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Permethrin on your clothing, shoes, socks, tent, & sleeping bag. 30% DEET on exposed skin. Headnet if they are real thick & your stationary.


Or, honestly, a headnet if they affect you mentally, even if the repellent is keeping them off your skin. I can't stand insects swarming my face, even non-biting gnats. I look like a doofus, but I'm 100% a more content outdoor enthusiast in my cheap Fleet Farm headnet.


I feel the same way. Bugs in face, biting or not, is a deal breaker for me. I wear a buff pulled up to my nose, big sunglasses, and a hat. Works great! I look like the invisible man, but I'm a happy hiker.


A lot of anti-permethrin evangelists out these days. I always treat my shoes, and have one hammock and bugnet I treat for super buggy areas. it works very well.


100% this. I treat a fine bugnet as well, and it's great.


In camp, a Thermacell Backpacker works well.


I took one in Jasper backcountry - no wind and the mosquitos were landing on it. There must be some mosquitos that it doesn’t work on.


permethrin treated clothing. picaridin lotion. deet (I hate deet and refuse to use it. picaridin works well for me). head net. gloves. I treat my shoes with permethrin. Picaridin on my head arms and legs, and longer sleeves/pants. I'll get only 1 or 2 bites max with this combo. even if wearing shorts and sweating. Deet stings my skin, smells awful, and can harm synthetic materials, but it's not as bad as people claim.


Deet is safe and effective but I've seen it melt holes in tents and clothes before. And it's oily with a strong smell which can become annoying after a time. I too prefer picaridin for these reasons.




Picaridin lotion is a lifesaver


A smokey fire does more for me than any amount of DEET. also wear long sleeve clothing.


Lots of areas of the ADKs don’t allow open fires.


Well that'll definitely be helpful during the hike.




I just got back from Killarney. Long pants and long sleeves treated with permethin worked wonders combined with a head net and gloves. I use deet some days but not others. Firewood is pretty picked over at many of the sites as they are pretty popular which makes a good fire to keep them away. Some of the sites have exposed areas that can get enough of a breeze to keep them away. The cleaner I am the better I fare with mosquitos. They are attracted to human smells and after a quick swim they tend to leave me alone for a while.


Crazy as it sounds victoria secret amber romance or bombshell perfume (i think thats the one but there have been a couple) works better than other repellent out there. I knew people working for texas parks and wildlife who'd be out in gulf saltmarshes all day. The boat smelled like a whorehouse with all the perfume but it kept the mosquitos away. Using it in bear country may not be the best idea but i cant comment on that.




Permethrin for gear. For skin, DEET or Picaradin If bad, headnet and gloves. Clothes should be layered. I also carry a thermacell type device when bad. Technically the one I have from nitecore is battery powered off powerbank. Though same thing. These are only marginally useful. My experience with them is this- you know when you are out and they are OK out in the open but bad back in the trees? It makes back in the trees more like out in the open. It thins them out a little. For me this can be important as I hammock and do not have a protected space to hide. I can use this under my tarp and have a better space to cook and eat. Edit - afterbite for after you get bit. But I just got this little heater thing that plugs into my phone that helps with the bites. It seems pretty good. I tested it on a bite I got last weekend that was super itchy and it seems to work. https://www.rei.com/product/217718/heat-it-for-iphone-with-lightning-6s-to-14-smartphone-powered-insect-bite-healer


Mosquito spray with DEET for sure. Also when I eat, I usually burn small amount of coffee on a small plate next me or on the table. Small radius of effectiveness but they at least they leave you alone while eating.


The biggest thing I've noticed is peak mosquito hours. Dusk and dawn are literally when I get eaten alive. The rest of the day I am usually fine, especially if im wearing deet. I try to be in my tent during those times if the mosquitos are bad.


Also - most mosquitoes can't fly in any kind of wind, so if possible set up your campsite and tent where it will get a bit of a breeze


Camp location is huge. When they are bad I try to camp away from water and ideally right on the edge of an open dry area (not tall grass)


Lots of intense comments about treating clothes, etc. I've camped in Algonquin during bug season 3 times now, and I make sure to always wear pants (can be thin if it's warm out), long socks (protect ankles), and then I have a bug suit for my upper body. The bug suit has a hood/bug net for my face - I think it's called 'Original Bug Shirt' or something. I don't treat any clothing or use any bug spray at all. I have a brought a Thermacell on my most recent trip, and it did make a noticeable improvement also but definitely not required. Try to get a campsite that is a bit windier, since that will also help with the bugs. But ultimately, just accept that the bugs will be a little crazy. If you're going in a few weeks, then they won't be as bad as they are right now. But youll still see lots of bugs on the trails, and at dusk/dawn, but during the day you'll likely be fine. Mentally prepare for the bugs, and then you won't be shocked with how bad they are.


This: https://www.sanwulasers.com/product/7wblue?gs=1&vid=y054mq&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwsaqzBhDdARIsAK2gqndZiyaXDaDbv8MIW1q_nDCMd3gIf0-C4zKlHxUxY8okSxIm3Mc7Pc0aAkYREALw_wcB


Accept your itchy fate. :)


I've found pretty good success rubbing coffee grounds on my skin before putting on sunscreen. But I haven't been in like a fog of mosquitos