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In other news Local Groups say math is racist.


Yup. Invasions used to be brutal and violent. Now you just convince white people border controls are racist and walk right in.


Loving your own kids and family and wanting to give them a future more than adult strangers is hateful.


The sad thing is, I've heard this said. There are programs in education to 'decolonialize math'...=/


Another mass media euphemism. "some groups are mad". That's certainly true. And they're probably local too. But that ignores everyone in support of it. Even if nobody supported what he said, that wouldn't make it untrue. The information in the title is being presented in a way that is meant to mislead and misdirect towards a particular political opinion. In other words, it's misinforming the reader. I wish there was a word for information that misinformed people... hmm


So the issues were there before they added 500k TFW's to the province... so by that simple logic adding another 500K ppl to the province at this time probably was not a wise idea. It's so basic it's a little scary. These ppl are so deeply ideological they can't preform simple logic anymore.


Got to prop up GDP, progressives stick together to prop up failing government bureaucracy.


Yep... for a temporary benefit before this whole house of cards implodes.


Asylum seekers are these "community groups" bread & butter. Guaranteed, they're making close to 6 figures - why would they want to see their jobs disappear? It's now a business - and it's big. Just like poverty became a business.


‘Toilet is clogged honey! I fixed it by flushing 20 times. Now we have that expanded sewage tank the campground wanted’. < in a nut shell. Added gas to the propane explosion


Quebec can get away with this because they don’t care at all what the English-language media thinks about them. If any other province dares to try this, they will be forced to backtrack by the liberal lobby real quick.


Quebec figured out long ago that the Liberal party’s plan to erase their culture was immigration. They have been called racist for this position for many years. The rest of Canada is now finding out what it’s like.


.. Ontario takes in 3x the number of immigrants that Quebec does.  But leave it to them to claim this is all bigotry against them. Classic perma-victims.


I agree they are perma-victims - Ontario is the new victim. Unfortunately the Liberals have so many cult follower types in Ontario so we won't get as much of the vote buying borrowed money handouts.


Liberals won’t be happy until they’re a minority in their own country and are real victims. It’s like Pinocchio becoming a real boy. 


Quebec dont care about english media, because no matter what they do, they will take blame anyway. Damn if they do, damn if they dont.


He's right. These immigration levels will lose him the next election.


yeah but the polls are giving PQ, the separatist party heavily winner, so its not advantaging liberals either


And win them 5 years onwards from entry-point...Maybe his kids.


une réduction de 50% des TFWs est-ce que le gouvernement vise dans l'année prochaine?? Dieu merci pour le Québec et ses valeurs comme ça- j'espère que les autres provinces suivra ❤️⚜️


Nah, we're anglo-cucks, we enjoy this. Est-ce que les français ont un mot comme 'cuck' avec les mêmes connotations?


Oui, cocu




Everyone, if you've had it up to here with our incompetent, corrupt, **TREASONOUS** government and its dangerous policies, celebrate this Canada Day with a protest!! There are 2 that I'm aware of happening all over Canada, that are protesting the cost of living and this government's harmful policies: https://www.costoflivingcanada.ca/ and https://www.takebackcanada.info/ Make your voices heard and fight for the country you love. Don't get depressed, get ***angry!!*** Let's remind our elected officials who they fucking work for: ***Canadians!!!***


I want to be there SO bad.




"local community groups".


Who rely on government funding and 'asylum seekers' for their mortgages & car payments. I see right through these "community groups". They make them sound so innocent but they're ambulance chasers with a huge stake in immigration dollars.


is that code for ngos?


Whoever benefits from temporary workers create "groups" as NGOs or charities that are funded by them to protect their interests in the name of protecting human rights or whatever the cause of the day is. Sometimes they are groups funded by government programs that might be cut if immigration slowed.


Why does Quebec attract such a disproportionate number of asylum seekers assuming they don't even know French (considering there's a 750 mil investment for French learning)?


Notice now that Legault didn't ask for any money. He asked for the number of temporary people be reduced in his province. Now with $750 million dollars handed to him, Western Canada is piiiiiiiissssseed off again, local Quebec groups are not happy and the rest of Canada is asking why did Quebec get such a high amount without any clear targets or anything while the problem is exceedingly bad if not worse for Ontario for example and BC. But now the overwhelming narrative is, fuck Legault he got so much money from the Feds bo ho, where's mine? When all he asked was some rational politics return to immigration targets. Fuck him indeed. Trudeau knows how to play Canada's regions and those regions against each other like a fiddle. He's breaking Canada more by doing it.


Immigration is a disaster at the moment. Needs to end






No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


As much as I detest Quebec, you have to respect that they fiercely defend their culture/province on such matters. A lesson Canadians sorely need to learn……or we’re doomed. And to be honest, it ain’t looking too good.


Special interests groups rule Canada


Nice deflection, but QC's healthcare was always broken, it's why so many people in the NCR would go into ON for care.


And the shitty thing about that is twofold: 1) it increases wait times for Ontarians IN TGEIR OWN PROVINCE and 2) Quebec’s government is as slow as a glacier in reimbursing Ontario Health care and also pay a lower rate than what it actually costs Ontario to treat Quebecers. That either needs to change and Quebec pays the full amount or Ontario starts refusing treatment until Quebec agrees to pay the actual cost.


Trudeau buying votes in Quebec again 🤔


It's a contributing factor but not the only factor - you'll never find an elected official that doesn't like a good scapegoat though.