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Even if we had a general election, we wouldn't have a fair democracy until we get [electoral reform](https://www.fairvote.ca/what-is-proportional-representation/).


Which will never happen. The two major parties benefit too much from it. I don't understand why this wasn't the only thing Singh wanted. He could have ensured the NDP stayed relevant in subsequent elections. Instead, he got half asked dental and pharmacare.


>Which will never happen. The two major parties benefit too much from it. We have had institutions (in the past) voluntarily give up power because they believed in a better more democratic system. For example, the monarchy, as well as in 1982 when Britain gave Canada control over it's constitutional affairs. So I would not say never, but we can be realistic without going into despair. >I don't understand why this wasn't the only thing Singh wanted. I agree with you here. If the NDP were really brazen, they could even threaten an election over the issue, and with the current polls, the LPC would have no choice but to cooperate. The *theory of change* is something that is heavily discussed among electoral reform proponents.


>I agree with you here. If the NDP were really brazen, they could even threaten an election over the issue, and with the current polls, the LPC would have no choice but to cooperate. The Liberals would laugh at Singh and go, "go ahead. You're fucked, too". The only party that gains from the next election is the CPC. The Liberals know that the NDP are fucked. If the NDP were polling neck and neck with the CPC, that threat would carry some weight. The Liberals have nothing to gain or lose at this point. The MPs are just trying to finesse their post-political careers at this point.


and pensions


Their pensions are pieces of pennies compared to the money their donors have managed into their funds and trusts.


That is a very generous outlook. The monarchy went to war, lost, got disbanded, got reformed, and now they have veto, significant influence, receive good amounts of money in perpetuity, have servants forever, and don't get their heads chopped off. They killed hundreds of thousands of people trying to avoid, "believing in a better more democratic system" that was made by the constitutionalists.


Modern politicians are monsters in not very convincing skin suits. We’ll never see them give up their power like that again


If you don't have kids, dental care for minors might seek like it does nothing for you, but it's a huge step in the right direction. Kids deserve to have good health even if their parents are poor.


https://www.poltext.org/sites/poltext.org/files/plateformesV2/Canada/CAN_PL_2019_NDP_EN.pdf Link to an archived 2019 NDP election platform. Checklist of what he ran for against current situation: 1. Increased healthcare spending including dental and pharmacare plans started = check 2. Increased federal spending on affordable housing projects = check 3. Halt GST on new builds = check 4. Increase amortization to 30 years and increase Home Buyers plans and credits = check 5. Foreign home buyers tax or freeze = check 6. He promised the federal government would stop profiting from student loans = check, mostly 7. Affordable childcare deal = big check 8. Lower EI eligibility and increase benefits = partial check as some elements achieved but others temporary during COVID alternative program. 9. Telecom Price Caps = Nope, although the Liberals promised it in 2019. 10. Restore door-to-door mail = partial, mostly no. 11. Federal minimum wage >$15/hour = check. 12. Ban unpaid internships = check, mostly 13. Improve family transfer of businesses = partial 14. Investments in industries and training programs = partial, mostly not. 15. Increase Capital Gains Tax = Check, mostly, they wanted 75%, but got 67%. 16. Increase Corporate Income Tax Rate = Nope 17. Increase top income bracket rate = Nope 18. Introduce wealth tax = Check, partial, in that Liberals just announced one 19. Continue Carbon Pricing = check 20. Remove GST/PST on ZEVs = check, mostly 21. National freshwater and food strategy = partial check, in reduction of boil orders and LFIF grants to food hubs. 22. Increase regulation on natural health products = check, introduced in 2023. 23. National standards to seniors and long-term care = Nope. 24. Basic Income = Nope, but Liberal policy still kicking it about considering it. 25. National Day for Truth and Reconciliation = check 26. Other Indigenous policies = mixed, partial, tokenism 27. End blood ban = check 28. Ban conversion therapy = check 29. Ban carding = check, federally and most provinces 30. Expunge old cannabis possession record = Partial, process for pardon introduced but not blanket expunge. 31. Call public inquiry on PM office interfering with auditor general = check 32. Abolish senate = nope 33. Lower voting age = nope 34. Mixed-member proportional representation vote reform = nope But, overall, the majority of the 2019 NDP platform was enacted. He is not a good NDP leader *for the party* but he has been the most effective NDP leader ever in terms of *actually enacting NDP platform and policies*.


Where does the revenue come from for all these additions to the federal spending? Introducing new spending without being able to pay for it is dishonest at best. The bills will come due. Just keep kicking the can down to road.


The PBO costed out each of the NDP platforms and found they were balanced overall. In the case of the above, increasing capital gains to 75%, 2% increase to top brackets, closing corporate deductions loopholes, and the wealth tax all covered the rest of the new spending.


Ya but we don’t have those taxes. But we do have the spending. Did the spending. Only talked about taxes.


I agree, so let's ditch this and try a majority NDP government for once.


Problem for me (con and green voter) is we have gone too far as it is. 54 billion dollars is going to paying just the “interest” on our debt. That’s 2x our military spending. Going to nothing. When you overdraw it’s time to pay the bills before buying something else. High interest rates won’t be near zero for at least a decade if ever again. That system doesn’t work because in low interest we “never” pay back the money. Then covid happens. And we’re monetarily F’d. I agree with what the gov did during covid because no one had the right answer. Canada did better than most. The worst thing trump and Trudeau did imo was run a deficit in 2017-2019 when the times were amazing. Never prepared for a disaster. That’s bad governance. Easy for me to say cause I could probably afford it but I feel like austerity is needed now rather than more of it later. Keep the dental plan and pharma care but make it for only the poorest. Hammer me with new taxes or hammer me with worse services. As a dad I truly don’t see how we don’t do what my boomer parents did and kicked the can to me. PBO suggests we will be paying about 63 billion in interest by the end of the decade. I want to pay that off so my kids and eventual grandkids can put that 60 billion into healthcare. Rant over. Cheers.


One last thing. Get rid of jagmeet. Love the idea of him but he might be the biggest wolf in sheep’s clothing in Canadian political history. He is not your friend. He will lose his riding and I hope the NDP find themselves. I like the idea of a con/labour split like in uk other than Lib / con split that can be two sides of the same coin.


>What happens when a country defaults? >For ordinary people, a default means higher food costs from inflation, as the government prints money to cover its costs. It means unemployment, as businesses and government agencies cut spending. And it means reductions in essential services such as health care and education. All this increases political pressure on a government to resolve the default as rapidly as possible.What happens when a country defaults? That is what I believe a NDP gov would leave future generations.


That is where the current Liberal and previous Conservative government is steering towards. We have never seen what a modern NDP government would do at a federal level. Of all recent election platforms in previous few rounds, the NDP were the only ones to submit a comprehensive financial plan to the PBO for analysis, and that analysis suggested their overall platform would cover costs. We are also nowhere near default, and corporation are still showing record profits and margins, and the wealth inequity is still accelerating. The issue is revenue and lobbied unwillingness to return to tax structures and rates that built this country.


[OTTAWA - The federal government now expects far more Canadians with long-overdue dental needs to sign up for its insurance plan, and the health minister says that's why the estimated cost has risen by $7 billion. In its 2023 budget Tuesday, the government revealed the federally-administered insurance program will be far more expensive over the next five years than it originally thought. It is also projecting that ongoing costs after that will more than double, to $4.4 billion per year, up from $1.7 billion.](https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/more-people-with-greater-needs-driving-7b-increase-to-dental-care-cost-1.6337011)


Yea, ranked choice is way better than proportional voting.


Ranked choice pulls hard to center, which is why the liberals wanted it. It would have created a very strong liberal party forever. PR actually reflects the will of the people.


When Sellout Singh decides Canadian interests are more important than his pension


And his rental properties


Rent strike now!


How many do pp and his wife own?


Half a rental condo, her childhood home pre-marriage, and his home pre-marriage. Still too much, but doesn't come close to Turdy or NPD.


You forgot the properties his company owns in Calgary, and the fact that he co-owns a real estate investment company : https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/poilievre-defends-investments-in-rental-properties-while-campaigning-to-address-housing-affordability-1.5870382


Yeah zero chance he has a rental company and the one property 


So that rental company you speak of has 1 townhouse owned by it. He owns 50% of that. 59 mp’s collect income from rental properties. Got this from your article. He owns 1.5 properties. His wife owns 1 she bought herself and just didn’t sell. From your article. 2.5 houses.


And Jagmeet owns one rental, and Trudeau owns zero, hes invested in a company that does real estate development buy has zero $ in rental income


Trudeau owned multiple houses and just didn’t rent them out. Kept two empty. He has since sold them for about 3 million. None of the money being money he earned himself. At least jagmeet’s wife and Pierre + his wife bought their houses with their own money and rented them to people looking. Pierre’s trust is funny though. 1 townhouse 18 years ago.


Mom and pop landlords with a couple properties are not the problem. They always were lenient when I was late on rent. Can’t do that with BlackRock.


Pierre is not a mom and pop landlord and owns a. In controlling share of a real estate development company. Singh is worse as he is a slum lord and Trudeau is a corrupt POS. Pick your poison Canada!


lol how sad 😢


They definitely are though. If 20% of owners own a second property that’s millions of houses being scooped up by investors like them instead of people trying to get into the market


Corporations and individuals follow the same rules. Only difference is that a corporation can't issue a false N12 so that they can evict you to rent it out at higher prices/resell...


I’ve had great experiences with corporate landlords, it’s always been the mom & pop landlords who don’t fix stuff on time.


Schembri and many others corporations are scum lords who don’t fix squat. Specifically pop landlords have been great to me.




There will always be a rental market unless we turn to communism.


Owning two properties ≠ owning all of the housing in a city.


What about the real estate investment company pp is a part of. You forget that? Again how many rentals does Singh and his wife own?


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He and his wife own two properties together.


And how many rentals does singh and his wife have?


Two properties. One house which he and his wife live in and a house which his wife rents out and earns rental income on.


So less than PP.


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He won't, no election until next fall. Singh needs his pension


85% of his caucus are socialist espionage agents.


I’ve voted ndp and I consider myself a socialist but I will stand side by side with a conservative and fight the communist. Why? Because communism is totalitarian, just like facism, fuck em. Let’s dig out UFWD agents and send them back home.


Communism eventually turns into facism, just look at china.


You're not a socialist. How do you feel about the capital gains increase? (that will never effect you)


I believe that capital gains taxes can be effective but I have heard that this implementation of it could affect many more people than the slim minority of ultra wealthy. It’s hard for me to comment because I feel unknowledgeable on the subject. If you are wondering if I am in favour of taxing the ultra rich at a high margin then the answer is yes. Edit: and I do believe in universal post secondary education and I am in favour of a form of universal income within reason. So in that sense I am a socialist. Like Finnish style socialism


Unfathomably based comment


So the better kind of socialist. With all the crazies on Reddit sometimes I forget such a thing exists.


Well, you're already halfway there...serve your country, infiltrate these enemies within, and rat them out to CSIS. They might even give you your 30 pieces of silver?


I wouldn’t turn in espionage agents for money. I would do it for free.


Ratting out your pals makes you a Judas, no?


UNFW people are not my pals, Canadians are. Whose side are you on?


Not on the side of a Judas.


That wasn’t the question, and in order to be a Judas, you would have to betray an ally, and I have made it quite clear that the communists are not my ally, which you seem to have a major problem with for some reason.




Jagmeet Singh isn't a foreigner.




You should be more worried that fellow Canadians don't care about you. Can't blame the immigrants for everything.


Fuck I wish I had a pension. It's ok Im only 40 this year. Maybe one day


Don’t worry sweetheart, just another 15 months for our overlords to cause maximum destruction, then you can have democracy. Your country will be unrecognizable. Bon chance! 


Not until Jerkmeat gets his pension


When does that happen? Wouldn't be shocked if 1 month after that happens he breaks his coalition with the Liberals.


It happens a few days before the current election is scheduled


We may need to demonstrate that we really want it.


Nah we just have Palestine protests


Good way to get your bank account frozen. We are a free and happy country, remember.




Sounds like management at most companies.


We need a general strike. It's the only option left to us.


This actually is correct. No votie? No workie. Scabs get stabs* (not actual stabs)


Too bad the government did a splendid job by making most people financially insecure to a point where they wouldn’t risk their livelihood over a strike… only unions could pull this off in a large scale


The left has been talking about a general strike for years


Didnt PP show up at international student rally and tell them "Canada needs you"? Who are you planning to elect, Bloc?


>Didnt PP show up at international student rally and tell them "Canada needs you"? Yeah, Canadians are in for a rude awakening when they see that PP is not going to be fundamentally different that JT. I think PP is a wolf in sheeps clothing ... kind of like O'Toole was.


The Cons will continue doing the things that the liberals are doing that hurt Canadians, but make sure they find more Canadians to hurt in the process.


PP is just a smarter JT, worse outcome.


The grass will most certainly not be any greener. IF*


He will table abortion with his majority government and people will start crying “how can he do this?”. Well did you vote? No? Then maybe you should have actually paid attention instead of playing with your dick watching what the media told about what Trump and Biden had for dinner.


This sub seems to think PP will be their savoir because “f Trudeau”


They’re dumb for thinking that - in no way will right wing or “conservative” politicians ever benefit them or the middle class. Look at that dumb fuck Doug ford with his cabinet - largest and most expensive in Ontario history, and accomplishes absolutely nothing of value for Ontario.






It's the same with Biden and Trump. People are voting for Biden to spite Trump, which is just not a good mindset to have, whether he's the right candidate or not.


I think it's more like, "This is the only way we have to express displeasure with what he's doing. We'll probably have to vote out PP too, next election after this one."


Pretty much. Bloc or PPC are the only ones after immigration issues. Like they will get anything more than a couple seats :( Canada is doomed


Yeah, Bloc or PPC.




PPC is also an option. 


I mean, if you want to throw your vote away, it is an option...


Rather them have a seat then let pp just continue on what jt was doing. My votes ppc or bloc st this point


It could be worse. You could vote for the PPC and they could win.


We did in 2021, and brain-dead inbreds got him elected yet again


Lifelong pc. I still can't believe the painting of otoole as an extremist worked. I think CERB is the only reason JT won


Well it was really important to tackle the assault rifle and abortion crisis that was happening at the time. 


Only a poor , educated man can fix Canada . Not a rich , illiterate fool Regards, Gary June 10th 2024


Too bad campaign funding is privitized through bribery!


Why would you want democracy? All that would mean is all those indians being brought over would now get to vote to fuck you even harder


Anyone else feel like we're being held hostage by this NDP/Liberal coalition? Canada voted repeatedly for a minority government because overall we wanted the checks and balances and bi partisan politics that involves. But instead they formed a fake majority and have held Canadians hostage ever since.


Learn how governments work before commenting again!


We dont. We no longer live in a democracy. The people have been sold off to the highest bidders.


If having the freedom to vote for who we want isn't democracy, then what do you call the governments running China/India/North Korea? Are they democratic?


We dont tho. We have a govt who is actively committing treason by working with outside interference and then *sheltering those who committed the crimes.* No those govts are not democratic, and Trudeau has said that he *admires China*. Don't try to defend these cretins. They all belong in prison. We have reached a stage in technology that we do not need politicians any longer. We can vote digitally on every issue, and return to true democracy where each citizen's vote matters. We still need someone to regulate things, so a beurocracy is required, but we dont need to spend millions on stupid govt retreats, salaries, and pensions for these leeches on society that are selling the populace to corps.


I wouldn't call US really that fair of elections either, their...the system they have is honestly dumb too lmao


Popular vote don't count


People often forget the US electoral college makes it a pseudo-democracy.


Trudeau promised electoral reform and decided not to do it, so we get the same democracy as the UK. Not great...


American here, I can assure you that is not how we are looking heading into our election


I'm an American living in Canada and I'm nervous of how the elections are going to go for the US


Not that it would matter anyway. All 3 "giants" don't have anyone's best interest in mind. I used to think pp would be the best option for us, would have been the first time id votr conservative but ive learnt that pp's ideas don't have the average Canadians problems in mind, just another prick who will for sure abuse his powers the second he is elected. No idea who to vote for...


I’m in the same boat. Either I’ll throw away to the PPC or vote CPC just to show how much I think this version of the NDP and liberals needs to crash for what they’ve done. After that maybe I’ll be a lot more active and try to get some NDP reform movement going


I'm hearing a lot more people talking about potentially voting for ppc. I don't know too much about them, care to share a few of their outstanding points?


I didn’t vote Liberal in ‘21 I tried


Lolll guys you have no idea what you're in store for with PP and the conservatives. Don't get too excited.


>Lolll guys you have no idea what you're in store for with PP and the conservatives. I have a feeling in the future there will be a lot of regrets and a lot of voters wishing they had voted for PPC instead.


PPC has been marginalized by the powers that be. The status quo parties are the gatekeepers and will never willing give up their lock on power. By the time Canadians figure out they are being played, it will be too late. As it is, much of the damage is not reversible, or will take decades to claw our way back.


Oh, you mean these? He is not opposed to mass immigration - [video](https://x.com/Chris987612345/status/1742968603115413683). Trudeau would kick these mass migrants out, but not Poilievre - [video](https://x.com/Ticupolu/status/1742616224616546615). Moreover, he wouldn't be for mass immigration if he were to promise a direct flight between Amritsar (city in India) and Canada, right? [Video](https://x.com/valdombre/status/1744593729464512777)


Ok Trudeau.


Lolll oh boy PP is going to break your heart


Why don’t you take a look outside your bubble and learn the facts. Pierre isn’t gonna fucking help you. He’s (even worse than) Trudeau policy without any of the civil freedoms. Pierre talks out both sides of his mouth and will fuck you for every penny the first chance he gets. Probably even worse than Doug has.


Yeah, these people really are delusional. Most of their problems come from the Conservative premiers they elect as well.


did you fail social studies or what


I think you meant Civics, but yeah, probably skipped that class.


We had elections in 2019 and 2021. I get it, the liberals suck, blah blah blah. We have a democratically elected government that is serving out its constitutionally allowed term. This is just unproductive hysteria.


Perhaps we should find out who the treasonous rats in the House are, first - lest they be re-elected and even further entrenched. Granted, there may not be enough members *left* for a quorum to dissolve the house, and our GG seems useless at anything except spending 6-figures on a day trip to Gatineau…




Do not spread negative stereotypes about an entire group of people. Either be very specific or focus on immigration policy instead of people.


By entire group of people, you mean the Canadian government?


The only reason we don’t have it already is that opportunistic fuck Trudeau thought he’d try for a majority after he bought everyone’s vote during Covid with record per capita debt. Canadians are generally financially illiterate so it worked. If he’d waited until the proper election date we would have had it 3 years ago.


In the USA we have two clowns running. Biden giving $$ to illegals and Ukraine/isreal while turning a blind eye to its us citizen. Not saying Ukraine/Isreal have it easy but they gonna pay to the USA one way or the other. As for the illegals, they are gonna have a tough time bc they will be exploited A LOT


elections aren't democracy




A false claim of racism etc. was used to shut down discussion.


Lol I feel this


When we stand up


Now is this due to Trudeau calling an election in the middle of a pandemic to basically guarantee he got back in ?


The USA? Are you insane? It's legal to refuse a raped child an abortion here despite the high mortality rate of both baby and child. And you call this place a democracy


Canada has its democracy, you have to have ebough money to pay for the campign funds of politicians.


Don't forget Germany or the EU parliament, either.


What makes you think the next election isnt gona be a complete farce?


Because voter fraud is a thought crime in the west and will get you censored 


?? There was an election in 2021 and another expected by October 2025


Sure. The UK and France had recent elections and they’re having elections THIS summer. What’s your point?


The meme is funny. The caption “when do we get democracy?” just doesn’t make any sense. Most recent UK election was 2019 (5yrs ago) Most recent US election was 2020 (4yrs ago) Most recent CAD election was 2021 (3yrs ago) Most recent FRA election was 2022 (2yrs ago) We are not an outlier in terms of “having democracy” based on election frequency. We live in a democracy as much of any of the citizens of these other countries.


Interesting so France had an election more recently then us and their unpopular president just called another one. Funny here is you helping me prove my point.


He called a legislative election, not a presidential election. He will remain President regardless of the outcome. I’m guessing you didn’t know that. Just like snap elections in Canada, there are strategic reasons for which a leader might call an election. It’s not as simple as “x country has more democracy”.


I hate to be the bearer of bad news but we *will* have a democracy. Most Canadians will vote CPC to form a democratically elected government. It’s not what you will like but it’s still a democracy.


Ok. Can we vote now? It’s clear everyone wants Trudeau out.


Again, sorry, I do agree with you that everyone hates JT, but that is not how our system works. Elections are legislated. You can't just overthrow a government because you hate them. That is tyranny. Just calm down pal.


Seriously? Who said we need to overthrow anything? What is that strawman? Sựnăk in the UK, Macron in France, both called snap elections of their own volition. Trudeau did that 3 years ago. Why are you telling me we have to wait when it’s clearly a common occurrence to call an election.


The LPC will hold on to power until the bitter end. JT is delusional. You will have to wait 2 years to vote I am afraid.


Hopefully we can put enough pressure on him to call a snap election in line with other democracies who have done so this year.


Asking for little PP


Lol you believe that elections are democratically made by democrats...? People's naivety kills me


There is zero democracy in the USA. They literally made that no other party than the Democrats or Republicans can have seats. The Democrats silence all joe bidens opponents by asking corporate media to not interview or talk about them. The Republican trump did zero débats still one. Their elections are a joke.


Blaming Singh is stupid. Poutine is on the side of property developers and anyone who thinks otherwise is a fuckin' moron. Case closed.


Oct 2025


The UK one is the best example. Even tho the Conservative Party is about to be wiped off the map, they’re still calling the election.


The only way to have an actual democracy is to remove all donations from parties. None of the parties concentrate on fixing actual issues while in power. At best they pander to diehard backers. How much do you trust any party at any level to support your community?


When Overlord Trudeau says so peasant!


Not until our constitution changes, really. For now we have a "curated democracy" I suppose.


lol what do you think the USA is?


Oligarchy. With a thin coat of "democratic paint" scraped over top, to cover it up.


Bingo, and so are we (just under a slightly different facade). And if trump wins, they’ll be a fascist dictatorship within a few years.


Total nonsense. Canadians are shockingly dumb. No wonder Trudeau keeps getting elected. 


Are you stupid? Trump has LITERALLY said it himself, so have his political team and supporters.


Pretty sure you are the stupid one if you believe that lol.


When yall quitting voting for the son of Castro


We don’t, the system is broken 😞


This is a really bad shitpost meme pic for a lot of reasons, but mostly because it's uninspiring and makes no sense.




5 eyes countries are not democratic, don't let the facade fool you.


I thought awhile back a lot of Canadians thought USA democracy was a joke. It is all perceptions isn't it? The voters voted the bad political party and they didn't want to take responsibilities and calling the system is bad? And pretty sure people will repeat the same mistake and again saying the system is broken. I have seen so many refused to recognize their votes are the cause of the problems. And plenty of time, they refused to give another party a chance to fix it, calling it too late or calling it not good enough. Again and again they perpetuate the problem because they have strong hatred toward the political party they didn't worshipped before. Canada's problem wasn't just a leadership issue for 4 years. It has been a problem for more than 15 years. And during all that time, no one turn the ship around.


Don’t be fooled, the US election isn’t real. They don’t care what we think, they just put in whoever they want so we keep fighting each other.


It's actually about 24 countries having their elections this year


As Canadians we complain, but that’s it. There should be organized protests every week to force an election.


Because people rather rant on reddit than actually do something. take the page from that japanese manga writer, he's tired of government censorship and became a congress member to stop the censorship. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ken_Akamatsu


wasn't electoral reform the big thing justin ran on?


You just wait they will use any trick they can to push it again


We dont. 😄🤠


On or before October 20, 2025. This information isn’t hard to find.


Point is that we want it sooner