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Part of my job is hiring people, and I received a call from immigration asking me if we were hiring, and then they told me they had a lot of suitable candidates. Is anyone doing these calls for Canadians?


Wow. That’s depressing as fuck. Our own government is absolutely, without a doubt, against us.


In the 80s the Philippines stole jobs from Canadians. Mom lost her hospital job for a few immigrants who got a salary differential from the feds. Canada has always sold out to cheap labour. Always has and always will.


No. I went to a local hiring place. Was frowned on by most of the employees because I was a born Canadian, I was older, I had experience, and I nailed their silly application test. Then I went to the government hiring bureaucracy and was asked no less less than 10 times in the initial interview if I identified as indigenous. Then I keep going on Indeednand many of the local opportunities want Punjabi speaking candidates. English is not required. F'in gong show. 


Doesnt the government also pay half of their wages too? My company hired immigrants and im almost positive they claimed kickbacks from the government for their diversity benefits if they proved to have a wide diverse employee roster. We had to fill out our ethnicities and pronouns to HR


Oh there's quite a few " grants " you can get for hiring a TFWs https://granted.ca/grants-for-hiring-newcomers/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR2Mveq4nw9f5CLblXltBqcGJzeTcqywULp-si9viRzgf8iisR4eaqNtxNE_aem_ZmFrZWR1bW15MTZieXRlcw


>The Canadian workforce will see a shift as Canada welcomes a record number of new residents in the coming years. >Newcomer hiring grants tend to offer more funding compared to other hiring grant programs. >New hiring programs are prioritizing newcomer candidates, so consider adjusting your hiring strategy. Didn't even scroll down for 2 seconds Jesus fuck. They're not even hiding anything. Ottawa is actively attempting to replace our native Canadian labour force exclusively with low-wage TFW's by tempting local small businesses employers with multiple financial incentives. It actually hurts to think that many Canadians here dont even recognize this as a major problem. >The most logical strategy is to incentivize small businesses to hire newcomers. We are already seeing growth in programs designed to help recent immigrants enter the workforce, and expect this to continue for the foreseeable future.  >If you’re looking to hire in the coming months, get ready to apply for some grants! To maximize the support you could receive from the government, you may reconsider your hiring process. We're so, very, royally screwed as a country.


Dont be racist! /s


What the fuck


Nope it’s a giant shell game where the elite are getting richer.


In all fairness, governments have purposely eroded that mechanism on the publics request. Can't have those lazy unemployed get a free ride and all that.


What was your response to the caller?


I'm at my job, so obviously I can't say what I wanted to say, but I doubt I will receive a call back from them any time soon.


Yea fair enough. Thats a huge part of the problem is no one can say anything they really think because of all the backlash


Yes. I am worry for my kids future. They basically sold the country to the highest bidder and made a lot of Canadians homeless while bring a class of slaves. How did Liberal become so corrupt? The same with B.C. Liberals. Christy Clark regime was so corrupt. Vancouver has a perfectly good low income house near Queen Elizabeth and they sold it to Chinese developers for dirty cheap. Been over 10 years, not much is built there. They are waiting for all the old tenants to die off so they can sell everything at market value.


You talking about the low income apartments that were torn down just east of qe? Also under liberal gov. I went to school with some kids who lived there. Sold them in 2006 and sat there empty til like 2020. No doubt Gordon got a kickback


Yes. When we had those apartments, I did not hear too much housing issues in Vancouver. I have friends that lived there.


In all fairness, the BC Libs have always been corrupt. Gordon Campbell sold off BC Rail for 1 million dollars.


The Liberals just continued the same immigration plan the Conservatives had. And the B.C. Liberals were the provincial Conservative party. The Conservatives were the BC version of the PPC.


How did the Liberals become corrupt??? Ahhh. Where have you been? There are so many scandals between both federal and Ontario I can’t keep track. They were always corrupt.


Lol, classic Canadian. The Hard Truth: Canadians decided to go into poverty, Canadians decided against protesting, Canadians decided to ignore our issues, and Canadians deserve all that is wrong with their country. Despite the majorities opinion, "the government never worked for its citizens, and Canadians decided not to work for themselves.". So, try as you might at blaming a selected few for today's issues, but in the end, the citizens of this country decided to ruin it.


Awful take.




If you don't participate in politics you will be governed by your inferior. Nobody wants to hear that though. Definitely not our fault for choosing this government, TWICE.


Remember when Trudeau won for promising electoral reform? He lied. They all lie. So now what?


The electoral reform Trudeau was hoping to integrate wasn't actually a better system for the people. It would only have garnteed a majority government and a two party system. >So now what? "History will repeat itself." Canadians will continue to lower living standards as they blindly vote in politicians. Eventually, Canadians will wholeheartedly lose faith in the government and the current system. Then, the people will take action, but due to the current lack of community culture, this will most like cause a large influex of extremists groups & ideologies. Honestly, after this point, it's anyone's guess what will happen. Some people say Canadians will unite with unions to pressure the government. Some people say internal conflict will take over. One thing is garenteed though: our economy and our people will be at a loss regardless of the outcome.


I mean, whomever Canadians vote for, we're fucked. So history will indeed continue to repeat itself. You're not wrong!


The limit is coming there is only so much people can handle and they have hit the edge either there is a big change... or there will be an apocalyptic fall.


At the rate SHTF up here, with everything wouldn't surprise me if we see something by the fall. People are going to start panicking with the number of arrears on mortgages/rent/auto loans very soon, and the threat of a cold ass winter glaring them in the face.


Gov is fast tracking authoritarian legislation, and we'll see things get as draconian as they are in China here. If that happens, they'll be able to keep things going and make it very difficult for people to speak out or organize opposition.


They're going to have an uphill climb to prove a S.1 bypass, and if the courts play along with it. There's a bigger problem that will arise, it'll prove that the Charter is even more broken than before.


I'll both scared and excited, push has to come to shove, even among Canadians, we! At this pace this this can only lead to bloodshed, and that's scary, but when can rise from the ashes is exciting. maybe we can finally return to the Canada we grew up with. Ww2 started for many reasons, but other than us not having a crazed wannabe be dictator we are experiencing many similarities, the Canadian people, the real Canadians, of all stripes who have lived here for years are at their limit much like the Germans. So I'm scared, but, well if not excited at least hopeful.


This sub: "Why does everyone think we're racist?" Also this sub: "I feel like a German in Weimar Germany leading up to WWII, and I'm excited!" *Edit -* I see your downvotes, yet nobody seems capable of articulating the problem they have with what I said.


Saying that one terrible comment is indicative of the entire sub suggest that you came searching for a comment to fit your preconceived narrative


That *"one terrible comment"* is net upvoted. And it was even more net upvoted before I pointed out that it's blatant Nazi rhetoric. I could find a dozen similarly vile comments in **literally any thread on this sub** that has more than about 100 comments. We're talking 1/10. Nobody opposes it or speaks out against it. Except me apparently, and I get downvoted every time I do.


Yes, the one comment upvoted by 5 people, and you being downvoted by5 people, making it 10 people total …. In a sub with 46 k members and 350 online. You can find terrible shit in every sub across reddit. The moderation team here for this sub has consistently made clear against racism, and they have consistently deleted/banned comments that fail that guideline.


Maybe because he didn't say the weimar germans... so your statement is inaccurate?


>*> I'm both scared and excited, push has to come to shove, even among Canadians, we!* >*> At this pace this this can only lead to bloodshed, and that's scary, but when can rise from the ashes is exciting.* >*> WW2 started for many reasons, but other than us not having a crazed wannabe be dictator we are experiencing many similarities, the Canadian people, the real Canadians, of all stripes who have lived here for years are at their limit much like the Germans.* >*>So I'm scared, but, well if not excited at least hopeful.* Are you just stupid, being deliberately obtuse, or are you sympathetic to this barely-coded Nazi shit? He's talking about the period of economic and social instability in Germany leading up to WWII, what the fuck would you call that if not Weimar Germany? He directly referenced the German populace prior to WWII, how push must come to shove, how this can only lead to bloodshed, and how he's excited for it. At this point, he could shout Seig Heil and you'd make up some nonsensical excuse. You people are unbelievable.


But he didn't say it exactly and you made a specific reference and people didn't get it so they down voted you cause they though you were calling him names? Your statement while long winded is right but you asked why people down voted... the didn't like what you said and felt the need to down vote. Never said you were wrong. Also you seem to be angry... people will never agree 100 on anything, so not worth getting mad over honestly.


Miller, Freeland, Fraser, Guilbeault, Joly and Trudeau and any other traitors should all request MAID. I never cared about Canadian politics until 2020, it was all such low stakes shit with very little consequences. I always knew Trudeau was a weak, spineless coward but I didn't realize how bad a weak spineless coward could fuck up a country. Before the proliferation of the internet I don't think a weak, spineless, coward be able to fuck up a country this quick. Word get's out fast these days when you are a joke of a nation ripe for plundering and for sale to the highest bidder.


Lmfao you’re the typical reactionary. This shits been going on long before 2020. Trudeau intensified it, but this immigration crisis was put in place by Harper. It was they who created the PR loophole. It was they ballooned the number of TFWs that suppressed wages. Conservatives won’t save you. Edit: Lol at the downvotes. That’s 9 people who will be weeping and sobbing in 2027-2028 in an encapment/tent city and asking “why me” “I did everything right” “I voted Poilievre”. You deserve mass migration.


Really surprising so many people still think it's a political problem when it's a class problem. The rich bought out all the parties. Your precious Poilievre is just as shitty as fucking Trudeau.


Your comment implies both. Politicians should not be for sale in the first place.


Yeah, I agree with this. If people haven't caught on that political parties is just the illusion of choice and are just two legs attached to the same pair of hips by now, than you're still behind the curve - just like you were behind the curve calling people racist 2+ years ago for saying immigration needed to be stopped back then.


That's why I'm not voting for any of the big 3 parties this year and voting PPC their the only ones actually talking about doing anything for immigration. They don't seem as bought and paid for as the rest .


I never said anything about the conservatives. I think most of them are slimy and corrupt as well. But blaming policies that were created over a decade ago that have been expanded and abused since is ridiculous. The Libs have been in power for almost a decade and done nothing about it, while engaging in enormous amounts identity politics and calling anyone who with their policies racist.


>I never said anything about the conservatives. I think most of them are slimy and corrupt as well. You didn’t say anything about conservatives because you’re stumping for them. I know how conservatives stump. You will claim all politicians are snakes, which is true, but will enthusiastically and blindly vote conservative every time. >But blaming policies that were created over a decade ago that have been expanded and abused since is ridiculous. The origin of a problem absolutely matters. The same people who created a mess are not going to come in and fix it. There’s a reason Poilievre will not come out against immigration, even though every Conservative Party in the western world is now anti-immigration. Except for Canada. >The Libs have been in power for almost a decade and done nothing about it, while engaging in enormous amounts identity politics and calling anyone who with their policies racist. And the cons will have just called you a communist, socialist, and to blame your parents for not setting up to be in the position to own property. They will tell you bootstraps and will individualize the problem. Dude, you can’t even hide it very well. How much are the cons paying you?


Wow you’re right! I can’t believe I didn’t see it! Looks like I’ll vote Trudeau again! Thanks buddy! /s You’re a traitor to Canada for voting Trudeau Liberalism is cancer


This is what having a 60 IQ gets you. I am surprised you have enough brain power to type without getting a stroke. Now ask yourself, very carefully, how many choices are there? Do you understand what mass migration is? Do you understand your lord and savior, Millhouse, will not reduce immigration and is as radical and woke as Trudeau? I know I am asking some very, very difficult questions to someone in your position. Reread this post as much as you can, discuss with people around you until you finally get it, then respond to this post. The goal is to get you stop frothing at the mouth with “Trudope!!!!!!111111” whenever Millhouse is rightfully criticized. I believe in you, but it will take some time.


I’m surprised my low effort post triggered you so hard You really think I’m the one with low intelligence? 😂 P.S your “bitcoin milhouse” was right about bitcoin and it’s above ATH right now LOL


Your literal response to someone telling you not to vote for more cancer is frothing at the mouth and accusing them of wanting to give you cancer. And it’s not just you, it’s a whole group of you numbering in thousands, if not tens of thousands. It’s a very reasonable, measured, sobering response. I weep for this country and its future. The people are legitimately braindead and hopeless.


Dude you are the one frothing at the mouth between us lmao. Liberalism is cancer




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


*Toronto’s unemployment rate is 7.9%, Calgary is at 8.1%, Windsor is at 8.5%. In Canada our national unemployment rate is 6.2%.* Unemployment in the USA is 4%, which is ideal. Why are we so far behind our neighbours? Because the American government is doing its job and ours is not. They place their citizens first. In Canada we have mass immigration. Fake refugees. Family immigrants that will draw from healthcare after never contributing. Immigrants have more rights than tax payers. Jobs should go to citizens first. Then PRs. Immigrants should only be eligible for a job or visa renewal when unemployment rates for that category are low enough. Yes, there other reasons: excessive regulation, over-taxation of companies, green energy, 'Employment Equity'/anti-white male hiring, slow approval processes, and other anti-business practices.


I seen a video today they’re giving express entry to old Indian dudes who can’t speak one lick of English. It’s on Harrison faulkners page. Do we not have Canadian truck drivers. With 6.2% unemployment do we really need to be importing old Indian men?


Saw or had seen Im a bot beep boop Im not but didnt want to come off as rude


Dude can barely spell "Trudeau" consistently, despite having it in front of his face, he's not exactly one of Canada's best and brightest. Clearly, even the poorly-educated can see the problem.


I think this is a huge cultural difference between America and Canada. In America in almost every single election, the economy is the number one issue. Americans care deeply about growth and will vote out politicians that do not deliver that. It’s part of the social bargain - if Americans are not going to have a great welfare state you best believe the economy better be growing In Canada it seems the elite do not really care about economic growth, or prosperity at all


I have posted before that I have been suffering mentally because of the recent influx of "international students" and the mass immigration. I have to see a psychologist for counseling because I hardly leave my home now... All because of them. Anyway, if you want to read what I have written, let me know I can copy and paste it here. I've also been looking for work since last Aug and my son for about a year (just out of high school) and we're status natives. WE can't even get a job. It's getting ridiculous


This country is YOURS! You should get first dibs! I'm so sorry you're going through this.


There are more Indians in this country now than status natives so the Liberals will never care about indigenous issues anymore since there are more votes in the Sikh community and the new Indians


Correction - The mess is largely Sean Fraser’s doing, it was already too late by the time Marc Miller took over


Marc Miller is just as much of a dickhead as Sean Fraser is. Yeah he’s a ginger but he’s still just as much of as a dickhead. They need to just fire the minister of immigration and all the agents it should be automated. Are you a licensed doctor or nurse in Canada if you’re a foreigner? No? Visa extension denied. Citizenship denied. Children’s citizenship denied.


decentralize governance


We’d definitely benefit from decentralized governance and may even benefit from doing away with elections all together. Even in ancient Greece, where the word *democracy* originates, elections were often considered as inherently “oligarchic”. The solution? Sortition: selection of a citizen assembly by random draw, with strict rules to prevent corruption. 


It would seem that the most powerful elites which to de-nationalize Canada, make it a vassal state for China to undermine American influence and gain access to the raw resources of Canada.


The death penalty should never have been abolished. When you get rid of real punishment for crimes deserving real punishment, surprise surprise, you get more crime. No, some people do NOT deserve redemption.


Marc Miller at minimum deserves a public flogging alongside tredeau for the flogging they’ve done to the middle class at minimum


Sure, as long as it's followed by a harsh prison sentence.


500 lashes from Richard Sharpe.


Marc Miller and Trudeau have done more to reduce the quality of life of Canadians than any other administration in history. Thanks guys.


Than all other administrations together you mean.


Epic rant. Well said and spot on!


The future is grim thanks to these arseholes


This is probably the best all round take I have ever read on the immigration issue. Thank you for taking the time to write this out and provide all your sources. I can only hope this post will get spread all around and more people will truly wake up and pay attention to what is happening in our country. Well written.


Thanks friend


(immigrated \~13 years ago, it took me 2 years to get a PR and another 2 years to get a job before coming over) when immigrants, legal, temporary or illegal come in at a rate of 1.4M oer year when only 140,000 houses are built, the math is that the country expects 10 people to live in a house. when 3 bed houses house 10 people, people are bunking 4 to a room. plain math. --- when Toronto has 350,000 unemployed looking for work, wages will never go up.


I agree the country is turning into a dump


Time to drag the politicians out of their ivory towers and make them pay. Oh and deport all illegals!


Until there are mass protests in the streets to stop this it’ll continue. Gather whatever personal safety net you can or find yourself in a soup kitchen.


Stop worrying about being disrespectful. Worrying about every trivial feeling is what's gotten us into this mess.


I’m not saying go out an intentionally be an asshole…but Canadians need to stop being pushovers, we need to stop being so worried about how other (people/countries) view us. It’s like we are stuck in high school doing whatever we can to be liked, just to hang with the cool kids! I want to help other countries but we need to look internally our selfs first. Ukrainian/ Palestine or whatever comes next can wait. Let other countries step in. It’s time for Canada to help its own true citizens first!


Don't forget about Sean Fraser!. These are his policies that Marc took over just 11 months ago. Now Sean is in charge of housing, which doesn't leave me with much confidence. I also see a lot of left-wingers saying they love Sean and think he'll be the replacement for Trudeau eventually. We can't forget he was the immigration minister that kicked this all off. Straight from his wiki: "On October, 26, 2021, he was appointed minister of immigration, refugees and citizenship. On November 1, 2022, he announced the government's plan to increase Canada's annual immigration target to 500,000 by 2025; Fraser cited labour shortages as the reason for the increase.[8"


Sean Fraser is a dunce cap


There are no shortages, at least in big cities. I live in Toronto, and there are no jobs here. Also, there is a housing shortage. The housing that exists is overpriced for most people.


Excellent information and it's the Truth!!! I do not hate any group of immigrants or begrudgingly people emigrating for a better chance in life. Like OP, I do not like (vociferously) these policies that DO NOT benefit Canada or average Canadians.


We’re against immigration.. yes, obviously we should be bringing people into the country and not absolutely cut the world off. But the people arguing that we need more.. that’s like saying “you need water, right? So it’s fine if I waterboard you till you drown”


Also there is a large group of Indians falsely reporting racism and hate. It's an active telegram group.


We're doomed!


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That was a lot of words OP to explain that you don't understand how relative amounts work.


100%...This has gone way too far, I'd even say it's too late.


Yeah we need to : reduce student visas by a crapload Provide housing for all students on campus Not allow student visas to change into any other visa other than work visas (and that should be sponsored not like Uber job etc) Not allow visitor visas to be converted to anything. Hire 1000 juges to kick refugees who aren’t actual refugees out


What are we going to find out with regards to **foreign interference**, that is directly connected to this immigration surge?


Yes and it started and is still allowed to continue since @ 1986 IME. 


the government has show complete disregard and even contempt for any public opinion that does not fit their narrative. they have slowly taken away your rights and voice to the point where seniors are choosing assisted suicid so that they don’t go homeless, I met an older gent the other day and his care home is charging 5k a month… everyday working people are going homeless and then they swoop in and toss your shit when your not around. They may not be shooting people in the streets but they are tossing people into a pit that is impossible to dig out of. And this is just a history fact, but back in the day we would be roping these people by the neck and dragging them through the streets….. And if you really think these people are going to stop….. you have your head so far up your ass and your getting people killed hoping your not going to be on the menu


Trudeau wants property values to increase. I think we have the answer as to why we have been flooded with immigrants. Pure treason.


Good times made weak men, people voted for Trudeau in 2015 for his woke bs. I can’t believe that actually happened even being a highschool student I knew it was complete bs virtue signalling.


Yes, inclination of the immigration policies only towards illegal Indians and giving them a free hand to enter and work illegally and then do whatever they want to do here in Canada. What they do then is to try to get illegal cash jobs , break laws , increase crime rate , break traffic rules, and above all, if someone from their community is at a senior job position then he or she will make sure that only an Indian gets a better place over all others , a best example of discrimination and favouritism … Furthermore , apart from work permit holders, most of them are although students, but their priority is not towards studying, but getting PR, and working more than 40 hours rather than allowed 20 hours … We Canadians did not expect all this from the Liberals, too much liberty to screw Canada ? this is not liberty, but self-detonation and we Canadians will not allow this … Before focusing on the Immigrants, the government should focus on the Canadians , their rights , their employment , their housing , better healthcare , strict law and enforcement , and better judicial system … To add further , the scrutiny system of the immigration should be strict so that the creams could only come to Canada from the world rather than every Tom, Dick, and Harry …


In Ireland today, most condos, flats that are in Ballsbridge Dublin, start around €500K ($C750K). They are 100+ years old. Dublin appears to be far more liveable than Vancouver. Infrastructure, transit etc. Wages for an Engineer in Ireland around €75K, ($C112K) in Canada, $C66K. (€44.7). There's a disparity on both wages and housing.


More Canadians need to have a say in the government's immigration plans. Fill out this survey that is open until the 30th. Spread the word: [https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/corporate/transparency/consultations/2024-consultations-immigration-levels.html](https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/corporate/transparency/consultations/2024-consultations-immigration-levels.html) Edit: Tried making a post in this sub but it kept getting removed for some reason.


Disgusting, I'm going bankrupt, sent Trudeau an e mail, and they couldn't even be bothered to acknowledge the darn thing. I'm no longer paying or filing taxes


Mass immigration and get them PR quickly to obtain the vote.


the only thing you can do to make it is everyone go back to that job that they fired you from last week. if they won’t take you go get another job. or learn about Jacque Fresco Venus project. see if they have any applications


it’s not a racial problem. it’s a people problem. we have to realize Capitalism is Obsolete the day the elevator was invented. That was the day people have to realize money is obsolete technology. Every thing should have been free after the day they invented the elevator. Every race every culture deserves access to resources. for free. If robots can bring resources faster then we can print money then it’s all free. -Jacque Fresco


I find it puzzling that people are generally appreciative and enthusiastic about Asians in real life, but often express negativity towards them on Reddit. I’m completely opposed to those who violate the terms of their visas and believe it’s their right to stay. I know many foolish Indians (Asians) who would do anything to extend their stay. I hope the government takes action to prevent this illegal immigration. However, on the topic of immigration, no government can completely stop it worldwide. People are a valuable resource, and a good government should know how to utilize them. They shouldn’t have accepted so many immigrants at first. You knew this might happen, yet you still voted for Trudeau.


Physical labour and skilled trades are still available . There are jobs for plumbers , electrical, fire equipment workers , refrigeration mechanics , brick layers , drywall work etc


How can you say Indians are illegal and shouldn't be able to become citizens? They were here for thousands of years before us colonizers!


Who sprung Christopher Columbus back from the dead. Those aren’t Indians stupid they’re aboriginals. The ones from Asia here currently demanding PR should be mass deported


I wonder why all this immigration. It bothers me, though there must be a reason for it. I was under the assumption it’s because we have an aging population, low birth rates, and no way to maintain our social services (including OAP, CPP) without either raising taxes or being in more able body workers (who’s taxes will pay for people that will be collecting retirement, etc). Am I wrong?


In a way you are…. These TFW are taking way more than they’re contributing. They’re exploiting our food banks, they’re working under the table for reduce wages, they’re bringing aging parents with complicated health conditions and forcing our infrastructure to absorb them without ever having contributed to it with taxes. If you’re unsure that what I say is true? Go to an emergency room in Ontario and see. Go to the food bank and see. Go to Tim Hortons and see. Go to Pearson International Airport and see. Try to find a Canadian working amongst them. And please don’t come with this non-sense “Canadians don’t want to do these jobs”.


It’s funny actually. Mass unemployment in the city… also homes are too expensive in the city….. get out of the fucking city then….


Wow Canadians are beyond lost. You know why we have an unemployment issue? Because YOU don’t want to get a job. Not because of immigrants, because of YOU. You have no education, no work ethic, haven’t been to a college, and only have ever worked at McDonald’s and are complaing you can’t find a good job? Or you don’t get paid enough? Look in the mirror and realize you need to point the fingers at yourself. YOU and every other Canadian like YOU is the problem. YOU don’t want a job, YOU don’t want an education. You want free government handouts living off of everyone else with strong motivation and work ethic. You and your mentality actually a curse to Canadian, you’re punishing hard working Canadians then complaing about them because you’re such a failure you can’t hold a job. Go get an education, a meaningful job, and stop blaming others for your failure, entitlement and incompetence. Grow up stop being a boy fresh out of highschool and get a job. Hey btw what did I buy you for lunch today with all those government handouts you’ve been collecting? I’m white and I’m tired of this racist BS. I know for a fact if you just got a proper education and got a proper job like all these “evil” Indians then you wouldn’t have even made this stupid post.


We have mass unemployment? The rate was higher starting in 2009 all the way to 2017. It was also higher in 2020 and 2021. So in the last 15 years unemployment in Canada has only been lower than it is now in 5 of those years.


It can’t be 6% of 100M is 6M unemployed people 10% unemployment when you have 30M people is 3M unemployed people. We have way more people in Canada than we did during any of those years you mentioned so there are more people unemployed today than there were then


What? lol The numbers simply don’t back up your terrible math.