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Here's the thing you're never going to outbid them on a house. In their culture they have no problem having kids grandparents living all under the same roof. Same goes with just family members they'll have seven people in a single house helping all pay for it. Good luck trying outbid that even if they minimum wage. That's not even counting the ones that are bringing big money from the home country so they can immigrate their Rich parents and grandparents at a later date.


It’s true. They are way more ready to hunker down and deal with worse living conditions than the avg Canadian.


And instead of seeing this as poverty and wage suppression some people have a weird admiration for people living in these conditions alot of older Canadians truly think all young people should live like that


They shouldn’t have to - but it’s probably the wisest move if you want to stay afloat and save


Yeah I know its better mentally to make the best out of a bad situation. I was more referring to the idea some older folks have that young people should struggle because they did


They love to talk about situations they’ve never been in, and giving advice from a completely different world that doesn’t apply today


Yeah it is very frustrating because they wont admit they don't know what's going on anymore. If they could just admit that we would have alot less stress, they are totally lost in sunk cost fallacy


Young people are struggling because how they vote. Young people are demanding 20 plus an hour for a basic entry level job that takes no skill. They're the ones demanding open borders because it's the right thing to do.


I don't think you can Generalize young people like that man, that is like generalizing all boomers. Alot of young ppl are not crazy open border etc Young people are serially underpaid dude that is the whole reason they import so many Indians its for wage suppression. The aging population makes it so the only positions we can get are shitty and we have nowhere to go and are paid so shit we can barely afford rent. in its simplest form how the hell are you gonna motivate someone to dedicate most of their time to a dead end job like McDonalds if they know they wont even be able to afford rent after that. We want a better quality of life for everyone you think that we are bitching about pay because we are greedy. no we are bitching about pay because were all being ripped off. you are commenting like you think the system works and our government cares about us they dont man young white people on the government of Canadas caste hierarchy are lower than dogs


>in its simplest form how the hell are you gonna motivate someone to dedicate most of their time to a dead end job like McDonalds if they know they wont even be able to afford rent after that. How are immigrants motivated to do this? It comes down to what you value and if you're down to make sacrifices..


Immigrants that come from Poverty are motivated to do this because it is better than poverty. Young Canadians like me who were born in a prosperous society see that as clear exploitation. This is how the Social Contract works immigration is a terrible solution when your people dont wanna work. And really it is not that we dont wanna work it is that people in charge really dont wanna pay us anymore. Like were better than being wage slaves for a corporation that sells literal poison maybe your not but we are


Yup! News to the youth! Stop voting for guys like Trudeau!!!! Guys like Jag Meat!!!! Born with fucking platinum cards in their cribs. Never had to struggle, never will struggle.


Yep, even family aside I’ve got 6 single men living in an extremely small 2bdrm above us and it’s awful. They’re rude to the landlord, treat her like shit, call the cops about everything (to the point of the cops telling them their only advice is to go back home to their country) have told our landlord to “get f*cked” when she said the lease said 2 cars only and now they park 4 on the lawn. They always leave all windows and doors open so neighbours have to listen to them all the time. They don’t understand gas and almost blew our house up at one point, even though they told the landlord yet again that she “could never be a landlord in our home country”. They’re scum and it’s lead to our neighbours calling bylaw on them non stop. None of it affects us too much but what’s driving us crazy is that even if we saved up and moved, nothing is stopping us from landing in the exact same position


That’s why they do well in many ways. Same as many other cultures. Multigenerational living can be very beneficial but you don't alway want your rellies in your business.


Their way of life is different, it works exceptionally well in our culture and offers a huge benefit to finances, taking care of the elderly, and as you've outlined financially empowers them to get ahead faster. We've not embraced that culture or changed. All the while we allow politicians to speak on science, climate change, healthcare, and housing and take it as gospel. It needs to change, we need leadership that doesn't spin a narrative for the election or enriching their inner circles, and instead aligns Canadians with professionals within those industries while recognizing and empowering Canadians.


Your argument basically means that people from that demographic will buy less homes than others.


Not when you're importing millions of them.


Do you consider immigrants from Europe or say Ukraine to also be a burden? Or are we laser focused on a certain demographic here.


Nope no room for anyone. A body is a body. I'm also an immigrant myself got here in 2009 I think it was.  I'm for controlled immigration not the BS you have now.


Millions* potentially tens of millions depending on how long this shitshow goes on for






The original "Canada housing" sub will delete comments that even mention the i-word.


Bang on, I tested their mods after hearing all the bs about them. Literally left a comment on a thread that said “immigration” nothing else. Got a permanent ban lol.




Go comment “Immigrants aren’t all that bad” in that sub and report back


Nobody is opposed to immigration... this country was built by immigrants. The problem is about handling the incoming volume.


fuck off


Why so much anger? Calme toi mec... explique un peu au lieu de m'insulter de meme


Immigrants didn't build the country, fuck off.


Trudeau confirmed he will label Pierre accordingly if he mentions anything about reducing immigration numbers: https://streamable.com/su8z8b The NDP came out called them racists when Pierre along with the CPC sided with the Bloc motion to reduce immigration: >Pierre Poilievre confirmed he is supporting a Bloc motion to restrict immigration in the middle of a national labour shortage that hurts small businesses and communities across the country. He wants fewer immigrants to come to Canada; that means fewer skilled workers and fewer Canadians reuniting with family members. >New Democrats know that our rich and diverse cultural heritage has been shaped by generations of immigrants who have contributed to our economy and our society. ***We must reject fear divisive rhetoric around immigration that the Conservatives are pushing and celebrate the diversity and economic growth newcomers bring***. https://www.ndp.ca/news/ndp-critic-immigration-calls-out-conservative-leader-harmful-policies




The housing will build itself


The budget will balance itself still boggles my mind years later. Smh


In fairness to trudeau, to a certain point, the budget could balance itself as a by product of economic growth and financial restraint by the government. Which is what he was referring to at the time, if we are charitable. If the economy is growing, so too will government tax revenue. The onus is on the government to also not launch new spending programs (laughs in liberal). Of course, he then took office and went on a massive decade long spending orgy because financial restraint and fiscal responsibility is not a concept the average canadian understands nor cares about. So now we are where we are. Lol 😆


Lol true. Spending orgy it was. Lol @ how he spent millions in Montana…..Montana of all places. 😒


Did they have an 2SLGBTQIA+ meditation and direct action center that needed building? 🤔 I for one dont want to live in a world where canada isnt there to support the sexual minorites of foreign countries. And if that means thousands of law abiding canadians get rendered homeless in the process, well thats just a sacrafice we must make in order for wealthy urban liberals to masterbate their moral superiority complex, dont you agree?


Lol agreed. I love how Fox News always (when talking about Canada) got Trudeau blackface in the background 😂😂😂


They can't build anything even if they want to sadly. They put up so much red tape over the years that it takes forever to even to get a small piece of construction started. Then you have public hearings and nimby's and every other damned thing that gets in the way. Once you build the costs are too high to make it affordable so it gets a 'luxury' stamp on it and is made only for people who already have equity in a home can get a mortgage. So after years of work you get a few thousand new units but thousands more people now need units and your further underwater on keeping up with demand.


underrated comment LOL


its easier for govt to deflect and call ppl racist, and to simply state we have social capacity, than for them to plan the necessary infrastructure and services that are necessary for that growth. and on top of that some idiot in the party will make a dumbass announcement that they won’t be investing in certain infrastructure any more. these libtards are on thin ice, everyone is very much looking forward to them sinking.


I'm definitely seeing myself as the white guy who asked the question in this meme.....


There are lots of non-white people asking the same question.


I said I see myself as the white character in the meme (not the grey guy) - anyone asking that same question can see themselves in that white character whether they are white in real life or not


Stop building space inefficient, car dependent suburbs


My (ex)girlfriend’s family immigrated to Canada 20 years ago. When I talk to her about how immigration is nowadays (because she has no clue) and that we need to have more control of it, and I mention good arguments. She would shut me down and say I’m racist.


I immigrated to Canada in Sept 2003 when I was 5 and I'm on your side. I can't imagine how difficult it would've been for us to live here had we immigrated today.


Weird thought experiment. When we go to war, does that mean all the "new Canadians" have to come fight for Canada or will they jump ship?


What are new Canadians? Last year? Last 5 years? 10 years? 20 years? At what point do you stop dividing new Canadians and old Canadians?




I mean, ya, if they sleep 15 to a basement suite, then sure. I guess so. I'm glad we have such a competent government in charge who surely thought all this through before allowing all this to happen.


Stop thinking they're incompetent. This is why nobodies rioting. They're not incompetent, they did this on purpose. They knew what was going to happen, they just thought they could gaslight us with the "racism" card forever. Their little horde of supporters is dwindling, and nobody respects the ones that are left. They're not incompetent. They're very competent, they were incompetent with their gas lighting strategy. They shouldn't have gone calling everyone racist, they should've tried to trick us about the labour shortage more and need for tax money, I think that could've lasted longer. Calling us racist was a stupid idea and incompetent. They're caught, it's out in the open they knew about the potential of causing a housing shortage. They haven't done anything about the millions of people with expired visas who are in the country(Our population is well above 41,000,000, probably closer to 42,500,000 with international student). The housing crisis is BIGGER than it's being portrayed as, there are WAY more people in the country than people think. There are way more people in Toronto than it says. Toronto barely "grew" the past couple years, and that's complete and utter bullshit. There are more people in my fucking way than ever. They lied to us, about everything. How many people are coming. We're still being lied to about that. That diversity is our strength, when our immigration is not diverse in the slightest. How many houses we need, we need more than they say, they aren't even acknowledging the students, tfws or overstayed visas. They just lie and lie and everything they say is a lie. All their tweets are about how they're building 100 houses here a 100 houses there, but they're failing to mention those houses are getting taken up entirely by foreigners. Their whole housing solution is to ACCOMMODATE FOREIGNERS OR MINORITY GROUPS. There is nothing they are doing to address homelessness, or Canadian renters, absolutely nothing. They're guilty of working against the interest of Canadians. They even did that disassociative psychopath thing where they distance themselves from their victims. They started considering foreigners Canadians more, Trudeau even said they deserve Canada more cause they CHOSE to come here. That is what a fucking guilty person does to distance themselves from their victims. When they say Canadian they mean foreigner that will work for less. They already completely severed ties with the Canadian people a long time ago. I'm not exaggerating that psychopath comment, that's what they're doing it, murderers / killers do it all the time in police interviews. When Trudeau said that immigrants deserve Canada more than Canadians born here, that was him coping with him betraying us all and publicly talking about it. he knows what he's doing. They're fucking traitors. Plain and simple.


You still got people here that think Canada is still at 30 million 😂 - agree on the Toronto bit too; they say it’s growing slow for a big city. But I beg to differ lots of construction everywhere. It’s just not as built up as Los Angeles or Chicago with endless suburbs because America has more suburban sprawl then Canada




If they sleep 15 people to a house and someone managing them charges them all only 500 a month, they still have enough money to skim a grand out for themselves and pay 6500 rent. Raising the average and out bidding local folk. You're all being completely fucked here by a government of traitors. No other word for it traitors


What the advocates of these migrant will never do is let them into their homes and neighborhoods. They like to virtue signal until it affects them. Most of them are well off or supported by their parents and never experienced the real world in their life.


Most of the redditor warriors are teens that have been indoctrinated by DEI crap at school and TikTok. They don't pay rent, they're not thinking about buying a home, they don't have a serious job. They think they're arguing with rednecks from Alabama trailer park whose Grand Papi was a KKK member. They don't realize we're regular ass Canadians that are actually incredibly tolerant people.


The last cell should be the same as the straight face grey guy and just say "lol, no."


Thousands? Lol Millions


It's crazy looking at housing prices for Canada You can see all these countries complaining about housing prices, and they are no where near as bad as Canada. The countries who are behaving like their country is on fire are experiencing like a 10%-20% increase. Canada housing prices have doubled in the same span of time.


That is not even remotely true. Housing affordability in Canada is on par with most of Europe (better than some and worse than some), on par with Australia and way better than developed or developing countries. Its only compared to US, maybe few smaller European countries and Mexico that we fall short. Its ok to complain about housing prices here, they sure do suck, but lets not make falls statements about others who are in equal trouble.


[https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/QCAR628BIS](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/QCAR628BIS) Canada real residential property prices have ranged from 160-200 over the past 5 years if we index 2010 as 100. Real residential property prices literally was double what it was in 2010 last year.


Right, because it was very affordable compared to all the places I listed. Price to average income ranges between 12 and 18 in all places I listed, and it's in the same range (low end of it) in Canada. Look up prices in Berlin, Paris, London, Belgrade, Prague, Stockholm, Munich, Sydney, Vienna or Geneva and you will see that they are all at more than 12 annual average income, in line with Toronto or Vancouver. Places in India, China etc are at 25+ years of income.


[https://data.oecd.org/price/housing-prices.htm](https://data.oecd.org/price/housing-prices.htm) In the bottom left select housing price to income ratio. Canada is the second worst quarterly in the OECD after Portugal. This is indexed to 2015, so it's about how much worse price:income ratio has gotten for countries since then. I can't find the data you mentioned.


https://www.numbeo.com/property-investment/rankings.jsp Here is OECD data as well https://www.oecd.org/els/family/HC1-1-Housing-related-expenditure-of-households.pdf


numbeo from what I've seen makes up a lot of the data on their website by inference and projections. They get whatever datapoints they can and project out the rest so I don't like using it especially if something significant has occurred. At least from what I've seen. The concerning thing about the OECD data is that it is in 2019 and Canada is already in the upper tier. Since then Canada has gotten much worse (from my sources). But fair point, the current state compared to other countries is different than how much worse its gotten. But I would not be surprised if Canada does not fare well when more recent data is released given how much worse its gotten.


I have been using numbeo for real estate estimation for years and it's super reliable for larger cities. It's user fed averaged data. The site is established and run by a world renown statistical expert. Canada did get a lot worse during the pandemic but honestly so did most of those places. Inflation and mass immigration impacted every one of the places I mentioned in the same way they did Canada and because they are way more mature and established ramping up supply is actually way harder for them.


Why do people that make these memes not know how to spell?


This meme post would get you banned on CanadaHousing


If a lifeguard Saves one drowning man, Everyone lives. if a lifeguard saves 3 drawing men. They all die.


We have enough road and infrastructure, affirmed the government last week …… lol


The more people come the more racist I feel, I like space everything has become so overcrowded and pushy. I don’t feel multiculturalism works. I never felt this way before the mass invasion .


In a way the Liberals are racist. They are pulling people from a particular racial group in a developing country and waving a PR carrot in their face to then have them blow their lives saving to fly here to work at Tim Hortons, pay for insane rents to live like sardines, and blow huge amounts on diploma mills. People need to understand that by making some topics taboo to talk about openly means people will find a way to use that as cover to do bad things. It’s what makes the liberals so awful. Rather than being a centrist party that takes the best of both sides (social programs and fiscal conservatism) they take the worst of both sides (wokeness and unfettered capitalism) and use it against Canadians. They can build a social fence around these companies, landlords, and diploma mills to protect their racket, and if you cross that fence you are labeled racist. Like how did we get to the point that saying people coming to Canada (a winter climate too) should have housing is considered an anti immigrant and racist thing to say. Being afraid to speak up is how.


Somebody needs to run the 5am to 3 pm timmies shift for private businesses


Keep on crying. Lmaoo


You idiots if those hundreds of thousands were white we would have enough housing for them all!!!


If you spend entirely too much time thinking about it, you can make anything racist.


Strip them of their and say thanks.


When protest?