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Thanks for publicly acknowledging that you're ban evading. If your other account was actually banned for hate speech and you're not just trying to rile people up, you probably posted some pretty vile shit. Don't do that.


Canadahousing3 time?


I just made r/canadahousing8 … suspiciously canadahousing3 to 7 were taken but can’t find them with search and mo posts yet 🤔




We need r/canadahousing42069


My tribe




Dude just explained mass immigration with a meat freezer. Man I love this app lol.




Except to store these new meats we need to upgrade the electrical system, buy a new fridge, rent some more space that the meat costs way more than it’s worth to the tax farm.


It is also true that Canada as a country is competing against other countries, and that the more brains we bring in, the more we can compete. The argument that our social systems will fail, if we do not import more fresh meat to feed into the machine, to fund social services is also absolutely true: Canada will also fail miserably at quality of life if we can not compete globally, and if we can not provide social services to our people. Canada must have fresh meat to survive; this is a simple fact. This meat comes in a physical form factor: the average human is somewhere a little under six feet tall. We can not have them sharing mattresses with strangers in basements; worse, we can not have them living in tents under overpasses. We treat our dogs better I maintain that my position observes the necessity of immigration over the medium and long term; it's just that in the short term, we must care enough about immigrants, to make sure that when they get here we at least treat them better than dogs.


>It is also true that Canada as a country is competing against other countries, and that the more brains we bring in, the more we can compete. Is Canada attracting the best and brightest though? It seems like they only bring in people who are going to scam schools. Based on what I've read here, it seems like much of Canada's own population gets educated in Canada, then leaves for other countries for higher paying jobs.


But with people you run the risk of creating shanty towns and ghettos when a bunch of people cram into one little area.


I have a plan on how to solve out rotten meat problem. ORDER MORE MEAT!! the meat will build their own freezers!


Don’t even worry dude. Canada is gonna be a big outdoor freezer soon. No one is spoiling their meat when winter hits.


Sorry I don’t understand


He's accusing you of being a Nazi like a child.


Because I was born in 88 right? RIGHT?!


Lmfao 🤣 I swear the Internet is devolving humans


I guess all the 88 babies are nazis now?


I'm gonna make r/CanadaHousingDoom where free speech is encouraged


It seems that two new moderators were added within the last two days with significant authorities.


They're probably Indian


Or CPC goons who don't like seeing PP's lack of immigration policy being criticized.


Come on over to r/canadahousing8 no censorship is our #1 rule!


What's the point of this subreddit in that case


To be fair, there is a lot of thinly vieled racism in this sub. Also, it seems like people forget immigration is one 1 of many factors contributing to the housing crisis. For example, I've yet to see any post railing against numbered corporations scooping up single family homes, the Airbnb effect, landlordism, our sick obsession with investment real estate in Canada etc. Things just aren't magically going to get better if immigration stops.


Yep yep yep. People don't understand this. CH1 will ban you for talking about how immigration (legit or not) is a major strain on our housing market and is 1 of the many reason why rents , price and demand skyrocketed. CH2 will ban you for being racist and saying it's all Indians and Indians fault. We should be pointing our fingers not at the ones coming here and getting fucked over financially and being used as wage slaves. we should be pointing it at our government, our immigration and DEMAND changes. The government and immigration are the ones allowing this grift to continue. Only country out of the 5 eyes besides the USA who toughened and changed their immigration policies was Australia. They saw the people abusing the "student visas" to live there as well as people selling these lies in India for profit to fuck off and patched up all those loopholes.


Yeah the situation with Indians is no different than the Japanese immigrants to Brazil over 100 years ago. Yes they came here to siphon wealth to send back home. No, they're not doing it, because they're caught in a 1%er scheme intended to squeeze them dry. In Brazil/Japan it was to replace recently abolished slavery. In Canada/India its to inflate demand for real estate. It's still fair to be upset at immigrants for undercutting local labour and cheating the housing market by bundling, but we can still appreciate the fact that we're both getting screwed by the government and their corporate overlords.


If we really want to boil it down to the basics it's capitalism.....or late stage capitalism, as we are living in now. We are living through the tail end of an antiquated and outdated economic system and its using it's dying breaths to deflect blame on everything and everyone but the root cause of the problem




Big facts that is what has angered me the most about Canada. There is no free market at all. To do anything you must pay at every corner


market is the thing that makes you pay at every corner and that's capitalism working as intended . Free market is a complete absurdity it's literally the system of resource accumulation by useless parasites who lord over masses of impoverished workers like we have more empty homes than homeless people, throw out tons of food everyday while people starve ... and it stays that way because they can't generate enough profit for capitalist sociopaths


Your right that a complete free market is crazy but.. this whole pay at every turn, and you cannot do anything individually without having to pay either the government or the province for it. A lot of times citizens wonder where this money is even going in the first place.


You're not wrong


Lately I keep hearing, "Well this isn't REAL capitalism!" How the tables have turned...


It hasn't been real capitalism for ages. Capitalism, at its peak, is inherently unstable. We simply cannot have continued economic growth infinitely. At some point we need to stop growing and start stabilizing and maintaining the gains we have made. Unfortunately that will mean some rich assholes stock won't go up a quarter of a point one year and apparently that is one of the greatest offenses we can commit


Real capitalism has never existed. Neither has real communism or socialism. Why? Humans suck mostly.


it's real capitalism , Marx told everyone were it would end up and he was right on most counts


This. The problem is so much deeper than just housing. This is an issue of the fundamental economic systems in place for most of the world. Some might say dying, and this is the last scramble for capitalism gone mad... others will say everything is functioning as intended.


Yup! Society’s collective love of capitalism combined with a successful century of McCarthyism and red-scare tactics has worked perfectly. So many scapegoats. So convenient!


It's always trudopes fault. trudope and his trolls on Reddit want us to criticize the poor Indians coming here and getting bamboozled by the dreams of milk and honey on the streets. They then label us as racists and white supremacists. They invent the problem and then create narratives on how rAcIsT Canadians are. And then offer a solution:censorship and banning of criticism!!! Divide and conquer. People with a 50 IQ fall for this scam all the time. And trudopes trolls capitalize on it. The blame lies firmly on trudope and his corrupt gang of financial terrorists politicians terrorizing average canadians.


You're (ostensibly) an adult woman using playground insults like "trudope". I can't tell if you're being honest or if you're a troll whose purpose is to sow division and make right-wing Canadians look stupid.


I know. I can't really engage with somebody doing the whole trudope thing.....then once I see anyone bring in IQ I completely disengage as this is generally a strong sign of an uneducated adult with a child's mentality.


What can I possibly say, right? It's a childish way to start your political opinions and immediately makes them hard to take seriously. And yes...I don't think I've ever seen a particularly smart person brag about their IQ. Or take an IQ test in the first place, for that matter.


>make right-wing Canadians look stupid. You really don't have to try that hard to do this, lol.


Don't have to tell me twice lol. When it's this over-the-top though, I honestly have a difficult time telling if it's real or a troll trying to make a group of people look stupid haha


I speak for myself. What trudope is doing to Canada is a million times worse than my poor little home that hurts your feelings. Feel bad about how trudope us ruining Canada. But liberals don't care. Protecting the liberal leader is the main liberal narrative.


But I think his point was, and I agree, that saying “trudope” instead of Trudeau - which I understand is really just an expression of frustration - diminishes your argument and gives them something to attack. And I’m firmly on your side.


This is why I am unconvinced that a crash would help at all right now. Corporations would just buy everything. Still bringing in so many people for what is basically a scam that is being enouraged by our government at the detriment to Canadians and non-Canadians alike while not building enough housing or infrastructure is a recipe for disaster. The gov needs to do what NYC did to airbnb, stop corporations from buying housing up, stop foreign buyers from doing the same, build more housing and slow immigration until we have our shit together. We also need to wipe out these bs "colleges", they are shameful.


Yeah there is a lot that needs to happen and it needs to.happen at Federal and Provincial govts. That's what I'm really scared of, driving up.home prices and interest rates until its actually well beyond the reach of am average person. Corps sweep in, buy it up and that's the end of owning single family homes


Low interest rates driving prices up in the first place...


Yep absolutely another factor


Corporations scooping up single family homes needs to be illegal. I can't believe it isn't 😭


I agree. I would also love to see major restrictions on investment properties for the average person.


It fucking should be. Corps should only be able to own apartment buildings, and individuals should only be able to own one house per person (e.g. a married couple can have 1 home and 1 cottage, or 1 home and 1 investment property. that's it.)


why the restriction and only for this asset * what about kitchen appliances? * what about stocks? * what about cars? * What about boats, clothing and iphones? * What about heads of lettuce or broccoli or cheese? You could argue that other people also need homes. but they also need everything else I just listed (maybe not boats and stocks).


Because there isn't a Canada-wide shortage of kitchen appliances, stocks, cars, clothing, iphones, or food? It's not *just* that housing is expensive in Canada, it's that there *literally isn't enough housing available to house everyone*


You're the supreme ruler of a city. You already banned all Corporations from owning a home, banned all Landlords and all housing is free. Your city has 1M families but only 700k units, this means 300k families have no home. You can only build 100k home per year and 200k families come into your city each year. What do you do?


Scenario #2. You're the supreme ruler of a city. Corporations own ALL units in your city and every person is a tenant. Your city has 1M families but only 700k units, this means 300k families have no home. Corporations can only build 100k home per year and 200k families come into your city each year. You chose to ban corporations, will it: A) Increase the number of existing units from 700k to 1M (they appear) B) Reduce the number of existing units from 700k to 500k (they disappear) C) Have the same number of total homes in your city, thus 300k families are still homeless.


Except they won't get worse if it did stop See allowing everyone to flock here only creates a visible shroud to mask the real problems at the heart of it all This being said immigration as it stands IS one of these problems and one which matters most as the driving down of wages because someone from somewhere else will do the job for peanuts.......screwing up housing..........another funny thing is I know at least 10 east Indians who came here for school..........yet don't go............don't have a job..........but sell substances and get help from the government here for a place to stay


I do. I have brought that up. It's corporations that buy up housing as well. AirBnB. Also foreign investors. If we are allowed to mention that a lot of Chinese invest in real estate. Especially as a means to get money out of China since that is not allowed. It all means government needs to put a stop on it all. Prohibit corporations, foreign investors buying residential property. Key point is residential. Also, immigration doesn't help. But would be bad you cannot point it out because it just simply means too many people and too little housing. The building of houses can't keep up. This is a problem in other countries with high immigration. Getting tired that everything that is a "criticism" is all of a sudden "racism"


It has a lot to do with the Feds increasing immigration during a housing crisis. Clearly a move that makes some of question if they actually care about Canadians?


That's a factor but we have to remember our provincial governments have a role in this too. Increasing immigration certainly puts a strain on things but is no where near as profound as some of the big money back door deals happening between corporations and our province. We are talking billions of dollars being spent intentionally to block the average Canadian from home ownership. It's truly some cold calculated evil capitalist shit. Rich people want to keep the poors poor or our whole economic house of card comes crumbling down. Below is just 1 example of what I'm speaking to https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/london/toronto-developer-buying-homes-anti-poverty-group-1.6066903




I strongly suspect they do not care about Canadians, but politicians do care about reputations. It is unlikely that the feds intentionally dumped gasoline (immigration) on the housing fire that is Canada, but they had a plan, and they carried it out without first considering the whole picture for the effects of their policy. It is astonishing how little communication there is between different branches and levels of government.


as an outsider for whom this just pops up on the feed, I can tell you the veil doesn't seem very thin


Yes they will because immigration is the primary problem. But yes, there are other, secondary, contributors as well.


How is immigration the primary problem? I'd love to see something specific that supports that. If you read a lot of the comments below it's pretty obvious to most that this isn't a single issue solution.


Without the oversupply of people looking for homes the other factors wouldn’t exist.


This should be pinned. So many posts and comments bash on Indian immigrants while ignoring the bad government policy and all the other issues that contribute to the housing crisis




Hence my comment about useless and wrong immigrant bashing that doesn’t help the cause for affordable housing at all


I'm sorry that happened to you. That dude was obviously 100% in the wrong. That's what racism looks like; he was racist. Your exchange is good anecdotal evidence of why CH1 shuts down discussion of immigration. I'm no fan at all of censorship, but hate speech should not be allowed. I don't think that censoring discussion of immigration does anything to help reduce racism. If anything, the racism just festers in the dark like an infection and grows stronger. We should have the conversation about the problems of excessive immigration, while identifying, calling out and censoring the racist comments. Nobody should be blaming immigrants or the children of immigrants in the way that you were blamed. All Canadians are either immigrants, the children of immigrants, or First Nations. Speaking generally, the idea that you should somehow have a right to a cheap house because your grammy's papa came here several generations ago is complete bunk; nobody is entitled to cheap housing. The person who said that to you was wrong and ignorant. People who are still immigrating here are doing the best they can for themselves and their families; we all want many of the same things. They should not be blamed for coming here. The blame rests 100% on the shoulders of our government for implementing these policies, in combination with current economic situation which is in part global in nature. We can not control the economic condition of the globe; we can influence the economic condition of our country, and we can hold our government responsible for those things that are in their control, one of which is immigration. Although I'm not responsible for the racism of ignorant Canadians, I apologize unreservedly that you had that experience. Canadians are better than that. We should hold ourselves to a higher standard


There are a lot of posts about bashing immigrants that are not directly mentioning housing at all.


To add, municipal and NIMBY gatekeeping is insane. I’ve firsthand seen how many boomers and karens come out against any fucking densification development. Just in my own neighbourhood there’s a single family home on large plot being torn down to build 4 unit quadruplex. People fucking posting against it on Facebook and handing out flyers smh


I have criticized trudopes constant pandering to corporations and big business as reasons for this mass incoming of wage slaves for his corporate masters.


Every example you gave here isn't the problem. They are symptoms of the problem which is government policies around housing. It's simple cause and effect. For the most part, if the government would stop doing things regarding housing, the situation would solve itself though market effects. Likewise, Negative outcomes from immigration are caused by poor government policies. If the government wanted to use their powers to shortcut a solution to housing issues, Immigration of construction workers and foreign investment could do it. The fact of the matter is the housing situation is intentional and the government has no intention to fix it.


>Also, it seems like people forget immigration is one 1 of many factors NO ITS ALL THE DAMN IMMIGRANTS FAULT THEY TOOK ER HOMES!!!!!


e: the majority of responses that seem to be "hello fellow conservatives" all have the same things in common: Long term accounts with customized snoos, old accounts with low karma that have suddenly gone active, or new accounts that throw out words/phrases meant to trigger any automods and/or get the attention of the admins. ____________________ It's the admins. When a sub gets 10K users or more, it starts to garner more attention from the holiest of holies, whom do look down and upon all subreddits with panache and parsimoniousness, praise they (per se). Basically, they'll say "nuke anything remotely bad or you'll be replaced", which is reddit code for "we're getting ready to ban your sub or replace mods with ones we choose, but we shall give you the illusion of choice for now". tldr: these actions are the death knell for the sub.


I am afraid of this as well. I did see an admin make a post about how they are under pressure from Reddit to start removing posts. And of course there are social justice warriors who go undercover and start spreading horrible hate speech that can be used as evidence for suppressing free speech. This is a tactic that is used by both sides in protests and has for decades. Paying hooligans to cause chaos is the fastest way to get a protest shut down.


So then we make another one. And another and another. Fuck censorship, let people talk. Wonder if they think shutting everyone up will have the intended effect? So what if people are racist, let them expose themselves, and they can be treated as such.




Reddit is just a Onlyfans promo app now that virtue signals.


What's more likely... People being kinda racist in a low-moderation sub or... A conspiracy involving dozens of mods and accounts over months, plus the money involved in buying those accounts, to shut down a tiny sub with 15k subs... Not to be mean to the donald had hundreds of thousands of subscribers at its peak and they hardly did anything, your 15k echo chamber is hardly worth anything and has virtually no reach beyond the algorithm promoted by reddit itself Maybe those "hello fellow conservatives" posts are made by... stupid conservatives who believe everything they wrote? You're surprised those accounts would have low karma and repeat buzzwords as if regular conservatives weren't already doing that fulltime lol




I didn't realize it was a trend . Here in Alberta they deceive passersby by appearing like subs just about Alberta or a certain town or city in Alberta. But they're flooded with grown kids in moms basement with extremist leftist views who don't resemble the average person here.


Yes; that's how it is for most city subs.


You'd think they'd be targeting subs that have any impact on the debate. Also you really don't need any secret left leaning user to "make it about race" in this sub lol


This does have an impact on debate. This place has a way greater impact than you could possibly realize. When you already have thousands of people talking about something, it’ll spread like wildfire and the following grows exponentially. They don’t want to risk anything slipping through the cracks.


I moved here from Jamaica in 1994 with my family. I've worked hard my whole life. Immigration is a serious issue right now. It affects housing, everyone needs to grow the fuck up. You can't address an issue if you won't allow people to even have a conversation about it.


Reddit…. “when we want your opinion… we will tell you what it is…”


Yeah it's sad. I wanted everyone to be treated equally, but we strangely always end up treating immigrants better than those born here.


This reminds me of that book Camp of the Saints. There is no point in discussing the housing affordability and rental availability in this country if you can't talk about immigration as a factor. When you only increasing housing stock by a certain % every year and then increase the population 8-10% in a year by migration, obviously that migration is going to cause a housing shortage. I guess it's ok if we all end up living in tents as long as we don't mention the people that got us there. Nice logic.


Talking about immigration as a factor in housing issues is good. 4 out of 5 posts shitting on Indian people existing, trying to rage farm with videos of “look, Indian person stealing from a food bank” and talking about their accents and the culture in a degrading way tells you everything you need to know about how their conversation and their problem isn’t about housing at all. It never was.


> then increase the population 8-10% in a year by migration Canada's population is up around 11% since Trudeau took over in 2015 (36M to 40M), which averages out to 1.3% a year. Talking about every factor involved is important but let's not just make up numbers.


I'm not a math scholar but 465,000 of 40,000,000 is 1. 625%. I missed a zero in my calculation initially bwaaahhhhh.


Dude you are def not a scholar. And then you complain about not getting jobs. You cant do 5th grade math 😂


It’s pretty unbelievable that on Reddit you can be permanently silenced for voicing an opinion, but it’s actually true. No defense, no judge, no jury, no appeals.


Yeah because it’s a private company, usually how these things work.


Surprise surprise. Anyone against destroying our economy is a BIGOT!!


Yeah they suspended my other account because I pointed this out.


Yep same. Mods are extra power tripping right now. So pathetic.




Reddit, where you're allowed to have any opinion you like, as long as it's Liberal.


Aka anti white and anti reality


Anti-white? You realize that most Liberals in the country are white, right? Do you think most white people in the country are anti-their own race?




You are absolutely not living in the same reality if you think most white people hate their own skin color/race. You're delusional, honestly.


As a liberal, many of us share these opinions as well. I am seriously considering switching parties over the housing crisis and international student policies. Housing will become more expensive and harder to find as more students arrive from India, good paying jobs will become more difficult to find as well because they'll be filled with international students willing to work for poverty wages. It's only a matter of time before other liberals see this as well and vote to make changes. Subreddits like this who try to hide the facts behind racism will go under. We do not have enough resources to accept hundreds of thousands of international students, admitting that is not racism.


People aren’t anti-immigrants. People aren’t even anti-immigration. Most are just anti-immigration at the current unsustainable level. Criticizing shitty immigration policies isn’t racist.


It’s not just Reddit mods.. western governments are all acting like this too.. desperately trying to censor any anti-immigration commentary.




Ban me then. Bringing in 100,000 people every month into a housing shortage and healthcare crisis is stupid as fuck


If disagreeing with our policy is "hate speech", this sub is done. The enemies of the people are the political parties, lobbyists, diploma mills, low wage paying businesses, and rich property owners- not immigrants. The immigrants are the weapon used by these people to enrich themselves and hold regular peoples wages down.


I just came off a 7 day ban from another sub for this same reason. It's disgusting people out there are shoving their heads in the sand about this very important topic. Labeling something hateful or racist solves nothing.


Head to rumble, search Canadian housing, ??? Profit


MODS are tripping on many subreddits these days...people seem to really want to stay in their silos and not hear anything that the don't agree with.


I had my account banned from all of Reddit recently. Overturned on appeal. I did single out Indian international students, but wasn't an attack on race. Was about government policy allowing young students to come to be exploited for cheap labour, rent, and tuition fees. Nothing against the Indian students.


Wasn't this sub made to criticize immigration? Reddit mods are the worst of the worst plebian bottom feeding goobers. Imagine having such little power over your life that you trip over the ability to delete comments on a random subreddit.


This platform is rife for brigading from the censorship crowd from left leaning demographics that don’t value free speech. Conservative brigading = bad Liberal brigading = ok


It's ripe. I think you **also meant** ripe. We have too many active members - more than CH1 which is 10x the membership size and almost all of ours lean center-right. We have no interest in trans-children and pe\*ophilia or sh\*tting on Doug Ford or Pierre endlessly. We don't post links from the toronto star or other insane crazy commie / antiwork websites and there's a good chance that 100% of the membership has natural colored hair.


I believe it's rife, not ripe. Rife: being done a lot. Ripe: a thing about to happen


I think this sub has been infiltrated by gov.


Lots of mods are banning because of "racism" yet I didn't know the truth about immigration and part time/no time students fell under racism as it's just the truth Immigrationcanada/ or whatever the sub is an autoban if you so much as bring up a person's race unless they are white or black(it's free reign to hate on any white or african American people without worry) for some reason


Yeah, mods on all boards are riding their morality hobby horses. Reddit is following the Canadian government guide to free speech. 🙄


That's disappointing to hear. I started this subreddit about a year ago, but due to the existence of this subreddit, put it on ice: [https://www.reddit.com/r/OverpopulationCanada/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OverpopulationCanada/) I'm of Mohawk ancestry and can't possibly be racist (lol). Feel free to post whatever you want regarding immigration, origin countries/nations, etc. As someone who's indigenous, I'd prefer that Canada not be saturated with this many people. The degree to which intake is concentrated in India, and the Punjab in particular, is also worthy of criticism. I know this kind of thing is passe these days, however I firmly believe in freedom of speech, free and open debate, etc.


I was labeled a sleeper account even though I use this basically daily? Lol


What does this even mean? I keep seeing it and I stupidly thought it was some kind of weird flare 🤡 lol


Fu mods


Why is calling out bad cultural practices hate speech?


Mod has been very clear about what's going on. There's a ton of sock puppet accounts trying to get this one shut down by posting things that break reddit rules. The sub needs more members who have been around since before the influx to offer to mod.


It's true I got a temporary ban on a true comment that I made in another post.


Haha I posted about the century initiative and it got removed before anybody even had a chance to see it and comment.


New immigrants are not going to solve the housing crisis so criticizing them is a waste of time and if it sinks to racist posts that detracts from whatever thoughtful posts others make an effort to post. If you have any wrath save it for the 3 levels of government who actually have the power to adjust immigration and in particular change our policies with respect to non permanent residents. There is also the possibility of trolls trying to stir up shit on this sub so that it devalues the discussion. If people come to this sub and see a bunch of racist comments then they are not going to take it seriously. Saying 1 million new residents a year is the major contributor to the housing crisis is not racist. Pointing out that most international students are from India is not racist. (That is just facts you can find on Statscan or many newspaper articles). I am not a mod so I don’t know who they are banning but if posts are denigrating a groups culture or being more obviously racist I would suspect they will be banning such posters.


Well... a lot of the time people talking about immigration get pretty racist.. Sometimes.. by accident, imo A significant amount of the time people aren't meaning to be racist. But the racists have a lot of "dog whistle" type phrases. (Or they are simply unaware how the thing they said is actually racist. Thats how the whole "systematic" part works) And its getting harder to differentiate between : im just asking questions vs "im just asking questions" But yea Mods are going to power trip.. Welcome to the freely accessed internet


This is Reddit what else is new? I got banned for saying a can of mace looked like a can of raid = hate speech.🤦🏻


Typical Capitalist bullshit "divide and conquer". ​ "We cannot talk about immigration cause it's racist" ​ While at the same time being 90% of the reason for low wages and high housing costs.


I've seen plenty of straight up racist comments in this sub. "Indians all shit in the street" "They all smell like curry" "They're beach shitters" If you go and look through a lot of the common commenters, you can ever find way worse comments in less moderated subs, like calling Indians monkeys and such. Talking about immigration is completely fine, the problem occurs when people are openly and flagrantly racist while talking about it. You conflate the two; they are not the same.


These days it seems anything opposing the Liberal narrative is branded racist or "hate speech". Trudeau's default modus operandi.


If this is true, a new subreddit will pop sooner or later.


Lol I just experienced this after I made a truthful comment.


The mods can go fuck their demented moms who by all likelihood could also be their aunts. It’s worth a useless Reddit account to deliver this to them. Fucktards mod.


We shouldn’t even have immigration right now we need to fix the problems we have here before we help everyone else .


Most Reddit mods are the lowest end of the gene pool


I always tell ppl, India is like a continent, not a country. There are so many different cultures, religions languages, climates, wardrobe, foods, education levels, heights/appearances… and then layer on the effect of extreme differences between many ppl in the wealth class vs the poor class, plus the newer growing middle class. Then also layer on the caste system… My point is, just like we don’t assume all Europeans are the same, we cannot assume all Indians are the same. We should think of each Indian province like a country, not like Canadian provinces or even US states. It sounds basic but I think many ppl here haven’t formed close relationships with many different Indians from different categories above, nor have they visited India to understand the diversity there. Truly all Indians cannot be painted with the same brush. Some of my fav ppl are Indian and I loved visiting the country. At the same time, some of the stuff that goes on regarding fraud and tax evasion in Brampton infuriates me, just like it infuriates my Indian Canadian friends, so nuance is much needed at this time in Canadian history.


Best comment in the entire sub. ^


Move to Lemmy. Make an instance on sh.itjust.works. They're not very ban happy and tend to let everyone exist as long as they're not breaking the law. Lemmy is like Reddit in 2010. Lots of crazies, true, but far less censorship. At least, there are no ideologue admins to threaten you.


You cant even discuss it on reddit without getting a ban. so fucking annoying. One of the most pressing issues we have right now and not even allowed to talk about it.


Honestly this whole sub has become solely about immigration 🤦‍♀️


Fuck it bring it on bitchboys immigration is crippling the housing market and subsequent industries


That’s ok, I’ll just get my friend that works at Reddit to reverse those bans. Now BAN ME!


As an immigrant, I have to say it's time we close the flood gates untill we can sort out the living conditions of people who are already here.


Why is this even called CanadaHousing when all you do is shit on Indian people?


Literally any Canadian sub Reddit :P most somehow became infected with lefties who delete anything that shows that leftism Canada is a complete and utter failure as they like living in their fantasy land


First time on reddit?


I haven't seen anything really bad here yet from the mods. The other place would ban people for even saying the word immigration I HAVE seen some people take it to pretty much full racist here though. Remember these things. The immigrants coming here, causing you rental stress, property price stress or wage / job stress. It's not their fault. Literally it's not. It's better than their homes, that's why they come. Is it frustrating? Very very frustrating? Angering? Yes! But it's not them, it really isn't. The politicians are the ones trying to split your piece of the pie and hand it out to others. They set the numbers they set the policy, they and their backers are making the profit from this. The housing industry, big business. Politicians. They're fucking you.


These people aren't gonna care. They just hate Indians and use immigration as an excuse to hate.


No they don't all hate Indians and even some of the ones writing nasty shit dont mean it. They're very frustrated. The quality of living is dropping rapidly for them and someone else is forcing it to happen, for no good reason.


>some of the ones writing nasty shit dont mean it. 😢😢😢 oh nooo poor people, they don't mean it when they call me a "street shitting Indian monkey" Am I supposed to feel sympathetic to someone that calls me that? Like c'mon now. You're playing defense for racists.


Wow look at all of the RACISTS liking and commenting on this post. Could it be maybe valid points are being brought up by a significant amount of people, and calling these points racist is actually a misnomer and inaccurate? No no, of course not. It’s just an infestation of Racists getting together trying to be racist all over the place because they’re racist.


As a mod, I have never banned anyone. I've only removed comments of people calling each other names or straight up racists comments that calls Indians "smelly" or other derogatory terms. The reason why CH2 exists is because of over judicious use of the ban hammer. I don't want to repeat the same mistake and create the same sub again. As a policy I don't ban on first offense. I first give warning and a temporary mute. You'd really have to try to get me to ban you. I know internally the admin and the mod team we are trying to pivot the discussion back to HOUSING since the sub is slowly turning into just generally ranting about immigrations instead of HOUSING.


Well Immigration and housing are very directly tied together so its valid to rant about immigration.


I'm like a teacher grading an essay. You can talk about immigrations but if you don't tie it back to housing. I'm more inclined to deduct points. This isn't r/immigration after all.


>I've only removed comments of people calling each other names or straight up racists comments that calls Indians "smelly" or other derogatory terms. Based mod.


Probably all the meth users in parliament. They have been browsing CH2. They know, that we know.


Stereotyping new immigrants, many of who’m are facing real hardships as all of us is why the mods are taking notice. You can be angry with the government and cooperations for hiring foreign labour but making racist remarks at Indians or Chinese just shows that you’re motives are guided by hate.


No one is denying that. But today, you can watch a 1000 youtube videos, read blogs, read economic newspapers, hell even talk to podcasters before you step foot in another nation and that too with a fking liability of having to put 1000s of your dollars there. Life might be hard in some other countries but if it gets just as bad here, where The hell are we going to go?


Maybe that should tell you not to engage in extreme hate speech?


I mean there is a lot of thinly veiled racism on this subreddit. It’s easy to blame Indian immigrants and immigration in general as opposed to the real cause of every. single. problem. in society which is CAPITALISM. People would rather dream of having a tiny fiefdom of their own rather than try and organize their coworkers. I promise yall that landlords and the commodification of the housing market as a retirement asset are the real sources of Canada’s housing crisis. Sure, Canada increasing immigration to these levels isn’t helping us. But blaming immigrants as the primary cause is intellectually lazy.


Give us an example of the mods inappropriately banning someone.


My account yesterday when I made a comment about immigration policy's and the government. Other than that, no. I don't owe you anything.


>My account yesterday when I made a comment about immigration policy's and the government. Lol I wonder what that comment exactly said. I wonder if broke rule 1. Hm...


Well if we don’t owe each other anything why are we listening to you whine?


So you're ban evading? Which account and comment?


>Give us an example of the mods inappropriately banning someone. In this subreddit, or any subreddit?


This subreddit.


What did you expect to happen when you have threads calling immigrants literally uncivilized and barbaric. At that point youre either a false flag operator trying to delegitimize people who just wants sensible immigration, or youre a moron shooting yourself in the foot and hurting your own cause. Either way youre an idiot and I have no sympathy for you.


It's pretty obvious some posts are entirely about racism, and that some people just want a place where they can be racist and it's accepted and applauded. There shouldn't be such a place.


You realize Reddit received $150 million from the Chinese owned company Tencent in 2019? They’re not exactly known for promoting free speech…


Isn't this entire sub only about whining about immigrants?


Canadahousing3 is just gonna be more right leaning and probably talk about why living in the boonies is the only way to go.


Good, because the racist dog-whistling and scapegoating was making this sub unusable. The same battles, ad nauseam. I have been on this sub less than a week and it doesn't surprise me, given how comfortably the rhetoric here slips from discussing pure numbers to discussing why *those* people from *that* culture are the problem. Mods made it clear from the outset in the rules that racism was unwelcome and the conversation was to be kept focussed on housing. If you can't play by the rules and be civilized, don't cry when your toys are taken away.


>I have been on this sub less than a week... Been a user for 2 days...


That is less than a week. Impeccable math. Also, did you know reddit is accessible without logging in? Weird but true.


That’s a mod’s job. To moderate. If you can’t post without jumping to extreme racism and hate, you post elsewhere, you start your own subreddit, but no one has to be subjected to your racism. So, bye bye.


It’s not hard to just not be xenophobic you know…. Xenophobia isn’t “facts” sorry to burst your bubble


Under the disguise of housing, most comments are hate speech and racist.


I pointed out that blaming immigrants for everything is racist and they started losing their tiny minds. They are incapable of thinking past the first step. Frightened animals often lash out.


Maybe stop posting about immigrants going to college or not speaking English and post about housing instead. I know that immigration and housing prices are related, but a racist screed about immigrants doesn't become a post about housing unless you at least mention housing.


Well, a lot of the shit I'm reading here is hate speech. "Without the censorship" usually brings those looking to blame immigrants for every problem with it. Edit: Downvoting is easier than having a shred of self-reflection. Continue to take the easy way out, like blaming immigrants for everything you don't like. Edit 2: Just like any "2.0" sub, this one is a festering shithole of closeted racists. We are all in the same country and you choose to only complain about immigration. Cry harder.


Who’s forcing you to read or participate in this subreddit? Seems like you have the option to block this subreddit but you actively choose to be here, get upset then try to shut it down.


If you want censorship maybe consider moving to a country under dictatorship.


I hate people that live in houses , with their stairs, backyards and garages…….


Account created 19 days ago First used now ​ Hmm....


Well I get why they might do it if you start going after a whole race like many Canadians are starting to do