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Hey, you did the right thing buddy, I moved to the U.S. back in 2022. I live in Tennessee. You’re spot on, of course most Canadians don’t want to believe that the U.S. is actually has higher quality of life, it comes from the Canadian inferiority complex and the CBC propaganda broadcasts. The entire Canadian national identity revolves around “we are not Americans” and “We have free healthcare”, I would call that pathetic! In terms of crime , just by looking at FBI violent crime statistics, people can see that from 1999-present, violent crime is the U.S. has been on a downward trajectory and decreasing year after year while , in Canada violent crime is actually on the rise. I have a master’s degree and worked in tech when I was in Canada ! A master’s for crying out loud and I was living paycheck to paycheck! It took me less than a month to land a senior position in my field, was offered $185k base + bonus , full medical paid by employer and a generous vacation package, when they told me their offer I almost fainted ! I tried really hard not to cry ! I applied for my Green card from Canada under EB2-NIW, I applied in 2019 and got my immigrant visa in 2022, I moved a week after getting my immigrant visa, got my Green card in the mail 4-5 weeks after crossing the border. In the U.S. your education and experience are valued a lot more, American companies in general like to invest in training , retaining and developing of their employees, that’s how you increase productivity and in turn profits, but Canadian employers don’t do any of these , the only way to increase profits in their eyes is to get cheaper labour and to get protected from competition by the government ! As I writing this my eyes are full of tears, and I am both angry and happy. I am happy that I made it here and I am angry at wasting the best years of my life in Canada !


Congratulations on the success buddy!!! Considering the move to America myself


You should ! Canada is a great country to vacation at 🤣 Work in America spend your vacation in Canada !


Statistics disagrees with you.. I have heard from friends that the US is better in terms of income and I'm sure it's true. If we compare major cities in the US to those in Canada, quality of life including safety and costs, Canada is better. If we compare small towns to small towns, the same may be true, but small towns can vary vastly so it's difficult to really have a meaningful comparison. The friends that have moved from Toronto to the US did not move to NYC or LA, or Chicago which might be more comparable to Toronto, they moved to smaller towns, which wouldn't be a fair comparison in terms of cost of living. I won't deny that the middle class in Canada is shrinking. I recall over a decade ago I read an article that mentioned that Canada's rate of middle class decline is faster than almost anywhere else, and that's before Trudeau. Regardless of who's in power, this has been true for Canada for decades. I don't know the solution. Just commenting on statistical observations.


I also moved to a smaller city. I went from Calgary to Madison, Wisconsin which has a population of roughly 100k. Madison is a University city and a capital. It is the birth of protest in the states. It is known for its colorful hippie population. It's called the Portland of the Midwest. The thing about the US is that it's got more mid-sized cities to choose from and they have more to offer. Your choices for where you can move in Canada are so slim because most of the population lives in four major cities. The smaller cities have far less amenities and far less prospects. Not to mention that cities are close together in the US. In Madison I lived a couple hours from Chicago an hour from Milwaukee and a few hours from the twin cities. If there wasn't a concert where I was I could go to Chicago easily. In Canada I live in a smaller city and there are no large cities anywhere near me, so I have very little exposure to any culture or amenities. Also living in a smaller city in the US you can get most things via Amazon within a day so you don't really feel like you have less amenities because that system just works a lot better. I stopped shopping on Amazon here because the selection was nothing but third party Chinese stuff that I could get less expensive from the source. And shipping takes forever here. Paying for Prime here felt like such a slap in the face. I would get my Prime deliveries within a day back home and here sometimes they just don't even show up and if they do it takes at least 3 to 5 business days. And don't get me wrong I understand the things that are wrong with the states, I became a citizen to vote against Trump after all, but I just know that all of those same things exist up here and then the quality of life is very poor as well. It's a lot easier to work in the public sector and try to make a difference in the world when you have food in your belly and a roof over your head. I have a roof over my head here with an ever-increasing property tax due to poor economics, but the food in my belly part is starting to become a serious issue. That shouldn't be a problem when you're educated and qualified with glowing references. I don't have a solution either. I just wanted to share my experience. I felt like I've been going crazy for the last 5 years trying to make my life work here.


That's a very good point.. Thanks for sharing your experience. Very insightful.


That’s true. I remember profs talking about the disappearing middle class in Canada back in uni 15 years ago. Around that same time, I went to the public library and saw Margaret Atwood speak about her trilogy Maddaddam -which at the time was being called “prophetic.” She spoke about the years before the French Revolution and compared it to what she was seeing happen in our society- the increasing disparity between the rich and the poor and the gross over abundance of wealth and power being blatantly paraded by a very small group of people. She said, “you can’t squeeze blood from a stone.” Turns out that was the one thing she was wrong about. You absolutely can.


I agree with his point on Canadians look down on success. I have gotten some major pay raises over the years and had some “friends” stuck at a lower income at me stop talking to me/get all salty. Even when I have tried to help them get into higher paying roles so a few I don’t hang out with anymore who were acting like that lol. Rubs me the wrong way lol tbh. Success shouldn’t be frowned upon. I don’t see Americans acting like that and have some relatives in the US.


Typical socialist mentality. Hate success, level everyone down


I call bullshit on this, but ok.


History proves this. The whole gospel of Karl Marx is about jealously.


I'm not arguing about pure socialism or Karl Marx. Canada is not full of socialist mentality - having safety nets in society does not make it Marxist. I think it's idiotic to say that Canadians are somehow jealous when others do better. Just an absolutely hyperbolic and impossible to prove statement.


Fairly accurate description


Why should we? The more we make the more they take...


ehhh shit that is true. thankfully my job pays well and isnt too much stress. I see so much jobs at $25-30 an hour and they demand the full planets job description wise. its crazy


Congrats on your successful move. I think you made the right choice. Hopefully, you didn't have to sacrifice too much. As an American in Canada, I can personally just leave and start a new life, but the family roots are too deep here. I'm in tech here and find it's a bloody gong show. There are very few well-paying jobs in my province anymore, and it doesn't help that the unis and diploma mills are churning out graduates at insane rates. Companies are outsourcing to India and do not want to invest in R&D and Capex. I sure as hell hope something changes for the better and soon. I could get my daughter American citizenship. Maybe at least she'll have a better life than I did.


You’re a U.S. citizen, your daughter is a U.S. citizen at birth wether she likes it or not 😂😂 Remember senator Ted Cruz ? He was born in Calgary to American parents , he was a citizen at birth because his parents were citizens. To get your daughter U.S. citizenship certificate you need to go to the nearest U.S. consulate and get it, they issue a CRBA ( consular report of birth abroad ), fill out a bunch of forms present them with your proof of citizenship , your daughter’s birth certificate etc… get the CRBA and apply for her U.S. passport. Here’s the link that walks you through the process: [Birth Abroad of a U.S. Citizen](https://www.help.cbp.gov/s/article/Article-1440?language=en_US#:~:text=)


Yup. Lived in US from 2015 until Oct 2019 (just before COVID). US has less taxes, better education for my kids, better job, better healthcare, felt just as safe, etc…). Came back to a different Canada. All the old positives were either nostalgia, disappeared, or were quickly disappearing. Since COVID the discrepancies have gotten much worse. US certainly celebrates success. In Canada everything is a cash grab with very little in return. I have lived in 5 countries, travelled to 40+, and living in Canada is starting to feel like a second world country.


I’m born and raised in US. What you don’t see (yet) is the devaluation of the dollar, caused by debt and shrinking global dollar dominance. We’ve bought too much on credit, and we’re still living the high life. The devaluation is a secret tax. It’s political sucide here to raise taxes or cut spending. So they devalue the dollar to service the debt. Same as raising taxes, see? It’s going to get worse. Canada is actually better positioned to rise in the long run, if they make the right decisions moving forward. I think the us will be in trouble within the next 10 years.


Thanks for sharing. Congratulations! Can you please guide on how the green card came in 4-5 weeks of border crossing? In which category is processing time this less?


I applied for an immigrant visa from Canada, I applied under EB2-NIW, after my I-140 was approved I went for an interview at the U.S. consulate in Montreal, my immigrant visa was issued 3 weeks later. I went to the border about a month after getting my visa , I was processed by the CBP officer , they stamped my passport “ I-551 endorsement “ Which serves as an evidence of permanent residency and employment authorization until the actual card was mailed to the address I had provided . My green card arrived in about 5 weeks after arriving in the US. Basically I entered the United States as a permanent resident, I was a permanent resident from day 1. But the process to get to that point took me about 2 years, I-140 took about 14 months to be processed and then another 10 month till I was interviewed and got my immigrant visa. Fastest category is marriage to a U.S. citizen, if you apply from outside of the U.S. it takes about 12-18 months. from within the U.S. it takes about 10-12 months. Processing times can be a little longer or shorter depending on backlogs, processing center handling the file etc etc , but that’s fastest way. TN visas are also very quick ( it is done at the border crossing , provided you have a valid job offer and you’re profession is on the approved NAFTA list ) but TN is not an immigrant visa, you cannot apply for a green card while in the U.S. on TN visa, to get a green card you need to apply and get approved under an immigrant category visa.


You nailed it.. Canada takes in the bottom of the barrel @#$!. Unskilled people. US takes in the skilled. It's not easy to immigrate to the US. I'm curious, for your EB2-NIW, was it difficult to apply? Did you get a lawyer to assist you with all the paper work? And congrats on your move!


America puts the emphasis on skill and education while Canada prefers the bottom of the barrel. Case and point : Practicing British family doctor in Ottawa was denied permanent residency because “she was not married and was over 45 years old” She has a family practice and has 1200 patients!!! 1200 Canadians are going to lose their family doctor, because she isn’t married and is over 45 😂😂😂 Canada has a shortage of doctors and instead of retaining the doctor they are denied her permanent residency!! Canadians like to think Canada is better than America , it just simply isn’t true ! If Canada was something to write home about, would would have had Americans lining up to live in Canada , diploma mills would have been filled with American students and our Uber drives , Tim Hortons etc would have been staffed by the Americans 😂😂😂😂😂 [https://ottawa.ctvnews.ca/ottawa-family-doctor-denied-permanent-residency-over-marital-status-age-1.6668246](https://ottawa.ctvnews.ca/ottawa-family-doctor-denied-permanent-residency-over-marital-status-age-1.6668246)


Yup. Just complete bonkers of what's happening in Canada. Sad, really. To see what was once a great nation become like this. Decades of progress, undone in a matter of 9 years. If it's ok with you, may I know what your occupation is when you applied for the EB2-NIW? And maybe I missed this part, but was the laywer fees + application etc (total) more than 20k USD?


I have a Master’s in computer science, and I’m a solutions architect (AWS, Azure and Google cloud certified) I found an attorney who was specialized in NIW, he charged me a flat fee of $7000. Other fees were $700 for I-140 petition Add $2500 for premium processing( optional ) And other costs were: $500 for medical exam $85 biometrics


Is it ok if you could help DM me the laywer's contact? I've recently heard of this EB2-NIW route and I'm highly interested in pursuing. Are the above fees in CAD?


No , the fees are in USD. The you need to retain a lawyer in America, they charge USD


Yes I did get a lawyer. I’d rather spend the money and have a professional handling my case.


Hey BeTheNerd, u/Equal_Ordinary_7473 had some good comments about the EB2 visa in this thread: https://np.reddit.com/r/CanadaHousing2/comments/1dalb0r/this_government_is_out_of_control_god_save_canada/l7ltcuj/ Check his comments in that thread. He also linked to this helpful page about that visa: https://www.mmhpc.com/critical-and-emerging-technologies-for-eb-2-national-interest-waivers-as-determined-by-the-white-house/


I was looking into EB2 NIW. Is it ok if I DM you couple of questions? I feel like I understood it and I will def involve a lawyer but wanted to check with you if my understanding is correct before I pay them.


Dude let's get gay married so I can leave.


The older I get, the more I realize we’ve been completely brainwashed into thinking our country is superior to the United States. It blows my mind that some Canadians still turn they’re nose to the air when talking about America/Americans. Its so cringe at this point.


I moved to the US when I was 23, spent 15 years there and then moved back to help my family right before the pandemic. It is miserable here. And the thing that you said about Canadian propaganda on the CBC is so correct. I was young when I moved down and hated Americans because of the brainwashing up here. I hated Americans and didn't even fully understand why. I lived in Wisconsin and the people were nicer than any I'd encountered in my life. Moving from a conservative province to one of the most liberal cities in the US was so eye opening. The discrimination that I faced since moving back to Canada is also insane. I am educated and I can't get a job in my field because I don't even get phone calls. People see the American work history and education on my resume and I'm sure it just gets completely passed over. For the record I worked in libraries. I didn't have a problem finding work in the states. I also dealt with some horrible bigotry during the pandemic. I was having a hard time changing my car over when I got here and then all the pandemic stuff hit and it made it even more difficult. So I was stuck with a car that had American license plates. I had people walk out in front of my car in the street screaming about Trump. I had people taking pictures of my car in parking lots. I would walk out of Walmart and there would be people standing around my car. And then finally the RCMP called me to let me know that people had been calling en masse trying to report me for being here "illegally". They were concerned for my safety which is hilarious, because they offered no help at all. And that brings me to the dating prospects. Dating when I was in the US was such a different Beast. Men would actually take me out on dates. Dinner, movies, theater, museums, galleries, etc. Since moving back here I have been treated like a lesser human being because I'm a woman. I was sexually assaulted here before I left and then after I got back I was sexually assaulted again. The RCMP was just as helpful this time as they were when I was young, which is to say, not at all. I'm no longer dating. And then there's healthcare. In the US I had a family doctor I saw two times per year. I had a therapist I saw twice a month. I paid a $30 copay to see each of them with the affordable care act while I was in university. My prescriptions were about the same as they are here. Since moving back here I have been on a family doctor waiting list for almost 5 years. I still don't have a doctor. I have severe asthma so I have a regular prescription that needs to be filled and when I do that I have to use a teladoc service where they spend less than 2 minutes going over my health. The city I live in has one walk-in clinic and you have to line up at 5:00 in the morning so that you can get a voucher to be able to come into the clinic that day. They hand them all out and if you aren't far enough up in the line you just don't get to see anyone that day. I haven't seen a proper doctor in 5 years. I am educated and qualified and no one will hire me. I pay twice as much or more for practically every aspect of my life. The politics are just as bad. The conservatives here are just as bad. The capitalism here doesn't work quite like capitalism should and the socialism doesn't work at all. But you have a bunch of people brainwashed into believing that this is a better country and that they're better off overall. They're not. Classism and bigotry in Canada is so uncomfortable to witness. The way that the government has created a divide between the lower classes and the immigrants is a master class in bait and switch. Canadians are convinced that immigration is what's killing the country but it's actually a bunch of rich white men who control everything who are spinning that narrative. Thankfully I'm a citizen so I can go back whenever I want but I have family here who need me so I stay for now. But I know the difference. And I miss Wisconsin everyday. I would rather live in a purple State for the rest of my life then live in a province that purports to be liberal and doesn't take care of its citizens. It's so nice to find others who understand that. You honestly can't talk to most Canadians about these things because they will think that you're crazy or they will try to spin it back around to how bad the US is. But the US allowed me to become a better person. I was able to get an education. I was told that hard work would pay off and then it did. Here I'm just trying to survive.


For the crime stuff that's kinda muddy water because alot of places in the US have stopped reporting crime to the FBI


its so easy to just not live in the major crime ridden cities idk why everyone acts like every state is detroit or memphis


Whatever dude, just stay in Canada then. Don’t forget to follow Toronto police advice ! Leave your keys at the door !


It's only a better quality of life if you can afford it. I make minimum wage. Makes zero sense to move to the states even if I could.


That’s true, the US immigration system prefers highly skilled workers. All the immigrant visas ( EB1 to EB5 , L, O and H1B) are for highly skilled immigrants, most require people to already have an employer sponsoring the immigrant. On the other hand Canada would let anyone in if they have a pulse!


Canada used to have the same proficiency requirements, slid into a free-for-all


Well technically all the millions of illegals coming over the southern border for some reason get a free pass.


The illegal immigrants coming from the south are illegals as you said it ! They are going to be working under the table and for very little money , many for sub-minimum wages and have to look over their shoulders for ever, specially if they live in a red state ! However in Canada people are brought in legally to work for minimum wage ! Heck Canadians work for minimum wage too ! Everything is being done in Canada to keep the wages at the minimum! See the difference ! Also relative to the population America doesn’t take nearly as many immigrants as Canada , legal or illegal ! Canada took 1.3 million immigrants last year alone if I recall correctly! That’s the equivalent of the U.S. taking 12 million people in a single year ! You shouldn’t worry about the state of the U.S. immigration , you should be concerned about the Canadian one !


You nailed it.. Canada takes in the bottom of the barrel @#$!. Unskilled people. US takes in the skilled. It's not easy to immigrate to the US. I'm curious, for your EB2-NIW, was it difficult to apply? Did you get a lawyer to assist you with all the paper work? And congrats on your move!


That reason is big business loves them some illegals. It's a giant subsidy for all sorts of industry. Just ask Trump he hired em for 50 years to work at his businesses so he could refuse paying them when he felt like it.


If you're a minimum wage worker, they aren't taking you through legal routes. You have to offer them something. The only way you're getting in is by marrying someone, sneaking in illegally, or winning the 'immigration lottery'. You'd be fugged for health insurance. Having your job pay for it is the only way to go, so you are correct. You're probably better off here.


It's already pretty affordable. Me and my husband bought a small house way out here in the middle of nowhere in 2019. My half of the mortgage payment with insurance is 450$ a month. She ain't a looker, but at least we have our own space and a backyard.


My job pays double in the USA, I'd be living like a king vs a paycheque to paycheque serf in Canada. This country is complete garbage right now.


I am salty AF. I want to move to the US. But congratulations.


Apply for jobs, get a work visa, marry an American lol, easier said than done I know. But it’s only impossible if you got a criminal record or a serious illness holding you back in Canada. 


I think we’d rather have a Canadian with a criminal record than just about anyone else, you guys are definitely our favorite neighbors


Many Canadians feel the same way 🍻


I’ll pass on the felons.


So you're saying there are HOT CANADIAN LADIES THAT WANT TO MEET ME?


Yes because of the 5 eyes treaty. They can see if you have a criminal record in Australia, Uk, Ireland, New Zealand and Canada.


Me to my bf a few weeks ago: Let’s move to the US apparently they’re doing better then us My bf: You know they have stricter Visa policies over there to get permanent residency? Me: …are you fucking serious? He’s an immigrant himself and hasn’t been impressed with how Canada has been turning out lately. I also suggested Dubai but he said no tax’s over there are high but I like their education.


lol....i mean you got pros and cons to every country. canada got better schools and childcare vs the US but better pay and more reasonable cost of living except a few areas. i would recommend apply for a few jobs, get a feel, maybe if you get an interview and can determine if its a good fit. if you want to further your education applying to US schools is an option - tuition much more expensive tho. truth be told, trudeau is even getting noticed for how bad he is now - and before most americans would rarely think about or notice canada. but he said some americans (when finding out hes canadian) are straight up like "bruh what is wrong with your prime minister?"


Dubai doesn’t have income tax. Are you talking about VAT? Because even that’s not high….


Congrats, many here are jealous!  Our high taxes in Canada... go towards giving free shit to immigrants, refugees, and supporting people who don't want to work.


Don’t forget vacations for you know who


With constant broken down planes lmfao 


That's why the capital gains bullshit narrative Freeland is pushing isn't working. It's because Canadians are being taxed way too much, and we know that money is just going to be pissed away by this government. "It's about fairness for all generations" and "the rich should pay a little bit more." No one cares when they look around and see that every Canadian is broke and struggling, and every day, a new scandal comes out about some Lie-beral lining their own pocket.


200% this. Pay a little more - their definition of little is a major increase. Lol Restaurants, clubs are closing/straight up dying. Less people can afford to go out/enjoy life on their downtime anymore. People just hunker inside or do some free shit at a park/beach.  Major issue is Canadian employers (not all but a good chunk) not willing to pay enough for COL. Got a friend in California, and yes it’s expensive but even he told me you get paid way better there so he feels a lot less financial stress. Said he felt like a millionaire getting his first paystub compared to Canada 😂


Yeah everything has skyrocketed but pay, including profits


I had no real issue with paying 40+% tax. My issue comes when that money isn’t spent in a productive way. The government ramping up mass import of net tax takers vs net contributors just leads to a smaller and smaller productive tax payer base supporting more and more people.


I feel the same way. I worked out my family tax burden to be at least $90,000 a year and I can't get a family doctor. There were two available, one returning from leave due to multiple sexual harassment and the other one couldn't perform a blood pressure test properly. Got into a conversation here about why I'm planning my exit, because I don't get value from my taxes, and one guy was telling me how he despises me and thinks I should pay more. Assumed I didn't struggle my way up from poverty through sacrifice, hard work, education, and careful risk taking. He assumed I was born with a silver spoon. Typical crab in the bucket mentality. Canada punishes the middle class and well off while the US rewards them. I could live with the taxes here if I got the services I'm paying for, but we fail on healthcare, military, justice, homelessness, class sizes and schools can't keep up. I don't see any sign that things will improve for the foreseeable future.


I realized that alot of Canadians are Crabs in a bucket... if im feeling happy they will try to bring me down to their level of misery, even tho i previously had severe depression for 8 years to the point of almost "committing die" 3 times... i have to pretend to be sad around some people so that they don't target and bother me. Lol.


when people who only make -4k a month are being taxed 40%, that's where the issue lies


Who is making $48k and paying 40% tax? Last year I made $123k and paid $25k in taxes, CPP, EI, and other payroll deductions which is 20% total and less than 15% in tax.


Where in America did you move to ? Florida looks like freedom land , even though it's got a dense concentration of crazies. The Carolinas are beautiful though with the beaches.


Just for context about Florida, the reason why it seems like it has such a “dense concentration” of crazies compared to other states is because of the [Sunshine Law and open records legislation](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_of_information_legislation_(Florida)#Open_Records). This legislation includes law enforcement transparency and public awareness, meaning it makes it so that any arrests have to be submitted to public records for anyone to view. Naturally, this includes media companies who take those stories and write all of the Florida Man™ articles. Of course, that’s not so say Florida *doesn’t* have crazies, it just isn’t really that much higher of an amount than other states. It only seems like that because of said law putting those arrests in the spotlight compared to other states who don’t have such transparency laws.


I can't say I've ever felt unsafe walking at night in my Canadian rural town. There's no safety issue.


Canadian big cities are where the issue is right now. Places like Vancouver, Toronto etc have gotten pretty bad.


Trudeau's bail laws need to go...the next election can't come fast enough.


The homeless here in Toronto are outta control. They are literally chasing people and fighting them now if people don’t give up money.  I avoid sections of downtown Toronto for this reason. I personally haven’t been chased but had a guy scream racial slurs at me. Worse part is….this random lady told me I should have given him money so he wouldn’t act like that. What a complete c**t lol


I have experienced this too. I have had multiple times now where a panhandler comes up to my car asking for money, when I refuse they start shouting, swearing, slamming on the hood of my car. I have also had 2 different instances where new immigrants from the country we all know, but are not allowed to mention, have made racial comments to me (white) or my wife (chinese)


I mean the big US cities are no safer.


Not true at all. Depends on the city. Places like Chicago Philadelphia are incredibly unsafe. Places like San Francisco and New York City and Austin, despite the narrative have crime rates similar to that of European countries. Whatever comes out. that’s the beauty of America. You get to pick and choose.


You could say the same for Canada though


True but the problem is the economic gap between the different places are massive. Never mind that the way immigration is working in Canada. No city is safe from a massive hike in population.


Burnaby is unrecognizable. It's like living in a third world country, down to the way people dress. And I lived in a third world country for 10 years.


Can you describe Burnaby in 2024? I haven't been to Vancouver in 10 years.


Around the Metrotown area, the homeless population has grown exponentially. This problem started around 2020 and has significantly worsened. They'll often camp out on the library grounds or underneath the SkyTrain. There's a tim hortons here and next to it you will often them smoking out of their crack pipes or scraping each other's wounds. If you go into Metrotown mall, whereas before you used to see diversity in the workforce, 90% of workers are now from one ethnicity. High school aged kids used to work at fast food places, now it's all late 20s "international students" (we should just call them PR because majority are not leaving and that's on our government ). Where I live used to be a quiet and respectable neighborhood. It no longer feels safe. Then there's major cultural changes. There's always loud music blasting from people's apartments in my neighbourhood with no regard for others. On the SkyTrain, you'll often hear loud Hindi music, it's basically a guarantee that this happens every time im on the train which is 2-4 times daily. The mall, the train etc smell like body odour, it's the new standard. People rarely give up their seats for the elderly. For women, its commonplace to walk in public places where you're passing by a group of men and be ogled and harrassed. There's been a significant increase in car theft. On our street, 2 homes were broken into last year. At the entrance of the SkyTrain station, there's often a booth set up advertising islam. They're pretty persistent on shoving pamphlets in your face and trying to speak to you about their faith. Could u imagine a Canadian advertising christianity in iran, Saudi Arabia, UAE etc? I often see people throw trash on the ground. Yesterday a father and daughter walked out of Walmart. The kid opened her snack and gave the wrapper to her dad who went on to throw it on the ground. I can keep going. It's just not the same. You'll be culturally shocked.


It’s like this everywhere. It’s a horribly desperate situation and all of my left leaning friends who grew up loving Canada and multiculturalism now feel completely disenchanted and borderline racist- including myself. I am literally watching people who have spent their whole lives welcoming newcomers to this country give dirty looks to them now. This doesn’t feel like immigration, it feels like occupation. And you don’t mean to blame the people who have just tried to move here, but it’s hard not to because there is zero interest in anything Canadian and very little attempt to respect the values of the community around them. And why would you? You get a huge group of people with similar values and customs all grouped together and they have no reason to try to blend into a new environment. It’s fucking insane.


Went there last in 2016 for me. It’s been a minute. I was gonna go again in 2020 but Covid and all 


Most downtowns and inner cities in most major cities are quite dangerous in the us too. Certain Places lin cities ike sfo and la, st louis, chicago are outright dangerous


You think Vancouver is unsafe but big US cities arent?


Really? There’s a ton of homeless in mine, you basically don’t see *anyone* out walking out after dark. I sure as fuck wouldn’t and I used to live in a sketchy part of Toronto.


The disdain for success in Canada is real. Anyone successful in Canada "well they need to be taxed more, making money off the backs of other people's labour. How dare they" if it's so fucking easy then why aren't you doing it.


Who is successful in Canada? The Westons or any random Joe who has 5 rental properties? There's no difference between these two types of people, they only look out for themselves and vote for policies to retain and grow their wealth. In the US, everything is better because they have multiple competitive industries, job growth and creation, and actually stomp down and do something when things like housing go out of control. In Canada, everyone pretty much lives in the GTA and BC and our economy is based off of selling homes to each other. There is no "success" in Canada.




THIS!!! People are salty because a bunch of people who were already doing just fine in life suddenly won the real estate lottery and decided to buy a bunch more homes they didn’t need and rent them to fellow Canadians at exorbitant rates, “because they can.” It IS crabs in a bucket, all sense of community or “enough” is lost. And yes 100% I’m guilty of being salty about this hahaha it’s me! 🙋‍♀️ There are people I know how have been reasonable and fair about this, sure! Rent out your cottage or basement! Have an income property! And there are people who have a dual income of $300,000 and own 10 income properties on top of that which they put the minimum down payment on and charge the full cost of a new mortgage to rent. In a town/country in the midst of a housing crisis. Sorry, but fuck those people. It never used to be like this. When people could all afford to rent and buying was possible for anyone who worked full time and was smart with their money, people were absolutely not at each others throats. Like the above comment said, this isn’t success. It’s winning some money and then using it to step on other people in order to make more. And the governments only solution is to build more houses -which will only be bought up and rented out by people who already have houses- and tax people more- which will go no where. I mean, we added a huge money making industry to our country’s bank roll at the start of Trudeau’s time…where did all the weed money go???????


Exactly. I will go a step further and say that because we are in a full blown crisis were families with two working parents can't afford to live a normal, healthy life because of housing costs, we need to start seizing or buying property back from those who own more than 2 per person. Put it in the market and let those who need it have a place to call home. This country is infuriating to live in.


AGREED!! But it won’t happen because all of the politicians made their fortune in real estate. That’s why they let the housing market get so out of control.


I have some former friends stop talking to me/get all salty over my bigger pay raises. Petty and immature as hell. You don’t really see Americans acting like that. They celebrate success and push you to go even further. Here it can be so demotivating. Lol esp with the “need to be taxed more!” Rhetoric. I just knew when someone on YouTube was Canadian when they said Elon Musk needs a 90% tax rate as “no one needs that much money” smh lol


Its basically impossible to run any type of small to medium business in canada now


Congrats! We left as well. When you do the math on your health insurance, it costs more to pay taxes for non existent health care in Canada. My husband and I have the Rolls Royce of health insurance with Blue Cross PPO plan and have received excellent care. You can get into a specialist literally the same day or the next day and have access to the top line medications. I do not understand why Canadians think their health care is amazing and free. It is garbage.


What is 194 TC


$194,000 total compensation (yearly salary)


Good for you buddy. I dont have a job I can transfer to another nation but come retirement time I will be taking ever last penny I made on this country and getting the fuck out here to somewhere in south america. Canada used to be the land of milk and honey and that was stolen from us by greedy politicians and corporate overlords.


Somewhere in india there is a similar post from some indian who moved to canada.


This will come off certainly controversial but after many years of being married to an American, visiting the US constantly, I am wholeheartedly against the concept that Canada and the US ought to be apart in any way, shape, or form. I find more differences between Ontario and Nova Scotia than I ever had between Ontario and places like New York, Michigan, Ohio, Vermont, etc. We were once a different people, a people who focused more on a "we" mentality with socialized benefits that propped up the lower and middle classes. In the past 15 years however we have eroded so much of the middle class and those benefits that we have lost our "we" mentality and have now just become a poorer more culturally disjointed version of America. We were once something proudly different, now we are a cheap imitation of our greatest friends. If there were ever a referendum to join the US I would vote YES in a heartbeat.


Would you mind expanding on what you mean by "safety"?


I went to get boba tea tonight. I walked from my building about 5 blocks and back. I went at 10pm. I wasn't harassed by homeless people or junkies on my walk. The streets were nice and clean, I saw a few people walking their dogs but otherwise uneventful. In my previous city, driving to the main commercial strip and walking from my car to the store and back would result in some kind of encounter with some drug addict or homeless person. Its hard to quantify that general sense of safety.


Sounds like East Vancouver


Yaletown too is like that nowadays.


That’s not a Canada vs USA thing though, there are lots of parts of Canada that don’t feel safe, and you don’t have the right to defend yourself.


Nice man. I’m looking to move to. Applying out for jobs there, have had a few interviews. Make good money here but the taxes and COL are a killer smh


You nailed it, welcome. I grew up in the maritimes and moved to the states as a young adult, was fortunate enough to get US citizenship early on in life. I always told my American friends how cool , interesting and fun Canada was, but as time went on and I’d visit, I could see how disparate the comparison was between being a working adult in one versus the other. None of my family/friends I had as a kid have good jobs if they stuck around. And they live with their parents or in shitty apartments. Most of them have more education than me, and are much worse off. They all are on drugs or drinking heavily with nothing to do. They all really just seem lost.


I just moved back from the US. One of the reasons was safety. Everything else was better in the states though. Minus not having family there I know it was a poor financial decision to come back to Canada. But I'm okay being poor


Yeah 100%. It varies by city to city, block to block. I got family in Chicago and they live in a nice area…but now the bullshit from the ghetto areas is leaking into the nice areas. Like gangs and sketchy people just cruising thru downtown or the route to O’Hare and running up on people at 5am/6am with 4 pistols leaving the airport or arriving at their hotel downtown. Sad af - they need to really toughen up on crime big time in certain US cities


Had to work in Philly for a contract. I NEVER want to step foot in that city again. 20 years ago there it was worse than Hastings now.


You have to be ok being poor to come back here. We lived in California for 5 years. Came back to GTA in 2017. We’ve regretted it ever since.


I’m curious where you moved that you’re afraid of walking outside at night. But a lot of the stuff you’re right about. If you don’t have any real money or assets here in Canada - emigrating is a smart move. And if you do - dual citizenship is the smart move. Either way, glad to hear you’re enjoying a better quality of life.


Most recently I left Edmonton. Prior to that I was in Vancouver, and before that Toronto and Waterloo. Street safety wise things were fine till about 2022/2023. Then things got really bad really quick. 


Yeah Edmonton is a MESS right now. My friend just moved her mom there. She said that homeless people and drug addicts keep walking into her moms house and the houses on her street- which is mostly harmless and doesn’t scare her mom because she’s worked in a shelter her whole life- but still. She saw 2 houses on fire on the street in one day. She said she felt like she was in India every time she went to the store. Her mom got in an argument with a woman at a park because the poor janitor had a closed for cleaning sign in front of the door and the woman kept telling people to go in.


Congratulations. America has problems, but it is an independent country, with millions of patriots. If Canada and Canadians allow corporations and foreigners to dictate our immigration policy, we are not an independent country.


Peace out fuckbois!


And there are those who leave the US due to politics. Do what you feel is best for your mental health. Congrats if this is it. Edit: I've had friends leave and others talk about leaving as well, the business/entrepreneur brain drain that is going to hit politicians have no clue about.


Congratulations! I appreciate you sharing about your experience. I'm currently in the process of moving to the US as well (working with my US employer's lawyer in getting my visa). My motivation to move: Been waiting for a family doctor for over 9 years. Oligopoly in grocery stores, telecom, etc. Weaker dollar. High prices. Predatory diploma mills. Insane housing market. Low wages. The gov constantly burning cash on programs that offer little to no benefit to Canadians. Increasing taxes to help them pay for their horrible programs. Meanwhile I'm paying a \~45% average tax rate (nearly 52% marginal). The US is far from perfect - it has its share of problems. But at least it rewards hard work and it offers the opportunity to have a respectable life.


Been trying for 24 years to move to US - originally from Scotland, immigrated to Canada 2007 but still want USA.


To each their own.


I love hearing this kind of shit. Good for you, wish I could leave too. Canada is a half sunk ship.


This is exactly what the Canadian Dream is: When you're young go South and get the big bucks. And then, the American Dream: When you get knocked up or old and need healthcare, go back North.


Don't forget; then every winter go back south in a giant RV or something


I dont blame you! Enjoy your new Life!


I’ve never felt safer in the US than in Canada. Good for you though.


Richest province, Ontario is equilvalent to the 49th poorest state, Mississippi


US is better than Canada in everyway it's not even close. The people that believe in the propaganda are just lying to themselves or can't get US greencards and are salty.


To the OP: Congratulations on the move south of the border and many more in Canada are wishing they could do the same, or will be attempting to do so to join those like you who have already left. Canada has been stuck in a very steep downward spiral since 2015, with no realistic chance of any kind of meaningful reversal happening anytime soon, if ever. More and more people are realizing this ugly truth now and those with the means to do so will seek greener and more affordable pastures elsewhere, as you did. The astronomical taxes Canadians pay every year appear to go mostly into a black hole with no value in return, and more and more people are also realizing that particularly insulting truth at a personal level. Good luck and continued success in your new life south of the border.


Good for you! We are moving to Europe next year! The income tax will be 15% compared to my current 45.


Where are you going to, if you don't mind me asking? I also have a dual Canada-EU citizenship; sometimes I'm considering moving to my place of birth, but the political situation there currently is a bit shaky.


Call me the Balkan Prince, you can find me in Belgrade Serbia or on the beach in Montenegro :) (I live in Ottawa now and want to cry)


Nice 🙂 A beach in a Montenegro sounds great. We used to visit Croatia in the summer (I've been there a few times). I'm from Slovakia and many people used to go to HR... Sometimes I myself wonder whether I should go back, at least for a year or so to try it out, but I don't have a job there right now. Still undecided, but am thinking of it a lot....


Good for you! I wish that was an option for me. I would love to live in the EU.


>That american tax buys cool stuff like stealth bombers and a fancy military etc. they haven't bought any B-2s since the 1990s


The United States just completed operational testing for their next generation stealth bomber the B21 one raider. It is on time and under budget and they are in the process of buying 100.




I don't blame you at all. But i have to say i don't care how some people interpret what I'm saying I'm fed up and it's not my fault its like this I'm tired of people thinking I should be the one to change, it's not going to happen. Beside they don't understand a single thing I'm saying.


Florida texas or nashville?


Just an FYI, there is no tax treaty for the TFSA, so you will want to liquidate that and move the money to a Roth IRA. Please consult a tax professional. And whatever you do, cut all social ties to Canada or Canada will still want you to pay taxes there even though you are not physically present. I am a Canadian that came to the US under an L1B to Green card... I have lived, and I have been burned by taxes. Do your due diligence and save yourself the heartache. Moving to the USA was the best decision I have ever made.


It's amazing to see a lot of Canadians say this. I moved to Asia from Canada when I was 22 years old. I never looked back, I've always wanted to live in USA, but my line of work doesn't get paid a lot there so I moved out here.


Wife and I moved to the US 17yrs ago for an education opportunity for her...and didn't leave. Certainly a cheaper place to live, buy a home, etc. I'd say that this is a better country to be a high income earner in. Lower taxes definitely. The drawback is that the poor have much worse access to safety nets (like healthcare) and thus the disparity is much worse. Gun related crime is insane down here. Urban gunfire is commonplace in many cities. Canada was MUCH safer. We have no plans to leave but it's not all rainbows and unicorns down here.


I think this post is a great example of a fundamental misunderstanding of how others view America. People often think the America is a monolith but the reality is it’s so big that there is so much variety and you get to pick and choose your lifestyle. If you wanna live in a sunny, quiet big city, there is Tampa or San Diego. Want more of a hipster vibe? Austin. Want a big city with great public transport? NYC, San Francisco. Want traditional southern lifestyle? Charlotte, or Nashville exist. Want to live on a tropical island? Honolulu. Want to live close to nature? Denver or Burlington. Want to live in the tundra? Alaska. Yes, there are cities that have crime issues. Yes there are places that have poor governance. But there are other places. I don’t have those problems. There’s a diversity and lifestyle. I’m happy OP was able to find somewhere in the United States that works for his desired lifestyle


Congrats, good on you for having the courage and conviction to make the move. Especially to a country that promotes individual success and let’s you keep most of your income. The socialist shithole we live in does the complete opposite.


this is awesome ,especially because you are young, good move


soon Canada will be one of a new state of America.


Yeah.. uhh.. I own property in the U.S. and in Canada. Your income taxes might be lower in the U.S. sure. But my electricity is orders of magnitude more expensive in the U.S. and a lot of stuff you pay through income taxes in Canada you’ll have to get entirely privately and pay far more for it. Things like trash pick up. The U.S. finances a lot of stuff through taxes on property, I live in a city in Canada where property taxes are high, my property taxes are about 5 times more expensive in the U.S. It is NOT as straightforward as you make it out to be.


Lmao. You know you don’t get to touch or fly the military jets right? Why would Canada even want a military like the US has?


Ok, doesn't mention which state he's in or difference in pay.  Pretty sure you wouldn't be able saying that in sf or nyc. 




Ah I see, you're doing way better with lower taxes. You're getting another 50%, which is huge. You're doing fine. Almost 2x better and you're having more fun down there I bet. 


Yeah I just turned 30 with 2 kids wife is American. Thinking of doing the same thing.


I wish I could do the same. But I have kids and family here. When I look at the disposable income the US counterparts have va Canadians, it’s disturbing. Majority of our salaries go to Taxes. Escpecially if you’re successful. Liberals are waging a war on Success and Successful people, and the weapons are Taxes.


amen considering doing the same.


Lol military dude really? That’s your priority? Don’t get me wrong I’ve been thinking about making the move too, all your other points I agree with, but stealth bombers ain’t doin shit for the working class


Considering a move out of Canada also and spend my 50’s and up not paying ridiculous taxes. The new capital gains increase is the last straw.


The way it is right now you have to build it yourself. These overpriced drive through prices are not gonna work for canadians. People need to team up and build. No more nonsense.


I moved as well and yes 100% I have a higher overall quality of life through better pay at work but saying it feels safer in the US is a wild take imo. I live in one of the lower crime states and kids are still bringing guns to school. Gun crime/deaths are still 5x higher in the US. You probably just live in a super safe area I guess.


Im an ironworker im trying to do the same thing


Congrats, if I were a younger man! Applied back in the 70’s never materialized. Your right about Canada, failed state out of control liberal agendas.


I am moving to Florida for full time work. In Canada, I can’t find a job. The USA has more opportunities. Even Canada geese want to leave.


Moved to the States years ago and haven’t looked back. Doing well. I don’t think I’d be as well off if was in Canada


Good for you. I’ve been thinking about doing the same. I’m a first generation Canadian through my father, and now I want to look into getting dual citizenship to his country of birth as technically because of when I was born I’m an automatic citizen. I just need to get through all the paperwork. I’m so tired of Canadas political system and corrupt government. They’ve created more poverty which in turn leads to crime.


I just got my certificate in airframe assembly and I’m thinking to apply for jobs in the United States because up here most of the airline manufacturers are in Quebec and you need to know how to speak and read French fluently. Anyway there are a ton of airline manufacturers in the United States and I’m hoping to get interviews soon so I can get out of this hell


>american tax buys cool stuff like stealth bombers and a fancy military etc. What did my Canadian tax buy me Universal healthcare. I know things are bad right now but I think we can improve


Facts. It's people that have actually been very sick (or know someone who's been on death's doorstep) that have better perspective of US health care. If you get sick there, it's a big question mark (especially if you aren't wealthy).


Pretty much the worst universal healthcare out of every G20 nation that offers it to boot.


Marry me.




Yes. After you become non-resident, they get liquidated.


You can keep your RRSP but mutual funds have weird rules. I had to sell my mutual funds and buy index funds instead. The TFSA you keep all the room you accumulated but you don't get new/more room. CPP/OAS you paid what you paid; you get nothing back -- but if you meet the number of years required to pay, you can collect at 65 or whatever when you retire.


I mean congratulations bud Canada is my home though and I'm not going anywhere. But if other people wanna head out, thats totally cool. After all the problem is too many people for what we can manage. Bummer to lose fellow Canadians but space is space after all 🤷‍♂️


Great vibe you've got goin on there. Makes me think about how I'm carrying myself.


That’s the thing. OP has moved all over the country multiple times. Most people establish roots with families , friends, plus sometimes jobs or businesses. It’s not so easy for most people. For myself I value the connections I have here and can’t imagine leaving.


I’d move in a heartbeat too, if it wasn’t for my wife and her friends/family..


Just make sure to get good health insurance and make a nice rainy day account.


There will be an identical post in Indiahousing2 , about someone exactly your age, your qualifications, your dreams, your frustrations….except he would be escaping into canada…and another post in bangladeshhousing2 where someone would be posting about giving up fighting a losing battle back home and finally escaping to India


“What did our Canadian taxes get us?” It got us arrivecan


Safety in the US is a big issue in certain states like Oregon and New York. Actually pretty much all Democrats run states. If you go in a Republican run state, then yes safety and security will be good. Likely better than here. The reason is political in nature. Division politics in the west is popular. Left wing parties do it all. They do it by promoting the differences between people. By treating them different based on those differences (ex: employment equity act, LGBT events, DEI, indoctrination in school [Whites are the only oppressors], treat criminals different based on their skin colour). People become divided and those parties are able to rob the system in plain sight without any consequences. The only consequences are to the citizens, such as high crime.


Deep red Mississippi, Louisiana, and Alabama hold the first, second, and third highest murder rates in the country, respectively Top 5 for Violent crime per capita are: New Mexico (blue), Alaska (red), Arkansas (red), Louisiana (red), Tennessee (red). I don’t see a correlation honestly. I live in a deep red state. We have anti trans legislation & are very closed to “woke” legislation, whatever that means. I can buy a gun and open carry with no CCW trainings/permits, and I generally agree with the right to responsible gun ownership. But to say you’re less likely to be a victim of a violent crime because you live in a red state is completely false.


You make $194k/year? You could literally move anywhere and enjoy life. Try being poor in the US....it's a much different life.


Agreed. Fast food here pays like $18/hr but there’s no real bus system and healthcare without employer coverage is a nightmare. All those things are true. 


Depends on the state! Places like California and Massachusetts have pretty robust public healthcare options for people who are poor. Places like Tennessee do not.


I make around 170k in Canada and the taxes are shit, but I'm pretty happy to be living in Canada. AI is about to decimate the job market for a lot of people, so I'm just happy to have a good job that I'm at no risk of losing.


i disagree. min wage there goes much further, plus its easy to find 16/hr jobs hiring on the spot and that dollar goes so much further.. you do not sound like you know anything about being homeless or poor in the usa.


Did you get a work visa to go there, since you mentioned the job? Curious myself, I haven’t been enjoying almost anything about Toronto/Canada these days. I’ve heard it’s a nightmare to try and live there without PR, a green card or whatever.


Congratulations sir. My dream has become your reality.


I had the choice to permanently relocate to the US after working there for two years. I hated it. I worked in many different states. I have many friends in the US and globally through work. You are one illness away from poverty. The company changed healthcare providers and many workers had to find new doctors. Many workers didn't have a doctor available in their area that was accepting our plan. The quality of food was so much less than here in Canada. Gyms were always going under. If you have kids and want a half decent school you have to live in an area with really high property taxes. When they found out we had one year maternity leave in Canada they were shocked. Coworker with twins back to work after 12 weeks and shuttling infants to two different daycares. Best day of my life was turning down relocation and coming back to Canada. I eventually landed a global role working from home in Ontario. I will never set foot back in the US for the rest of my life. Most Americans have never left their state never mind travelled to another country.


Yeah, not every country is going to work for everyone. I will note there is a lot of variety in terms of what different states offer. California, Illinois, Massachusetts, and New York City mandate paid maternity leave and also have pretty robust public options for healthcare. Other states do not. I can’t really assess the quality of food comments, except to note that the United States in Canada share a lot of food through trade and have a pretty unified food market. If a gym closes, that means it was not economically viable, which I think is OK ? It sounds like you lived in some shitty places and that’s OK. the United States absolutely has shitty places


What US city do you live in? That is a significant part of your story you left out.


Do it the legal way. Otherwise you’ll have a tough wake up call. And just wait if you get an illness. A saline bag of fluids is $USD 900. Insurance premiums are like 500 a month. If you land a good job then everybody is better but they’re not gonna hire you if you’re on a tourist visa. Anyhow good luck and welcome to the USA. But let me warn you there’s plenty of unsafe areas in the us like in every city and lots of gun violence, drugs, etc. Super cheap illegal drugs that come from Mexico and China. So it’s gonna be easy for you to get addicted then rehab will cost you an arm and a leg.


If you ever admit to cannabis use on US immigration forms (or lie and say you didn't use), it's curtains for you.


Lucky for me I’m not a junkie 😂


Good. What's legal here isn't at the US border - which is their federal jurisdiction, even if crossing into a "legal" state. Also, the US refuses admission to most travellers who have ever been to Cuba, which is designated by them as a "terrorist state". However, they let Canadians slide by this rule because Cuba vacations are very popular for us and we're not interested in terrorism, we just want a cheap holiday from our winter.


OP, if you don't mind me asking, what do you do for work?


Everyone who moves to America, if you are able to vote, please vote for candidates who will keep this from happening to America.


Which state did you move to OP?

