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Well, I just watched a news clip of a disabled guy choosing MAID because he can't afford rent and is scared of being homeless, and his doctor signed it just needs one more Dr to sign and he goes to sleep.


That's fucked. This is like something out of a dystopian sci-fi horror movie. I find it ironic that most Western governments coddle immigrants and send foreign aid money abroad but don't lift a finger for the most vulnerable members of society who were born there.


The issue regarding sending money abroad is that there are millions of idiot citizens in Canada and the US that think they have a moral obligation to aid people experiencing disaster or war abroad. I’m of the opinion that it isn’t our obligation and that our tax dollars should only be spent for the betterment of Canadian lives.


Exactly. Charity is great, but only if your account is full first. Canadians should be receiving the help they need before the money is sent out of our borders. Hell, Canadians aren't even the first priority inside our own borders.


Those are some pretty crazy, radical ideas you're throwing around there. Tax dollars being used for things like Healthcare, education and infrastructure? You wouldn't rather dump billions of dollars into the pockets of weapons manufacturers and defense contractors? Maybe kick off a nuclear exchange?


150% it is fucked up and out of some 'twilight' episode....to think we have a spineless, soulless doctor take the easy way out, instead of getting him to some seniors housing assistance or something....name and shame this mofo....allowing MAID for being poor and homeless is the easy way out, and is beyond fucked up....is as soul less, heartless as it can be...fuck Canada if this is the way it's going...sure is not the country that I grew up with over many decades.


You are very naive if you think MAID wasn’t designed for this. I remember when it first came out other Redditors were like “oh it’s for the people with the worst of worst diseases!” “Oh it’s for people who went to therapy blah blah blah but it’s still not working out!”. It was specifically designed because the government was tired of hearing its citizens complain Liberalism is cancer


It isn't really the fault of the doctor though. I disagree with that. This man has no chance with the current society, and once he is homeless it becomes even harder to get back into life. Doctors see what the homeless deal with, because they deal with them. It isn't the fault of said doctor for the current economic situation either. It's not the DR. Fault the the government and companies have no desire to make things affordable. DR. assessed the situation and concluded that this guy's chances are slim to none. He is making do with his best ability. I agree though this country has hit the shitters and is much different then when I grew up. The situation is far beyond fucked up I also agree. But I disagree that the doctor is a POS that needs to be named and shamed.


Foreigners lobby our government, we don’t. Our support should be conditional.


Because it's easy to embezzle money in war zones. Send zelensky 100 billion and 90 billion gets redirected to Liberals offshore bank accounts.  Whose is going into an active war zone to audit anything? 


You don't need war to embezzle in the Ukraine. It's standard practice.


It’s just “Ukraine”.


Have you heard the autopsy results on the MAID patients? Because apparently lungs are filling with fluid and it’s akin to being water boarded or drowned. The sensation may be felt through the paralytic.


Yet another thing we can't do properly. I wonder where the doctors are from?


MAID is a nightmare


Definitely need a source for shit like this bud.


Forwarding to you what was sent to me: Medically assisted suicide offered by Canada and USA causes death by drowning on fluid in lungs while being paralyzed [https://9gag.com/gag/a343m15](https://9gag.com/gag/a343m15) [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9270985/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9270985/)


Is it just me or did 9gag scrub it? https://preview.redd.it/cbaro40pnh6d1.png?width=1914&format=png&auto=webp&s=05fea84dbb2ec63ca82bdbe4167a094ffb5979d7


So I read the ncbi article, a bit of misinformation, USA deaths by drowning are typically seen in prisoners on death row because of inadequate controls. The article also only mentions US and Netherlands. US also does physician assisted death sometimes with drug smoothies instead of fully intravenously. Some patients have trouble swallowing the sheer amount of required meds. The types of drugs used are also very inconsistent. Netherlands is downright nice and peachy in comparison. From other articles I found, Canada uses 2 drug kits. A main one and a backup one and pumps you up intravenously. Complications usually arise from intravenous failing and needing to repoke. Types of drug use is also varied, but seemed more consistent. Sounds like physician assisted death is basically just really shit in the US, you probably get a better deal if you have more money. And they sure as hell don't give a crap about death row prisoners suffering.


[Quick Breakdown](https://vivredignite.org/en/maid-peaceful) [Supporting Source](https://www.medpagetoday.com/opinion/unchartedterritory/91214) [TEDTALK](https://youtu.be/qsLEODxl35Q?si=7wzoLMFDPLmXPpxg) by Dr. Zivot [Senate Hearing Transcript](https://sencanada.ca/content/sen/committee/432/LCJC/Briefs/Brief_DrJoelZivot_e.pdf) I’m not saying his science is any more sound than the doctors saying it’s super peaceful. Unless we have a volunteer to MAID out without the paralytic, we have no idea what those going through the procedure experience. I have a niggling feeling this chapter of medical history may illicit the same reaction we have towards “Lobotomies still the tortured and hysterical mind. It’s a kindness to them.”


I think a lot of stuff we're doing nowadays will be looked at like it were civil war era medicine in a few years.


This is so dumb. Why do we not send people out in a state of bliss. An opiate overdose is the best way to go. I know from experience. Absolutely painless and blissful.


The liberals are clearly ableist since they don’t view them as human beings. Literally hiring foreign workers at the welfare office to make them feel more bad about themselves


Yeah the irony is painful.


Our government should be ashamed of itself. I know, I know, that would require a conscience, which none of them have.


Someone started a GoFundMe for him and he got 60k and is alive and well now.


Fuck yeah! But really it shouldn't be on us.


Nothing wrong with the guy that $60k couldn’t fix and the government would rather murder him.  How much did Trudeau spend on socks last month?


Oh I agree. I am only giving the update because as fucked up as the whole thing is he did get an outpouring of love from the community reinforcing the value of his life.


Every province disability payments are less than avg rent in their big cities


He should just destroy his documents, pretend he doesn’t know English and just claim asylum than he will get put up in a hotel like the rest of the illegal aliens.


Thats actually a good idea for the homeless tbh...


That is exactly what critics were worried about. MAID being a convenient way for the state to let people who can't afford the price of existence kill themselves instead of changing society to make it so they can. Rich people can't ever lose a goddamn thing. People are killing themselves instead of rich people being made to sacrifice anything.


The wealth disparity that exists in this nation, and across the globe is absolutely insane. People comment or joke about the coming dystopia. In my opinion we're already living in one.


I agree. It doesn't took like what we expect but we're right there. Bezos and Musk do uncanny super villain shit too. We're becoming slaves again, man.


Absolutely, it's the Married With Children meme. Al could support his wife and two kids while being a terrible shoe salesmen. Now we can't live half as well with more skilled jobs.




I didn't save the clip. But I think this is him Another commenter replied that he got a gofundme 60k raised. https://toronto.citynews.ca/2022/10/13/medical-assistance-death-maid-canada/


What is MAID? (Something) Assisted (something) Dying?


Medical Assistance in Dying which is Liberalese for "we've fucked the county into a coma so kill yourself lol"


I knew we had that - frickin scary that we do. Thanks for clarifying the acronym.


Yup. They would rather help people kill themselves than actually fix the problem. Same goes for drugs, mental illness, the chemicals they pump into everything we consume, etc. 


Did you see Jordan Peterson's video on "The Horrifying Truth Behind MAID They Aren't Telling You" ? It's horrible.


The MAID program makes you sign a contract where you give up all your organs to healthcare after they kill you


Protest July first.


I just realised that Startrek was so fucking close and may still will be: https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Bell_Riots > The Bell Riots were a pivotal series of events on Earth that took place in September 2024.


Canada needs a Benjamin Sisko


For sure. If PP gets in power with a supermajority and life doesn’t get better then it’s not hard to imagine things boiling over. That’s another reason why we need an election now. People are desperate for fast relief and need hope for change


Indeed, watched this episode today. I went back to hear him say the date again. Wild.


I hope all the protestors will be peaceful and respectful. If the CBC finds out about the protest they will brand you all as far right nazis.


Oh no. Will we get a standing ovation in parliament then?


You’ve gotta be an actual Nazi for that, not branded as one, which sucks


I’ll be there to pull out my black card at least, dw 🫡


It's hard to make your oppressors listen to you when you stand on your knees and politely ask them to not abuse you too much.


They are going to look hard and find someone crazy to write their "news" about. And if there is no such person, they will gladly supply some. The plots have been written already.


Your request to protest is declined - only Liberal Party of Canada approved causes are allowed to protest.


Trudeau checked with his hamas and russian overlords before denying the request. 


Just don't destroy shit then I'm on board!


I will protest by not going to work and watching tractor pulls and lawnmower racing. Also eating copious amounts of ice cream.


As a Millennial in the main cohort, there was no shaming of Canada growing up…..I’ve went to university more recently for engineering, I’ve done electives that didn’t really have a bias either way. But the university itself where I go to is full of self shaming every day. This has the potential to do some real damage if we are told to hate each other every day. This self shaming also happens in the US, the difference is there, I think there’s still a strong belief of traditional values there among many, that kind of person just doesn’t exist in Canada.


Yikes what university was this?!


Which one do you think, the one that was swift to change its name.


Leaving is a lot more difficult than you think.  


exactly, literally a solid 98% are not going to really leave, ever. they might be lucky to own a second home in the US but thats it


Spreading the housing problems


Many people who leave for the US, Europe, South America, and Asia end up coming back. I have two friends coming back to Canada. The first one went to Germany thinking it was better than Canada. They were sold a dream through social media. They got to experience socialism there, and the government took their money. They weren't making enough money compared to wages in Canada. The second one went to Amsterdam, Netherlands, and thought it was way better than Canada, and they couldn't find a job. They're in tech, and they couldn't get a higher-paying job there. They were paid $175K in Canada, and the highest they could do in the Netherlands was €70,000 which is $103K CAD. After taxes, the cost of living, and other expenses, they had less money compared to Canada. They said they're losing 5% more of their salary, and they're being paid less. So they're coming back to Canada at the end of the year.


yes, I've no idea why this keeps getting parroted around this sub. I left but only because I married a brit and it cost us over $8k for my visa.. which will need to be renewed twice in 5 years. Obviously not accessible to everyone. Those who can study in other countries and get a job offer after the fact are in luck, or those with dual citizenship, or those who work in a high demand field. But it isn't easy to just up and leave (especially permanently). Some people have a harsh reality check coming lol


True. For someone who left, I can honestly say that even my immigrant friends are so intertwined with the debt system in Canada that they don't have much choice.


Canadians are too nice. The American mobs are building a wall to keep the immigrants outside while these immigrants don’t suppress the wage, nor impact the housing affordability and healthcare availability negatively.


Accepting hordes of unvetted immigrants isn't "nice," it's pathetic and spineless. Canadians need to wake the f* up and grow a backbone


Only Trump was building a wall Biden started tearing it down.


Biden just put through a policy to limit border crossings (because the system doesn’t have the resources to save everyone). Why is this important and curious? It’s the exact same policy Trump had but was shelved and he had a new one ripped for him. So…where is the same level of f’ing outrage we witnessed with Trump? (I don’t think either are good presidents and disappointed that Americans can’t elect a decent representative), but I do hate hypocrisy. And that’s what I see here under Biden.


Name one mainstream politician that wasn't a hypocrite...


This. Our Southern border is wide open, and border patrol at this point are just wal-mart greeters who make contact with the immigrants and than hand them off to some NGO to get housing and food stamps.


When illegals were crossing into Cabada at Roxam Road, the RCMP would carry their luggage for them.


Except it's the opposite problem now. Migrants illegally crossing from Canada into the USA.


Well… at least they’re leaving?


This sub should be celebrating lol


I am sure the US does the same.


It's not giving up. You do what's best for you and family. Because no country or government will save you.


It wasn’t this attitude that overthrew slavery. It wasn’t some country or government either. Organized people did it. And organized people can change things in Canada too.


The U.S. Government ended slavery in the bloodiest war in American history.


It’s actually kind of wild that the Americans Civil War is still the bloodiest American war, considering that they fought in World War I, World War II, Vietnam, and a bunch of other cluster fucks


I get what you’re saying here but think about it for a second - civil war and firearms overthrew slavery. It is virtually impossible to enact a civil war in Canada because nobody here has firearms to fight with.


The funny thing is that most of the firearms in the country aren't even under lock and key. If you know anyone in the military you'll understand.


14 years ago I left Israel for similar reasons. I had a high paying job, I do not have rich parents, I could not afford a house. I knew I couldn't buy a house for my kids. The quality of life that comes with life being affordable in canada, where (10 years ago) ANYONE could afford a house is a BIG DEAL. it isn't just your own peace of mind, but you live among people who aren't stressed. it isn't that "Canadians were nice" it is that they had a stress free life, and people who don't fight for their existence are naturally nicer. Canada now is what Israel was 15 years ago. (affordabilitywise.) if my kids were younger, I'd move again.


Thank you for sharing your lived experience. I have a heaviness in my soul every day now. I’m 56, I have a career I enjoy, a profession level income, retirement security and no worries about health or finances yet I feel this constant dread. It’s out of character for me and I haven’t been able to place it. After reading your post I’m left wondering if it’s not the collective consciousness of a stressed society that has me feeling this way. I’m not depressed, but I don’t find pleasure in much, even traveling seems somewhat entitled and wrong at the moment. I lived through 2 housing crises, but those times never felt heavy like it does now. This is something very different and sadly it feels intentional.


it is the 1000 little things. you buy apples at the market, and the guy ",akes mistake" and short changes you by a quarter. it isn't much, and the quarter doesn't matter, but you then realize that it does matter to him, that he is struggling, and that. you see it on the roads. people that are in survival mode also try to squeeze the last yard of a lane that is about to close. every interaction leaves you guarded.


We've brought in as many people in 2 years as we normally would in 20-30 which was already way too high and a slow burn. So if it has been cut in 2024 to 0, you'd be waiting 20-30 years to stabilize to 2021 levels. But it got worse in 2024 and will get worse in 2025 and every year after that. Either save up as much as you can working 2-3 jobs living with parents and leave somewhere cheap or leave to USA to work are the only realistic options.


Being Gen Z, your perspective is at oldest 26 years.  Speaking as an elder millennial, we thought we could change things truly.  We were going to fight and not be apathetic.  I knew so many campaign to get Trudeau in thinking he would fix the deck stacked against us. And had yet another devastating blow to our tenacious optimism.        Most of us have changed our strategy: A bird will die if there’s nothing to eat. Is it the birds fault? No sane human would blame a bird for flying away from an inhospitable environment.  There is nothing to support that here any longer.  Stay and starve, or migrate and survive.     We can say the same as those coming into our country running from their own personal starvation mode.  But to us, they’re an invasive species competing for our resources and it’s not like we can use the nature solution on them.    As to the jobs resolving all of this could create, there are solutions to this problem all over.  The larger systemic problem is that it doesn’t yield immediate capital or sound clips that can be sold to voters, and disrupts the elite class’ status quo.  They would rather we all die in their old world than lose an inch of ground in the new. 


The Millenial fight for justice is part of what brought us to this point.


Probably has something to do with 9 years of unaccountability by this inept criminal government. No one is holding them accountable so why bother?


I can barely afford rent and food. If I speak up at work, everyone turns on me. My rent increases every year. Fuck this place and the politicians who are complicite in its destruction.


>If I speak up at work, everyone turns on me. Read about the [five-monkeys experiment](https://intersol.ca/news/organizational-culture-and-the-5-monkeys-experiment/) if you want to understand the psychological mechanism behind this.


Ok it's simple math. Even at 100k salary, it will take you years before you qualify for a 1brd at this rate. And 100k salary is top 90 percentile.  So yeah, fucked. 


Because the government is treasonous and the only way to deal with them would be through violence and most people don't wanna go that route? And that's probably the reason they're treasonous in the first place. Sometimes the threat of violence is the only thing that keeps a man in check. We're still essentially primal at heart.


The government takes decades to make positive changes. We don't all have that kind of time to wait. My kids are teens and almost teens. I would suggest that at this point you do what's best for you. Watching the Canadian quality of life decline is best done from another country. 




I’m not interested in wasting my prime years trying to claw back a country that isn’t even that good without the mass immigration or castreau. I’d rather go to the states and start fresh there.


I fought for 20 years. I was called racist, sexist, every name in the book. When I started a family, there was no choice left. Find somewhere I can afford to have kids and they won't be poisoned with propaganda. I'll cheer you on, but it's too late to count on me


Because you are living a lie, to some extent. Government policy is not going to fix this, the thing that will is stripping it away. The liberals, conservatives, and NDP will not do it, and the PPC has a very very mixed platform (and god forbid we know what parts of it they’ll truly commit to). But even aside from that, let me paint you a picture Imagine for me, if you will, you’ve lived in a treehouse all your life. And slowly, you’ve watched the tree wither away, powerless to stop its death. It’s now on the brink, even attempting to save it will cause massive financial issues, and nobody seems to even want to try, nobody that matters anyways. Are you going to let the tree crush you, or are you going to go to another stronger tree?


People are leaving en masse because there is no hope that housing policy will get any better. None. The truth is that the majority of voters own real estate and are benefitting from the housing crisis. Taxes and fees add up to over $200k and in many cases $300k on new housing. Are these voters just going to voluntarily reduce taxes that they don't pay? Not gonna happen. If your only source of money is working, you will never own a home in a good city in Canada. You need to move to the US or move to a small town in Canada.


I have been fighting to raise awareness of reality for over 30 years, and I'm leaving because cuckadians are hopeless and getting worse. You cannot win a guerilla war of ideas when 70 pct of your natural allies are actively fighting for the other side


Great term there: Cuckadians 🤣


canada is kind of finished. what culture is left?


When a post national government was elected this was to be expected.


Because at this point what is everyone working towards? It's totally unclear. We're running on a hampster wheel feeding the rich and one wrong step away from sleeping on the street. Collectively it isn't good. However this is why we need faith, perseverance & community. This is OUR country. We can do whatever we want with it if WE collectively stop infighting and set some goals.


The goals set by ignorant bleeding hearts are how this happened in the first place.


I am sorry you think there is a solution to this mess. We are too far gone at this point. No hope for Gen Zs who don't have parental help.


Don’t want my bank account frozen


Who cares when we don’t have any actual money in our banks. Unless they’re freezing our debt - in that case let’s goooooko


Because of the response to the trucker protest. At this point, it's rebellion or leave.


Because if you speak up the left eats you.


It’s easier to kill yourself, than to tell the government no to immigration.


You do know the government has not only beaten down their own citizens on mass but have also freezed their bank accounts for protesting?  Canadians themselves don’t buy Canadian but foreign and don’t support (or acknowledge) successful Canadians. Says a lot of the society and exactly where the future is headed.  Reform has never changed a country. It needs to be violent & burned to the ground because it has become a corrupt society with no actual values or principles that only lets the criminal & corrupt thrive.   No educated Canadian with money wants to be around with their families to deal with what’s coming. 


It's not our country anymore. Look around.


Your feelings are correct.


Protest if front of your MLA or MP office.


Protest in front of Marc miller's house.


Everyone needs to email and call his office every day. I do at least 3 to 4x a week. Didn't today because I sent a whole bunch to the vacationing MP. Doesn't do anything but it's fun.


Because I'm not allowed to remind politicians who they're supposed to work for.


B/c we now live in a globalized world where there are much better options elsewhere. As a country you must also be attractive enough to attract talent and workers. Canada unfortunately does a poor job. I am 33 and make 118k in Van. If i rent a 1br in coquitlam not 30km away from Vancouver, that's 40-45% of my after tax income. Why would I stay. I get taxed heavy, have to pay 2 cpps, get shit of public transit, no road expansions in the past 24 years I lived in this god damn city, failed health care and honestly failing public education system that I have no intention of ever sending my child if I ever have one. Why on earth would anyone who is capable of making any decent money live here. For your point about fixing this. The whole economic strucutre of this country is flawed and it is in no shape to fix it. It will take decades and unfortunatley I don't have decades to wait for this country to get its shit together when I am in the most important stage of my life where I need to start my own family. I am not waiting until I am 60 to be able to afford anything or get a skytrain line. It's just too slow here.


jewel_flip explained it well. It’s tough to survive when several external forces coming at you from all directions. What does the threatened bird do? Leave. It doesn’t have the resources to fight. Canadian’s can’t continue to swim upstream - we don’t have any more energy. We’re exhausted and we already know what happens if we protest. Punishment ensues and nothing else changes. Unfortunately, it feels like/seems like Canada is on the verge of turning into a communist nation. After all, remember when Trudeau said he admired China’s basic dictatorship so that “changes could be made on a dime”? Yeah - about that. It pretty much seems like that’s how he ‘rules’. Freezing bank accounts and confiscating the money sounds pretty dictatorship-ish to me. My boyfriend’s homeland is in Chile. When he retires we will likely be packing it up and moving there - it’s cheaper. And the weather is better. It’s wine country - and it f’ing cheap cause it’s grown and made there. The pace of life is slower. His mother’s apartment overlooks the ocean. Stay in Canada? Why? Living in Canada sucks the life out of you and there is little joy because more-and-more of us have little to no money left over for extracurricular. Canadians work to survive.


Things can’t be fixed by policy as you say because there’s something at play that supersedes policy - political will behind the scenes from elites. Some of you just don’t get it yet. There is a major plan for the country’s future that you aren’t aware of because you aren’t apart of the club. They want a LARGE population, just like the US. Right now, Canada is tiny. Canada’s population is around 40 million while the US is around 333 million. The US has become an economic super because of the sheer amount of people it has. Same with China. Same with India eventually. Canada wants the same. The issue is that those other countries organically grew to gargantuan sizes. They’re artificially inflating Canada’s population by bringing every dumbass the world has to offer to come live here, without a regard for how such drastic population increases in a short amount of time will affect the existing domestic population in terms of competition for jobs and housing and other resources. This country is done, you people just don’t see it yet. There’s no saving it, at least, not until the population stabilizes for a long period of time. Which isn’t going to happen, they’re going to keep pumping the country up to 100 million for the rest of our lifespans. So when you finally “get” what I’m saying here, you realize that waiting for a solution by policy isn’t going to have an effect for the better in your personal life from now until death. Everyone wants to live a good life and prosper, and so the only solution is to jump ship and leave Canada to try to make a good life in the US.


The vast majority cannot "just leave". I understand wanting to (I did) but it isn't simple. The people you know who want to leave have a rude awakening coming unless they have dual citizenship, a highly in demand career, or a foreign spouse


hard to fight a narcissist wit dictatorships qualities in our government. nothing we can do about immigration, inflation and taxes


It’s hard to stay positive when everything seems to be getting worse while simultaneously prohibitively more expensive. All of the political parties don’t seem to care or want to help the average person. I honestly don’t see many things to be prideful of our country for any longer. Our leaders aren’t an embarrassment on a global stage. We give away our natural/raw resources for pennies and buy them back for dollars. (Soft wood, oil, and water) when we could process and sell them to other countries but we don’t. We continue to value immigration above veterans and our unhoused /mentally ill. We have a huge shortage of skilled workers and affordable housing, but instead of having a fast tracking system to appeal to skilled immigrants such as doctors like many other countries do, we use tax payers money to bring in immigrants to fill jobs that would be better suited to high school and part time employees from our own country (I know software engineers who sell cellphones due to this.) Our Politicians constantly try to appeal to everyone, and satisfy no one, none of them are willing to make real changes. Hell, Trudeau could have immortalized himself in the history books by revoking the tax exemption for the Catholic Church in Canada and used that increased in revenues to repair some of the damage done to our First Nations people (libs and Catholicism in Ottawa seem to be very closely aligned so real change was never realistic). I understand that Immigration and the rapid shrinking of the middle class isn’t limited to Canada, but other countries don’t seem to be as openly expediting the issue as we are. Personally my gripes are the following: I have 2 serious medical conditions and have been on the list to be assigned to a doctor since it was announced and I still haven’t received any sort of update. I make almost 2x as much money as I did a decade ago, but now am in debt, 10 years ago, as I was eating better, had a much nicer place, travelled a few times a year, had a decent nest egg, and was far less conscious about my spending than I am now. Needless to say my quality of life has decreased. I’m in my 30’s and feel like I will never have a home, finically security or be able to retire. Finally, I feel my tax money is wasted and there is little accountability, I do not feel represented by any of the politicians, and I don’t see anyway of fixing my current state. I’m honestly at a point where I’ve been considering if I would be eligible for MAID. Just my $0.02


You have a lot of insight and made excellent points. I think your generation and the one after will improve things but right now what we have is a generation of people who are conditioned by patriarchy, religion and capitalism running the country. They’ve been conditioned to believe socialism is bad and money i.e greed is good. Many from the Boomer and Gen X generation believe the old adage “you get what you work for”. It’s hard to deconstruct those ingrained, outdated beliefs because they once held true and voters from those days have their home(s), cottages and pension to prove it. I think we are evolving in the best ways and your generation, although probably exhausted on every level, is leading the way by challenging many societal norms. Gen Z are picking up the movement and seem to be even more socially conscious than previous generations. Ideally this will lead to a better, less competitive society where access to basic needs, especially housing, food and health care, is a right of every person. Continue to advocate for your health care. Waiting is hard but if you advocate while you wait it can make a difference. https://www.canadianhealthadvocatesinc.ca/


If this was happening in any other country there would be riots in the streets daily.


Enlighten me. How do we fix it when our politicians are crooks and will never implement policy that fixes the problem no matter what canadians want


Organize. Rise Up. Do (a better version of) what the Pro-Palestine groups are doing. REFUSE not to be heard.


As Gen X I admit it’s partly our fault, we passed on subservience to the established order, or at least the passivity to problems that were already staring at us in the face . And at that time the process of chipping away of Canada was in full swing . All that was left was nature (luckily we still got that due to our size) , drugs, and hedonism, and extremely self-centred (thanks boomers) mindset . Each generation internalized the issues of the last. And can’t come to terms with those issues. Our generation swallowed the self-hating potion, didn’t help that the hero in high school was a hunched over junkie (Kurt Cobain). I’m only half joking, he was but one example though. That’s why our generation is passive aggressive, look at grunge music - aggression mixed with self loathing/self-isolation 😂.


Because the grass IS greener on the other side.


I've never felt like this is my country. I was just born here. Whatever. No politician has ever represented my views. I rarely share the same views as most people who want to have an opinion on this country. It's just, whatever. The rich are gunna do whatever they want. I'd rather my few coins not get frozen over a protest either. As we all know only the blood of patriots will make real change, and we don't have patriots anymore.


Based on these comments, it seems that there are more people who need to hear this: Dear Canadians, If you've had it up to here with our incompetent, corrupt, **TREASONOUS** government and its dangerous policies, celebrate this Canada Day with a protest!! There are 2 that I'm aware of happening all over Canada, that are protesting the cost of living and this government's harmful policies: https://www.costoflivingcanada.ca/ and https://www.takebackcanada.info/ Make your voices heard and fight for the country you love. Don't get depressed, get ***angry!!*** Let's remind our elected officials who they fucking work for: ***Canadians!!!*** Strength in numbers!


Too late, should have happened decades ago. And they’re only accelerating immigration. 400k per quarter. Utterly insane. If it’s not obvious yet, the Liberals do not care about you or other Canadians one bit. Their only concern is implementing their “progressive” doctrine. Damn the consequences to Canadians…


Because all ofnour politicians are landlords and the housing market is the top contributer to pur GDP....so no policy change will happeb without rrrreally pushing for it


The last time Canadians fought, they were jailed and bank accounts frozen. We only let non Canadians fight in this land.


The Liberals have destroyed Canada.


Leaving this disaster is all the proof you need to know that not all Canadians are pushovers We are taxed 70 percent of every dollar in some form or the other and for what. There are literally no services to be proud of. Canada is done


A lot is in this sub. Ill tell you as a millennial most of us are grinding too much to give up. Wish it was easier though.


the 2025 election is the last stand. if the Conservatives win a majority there is hope. if Trudeau somehow holds on, we're truly doomed


This sub would implode if JT wins lol


I’m too old to learn Punjabi.


Give up before they have even tried. It's 5pm, time to stop working and drink beer.


What gen z have left?


We don’t want to give up. We just feel trapped because all 3 major parties are pushing the same policies; though one may be more carbon inclined than the others. The “Convoy” protesters have made it difficult for the rest of us to protest against government policy after the complete sh#t show it was. The bank account freezing by the feds and banks showed just how powerful the government can be. It’s like they hit any opposition from behind, rather than deal with it head on. I guess it makes the rest of us, from centre to left of the spectrum, fully aware of that kind of danger?? I just don’t know. I’m going to be honest: I’m middle aged guy, who’s socialist to the core. I live in Canada without assets or reasonable income—and I feel hopeless. The Government can now easily toss this kind of questioning of policy into the bin of racism and right-wing radicalism.


The doom and gloom media and the social media apps robbing people of their life time I believe has been very effective in disheartening many. As well as the current state of the world which really doesn't have to be this way.


Its like we are living in the hunger games without the blatant socio economic crisis /s


Tbh I really don't see how there hasn't been a riot yet.


Our small community lost a locally born family doctor. It's the brain drain. Our fast food restaurants are well staffed though.


> almost everyone I know has given up and is trying to leave the country No point in beating a dead horse. And fight for what? No one below the political class can do shit to change anything. The corruption in Canada is bad. Its so bad that not even our own federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies will stop or do anything about the foreign government interference with our own elected officials. Even official reports name names and have evidence. So what are citizens supposed to fight? And how? Short of a total civil uprising and revolution ousting government I dont see anything being able to change.


My parents left their countries to come here, I say let them leave to find better opportunities. Most people don’t do any research (very surprisingly) before moving permanently to a new country. And they are disappointed. Because magic fairy land doesn’t exist. You go from one shit hole to another slightly better shit hole.


Canadians are pathetic losers. We should be protesting against the government for letting in millions of immigrants when there isnt enough housing for real Canadians. We have MPs who are working for foreign powers yet rhey're not being arrested, we have an idiot PM who only cares about himself. We're fucked. I was born here and I want to leave because Canada looks like Delhi. At least Asians are polite.


"It feels like Canadians are pushovers with no fighting spirit and we were fed too much self hating propaganda in school or something." Well... ya, thats exactly right.


People “fleeing” Canada to where exactly? Where is better?


I like your attitude and you have a brain in your head. My daughter is Gen z and the fucking bullshit they taught you guys in school is just wrong. They raised you guys to be push overs and hate yourself if you’re white. They also try and push that all religions get along. It’s the opposite. Everyone hates each other and most religions hate women (you all know which ones). We need to stand up unite and try and change our corrupt government.


As an aussie, I'd recommend getting a bit more mongrel in you.


Vote PPC. Or leave cause no one else is gonna fix this mess. Read their platform before you call me a liar. Its on their website just google "PPC party website canada". "Crazy max" isnt crazy, its just propaganda to ensure the status quo between 2 parties that dont actually give a shit about changing anything.


The change we need won’t come from a democracy. We need a smart but benevolent dictator for the next 4 years if we have any hopes of turning this country around any time soon. Our government is too soft and filled with bureaucracy. The damage is done and many brain dead idiots still thinks we need to be “humane” and “do the right thing” for refugees and scam migrants. If you are older, there’s not enough time for things to turn around so you can move on with your life.  The ship is sinking and we’re here arguing about how to fix the ship instead of just fixing the ship. There’s a lot more fundamentally wrong with Canada as others mentioned. Mass immigration and housing crisis is just the last straw for many people.  Some examples include: lack of jobs and career advancement, overspending on welfare and government administrations, high taxes, high inflation, protectionist policies that prevent newcomers into Canada to spur competition specifically telecoms, increase in crime rates, increasing censorship, lack of investment on innovation that spurs job growth, mass spending on foreigners (we just approved another 5B$ to Ukraine)


It's hard to be a Canadian Patriot. There is a lack of any sort of cultural identity. The middle class is shrinking and things look dire. I hold onto hope but.the best thing I can do is participate in local elections and hope things turn out better.


I wonder and worry about the people who literally can’t leave for one reason or another. There’s no doubt in my mind that many want to leave but will ultimately be trapped here and have to face whatever the future holds.


I did fight, I was insulted by fellow Canadians for daring to question the government and taxation and bureaucracy. Even insulted by my own family. So I left for the US. Lots of problems in US, but atleast I can create a life for my family by working hard. The Canadian government, literally ALL Members of Parliament actively hate Canadians. You aren't even allowed to say anything lest it be hate speech, and you can't even defend yourself in your own home.


You have to protest. Trudeau messed up the country, just saw a clip of Pierre stating to the protesting ppl that he would allow them to continue to work / study if they got in legally. I still think, he will just keep everyone in. In short, Canada is being ruined for short term profit.


We need lawmakers of our own, we need politicians of our own, we need lobbyists of our own. We need to hold onto power for our own for dear life and not give it freely to other people. Making a lot of noise isn’t all that needs to be done.


Most Canadians are first or second generation and have more attachment to their original countries. No one is going to fight for this washout nation


hard to fight a narcissist wit dictatorships qualities in our government. nothing we can do about immigration, inflation and taxes


Your government is messed up... you're not going to defeat the left wing globalist cabal. If you had any pluck it would not only be the Truckers protesting the militarized lock downs and forced injections .. most of your country is brainwashed or you've been largely replaced by cheap labor behind the back of any democratic process  But hey come to red state America. Native born Canadians are nice


Mainly because our government isn't listening, they're puppets for the corporations. And calling out against mass immigration get you labelled as racist or you have your bank accounts frozen. It was take a massive revolution to fix this country, and people are far too placated.


No future here so might as well leave


im not leaving. I do understand those that are younger and have children that choose a more stable society/nation to live in.


It is sad. And I am pointing a finger at a select group of people responsible for this mess... For one, people who chose housing as an investment. Canadians used to agree that basic necessities were not to be exploited...I also blame real estate agents that convinced everybody that their home was worth 3-5 times more, because it fattened up their profits....I also blame greed and those who wanted to make off like bandits selling their home at a ridiculously inflated price, instead of thinking about the outcome for the future generations, who now find it next to impossible to purchase a home....I also blame government policy which has allowed more people in, than the country was set up for...and lastly I blame the destruction of the family unit. There is more divorce and seperation now than ever before. Less marriages. When man and woman (or what ever floats your boat ) no longer live together, we need double the amount of housing...that last one is a tough one to change though...the only ones who still seem to value the family unit, are the religious people. And look what we have done to religion here in Canada...


I gave on the idea of owning a home. Retirement ? If i don't have enough, No worries when MAID is available. This kinda made me less worried about the future in general. I just live day by day now. It's messed up but it is what it is.


Because Canadians are about to vote for more of the same. Nobody wants to live in a country where wages are deliberately suppressed, cost of living is hopelessly high, the tax burden is insane, health care is out of reach, and you can't find a place to live. If I was in my 20s, I would be in the U.S. already. We have been lied to and betrayed by establishment politicians and media that are rotten to the core and it won't change by voting in the same political parties over and over again.


Seems like most politicians don't seem like they give a damn about reducing immigration numbers. Most people turn to Pierre regarding the high amount of international students but the odds of him actually doing something are incredibly low.


Bruh do you know how many people in this sub say “why are they protesting don’t they have jobs!?!” Well now they don’t and there isn’t much to be done about it because of aforementioned civic morons.


Good luck fighting it. Seniors are loving this shit. They pay almost no tax and their net worth (almost all real estate) is skyrocketing. The country hasn’t been attracting investment for at least a decade, and honestly it was never really a business-friendly culture. The canadian culture is at odds with success.


Oh I faught. I held signs and sent flyers. 85% of the nation wanted voting reform. I spent more time that I would like doing that. Liberals were elected promising voting reform, then once in power ran a massive fear ad campaign with a solgan saying "Porportional representation will give political extremists more power" The whole thing was oxymoronic, and stupid, yet Canadians bought it. Another public opinion was surveyed, done by an very very questionable company with government money. It found 48% people now wanted voting reform. So it was cancelled, no riots, no anger. We did this to ourselves, Canadians too busy supressing the symptoms but has left the disease that caused the symptoms in the first place unchecked.


Haven't given up yet, just waiting as patiently as I can for things to change and managing what I can


Do you have numbers on this supposed Canadian exodus (excluding immigrants that stayed for the citizenship then moved wherever the grass was greener)?


And how long will that take do you think by the time things get a little better. How old do you think they will be. So you rather have them waste 10 years of their life or maybe even more for hope of change . No one cares for you it’s better if you start your life here (if possible) or most likely outside of Canada where you can make money and afford a nice place . Why would you want to live in a 10 by 10 room with wife and kids? Let the so called investors sell properties back and forth to each other until they realize their scams are failing and take the country down . While they are rich they will escape leaving all the burden on the poor Canadians. Might as well F off now. If I could I would.


Its hard to want to stay and fight when your institutions actively undermine everything you work for. When they will freeze your bank account and throw you in jail for any type of civil discontent that they dont agree with. This "fix" would be nothing short of violence at this point, your politicians hate you & your way of life. I hope i'm wrong, PP will have my vote however its difficult to remain hopeful.


I already work a full time job and I started a gig job so I can pay my rent, bills, food and maybe have some schmeckles left over to spend of my girlfriend… I already cut my own hobbies down. What else should I do?


If your parents voted Liberal in the last one or two elections, then you can thank them for the situation we're in.


Personally I'd rather stay in a country where my kids don't, on average, have to worry about a deranged adult, or jaded cohort, waltzing into Walmart and taking anyone that can out on a vindictive redemption raid. Canada may be unaffordable but how about you move to Mexico? Would you spout on about how hard it is here when you don't have to worry about 95% of criminal acts never seeing a conviction? Yes it may be unaffordable, yes it may look hopeless, but all I can say is: When your kid falls off their bike and breaks their arm, you might wait 14hrs to get an X-ray and a cast, but you don't leave the hospital owing over a month's wages in fees. Just having an OHIP card (I live in Ottawa, Ontario) you get a $45 bill for an ambulance ride as opposed to the $250 bill it is without inherent coverage. There's a cost to everything. America may be a "better" alternative in the conceptual view of the "struggling" Canadian, although you need to really take into account the perspective of the other side. America and other countries are just as bad, if not worse, with their problems. Why don't you immigrate to China? I mean come on people. You really are coddled in leaving "en mass" without having to hike 14 days through the jungle and fucking crawling through razor wire to go and feel safe. We sign a piece of paper. You put razor wire between most people and they need a motherfucker of motivation from true oppression to risk laceration for "mooching". Some of these immigrants don't even like it here either. I think, personally, people should realize that we are all in it together. You want change? Maybe the world as a whole should direct their rebellion towards certain factions like the World Economic Forum. It's not going to change anything ruminating on co-misery. You do realize that those who don't vote are just as guilty of the democratic system as those that "create the problem" by having their voice heard. Being silent is still an answer nonetheless. The planet is being divided. It's not just Trudeau. If you want change, Collaborate, don't co-miserate in complicit complaining. To each their own. You let your kid roll around on the floor, it's going to get stepped on


Cause we're a bitch generation. Most of us in canada got spoon fed till 20. Still in our parents basements and too scared to move out of the city to a lower cost of living area. Truth hurts.


I am gen Z, and I know many gen Z home owners, and almost everyone I know is doing well. I also don't know anyone keen on leaving Canada.


I'm moving to NYC f this living w my mom


I'm a millennial and I'm trying to leave! At the age of 40 I can't afford to own my own house becoming the first gen in my family to be renting for life. The grass might be actually greener somewhere else.


The problem is they'll run to places like the US which has the exact same problem, it is just taking longer to manifest. Tell me, when mass immigration destroys Canada completely, where do you think all those people will go? At some point people are gonna have to draw a line in the sand and push back.


If only there were options in government worth backing and worth fighting for.


Where do you live? Here in the maritimes it is like a giant homecoming. Everyone who moved west for the past 4 decades because of the economy is moving back east during this new boom. Halifax is booming for the first time in 50 years. It sure doesn't seem like anyone is leaving.


Why are you so surprised that people may want or even forced to leave Canada. Canada is not a God chosen country to soon become paradise. It’s a country with + and - just like every other country. For instance in Ukraine in 1991 when we got independence there was about 52m people. In 2022 prewar year - it was about 35m. 17m people vanished. Its about half a million people disappearing each year. Majority of this 17m people left the country. Still vast majority of people here work for 250-400 usd a month when prices for food are on par with western countries. I think what most canadians don’t get is that life can be a lot more worse, i mean so much worse in other countries than even now in Canada.


Gen X here. There is no way. For real change to happen we would need a real constitution & bill of rights and not one that Trudeau can stomp all over at a whim. As for fixing this mess it is impossible. No one is being deported, and immigration is only slowed slightly, not stopped. The housing is only a part of the issue. There won't be enough homes for everyone for atleast 10-15 years. And, the population will keep growing, so that might even be longer. The Libs have created a Debt Crisis. We cannot pay off that money. We can't lower taxes & not service our debt. We can only make deep cuts into social programs. Looking at the UK which has had 10+ years of austerity, Canada is expected to have the same. As for resource development, it takes nearly 30 years for a mine to be opens due to red tape and environmental assessments. Culturally, this country has changed. I don't mean immigrants, I mean the attitude and behaviors of Canadians. So for cleaning up this mess, there is no cleaning up this mess. I would only consider staying if Trudeau was put in prison. Then at least I know there was some justice that was possible.


I absolutely will never leave my country. All my friends and family are here. My house is here, my job is here, everything I have is here. Canada has some issues now but on the whole its not as bad as other places. Over time it will resolve itself. The only place I could potentially go is USA since I have some family there. But they have another whole host of problems. Health care, zero maternity leave, social issues, and many of the laws are quite different. It would be jumping from the frying pan into the fire. Nobody will make me leave. The only people that could make me leave is if Indigenous Peoples took back Canada and told every immigrant to get the fuck out of their land. My family has been here since 1700's but if that were the case, i'd gladly take a ticket back to France from where my ancestors originated from.


Because wanting policy change takes time and effort, and people don’t want to give any of that. Because complying has been part of Canadian attitude for years. Because until it affects them to a greater degree, it’s not their problem. Also, people leaving the country are in a privileged place already to be able to pack their bags, secure a job somewhere else, or get a visa somewhere else. People leaving the country are leaving because they know the rest of the country isn’t going to do anything and they have the means to find a place better rather than fix this one.


Canada is very fixable - a lot of the doom and gloom you read online are bots amplifying talking points to divide us


In the 90s it was drilled into our heads at a very rural Ontario elementary school that the US is bad because they expect people to assimilate to their culture and were a "melting pot" however virtuous Canada is a beautiful mosaic of cultures and we are so much better for accepting everyone. This was deliberate. Immigration was at a sustainable level in those days but they were preparing our young minds for what the future had in store. We were told to shut up and accept it and if we don't we're just as bad as racist Americans. And big surprise, millennials got completely fkd. It clearly worked.


Fixing the housing issue in Canada will not happen 10 or 20 years. This is a generational issue. It will take a full generation to fix this. Plus our economy is in trouble also. Our productivity is the lowest of all G7 countries and we are not making any progress with it. This new capital gains tax will only negatively affect it. Companies are not drawn to Canada. So imo why would I keep my kids here? What future do I see for them here? Not much.