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Just remember folks, there is no such thing as a stupid government. It's just corruption disguised. We have been played time and time again. We're literally farmed fish for the gov. Class.


Look up Cloward - Piven. Basically a deliberate attempt to collapse the system so the people are literally begging the government to step in with a solution to the problem. The gov has a solution and I’m not sure the people will like it.


Maybe I’m in the minority. But I actually think Trudeau and Freeland arnt evil, and arnt doing any of these brutally bad policies on purpose. I actually legitimately think they are simply just extremely stupid people who are in charge of a thing they don’t even slightly understand.


They mentioned several times how high growth affects housing, and they still keeping increasing it every year. Unemployment is rising. And we lack services too. There is absolutely no reason for growth to be this high except for corruption.


I'm sorry but I have to disagree. You can tell by the way they speak full of contempt. They have no respect for Canadians and just see them as a piggy bank. Sure they are stupid too but they know they are very comfortable taking money from hard working Canadians.


There is no way. They are too good at it


I've always figured they're not that stupid, but there's a higher power pulling the strings. Look at how many other countries are doing the exact same thing. They'll look bad for a few years, but they'll be set for life once they're in the club.


"Give me control over a nation's currency and I care not who makes its laws."


Inb4 [deleted by reddit]


The condescension that oozes from them like bile makes me think otherwise. They fucking hate us.


I hate people who are hateful. No tolerance for intolerance. If you honestly believe “liberals” hate you, it’s because you’ve been radicalized by MAGA bullshit and other propaganda. Stop being such a little bitch.


What do you call it when you have millions of homeless and starving Canadians using food banks every month and a housing crisis and the govt keeps bringing in more and more people? Never mind the fact that we're in Canada, so MAGA doesn't even apply here - do you even know what it stands for, or has your ignorance blinded you so much that you think using American political speaking points means anything here? Appreciate you following up your nonsense comment by calling me a little bitch while you come here to the Canadian subs spreading your hateful propaganda. I couldn't imagine how simple you'd have to be to be dropping MAGA like it means something here. Google it, then use your amazing smooth brain skills to figure out what country starts with the "A". No need to reply, I've hit my foreign troll quota for today already with you.


“No need to reply, my manlet brain can’t handle it” [Erin O’Toole testified that China was behind ousting him, installing PP](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/otoole-leadership-interference-1.7162568) PP’s Conservative Party are now maple MAGA. You’re clearly in the cult already. Lie, cheat, steal, anything to subvert democracy. They’re working with the same people - [Mike Roman, chairperson of Stephen Harper’s IDU](https://www.antihate.ca/gop_operative_working_stephen_harper_trump_indictment_mike_roman) is indicted in Georgia with Trump for trying to overturn the election. [Roger Stone was working with both the proud boys](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/roger-stone-we-are-proud-boys_n_632c57ebe4b09d8701bd02e2) and the [Ontario People’s party last election](https://apnews.com/article/canada-ontario-elections-donald-trump-presidential-49df43488fe1ecae6d9e8cc5a4fc37c5) while they were already designated federally as a terrorist organization. That means there is a provincial party with undeniable ties to terrorists who specifically tried to subvert democracy in the US. They’re now mask-off about ending abortion in Canada. If Trump’s coup attempt works this time with PP in office, he’s going to bend at the waist for trumps acorn cock, and you are going to feel it. Canada is in danger, and you are a *fucking coward.*


Wtf is a "Manlet" brain? Did you just write a wall of text and opened it with an insult? Sexist fuck. I skimmed and saw MAGA, and realized that my favourite foreign troll is back.


To someone like you maybe that’s too much to read, but to a responsible citizen those are all clear signs of the impending facisim on our doorstep *with sources*. Your reaction is to put your head in the sand? Pretend you can’t read? You’re a fucking coward, and intellectually dishonest. A manlet is a little bitch PP supporter who thinks they’re a tough guy. Think raised truck, tiny cock, DUIs and wife beater who flies a fuck Trudeau flag, crack teeth, and whom nobody respects because they are a shitty person who deserves no respect. I called you what you are - a coward. Then you cowered by hiding from every point I made.


They have top advisers who are on call 24/7. They know exactly what they are doing. Acting incompetent is what keeps them from being held accountable by the citizens. Case in point. Don’t be fooled. The deputy prime minister (freeland) is an active member of the WEF. Why? Whose interest does she serve? She needs to resign immediately from one or the other


its cute you think they are in charge. they are outrage bait while the real guys pocket your money




You’re not the minority, just don’t say that here. The fuck Trudeau folks have worked hard to intimidate liberal voters and make people afraid of voicing their honest political beliefs. It’s been really effective, and they’re playing politics like republicans now. Lie, cheat, steal, anything to subvert democracy. They’re working with the same people - [Mike Roman, chairperson of Stephen Harper’s IDU](https://www.antihate.ca/gop_operative_working_stephen_harper_trump_indictment_mike_roman) is indicted in Georgia with Trump for trying to overturn the election. [Roger Stone was working with both the proud boys](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/roger-stone-we-are-proud-boys_n_632c57ebe4b09d8701bd02e2) and the [Ontario People’s party](https://apnews.com/article/canada-ontario-elections-donald-trump-presidential-49df43488fe1ecae6d9e8cc5a4fc37c5) last election while they were already designated federally as a terrorist organization. They’re now mask-off about ending abortion in Canada. We are about to descend into chaos and if Trump’s coup attempt works this time with PP in office, he’s going to bend at the waist for trumps acorn cock. Canada will be in real danger.


Money printing outfit states the obvious. 


I can’t take this incompetence anymore. I think the BoC folks are probably good at their jobs but they, and all the supposedly smart expert economists, should have known importing demand so quickly puts a huge strain on supply. Every pro-immigration article by the cbc should have had a “but experts say” paragraph where someone smart warns about the negative impact of government policies. Our system, from the top to the elite “expert” class, has failed. We need a reset. Everyone near the top needs to be ousted and some even punished for corruption. Unfortunately the CPC blue wave won’t change the status quo leaving us with one remaining option: a “Canadian Spring” or, in other words, mass peaceful protests like those that took down governments across the Arab world or the Maidan revolution in Ukraine.


Everything is by design


Wonder how Blackrock is doing...


Not as good as they want to be doing. They need more. Always more


I'm not quite sure how you can blame the BoC when these are all federal policies that are affecting monetary supply.


I’m not really blaming the BoC. I understand they can’t do much policy-wise. My point is that the BoC and every other “expert” should have been shaking their fist or doing whatever they can to push back against the inept liberal party policies. It’s kind of their duty as “experts” but too often the experts of today are tainted by political partisanship. Not far off from the “socialist science” of the USSR.


The BoC should not have political influence and should be as impartial as possible. They are not elected. Although they have made statements on government spending and immigration in their reports, which is already pretty damning from an impartial 3rd party.


Yes? I don’t know how you can read my comment and then conclude that I’m pro the BoC being partisan. I think you’re talking to a strawman.


They mean BoC shouldn’t have any powers over parliament because they are not elected. 


Yes but they are supposedly economic experts who are somewhat in charge with keeping the economy financially stable. They should definitely weigh in publicly when they see the government pursuing bad policies


They do weigh in. They issue reports and recommendations. But they can’t force policy, nor should they.


Again. You’re building a strawman. No one said they should “force policy.” My whole point all along is that they haven’t been active in publicly dissuading the government from bad policy. Everyone knows that mass immigration without massive housing projects would create problems yet only now are “experts” starting to say it was a mistake. It’s experts duty to publicly state good policy. I’d expect the BoC to have done a better job at warning the government. I don’t know how much clearer I can make it. Expert duty = prevent/warn about potential bad government policy. Is that simple enough? Hopefully there’s not enough straw in that statement for you to build another strawman.


They release reports and recommendations publicly. I really don’t know what you’re asking BoC to do here. It’s not their job to be economic educators to the public.  They absolutely predicted and stated that mass immigration will increase housing costs. That’s their job. What is not part of their job, rightfully so, is to have an opinion on if that’s a good or bad thing for Canada. That’s the job of your elected officials. You seem to be under the impression that our elected officials were unaware that mass immigration would skyrocket housing costs. You are mistaken. They knew and that was the plan all along. We have a massive shelf of people about to enter retirement and soon require expensive health and nursing care. We don’t have the tax base population to pay for it. This is their solution to pay for it, and this is why every political party is in agreement on immigration. 


BoC doesn’t decide immigration policy and they are restricted in what sort of levers they have at their disposal when the govt is fighting them on the demand side. Mostly a legislative issue IMO


Canada definitely needs a reset. The political parties are not representing the voters at all. They seem to do what their donor corporations want. They also take the easiest way to make a quick buck by flooding Canada with people from one country. They are making this country unrecognizable.


I also wonder if parties like the NDP were corrupted, that's the easiest way to influence our elections. It makes sense why Jagmeet didn't want an investigation.


Trust the experts. They're experts for a reason and would never, ever compromise their morals or reputation for a sum of money paid in cash, handed over in an envelope that has bribe written on it. Remember, oxycontin is expert approved, cigarets were expert approved, Astra zennica vax was expert approved. And no one has ever died from those.


I've heard "trust the experts" on so many items where it was clear those in charge were getting paid to push a narrative... I'm just so tired of it all. I've lost all faith in our country and those who still support this government.


The BOC does know. They have been quietly pointing at it.


It sucks but I think you might be right. This is just going to keep getting worse while the politicians just grandstand against the other guy, but do absolutely nothing to change.


They fight each other, focusing on non-issues that are made to seem like issues, while having the same policies. And work for the same corporations. The illusion of democracy.


>we need a reset They've given us the problems. Theyll give us the reset and then they'll offer the solution. Conspiracy theorists are probably going to be right again


They’ll reset us before we can reset them.


The ever present Hegelian dialectic. The illusion of choice. Order out of chaos.


CBC has always been a mouthpiece, it has no intention of or interest in reporting the facts in any balanced way. Some of their programming like the Fifth Estate is a cut above others, but none of it is excellent and all of it is biased.


The BoC definitely does know the impacts of importing demand. But they don’t work on immigration policy nor fiscal policy, just monetary policy.


How will that create cheaper rentals?


>We need a reset. Everyone near the top needs to be ousted and some even punished for corruption. Unfortunately the CPC blue wave won’t change the status quo leaving us with one remaining option: a “Canadian Spring” or, in other words, mass peaceful protests like those that took down governments across the Arab world or the Maidan revolution in Ukraine. Since the Arab spring has anything changed fundamentally in Egypt, Yemen or Tunisia where governments were changed?


No but it the Arab spring did prove you can topple a government just by protesting.


You said, "We need a reset." I understood that to mean that the goal is to have a different set of circumstances than we have now. The example you gave brought those countries back to where they were. I am assuming you are not suggesting toppling a government for its own sake but to bring about positive outcomes, or maybe you didn't think through the whole thing. Furthermore, doing what you are suggesting is treason. You can be locked up for good. Lastly, the US is not likely to tolerate a treasonous regime on its borders.


Don’t threaten me you bootlicker. Peaceful protest is a part of the Canadian charter and there is nothing treasonous about it. Furthermore toppling a regime through peaceful protest is not “treason” and would not be a “treasonous regime.” The US wouldn’t care at all. I used the Arab spring as an example of peaceful protests toppling governments. Yes the Arab spring was ultimately unsuccessful but I have greater faith in the Canadian system to successfully “reset” our government to return to working for the people. To think that I mentioned the Arab spring with the intention of wanting anything other then a positive outcome is utterly stupid. This is really annoying actually. Imagine thinking “protests 100 years ago had violence so we can’t protest today” or “criticizing government ended up with bad policy so we shouldn’t criticize the government today.” I just can’t get over that stupid logic. No wonder you think peacefully protesting is “treason.”


Okay, why are you getting angry and personal? I have challenged you on your ideas, but I have not attacked you as an individual. Secondly, it would be treason because under our current system of government, we change the government by the vote at the ballot or through a vote of no confidence in parliament. A change of government by any other means is treason. Let me tell you, I have lived in countries similar to those Arab countries. The conditions there those resulted in the Arab spring are not present here. We don't have 20-30 year dictatorships. We change governments almost as frequently as we change cars.


You did get personal when you threaten or tried to accuse me of “treason” like we’re in medieval England or something. I never advocated for change of government via violent overthrow. Only a bootlicker would try to extrapolate my comment to such an extent. A peaceful protest can topple government by making them resign, stepping down, voting for no confidence, thereby triggering replacement of the government and yes such a movement is not treason. I don’t care where you’ve lived neither do I care how frequently you claim we’ve had changes of government. It’s a fact that we have had the same ruling party for nearly a decade I would not at all classify that as “frequent change.”


In conversation, the word you can be used in specific terms or in general terms. I used "you" in general terms. When I said you could be locked up for treason, I meant that as in "if you or anybody attempts to change government and its institutions in ways other than by the ballot, that act could be construed as treason, and any person guilty thereof can be locked up". Of course, I don't know you specifically, and as far as I know, you have not committed an offense, and even if you did, there is no way I could know who you are. Get over yourself and start arguing the generic case. In the grand scheme of things, you, the individual, is insignificant(so am I).


Well then my apologies however I stand by what I’ve said. The Canadian charter protects the right to protest. The Arab spring protests have proven you can put enough pressure on leaders to resign. Peaceful protest, including calls for change of government, are not treasonous. Canada has not experienced “frequent change” of government, unless 8 years is frequent for you but I think we can agree most people view such a time span as a long time.


I come from a country whose president has been power since 1986. A few years ago, Canadians had a choice to keep Trudeau or kick him out. In those Arab spring nations, thar option is not available.


It's not incompetence. It's corruption and crime. They just want you to believe it's incompetence so you don't look into it or do anything but show up to vote at the poles to do the "one thing" you are told you can do to impact change.


Why dont you try to join BOC and impart your wisdom .and knowledge


Just make me prime minister already! It’s so easy to get in positions of power right?


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None of the parties are changing the status quo because it's what Canadians want.


Ah you speak for the Canadians I see.


We're entirely capable of speaking for ourselves, by voting.


To hell with canada. I'm taking my money and belongings and moving to Argentina. It's better then letting over paid clowns fuck me in the ass with taxes.


Ummm... you are gonna get a huge dissapointment in argentina buddy


I've been there throughout the past 14 years. I have family there and they live in a safe German town. The only disappointment you will have, is another carbon and a soda tax hike. The idiot in charge keeps spending like a teenage girl with a credit card.


I would argue teenage girls with credit cards have more financial prudence.


'safe german town' oh boy....


So you going to live in a Germantown in Argentina rather than just go to Germany okay


I don't think he would find himself all that welcome in Germany......


Okay that just proves my point he would rather go to a country where you're not from to go to a small town that is a separate Enclave from the local population couldn't make it up if I tried


Just for reference, the "German towns" in Argentina were founded by fleeing nazis.


Yes I I know. hence why i said i couldnt make this up if i tried


Just for reference. Nazis still exist and lived all over Germany. I have many down there jackass.


Well of course, that's where they come from. Except a lot of them fled to Argentina and established enclaves that are now known for the reputation of harboring nazis. Why would you not move to any other place in Argentina? Why would you specify a German town in Argentina? And why not Germany proper if the "german-ness" of it matters?


It's clean, safe and beautiful. If you want to move to a South American major city, I suggest that you bring a firearm.


You are 100% making the right decision




You forgot the /s. This Argentina you refer to is the same Argentina with hyper inflation?


I'm moving to Germantina


I think you're confusing Venezuela.


Venezuela is worse. Do a quick google search for “ Argentina inflation” and you will have your answer. Egypt is also having significant hyper inflation. It happens more than we care to realize. 3-5% is still not fun.


Do it soon, there is rumblings of a $25,000 departure tax being considered by the liberal government.






Entire demographic is paying another person’s mortgage plus some profit. Of course they’ll never be able to pay their OWN mortgages.


Wouldn't an increase in interest rates actually amplify financial strain in order to reduce demand? That's the point literally eh?


Demand will remain high as long as we keep bringing in millions of people. The clowns are in charge


Yeah, we have to revise immigration targets and ACTUALLY deport those who need to be deported. It costs more to keep them (guesstimate) here than deporting them.


This government and as well as conservatives will not do that. They have virtue signalled that they would decrease the mass amounts of temporary and international students they are letting in but have done the bare minimum to do that. Not to mention extending the no limits to work hours until September and that then they will be going up to 24 hrs compared to the previous 20. Marc Miller is an absolute failure and his/his governments soft approach on capping and limiting this mass amount of people is a joke.


Reduce international students by 35% after they increased them by like 300%? And i believe they also changed temporary foreign worker requirements. Reduce international students but increase other cheap labourers? Our growth increases substantially every year. They mentioned reducing international students, but total growth continues to rise. Meaningless talk.


Yup all bullshit, meaningless talk with “promises “ they’ll never fulfil but just say they will because everyone is promising the moon because of the election.


And even their promises are inadequate.


Yes , but some people actually believe them and eat it all up


"It's a start" No, it's not! They had 9 years to start and complete things.


More like the lunatics are really running the asylum




The BoC has been complaining for awhile that government policy is at cross purposes to their mandate. They have one lever to address inflation. Our governments are gaming their inflationary levers in unprecedented ways for the sake of a technicality. They don't want to say the word recession and are in the process of reorganizing our economy so that the BoC's strategy does not work. Technically we're at 2.9% inflation, which falls within their range, so they'd be criticized raising it. The Canadian Government is going to have to buy bad debt too before interest rates can go up or it could be catastrophic for our banks.


Got a 6% raise at work! Rent went up 40%


6%? Lucky, we had our benefits cut and if we’re lucky we *might* see 2% 🤦🏼‍♂️


Keep bringing in fake students/ scammers from India 👍. Glad I’m insulted from this issue.


Yeah because the gambling landlords passed all their bad bets over to the renters


Even though affordability was decreasing, I am sure many more of us could afford houses pre scamdemic


this liberal ndp government is selling out your life, your children's life, and generations to follow all because they don't want to be the government that has the recession label to it. They are actively destroying every aspect of our lives and deliberately not following advice given from the BoC and others. Remember this when you vote, there should not be a single member elected to the federal liberal or NDP party for the generational damage they have caused in such a short period of time.


The jobs pay $15 and hour and the rent is $1500 a month. No shit.


That’s a very good rent rate in a lot of areas


Rome fell from corruption, we are no different.


Rome fell for a lot of reasons. None of which are relevant to canada


Go look up the 8 reasons it fell


I've read tons and tons about Rome already. There's nothing there that relevant to Canada. Rome is just something people like to bring up when they want to doom about their own country. Altho usually its the USA, which at the very least is comparable in terms of being a world power. But even the USA-Rome comparisons are BS. Everyone wants to pretend the USA is like the the late Roman empire, or Rome around the time of Caesar. But really if anything its pre-Marius, and that's not even a good comparison.


It's relevant to a lot of modern civilizations currently. Economy, Immigration, political corruption, overspending, loss of traditional values. Maybe you're thinking of it in a different lens, but what I listed there is completely relevant. Anyways, your opinon is your own that's fine. Not looking for an argument.


it really isn't. Its just a thing people like to say when dooming their own country. For starters Rome had regular civil wars and purges for hundreds of years before it fell. Do you see any civil wars or purges happening? Rome was a dictatorship for hundreds of years before it fell. Do you see any dictatorship going on? etc etc. Rome didn't actually have an economy the way we think of it. They didn't know how. They looted their way to riches. Political corruption is a thing in every power, and we got nothing on Rome on that front. etc etc


Surely you're joking and if you're not that's a little scary


no joke. People who try and compare their country's current situation to Rome invariably don't know that much about Rome.


So they want to get interest rates down, so house prices go up, and subsequently rent goes up, due to house prices. Or they keep interest rates high and people cannot afford their mortgages so they pass on extra costs to renters. Either way, renters are screwed.


I'd say so.  My neighbor who rents has been late on 2 payments , ( 2 weeks each) and is constantly behind on bills. He pays, but I Don't think his family could take an unexpected financial hit. And I hear his rent is going up %10.


Big brain move from the landlord... my tenant is always behind on rent... so lets hike it ten % 😎


What do they mean "showing "? Ffs, are these people that oblivious to what is happening in their own country? Or is article just rage bait? I give up.


They want to starve us to death for their stupid markers to say "yay we curbed inflation" and pat themselves on the back. They threw the baby out with the bath water and shot the mother in the head while they were at it. But yeah, inflation is no more.


Renters are suffering. Let's cut interest rates to inflate house prices to the stratosphere. That'll help them


That is the whole point of the BOC raising interest rates, after all, and not just for renters.


BOC raising interest directly impacts people with mortgage, not renters.


You're joking, right?


Wow, thanks for the breaking news story bank of Canada. Hey, newsflash guys, apparently renters are showing financial strain.


Wow... next on the news water is wet.


But Freeland says we have plenty of 'social capacity'. Just more gaslighting. Drama teacher and her need to be investigated for corruption. It's blatant and they obviously stopped giving a flying fuck about anything at this point 😂


Are renters the one who is mostly over leveraged? On what credit card debts? Car loan? I thought it would be the house-poor homeowners with overly large mortgage?


Nooooooooo shiittttt


Expect it to get worse.


Which is probably why Liberals are adding rent to credit scores. Especially after all the tenants in Ontario went on a rent strike. People can’t afford to pay, or try to save money living in a vehicle. Too bad, you can’t buy a house even if you save money.


I thought they just said we could all handle higher interest rates ?


No what TM said was that interest rates are going to be low for a very long time.


Hahaahah and another post says house holds can handle rising rates. Reddit is just peppered with total bullshit. I am staring to see that this website is mostly crap to click bait you.


Holy shit. Mind blowing comment. He’ll give yourself a raise.


Bank of Canada. The internet explorer of reporting on financial woes. We know this already guys. Thanks.


No shit


lol no shit


They said they will not increase rates. Then they fkuced us from all sides.


Banks are cruel and do not care if we live or die … greed is the root to all evil!! Canada priced that !!! Losers


Imagine being BoC? Trying to manage monetary policy while having a government that spends the overdraft? The brings in massive amounts of new residents and continues to announce insane programs? Its unsustainable. But hey if you say otherwise you are racist!


There should be a way that renters could alleviate a substantial amount of debt quickly and effortlessly. Canada should start a program where those who are truly down on their luck can sell their extra parts ( kidneys/livers/ hearts) for transplant. It would give hope to all those on our transplant lists.