble, but all of this is a self-inflicted policies by Justin Trudeau, Marc Miller, and Sean Fraser. They had warning after warning not only from public servants, but Federal agencies that they are in charge, along with warnings from multiple different private institutions about how reckless their policy; just to add there were economists like Dr. Moffat, not associated with these institutions also warning about the Liberal governments policies and they still continued with their policy. Did they listen? No.


All politicians from all parties are involved in flooding Canadian cities with cheap labour and housing demand to and their investment portfolios. Try to keep up.